Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Bishop Barron's Gospel Reflection February 22, 2020
Why the family is the most beautiful school of love
Why the family is the most beautiful school of love: Children seem to have an intuition for feeling the love that unites their parents. They notice it through small details of daily life: conversations, gestures, and acts of love and forgiveness. Chi…
7 Saints who went through divorce
7 Saints who went through divorce: Divorce is always painful, and being divorced as a practicing Catholic can be terribly isolating. But while your friends from Bible Study may all be happily married, there are quite a few saints wh…
Why does St. Peter always hold keys in art?
Why does St. Peter always hold keys in art?: One of the easiest identifiers of St. Peter in Christian art has become a large set of keys. This applies both to paintings of the first pope and to statues. Why is that? First of all, St. Peter is…
“The devil is real,” Pope Francis Says in Italian TV Interview | Rebecca Hamilton
“The devil is real,” Pope Francis Says in Italian TV Interview | Rebecca Hamilton: Pope Francis is an Italian tv star. He has his own series, an eight-part series of interviews in which the Holy Father will offer his thoughts on the Nicene Creed. During the first installment, which aired Monday, Pope Francis affirmed what Catholic and other Christians have always known: The devil is real. "Some
Deaconesses: Examination of Biblical & Patristic Data | Dave Armstrong
Deaconesses: Examination of Biblical & Patristic Data | Dave Armstrong: This issue was raised when Pope Francis desired to set up a commission to study deaconesses. Is this automatically "liberal" or "heterodox" or "modernist"? No, not at all.
William McRaven: If good men like Joe Maguire can’t speak the truth, we should be deeply afraid - The Washington Post
William McRaven: If good men like Joe Maguire can’t speak the truth, we should be deeply afraid - The Washington Post: In the Trump administration, good men and women don’t last long.
Fukushima Update February 21, 2020

Fukushima Update February 21, 2020 –
The new IAEA director will visit F. Daiichi
next week… The remote visual examination inside F. Daiichi Unit #1 containment
will be delayed… Tepco is ordered to further compensate voluntary evacuees.
https://www.hiroshimasyndrome.Aurora Nuclear Plant | A Tiny Nuclear Plant Is Coming to Idaho
Aurora Nuclear Plant | A Tiny Nuclear Plant Is Coming to Idaho: The demonstration represents a new-generation of micro-reactors.
Rolls-Royce Reignites The Race To Build Mini-Nuclear Power Plants
Rolls-Royce Reignites The Race To Build Mini-Nuclear Power Plants: Last month, global manufacturer Rolls-Royce announced plans to build 10-15 small modular reactors (SMRs) in the United Kingdom by 2029.
Europe Could Cut Emissions 60% by Electrifying Fossil-Intensive Industries | The Energy Collective Daily
- Europe Could Cut Emissions 60% by Electrifying Fossil-Intensive Industries
- New Mexico Misses Chance to Help Consumers Drive Clean
- Pembina: Emissions 70% Above Global Average Put Tar Sands/Oil Sands on ‘Collision Course’
Europe Could Cut Emissions 60% by Electrifying Fossil-Intensive Industries | The Energy Collective Daily |
Friday, February 21, 2020
The War within Corporate America - American Affairs Journal
The War within Corporate America - American Affairs Journal: In the 2020 election cycle, corporate America seems under attack from all directions. Elizabeth Warren and Mark Zuckerberg are in a war of words; Bernie Sanders has proposed codetermination, partial employee ownership, and other major corporate governance reforms; Joe Biden has called for insurance company executives to be jailed; and Donald Trump regularly attacks Jeff…
The Sustainability Politics of Lithium-Ion Batteries
The Sustainability Politics of Lithium-Ion Batteries: Taking more lithium-ion from the Earth is necessary for electric vehicle production
Oklo Microreactor Is INL’s Pick for First-of-a Kind HALEU-Fueled Nuclear Demonstration
Oklo Microreactor Is INL’s Pick for First-of-a Kind HALEU-Fueled Nuclear Demonstration: Oklo, developer of a 1.5-MW passive compact fast reactor, will be the first to receive high-assay, low-enriched uranium (HALEU) nuclear fuel from Idaho
Trump has few alternatives to Yucca
Trump has few alternatives to Yucca: The Trump administration bailing on Nevada's Yucca Mountain as the nation's long-delayed nuclear waste storage site has exposed the reality that the United States does not have viable alternative solutions.
Southern Company decreases coal burn, moves closer to completing Vogtle nuclear project
Southern Company decreases coal burn, moves closer to completing Vogtle nuclear project
https://www.utilitydive.com/news/southern-company-decreases-coal-burn-moves-closer-to-completing-vogtle-nuc/572674/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Issue:%202020-02-21%20Utility%20Dive%20Newsletter%20%5Bissue:25802%5D&utm_term=Utility%20DiveFERC deals blow to New York renewable, storage projects, adding hurdles to NYISO capacity market
FERC deals blow to New York renewable, storage projects, adding hurdles to NYISO capacity market
General Atomics, Framatome join for fuel channel work : Uranium & Fuel - World Nuclear News
General Atomics, Framatome join for fuel channel work : Uranium & Fuel - World Nuclear News: Framatome and General Atomics are to collaborate on the development of accident-tolerant fuel channels fabricated from a silicon carbide composite rather than the current zirconium alloys. Advanced nuclear fuel designs using silicon carbide in the fuel channel, the say, will enhance safety and fuel performance.
