Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Cambridge's Very Own Nuclear Reactor
Cambridge's Very Own Nuclear Reactor
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--The MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory is a trip into the past and, if nuclear power grows in this country, perhaps a glimpse into the future. ...
A 1950s nuclear reactor schools Millennials at MIT
A 1950s nuclear reactor schools Millennials at MIT
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What U.S. Energy Policy Needs: Less Coal, More Uranium
What U.S. Energy Policy Needs: Less Coal, More Uranium
See full article from DailyFinance: http://srph.it/h9E4yH
Friday, February 11, 2011
U.S. Nuclear Plant Output Little Changed as Two Reactors Start
U.S. Nuclear Plant Output Little Changed as Two Reactors Start
Nuclear research reactor perseveres in city center
Nuclear research reactor perseveres in city center
2011 Wall Street Briefing [Part1/6] The Nuclear Energy Institute's annual briefing for financial analysts.
The Nuclear Energy Institute's annual briefing for financial analysts. Part 1 features NEI president and CEO, Marv Fertel. Recorded: Feb. 10, 2011 | The Pierre Hotel | New York City, NY |
To view the briefing in its entirety, please visit: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/12591522
To view the briefing in its entirety, please visit: http://www.ustream.tv/
The emerging artists of the nuclear renaissance
The emerging artists of the nuclear renaissance
Suzanne Hobbs of PopAtomic Studios writes about how the Italian Renaissance demonstrated that true innovation is born from the convergence of multiple perspectives. As the nuclear renaissance proceeds, emerging artists are similarly bridging the gap between science and art through their creative efforts. She highlights the work of three such artists, each of whom brings a fresh perspective and uses different media forms to address essential nuclear issues.
Suzanne Hobbs of PopAtomic Studios writes about how the Italian Renaissance demonstrated that true innovation is born from the convergence of multiple perspectives. As the nuclear renaissance proceeds, emerging artists are similarly bridging the gap between science and art through their creative efforts. She highlights the work of three such artists, each of whom brings a fresh perspective and uses different media forms to address essential nuclear issues.
Iran claims 'nuclear fusion mastered'
Iran claims 'nuclear fusion mastered'
Tehran (AFP) Feb 10, 2011 - Iran's atomic body claimed on Thursday it has mastered the technology of nuclear fusion, in a declaration on the eve of the 32nd anniversary of the Islamic revolution. "By the method of inertial confinement lasers, significant research has been successfully conducted in the field of nuclear fusion," the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran said on its website. Without saying that an actual ... more
Tehran (AFP) Feb 10, 2011 - Iran's atomic body claimed on Thursday it has mastered the technology of nuclear fusion, in a declaration on the eve of the 32nd anniversary of the Islamic revolution. "By the method of inertial confinement lasers, significant research has been successfully conducted in the field of nuclear fusion," the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran said on its website. Without saying that an actual ... more
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- Iran claims to have built fusion reactor (guardian.co.uk)
Pakistan may be expanding nuclear site: report
Pakistan may be expanding nuclear site: report
Washington (AFP) Feb 10, 2011 - Pakistan appears to be increasing its production of nuclear materials with the apparent construction of a fourth reactor at its Khushab nuclear site, according to a US-based think tank. Releasing satellite images from January 15, the Institute for Science and International Security said in a report Wednesday that the pictures showed the early construction of a fourth military nuclear reactor ... more
Washington (AFP) Feb 10, 2011 - Pakistan appears to be increasing its production of nuclear materials with the apparent construction of a fourth reactor at its Khushab nuclear site, according to a US-based think tank. Releasing satellite images from January 15, the Institute for Science and International Security said in a report Wednesday that the pictures showed the early construction of a fourth military nuclear reactor ... more
U.S. helps secure Soviet-era nuclear stock
U.S. helps secure Soviet-era nuclear stock
Washington (UPI) Feb 10, 2011 - U.S. nuclear experts have helped Kazakhstan move Soviet-era nuclear materials, enough to build an estimated 775 nuclear weapons, to safety, officials said. The U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories provided security and logistics assistance to complete the transfer of 11 tons of highly enriched uranium and 3.3 tons of weapons-grade plutonium from the busy Caspian Sea ... more
Washington (UPI) Feb 10, 2011 - U.S. nuclear experts have helped Kazakhstan move Soviet-era nuclear materials, enough to build an estimated 775 nuclear weapons, to safety, officials said. The U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories provided security and logistics assistance to complete the transfer of 11 tons of highly enriched uranium and 3.3 tons of weapons-grade plutonium from the busy Caspian Sea ... more
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Thursday, February 10, 2011
Taiwan’s Ballistic-Missile Deterrence and Defense Capabilities
Taiwan’s Ballistic-Missile Deterrence and Defense Capabilities
Publication: China Brief Volume: 11 Issue: 3
February 10, 2011 05:44 PM Age: 1 hrs
By: Ed Ross
Even as the Obama administration appears to be holding back on U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, seeking to build better relations with Beijing, and while cross-strait relations continue to improve, Taiwan is moving slowly toward the acquisition of a credible missile-defense capability to deter and defend against a People’s Republic of China (PRC) ballistic-missile attack. To be sure, Taiwan will not have all the critical elements in place for a few more years, but major U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) to Taiwan necessary for a missile-defense system have been approved by Congress, the Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) have been implemented [1], and contracts with U.S. defense industries have been signed or soon will be. All that is required, once Taiwan’s recent purchases have been delivered, for it to complete the system is full integration of Taiwan’s Patriot missile firing batteries with its early warning and command and control systems.
