Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Risk of Uncontrolled Nuclear Reactions (i.e. Criticality Events) in Water Saturated Deeply Buried Nuclear Waste
Risk of Uncontrolled Nuclear Reactions (i.e. Criticality Events) in Water Saturated Deeply Buried Nuclear Waste
The elephant in the room: Israel’s nuclear weapons
The elephant in the room: Israel’s nuclear weapons
Nuclear renaissance? Failing industry is running flat out to stand still
Nuclear renaissance? Failing industry is running flat out to stand still
The Fukushima Disaster and Nuclear Power in Japan: ‘If You Love Your Country, Let Nuclear Go!’
The Fukushima Disaster and Nuclear Power in Japan: ‘If You Love Your Country, Let Nuclear Go!’
PHOTO: More than 1,100 water storage tanks at Fukushima plant ... and counting
South Africa plans $63b nuclear power plant, Russia or China to bid
South Africa plans $63b nuclear power plant, Russia or China to bid
South Africa plans to install 9,600 Megawatts of nuclear power
South Africa plans to install 9,600 Megawatts of nuclear power
America’s Natural Gas Progress And Its Discontents
America’s Natural Gas Progress And Its Discontents
TransCanada Challenges Denial Of Permit For Keystone XL Pipeline
TransCanada Challenges Denial Of Permit For Keystone XL Pipeline |
By King & Spalding, Friday, February 12, 2016 4:00 PM
previously reported in the Trade & Manufacturing Alert, on November
6, 2015, President Obama officially rejected TransCanada’s application
to build the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Friday, February 12, 2016
Russia, China front runners in South Africa's nuclear project-source
Russia, China front runners in South Africa's nuclear project-source
TVA to abandon new reactor design at Bellefonte
TVA to abandon new reactor design at Bellefonte
Guest column: Waiting on SMRs puts U.S. behind
Guest column: Waiting on SMRs puts U.S. behind
Smaller Faster Lighter Denser Cheaper: Book Review
Smaller Faster Lighter Denser Cheaper: Book Review
Reality: less nuclear means more natural gas
Reality: less nuclear means more natural gas
For the First Time Ever, China May Put Its Nuclear Arsenal on High Alert
For the First Time Ever, China May Put Its Nuclear Arsenal on High Alert
US Targets Russia and China with North Korea Pretext: Report
US Targets Russia and China with North Korea Pretext: Report
Learning its lesson? What the Iran deal should teach China about sanctioning North Korea
Learning its lesson? What the Iran deal should teach China about sanctioning North Korea
China May Put its Nuclear Weapons on High Alert, and It's a Dangerous Idea
China May Put its Nuclear Weapons on High Alert, and It's a Dangerous Idea
5 Years Later, Fukushima Power Plant Still Cleaning Up
5 Years Later, Fukushima Power Plant Still Cleaning Up
Five years after nuclear meltdown, no one knows what to do with Fukushima
China plans to open 1st ‘meltdown-free’ nuclear power plant by 2017
China plans to open 1st ‘meltdown-free’ nuclear power plant by 2017
China is building the world's first nuclear reactor guaranteed not to meltdown
There Would Not be a Fukushima-Type of Disaster When Shandong Nuclear Reactor Goes Online in 2017 is nearing completion of the high temperature pebble bed reactor and will test it before generating power starting about Nov 2017
Rosatom explains benefits of state backing to plant projects
Rosatom explains benefits of state backing to plant projects
India Cracks Door Open to US Nuclear Suppliers
India Cracks Door Open to US Nuclear Suppliers
- Ratifies Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage
- Move increases confidence Indian liability law compatible with international norms
- With other steps, could enable some U.S. suppliers to do business in India
NEI to Wall Street Analysts: Recognize Nuclear Energy’s Distinct Value
NEI to Wall Street Analysts: Recognize Nuclear Energy’s Distinct Value
- Market flaws placing otherwise high-performing nuclear plants at risk of early retirement
- More urgency is needed to reform electricity markets
- Industry initiative identifying ways to increase operational efficiencies
For many utilities, court action 'doesn't really change anything'
For many utilities, court action 'doesn't really change anything'
Save Diablo Canyon so it can continue to supply massive quantities of clean power
Save Diablo Canyon so it can continue to supply massive quantities of clean power
NY faces power shortage, but not enough to save FitzPatrick nuclear plant
NY faces power shortage, but not enough to save FitzPatrick nuclear plant
US SMR consortium launched
Developers and potential customers of small modular reactors
(SMRs) on 27 January signed a memorandum of understanding to set up the
SMR Smart consortium to advance the commercialization of SMR reactor
Initial members of the consortium include BWX Technologies Inc, Duke Energy, Energy Northwest, Holtec, NuScale, PSEG Nuclear, Southern Co, SCANA and Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). The organization will represent the companies in interactions with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Congress and the executive branch on small reactor issues. US industry body the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) is assisting in the formation of the consortium, and is to work closely with the organization on policies and priorities relating to small reactor technology.
