Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Friday, September 27, 2019
To Save Our Oceans, We Have to Change What We Do on Land | naked capitalism
To Save Our Oceans, We Have to Change What We Do on Land | naked capitalism: The IPCC issues a new, grim report about the health of oceans.
Mexico eyes boosting nuclear power - BNamericas
Mexico eyes boosting nuclear power - BNamericas: Mexico's energy minister spoke about the potential for increasing output at Laguna Verde, the country's only nuclear plant.
Saskatoon’s nuclear reactor one step closer to shutting down | CTV News
Saskatoon’s nuclear reactor one step closer to shutting down | CTV News: After nearly four decades of use, Saskatoon’s nuclear reactor is one step closer to being shut down.
House subcommittee approves Yucca Mountain bill | Las Vegas Review-Journal
House subcommittee approves Yucca Mountain bill | Las Vegas Review-Journal: It would allow the Energy Department to prepare Yucca Mountain to store nuclear waste, but the House nor Senate budgets include funding for the project.
Activist Urges More Monitoring Of Wisconsin Nuclear Power Plant That's Shut Down | WUWM
Activist Urges More Monitoring Of Wisconsin Nuclear Power Plant That's Shut Down | WUWM: Two of the roughly two dozen U.S. nuclear power plants that have shut down in recent years, or are planning to close, are on the west shore of Lake
DTE Energy sets goal of 100% carbon neutrality by 2050 | Michigan Radio
DTE Energy sets goal of 100% carbon neutrality by 2050 | Michigan Radio: DTE Energy says it is committing to achieve net carbon neutrality by the year 2050. The term, "net carbon neutrality," means reducing carbon emissions,
Westinghouse to buy Rolls-Royce's North American Civil Nuclear unit - Reuters
Westinghouse to buy Rolls-Royce's North American Civil Nuclear unit - Reuters: U.S. nuclear energy firm Westinghouse Electric Co said on Thursday it would buy Rolls-Royce Holding's Civil Nuclear Systems and Services business in North America, to boost its growth in North American and European nuclear markets.
Duke subsidiary gets OK to recover $258 million spent on nixed nuclear project | S&P Global Platts
Duke subsidiary gets OK to recover $258 million spent on nixed nuclear project | S&P Global Platts: Deal negotiated with wholesale customers Cost recovery plan 'a reasonable compromise': FERC The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has cleared Duke Energy Carolinas to recover roughly $258 million i
Defuelling completed at Canadian research reactor - World Nuclear News
Defuelling completed at Canadian research reactor - World Nuclear News: Ahead of its decommissioning, the low-enriched uranium fuel has been removed from the Saskatchewan Research Council's Slowpoke-2 research reactor in Saskatoon and transported to the USA.
Canadian technology offers Fukushima tritium option - World Nuclear News
Canadian technology offers Fukushima tritium option - World Nuclear News: Laker TRF Ltd says its water detritiation technology could provide "cost-effective and reliable" detritiation for light water applications, such as contaminated water at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and fusion power reactors, such as ITER.
Fessenheim plant to shut by mid-2020 - World Nuclear News
Fessenheim plant to shut by mid-2020 - World Nuclear News: Units 1 and 2 of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant in eastern France will permanently shut down in February and June 2020, respectively, Secretary of State for Ecological and Solidarity Transition Emmanuelle Wargon said yesterday. Their closure had previously been set to coincide with the start-up of the Flamanville EPR, which has now been delayed until possibly the end of 2022.
Westinghouse to buy Rolls-Royce services units - World Nuclear News
Westinghouse to buy Rolls-Royce services units - World Nuclear News: Westinghouse Electric Company is to acquire Rolls-Royce's civil nuclear services businesses in the USA and Canada along with sites at Mondragon, France, and Gateshead, UK, which are currently part of the British engineering company's power systems business unit.
