Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

NRC accepts open phase petition, declines immediate action request

NRC accepts open phase petition, declines immediate action request


Baku wants to protect region from Chernobyl-like disaster in Armenia

Baku wants to protect region from Chernobyl-like disaster in Armenia

New report: Global nuclear power cable industry forecast to 2021 - WhaTech

New report: Global nuclear power cable industry forecast to 2021 - WhaTech

A nuclear South Korea would be a mistake | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

A nuclear South Korea would be a mistake | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Detailed examination of the nuclear power in Republic of Korea, market forecast to 2030 - WhaTech

Detailed examination of the nuclear power in Republic of Korea, market forecast to 2030 - WhaTech

Walker to sign bill ending nuclear power moratorium

Walker to sign bill ending nuclear power moratorium

Global nuclear power development in numbers

   Global nuclear power development in numbers

New Chemistries Found for Liquid Batteries

New Chemistries Found for Liquid Batteries


China is putting the finishing touches on a nuclear missile that can strike the US

China is putting the finishing touches on a nuclear missile that can strike the US


Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit Neglects 98 Percent of the World’s Bomb-Ready Uranium

Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit Neglects 98 Percent of the World’s Bomb-Ready Uranium


Stanford University report finds fracking CAN pollute underground drinking water, conflicting with previous studies

Stanford University report finds fracking CAN pollute underground drinking water, conflicting with previous studies


Can Sanders Win Over Rich Voters in New York? | naked capitalism

Can Sanders Win Over Rich Voters in New York? | naked capitalism

A Wake-Up Call on Climate Change and Clean Energy


Friday, April 1, 2016

The Myth Of Wind And Solar 'Capacity' - Forbes

The Myth Of Wind And Solar 'Capacity' - Forbes

Nuclear Power Under Threat In New York | OilPrice.com

Nuclear Power Under Threat In New York | OilPrice.com

Why America's Clean Energy Plans Need To Embrace Nuclear Power


New Coal Plants Rise in 2015 Despite Falling Consumption

Sophie Yeo, Carbon Brief: An analysis by CoalSwarm looks at the state of global coal over the last year. Their findings highlight a disconnect between the recent reductions in demand for coal and the hundreds of gigawatts of new capacity that developers want to build.

Minimize Harm and Security Risks of Nuclear Energy

Minimize Harm and Security Risks of Nuclear Energy


FitzPatrick Closing Date Announced

FitzPatrick Closing Date Announced


From Fukushima to Brussels: Why Nuclear Power Isn’t Worth the Risks

From Fukushima to Brussels: Why Nuclear Power Isn’t Worth the Risks


FACT SHEET: Insider Threat Mitigation

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release

FACT SHEET: Insider Threat Mitigation

Effective and comprehensive nuclear security must include technical and administrative measures to deter, detect, and mitigate threats posed by “insiders.”  The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) defines insiders as individuals with authorized access to nuclear facilities or nuclear material who could attempt unauthorized removal or sabotage, or who could aid an external adversary to do so.  The United States has sponsored a Gift Basket at the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit that highlights this important issue through a call to bolster IAEA guidelines and training on this subject and encourage commitments to implementing strong insider threat mitigation programs.
The United States maintains robust, multi-layered insider threat mitigation programs at its nuclear facilities and shares its experiences and best practices from these programs with the IAEA and bilaterally with international partners.  Domestically, each nuclear facility applies, appropriate to the potential risk, administrative controls, policies, and technical systems that are integrated to minimize the insider threat.  Internationally, the U.S. Departments of Energy, State, Defense, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission assist partner states in developing and implementing national and site-level policies, programs, and procedures intended to deter, detect, and mitigate the insider threat.  Through the Gift Basket at the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit, the United States commits to augment these existing activities, including by supporting the IAEA’s development and implementation of an advanced, practitioner-level training course aimed at countering insider threats.


