Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Why Is the IAEA Getting Iran Wrong?
Why Is the IAEA Getting Iran Wrong?
Richard K. Lester — Nuclear Innovation for the 21st Century
Richard K. Lester — Nuclear Innovation for the 21st Century
Friday, November 14, 2014
Everything You Need to Know about the U.S.–China Climate Change Agreement
Everything You Need to Know about the U.S.–China Climate Change Agreement
A turning point has been reached in the world's bid to curb global warming
What the U.S. Needs to Do to Meet New Climate Commitment
What the U.S. Needs to Do to Meet New Climate Commitment
The new U.S.-China deal to address climate change will face political problems
Global Growth in Fossil Fuel Burning Continues Unabated
Global Growth in Fossil Fuel Burning Continues Unabated
The International Energy Agency's latest outlook shows that despite
growth in clean energy, fossil fuel trends remain dire for any hope to
combat climate change
Obama to Pledge $3 Billion for International "Green" Fund
Obama to Pledge $3 Billion for International "Green" Fund
President Barack Obama on Friday will announce a $3 billion U.S.
contribution to the green climate fund, an international effort to help
poor countries cope with the effects of climate change, according to an
administration official.
Russia Takes Major Step In Production Of MOX Fuel
Russia Takes Major Step In Production Of MOX Fuel
GOING NUCLEAR: Belper firm wins deal to work at fusion plant
GOING NUCLEAR: Belper firm wins deal to work at fusion plant
Read more: http://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/GOING-NUCLEAR-Belper-firm-wins-deal-work-fusion/story-24519335-detail/story.html#ixzz3J6oawBuw
Follow us: @DerbyTelegraph on Twitter | derbytelegraph on Facebook
GE Hitachi to supply control rod blade for Swiss nuclear power plant
GE Hitachi to supply control rod blade for Swiss nuclear power plant
It's time to stop digging climate hole
It's time to stop digging climate hole
US NRC Gunning Full Throttle for Nuclear Disaster
US NRC Gunning Full Throttle for Nuclear Disaster
Will The New Congress Grease Budget With Big Oil and Green Energy Subsidies?
Will The New Congress Grease Budget With Big Oil and Green Energy Subsidies?
← Root cause of Vogtle and VC Summer delays Thorium shines brightly at ANS Winter Meeting
Thorium shines brightly at ANS Winter Meeting
http://ansnuclearcafe.org/2014/11/14/thorium-shines-brightly-at-ans-winter-meeting/In 2040, Fossil Fuels Still Reign
In 2040, Fossil Fuels Still Reign
http://spectrum.ieee.org/energywise/energy/fossil-fuels/in-2040-fossil-fuels-still-reignPentagon Review Says America's Nukes Are FUBAR
Pentagon Review Says America's Nukes Are FUBAR
The guys babysitting our missiles in Montana couldn't agree more.
In Focus: Climate change affects national security
In Focus: Climate change affects national security
Does Our Military Know Something We Don't About Global Warming?
Does Our Military Know Something We Don't About Global Warming?
Research institutes extend collaboration
Research institutes extend collaboration
13 November 2014
The US-based Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and
Japan's Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)
have agreed to extend their collaborative research agreement for a
further five years.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-Research-institutes-extend-collaboration-1311144.html
State board orders RG&E, Ginna plant talks
State board orders RG&E, Ginna plant talks
GAO: Nuclear Waste Issue Requires Public Buy-in
GAO: Nuclear Waste Issue Requires Public Buy-in
Power-Gen Conference December 9-11, 2014
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A Battery to Prop Up Renewable Power Hits the Market
A Battery to Prop Up Renewable Power Hits the Market
A startup has started selling a battery that helps solar and wind power operate in remote locations.
