Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Iran's Disarmament Conference: The Power of Logic by Eric Walberg

Iran's Disarmament Conference: The Power of Logic
by Eric Walberg / April 20th, 2010 (3)

The logic of power is still overriding the power of logic, quipped the head of Iran's Atomic Organisation Ali Salehi at the "Nuclear Energy for All, Nuclear Weapons for None" disarmament conference in Tehran last weekend. He was referring to US foreign policy, in particular, nuclear. Taking this elegant formulation a step further, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says nuclear-armed states such as the United States should be removed entirely from the IAEA and its Board of Governors. Iran's president called for the formation of a new international body to oversee nuclear disarmament, or at least the reinvigoration of the Non-proliferation Treaty …

(Full article …)

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