Nano-Steel for Nuclear Reactors
Nano-Steel for Nuclear Reactors
Russian scientists have created original steel, aimed at for power increase in nuclear reactors.
The innovation is expected to increase design lifetime of reactor shell of a stationary nuclear power plant up to 100 years and even more. Or, keeping design lifetime of reactor shell 60-80 years, using new development enhances power production for 30-40%.
Russian scientists have created original steel, aimed at for power increase in nuclear reactors.
The innovation is expected to increase design lifetime of reactor shell of a stationary nuclear power plant up to 100 years and even more. Or, keeping design lifetime of reactor shell 60-80 years, using new development enhances power production for 30-40%.
The Prospects for Missile Defense Cooperation Between NATO and Russia
The Prospects for Missile Defense Cooperation Between NATO and Russia
from Foreign Policy Journal by Daniel Wagner
“It could not be called cooperation. It’s not even a marriage of convenience. It’s like living separately in different apartments, with different entrances and addresses.”[1] The NATO-Russia Council’s (NRC) initiation of a joint study on the future framework for cooperation on missile defense[2] constitutes Russia’s consent for technical cooperation on a shared defense architecture.Related articles
- Clinton says U.S. open to missile defense cooperation with Russia (globalsecurity.org)
- Russia will not agree to ultimatums - FM (rt.com)
- Report: Russia warns US over missile defense plans (sfgate.com)
- NATO must guarantee it does not view Russia as potential enemy - envoy (rt.com)
- Lavrov says missile defense projects should not 'upset parity' (globalsecurity.org)
- Report: Russia warns US over missile defense plans (dailycaller.com)
- US senators lobbying for NATO missile defense radar in Georgia (rt.com)
- Russia Warns U.S. over Missile Plans (time.com)
NEI Tells Wall Street Analysts of Reliable 2010 Performance
Nuclear Energy Institute FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
- Contact:202.739.8000
- For Release:February 10, 2011
NEI Tells Wall Street Analysts of Reliable 2010 Performance, New Reactor Progress in Three States
NEW YORK, Feb. 10, 2011—Buoyed by near-record levels of reliability and electricity production in 2010 and progress on construction of new nuclear power plants in three states, the nuclear energy industry is well-positioned to reliably supply low-cost and emission-free power deep into the 21st century, industry leaders told financial analysts here today.The industry’s widespread economic impact—including direct employment, its ability to power a growing U.S. economy, and exports of new reactors and precise, high-end components to a global nuclear energy market—also was communicated to analysts who attended a briefing sponsored by the Nuclear Energy Institute.
“We have a long-term perspective” that will continue to pay dividends to America’s economy, said Marvin Fertel, NEI’s president and chief executive officer. “Many of today’s reactors will be producing electricity well past 2030. New nuclear plants that start commercial operation in 2016 or so will reach the end of their initial license terms past mid-century and the end of a 60-year period of operation in 2076.
“Our assets will deliver clean energy, generate earnings and provide a hedge against future environmental restrictions and against volatility in natural gas prices almost to the next century,” Fertel said.
Fertel announced that 104 reactors in 31 states produced 806.3 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity in 2010, according to preliminary data. Electricity production in 2010 was second only to the 2007 record of 806.4 billion kWh, and included record electricity production from nuclear energy last December. The industry’s average capacity factor last year was 91.1 percent, surpassed only by the 2007 record of 91.8 percent.
“Safety, reliability and high levels of productivity go hand in hand,” he said. “Safe and reliable operation of our existing plants is the platform from which we are launching the next generation of nuclear energy in the United States,” Fertel said.
Executives from Southern Nuclear Operating Co. and South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. discussed the construction progress on advanced reactors at the Plant Vogtle and V.C. Summer sites, respectively.
James Miller, chairman, president and CEO of Southern Nuclear Operating Co., said the Plant Vogtle expansion project is proceeding with 1,500 new employees working at the site. The company anticipates that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will approve its application for a construction and operating license late this year, with commercial start-up of the first of two new reactors planned for 2016.
Stephen Byrne, SCE&G’s executive vice president of generation and chief operating officer, said the company has spent $1.4 billion to date on the two-reactor expansion of the V.C. Summer power station, and that its original cost projections for the project have decreased.
Fertel noted that the Tennessee Valley Authority is achieving similar project management success in Tennessee, where 3,500 workers are working toward completion of the Watts Bar 2 reactor. The project is proceeding within the $2.5 billion total budget and on schedule for operations in October 2012.