Joseph Wilson, Who Challenged Iraq War Narrative, Dies at 69
Joseph Wilson, Who Challenged Iraq War Narrative, Dies at 69: Joseph C. Wilson, the long-serving American diplomat whose clash with the administration of President George W. Bush in 2003 led to the unmasking of his wife at the time, Valerie Plame, as a C.I.A. agent, resulting in accusations that the revelation was political payback, died on Friday at his home in Santa Fe, N.M.
Duke subsidiary gets OK to recover $258 million spent on nixed nuclear project
Duke subsidiary gets OK to recover $258 million spent on nixed nuclear project
https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/electric-power/092619-duke-subsidiary-gets-ok-to-recover-258-million-spent-on-nixed-nuclear-project?utm_source=sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=issue:%202019-09-27%20utility%20dive%20newsletter%20%5bissue:23241%5d&utm_term=utility%20diveFirst gas station in America to ditch oil for 100% electric vehicle charging opens in Maryland
First gas station in America to ditch oil for 100% electric vehicle charging opens in Maryland
When is a new power plant ‘necessary’ in New England? Regulators defer to capacity market
When is a new power plant ‘necessary’ in New England? Regulators defer to capacity market
https://energynews.us/2019/09/27/northeast/when-is-a-new-power-plant-necessary-in-new-england-regulators-defer-to-capacity-market/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Issue:%202019-09-27%20Utility%20Dive%20Newsletter%20%5Bissue:23241%5D&utm_term=Utility%20DiveUS electric grid more vulnerable to cyberattacks as DERs increase potential targets, GAO finds
US electric grid more vulnerable to cyberattacks as DERs increase potential targets, GAO finds
DTE pledges carbon-free power by 2050 banking on small reactors, carbon capture advancements
DTE pledges carbon-free power by 2050 banking on small reactors, carbon capture advancements
WHOI weighs in on climate change report – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
WHOI weighs in on climate change report – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Rick Murray, WHOI Deputy Director and Vice President for Research, weighs in on the IPCC’s special report on the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate.
USGS Estimates 53.8 Trillion Cubic Feet of Natural Gas Hydrate Resources in the Alaska North Slope | The Energy Collective Daily

USGS Estimates 53.8 Trillion Cubic Feet of Natural Gas Hydrate Resources in the Alaska North Slope | The Energy Collective Daily |
- USGS Estimates 53.8 Trillion Cubic Feet of Natural Gas Hydrate Resources in the Alaska North Slope
- Challenge to FERC and the Senate: Opening Wholesale Markets to Competition from All Advanced Energy Technologies
- Fast Production Ramps at Fifth Tesla Fremont Line and Shanghai Possible in 2020
- Windshield Supplier Says Start of Tesla’s Shanghai Production Will Be October 14, 2019
- New Research: Fracking Helped Lower Crime Rates in North Dakota
- 2019 grades are in: OGCI companies get an “incomplete” for climate action
- The German Climate Protection Programme 2030 (II): CO2-price and the energy sector
- Carbon Management - Changing climate for oil and gas
- UK Electricity - April to June 2019
- Another big step for offshore
Opinion: Nuclear energy is the best alternative to fossil fuels – The Daily Iowan
Opinion: Nuclear energy is the best alternative to fossil fuels – The Daily Iowan: One of the most prominent issues championed by the Democratic Party is cutting carbon emissions, but the easiest method to replace fossil fuels is largely ignored by the party. It’s time we take nuclear energy seriously. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., claims that climate change, driven by fossil-fuel usage, is an existential crisis that’s causing large-scale...
POLITICS: Democrats' nuclear feud hits Capitol, campaign trail -- Thursday, September 26, 2019 -- www.eenews.net
POLITICS: Democrats' nuclear feud hits Capitol, campaign trail -- Thursday, September 26, 2019 -- www.eenews.net: Of all the Democratic divides on climate — whether taxing carbon would be effective, just how many trillions to spend — the role of nuclear power may be the biggest.
Three Mile Island represented the power and peril of nuclear energy. Now it’s closed. - The Washington Post
Three Mile Island represented the power and peril of nuclear energy. Now it’s closed. - The Washington Post: A partial meltdown of the plant in 1979 led to sweeping changes in federal regulations and galvanized the national antinuclear power movement.