Initial members of the consortium include BWX Technologies Inc, Duke Energy, Energy Northwest, Holtec, NuScale, PSEG Nuclear, Southern Co, SCANA and Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). The organization will represent the companies in interactions with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Congress and the executive branch on small reactor issues. US industry body the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) is assisting in the formation of the consortium, and is to work closely with the organization on policies and priorities relating to small reactor technology.
Final demolition starts at Oak Ridge diffusion facility
Final demolition starts at Oak Ridge diffusion facility
Demolition work has begun on building K-27, the last of five gaseous diffusion uranium enrichment facilities at the former Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant. The US Department of Energy plans to remove all gaseous diffusion buildings from the site by the end of the year under its Vision 2016 project.
Demolition work has begun on building K-27, the last of five gaseous diffusion uranium enrichment facilities at the former Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant. The US Department of Energy plans to remove all gaseous diffusion buildings from the site by the end of the year under its Vision 2016 project.
EEI: Utilities moving from coal, toward gas & renewables regardless of CPP stay
EEI: Utilities moving from coal, toward gas & renewables regardless of CPP stay
Carbon emissions from the power sector are already down about 17% since 2000, according to Edison Electric Institute officials. The U.S. Supreme Court's decision to delay implementing the Clean Power Plan will not reverse those efforts. trends shaping the grid of the future
8 trends shaping the grid of the future
A Deloitte study finds 'alternative energy’s shift to the mainstream is largely complete and likely irreversible'
UAE ambassador and nuclear power expert Hamad Alkaabi
UAE ambassador and nuclear power expert Hamad Alkaabi
In an interview with Bulletin
editor John Mecklin, United Arab Emirates envoy to the International
Atomic Energy Agency Hamad Alkaabi speaks about his country’s views on
the 2015 nuclear deal between six world powers and Iran, whether the
Iranian agreement could cause the UAE to reconsider its
precedent-setting nuclear agreement with the United States, and a host
of other issues connected to the country’s creation of a nuclear power
Obama climate initiative: Supreme Court calls halt
Obama climate initiative: Supreme Court calls halt
Israel’s sea-based nukes pose risks Victor Gilinsky
Israel’s sea-based nukes pose risks
Victor Gilinsky
EIA: U.S. energy spending down sharply
EIA: U.S. energy spending down sharply
Washington (UPI) Feb 11, 2016 -
Investment in the mining and other
extractive industries, including oil, declined in the United States by
more than 30 percent last year, federal data show.
When measured as a share of total private U.S. investments, federal
data show spending in the mining and exploration sector dropped from a 5
percent share in 2014 to just more than 3 percent last year.
A daily briefing from t ...
