Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Latest business news on the Chinese nuclear power market available now on Dynatom to read online and download
Latest business news on the Chinese nuclear power market available now on Dynatom to read online and download
Arnaud Lefevre-Baril
Chief Executive Officer at Dynatom International GmbH
Transmission and Energy Storage 2014 Outlook: The Macro and Micro Transformation of Electric Grids
Transmission and Energy Storage 2014 Outlook: The Macro and Micro Transformation of Electric Grids
US Congressional Action Could Help Advance Energy Storage Technologies
US Congressional Action Could Help Advance Energy Storage Technologies
Experts insist nuclear power is key for future energy
Experts insist nuclear power is key for future energy
Read more: http://www.thenational.ae/uae/environment/experts-insist-nuclear-power-is-key-for-future-energy#ixzz2rQe8rwlT
Follow us: @TheNationalUAE on Twitter | thenational.ae on Facebook
A necessary evil
A necessary evil
Kingston Reif
On January 20, the provisions of a
historic nuclear agreement between Iran and six powers took effect.
Reached last November in Geneva, the deal between the P5+1—the United
States, China, Russia, Great Britain, France, and Germany—and the
Islamic Republic is intended to be a first step towards a more
comprehensive agreement that will ensure Iran cannot develop nuclear
weapons. http://thebulletin.org/necessary-evil
Friday, January 24, 2014
Threat of Earthquakes Occurring in Central United States Still Alive
Threat of Earthquakes Occurring in Central United States Still Alive
Released: 1/23/2014 2:00:00 PM
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Released: 1/23/2014 2:00:00 PM
Contact Information: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey Office of Communications and Publishing 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr, MS 119 Reston, VA 20192 |
Morgan Page
Phone: 626-583-6804 Susan Hough Phone: 626-583-7224 |
PASADENA, Calif. — Earthquake activity in the New Madrid Seismic Zone in the central United States does not seem to be slowing down.
In a new study published in the journal "Science," seismologists Morgan
Page and Susan Hough of the U.S. Geological Survey investigate whether
current quakes in the region could be aftershocks of large earthquakes
that occurred 200 years earlier. Using extensive computer modeling of aftershock behavior, they show that the dearth of moderate (Magnitude 6) earthquakes following the series of large earthquakes in 1811-1812, combined with the high rates of small earthquakes today, is not consistent with the long-lived aftershock hypothesis. A debate has swirled in recent years, fueled in part by past studies suggesting that continuing New Madrid seismic activity could be the tail end of a long-lived aftershock sequence following the 1811-1812 earthquakes. If modern activity is an aftershock sequence, the argument goes, then there is no evidence that stress is currently building in the zone. Instead, Page and Hough conclude that the current level of activity must be the signature of active, ongoing processes that continue to generate stress in the region –stress that we expect will eventually be released in future large earthquakes. In other words, the New Madrid Seismic Zone is not dead. The New Madrid Seismic Zone in the central United States produced 4 large earthquakes with magnitudes upwards of 7 over the winter of 1811-1812. Over the last two centuries, small quakes have continued to occur in the zone at a higher rate than elsewhere in the central United States. Geologic evidence also shows that large earthquake sequences occurred there in about 1450 A.D. and 900 A.D. The paper, "The New Madrid Seismic Zone: Not Dead Yet," is available online. Additional information about the New Madrid Seismic Zone and its history is available from the USGS online.
USGS provides science for a changing world. Visit USGS.gov, and follow us on Twitter @USGS and our other social media channels.
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Links and contacts within this release are valid at the time of publication.
The Coal, Hard Truth
The Coal, Hard Truth
China's New Coal 6 Times Higher than Wind, 27 Times Higher than Solar in 2013
“Persistent Prejudice Against Nuclear – Can Anything Be Done? Part I” by Jim Hopf
From ANS Nuclear Cafe:
“Persistent Prejudice Against Nuclear – Can Anything Be Done? Part I” by Jim Hopf
A wildly skewed regulatory and policy playing field works against nuclear energy – and it is the result of deep prejudices.
other forms of prejudice, these views are mostly baseless, not
supported by facts or data, but they persist regardless of what
scientific data say.
the public seems to care relatively little about continual and harmful
pollution by other industries and energy sources, relative to nuclear.
is difficult if not impossible for an energy source to survive in the
marketplace if substantial public prejudice against it exists. What can
be done about this?