Over the next five to 10 years, the U.S. nuclear energy industry will transition from importing 75 percent of its uranium enrichment needs to relying heavily on domestic enrichment capacity. Urenco-USA’s facility in Eunice, N.M., which received approval in 2010 to operate its first cascade of centrifuges, is the first of four planned uranium enrichment projects. AREVA’s Eagle Rock uranium enrichment facility in Idaho has received a conditional commitment for a $2 billion DOE loan guarantee and is on track to receive an NRC license and break ground on the facility this year.
USEC’s American Centrifuge plant in Piketon, Ohio has received an NRC combined license and is negotiating a $2 billion DOE loan guarantee. GE Hitachi is developing a new laser-based enrichment technology at its Global Laser Enrichment facility in Wilmington, N.C., and the company has received an NRC license to test this process.
Looking beyond these current projects, the nuclear energy industry believes that the electric sector’s long-term fundamentals remain largely as they were before the economic recession changed the pace of planning for new power plants.
“The United States has roughly 1,000 gigawatts of electric generation capacity,” Fertel said. “Two hundred eighty gigawatts are 30 to 40 years old; 140 gigawatts are over 40. The oldest capacity is coal, oil and gas-steam fired capacity. It’s relatively inefficient and much of it is not equipped with state-of-the-art environmental controls. The Brattle Group estimates 50 to 65 gigawatts of coal-fired retirements by 2020. That capacity must be replaced. We must build to meet the new demand for power.
“The Energy Information Administration assumes one percent annual growth in electricity demand in its latest forecast, but even that produces the need for 220 gigawatts of new electric capacity by 2035,” Fertel added.
To better position the industry to meet the need for new electric generation capacity and decrease the cost of electricity to customers, the industry is seeking improved federal implementation of the clean energy loan guarantee program that was approved by Congress in 2005.
Fertel announced that the industry is working with Congress and federal executive branch agencies to improve U.S. industry’s ability to compete for the growing worldwide market for nuclear energy technology. This initiative will streamline export control regulations, provide financial incentives to companies expanding the nuclear energy supply chain, and ensure that cooperation agreements with other nations do not include unnecessary requirements that would close U.S. suppliers out of international markets.
“Nuclear power plant construction around the world is booming. With 65 new reactors under construction and 156 on order or planned, the global market represents at least a $400 billion opportunity in the next 20 years,” Fertel said.
“We intend to sell reactors, equipment, services and fuel to this market. However, the competition in the global market is fierce and we must demonstrate the same level of U.S. government commitment and coordination as our competitors, and the same seamless government-industry integration.”
The archived webcast is now available. Short clips of NEI’s Wall Street briefing will be available on its YouTube page later today.
'Over aggressive targets for N-power may lead to safety risks'
'Over aggressive targets for N-power may lead to safety risks'
Russia Actively Preparing For Nuclear Power Plants In Egypt, Jordan
Russia Actively Preparing For Nuclear Power Plants In Egypt, Jordan
KIEV, Ukraine, Feb 10 (Bernama) -- Russia is actively working to participate in the construction of nuclear power plants in Egypt, Jordan, Bangladesh and other countries, First Vice President of Atomstroiexport Alexander Dybov told Russia's Itar-Tass news agency after signing a contract with Ukraine's Energoatom on designing reactors for nuclear power plant in Khmelnitsky.
KIEV, Ukraine, Feb 10 (Bernama) -- Russia is actively working to participate in the construction of nuclear power plants in Egypt, Jordan, Bangladesh and other countries, First Vice President of Atomstroiexport Alexander Dybov told Russia's Itar-Tass news agency after signing a contract with Ukraine's Energoatom on designing reactors for nuclear power plant in Khmelnitsky.
Congress and Senate show support for Small Modular Reactor technology
Congress and Senate show support for Small Modular Reactor technology
Small and Medium Reactors (SMRs): the cases for and against
Small and Medium Reactors (SMRs): the cases for and against
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Senators chide NRC on pace of nuclear plant license renewals
Senators chide NRC on pace of nuclear plant license renewals
Nuclear power sector target too 'aggressive', says expert By Liu Yiyu (China Daily)
Nuclear power sector target too 'aggressive', says expert
By Liu Yiyu (China Daily)
U.S. ‘falling behind’ in nuclear
U.S. ‘falling behind’ in nuclear
Spent fuels, small reactors in Oak Ridge’s future?
EnergySolutions, Swedish firm form nuke waste deal
EnergySolutions, Swedish firm form nuke waste deal
Dismantling Energy Apartheid in the United States
Dismantling Energy Apartheid in the United States
from Dissident Voice by Robert D. BullardRobert D. Bullard is director of the Environmental Justice Resource Center (EJRC) at Clark Atlanta University and author of Race, Place, and Environmental Justice After Hurricane Katrina: Struggles to Reclaim, Rebuild, and Revitalize New Orleans and the Gulf Coast (Westview 2009). He can be reached at: rbullard4ej@worldnet.att.net. Read other articles by Robert D., or visit Robert D.'s website.
