IAEA Safety Standards
for protecting people and the environment
What are the Safety Standards?
The IAEA safety standards provide a system of fundamental safety principlesAs the primary publication in the IAEA Safety Standards Series, Fundamental Safety Principles establishes the fundamental safety objective and principles of protection and safety. The Fundamental Safety Principles are drafted in language that is understandable to the non-specialist reader. They convey the basis and rationale for the safety standards for those persons at senior levels in government and regulatory bodies., safety requirementsSafety Requirements publications establish the requirements that must be met to ensure the protection of people and the environment, both now and in the future. The requirements are governed by the objective and principles of the Safety Fundamentals. The format and style of the requirements facilitate their use by Member States for the establishment, in a harmonized manner, of their national regulatory framework. and safety guidesSafety Guides provide recommendations and guidance on how to comply with the safety requirements, indicating an international consensus on the measures recommended. The Safety Guides present international good practices, and increasingly they reflect best practices, to help users striving to achieve high levels of safety. for ...read more
How are the Safety Standards developed?
The IAEA safety standards are developed by means of an open and transparent process for gathering, synthesizing ...read more
What Standards are applicable to all facilities and activities?
View general safety standards.
What additional Standards are applicable for specific facilities and activities?
Nuclear Power Plants
Fuel Cycle Facilities
Research Reactors
Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities
Mining and Milling
Application of Radiation Sources
Transport of Radioactive Material
Fuel Cycle Facilities
Research Reactors
Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities
Mining and Milling
Application of Radiation Sources
Transport of Radioactive Material
What is the structure of the IAEA safety standards?
In 2008 a new, long-term structure for the safety standards was adopted. This structure is such that users may easily identify ...read more
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