Nuclear Power's Role in Responding to Climate Change
Nuclear Power's Role in Responding to Climate Change
Consistency required for Fukushima return
Consistency required for Fukushima return
Decontamination near the Fukushima Daiichi plant is progressing more efficiently, with convergence on measures that will support a return to evacuated areas. An IAEA team encouraged experts to communicate that radiation dose rates below 20 mSv per year are acceptable. http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/RS-Consistency-required-for-Fukushima-return-2401141.html
Decontamination near the Fukushima Daiichi plant is progressing more efficiently, with convergence on measures that will support a return to evacuated areas. An IAEA team encouraged experts to communicate that radiation dose rates below 20 mSv per year are acceptable. http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/RS-Consistency-required-for-Fukushima-return-2401141.html
Nuke Girls Unite! Diversity & Social Justice in STEM
Nuke Girls Unite! Diversity & Social Justice in STEM
Bottom 5 States in Fiscal Condition: New Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, California
Bottom 5 States in Fiscal Condition: New Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, California
Read more at http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2014/01/bottom-5-states-in-fiscal-condition-new.html#Vh3A0UiQ8VLvptoM.99
Read more at http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2014/01/bottom-5-states-in-fiscal-condition-new.html#Vh3A0UiQ8VLvptoM.99
Keystone Cop-Out Obama should give Canada an answer, already. By Charles Krauthammer
Keystone Cop-Out
Obama should give Canada an answer, already.
Obama should give Canada an answer, already.
The Fukushima Secrecy Syndrome: From Japan to America
The Fukushima Secrecy Syndrome: From Japan to America
by Ralph Naderhttp://dissidentvoice.org/2014/01/the-fukushima-secrecy-syndrome-from-japan-to-america/
Obama, the Ingrate By Jeffrey Folks
December jobs report was truly awful, with 74,000 non-farm jobs created
and the labor-force participation rate at a 35-year low. Liberals --
the same bunch who insist that the climate is warming at an alarming
rate -- were quick to point to cold weather as a factor discouraging
job-creation. They also insisted that the jobs numbers are volatile and
that they might be better next time. Of course, they might be worse.
Regardless, nothing can hide the fact that Obama's job-creation record has been a disaster. Having "focused like a laser" on job growth several times in the past, Obama reportedly plans to do so again in his State of the Union address on January 28.
Interestingly enough, jobs and the economy were the centerpiece of Obama's State of the Union speeches in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. And each year, the labor-participation rate and net number of jobs declined as a greater number of discouraged workers gave up than found jobs. For 2014, it's more of the same: empty words, a new initiative ("promise zones"), and no result.
Ironically, the only sector that has seen strong and persistent job growth since 2008 has been oil and gas. Ironic, because Obama has done all he can to slow domestic oil and gas production by expanding regulation, restricting leasing of federal lands, and proposing huge tax increases on the sector.
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2014/01/no_cheers_for_oil.html#ixzz2rL8KTFip
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Regardless, nothing can hide the fact that Obama's job-creation record has been a disaster. Having "focused like a laser" on job growth several times in the past, Obama reportedly plans to do so again in his State of the Union address on January 28.
Interestingly enough, jobs and the economy were the centerpiece of Obama's State of the Union speeches in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. And each year, the labor-participation rate and net number of jobs declined as a greater number of discouraged workers gave up than found jobs. For 2014, it's more of the same: empty words, a new initiative ("promise zones"), and no result.
Ironically, the only sector that has seen strong and persistent job growth since 2008 has been oil and gas. Ironic, because Obama has done all he can to slow domestic oil and gas production by expanding regulation, restricting leasing of federal lands, and proposing huge tax increases on the sector.
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2014/01/no_cheers_for_oil.html#ixzz2rL8KTFip
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Russia muscles into European nuclear industry
Russia muscles into European nuclear industry
A new deal with Hungary is set to boost Moscow's influence as its grip on oil and gas wanes.