Russia plans new 100 MW fast reactor
Russia plans new 100 MW fast reactor
It is a pilot for a commercial fast breederAlvin Weinberg, the History of Molten Salt Reactors, and the Future of Nuclear Power
Alvin Weinberg, the History of Molten Salt Reactors, and the Future of Nuclear Power
Iran will close Strait of Hormuz if attacked: IRGC commander
Iran will close Strait of Hormuz if attacked: IRGC commander
Tehran Times Political Desk
Tehran Times Political Desk
U.S. Spent Nuclear Fuel Policy: Road to Nowhere [Part V: Lessons] by Robert Peltier
U.S. Spent Nuclear Fuel Policy: Road to Nowhere [Part V: Lessons]
by Robert PeltierGreenpeace co-founder talks biotech, nuclear and climate
Why do they hate science, and why are they so miserable? Interview Canadian environmentalist Patrick Moore describes himself as a treehugger.
Holtec unveils new underground small modular reactor design
Holtec unveils new underground small modular reactor design
PROFILE: Energy CEO sees future in alternatives like solar, nuclear
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La France et la République tchèque défendent une position commune sur l’énergie
La France et la République tchèque défendent une position commune sur l’énergie
Brazil plans to start exporting uranium to China, Korea and France
Brazil plans to start exporting uranium to China, Korea and France
Brazil is negotiating to export uranium to supply nuclear power plants in China, South Korea and France, Brazilian newspaper, Estado de São Paulo reported.
Brazil is negotiating to export uranium to supply nuclear power plants in China, South Korea and France, Brazilian newspaper, Estado de São Paulo reported.
UAE's nuclear power programme on track
UAE's nuclear power programme on track
ABU DHABI // The capital's nuclear programme is progressing well but must now begin to pay greater attention to areas surrounding nuclear fuel supply and disposal, and protection of facilities, said a review board set up by the emirate's Government.The first semi-annual report of the International Advisory Board is a key milestone as Abu Dhabi works to develop the legal framework and to build the first of four reactors in the town of Braka, about 300km south of the capital on the Gulf coast.
Wikileaks Hints at U.S. and China Space Weapon Showdown
Wikileaks Hints at U.S. and China Space Weapon Showdown
Documents released today show that anti-satellite tests may have been a show of military strength.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Did WikiLeaks Confirm "Peak Oil"? Saudi Said To Have Overstated Crude Oil Reserves By 300 Billion Barrels (40%)
Did WikiLeaks Confirm "Peak Oil"? Saudi Said To Have Overstated Crude Oil Reserves By 300 Billion Barrels (40%)
S. Korea as Emerging Nuclear Exporter
S. Korea as Emerging Nuclear Exporter
Going Global: Issues Facing South Korea as an Emerging Nuclear Exporter
Miles Pomper, Stephanie Lieggi, and Chen Kane, in KEI's Tomorrow's Northeast Asia.
Miles Pomper, Stephanie Lieggi, and Chen Kane, in KEI's Tomorrow's Northeast Asia.
VIDEO | Israel's Bargain with the Bomb
VIDEO | Israel's Bargain with the Bomb
from Nonproliferation Updates Conversations with History - Avner Cohen
Avner Cohen speaks with Harry Kreisler about his new book The Worst-Kept Secret: Israel's Bargain with the Bomb.
from Nonproliferation Updates Conversations with History - Avner Cohen
Avner Cohen speaks with Harry Kreisler about his new book The Worst-Kept Secret: Israel's Bargain with the Bomb.
Powering Development IAEA Helps Countries on the Path to Nuclear Power
Powering Development
IAEA Helps Countries on the Path to Nuclear Power
Poland launches nuclear-related tenders
Poland launches nuclear-related tenders
from World Nuclear News by Warwick Pipe
Poland's largest power group, Polsksa Grupa Energetyczna (PGE), has launched two tenders related to the construction of the country's first two nuclear power plants. The first tender is for a ten-year, 1.25 billion zloty ($435.7 million) contract to provide technical advice as the owner's engineer to support the investment program. The second contract – worth some 120 million zloty ($41.8 million) – is to provide environmental analysis, site characterization and licensing services. The contract notices were published in the 5 February edition of the Official Journal of the European Union. PGE said that it plans to construct two plants, each with a capacity of some 3000 MWe.