Nuclear Power Under Threat In New York

Nuclear Power Under Threat In New York


More tests ON ASR at N-plant

More tests ON ASR at N-plant


Critical Nuclear Reactor Bolts Fail at Indian Point 2

Critical Nuclear Reactor Bolts Fail at Indian Point 2


FEMA to Perform 'Full-Scale Exercise' at Nuclear Power Plant

FEMA to Perform 'Full-Scale Exercise' at Nuclear Power Plant


Industry group disputes Vermont’s fears about decommissioning

Industry group disputes Vermont’s fears about decommissioning


How safely are 3 of N.J.'s nuclear plants operating?

How safely are 3 of N.J.'s nuclear plants operating?


Saving Nuclear Energy in Illinois

Saving Nuclear Energy in Illinois


Donald Trump’s Great America apparently includes a nuclear-armed world

Donald Trump’s Great America apparently includes a nuclear-armed world


A Nuclear Security Summit primer

A Nuclear Security Summit primer


Saudi Arabia Plans $2 Trillion Megafund for Post-Oil Era: Deputy Crown Prince

Saudi Arabia Plans $2 Trillion Megafund for Post-Oil Era: Deputy Crown Prince


Nuclear security: Continuous improvement or dangerous decline?

Nuclear security: Continuous improvement or dangerous decline?


Climate Change Related Pieces In Federal Budget

Climate Change Related Pieces In Federal Budget
By Michael Bar
Climate Change Related Pieces In Federal Budget
By Michael Barrett, Matthew Peters | Bennett Jones LLP, Thursday, March 31, 2016 4:00 PM
Prime Minister Harper And Supporters Await Election Results
Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s first federal budget includes many of the environmental initiatives the Liberals raised in their election platform.
rett, Matthew Peters | Bennett Jones LLP, Thursday, March 31, 2016 4:00 PM
Prime Minister Harper And Supporters Await Election Results
Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s first federal budget includes many of the environmental initiatives the Liberals raised in their election platform.

Billion Dollar Decisions: The Benefits Of Risk-Based Capital Plans

Billion Dollar Decisions: The Benefits Of Risk-Based Capital Plans
By Mike Elenbaas and Arlin Mire | Black & Veatch, Thursday, March 31, 2016 10:00 AM
Australian Electricity Prices Surge 50 Percent In Five Years
Aging infrastructure is one of the top concerns among electric utility leaders across the United States. Utility leaders need to address this issue proactively before failures create serious reliability issues, accelerate costs and strain the labor force beyond its capacity. Addressing this myriad of aging assets requires manpower and extensive capital investment – investment that… Keep reading →http://breakingenergy.com/2016/03/31/billion-dollar-decisions-the-benefits-of-risk-based-capital-plans/?utm_campaign=Breaking+Energy+Daily+Digest&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=27947038&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_XsUmbohc-juQWDlLAWWRZlnd6VtgdSxfTQvN4UP5tR5sVTeInqltfMqzH4TTFPMZkCTpwgtoqb4IKaJBF4VcV0Nwq7w&_hsmi=27947038

European nuclear plant optimization report

“Europe’s nuclear industry must increase their efficiency and performance” according to 89% of leading utility professionals who took part in Nuclear Energy Insider’s Nuclear Plant Optimisation Survey.
As these utilities fight to remain profitable in tough market conditions, we’ve made the survey results available so you can see what the industry is doing to ensure plant reliability and performance.
See the challenge that market conditions and aging plants presents through the eyes of those within the industry right here
This report provides you with:
  • Complete results from Nuclear Energy Insider’s exclusive Nuclear Plant Optimisation survey investigating current views and approaches to improving plant performance
  • Insights from leading European and International Utilities on the challenge of equipment reliability, obsolescence and O&M strategies and what you can learn from this
  • Views and predictions from a cross spectrum of leading industry professionals on their organisations approach to O&M efficiency to allow you to align your organisations strategy to plant optimisation
I would be keen to hear your thoughts on the results!
John Furness
Senior Industry Analyst
Nuclear Energy Insider
+44 (0)207 375 7528