- By Kevin Bullis on November 14, 2014
The Arctic Is Turning Into The World's Newest Geo-Strategic Battleground
The Arctic Is Turning Into The World's Newest Geo-Strategic Battleground
Losing the battle to win the war
Losing the battle to win the war
Eskom has finally given Westinghouse most of the documents relating to the nuclear tender
EIA forecasts push oil price indices to new low
EIA forecasts push oil price indices to new low
New York (UPI) Nov 13, 2014 - Crude oil prices continued their steady decline in Thursday trading after a U.S. administrator said total domestic oil production should increase short-term. West Texas Intermediate, the U.S. benchmark, shed more than $1 early Thursday to trade at $76.18 for the December contract. Crude oil prices have lost more than 20 percent of their value since June. Higher oil production in ... morehttp://www.oilgasdaily.com/reports/EIA_forecasts_push_oil_price_indices_to_new_low_999.html
New York (UPI) Nov 13, 2014 - Crude oil prices continued their steady decline in Thursday trading after a U.S. administrator said total domestic oil production should increase short-term. West Texas Intermediate, the U.S. benchmark, shed more than $1 early Thursday to trade at $76.18 for the December contract. Crude oil prices have lost more than 20 percent of their value since June. Higher oil production in ... morehttp://www.oilgasdaily.com/reports/EIA_forecasts_push_oil_price_indices_to_new_low_999.html
Indonesia considers building nuclear power plant
Indonesia considers building nuclear power plant
Jakarta (XNA) Nov 14, 2014 - To cope with the fast-growing demand for power supply in the country, Indonesia is considering building nuclear power plants with an initial capacity of 5,000 MW by 2025 despite massive opposition at home. A senior official of Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry said that to pursue 7 percent economy growth by 2018 targeted by the government, it needs 9 percent growth in power ... morehttp://www.nuclearpowerdaily.com/reports/Indonesia_considers_building_nuclear_power_plant_999.html
Jakarta (XNA) Nov 14, 2014 - To cope with the fast-growing demand for power supply in the country, Indonesia is considering building nuclear power plants with an initial capacity of 5,000 MW by 2025 despite massive opposition at home. A senior official of Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry said that to pursue 7 percent economy growth by 2018 targeted by the government, it needs 9 percent growth in power ... morehttp://www.nuclearpowerdaily.com/reports/Indonesia_considers_building_nuclear_power_plant_999.html
Robot inspects water tank
Robot inspects water tank
A robotic examination of an in-service condensate storage tank at a US nuclear power reactor has been successfully completed. Previously plant operators would have to use divers or empty the tanks in order to conduct manual inspections.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-Robot-inspects-water-tank-1411145.html
A robotic examination of an in-service condensate storage tank at a US nuclear power reactor has been successfully completed. Previously plant operators would have to use divers or empty the tanks in order to conduct manual inspections.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-Robot-inspects-water-tank-1411145.html
Completion of Ohma 1 expected in 2020
Completion of Ohma 1 expected in 2020
Construction of additional safety features at unit 1 of the Ohma nuclear power plant, being built in Japan's Aomori prefecture, will be completed by the end of 2020, the Japan Electric Power Development Corp (J-Power) has announced.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Completion-of-Ohma-1-expected-in-2020-1411144.html
Construction of additional safety features at unit 1 of the Ohma nuclear power plant, being built in Japan's Aomori prefecture, will be completed by the end of 2020, the Japan Electric Power Development Corp (J-Power) has announced.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Completion-of-Ohma-1-expected-in-2020-1411144.html
Pro-Kremlin Russian Media Says Moscow Has A 'Nuclear Surprise' For NATO
Pro-Kremlin Russian Media Says Moscow Has A 'Nuclear Surprise' For NATO
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/russian-media-moscow-has-nuclear-surprise-2014-11#ixzz3J4yTruK9
Tianwan 3 Completes Internal Construction
Tianwan 3 Completes Internal Construction
Arnaud Lefevre-Baril
Chief Executive Officer at Dynatom International GmbH
Construction of the reactor building at the third unit of the Tianwan nuclear power plant under construction is nearing completion. The final concrete for the reactor building's walls was poured on 11 November, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced. The containment building now stands 38 meters tall and has a radius of 21.8 meters.
The next stage in the unit's construction will be the installation of the dome on top of its containment building.
Source: http://np.chinapower.com.cn/201411/13/0042851.html
What Does it Cost to Decommission a Nuclear Power Plant?
What Does it Cost to Decommission a Nuclear Power Plant?