Removing nuclear waste at San Onofre nuclear power plant -
Removing nuclear waste at San Onofre nuclear power plant -: SAN ONOFRE (KUSI) – After months of delays, work has resumed to remove several tons of spent nuclear fuel from wet to dry storage at the San Onofre nuclear power plant. Forbes contributor Dr. James Conca was at KUSI to discuss. Categories: In Studio Guests, Local San Diego News
Push for nuclear power in space sets off proliferation debate - POLITICO
Push for nuclear power in space sets off proliferation debate - POLITICO: “NASA is introducing political risks to its plan by going this highly-enriched uranium route," one specialist says.
Nuclear Power Risks Pricing Itself Out of Europe’s Energy Market - Bloomberg
Nuclear Power Risks Pricing Itself Out of Europe’s Energy Market - Bloomberg: Nuclear power is in danger of pricing itself out of the energy market in Europe.
PG&E union mounts formidable opposition to SF takeover attempt - SFChronicle.com
PG&E union mounts formidable opposition to SF takeover attempt - SFChronicle.com: IBEW Local 1245 is staunchly opposed to San Francisco’s offer to buy PG&E power lines and has worked publicly and privately to undermine the efforts.
Fearing PG&E outages are the new normal, Napa wineries look at alternative power | Local News | napavalleyregister.com
Fearing PG&E outages are the new normal, Napa wineries look at alternative power | Local News | napavalleyregister.com: With PG&E power becoming less reliable, Napa Valley wineries are investing in their own generators.
PG&E noteholders ready to invest $29.2 billion as part of reorganisation plan | Euronews
PG&E noteholders ready to invest $29.2 billion as part of reorganisation plan | Euronews: (Reuters) – A group of PG&E Corp noteholders said in a court filing on Wednesday that they are ready to invest $29.2 billion (£23.62
Photos Show PG&E Lines Sparked Tubbs Fire: Expert - NBC Bay Area
Photos Show PG&E Lines Sparked Tubbs Fire: Expert - NBC Bay Area: New photographic evidence indicates tree contact with two PG&E power lines – not the private hilltop electrical system state investigators have blamed – caused the devastating Tubbs fire, according to an expert...
PG&E noteholders propose injecting $29.2B in utility in exchange for majority stake | Utility Dive
PG&E noteholders propose injecting $29.2B in utility in exchange for majority stake | Utility Dive: Utility industry news, voices and jobs for energy industry professionals. Optimized for your mobile phone.
California regulators begin considering PG&E bankruptcy case - SFChronicle.com
California regulators begin considering PG&E bankruptcy case - SFChronicle.com: Commissioners with California’s utilities regulator must sign off on PG&E’s bankruptcy reorganization plan in order for it to become effective.
PG&E Bondholders Boost Proposed Investment in Bankrupt Utility to $29.2 Billion - WSJ
PG&E Bondholders Boost Proposed Investment in Bankrupt Utility to $29.2 Billion - WSJ: In a filing with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in San Francisco, the bondholders outlined their plan to create two trusts to pay for damage claims related to the California wildfires as part of a proposal to bring the embattled utility out of bankruptcy.
NRC Further Pushes Back Completion of Part 61 Rulemaking - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1
NRC Further Pushes Back Completion of Part 61 Rulemaking - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
Mass. AG Maura Healey Sues NRC Over Pilgrim Nuclear Power License Transfer | Earthwhile
Mass. AG Maura Healey Sues NRC Over Pilgrim Nuclear Power License Transfer | Earthwhile: The attorney general lodged the suit Wednesday in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
NRC Reorganizing Nuclear Material Safety Office - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1
NRC Reorganizing Nuclear Material Safety Office - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
AG seeks overturn of Pilgrim license transfer - News - capecodtimes.com - Hyannis, MA
AG seeks overturn of Pilgrim license transfer - News - capecodtimes.com - Hyannis, MA: Filing with federal appeals court asks that matter be sent back to NRC.
