Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The 106th Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers

The 106th Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers

Atomic Power Review is proud to present the 106th Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers - a weekly feature that rotates between a number of the best pro-nuclear blogs in the English-language blogosphere. This feature has become well known in pro-nuclear circles as the best weekly location to get a finger on the pulse of the nuclear energy world.

APR Note: This week was to have been hosted at NEI Nuclear Notes, but due to a last minute problem APR has picked it up. This will explain any confusion folks may have when looking for the Carnival over at NEI's well known site.

Even though it's short notice, there's no way I'm going to let you in to the Carnival without showing you some completely obscure piece of equipment and asking you to tell me what it is - hoping all the while that you do NOT skim to the bottom of the post in order to find out what it is before you've perused the Carnival entries. We consider that cheating around here. So, then, I ask you... "What is this?"

You can click the picture to enlarge it. The print on the photo says "welding machine" - so if you guess "welding machine" you get nothing. What might this welding machine be for? You might be able to guess that, but I bet you won't be able to guess who manufactured this thing. Whatever the case - time to put that in the back of your mind for now and visit the 106th Carnival!

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