Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Are You Feeling Safer? ‘War of the Worlds’ Pits U.S. and Israel Against Everyone Else — Strategic Culture
5 Reasons why you should attend EMTech MIT
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Simpson, Fulcher introduce nuclear research bill | News | tribuneledgernews.com
The Netherlands publishes report ahead of nuclear consultation
Nuclear Power Wants to Hitch Fortune to the Hottest New Fuel
Decouple Podcast with Christ Keefer - The Power Grid, the Policy Grid, and the "Could" Grid
Friday, September 25, 2020
House passes massive clean energy bill amid Trump veto threat, Senate uncertainty
House passes massive clean energy bill amid Trump veto threat, Senate uncertainty
Brief Ohio attorney general sues to block $1.3B bailout of former FirstEnergy nuclear plants
Ohio attorney general sues to block $1.3B bailout of former FirstEnergy nuclear plants
U.S. Government Makes New Nuclear Fuel - Uranium vs. Thorium
PSE&G's $1 billion New Jersey energy efficiency plan approved | Reuters
Report: Nuclear, flexibility needed in future renewables-led powergen sector | Power Engineering
House passes sweeping clean energy bill | TheHill
Canadian firms make progress with radioisotope production : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News
COP presidents call for enhanced NDCs by December : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News
Panellists address SMR supply chain challenges : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News
Capturing Carbon – the most challenging part of the Clean Energy Transition today. | The Energy Collective Daily

Capturing Carbon – the most challenging part of the Clean Energy Transition today. | The Energy Collective Daily |
- Capturing Carbon – the most challenging part of the Clean Energy Transition today.
- The Trouble with Carbon Pricing
- Chapter 4: Implementing a Decarbonisation Strategy | Net Zero Carbon
- Bloomberg - Hydrogen Breaks Through as the Hottest Thing in Green Energy
- The Fathers of Fast Charging: The Story of the First 250kW 10-Minute Fast Charge
- Courting Trouble: Climate Change in a 6 to 3 Supreme Court
- Patent Awarded for Entirely New Concept in Fluid Mass Flow Metering
- Energy in Brazil: how much is our future worth?
- Energy Use And Climate Impacts Of Scaling Up Biofuels and Bioenergy
Global nuclear needs 105 GW of additions to 2030 to stand still: report | S&P Global Platts
Like factory-built homes, nuclear reactors are going modular | MPR News
Tug of war: Stakeholders clash over nuclear, fossil fuel addition to green energy bill - Business - The Jakarta Post
Ohio attorney general's lawsuit to block the nuclear plants from collecting fees - Mahoning Matters
Door opens for nuclear to enter sustainability debate : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News
Uncertainty for Davis-Besse nuclear power plant as Ohio AG files suit
All About Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant - The Santa Barbara Independent
Nuclear Power Wants to Hitch Fortune to the Hottest New Fuel - Bloomberg
Closing two Illinois nuclear plants is bad news for working people and a clean energy future - Chicago Sun-Times
The IAEA’s Nuclear Law Institute: a Decade of Capacity Building and Development in Nuclear Law | IAEA
Supporting the Operation and Safety of Research Reactors: Exploring the IAEA's Peer Review Missions | IAEA
IAEA INPRO: 20 Years of Enhancing Nuclear Energy Sustainability | IAEA
The Future of Atoms: Artificial Intelligence for Nuclear Applications | IAEA
Fukushima Update September 25, 2020

Fukushima Update September 25, 2020-
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga plans to visit Fukushima Prefecture on Saturday… Suga promises to re-emphasize Fukushima recovery… F. Daiichi staff now use hi-tech “smart glasses”… The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum officially opened last Sunday to misleading headlines… Tour guides at the new Futaba museum are told to not criticize the Tokyo government or Tepco… The NRA clears Tepco to restart Kashiwazaki-Kariwa units #6 and #7, for a second time… South Korea continues to complain about Tepco possibly releasing its purified F. Daiichi wastewater… The Mainichi Shimbun starts its ten year disaster anniversary posting half a year early.
https://www.hiroshimasyndrome.IEA Netherlands energy review focuses on renewables and hydrogen - Nuclear Engineering International
New Mexico objects to license for nuclear fuel storage plan | KRWG
Holtec Files Two Lawsuits After Lacey Planning Board Denies Site Plan Application - TAPinto
Like factory-built homes, nuclear reactors are going modular | MPR News
Dobken: Correcting the Record on Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage at San Onofre
Dobken: Correcting the Record on Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage at San Onofre
Exorcism and the Battle Against the Devil | St. Paul Center
Exorcism: The Battle Against Satan and His Demons | St. Paul Center
Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the Peril of America's Aging Elite | Common Dreams Views
Lessons from the Trump administration’s policy experiment on China
White House shipping coronavirus rapid tests to HBCUs | McClatchy Washington Bureau
The Daily 202: Trump balloting machinations heighten fears of 1876 redux - The Washington Post
Perceptions of the U.S. around the world are at or near historic lows, Pew finds - MarketWatch
The United States Is Not Entitled to Lead the World | Foreign Affairs
It Will Take More Than a Biden Victory to Solve NATO’s Strategic Malaise - War on the Rocks
Opinion | Trump could stay in power even if he doesn’t win the election. The Constitution allows it. - The Washington Post
Germany’s Road to Socialism | The National Interest
Working With Robots in a Post-Pandemic World
How many jobs do robots really replace? | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism | Princeton University Press
Opinion | ‘We’re No. 28! And Dropping!’ - The New York Times
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