News Updates from ANS, Third Way
News Updates from ANS, Third Way
Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report 2016
Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report 2016
Critics decry radioactive leak at New York nuclear power plant
Critics decry radioactive leak at New York nuclear power plant
Top official overseeing nuclear deal unsure where Iran's enriched uranium is stored
Top official overseeing nuclear deal unsure where Iran's enriched uranium is stored
Zuma assures nuclear programme will continue at affordable pace and scale
Zuma assures nuclear programme will continue at affordable pace and scale power in South Africa: ‘only on a scale and pace the country can afford’
Nuclear power in South Africa: ‘only on a scale and pace the country can afford’
Trilateral meeting on nuclear security in Washington
meeting on nuclear security in Washington - See more at:
Trilateral meeting on nuclear security in Washington
Nuclear remains a part of the SA energy mix -Zuma
Nuclear remains a part of the SA energy mix -Zuma
Nuclear plants in Ohio, Pennsylvania closed for repairs
Nuclear plants in Ohio, Pennsylvania closed for repairs
Gas-Fueled Power Generation Likely To Grow Along With Renewables For Decades To Come
Gas-Fueled Power Generation Likely To Grow Along With Renewables For Decades To Come |
By Alap Shah, Thursday, February 11, 2016 10:00 AM
the race to reduce carbon footprints and replace coal as a primary
energy source, much has been made of an alleged “battle” between natural
gas and renewables in the power generation industry. However, an astute
market read — fueled by actions from utilities and regulatory agencies –
may find the two sectors growing in… Keep reading →
Radiation dosage down 65% in 80-km zone of Fukushima nuke plant
Radiation dosage down 65% in 80-km zone of Fukushima nuke plant
Thursday, February 11, 2016
South Texas Nuclear Reactors Can’t Compete With Renewables, Risk Financial Meltdown
South Texas Nuclear Reactors Can’t Compete With Renewables, Risk Financial Meltdown
Consumers Will Bear the Costs of New Reactors, Groups Say
Consumers Will Bear the Costs of New Reactors, Groups Say
NRC Green Lights South Texas Pipe Dream
NRC: Pilgrim nuclear faces possible escalated enforcement action
Pilgrim nuclear faces possible escalated enforcement action - See more
Pilgrim nuclear faces possible escalated enforcement action - See more
US utilities join forces with SMR vendors to speed development
US utilities join forces with SMR vendors to speed development
Toshiba gets green light but future unclear for US project
Toshiba gets green light but future unclear for US project
Who is monitoring the health of populations around nuclear power plants?
Who is monitoring the health of populations around nuclear power plants?
China’s global nuclear power ambitions depend on safety
China’s global nuclear power ambitions depend on safety
The nation’s
first white paper on nuclear energy makes clear that above all else must
come safety and security, and its measures and recommendations have to
be followed and enforced
China Could Have a Meltdown-Proof Nuclear Reactor Next Year
China Could Have a Meltdown-Proof Nuclear Reactor Next Year
EDF faces €100bn bill for upgrading ageing nuclear power stations
EDF faces €100bn bill for upgrading ageing nuclear power stations
More Drinking Water Contamination Linked to the Oil and Gas Industry in Texas and Pennsylvania
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 05:11 PM PST
recent drinking water investigations in Texas show dangerous levels of
contamination. And in Pennsylvania, a report looked at transparency and
procedural problems at the Pennsylvania Department of the Environment by
reviewing hundreds of files where water had been more
NRC Blog Update: Dry Casks 101: Managing Heat
Dry Casks 101: Managing Heat

Mechanical Engineer
In this series we’ve been talking about storing spent nuclear fuel in dry casks. One major function of these casks is to cool the fuel. Keeping the spent fuel from getting too hot is one way to ensure casks will be safe. As the fuel cools, heat is transferred from inside the cask to the outside.
Our experts look at how the cask will perform this function. We require the cask and fuel to remain within a certain temperature range. Our review looks at four main areas:
Spent fuel releases heat as a result of its radioactive decay. This is called decay heat. A key function of dry storage casks is to move the decay heat from the cask to the outside environment to ensure the fuel and cask components do not get too hot. Our experts look at how that heat will move through the cask and into the environment.
The method used to remove heat has to be reliable and provable. Heat must also be removed in a way that is passive—meaning no electrical power or mechanical device is needed. Casks use conduction, convection and radiation to transfer the heat to the outside.

