Thursday, June 9, 2016

More 24 of 50 SMRs for the UK Nuclear Industry?

Last week I sat down with U-Battery’s Paul Harding, Andrew Sherry of NNL, ETI’s Mike Middleton and the University of Cambridge’s Tony Roulstone to discuss the primary challenges to the commercial deployment of Small Modular Reactors within the UK.
Find out what the UK must do to make SMRs a commercial reality from the industry’s leading figures
With the UK needing as much as 7GW of power from SMRs by 2035, there is a considerable opportunity for the UK industry to become a leader in SMR development.
Here’s just a quick snapshot of what they discussed:
  • “Development and manufacture of these technologies in the UK will deliver value in terms of intellectual property, highly-skilled jobs and supply chain opportunities.” – Paul Harding, U-Battery
  • “A decision is required now whether to begin 10 years of enabling activities which would lead to a final investment decision for a first commercially operated UK SMR.” – Mike Middleton, ETI
  • “The international market could be as high as 85GWe by 2035, with a potential value of up to £400 billion, including existing and new nuclear nations.” – Andrew Sherry, NNL
I would love to hear any comments or questions you have on the SMR industry within the UK.
Many thanks,
John Furness
Senior Industry Analyst
Nuclear Energy Insider
+44 (0)207 375 7528

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