Activist Urges More Monitoring Of Wisconsin Nuclear Power Plant That's Shut Down | WUWM
Activist Urges More Monitoring Of Wisconsin Nuclear Power Plant That's Shut Down | WUWM: Two of the roughly two dozen U.S. nuclear power plants that have shut down in recent years, or are planning to close, are on the west shore of Lake
Mass. AG Healey sues federal nuclear regulators over Plymouth plant transfer - The Boston Globe
Mass. AG Healey sues federal nuclear regulators over Plymouth plant transfer - The Boston Globe: Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey sued the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission this week over the approved transfer of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station’s license.
Fukushima Update 9/27/19
Fukushima Update 9/27/19 –
Tepco will revise maintenance planning at
F. Daiichi for on-site facilities untouched since 2011… Tepco says they may
have to store F. Daiichi wastewater on land adjacent to the existing station
boundary… The recent rejection the lawsuit to stop operation of Genkai units #3
& #4 might be appealed… A Real Clear Science report asks, “Has science let
radiation scare us to death?”
Thread by @grapswraps: "Because Twitter is an echo chamber of negativity, particularly about China, and seemingly rewards those with the loudest voice, I thought I’ […]"
Thread by @grapswraps: "Because Twitter is an echo chamber of negativity, particularly about China, and seemingly rewards those with the loudest voice, I thought I’ […]": Thread by @grapswraps: "Because Twitter is an echo chamber of negativity, particularly about China, and seemingly rewards those with the loudhought I’d lend some perspective from the US business community about the business environment in China. I at […]"
Thursday, September 26, 2019
U.S. shared nuclear power info with Saudi Arabia after Khashoggi killed - Reuters
U.S. shared nuclear power info with Saudi Arabia after Khashoggi killed - Reuters: The Trump administration granted two authorizations to U.S. companies to share sensitive nuclear power information with Saudi Arabia shortly after the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October, a U.S. senator who saw the approvals said on Tuesday.
Nuclear Power Risks Pricing Itself Out of Europe’s Energy Market - Bloomberg
Nuclear Power Risks Pricing Itself Out of Europe’s Energy Market - Bloomberg: Nuclear power is in danger of pricing itself out of the energy market in Europe.
ANS Nuclear Policy Wire September 26, 2019: House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee moves on waste legislation
September 26, 2019
The US uranium industry awaits President Trump's Nuclear Fuel Working Group findings
The US uranium industry awaits President Trump's Nuclear Fuel Working Group findings: On July 13, 2019, President Donald Trump did not go ahead with the Department of Commerce recommendations which proposed (under …
Nuclear Power Risks Pricing Itself Out of Europe’s Energy Market - Bloomberg
Nuclear Power Risks Pricing Itself Out of Europe’s Energy Market - Bloomberg: Nuclear power is in danger of pricing itself out of the energy market in Europe.
Holtec International reveals plans for Indian Point
Holtec International reveals plans for Indian Point: Holtec International, which plans to buy and dismantle Indian Point, is revealing some of its plans Wednesday at a public meeting.
FERC Rules State Mandated Power Purchase Program Is Preempted by Federal Power Act | Davis Wright Tremaine LLP - JDSupra
FERC Rules State Mandated Power Purchase Program Is Preempted by Federal Power Act | Davis Wright Tremaine LLP - JDSupra: In 2018, the New Hampshire legislature enacted a law requiring electric distribution companies in the state to offer to purchase the net output of eligible biomass and waste facilities...
Shares In EDF Collapse Amid Mounting Costs And Falling Profits
Shares In EDF Collapse Amid Mounting Costs And Falling Profits: As midday in Paris approached and equity trading on the French exchange, the CAC 40 reached its halfway point shares in Électricité de France SA (EDF) had fallen 6.35% to 10.03.
Nuclear Power Risks Pricing Itself Out of Europe’s Energy Market - Bloomberg
Nuclear Power Risks Pricing Itself Out of Europe’s Energy Market - Bloomberg: Nuclear power is in danger of pricing itself out of the energy market in Europe.