Thursday, March 31, 2016

This New Fuel Could Make Nuclear Power Safer and Cheaper

This New Fuel Could Make Nuclear Power Safer and Cheaper


Sea-level rise could nearly double over earlier estimates in next 100 years

Sea-level rise could nearly double over earlier estimates in next 100 years

One-Third Of All Americans Don’t Make Enough Money To Even Cover The Basic Necessities

One-Third Of All Americans Don’t Make Enough Money To Even Cover The Basic Necessities

Marshall Auerback: Donald Trump Understands the Nexus Between Trade and Immigration | naked capitalism

Marshall Auerback: Donald Trump Understands the Nexus Between Trade and Immigration | naked capitalism

Westinghouse CEO says firm is close to reactor deal with India

Westinghouse CEO says firm is close to reactor deal with India


EPA Busted for Laissez-Faire Oversight of Fracking Poison Wells

Sam Sacks, The District Sentinel: A federal watchdog reported that regulators at the Environmental Protection Agency aren't bothering to collect enough information necessary to ensure that fracked wastewater isn't poisoning people, shirking responsibilities under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Letter: Are San Onofre nuclear waste canisters cracking?

Letter: Are San Onofre nuclear waste canisters cracking?


AREVA Inc., NuScale Power Unveil NuFuel HTP2 Name for Small Modular Reactor Fuel Design

AREVA Inc., NuScale Power Unveil NuFuel HTP2 Name for Small Modular Reactor Fuel Design


Calls mount for increased scrutiny of Turkey Point

Calls mount for increased scrutiny of Turkey Point


Nuclear Power, Once Cheap, Squeezed by Mounting Costs

Nuclear Power, Once Cheap, Squeezed by Mounting Costs

Reactors were supposed to provide near-limitless electricity at low prices. But as they've aged, their costs have climbed.


Radiation arrived Oregon, Washington and California coasts – Cambridge Tech Time

Radiation arrived Oregon, Washington and California coasts – Cambridge Tech Time


Prosecutors drop TEPCO case over radioactive water leakage

Prosecutors drop TEPCO case over radioactive water leakage


Japan's power monopolies face major reform jolt

Japan's power monopolies face major reform jolt


Ice wall at Fukushima plant switched on, but will it work?

Ice wall at Fukushima plant switched on, but will it work?


The ‘Peaceful’ Atom (Take Shelter!)


The ‘Peaceful’ Atom (Take Shelter!)


Avoiding a nightmare for S.E. Asia’s dreams of nuclear power

Avoiding a nightmare for S.E. Asia’s dreams of nuclear power


Global demand for nuclear power rises, despite risks

Global demand for nuclear power rises, despite risks


Inside Qinshan: The first — and still largest — nuclear power plant in China

Inside Qinshan: The first — and still largest — nuclear power plant in China


Nuclear Power, Once Cheap, Squeezed by Mounting Costs

Nuclear Power, Once Cheap, Squeezed by Mounting Costs

Reactors were supposed to provide near-limitless electricity at low prices. But as they've aged, their costs have climbed.


ANS Nuclear Cafe Update

Remembering the First Female ANS Fellow – Margaret Butler

By ansnuclearcafe on Mar 31, 2016 07:28 am

By Linda Zec As we come to a completion of Women’s History Month, we at the American Nuclear Society would like to celebrate one of our own Women in History Continue Reading →
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VIDEO: Georgia Power shows progress at Vogtle Units 3 and 4

By Will Davis on Mar 25, 2016 01:09 pm

Two videos are featured this week. The first is a short, brand new (released this morning) video from Georgia Power showing some of the progress at Vogtle Units 3 and Continue Reading →
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Like the US, China wants a national electricity grid. Unlike the US, China’s just building it.

Like the US, China wants a national electricity grid. Unlike the US, China’s just building it.

