Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

We must focus on the advantages of nuclear energy

We must focus on the advantages of nuclear energy 

The Japanese have done a great job in coping with such a potential disaster, and as far as I am aware there hasn’t been one life lost in the process.
How many of the Greens, the Lib Dems and the rest of the environmental lobby take these facts into account? They just shout from the rooftops that “nuclear energy isn’t safe” and that is that! They have consumed all the facts against it, but have not tried to understand the advantages.
If we are going to have to rely on some of the half-baked renewable energy schemes floating about, some of which are despoiling our lovely countryside, then the omens aren’t good. If we are going to have to rely on imported gas, we are at the mercy of tin-pot dictators and fickle politicians, then we had better start getting the candles out.
If one looks at the worldwide figures for mortality in the various energy-producing schemes, coal, gas, and hydro come top and nuclear is a very long way down at the bottom, and yet the Green lobby still insist it is the greatest threat to mankind.


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