Iran, Russia to have long-term cooperation on nuclear power plants
Iran, Russia to have long-term cooperation on nuclear power plants
http://en.trend.az/iran/nuclearp/2332807.htmlIEA warns against fossil fuel subsidies and the cost of nuclear power
IEA warns against fossil fuel subsidies and the cost of nuclear power
Why The U.S.-China CO2 Deal Is An Energy, Climate, And Political Gamechanger
Why The U.S.-China CO2 Deal Is An Energy, Climate, And Political Gamechanger
http://theenergycollective.com/josephromm/2155776/why-us-china-co2-deal-energy-climate-and-political-gamechanger?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The+Energy+Collective+%28all+posts%29The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of CO2 Utilization
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of CO2 Utilization
China carbon deal no sweat, says energy sector
China carbon deal no sweat, says energy sector
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/china-carbon-deal-no-sweat-says-energy-sector-20141113-3kas4.html#ixzz3J4k0LMg3
New nuclear projects expecting approval by year end in China
New nuclear projects expecting approval by year end in China
Perry nuclear power plant restarted, nearing 100 percent power
Perry nuclear power plant restarted, nearing 100 percent power
http://www.cleveland.com/business/index.ssf/2014/11/perry_nuclear_power_plant_rest.htmlPanel Dismisses Contentions Over Nuclear Waste Storage At Indian Point
Panel Dismisses Contentions Over Nuclear Waste Storage At Indian Point
http://wamc.org/post/panel-dismisses-contentions-over-nuclear-waste-storage-indian-pointObama nominates nuclear regulator for longer term
Obama nominates nuclear regulator for longer term
Why We Need Nuclear Power: The Environmental Case By Michael H. Fox

Why We Need Nuclear Power: The Environmental Case
By Michael H. Fox
Review by: Richard N. Cooper
Long Road to Paris 2015; Longer-term National Climate Strategies
Long Road to Paris 2015; Longer-term National Climate Strategies
By Roman Kilisek
is the Status of National Processes to Define post-2020 Emission
Reduction Targets? Last week, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) released the so-called ‘Climate Change 2014 Synthesis
Report’ of its fifth scientific climate assessment since 1990 thereby
updating its 2007 climate assessment (Breaking Energy IPCC coverage
here). You guessed right – according
Governing in 2015 and Beyond, Energy Issues and Tax Reform Could Find Bipartisan Support
Governing in 2015 and Beyond, Energy Issues and Tax Reform Could Find Bipartisan Support
this LEVICK Daily video interview, LEVICK’s Lanny Davis and Jessica
Lenard examine how the 2014 midterm elections will impact public policy
moving forward. While there is no clear consensus on precisely what to
expect on Capitol Hill, in state legislatures, and in local
jurisdictions across the country, there are pressing issues that will no
doubt warrant elected officials’ attention.
Energy Department Awards New Contract to Manage and Operate Brookhaven National Laboratory
Energy Department Awards New Contract to Manage and Operate Brookhaven National Laboratory
By U.S. Department of Energy
Department Awards New Contract to Manage and Operate Brookhaven
National Laboratory WASHINGTON– The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has
awarded a new five-year, $3.2 billion contract to Brookhaven Science
Associates (BSA) to manage and operate Brookhaven National Laboratory.
The award was the result of a DOE competition for the management and
operations (M&O) contract
Energy News Roundup: Halliburton-Baker Hughes Merger? Antarctica Melting From Below & Report Urges Hydro One Breakup
Energy News Roundup: Halliburton-Baker Hughes Merger? Antarctica Melting From Below & Report Urges Hydro One Breakup
By Jared Anderson
The Wall Street Journal reported late Thursday
that oil services giants Halliburton and Baker Hughes were involved in
“quickly progressing” merger negotiations, which caused shares of both
firms to jump. “The Journal, citing unidentified people familiar with
the matter, said talks were progressing quickly and a deal could come
soon.” [Fuel Fix] A new study using
PennEnergy's Top Oli & Gas News 11/14
PennEnergy's Top Power News 11/14
Green light for nuclear plants in China soon
Green light for nuclear plants in China soon
Thursday, November 13, 2014
China and Africa Sign Nuclear Cooperation Agreement
China and Africa Sign Nuclear Cooperation Agreement
Arnaud Lefevre-Baril
Chief Executive Officer at Dynatom International GmbH
South Africa has signed a nuclear energy
cooperation agreement with China as the government looks to expand the
critical power supply system, officials said Friday.
The energy ministry said in a statement that the government had committed to expanding nuclear power generation by an additional 9.6 gigawatts by 2030 with investment of RMB 570 millions. .
The country has already signed similar agreements with Russia and France, potentially putting firms Rosatom and Areva in line for the development of nuclear reactors worth billions of dollars.