Updated by on March 30, 2016, | http://www.vox.com/2016/3/30/11332900/china-long-distance-transmission

A Fukushima on the Hudson? The Growing Dangers of Indian Point

A Fukushima on the Hudson?
The Growing Dangers of Indian Point
By Ellen Cantarow and Alison Rose Levy
It was a beautiful spring day and, in the control room of the nuclear reactor, the workers decided to deactivate the security system for a systems test. As they started to do so, however, the floor of the reactor began to tremble. Suddenly, its 1,200-ton cover blasted flames into the air. Tons of radioactive radium and graphite shot 1,000 meters into the sky and began drifting to the ground for miles around the nuclear plant. The first firemen to the rescue brought tons of water that would prove useless when it came to dousing the fires. The workers wore no protective clothing and eight of them would die that night -- dozens more in the months to follow.
It was April 26, 1986, and this was just the start of the meltdown at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine, the worst nuclear accident of its kind in history. Chernobyl is ranked as a “level 7 event,” the maximum danger classification on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale.  It would spew out more radioactivity than 100 Hiroshima bombs. Of the 350,000 workers involved in cleanup operations, according to the World Health Organization, 240,000 would be exposed to the highest levels of radiation in a 30-mile zone around the plant. It is uncertain exactly how many cancer deaths have resulted since. The International Atomic Energy Agency’s estimate of the expected death toll from Chernobyl was 4,000. A 2006 Greenpeace report challenged that figure, suggesting that 16,000 people had already died due to the accident and predicting another 140,000 deaths in Ukraine and Belarus still to come. A significant increase in thyroid cancers in children, a very rare disease for them, has been charted in the region -- nearly 7,000 cases by 2005 in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.
Click here to read more of this dispatch.http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/176122/tomgram%3A_cantarow_and_levy%2C_could_nuclear_disaster_come_to_america/#more

Asians face huge water shortage by 2050 - Business Insider

Asians face huge water shortage by 2050 - Business Insider

Two Reasons to Restore American Nuclear Leadership — Medium

Two Reasons to Restore American Nuclear Leadership — Medium

Security at nuclear power stations - including Hinkley in Somerset - to be discussed by world leaders (From Burnham and Highbridge Weekly News)

Security at nuclear power stations - including Hinkley in Somerset - to be discussed by world leaders (From Burnham and Highbridge Weekly News)

Westinghouse expects to sign India reactor deal in June - CEO | Reuters

Westinghouse expects to sign India reactor deal in June - CEO | Reuters

Kirby says US to meet commitments under nuclear deal

Kirby says US to meet commitments under nuclear deal

Security at nuclear power stations - including Hinkley in Somerset - to be discussed by world leaders (From Burnham and Highbridge Weekly News)

Security at nuclear power stations - including Hinkley in Somerset - to be discussed by world leaders (From Burnham and Highbridge Weekly News)

CEZ - Ceske Energ. Zavody a.s. (via noodls) / ČEZ Has Been Granted License to Further Operate Unit 1 of Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant

CEZ - Ceske Energ. Zavody a.s. (via noodls) / ČEZ Has Been Granted License to Further Operate Unit 1 of Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant

US, Russia Need to Negotiate to Further Reduce Nuclear Stockpiles

US, Russia Need to Negotiate to Further Reduce Nuclear Stockpiles


Foreign attendees taking part in 4th Nuclear Secuirty Summit

Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal arrives in Washington to take part in 4th Nuclear Security Summit http://enews.shafaqna.com/EN/AL/2175878


 PM Modi arrives in US to attend Nuclear Security Summit



Xi arrives in Washington for Nuclear Security Summit



President Buhari expected in Washington for the nuclear security summit






Sellal in Washington for the 4th summit on nuclear security




Russia snubs major nuclear security summit with world’s superpowers in Washington DC




PM Modi arrives in US to attend Nuclear Security Summit- TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos

PM Modi arrives in US to attend Nuclear Security Summit- TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos

China set to deploy longest-range nuclear missile

China set to deploy longest-range nuclear missile


Sea level rise could double previous estimates, study finds (+video)

Sea level rise could double previous estimates, study finds (+video)

Previous estimates of sea level rise underestimate contributions from the Antarctic ice sheet by more than one meter, say two climate scientists in a study Wednesday.