A new deal with Hungary is set to boost Moscow's influence as its grip on oil and gas wanes.
IAEA Delivers Final Report on Remediation in Fukushima to Japan
IAEA Delivers Final Report on Remediation in Fukushima to Japan
Remediation workers check bags of soil and other decontamination waste
at a temporary storage site in Date city in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.
(Photo: G. Tudor/IAEA)
Story Resources
The IAEA report, which is available online, describes the findings of the Follow-up IAEA International Mission on Remediation of Large Contaminated Areas Off-Site the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, held on 14 to 21 October 2013. The report highlights important progress in all areas to date, and offers advice on several points where the team feels it is still possible to further improve current practices.
Juan Carlos Lentijo, Director of the IAEA Division of Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology, led the 16-member mission team, which comprised international experts and IAEA staff working in a range of disciplines including radiation protection, remediation approaches and technologies, waste management and stakeholder involvement.
"The Mission Team was impressed by the amount of resources allocated and by the intense work that Japan is carrying out in efforts to remediate the affected areas and promote the return of evacuees to their homes, together with efforts for reconstruction of those areas," he said.
The team welcomed progress achieved following the first IAEA remediation mission in October 2011, including the remediation of farmland and forest areas. The team also welcomed significant progress by municipalities and the national government in the development and establishment of temporary storage facilities for contaminated materials generated by on-going remediation activities. In addition, the mission team noted the progress made towards the national Government's creation of interim storage facilities, with the cooperation of municipalities and local communities.
The mission observed that comprehensive implementation of food safety measures is in place to protect consumers and improve consumer confidence in farm produce, reflected in an increase in the economic value of the crops.
Japanese authorities were encouraged to sustain current public communication efforts and enhance these whenever necessary, especially with a view to explaining to the public that, in remediation situations, any level of individual radiation dose in the range of 1 to 20 mSv per year is acceptable and in line with the international standards and with the recommendations from the relevant international organisations such as ICRP, IAEA, UNSCEAR and WHO.
The team recognized the efforts to reduce residual doses to less than 1 mSv per year, but stressed that this target is a long-term goal, and that it cannot be achieved in a short time - for example, through decontamination work alone. The IAEA is ready to continue to support Japan in its remediation efforts, at its request.
The Mission was in line with the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety, which was unanimously endorsed by the IAEA's Member States in September 2011 and defines a programme of work to strengthen the global nuclear safety framework.
--by Gill Tudor, IAEA Office of Public Information and Communication
Can clean energy replace a shuttered nuke plant in California? By John Upton
Can clean energy replace a shuttered nuke plant in California?
By John Upton
NRC Revises Review Schedule for Waste Confidence Environmental Study and Final Rule
NRC Revises Review Schedule for Waste Confidence
Environmental Study and Final Rule
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is revising its review schedule for the final versions of its
Waste Confidence Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) and final rule on the extended
storage of spent nuclear fuel at the nation’s commercial nuclear p
ower plants.
When the Commission directed the staff to develop the environmental study and regulation, it
gave a deadline of September 2014. The new schedule envisions publication of the rule and GEIS no
later than Oct. 3. The delay reflects time lost during the government shutdown and lapse of
appropriations last October. The shutdown led the agency to reschedule several public meetings and
extend the public comment period on the draft versions of the GEIS and rule by nearly a month
“Waste confidence remins a high agency priority,” NRC Chairman Allison Macfarlane said.
Our staff will continue to work aggressively to meet its schedule milestones and come as
close as possible to meeting the original deadline. However, it’s important for the
public and ourlicensees to know now that, due to unanticipated events the staff may need
some extra time to give the array of public comments the attention they deserve.
During the 98 day public comment period, the NRC held 13 public meetings nationwide to
collect public comments on the draft environmental statement and rule. The agency also received
more than 33,000 written comments.
EIA now providing more detail on electric capacity additions and retirements
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Electric Power Monthly
Note: Click for a larger version.
Note: Click for a larger version.