These methods work the same way in a storage cask. Where the canister or metal structure containing the fuel touches the fuel assemblies, heat is conducted toward the outside of the cask. Most casks have vents that allow outside air to flow naturally into the cask (but not into the canister) and cool the canister containing the fuel (convection). And most casks would be warm from radiant heat if you stood next to them. (The heat generated by a loaded spent fuel cask is typically less than is given off by a home-heating system.)
We limit how hot the cask components and fuel materials can get because we want to protect the cladding, or the metal tube that holds the fuel pellets. Limiting the heat is one important way we can ensure the cladding doesn’t degrade. The cask must keep spent fuel cladding below 752 degrees Fahrenheit during normal storage conditions—a limit that, based on the material properties of the cladding, will prevent it from degrading. The fuel must also remain below 1058 degrees in off-normal or accident conditions (such as if a cask were dropped while it is being positioned on the storage pad, or if a flood or snow were to block the vents).
We also confirm the pressure inside is below the design limit to make sure the pressure won’t impact the structure or operations. Our experts review applications for new cask designs carefully to verify the fuel cladding and cask component temperatures and the internal pressure will remain below specified limits.
Each storage cask is designed to withstand the effects from a certain amount of heat. This amount is called the heat load. We look at whether the designer correctly considered how the heat load will affect cask component and fuel temperatures. We review how this heat load was calculated.
We also verify that the cask designer looked at all the environmental conditions that can be expected because these will also affect the cask component and fuel temperatures. These may include wind speed and direction, temperature extremes, and a site’s elevation (which can affect internal pressure). To make sure the right values are considered, we verify they match the historical records for a site or region.
We review all of the methods used to prove that the storage system can handle the specified heat loads. We also verify any computer codes used in the analysis and the values that were plugged in. For example, we look at the material properties for cask components used in the code. We look at calculations for temperatures and pressure. We make sure the computer codes are the latest versions.
And we only allow designers to use codes that have been endorsed by experts. We might run our own analysis using a different computer code to see if our results match the application.
The analysis and review allow us to see whether and how the dry cask will meet the temperature limits. Our review ensures the temperature is maintained and the cladding is protected. Finally, our review confirms the cask designer used acceptable methods to analyze or test the system and evaluate the thermal design. If we have any questions or concerns, we ask the designer for more information.
Only when we are satisfied that our requirements are met will we approve the thermal analysis in a cask application.
Duke Energy Mulls Sale of International Power Plants
Duke Energy Mulls Sale of International Power Plants
More Headaches for Indian Point Nuclear Plant, Radioactive Water Found in Wells
More Headaches for Indian Point Nuclear
Plant, Radioactive Water Found in Wells
Entergy Corp.—owner and operator of the Indian Point nuclear power plant located in Buchanan, N.Y.—announced on February 6 that it had discovered elevated levels of tritium in samples from three of its groundwater monitoring wells at the facility. Read More
Entergy Corp.—owner and operator of the Indian Point nuclear power plant located in Buchanan, N.Y.—announced on February 6 that it had discovered elevated levels of tritium in samples from three of its groundwater monitoring wells at the facility. Read More
U.S. mining and exploration investment declined 35% in 2015
U.S. mining and exploration investment declined 35% in 2015 Dakotans laud Supreme Court move to halt CO2 rules
North Dakotans laud Supreme Court move to halt CO2 rules
Go-ahead given for Texas nuclear reactors
Go-ahead given for Texas nuclear reactors
Russia, Argentina May Construct Atucha Nuclear Power Plant Unit in 2016
Russia, Argentina May Construct Atucha Nuclear Power Plant Unit in 2016
Read more:
Over 70% of Japanese against nuclear power plants after Fukushima tragedy
Over 70% of Japanese against nuclear power plants after Fukushima tragedy
Current information about starting up the first and the second units of Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant
Current information about starting up the first and the second units of Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant,cez-a-s--current-information-about-starting-up-the-first-and-the-second-units-of-dukovany-nuclear-po
Radioactive Waste Management Experts Join the 2016 RadWaste Summit Advisory Committee
Radioactive Waste Management Experts Join the 2016 RadWaste Summit Advisory Committee
ExchangeMonitor's 2016 RadWaste Summit focuses on the
full spectrum of commercial and federal radioactive waste management,
including U.S. Department of Energy, Department of Defense, Army Corps,
utilities, disposal and treatment vendors, and more.
