Chairman Boxer and Senate Colleagues Press NRC to - US Senate ... The letter calls for NRC to require the prompt installation of engineered filtered venting systems to reduce the risk of significant releases of radiation in the event ... |
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Chairman Boxer and Senate Colleagues Press NRC
China energy consumption rises 3.9%
China energy consumption rises 3.9% in 2012 - Yahoo! Finance UK 'China energy consumption rises 3.9% in 2012' on Yahoo! Finance UK. A labourer is seen handling coal briquettes at a coal distribution business in Huaibei, ... |
China's energy consumption rises - China's energy consumption totaled 3.62 billion tonnes of standard coal ... Energy consumption for every 10,000 yuan ($1,601.98) of China's GDP fell 3.6 ... |
China energy consumption rises 3.9% in 2012 - The Economic Times Energy consumption by China, the world's leading emitter of C02, rose 3.9 per cent in 2012 from the previous year. |
China's energy consumption rises 3.9 pct in 2012 |Economy ... China's energy consumption totaled 3.62 billion tonnes of standard coal equivalent in 2012, up 3.9 percent year on year, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) ... |
Global team must dismantle No. 1: IAEA

Global team must dismantle No. 1: IAEA
Cleanup should not just tap into Japan expertise, Amano says
F. Daiichi unit #1 torus room handout and photos
A most interesting and informative handout package from Tokyo Electric Company on the F. Daiichi unit #1 torus room.
Hanford Leaking Tanks Web Update 2/23
Governor: 6 tanks leaking radioactive waste at Washington nuclear ... Six tanks at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in southeast Washington are leaking radioactive waste, the state's governor said Friday. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 Hanford tanks leaking nuclear waste - SFGate The leaks raise new concerns about delays for emptying the tanks at south- central Washington's Hanford nuclear reservation, and they strike another blow to ...
Two nuclear power plants to be commissioned by 2016’
Two nuclear power plants to be commissioned by 2016’
ISLAMABAD: Two nuclear power plants, 340MW each, are under construction at Chashma and are expected to be commissioned by 2016, with Chinese assistance.
ISLAMABAD: Two nuclear power plants, 340MW each, are under construction at Chashma and are expected to be commissioned by 2016, with Chinese assistance.
Iran refuses to go beyond nuclear obligations
Iran refuses to go beyond nuclear obligations Garwin: Reduce nuclear dangers
Richard Garwin: Reduce nuclear dangers
23 February 2013 Last updated at 10:47 ET Share this page Email Print 417 Share Facebook Twitter Iran announces uranium finds and power plant expansion
Iran announces uranium finds and power plant expansion announces uranium finds, days before nuclear talks
Iran announces uranium finds, days before nuclear talks
Q&A Series: Geomagnetic Disturbances and Power Outages Part IV
Q&A Series: Geomagnetic Disturbances and Power Outages Part IV
Editors Rebel Against Ratepayer Financing For Nuclear Plants
Editors Rebel Against Ratepayer Financing For Nuclear Plants
WILLIAM TUCKER: Why It’s Time to Solve Everything with a Carbon Tax By William Tucker
WILLIAM TUCKER: Why It’s Time to Solve Everything with a Carbon Tax
By William Tucker
Czechs, Slovaks to further develop nuclear power industry
Czechs, Slovaks to further develop nuclear power industry meteor triggered nuclear warning system
Russia meteor triggered nuclear warning system
The infrasonic waves from the detonation of a meteor over the Ural Mountains earlier this month was detected by 17 nuclear monitoring stations around the globe.
Sandia Labs revitalizes nuclear security infrastructure
Sandia Labs revitalizes nuclear security infrastructure
Oregon senator to ask for GAO probe of Hanford nuclear site
Oregon senator to ask for GAO probe of Hanford nuclear site
Fukushima Update 2/23

Today's Fukushima Commentary...
Japan needs to stop wasting money on radiation fears
seems Tokyo is content to continue throwing away big bucks in the
desire to soothe the radiation fears of a numerically-significant
minority in the population. Tokyo is decontaminating homes as far away
as 200 kilometers from F. Daiichi that have detectible Cesium levels.
Deconning most of these 103,000 homes will make them no safer than
without the expensive cleansing. Tokyo should shift the funding from
this politically-expedient boondoggle, and put it where it is really needed – the reconstruction of the Tohoku communities forever lost to the 3/11/11 tsunami.