Beginning in December 2013, new tables and maps in the Electric Power Monthly provide detailed accounting of generator additions and retirements, as well as their effects on total capacity by fuel and technology type, on a state-by-state basis.
The state-level detail in the tables can be represented using maps like the one above. Maps make it easier to see, for example, the concentration of new solar generators in the Southwest, natural gas generators in Texas and along the Atlantic Coast, and wind generators in the Plains region that are expected to come online between December 2013 and November 2014.
Power plant owners and operators report plans to modify or retire existing generators, or build new generators, every year as part of EIA's Annual Electric Generator Report. A monthly survey prompts respondents for updates to plans for new builds, modifications, or retirements during the 12 months leading up to the expected change. EIA also follows trade press announcements and third-party tracking services to identify potential planned generators to include in the data collection process.
All generators at plants with at least one megawatt of capacity are represented in these surveys, including most large industrial and commercial generators. Smaller installations, such as residential rooftop solar, are not represented; instead, data for such installations are typically reflected in aggregate reporting from electric utilities that track the interconnection of these distributed systems to their distribution networks.
PennEnergy's Top Oil & Gas News 1/24
Top Oil & Gas News | |||
Alaskan natural gas pipeline project may
cost up to $65 billion Officials in Alaska plan to construct a natural gas pipeline that would transport gas from the North Slope to an export plant, Reuters reported. The cost of the 800-mile pipeline project is estimated to be between $45 billion to $65 billion. Alaska is working with oil and gas firms to develop the pipeline, including TransCanada, which agreed to be the builder, Exxon Mobil Corp and BP. Full Article Share: |
PennEnergy Video News
Update From the proposed Alaskan natural gas pipeline, to Shell's sale of Wheatstone interest, to Vietnam's drop in oil imports, all of the week's biggest headlines are in the PennEnergy Video News Update. Full Article Share: |
This Week's Most Popular Oil & Gas News
• Shell sells interest in liquefied natural gas joint venture
• Vietnam oil imports drop 19.9 percent in 2013
• Ghana to spend $20 billion in offshore oil investments
• Gulf Coast Project begins delivering crude oil to Texas refineries
• Refined charity: A conversation with Oilfield Helping Hands
• 8 insights for selecting a web-based SCADA system
• API: Prevention is key to improving oil and gas rail safety
• GE to acquire Cameron’s Reciprocating Compression division
• Dutch to reduce Groningen gas field production at least 15 percent
• Materials management in the oil and gas sector discussed in upcoming webcast
• Liquefied natural gas carrier vessel added to Gazprom fleet
• Statoil awarded new acreage on the Norwegian continental shelf
• Honeywell UOP gas processing technology selected in China
• Wison announces floating liquefied natural gas regasification agreement
• Tendeka promotes new Vice President of Strategy and Marketing
• Gazprom and CNPC talk gas supply in Beijing
• Shell sells interest in liquefied natural gas joint venture
• Vietnam oil imports drop 19.9 percent in 2013
• Ghana to spend $20 billion in offshore oil investments
• Gulf Coast Project begins delivering crude oil to Texas refineries
• Refined charity: A conversation with Oilfield Helping Hands
• 8 insights for selecting a web-based SCADA system
• API: Prevention is key to improving oil and gas rail safety
• GE to acquire Cameron’s Reciprocating Compression division
• Dutch to reduce Groningen gas field production at least 15 percent
• Materials management in the oil and gas sector discussed in upcoming webcast
• Liquefied natural gas carrier vessel added to Gazprom fleet
• Statoil awarded new acreage on the Norwegian continental shelf
• Honeywell UOP gas processing technology selected in China
• Wison announces floating liquefied natural gas regasification agreement
• Tendeka promotes new Vice President of Strategy and Marketing
• Gazprom and CNPC talk gas supply in Beijing
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Power Engineering's Top Stories for Week of 1/24
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January issue of Power Engineering available
In the latest issue of Power Engineering magazine, the editors of PE and RenewableEnergyWorld.com name the Projects of the Year for coal, gas, nuclear, wind, solar, hydropower, bioenergy and geothermal. Did your project make the cut? To find out, click here. Read More Share: |
Video Highlights | |||