The advisory board committee consists of:
“Following the success of the 2015 event, we are eager to welcome the advisory committee members to participate in the program and capitalize on the invaluable insight each member brings that will prove beneficial to our attendees,” says Kristy Keller, Director of Conferences & Events, ExchangeMonitor Forums. “Over 350 key officials from government and industry will converge in Summerlin, NV, September 7-9, 2016 and we look forward to continuing our commitment to excellence with the addition of key advisory committee guidance.”
At the 2016 RadWaste Summit, top-level speakers from both government and industry will discuss topics such as global spent fuel management initiatives, DOE approaches for nuclear waste management, consent-based approaches, storage and transportation, high level and low level waste initiatives, updates on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers sites, defense waste opportunities, and more.
Registration is now open for the 2016 RadWaste Summit. Plan to join us now to receive important insight into the inner workings of the radwaste industry.
To learn more and to register, visit
About ExchangeMonitor, a division of Access Intelligence, LLC
ExchangeMonitor Publications & Forums, founded by the late Edward Helminski, was acquired by Access Intelligence, LLC in March 2015. ExchangeMonitor publishes professional newsletters and creates, manages and sponsors forums, colloquiums and workshops to facilitate an exchange of views and information among government officials, private industry executives, non-governmental organizations and other entities on critical national and international programs and policies.
About Access Intelligence, LLC
Access Intelligence, LLC, a portfolio company of Veronis Suhler Stevenson, is a b-to-b media and information company headquartered in Rockville, Md., serving the media, PR, cable, healthcare management, defense, chemical engineering, satellite and aviation markets. Leading brands include Weapons Complex Monitor, RadWaste Monitor, Nuclear Security and Deterrence Monitor, GHG Reduction Technologies, Defense Daily, Cynopsis, Cablefax, PR News, FOLIO:, AdMonsters, Event Marketer, LeadsCon, Chief Marketer, Media Industry Newsletter, Defense Daily Network, Aviation Today, Studio Daily, POWER and Via Satellite. Market-leading shows include The Radwaste Summit, The Decisionmakers’ Forum, The Nuclear Deterrence Summit, LeadsCon, CCUS Conference, The FOLIO: Show, Event Marketer Summit, SATELLITE 2016, OR Manager, LDC Trade Forums, Clean Gulf, ELECTRIC POWER, Energy Ocean and Offshore Communications. Access Intelligence also produces executive conferences for the healthcare, PR, media, cable, energy and defense markets.
For the original version on PRWeb visit:
Rockville, MD (PRWEB) February 11, 2016
ExchangeMonitor Publications and Forums is proud to announce the
involvement of valuable industry executives and experts to participate
in an advisory committee for the 2016 RadWaste Summit, September 7-9,
2016 in Summerlin, NV. The RadWaste Summit features discussions on the
full range of issues facing the radioactive waste marketplace, including
the overall Department of Energy waste mission, changes in spent fuel
and nuclear waste policy, Nuclear Regulatory Commission low-level waste
regulations and updates on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers cleanup at
FUSRAP sites. The advisory board committee consists of:
- Llewellyn King, Founder of The Energy Daily and Executive Producer and Host of “White House Chronicle”
- Rob Smart, Senior Fellow with U.S. Nuclear Infrastructure Council (NIC)
- David Blee, Executive Director, U.S. Nuclear Infrastructure Council (NIC)
- Tim Frazier, President, TA Frazier & Associates
- John Greeves, Consultant, JTG Consulting
- Eric Knox, Nuclear and Environment, AECOM
- Chris Schneidmiller, Editor-in-Chief, ExchangeMonitor Publications
“Following the success of the 2015 event, we are eager to welcome the advisory committee members to participate in the program and capitalize on the invaluable insight each member brings that will prove beneficial to our attendees,” says Kristy Keller, Director of Conferences & Events, ExchangeMonitor Forums. “Over 350 key officials from government and industry will converge in Summerlin, NV, September 7-9, 2016 and we look forward to continuing our commitment to excellence with the addition of key advisory committee guidance.”
