Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Indian Point Plant Closing to Add Costs, Study Finds

Indian Point Plant Closing to Add Costs, Study Finds http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443816804578004601281067218.html?mod=dist_smartbrief

Think Tank: High Costs of Indian Point Shutdown Would Include $76-$112 Increase to Yearly Residential Bills

As Entergy faces continued opposition to relicensing its Indian Point reactors, the conservative Manhattan Institute think tank undertook a study to calculate the costs to electricity customers and the region's economy if it closed.

For the typical residential customer, the study concluded, that would likely amount to an increase of between $76 and $112 per year.

"Because (Indian Point) provides significant quantities of round-the-clock electricity to the New York City area and because of long-standing constraints that limit how much electricity can be imported from upstate New York, New England, New Jersey, and elsewhere, closing (Indian Point) would require the development of higher-cost alternatives," read the report authored by economist Jonathan A. Lesser and titled "The Economic Impacts of Closing and Replacing the Indian Point Energy Center."

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