Nuclear energy still challenge for India: PM Modi- The New Indian Express
Nuclear energy still challenge for India: PM Modi- The New Indian Express: China has repeatedly blocked India's entry into the 48-member grouping which regulates the global nuclear commerce.
Nuclear waste is piling up – governments need to stop dithering and take action
Nuclear waste is piling up – governments need to stop dithering and take action: Nuclear waste is dangerous, will outlast our civilisation and needs to be dealt with as safely as possible.
Feds intend to demolish Santa Susana nuclear meltdown structures without state oversight
Feds intend to demolish Santa Susana nuclear meltdown structures without state oversight: Cleanup activists say the Energy Department's plans are breach of legally binding agreement which requires state oversight to demolish the 13 structures.
WIPP: 500 shipments from Idaho National Laboratory since reopening
WIPP: 500 shipments from Idaho National Laboratory since reopening: The facility’s super-compactor compresses 55-gallon waste drums to five-inch-thick pucks to save space for delivery.
Researchers home in on extremely rare nuclear process
Researchers home in on extremely rare nuclear process: A hypothetical nuclear process known as neutrinoless double beta decay ought to be among the least likely events in the universe. Now the international EXO-200 collaboration, which includes researchers from the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, has determined just how unlikely it is: In a given volume of a certain xenon isotope, it would take more than 35 trillion trillion years for half of its nuclei to decay through this process—an eternity compared to the age of the universe, which is "only" 13 billion years old.
Climate Change Not A Top Priority, New Poll Finds – InsideSources
Climate Change Not A Top Priority, New Poll Finds – InsideSources: Climate change barely registers as a priority issue for most Americans who are more concerned about the economy and national security, according to new
Pro-nuclear bailout petitions circulating around Ohio | Ohio | thecentersquare.com
Pro-nuclear bailout petitions circulating around Ohio | Ohio | thecentersquare.com: Ohioans for Energy Security, a group promoting Ohio’s $1 billion nuclear energy bailout, has begun circulating petitions that request the General Assembly support legislation that prevents foreign entities from having
California wants a carbon-free economy by 2045: Can floating offshore wind help it get there?
California wants a carbon-free economy by 2045: Can floating offshore wind help it get there?
New technology could bring ocean wind when there is no sun to recharge depleted batteries.https://www.utilitydive.com/news/california-wants-a-carbon-free-economy-by-2045-can-floating-offshore-wind/562083/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Issue:%202019-09-26%20Utility%20Dive%20Newsletter%20%5Bissue:23216%5D&utm_term=Utility%20Dive
PG&E noteholders propose injecting $29.2B in utility in exchange for majority stake
PG&E noteholders propose injecting $29.2B in utility in exchange for majority stake
Newly Signed Bill Gives BART More Access to Clean Power | The Energy Collective Daily
Newly Signed Bill Gives BART More Access to Clean Power | The Energy Collective Daily |
- Newly Signed Bill Gives BART More Access to Clean Power
- Visualizing Permian Oil & Gas Production (Through June 2019)
- SpaceX Will Use Tesla Car Batteries to Power Movable Wings for Starship Re-Entry
- Graphene Terahertz Telescopes Will be Thousands of Times Better Than Current Thz Telescopes
- UN Climate Summit Falls Short as Major Emitters Fail to Commit
- Use Government Procurement to Trigger Deeper Carbon Reductions, Green Entrepreneur Urges
- Three opportunities for the UN’s aviation agency to deliver climate action
- Efforts to Get Florida Municipalities on Board with Climate Litigation Fall Flat
- Zero-emission trucks and buses can improve our climate, clean air future
- Energy: Looking for answers or asking the right questions?
- Ep 34. The Future of LNG and the Energy Industry | Guest, Bryan Cox with BCLNGA | Crownsmen Partners
- Japan draws support for global hydrogen proposals, including refueling stations
ČEZ and NuScale to explore Czech SMR deployment - World Nuclear News
ČEZ and NuScale to explore Czech SMR deployment - World Nuclear News: NuScale Power has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with ČEZ, to explore applications for its small modular reactor in the Czech Republic.