Japan’s Greenpeace and Press call science a government “ploy” (Feb. 19)
Japanese researcher Kazuo Sakai said,
“Since the accident in Fukushima, no health effects from radiation have been
observed." But Greenpeace calls this a government ploy and says Japan
should carry out frequent health checks all over Japan "even if there is
no comparative epidemological data" to support it. The Japanese
constitution says the public has a right the right to live in peace, free from
fear. Greenpeace’s fear-mongering is a moral crime against the people of Japan.
http://www.hiroshimasyndrome.Romance of Radium – How did our relationship with radioactive material sour?
Romance of Radium – How did our relationship with radioactive material sour?
Adams discusses the experience of watching Romance of Radium, a 1937
short film about the wonders of radium and the reason why it was valued
at $750,000 per ounce - in 1937 vintage dollars. Seen through the lens
of today's pervasive radiation phobia, the film illustrates how
society's perceptions have changed - even though reality remains
The film, embedded as a YouTube clip in the post ends with the following statement:
of the darkness of the past comes a white light of hope for today,
radium, the most precious substance in the world. Centuries from now it
will still shine upon some future civilization, saving through the ages
countless thousands of human lives."
Rod Adams
Publisher, Atomic Insights
Radioactive Waste Is Leaking From Washington's Hanford Nuclear Reservation
Radioactive Waste Is Leaking From Washington's Hanford Nuclear Reservation
by Tyler Durden
now for a quick lesson in government spending: in the 1940s the
federal government created the now mostly decommissioned Washington's
Hanford Nuclear Reservation as part of the Manhattan Project to build
the atomic bomb. During the Cold War, the project was expanded to
include nine nuclear reactors and five large plutonium processing
complexes, which produced plutonium for most of the 60,000 weapons in
the U.S. nuclear arsenal. Sadly, many of the early safety procedures
and waste disposal practices were inadequate, and government documents
have since confirmed that Hanford's operations released significant
amounts of radioactive materials into the air and the Columbia River.
1.5C Temperature Rise Could Melt Permafrost
1.5C Temperature Rise Could Melt Permafrost
by Fiona Harvey, Guardian
Fiona Harvey, Guardian
A global temperature rise of 1.5C would be enough to start the melting of permafrost in Siberia, scientists warned on Thursday.Any widespread thaw in Siberia's permanently frozen ground could have severe consequences for climate change. Permafrost covers about 24% of the land surface of the northern hemisphere, and widespread melting could eventually trigger the release of hundreds of gigatonnes of carbon dioxide and methane, which would have a massive warming effect.
A global temperature rise of 1.5C would be enough to start the melting of permafrost in Siberia, scientists warned on Thursday.Any widespread thaw in Siberia's permanently frozen ground could have severe consequences for climate change. Permafrost covers about 24% of the land surface of the northern hemisphere, and widespread melting could eventually trigger the release of hundreds of gigatonnes of carbon dioxide and methane, which would have a massive warming effect.
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Siberian Caves Reveal Potential for Devastating Permafrost Thaw
1.5C rise in temperature enough to start permafrost melt, scientists warn
Siberia permafrost thaw warning
Scientists warn of melting permafrost if temperatures continue to rise
Major methane release is almost inevitable.
Are We Nearing The Permafrost Tipping Point?
Climatologists issue warning over Siberian permafrost thaw
Melting permafrost could be climate threat
Siberian Caves Reveal Advancing Permafrost Tha
Major methane release is almost inevitable
1.5C Temperature Rise Could Melt Permafrost
1.5C Temperature Rise Could Melt Permafrost
by Fiona Harvey, Guardian
Fiona Harvey, Guardian
A global temperature rise of 1.5C would be enough to start the melting of permafrost in Siberia, scientists warned on Thursday.Any widespread thaw in Siberia's permanently frozen ground could have severe consequences for climate change. Permafrost covers about 24% of the land surface of the northern hemisphere, and widespread melting could eventually trigger the release of hundreds of gigatonnes of carbon dioxide and methane, which would have a massive warming effect.
A global temperature rise of 1.5C would be enough to start the melting of permafrost in Siberia, scientists warned on Thursday.Any widespread thaw in Siberia's permanently frozen ground could have severe consequences for climate change. Permafrost covers about 24% of the land surface of the northern hemisphere, and widespread melting could eventually trigger the release of hundreds of gigatonnes of carbon dioxide and methane, which would have a massive warming effect.
