Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Friday, February 24, 2017
Pilgrim’s Progress: Inside the American Nuclear-Waste Crisis
Pilgrim’s Progress: Inside the American Nuclear-Waste Crisis
http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/pilgrims-progress-inside-the-american-nuclear-waste-crisisWhat One Photo Tells Us About North Korea’s Nuclear Program
What One Photo Tells Us About
North Korea’s Nuclear Program
Experts who want to pierce North
Korea’s extreme secrecy have to be creative. One surprisingly rich
resource: the country’s own propaganda, like the photo below.
ANS UWC Utility Working Converence and Vendor Technology Expo
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The highly interactive program allows for discussions with the NRC in
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Be a part of the conversation. Help develop the solutions.
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Coal Still Has a Hard Road Ahead
Coal Still Has a Hard Road Ahead
By By Michael McDonald, / Thursday, February 23, 2017 9:12 AM
Breaking Energy Staff It is no secret
that the coal industry has faced hard times for the last few years.
Environmental concerns led President Obama to institute more stringent
regulatory requirements, while cheap natural gas created intense
competition. Against that backdrop, many coal industry participants and
investors hoped that President Trump would be able to
The Energy Collective Daily: Energy Union Should Shift Focus from Energy to Climate

Energy Union Should Shift Focus from Energy to Climate | The Energy Collective Daily |
- Energy Union Should Shift Focus from Energy to Climate
- Trump Promises a Renaissance for Coal, But These Clean Energy Numbers Tell a Different Story
- Virginia Legislative Session Produces Changes for Solar, Coal Ash, and Pumped Storage
- Moving Faster Toward Zero Net Energy
- “Hell To Pay” If Trump Targets EPA Climate Science, Says U.S. Chamber Official
- Lower Airline Fuel Costs Reduce U.S. Airlines’ Operating Expenses, Increase Net Profits
Toshiba’s U.S. unit Westinghouse to explore Chapter 11 bankruptcy: sources
Toshiba’s U.S. unit Westinghouse to explore Chapter 11 bankruptcy: sources
If Westinghouse Is Filing for Bankruptcy, Toshiba Doesn't Know About It
Fortune - 6 hours ago
Toshiba, responding to media reports, said on Friday it was not aware
that its U.S. nuclear unit Westinghouse was considering filing for
Chapter 11 protection from creditors—an option analysts say could
jeopardize the entire group. The Nikkei business ...http://fortune.com/2017/02/24/if-westinghouse-is-filing-for-bankruptcy-toshiba-doesnt-know-about-it/
Toshiba's US unit Westinghouse to explore Chapter 11 bankruptcy: sources
The Japan Times - 11 hours ago
Toshiba Corp. will explore Chapter 11 bankruptcy for U.S. nuclear power
unit Westinghouse Electric Co. among options to rebuild the business
while using proceeds from the sale of its mainstay chip business to
continue operating it, sources close to the ... http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/02/24/business/corporate-business/toshibas-u-s-unit-westinghouse-explore-chapter-11-bankruptcy-sources/#.WLCTSRCXRSw
Toshiba contracted to cover increased costs of building nuclear reactors in U.S.
Toshiba contracted to cover increased costs of building nuclear reactors in U.S.
Toshiba May Go Bankrupt as Result of Nuclear Investments
Making America great again apparently includes Cold War-era nuclear dominance
Making America great again apparently includes Cold War-era nuclear dominance
Washington Post - 21 hours ago
At the end of last year, after he won the election but before he was
inaugurated, President-elect Donald Trump decided to proactively set
U.S. nuclear policy via Twitter. “The United States must greatly
strengthen and expand its nuclear capability ...https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2017/02/23/making-america-great-again-apparently-includes-cold-war-era-nuclear-dominance/?utm_term=.c529ac828924
Russian Lawmaker Calls for New START Treaty Talks With Trump
Russian Lawmaker Calls for New START Treaty Talks With Trump
Sputnik International - 12 hours ago
Washington needs to engage in talks on nuclear arms limitations with
Russia if it does not want the Cold War-era nuclear arms race back,
senior Russian lawmaker Konstantin Kosachev warned on Friday.
Representatives of EU, US, Britain, France, Russia, ... https://sputniknews.com/world/201702241051001672-russia-us-nuclear-start/
Russia 'Categorically Against' Trump's Possible Suspension of New START Treaty
Russia 'Categorically Against' Trump's Possible Suspension of New START Treaty
Sputnik International - 10 hours ago
Russia is categorically against the possible suspension of the New
START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) and will insist on extension of
the document, Viktor Ozerov, chairman of the defense committee in the
Russian upper house of parliament, told ... https://sputniknews.com/politics/201702241051004898-start-treaty-russia-trump/
Trump Puts in Doubt US-Russia Strategic Deals in an 'Alarming' Signal to Moscow
Trump Puts in Doubt US-Russia Strategic Deals in an 'Alarming' Signal to Moscow
Sputnik International -
On Thursday, United States President Donald Trump said that key
strategic agreements between the US and Russia are not profitable for
Washington. US nuclear missile. © AP Photo/ Charlie Riedel. Washington
Not to Yield Nuclear Arsenal Supremacy 'to ...