Many climate scientists have predicted sea-level rise over the next century as a result of human-caused climate change. But in a new study, two climate scientists say an accurate estimate of sea-level rise is actually double that of previous predictions.
In a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature, Robert DeConto at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and David Pollard at Pennsylvania State University say previous ice-sheet-climate models “under-appreciated” the melting of the Antarctic ice sheet.
But to better understand the future, and Antarctica’s potential role in it, Professor DeConto and Professor Pollard first looked to the past.http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2016/0330/Sea-level-projections-may-be-vastly-underestimated-say-scientists

Nuclear helps offset dip in UK coal generation, 2015 data show

Nuclear helps offset dip in UK coal generation, 2015 data show
Figures released today by the Department of Energy and Climate Change show that electricity generation in the UK fell by half a percent last year to 337.7 TWh, from 338.9 TWh a year earlier. The change reflected a large fall in generation from coal that was offset by increases from renewables and nuclear, according to DECC's Energy Trends report for March 2016.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/EE-Nuclear-helps-offset-dip-in-UK-coal-generation-2015-data-shows-31031601.html

CGN boosts cooperation with Czech firms

CGN boosts cooperation with Czech firms
China General Nuclear announced today that it has signed memoranda of understanding with Czech engineering companies to cooperate in nuclear energy.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-CGN-boosts-cooperation-with-Czech-firms-3103166.html

Fukushima Update 3/31/16

Fukushima Update 3/31/16

The long-awaited F. Daiichi “ice wall” is finally approved, and begins operation… Most evacuees living in other prefectures want to stay there… Another Fukushima lawsuit is dropped by a court… Tokyo pushes for dry cask storage of used nuclear fuel bundles… Cesium concentrations in Japan’s wild game continues to drop.


B Corporation Certification: Is It For Utilities?

B Corporation Certification: Is It For Utilities?

France Bans, Imports, and Profits from Shale Gas

France Bans, Imports, and Profits from Shale Gas

MIT Energy Initiative and AVANGRID to Study the Future of the Electricity Industry

MIT Energy Initiative and AVANGRID to Study the Future of the Electricity Industry

California Looks to Modernize Natural Gas Utilities, Present a National Model

California Looks to Modernize Natural Gas Utilities, Present a National Model

Cameron to Announce Moves to Boost Nuclear-Industry Security - Bloomberg

Cameron to Announce Moves to Boost Nuclear-Industry Security - Bloomberg

Japan regulators OK costly ice wall at Fukushima plant

Japan regulators OK costly ice wall at Fukushima plant: TOKYO (AP) —

Britain to ship record amount of nuclear waste to U.S.: UK government source | Reuters

Britain to ship record amount of nuclear waste to U.S.: UK government source | Reuters

Shut New York Reactor May Hit Boston With Higher Power Prices - Bloomberg

Shut New York Reactor May Hit Boston With Higher Power Prices - Bloomberg

Weinstein: Nuclear should be part of renewables strategy

Nuclear energy becoming more vital than ever
Nuclear energy is needed now more than ever due to its reliability and the adoption of low-carbon energy goals, writes Maguire Energy Institute Associate Director Bernard Weinstein. While energy demand should grow at a slower rate in coming years, renewables aren't prepared to provide the bulk of the nation's electricity. "Considering as well new EPA regulations that will likely accelerate the demise of coal-fired power plants, the value proposition for nuclear energy is stronger than ever," Weinstein writes.
Houston Chronicle (tiered subscription model) (3/30)  http://www.houstonchronicle.com/opinion/outlook/article/Weinstein-Nuclear-should-be-part-of-renewables-7218574.php