Itochu contracts to buy Uzbek uranium
Itochu contracts to buy Uzbek uranium
from World Nuclear News by Warwick Pipe
Japanese trading house Itochu announced that it has signed a "long-term, large-scale sale and purchase agreement" for uranium concentrate with Uzbekistan's Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine (NMMC). Although details of the contract - such as quantities and value - were not disclosed, Itochu said that the ten-year contract would help it to "remain committed greatly to the stable supply of uranium to Japan." Japan and Uzbekistan agreed to cooperate in the development of Uzbekistan's uranium reserves during a visit by former Japanese prime minister Junichiro Koizumi to Uzbekistan in 2006. At the time, it was reported that Uzbekistan would begin supplying natural uranium to Japan in 2007 and that some 300 tonnes of uranium would be exported to Japan via Itochu. In October 2007, Itochu had reportedly been invited by Uzbekistan to deepen cooperation and jointly explore Uzbekistan's uranium reserves. Japan relies on nuclear power for some 30% of its electricity, but has no indigenous uranium.
UK government eyes MOX use
UK government eyes MOX use
from World Nuclear News by Warwick Pipe
The reuse of plutonium as mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel offers the best prospect for the solution to managing the UK's stockpile of plutonium, according to the country's government.
WMD no-first-use in the Middle East: A way to move forward in 2012?
WMD no-first-use in the Middle East: A way to move forward in 2012?
from It is 6 Minutes to Midnight | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists by David Friedman
At the 2010 Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference, a declaration was approved unanimously to hold a conference in 2012 to discuss the notion of a zone free of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the Middle East. Since this decision, however, it is not clear what, if any, preparations have been taken with regard to organizing the conference, and there remain many more unknowns than knowns about what is expected to take place.
Iran's ballistic missile in mass production: official
Iran's ballistic missile in mass production: official
Gimme Fuel, Gimme Fire What the Egyptian revolt means for nuclear proliferation.
Gimme Fuel, Gimme Fire
What the Egyptian revolt means for nuclear proliferation.
The New Republic: Revolts Could Fuel Nuclear Desires by Henry Sokolski
The New Republic: Revolts Could Fuel Nuclear Desires
by Henry Sokolski
French firm to pitch N.B. government on plan for new nuclear power plant
French firm to pitch N.B. government on plan for new nuclear power plant
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy's CEO Caroline Reda to Promote Nuclear Energy as Part of US-India Trade Mission
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy's CEO Caroline Reda to Promote Nuclear Energy as Part of US-India Trade Mission
Energy executive appeals for carbon credits for nuclear power
Energy executive appeals for carbon credits for nuclear power
Upton planning bill to streamline nuclear licensing process By Andrew Restuccia
Upton planning bill to streamline nuclear licensing process
Co-ops’ leader: Carolinas should share new reactors By Mike Fitts
Co-ops’ leader: Carolinas should share new reactors
By Mike FittsMonday, February 7, 2011
U.S. Unveils Space Strategy, Noting China Threat
U.S. Unveils Space Strategy, Noting China Threat
from GSN Daily News
Emerging Chinese defense technologies could enable the nation to block communications or destroy orbiting satellites, the U.S. Defense Department said on Friday as it rolled out a decade-long space security plan (see GSN, Feb. 3).U.S. Offered U.K. Nuke Secrets to Russia in Treaty Talks, Cables Say
U.S. Offered U.K. Nuke Secrets to Russia in Treaty Talks, Cables Say
from GSN Daily News
The United States last year clandestinely agreed to provide Russia with information on the United Kingdom's nuclear forces in order to convince Moscow to ink a new arms control pact, the London Telegraph, relying on leaked U.S. diplomatic dispatches, reported on Friday (see GSN, Dec. 7, 2010).
Japan, U.S. Plan Nuclear Counterterrorism "Road Map"
Japan, U.S. Plan Nuclear Counterterrorism "Road Map"
Reagan's Epoch Shatters in Egypt By Robert Parry
Reagan's Epoch Shatters in Egypt By Robert Parry February 4, 2011 |
The political crisis sweeping the Middle East is another part of Ronald Reagan’s dark legacy that is shattering into chaos even as the United States prepares to lavishly celebrate his 100th birthday.
Llewellyn King: Stand up to NIMBYs -- and create jobs
Llewellyn King: Stand up to NIMBYs -- and create jobs
There's a backlog of shovel-ready utility projects held back by opposition.
Concerns grow over Egypt's WMD research
Concerns grow over Egypt's WMD research
U.S. has been quiet about Cairo's weapons programs, but revolt changes the calculus
DHS Daily Open Source Infrastructure Report
A great source of energy related production issues and injuries can be found in the DHS Daily Open Source Infrastructure Report, a daily [Monday through Friday] summary of open-source published information concerning significant critical infrastructure issues.
DHS Daily Open Source Infrastructure Report
The DHS Daily Open Source Infrastructure Report is collected each business day as a summary of open-source published information concerning significant critical infrastructure issues. Each Daily Report is divided by the critical infrastructure sectors and key assets defined in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan.