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Siberian Caves Reveal Potential for Devastating Permafrost Thaw
1.5C rise in temperature enough to start permafrost melt, scientists warn
Siberia permafrost thaw warning
Scientists warn of melting permafrost if temperatures continue to rise
Major methane release is almost inevitable.
Are We Nearing The Permafrost Tipping Point?
Climatologists issue warning over Siberian permafrost thaw
Melting permafrost could be climate threat
Siberian Caves Reveal Advancing Permafrost Tha
Major methane release is almost inevitable
Ohio’s Energy Revolution An Economic ‘Game Changer’
Ohio’s Energy Revolution An Economic ‘Game Changer’
by Press Release
Ohio Petroleum Council (OPC) applauded Governor Kasich’s third State of
the State address and said that Ohio’s burgeoning oil and natural gasA
naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon gases
beneath the earth’s surface – often in association with petroleum.
industry is well positioned to advance the administration’s goals of
continued economic growth and
TEPCO workers collect water from Fukushima Daiichi Reactor 1 torus room
TEPCO workers collect water from Fukushima Daiichi Reactor 1 torus room selects 16 new sites for nuclear plants
Iran selects 16 new sites for nuclear plants
Locations chosen in part for their resistance to military airstrikes; state TV reports new uranium reserves discovered
Renewable Energy at New Generating Capacity: Three-Fold Increase From Last Year
Renewable Energy at New Generating Capacity: Three-Fold Increase From Last Year
by globalwarmingisreal
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission reports that 1,231 megawatts of
new in-service generating capacity came online in January of 2013 – all
of it from renewable sources including wind, solar and biomass.
More South Korean Lawmakers Call for Nukes
More South Korean Lawmakers Call for Nukes
"The only way to defend our survival would be to maintain a balance of terror that confronts nuclear with nuclear," said South Korean lawmaker Shim Jae-cheol of the Saenuri Party at a Supreme Council meeting earlier this week. His remarks followed comments made the previous week by fellow party member Representative Chung Mong-joon.
China's nuclear energy program
China's nuclear energy program
by (brian wang)
Business Week has a review of China's nuclear construction program.China has 29 nuclear reactors under construction (40% of the world total).
Construction on the Pebble Bed reactor began in December. The design came from Beijing’s Tsinghua University. If successful, it would be the first full-size prototype of this technology. If unsuccessful, it would be a costly, dangerous mess to clean up. Germany’s pebble-bed prototype, which was never operational, cost €5.5 billion ($7.3 billion) to decontaminate.
In theory, a pebble-bed model operates much more efficiently than other designs. “The problem has been that although graphite is slippery when it’s cool, at high temperatures and when it’s heavily radiated it gets more sticky,” causing the graphite pebbles to get lodged in one place, explains Steve Thomas, professor of energy studies at London’s University of Greenwich. “When the pebbles stick, they overheat and start to disintegrate, leaving a dust of fuel products and radioactive graphite.”
The Chinese are also testing the radioactive chemical thorium, said to be safer than uranium, as a nuclear fuel. That program was launched in 2011 in Shanghai by former President Jiang Zemin’s son, Jiang Mianheng.
Read more »
More South Korean Lawmakers Call for Nukes
More South Korean Lawmakers Call for Nukes
"The only way to defend our survival would be to maintain a balance of terror that confronts nuclear with nuclear," said South Korean lawmaker Shim Jae-cheol of the Saenuri Party at a Supreme Council meeting earlier this week. His remarks followed comments made the previous week by fellow party member Representative Chung Mong-joon.
More South Korean Lawmakers Call for Nukes
More South Korean Lawmakers Call for Nukes
"The only way to defend our survival would be to maintain a balance of terror that confronts nuclear with nuclear," said South Korean lawmaker Shim Jae-cheol of the Saenuri Party at a Supreme Council meeting earlier this week. His remarks followed comments made the previous week by fellow party member Representative Chung Mong-joon.
Senate Democrats Push for New Reactor Mandates Against Nuclear Disasters
Senate Democrats Push for New Reactor Mandates Against Nuclear Disasters
Global Security Newswire
WASHINGTON – Key Senate Democrats are urging the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to require that aging atomic power plants make upgrades meant to reduce the amount of radioactive material released into the environment following an act of terrorism or a natural disaster.
Members of the party's Senate leadership were among 12 Democrats to sign a letter made public on Thursday that urges the commission to install so-called filtered vents at old nuclear plants.