The energy ministry said in a statement that the government had committed to expanding nuclear power generation by an additional 9.6 gigawatts by 2030 with investment of RMB 570 millions. .
The country has already signed similar agreements with Russia and France, potentially putting firms Rosatom and Areva in line for the development of nuclear reactors worth billions of dollars.
73 Percent of Americans See Nuclear as Key Clean Air Energy
73 Percent of Americans See Nuclear as Key Clean Air Energy
- Seventy-three percent associate nuclear with clean air
- A better-informed person is more likely to support nuclear
- A strong majority favors U.S. nuclear industry leadership in world markets
EU scraps science advisor role – now are you happy, Greenpeace? -
scraps science advisor role – now are you happy, Greenpeace? - See more
EU scraps science advisor role – now are you happy, Greenpeace?
scraps science advisor role – now are you happy, Greenpeace? - See more
What Iran Would Do Without a Nuclear Deal
What Iran Would Do Without a Nuclear Deal
The "Historic" US-China Climate Change Deal Confirms that We are Failing in the Fight Against Climate Change
The "Historic" US-China Climate Change Deal Confirms that We are Failing in the Fight Against Climate Change
How Obama Endangered Us All With Stuxnet
How Obama Endangered Us All With Stuxnet
Obama’s deal with China is a big win for solar, nuclear, and clean coal
Obama’s deal with China is a big win for solar, nuclear, and clean coal
http://grist.org/climate-energy/obamas-deal-with-china-is-a-big-win-for-solar-nuclear-and-clean-coal/?utm_source=syndication&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_climate&energy&utm_reader=feedlyGAO: Nuclear Waste Issue Requires Public Buy-in
GAO: Nuclear Waste Issue Requires Public Buy-in
U.S. oil bubble bursts by 2020s, IEA warns
U.S. oil bubble bursts by 2020s, IEA warns
Paris (UPI) Nov 12, 2014 - "Breathing space" in global crude oil markets ushered in by U.S. shale oil output doesn't mean the glut will last forever, the IEA said in a Wednesday report. The International Energy Agency said in its annual report oil supplies rise globally to 104 million barrels per day by 2040. The poles of demand, meanwhile, shift to Central Asia and the Middle East, which eventually take over aft ... morehttp://www.oilgasdaily.com/reports/US_oil_bubble_bursts_by_2020s_IEA_warns_999.html
Global energy system under stress: report
Global energy system under stress: report
Paris (AFP) Nov 12, 2014 - With fossil fuels set to meet most of the increased global demand for energy, the IEA warned Wednesday that climate change targets are at risk and conflicts could still wreak havoc with supplies. "The global energy system is in danger of falling short of the hopes and expectations placed upon it," the International Energy Agency said in its World Energy Outlook 2014 report. The Paris-bas ... morehttp://www.energy-daily.com/reports/Global_energy_system_under_stress_report_999.html
Paris (AFP) Nov 12, 2014 - With fossil fuels set to meet most of the increased global demand for energy, the IEA warned Wednesday that climate change targets are at risk and conflicts could still wreak havoc with supplies. "The global energy system is in danger of falling short of the hopes and expectations placed upon it," the International Energy Agency said in its World Energy Outlook 2014 report. The Paris-bas ... morehttp://www.energy-daily.com/reports/Global_energy_system_under_stress_report_999.html
Vattenfall Seeks $6 Billion in Compensation for German Nuclear Phase-Out
Vattenfall Seeks $6 Billion in Compensation for German Nuclear Phase-Out
Kansai Electric mulling operation of 2 Takahama reactors beyond 40 yrs
Kansai Electric mulling operation of 2 Takahama reactors beyond 40 yrs
Radiation From Fukushima Reaches US West Coast: What Danger Does Cesium-134 Pose?
Radiation From Fukushima Reaches US West Coast: What Danger Does Cesium-134 Pose?
Embracing our Best Shot at a Low-Carbon Future
Embracing our Best Shot at a Low-Carbon Future
Nuclear Power Plagued by End of Life Costs
Nuclear Power Plagued by End of Life Costs
Nuclear power stirs considerable controversy but we have broadly been a supporter of the technology in part because of its low emissions and running cost, but the industry had arguably their biggest challenge starkly highlighted this week in the International Energy Agency’s annual report.By 2040, the agency said, almost 200 reactors are due to be shut down with considerable uncertainties over the decommissioning costs. An FT article quotes $100 billion for plant dismantling but the extent to which this is just the beginning is highlighted by a quote from Paul Dorfman of the Energy Institute at University College London who said, “The UK’s own decommissioning and waste disposal costs are estimated at £85 billion ($135 billion) alone.”
