Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fukushima Updates 4/16

Here are the topics of today's Fukushima updates -
The Fukushima Daiichi waste water leaks continue to dominate the news - Tepco has released a press handout to explain the Thursday’s pipe flange leak... Some Nuclear Regulatory Authority officials have raised doubts over their staff’s monitoring of the Fukushima waste water situation... Tepco has removed the soil contaminated by Thursday’s pipe-flange leak... Critics speculate that the staff at F. Daiichi might be forced to dump their wastewater to the sea... There has been no contamination of groundwater or the Pacific shoreline.
Other updates - Japan’s first legal ruling on nukes has been decided... Another antinuclear lawsuit, rejected by a lower court in December, 2011, is currently being considered by Sendai’s high court... An eminent Canadian radiation expert says the massive evacuations due to F. Daiichi were un-necessary.

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