At the 2016 RadWaste Summit, top-level speakers from both government and industry will discuss topics such as global spent fuel management initiatives, DOE approaches for nuclear waste management, consent-based approaches, storage and transportation, high level and low level waste initiatives, updates on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers sites, defense waste opportunities, and more.
Registration is now open for the 2016 RadWaste Summit. Plan to join us now to receive important insight into the inner workings of the radwaste industry.
To learn more and to register, visit
About ExchangeMonitor, a division of Access Intelligence, LLC
ExchangeMonitor Publications & Forums, founded by the late Edward Helminski, was acquired by Access Intelligence, LLC in March 2015. ExchangeMonitor publishes professional newsletters and creates, manages and sponsors forums, colloquiums and workshops to facilitate an exchange of views and information among government officials, private industry executives, non-governmental organizations and other entities on critical national and international programs and policies.
About Access Intelligence, LLC
Access Intelligence, LLC, a portfolio company of Veronis Suhler Stevenson, is a b-to-b media and information company headquartered in Rockville, Md., serving the media, PR, cable, healthcare management, defense, chemical engineering, satellite and aviation markets. Leading brands include Weapons Complex Monitor, RadWaste Monitor, Nuclear Security and Deterrence Monitor, GHG Reduction Technologies, Defense Daily, Cynopsis, Cablefax, PR News, FOLIO:, AdMonsters, Event Marketer, LeadsCon, Chief Marketer, Media Industry Newsletter, Defense Daily Network, Aviation Today, Studio Daily, POWER and Via Satellite. Market-leading shows include The Radwaste Summit, The Decisionmakers’ Forum, The Nuclear Deterrence Summit, LeadsCon, CCUS Conference, The FOLIO: Show, Event Marketer Summit, SATELLITE 2016, OR Manager, LDC Trade Forums, Clean Gulf, ELECTRIC POWER, Energy Ocean and Offshore Communications. Access Intelligence also produces executive conferences for the healthcare, PR, media, cable, energy and defense markets.
For the original version on PRWeb visit:
Fukushima nuclear plant chief says another disaster would not threaten cleanup
Fukushima nuclear plant chief says another disaster would not threaten cleanup
TRANSCO wins UAE nuclear plant power line deal
Abu Dhabi firm to transmit electricity from Barakah nuclear plant to grid
Denying The Islamic State Access To Money-Exchange Houses
Denying The Islamic State Access To Money-Exchange Houses
The Oil Bust…Bankruptcy Boom?
The Oil Bust…Bankruptcy Boom?
President’s 2017 Budget Proposal For DOE Supports Energy Innovation, National Security, Nuclear Management Responsibilities
President’s 2017 Budget Proposal For DOE Supports Energy Innovation, National Security, Nuclear Management Responsibilities |
By U.S. Department of Energy, Wednesday, February 10, 2016 5:00 PM
– President Barack Obama’s final budget proposal for the Department of
Energy includes a significant increase in clean energy R&D needed to
drive economic growth, ensure energy security and reduce greenhouse-gas
emissions. The President’s budget proposal includes continued
investments in DOE’s core missions of scientific research, national and
energy security, and cleaning up the… Keep reading →
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Low-dose radiation risk extrapolation fallacy associated with the linear-no-threshold model.
Low-dose radiation risk extrapolation fallacy associated with the linear-no-threshold model.