DOE Official: Security Breach May Necessitate Nuclear Agency’s Elimination
DOE Official: Security Breach May Necessitate Nuclear Agency’s Elimination
Global Security Newswire
ARLINGTON, Va. – The Energy Department’s top safety and security official suggested on Thursday that eliminating the semiautonomous National Nuclear Security Administration might be prudent in the wake of last year’s highly publicized break-in at the Y-12 nuclear weapons facility.
Not-So-Smart ALEC: The Right Wing vs. Renewable Energy
Posted: 23 Feb 2013 12:50 AM PST
here. This post is useful not simply for its discussion of the
economics of green energy but also for showing how think tanks fabricate
findings to support their political message.By Frank Ackerman, senior economist at Synapse Energy Economics, and a senior research fellow at GDAE at Tufts University. Cross posted from Triple Crisis
Nuclear power still solidly supported by Americans finds new poll
A solid majority of Americans continues to
hold favorable views of nuclear energy and believes that electric
companies should prepare now for new nuclear energy facilities to be
Introducing Obama's Likely Pick for Energy Secretary
Introducing Obama's Likely Pick for Energy Secretary
On Nuclear Weapons as Units of Measurement
On Nuclear Weapons as Units of Measurement
Hanford Nuclear Reservation Tanks Leaking Radioactive Waste Underground, Governor Inslee Says
Hanford Nuclear Reservation Tanks Leaking Radioactive Waste Underground, Governor Inslee Says state’s governor says 6 underground tanks at Hanford nuclear reservation leaking
6 Hanford tanks leaking nuclear waste
Underground Nuclear Tanks Leaking in Washington State By KIRK JOHNSON
Underground Nuclear Tanks Leaking in Washington State
Does Obama Really Prefer Natural Gas Over Nuclear Power?
Does Obama Really Prefer Natural Gas Over Nuclear Power?
Thorium Reactor -Physics presentation by Michael Lim
Thorium Reactor -Physics presentation by Michael Lim on Prezi Conclusion As of now Norway, China and the UK are leading the development in thorium reactors. This testing will be over the next 4 years to see if Thorium is a ... |
John Kutsch - Welcome to Thorium Energy Alliance Conference #4
John Kutsch - Welcome to Thorium Energy Alliance Conference #4 ...
John Kutsch welcomes you to TEAC4 - Thorium Energy Alliance's Conference #4 , which was ...
John Kutsch welcomes you to TEAC4 - Thorium Energy Alliance's Conference #4 , which was ...
Friday, February 22, 2013
Nuclear News Round Up (19th Feb – 22nd Feb)
Nuclear News Round Up (19th Feb – 22nd Feb)
by assystem admin
Wash. state governor: 6 underground nuclear tanks leaking
Wash. state governor: 6 underground nuclear tanks leaking
Understanding China Energy |
Understanding China Energy |
China has a major expansion of nuclear energy planned for 2020, and again for 2030. It is currently the country with the largest number of power stations in ...
China has a major expansion of nuclear energy planned for 2020, and again for 2030. It is currently the country with the largest number of power stations in ...
NASA: A Nuclear Reactor To Replace Your Water Heater
NASA: A Nuclear Reactor To Replace Your Water Heater
Energy Nominee Moniz Sees Fracking as Bridge to Renewables
Energy Nominee Moniz Sees Fracking as Bridge to Renewables
China's Push For Nuclear Power: Alternative Energy And Export Potential
China's Push For Nuclear Power: Alternative Energy And Export Potential
China deploys uranium enrichment centrifuge for industrial use
China deploys uranium enrichment centrifuge for industrial use
IAEA to propose multilateral efforts to retire Fukushima nuclear reactors
IAEA to propose multilateral efforts to retire Fukushima nuclear reactors
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TEXT-Fitch: TVA deal could pave way to small nuclear reactors Energy Collective Can Shale Gas Go Global?
Can Shale Gas Go Global?
An exclusive, live webinar from The Energy Collective
February 28 at 1pm EST / 10am PST
February 28 at 1pm EST / 10am PST
The International Energy Agency now projects that North America will be energy
self-sufficient by 2020, with the U.S. becoming the world's largest producer of
both natural gas and oil. . In 2000, shale gas accounted for only 1% of all US
natural gas production. Today, it accounts for almost a quarter, and by 2035,
it will be over half. The resulting low cost of natural gas has turned the US
into an energy-exporting nation, has transformed states like North Dakota into
boom areas and is in the process of driving coal out of business. The
geopolitical, economic, and environmental ramifications of this new development
are just coming into view.