Southern CEO: Early start-up of Vogtle units possible : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News
Southern CEO: Early start-up of Vogtle units possible : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: Southern Company remains confident of meeting the regulatory-approved in-service date of November 2021 for unit 3 of the Vogtle nuclear power plant in Georgia, CEO Tom Fanning said during a presentation of its 2019 results. He noted the AP1000 unit could even be brought online as early as May next year, with unit 4 following a year later.
Hydrogen potential for local gas networks in SA and Victoria | The Energy Collective Daily

Hydrogen potential for local gas networks in SA and Victoria | The Energy Collective Daily |
- Hydrogen potential for local gas networks in SA and Victoria
- Fertiliser could be used to power ocean-going ships
- Bushfires spark Australian debate about climate change
- Everything You Need To Know for Successful Renewable Energy Procurement in 2020
- 2020 ‘Factbook’ Reveals a Decade’s Shift to Advanced Energy
- Wind turbine blade recycler trying to fit the pieces together at Iowa factory
- Who’s Really Behind the Canadian Railroad Blockades?
Framatome signs service contracts for Finnish Olkiluoto 3 reactor - Power Engineering International
Framatome signs service contracts for Finnish Olkiluoto 3 reactor - Power Engineering International: Framatome has signed a series of service contracts with Finnish utility TVO for the long term operation of the Olkiluoto 3 EPR.
Living Planet: How to deal with radioactive waste in our oceans | Environment| All topics from climate change to conservation | DW | 20.02.2020
Living Planet: How to deal with radioactive waste in our oceans | Environment| All topics from climate change to conservation | DW | 20.02.2020: The nuclear disaster in Fukushima in Japan happened almost nine years ago. An earthquake triggered a tsunami that led to the meltdown of three nuclear reactors. Fukushima is soon running out of space to store radioactive water. DW's Tim Schauenberg talks about plans how to discharge that water and what else is lurking at the bottom of the sea.
NM senators block bill to expand State's nuclear waste oversight
NM senators block bill to expand State's nuclear waste oversight: Sponsor Sen. Jeff Steinborn (D-36) called the vote “misguided” but said the State would still have some say in the Holtec project.
Full termination of MOX at Savannah River Site expected soon | News | aikenstandard.com
Full termination of MOX at Savannah River Site expected soon | News | aikenstandard.com: Termination of the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility will be completed in fiscal year 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Energy's latest budget documents, a milestone marking the end
Exclusive: Westinghouse set to sign pact with Indian firm for nuclear reactors during Trump visit - Reuters
Exclusive: Westinghouse set to sign pact with Indian firm for nuclear reactors during Trump visit - Reuters: Exclusive: Westinghouse set to sign pact with Indian firm for nuclear reactors during Trump visit
TVA shuts down Watts Bar reactor, declares 'unusual event' | Chattanooga Times Free Press
TVA shuts down Watts Bar reactor, declares 'unusual event' | Chattanooga Times Free Press: The Tennessee Valley Authority idled one of the reactors at its newest nuclear power plant Wednesday after a gauge indicated a lower than expected level in one of its four steam generators and then, within 15 minutes of when workers shut down the Unit 1 reactor, workers detected smoke in a battery room in the control building.
Exclusive: Westinghouse set to sign pact with Indian firm for nuclear reactors during Trump visit
Exclusive: Westinghouse set to sign pact with Indian firm for nuclear reactors during Trump visit
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-india-usa-trump-westinghouse-exclusiv/exclusive-westinghouse-set-to-sign-pact-with-indian-firm-for-nuclear-reactors-during-trump-visit-idUSKBN20E1PMThursday, February 20, 2020
Oklo Microreactor Is INL’s Pick for First-of-a Kind HALEU-Fueled Nuclear Demonstration
Oklo Microreactor Is INL’s Pick for First-of-a Kind HALEU-Fueled Nuclear Demonstration: Oklo, developer of a 1.5-MW passive compact fast reactor, will be the first to receive high-assay, low-enriched uranium (HALEU) nuclear fuel from Idaho
Global Green Up Slows Warming
Global Green Up Slows Warming: Scientists say the world would be even warmer if not for a surge in plant growth.
Why Labor must embrace nuclear power
Why Labor must embrace nuclear power: It is not defensible for a workers party to run all the human risks of climate change when there is a solution sitting on the table.
The new “low-yield” W76-2 nuclear warhead is extremely dangerous and unnecessary.
The new “low-yield” W76-2 nuclear warhead is extremely dangerous and unnecessary.: The weapon’s smaller destructive power does not mean a smaller risk of catastrophe.
World Nuclear Association Symposium 2020 September 9-11, 2020
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