February 7, 2011 - DHS Daily Open Source Infrastructure Report (PDF, 23 pages - 286 KB)
How carbon pricing changes the relative competitiveness of low-carbon baseload generating technologies
How carbon pricing changes the relative competitiveness of low-carbon baseload generating technologies
There is wide public debate about which electricity generating technologies will best be suited to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Sometimes this debate ignores real-world practicalities and leads to over-optimistic conclusions. Here we define and apply a set of fit-for-service criteria to identify technologies capable of supplying baseload electricity and reducing GHGs by amounts and within the timescale set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Only five current technologies meet these criteria: coal (both pulverised fuel and integrated gasification combined cycle) with carbon capture and storage (CCS); combined cycle gas turbine with CCS; Generation III nuclear fission; and solar thermal backed by heat storage and gas turbines. To compare costs and performance, we undertook a meta-review of authoritative peer-reviewed studies of levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) and life-cycle GHG emissions for these technologies. Future baseload electricity technology selection will be influenced by the total cost of technology substitution, including carbon pricing, which is synergistically related to both LCOE and emissions. Nuclear energy is the cheapest option and best able to meet the IPCC timetable for GHG abatement. Solar thermal is the most expensive, while CCS will require rapid major advances in technology to meet that timetable.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V2S-51H0085-6&_user=10&_coverDate=01%2F31%2F2011&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=fe3f3cece040963a5c1d15264c04a8dc&searchtype=a
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Sunday, February 6, 2011
New Build Nuclear Power Market - Opportunity Assessment, Technology Analysis and Regional Breakdown
New Build Nuclear Power Market - Opportunity Assessment, Technology Analysis and Regional Breakdown Growing Demand for Power Enhances the Growth of the New Build Nuclear Power Market
The increase in demand for power globally is one of the chief contributing factors behind the growing importance of the construction of new nuclear reactors. As per the Energy Information Administration, the global electric consumption will increase from 19,045 billion kiloWatt hours (BkWh) in 2010 and will further reach 30,116 BkWh by 2030 growing at an Annual Average Growth Rate (AAGR) of 1.5% over the period. This will encourage countries to construct new nuclear reactors in order to meet the growing electricity consumption demand. More than 20 new nuclear power reactors are expected to come online during the forecast period 2010-2030 in emerging nuclear power economies such as Bangladesh, Turkey, the UAE (United Arab Emirates), Nigeria, Vietnam and others. This will enhance the growth of the new build nuclear power market in the next 20 years.
For Sample Pages, please click or add the below link to your browser:
The Asia-Pacific and Europe regions are expected to show the highest revenue generation in the new build nuclear power market during the forecast period 2010-2030. During the forecast period 2010-2030, the estimated cumulative revenue in the Asia-Pacific region is expected to reach $156.7 billion, followed by Europe with $121.1 billion and the Middle East and Africa region with $61.7 billion. Nuclear power expansion plans in these regions will sustain the growth of the new build nuclear market.
The Middle East and Africa region has the highest number of countries that are currently planning to develop nuclear power programs during the period 2010-2030 despite its vast oil and gas reserves. The region has more than 10 countries that have definite plans and timelines for nuclear power development compared to eight in the Asia-Pacific region and five in the European region. Additionally, more than 12 countries in this region are interested in making their mark on the list of emerging nuclear power countries during the forecast period 2010-2030. This clearly indicates the huge investment potential for various players in the new build nuclear industry in this region.
“New Build Nuclear Power Market - Opportunity Assessment, Technology Analysis and Regional Breakdown” is the latest research from GlobalData. The report analyses the cumulative revenues for the construction of new nuclear power generation facilities across the globe. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the new build nuclear market split by region for the under construction reactors in the existing nuclear power countries. It also provides analysis on the planned construction of upcoming nuclear reactors in the emerging nuclear power countries at regional and country level. The report also provides an analysis of the key challenges and market entry barriers. The report analyzes the key strategic consolidations and investment trends in the new build nuclear industry. It also includes key player analysis and recent industry developments including the key contracts awarded for the construction of new nuclear reactors globally.
The increase in demand for power globally is one of the chief contributing factors behind the growing importance of the construction of new nuclear reactors. As per the Energy Information Administration, the global electric consumption will increase from 19,045 billion kiloWatt hours (BkWh) in 2010 and will further reach 30,116 BkWh by 2030 growing at an Annual Average Growth Rate (AAGR) of 1.5% over the period. This will encourage countries to construct new nuclear reactors in order to meet the growing electricity consumption demand. More than 20 new nuclear power reactors are expected to come online during the forecast period 2010-2030 in emerging nuclear power economies such as Bangladesh, Turkey, the UAE (United Arab Emirates), Nigeria, Vietnam and others. This will enhance the growth of the new build nuclear power market in the next 20 years.
For Sample Pages, please click or add the below link to your browser:
The Asia-Pacific and Europe regions are expected to show the highest revenue generation in the new build nuclear power market during the forecast period 2010-2030. During the forecast period 2010-2030, the estimated cumulative revenue in the Asia-Pacific region is expected to reach $156.7 billion, followed by Europe with $121.1 billion and the Middle East and Africa region with $61.7 billion. Nuclear power expansion plans in these regions will sustain the growth of the new build nuclear market.