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GE Hitachi to pay $2.7M settlement over nuclear
reactor design false claims North Carolina-based General Electric Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas LLC (GE Hitachi) agreed to pay $2.7 million to resolve allegations that it provided false statements to the DOE and NRC about an advanced nuclear reactor design. Read More Share: |
Cape Wind power project faces new
lawsuit The proposed Cape Wind offshore wind energy project faces another lawsuit from opponents who say state regulators should not have forced NSTAR to purchase energy produced by the project. Read More Share: |
Two AEP coal-fired power plants to use B&W
emissions controls Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group Inc., a subsidiary of The Babcock & Wilcox Co. (NYSE: BWC), was awarded more than $40 million in emissions control equipment at two coal-fired power plants in Oklahoma and Texas. Read More Share: |
Integrys Energy Group to sell Upper Peninsula Power
Company for $298M Integrys Energy Group Inc. (NYSE:TEG) has entered into an agreement to sell 100 percent of the Upper Peninsula Power Company (UPPCO) to Balfour Beatty Infrastructure Partners LP (BBIP) for about $298.8 million. Read More Share: |
The Week's Most Read Articles | |||
FutureGen clean coal power plant receives final
approval The FutureGen clean coal project received the final approval it needed in order to begin construction. Read More Share: |
BlackLight Power Inc. achieves the conversion of
water fuel to “Hydrino” BlackLight Power Inc. (BLP), an innovation company that focuses on energy sources, has produced millions of watts of power with its Solid Fuel-Catalyst-Induced-Hydrino- Read More Share: |
Nebraska AG to challenge EPA's
NSPS Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning announced the state will be filing suit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to challenge the agency’s New Source Performance Standards, which limit carbon emissions on new power plants. Read More Share: |
EPA delays finalizing Section 316B
rule The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said in a statement that it will miss a deadline to finalize standards for cooling water intake structures under the Clean Water Act. Read More Share: |
Another leak found in Fukushima nuclear Unit 3
building Workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan found another water leak in the Unit 3 reactor building on Jan. 18. Read More Share: |
More Headlines
• Grady wind farm installs last turbine
• AWEA announces personnel changes
• GE introduces boiler water treatment technology
• Tritium leak discovered at Perry nuclear power plant
• Brayton Point retirement may be delayed
• ERCOT demand increases by 2.1 percent in 2013
• Nuclear waste repository not receiving additional fed funds
• Special inspection begins at Farley nuclear power plant
• PA coal alliance announces support for Governor's energy plan
• ERCOT plans more than $3.6 billion in transmission improvements
• Construction begins at Barilla solar project
• Global wind energy industry banks $28.1B in investments in 2013
• Power loss shuts down two nuclear power units
• Nuclear waste may be transferred to Hinkley Point A
• Largest offshore wind farm photo captured from space
• SCE&G year in review video shows Summer nuclear power plant progress
• US industry group protests China's solar PV taxes
• Grady wind farm installs last turbine
• AWEA announces personnel changes
• GE introduces boiler water treatment technology
• Tritium leak discovered at Perry nuclear power plant
• Brayton Point retirement may be delayed
• ERCOT demand increases by 2.1 percent in 2013
• Nuclear waste repository not receiving additional fed funds
• Special inspection begins at Farley nuclear power plant
• PA coal alliance announces support for Governor's energy plan
• ERCOT plans more than $3.6 billion in transmission improvements
• Construction begins at Barilla solar project
• Global wind energy industry banks $28.1B in investments in 2013
• Power loss shuts down two nuclear power units
• Nuclear waste may be transferred to Hinkley Point A
• Largest offshore wind farm photo captured from space
• SCE&G year in review video shows Summer nuclear power plant progress
• US industry group protests China's solar PV taxes
Industry Trends | |||
Henry Hub Average Natural Gas Spot
Prices The Henry Hub is the pricing point for natural gas futures contracts. Here's a look at how prices have changed up to Jan. 17, 2014. Read More Share: |
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Economic
Indicators The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas offers a glimpse into how the markets are doing domestically and internationally. Read More Share: |
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