Meeting Dates Finalized for Consent-Based Siting Public Meetings

The U.S. Department of Energy concluded its first public meeting in Chicago on March 29th to discuss consent-based siting.  We are holding our next meeting in Atlanta on April 11th.  In addition, the remaining six cities are now available for registration.  Please reference the links below and visit our website energy.gov/consentbasedsiting for more information.
  • Sacramento, California on April 26th at the Holiday Inn Capitol Plaza. Please register here to attend the Sacramento meeting in person or view the event online. To see a draft agenda, please click here.
  • Denver, Colorado on May 24, 2016 at the Embassy Suites Denver - Stapleton. Please register here to attend the Denver meeting in person or view the event online.
  • Boston, Massachusetts on June 2, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Boston. Please register here to attend the Boston meeting in person or view the event online.
  • Tempe, AZ on June 23, 2016 at the Marriott Phoenix Tempe at the Buttes. Please register here to attend the Tempe meeting in person or view the event online.
  • Boise, ID on July 14, 2016 at Boise Centre. Please register here to attend the Boise meeting in person or view the event online.
  • Minneapolis, MN on July 21, 2016 at the Hilton Minneapolis. Please register here to attend the Minneapolis meeting in person or view the event online.
We look forward to your participation! 

-The DOE Consent-based Siting Team

Department of Energy Consent-based Siting Public Meeting in Atlanta on April 11, 2016

Department of Energy Consent-based Siting Public Meeting in Atlanta on April 11, 2016


Consent Based Siting <consentbasedsiting@hq.doe.gov>

12:53 PM (26 minutes ago)

to Consent


On April 11th, in Atlanta, the Department of Energy will host the second of eight public meetings around the country on its consent-based siting initiative for facilities needed to manage our nation’s nuclear waste.  We hope to hear from the public, communities, states, Tribal governments, and others on what matters to you as the Department moves forward in developing a consent-based process for siting facilities needed to store, transport, and dispose of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste.

The meeting will be held at the Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center, from 12 noon until 6:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. The program will include a presentation from senior DOE officials and a panel session with several experts providing diverse perspectives on the main issues that need to be resolved in the design of a consent-based process.  Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions to the Department and panelists as well as make public comments at the end of the meeting. 

The Department of Energy is interested in hearing your views on:
  • How can the Department ensure that the process for selecting a site is fair?
  • What models and experience should the Department use in designing the process?
  • Who should be involved in the process for selecting a site, and what is their role?
  • What information and resources do you think would facilitate your participation?
  • What else should be considered?
In addition, DOE has published an Invitation for Public Comment in the Federal Register seeking input on these same questions.  The input provided through this notice and the eight public meetings will inform the design of consent-based siting process, which will in turn serve as a framework for engaging with potential host communities in the future.  Ultimately, DOE aims to work collaboratively with the public and interested communities to begin identifying potential partners in managing the nation’s spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste.  You can read the Department’s news release here.

Registration is encouraged in order to assist our logistics planning.  To register, please visit the Atlanta Registration PageThose unable to attend can view the meeting online through a live webcast that can be accessed through the registration page or the direct link Atlanta Webcast.  The Q&A session and public comment period will prioritize questions and comments from in-person attendees.  DOE plans to hold a national webinar in the coming months to accommodate those unable to attend the public meetings in person, and we will post information on our website when it becomes available.  Following the meeting, all materials including a transcript and video will be posted on our website energy.gov/consentbasedsiting.

We look forward to your participation and hope to see you in Atlanta!

John Kotek
Acting Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Energy Dept. to take out some plutonium in S.C., governor says

Energy Dept. to take out some plutonium in S.C., governor says
Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz has told South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley that six metric tons of plutonium will be removed by the federal government from the Savannah River Site by the end of 2016. The plutonium will be transported to New Mexico and stored there, Haley said. "We will continue to watch this process carefully, as the Department of Energy has not lived up to promises made in the past," she said. "We will not back down from our lawsuit until the [department] pays the $1 million a day fine they are required to under federal law."http://www.aikenstandard.com/article/20160329/AIK0105/160329306/1002/AIK01/nikki-haley-federal-government-agrees-to-remove-some-plutonium-from-srs