Trump Vows To Maintain US Dominance In Nuclear Power
Trump Vows To Maintain US Dominance In Nuclear Power
US President Donald Trump has vowed that he will ensure that the United States maintains its dominance among the world's nuclear powers.http://www.rttnews.com/2748221/trump-vows-to-maintain-us-dominance-in-nuclear-power.aspx
Nuclear News: Does The US Have The Most Nukes? Trump Wants Top Spot Among Countries With Weapons Of Mass ...
International Business Times - 2 hours ago
President Donald Trump revealed Thursday that he wanted to expand the
nation's nuclear weapons arsenal as the U.S. did not possess the largest
stockpile in the world. Speaking to Reuters, Trump pledged the U.S. was
"never going to fall behind any ... http://www.ibtimes.com/nuclear-news-does-us-have-most-nukes-trump-wants-top-spot-among-countries-weapons-2497421
Pro-Kremlin politicians warn Trump could unleash new arms race
Yahoo News - 4 hours ago
U.S. President Donald Trump pauses at the Dr. Ben Carson exhibit at the
National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington,
U.S., February 21, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst. More. By Andrey
Ostroukh and Christian Lowe. MOSCOW ... https://www.yahoo.com/news/pro-kremlin-politicians-warn-trump-could-unleash-arms-152507081.html
The Peril of Nuclear War in the Age of Trump
Truth-Out - 3 hours ago
President Donald Trump said on Thursday he wants to ensure the U.S.
nuclear arsenal is at the "top of the pack," saying the United States
has fallen behind in its weapons capacity.... "It would be wonderful, a
dream would be that no country would have ...http://www.truth-out.org/buzzflash/commentary/the-peril-of-nuclear-war-in-the-age-of-trump
Trump's Vow to Raise US Nuclear Capacities 'Throws World Back to 20th Century'
Sputnik International - 8 hours ago
US President Donald Trump's vow to expand US nuclear capacities is
sending the world back into the 20th century by challenging all treaties
on strategic arms reduction, senior member of the Russian parliament's
upper house Alexey Pushkov said Friday. https://sputniknews.com/politics/201702241051006431-trump-nuclear-capacities/
In West Texas, spent fuel storage seeks a foothold
In West Texas, spent fuel storage seeks a foothold
Deconstructing Pilgrim: Inspection report uncovers more violations
Deconstructing Pilgrim: Inspection report uncovers more violations
Here’s Why the US Nuclear Industry Is in Jeopardy
Here’s Why the US Nuclear Industry Is in Jeopardy
Spiraling construction
costs at new facilities and planned closures of decades-old plants
highlight why the nuclear industry in the United States remains in
trouble — even as the quest for zero-carbon energy sources grows.
The U.S. Nuclear Energy Dream Is Dying
The U.S. Nuclear Energy Dream Is Dying
http://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-US-Nuclear-Energy-Dream-Is-Dying.htmlNRC opens Pilgrim review to public
NRC opens Pilgrim review to public
The Challenge and Promise of Next-Generation Nuclear Reactors
The Challenge and Promise of Next-Generation Nuclear Reactors
The Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc. (subscription) - 21 hours ago
U.S. start-ups are making headway on next-generation nuclear reactors.
But companies worry about the big challenges they face to get new
designs up and running in the U.S. That's the message I heard after
spending the better part of a day with nuclear ... https://alerts.kiplinger.com/2017/02/challenge-promise-next-generation-nuclear-reactors/
SMRs symposium: Small reactors need of the hour
SMRs symposium: Small reactors need of the hour
The Express Tribune - 14 hours ago
ISLAMABAD: There is a need to have small, modular reactors which can be
moved around with ease. “The need is to have small reactors with an
output of less than 300 mega watts, as compared to conventional
reactors, since they can be transported easily ... https://tribune.com.pk/story/1337150/smrs-symposium-small-reactors-need-hour/
Push to revive Yucca Mountain Project would be waste, Cortez Masto tells Las Vegas group
Push to revive Yucca Mountain Project would be waste, Cortez Masto tells Las Vegas group
Bill to spur nuclear energy stalls in committee
Bill to spur nuclear energy stalls in committee
In Reuters Interview President Trump Flunks Nuclear 101
Hans Kristensen, director of the FAS Nuclear Information Project, published his reaction to President Trump's Reuters interview, stating:
"[Trump] urgently needs to be briefed on the status of US [sic] nuclear forces, other nuclear-armed states, and the basics of [U.S.] arms control treaties." |
Nuclear Energy Startup Transatomic Backtracks on Key Promises
Nuclear Energy Startup Transatomic Backtracks on Key Promises
The company, backed by Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund, revised inflated assertions about its advanced reactor design after growing concerns prompted an MIT review.