Countries across the globe are now looking to the United States to see if they
should develop their shale gas resources. Cheaper natural gas is shifting the
geopolitical power balance between the EU and Russia. China's shale reserves
are supposedly larger than those in the US, with Argentina not far behind.
Countries like Mexico, South Africa and Australia could also benefit. But will
the myriad risks, from increased carbon emissions to water contamination and
potential earthquakes, outweigh the benefits?
With the political, social and economic fallout still up in the air, The Energy Collective brings you a webcast focused on exploring what this means.
Don't miss it and Register Now!
Vermont Yankee is Refueling and I Sort of Told You So
Vermont Yankee is Refueling and I Sort of Told You So
NEI's Marv Fertel delivers the industry's 2013 Wall Street Briefing on February 14, 2013 in Manhattan.
NEI's Marv Fertel delivers the industry's 2013 Wall Street Briefing on February 14, 2013 in Manhattan.
NRC increases oversight at New York's Nine Mile
NRC increases oversight at New York's Nine Mile ... -
Feb 19- The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said it will increase oversight activity at two New York nuclear reactors due to declining performance trends ...
Feb 19- The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said it will increase oversight activity at two New York nuclear reactors due to declining performance trends ...
Wyden, Merkley press NRC on reactor safety | News - Home
Wyden, Merkley press NRC on reactor safety | News - Home
Oregon Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley said Thursday they have joined with 10 Senate colleagues on a letter to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, urging ...
Japan's lesson for U.S. reactors: Disaster is possible
Japan's lesson for U.S. reactors: Disaster is possible Updates 2/22
Here are the topics for today's Fukushima updates. Click the link for the full reports.
Prefecture say their radiation monitors recorded releases from
Fukushima Daiichi unit #1 several hours before the plant’s venting
operations began. One NAIIC member says it could further delay nuke
restarts... Regardless, two mayors in Fukui Prefecture are asking for
nuke restarts... The Ikata station, Ehime prefecture, could be the first
nuke restarted... The NRA has conditionally approved the final
wastewater decontamination system for F. Daiichi... About 65% of the
tsunami debris in the Tohoku region has yet to be disposed of.
PLA on course for nuclear-powered aircraft carriers
PLA on course for nuclear-powered aircraft carriers
South China Morning Post - 1 hour ago
Beijing has approved funding for major projects to develop core
technologies for nuclear-powered vessels, a first official indication of
plans to build nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. But military experts
said it was too early to determine when China would ...
CSIC project likely to be nuke engine for carriers
Global Times -
China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) on Friday did not deny
reports that it has started a new project on researching "key
technologies and safety for nuclear-powered ships," which analysts
believed to be linked to China's desire for nuclear-powered ...
China mulls nuclear ships for polar routes (blog) -
The nuclear icebreaker club currently has only one member: Russia,
which has a fleet of them. Above, the "Yamal" nuclear-powered vessel on
its way to the North Pole. –. China is considering using nuclear-powered
ships for polar exploration according to a ...
China mulls nuclear power for polar ships
SinoShip News - 16 hours ago
Beijing: China's polar expedition ships might use nuclear power in the
future, Du Wenlong, a senior researcher at the People's Liberation
Army's Academy of Military Science, told local media. "Compared with
ships that use conventional propulsion, ...
China provides Rs 136 bn loan for Pakistan nuclear plants
China provides Rs 136 bn loan for Pakistan nuclear plants
Zee News -
China provides Rs 136 bn loan for Pakistan nuclear plants Islamabad:
China has provided a loan of Rs 136 billion for two nuclear power plants
that Pakistan expects to commission by 2016, the state-run media
reported on Friday. The power plants of 340MW ...
China provides Rs 136 billion loan for Pak nuclear plants
Business Standard - 10 hours ago
China has provided a loan of Rs 136 billion for two nuclear power
plants that Pakistan expects to commission by 2016, the state-run media
reported today. The power plants of 340MW each are being built with
Chinese assistance at the Chashma nuclear ...
Posted by Parvez Jabri
Business Recorder (blog) - 11 hours ago
ISLAMABAD: Two nuclear power plants, 340MW each, are under construction
at Chashma and are expected to be commissioned by 2016, with Chinese
assistance. Construction of these power plants became possible after a
long-standing agreement, while ...
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