Japan's nuclear cleanup stymied by water woes
Japan's nuclear cleanup stymied by water woes
Global nuclear power capacity to grow 60% by 2040, IEA says
Global nuclear power capacity to grow 60% by 2040, IEA says
Russia: Nov. 24 Deadline for Iran Nuclear Deal in Doubt
Russia: Nov. 24 Deadline for Iran Nuclear Deal in Doubt
Agreement with Russia on building new nuclear power units very important — Iran ambassador
Agreement with Russia on building new nuclear power units very important — Iran ambassador
Research institutes extend collaboration
Research institutes extend collaboration
The US-based Electric Power Research Institute and Japan's Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry have agreed to extend their collaborative research agreement for a further five years.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-Research-institutes-extend-collaboration-1311144.html
The US-based Electric Power Research Institute and Japan's Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry have agreed to extend their collaborative research agreement for a further five years.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-Research-institutes-extend-collaboration-1311144.html
Construction progress at Tianwan 3
Construction progress at Tianwan 3
Construction of the reactor building at the third unit of the Tianwan nuclear power plant under construction in China's Jiangsu province is nearing completion. Heavy equipment for the unit is already being shipped to the site from Russia.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Construction-progress-at-Tianwan-3-1311146.html
Construction of the reactor building at the third unit of the Tianwan nuclear power plant under construction in China's Jiangsu province is nearing completion. Heavy equipment for the unit is already being shipped to the site from Russia.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Construction-progress-at-Tianwan-3-1311146.html
Russia develops remote welding for MOX fuel
Russia develops remote welding for MOX fuel
Nikimt-Atomstroy has developed and manufactured a remotely operated welding system for the production of mixed uranium-plutonium oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies for nuclear power units.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/ENF-Russia-develops-remote-welding-for-MOX-fuel-13111401.html
Nikimt-Atomstroy has developed and manufactured a remotely operated welding system for the production of mixed uranium-plutonium oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies for nuclear power units.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/ENF-Russia-develops-remote-welding-for-MOX-fuel-13111401.html
Fuqing 1 attains full power
Fuqing 1 attains full power
Unit 1 of the Fuqing nuclear power plant in China's Fujian province has reached full capacity for the first time. Meanwhile, first concrete could soon be poured at the plant's fifth unit, the first-of-a-kind Hualong One reactor.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Fuqing-1-attains-full-power-1311144.html
Unit 1 of the Fuqing nuclear power plant in China's Fujian province has reached full capacity for the first time. Meanwhile, first concrete could soon be poured at the plant's fifth unit, the first-of-a-kind Hualong One reactor.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Fuqing-1-attains-full-power-1311144.html
Fukushima Update 11/13/14
Fukushima Update 11/13/14 –
Tepco embraces Woods Hole Oceanographic’s report on Pacific Ocean Cesium… The question of where land-deposited Cesium is going, may have been answered… More post-accident transcripts have been released by Tokyo… Japan’s nuke watchdog will consider a formal public objection to the Sendai station restarts… Kansai Electric is set to apply for licensing extensions on two units… Fukushima farmers continue to suffer from consumer radiophobia.
Tepco embraces Woods Hole Oceanographic’s report on Pacific Ocean Cesium… The question of where land-deposited Cesium is going, may have been answered… More post-accident transcripts have been released by Tokyo… Japan’s nuke watchdog will consider a formal public objection to the Sendai station restarts… Kansai Electric is set to apply for licensing extensions on two units… Fukushima farmers continue to suffer from consumer radiophobia.
California set to decide if utilities can own EV charging stations
California set to decide if utilities can own EV charging stations
Duke Energy considers shale gas investments
Duke Energy considers shale gas investments
http://www.utilitydive.com/news/duke-energy-considers-shale-gas-investments/332580/Petrodollar Panic? China Signs Currency Swap Deal With Qatar and Canada
Petrodollar Panic?
China Signs Currency Swap Deal With Qatar and Canada:
By Tyler Durden
The march of global de-dollarization continues.
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