Disarmament while the chance remains
Mustafa Kibaroglu
a nuclear weapon ban treaty is negotiated and approved, it could
prevent the development of even worse weapons to come. The last entry in
our debate over a UN ban has posted. http://thebulletin.org/can-treaty-banning-nuclear-weapons-speed-their-abolition/disarmament-while-chance-remains
Great Debate: The Future of Artificial Intelligence - Who's in Control?
progress in Artificial Intelligence provide humanity with a boost of
unprecedented strength to realize a better future, or could it present a
threat to the very basis of human civilization? The future of
artificial intelligence is up for debate, and the Origins Project is
bringing together a distinguished panel of experts to discuss matters on
Saturday, February 25th. Panel guests include the Bulletin's Board of Sponsors chair Lawrence Krauss and Bulletin Board of Sponsors member Jaan Tallinn. https://origins.asu.edu/events/future-of-artificial-intelligence
Reconsidering the reversal: South Korea's nuclear choices
William Caplan, Kenneth B. Turner
in the 1970s, South Korea briefly considered developing its own nuclear
weapons, due in part to statements made by US presidents each time. The
uncertainties facing South Korea today are eerily similar.http://thebulletin.org/reconsidering-reversal-south-korea%E2%80%99s-nuclear-choices10522
Nuclear Regulator Details Pros, Cons of Mini-Reactor
Nuclear Regulator Details Pros, Cons of Mini-Reactor
https://www.bna.com/nuclear-regulator-details-n57982084333/Arms control groups lambast Trump for remarks on nuclear arsenal
Arms control groups lambast Trump for remarks on nuclear arsenal
Trump warns U.S. nuclear arsenal has fallen behind
Trump warns U.S. nuclear arsenal has fallen behind
Trump Says He Wants To Ensure U.S. Nuclear Arsenal Is 'Top Of The Pack'
Trump Says He Wants To Ensure U.S. Nuclear Arsenal Is 'Top Of The Pack'
http://www.rferl.org/a/trump-wants-expand-us-nuclear-arsenal-make-top-of-pack-start-agreement/28328304.htmlUAE's Nuclear Power Programme Helps Develop Local Nuclear Supply Chain
UAE's Nuclear Power Programme Helps Develop Local Nuclear Supply Chain
Researchers find new clues for nuclear waste cleanup
Researchers find new clues for nuclear waste cleanup
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Nuclear Roundup February 24, 2017
Trump and the Doomsday Clock

Opinion | Jeffrey D. Sachs
Trump and the Doomsday Clock
By Jeffrey D. Sachs
The most chilling concern about Donald Trump is the worldwide
fear that he puts our very survival at risk. This is not loose talk or
partisanship. It was recently expressed by the most thoughtful experts
who monitor the risks to our survival: The Science and Security Board of
the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, who are the keepers of the
Doomsday Clock. These experts have just told the world it is “Two and a
half minutes to midnight,” where midnight signifies the end of
civilization. This is the closest to doom since 1953, when both the
United States and Russia first possessed thermonuclear weapons capable
of destroying the world.Let’s not panic. Instead, let’s think, plan, and act. As President John F. Kennedy famously declared, “Our problems are manmade — therefore, they can be solved by man.” The problem of Donald Trump can be solved too, by the institutions of American democracy and the international rule of law.http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2017/02/12/trump-and-doomsday-clock/1NQ1aEAzxTePCTrQbSSkUN/story.html?s_campaign=8315
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Maine needs the good-paying jobs nuclear energy provides
Maine needs the good-paying jobs nuclear energy provides
U.S. renewables a job engine, trade groups say
U.S. renewables a job engine, trade groups say
Washington (UPI) Feb 22, 2017 -
A consortium of U.S. clean-energy groups said it was growth in the
industries tied to renewable energy that were the ones creating more
Business groups supporting the renewable energy sector in the United
States said data compiled from federal reports find the low-carbon
industry supported more than 3 million jobs last year.
While the U.S. Department of Energy doesn't speci ...
German energy giant RWE posts 5.7-bln-euro loss in 2016
German energy giant RWE posts 5.7-bln-euro loss in 2016
Frankfurt Am Main (AFP) Feb 22, 2017 -
German energy provider RWE on Thursday
announced a surprise loss of 5.7 billion euros for 2016, hit by
writedowns on its plants and one-off costs related to the country's exit
from nuclear power.
"The difficult market environment made impairments necessary. In
addition, the nuclear energy fund imposed a substantial one-off burden
on us," chief executive Rolf Martin Schmitz said in an unsched ...
Energy Analytics: Garbage In Garbage Out
Energy Analytics: Garbage In Garbage Out
By By Michael McDonald, / Wednesday, February 22, 2017 8:55 AM
Michael McDonald, PhD Across all of
business there is a lot of interest in Big Data, Business Intelligence,
Predictive Analytics, and other data related fields these days. Tools in
these fields are particularly useful in the unconventional energy
sector – they can help shale producers and servicers with everything
from drilling more effective wells to
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