The Middle East and Africa region has the highest number of countries that are currently planning to develop nuclear power programs during the period 2010-2030 despite its vast oil and gas reserves. The region has more than 10 countries that have definite plans and timelines for nuclear power development compared to eight in the Asia-Pacific region and five in the European region. Additionally, more than 12 countries in this region are interested in making their mark on the list of emerging nuclear power countries during the forecast period 2010-2030. This clearly indicates the huge investment potential for various players in the new build nuclear industry in this region.
“New Build Nuclear Power Market - Opportunity Assessment, Technology Analysis and Regional Breakdown” is the latest research from GlobalData. The report analyses the cumulative revenues for the construction of new nuclear power generation facilities across the globe. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the new build nuclear market split by region for the under construction reactors in the existing nuclear power countries. It also provides analysis on the planned construction of upcoming nuclear reactors in the emerging nuclear power countries at regional and country level. The report also provides an analysis of the key challenges and market entry barriers. The report analyzes the key strategic consolidations and investment trends in the new build nuclear industry. It also includes key player analysis and recent industry developments including the key contracts awarded for the construction of new nuclear reactors globally.
Top nuclear official: New reactor approvals possible this year
Top nuclear official: New reactor approvals possible this year
EPA Partners Continue Large Green Power Purchases
EPA Press Release
EPA Partners Continue Large Green Power Purchases One corporation nearly doubles its green power usage
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its list of the top 50 partner organizations using the most renewable electricity to help reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions and protect people’s health. Green power is generated from renewable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, biomass, and low-impact hydropower. Purchases of green power help accelerate the nation’s voluntary green power market and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful pollutants that threaten Americans’ health from the power sector.
EPA’s Green Power Partnership’s largest single purchaser of green power, Intel Corporation, increased its commitment by nearly doubling its annual green power usage to more than 2.5 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh). This is the largest green power purchase to date in the partnership, and is equivalent to avoiding the carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) emissions from the electricity use of more than 218,000 average American homes.
“EPA’s Green Power partners are tapping into America’s growing clean energy market and powering the economy of the future,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson on Tuesday. “Investments like these are smart for business, foster growth in the green energy sector and help protect our health through cleaner air.”
Kohl’s, second on the national top 50 list, joined Intel as the only two partners using more than 1 billion kWh of green power. Kohl’s increased its green power purchase to more than 1.4 billion kWh of green power annually. Staples more than doubled its green power commitment and Sony Corporation of America nearly doubled its green power purchase. Best Buy, Suffolk County, N.Y., and Drexel University are all making first time appearances on the national top 50 list. Collectively, these top 50 partner organizations are using more than 13.5 billion kWh of green power annually, equivalent to the CO2 produced from the electricity use of more than 1.1 million average American homes.
EPA’s Green Power Partnership works with more than 1,300 partner organizations to voluntarily purchase green power to reduce the environmental impacts of conventional electricity use. Overall, partners are using more than 19.2 billion kWh of green power annually, equivalent to avoiding the CO2 emissions from the electricity use of nearly 1.7 million average American homes.
More information on the top 50 list: http://www.epa.gov/greenpower/toplists/top50.htm
More information on EPA’s Green Power Partnership: http://www.epa.gov/greenpower/
EPA Partners Continue Large Green Power Purchases One corporation nearly doubles its green power usage
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its list of the top 50 partner organizations using the most renewable electricity to help reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions and protect people’s health. Green power is generated from renewable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, biomass, and low-impact hydropower. Purchases of green power help accelerate the nation’s voluntary green power market and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful pollutants that threaten Americans’ health from the power sector.
EPA’s Green Power Partnership’s largest single purchaser of green power, Intel Corporation, increased its commitment by nearly doubling its annual green power usage to more than 2.5 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh). This is the largest green power purchase to date in the partnership, and is equivalent to avoiding the carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) emissions from the electricity use of more than 218,000 average American homes.
“EPA’s Green Power partners are tapping into America’s growing clean energy market and powering the economy of the future,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson on Tuesday. “Investments like these are smart for business, foster growth in the green energy sector and help protect our health through cleaner air.”
Kohl’s, second on the national top 50 list, joined Intel as the only two partners using more than 1 billion kWh of green power. Kohl’s increased its green power purchase to more than 1.4 billion kWh of green power annually. Staples more than doubled its green power commitment and Sony Corporation of America nearly doubled its green power purchase. Best Buy, Suffolk County, N.Y., and Drexel University are all making first time appearances on the national top 50 list. Collectively, these top 50 partner organizations are using more than 13.5 billion kWh of green power annually, equivalent to the CO2 produced from the electricity use of more than 1.1 million average American homes.
EPA’s Green Power Partnership works with more than 1,300 partner organizations to voluntarily purchase green power to reduce the environmental impacts of conventional electricity use. Overall, partners are using more than 19.2 billion kWh of green power annually, equivalent to avoiding the CO2 emissions from the electricity use of nearly 1.7 million average American homes.
