Sunday, January 5, 2014

CNNC Jianzhong: completed expansion technical renovation project on 400-ton nuclear fuel element production line

Chief Executive Officer at Dynatom International GmbH
On December 26, CNNC Jianzhong Nuclear Fuel Co.,Ltd (hereinafter referred to as CNNC Jianzhong) finished linkage test on expansion technical renovation project on 400-ton nuclear fuel element production line was completed and successfully launched the first set of fuel assemblies, in which the comprehensive productive capacity increased from 400 tons of uranium / year to 800 tons of uranium / year. Now CNNC Jianzhong has already emerged as one of the few large-scale global nuclear fuel elements manufacture of specialized companies. The fabrication of fuel elements PWR has leapt to a new level, and will speed up the completion of the company to achieve world-class manufacturing base for nuclear fuel elements goals.

北极星核电网讯:12月26日16时05分, 中核建中 核燃料元件有限公司400吨 扩建技改工程完成联动试车工作,第一组核燃料组件顺利下线。400吨扩建技改工程形成产能,将中核建中核燃料元件生产线综合生产能力从400吨铀�年提高 到800吨铀�年,中核建中已跃升为全球为数不多具有较大规模的核燃料元件制造专业化公司,迈入国际核燃料元件制造专业化公司先进行列,标志着我国压水堆 核电站燃料元件制造又跃上了一个新的台阶,同时将提速该公司实现建成国际一流核燃料元件制造基地的目标。...

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