Thoughts on the North Korean Nuclear Test and Satellite Launch
Thoughts on the North Korean Nuclear Test and Satellite Launch
China's Nuclear Industry Goes Global
China's Nuclear Industry Goes Global
Ice Wall Facilities In Place, Says Tepco (With Video Clip)
Ice Wall Facilities In Place, Says Tepco (With Video Clip)
The U.S. Electricity System in 15 Maps | The Energy Collective Daily
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 02:39 AM PST
in the U.S. is going through massive changes: the generation mix is
shifting, regulatory and industry models are evolving, and policy is
playing an ever important role. These changes can be hard to
conceptualize, particularly when trying to make sense of how multiple
factors interact with each more
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 01:09 AM PST
of ways are required to ensure providers can build, operate and
maintain systems that bring energy from its points of production to its
points of consumption. In view of the difficulty in obtaining them, the
fewer we can get by with the more
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:40 AM PST
Clean Power Plan requires states to take grid reliability into account
when developing their compliance plans. What does this mean? New
guidance from the NERC, the organization which oversees the reliability
of the North American electricity system, provides some more
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 11:00 PM PST
response in the electricity market involves the targeted reduction of
electricity use during times of high demand. A recent Supreme Court
ruling is expected to result in faster growth in demand response in the
wholesale electricity markets that cover about 60% of U.S. power more
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 10:15 PM PST
one of the coldest days in January, a group of MIT students and staff
boarded a bus to the small peninsula town of Hull, Massachusetts, for an
MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) wind turbine tour during the Institute’s
Independent Activities Period (IAP).read more
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 09:42 PM PST
plea to keep four aging power plants alive will cost Ohio customers
almost $4 billion, according to a new study out today by the Institute
for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA). The proposal is
currently in front of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO).read more
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 08:00 PM PST
Bagnell, CFA, is a research analyst in Canadian oil and gas company
analysis for Macquarie Capital Markets. He was formerly an investment
associate at NB Investment Management. He holds a bachelor's in business
administration (finance and accounting) from the University of New more
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 07:34 PM PST
American Nuclear Society (ANS) introduced the Nuclear in the States
Toolkit, Version 1.0 at a media event in Washington, D.C. The toolkit
catalogs policies related to new and existing nuclear reactors for state
policymakers to consider as they draft their Clean Power Plan
compliance more
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 06:36 PM PST
between June 24, 2015 and January 21, 2016, a building remodeling
project in Steamboat Springs, CO resulted in the loss of 7.5 curies of
tritium. A reasonable guess is that the container holding the tritium
was tossed into a construction debris dumpster and carted off to a local more
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 05:26 PM PST
Snowzilla’s winter of discontent, the Supreme Court ruled on EPSA v.
FERC, a case that had the power to define the future of the demand
response market. In a big win for advanced energy, the court ruled that
the FERC’s) Order 745 would stay in more
ANSNuclearCafe Update: Medical Isotopes: Another Asset of Nuclear Engineering
Medical Isotopes: Another Asset of Nuclear EngineeringBy ansnuclearcafe on Feb 09, 2016 02:06 pmby M. Alex Brown Something that all engineers have in common is the desire to tackle real-world challenges. For many nuclear engineers the challenges may be related to the power Continue Reading → Read in browser » |
Indian Point power plant’s radioactive leak is getting worse
Indian Point power plant’s radioactive leak is getting worse
Entergy Update on Tritium at Indian Point: Fluctuations No Threat to Public Health or Safety
Entergy Continues Investigation of Elevated Tritium at Indian Point Nuclear Plant
Iran to build small nuclear power plants: Salehi
Iran to build small nuclear power plants: Salehi
Russia’s Kola nuclear plant reactor shutdown spooks environmentalists
Russia’s Kola nuclear plant reactor shutdown spooks environmentalists
The number 4 reactor at the Kola Nuclear Power Plant was automatically disconnected from the power grid via an automatic emergency switch-off for reasons that are still under investigation, the station’s website reported, giving environmentalist pause.
Dispute over Belgian nuclear reactors exposes EU’s conflicting energy agendas
Dispute over Belgian nuclear reactors exposes EU’s conflicting energy agendas
China policy turning NK into stronger nuclear power
China policy turning NK into stronger nuclear power
Many Countries Keen to Build Nuclear Power Plants in Iran: Salehi
Many Countries Keen to Build Nuclear Power Plants in Iran: Salehi’s budget request nixes MOX; S.C. sues DOE over missed deadline
Obama’s budget request nixes MOX; S.C. sues DOE over missed deadline
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