More information on the top 50 list: http://www.epa.gov/greenpower/
More information on EPA’s Green Power Partnership: http://www.epa.gov/greenpower/
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Europe launches trillion-euro energy revamp
Europe launches trillion-euro energy revamp
Brussels (AFP) Feb 4, 2011Related articles
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Europe bids to shake off foreign energy dependency
Brussels (AFP) Feb 4, 2011 European leaders will on Friday endorse far-reaching moves to reduce dependency on Middle East oil and Russian gas, anchored in a significant new role for nuclear power generation. At a summit, shaken by instability over Egypt's popular revolt and the soaring oil price, European Union moves to reclaim control over energy supply for the rest of the century are designed to unlock a trillion euros of private investment.
The EU is the world's largest regional energy market -- 500 million people and 20 million companies.
Governments will commit to a broad sweep of market reforms, linking national and regional electricity grids and gas pipelines by 2014 to allow power to circulate freely and cheaply from those who produce it and have surpluses, to those who don't and need it.
"No EU member state should remain isolated from the European gas and electricity networks after 2015 or see its energy security jeopardised by lack of the appropriate connections," reads summit conclusions ready for endorsement in morning talks. More at link
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CIA Views Russian Concerns Over Iran’s Space Program
CIA Views Russian Concerns Over Iran’s Space Program
from Secrecy News by Steven Aftergood
Russian experts are persuaded that Iran’s space program is serving to advance development of intercontinental ballistic missiles that could be used against targets throughout the Middle East and Russia, according to a CIA review of open source reporting.
“Over the past year Moscow appears to have become more worried about the security implications of assisting Tehran with the further development of its space capability,” the November 2010 CIA report (pdf) said.
The CIA document was first reported by Bloomberg News (“Russian Scientists Worried Iran Uses Their Know-How for Missiles” by Roxana Tiron and Anthony Capaccio, February 3). A copy was obtained by Secrecy News. See “Russia: Security Concerns About Iran’s Space Program Growing,” CIA Open Source Works, November 16, 2010.
“Over the past year Moscow appears to have become more worried about the security implications of assisting Tehran with the further development of its space capability,” the November 2010 CIA report (pdf) said.
The CIA document was first reported by Bloomberg News (“Russian Scientists Worried Iran Uses Their Know-How for Missiles” by Roxana Tiron and Anthony Capaccio, February 3). A copy was obtained by Secrecy News. See “Russia: Security Concerns About Iran’s Space Program Growing,” CIA Open Source Works, November 16, 2010.
Energy Dollars and Sense By Jerry Shenk
Energy Dollars and Sense
By Jerry ShenkOne of the most pressing problems for businesses, individuals and families is the cost of energy. Americans are paying too much for the energy needed to run factories and offices, for motor fuel, and for home heating oil.
Aside from taxes on petroleum products and despite OPEC's schemes, petroleum prices are largely demand driven. Demand for petroleum-based energy is increasing world-wide.
Compounding the problem of increasing world demand are the unrest and uncertainty in the Middle East and a hostile Venezuelan government. America and the world are approaching a perfect energy storm. The price of Brent Crude recently passed $100 per barrel for the first time in two years.
The United States Congress is solely responsible for America's energy crisis and the high costs of fuel. While restricting access to American sources of petroleum for years, Congress has been throwing billions of American tax dollars at alternatives to petroleum. Following decades of "investment," alternatives still supply less than 4% of our energy needs. Continual increases in world demand for energy alone guarantees that alternatives will remain a minor part of energy supplies for very long time.
Congress understands that the best way to lower energy costs is to increase the available supply of energy sources. What Congress doesn't grasp is the true relative practicality of available sources. The alternate and new sources of energy that politicians favor are too costly, too inefficient or too far in the future to have a meaningful impact on today's requirements.
Based on their support for and repeated approval of subsidies, a majority in Congress would have us believe that we don't have to find and burn far more of our own oil and coal or build nuclear plants. Congress subsidizes corn ethanol despite the market shortcomings and environmental issues with ethanol. Not only do ethanol and other subsidized alternatives have uncertain futures, they have limited impact on our fuel needs. In fact, alternatives haven't even been useful for frightening world petroleum producers into increasing production and lowering prices in the short term. Even Al Gore doesn't like corn ethanol any longer.
Case closed? Not so fast.
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Japan 'Should Develop Nuclear Weapons To Defend Itself' -- The Telegraph
Japan 'Should Develop Nuclear Weapons To Defend Itself' -- The Telegraph
Japan should develop nuclear weapons to defend itself against China and North Korea, according to the outspoken governor of Tokyo.
Shintaro Ishihara, 78, a former actor and author who has been governor of Tokyo since 1999 and has frequently provoked anger among Japan's neighbours, made his latest demand after a diplomatic row sparked by the arrest of a Chinese fishing vessel captain operating in Japanese waters.
"If Japan had had nuclear (weapons), there would not have been any (Chinese encroachment) on the Senkakus," he said. "And North Korea would not have abducted our citizens."
Read more ....
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