Romania and USA agree to nuclear cooperation - World Nuclear News
Romania and USA agree to nuclear cooperation - World Nuclear News: The USA and Romania have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate on civil nuclear energy. The agreement was signed by US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry and Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă on 24 September during the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York.
Commercial production of Hualong One fuel begins - World Nuclear News
Commercial production of Hualong One fuel begins - World Nuclear News: China National Nuclear Corporation has started mass production of China Fuel 3 (CF3) fuel assemblies for the domestically-designed HPR1000 (Hualong One) pressurised water reactor design.
Foratom urges fact-based approach to sustainable finance - World Nuclear News
Foratom urges fact-based approach to sustainable finance - World Nuclear News: Foratom has welcomed the European Council's decision to remain technology neutral in its strategy on financing sustainable growth and the transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient economy, but it urges the European Commission to establish a group with expertise in nuclear life-cycle technologies to advise on its EU-wide classification system, or 'taxonomy', the implementation of which has been postponed by two years.
EDF warns UK nuclear plant could cost extra $3.6 billion, see more delays - Reuters
EDF warns UK nuclear plant could cost extra $3.6 billion, see more delays - Reuters: EDF said on Wednesday its Hinkley Point C nuclear plant in Britain could cost up to 2.9 billion pounds ($3.6 billion) more than its last estimate, and face further delays.
£3bn price rise for cost of building Hinkley Point nuclear power station | E&T Magazine
£3bn price rise for cost of building Hinkley Point nuclear power station | E&T Magazine: The cost of building the new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point has been estimated to need a further £2.9bn, according to the latest figures.
Nuclear power and disappearing coastlines
Nuclear power and disappearing coastlines: Nuclear power stations and radioactive waste stores on the UK coast face high risk of flooding by the end of the century.
Hinkley Point C nuclear plant to run £2.9bn over budget - BBC News
Hinkley Point C nuclear plant to run £2.9bn over budget - BBC News: Power company EDF says "challenging conditions" mean the final bill could now be up to £22.5bn.
Can going nuclear combat climate change?
Can going nuclear combat climate change?: To mitigate climate change, the proportion of low-carbon electricity generation must increase from today's 36% to 85% by 2040, the International Energy Agency (IEA) says. IEA and other advocates argue that nuclear power could help fill this gap. However, barriers to a nuclear energy renaissance include safety concerns, aging reactors and high costs for new ones, according to an article in Chemical & Engineering News, the weekly newsmagazine of the American Chemical Society.
Could rising costs at Hinkley Point C end the UK's nuclear ambitions? | New Scientist
Could rising costs at Hinkley Point C end the UK's nuclear ambitions? | New Scientist: The UK's next nuclear power station could cost £2.9 billion more than expected, which could scupper plans for future nuclear power plants
Duke Energy seeks to renew license for Brunswick Plant | News | stateportpilot.com
Duke Energy seeks to renew license for Brunswick Plant | News | stateportpilot.com: Duke Energy has announced it will seek to renew the operating licenses of the 11 reactors it operates at six nuclear stations in the Carolinas for an additional 20 years.
DTE goal: zero net carbon emissions by 2050
DTE goal: zero net carbon emissions by 2050: DTE Energy Co. expanded on its timetable to reduce carbon emissions by announcing Thursday plans to achieve net zero carbon emissions in its electric company by 2050.Earlier this year, DTE officials in Detroit committed to reduce carbon emissions 50 percent by 2030 and 80 percent by 2040. Rival…
Delaware to Distribute Potassium Iodide (KI) Tablets - State of Delaware News
Delaware to Distribute Potassium Iodide (KI) Tablets - State of Delaware News: Delaware to Distribute Potassium Iodide (KI) Tablets (Smyrna) – The Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) and Delaware Division of Public Health will distribute potassium iodide (KI) tablets to Delaware residents living within a ten mile radius of the Salem/Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Stations. The free tablets will be distributed on Thursday, October 3, 2019, …
NuScale Partners with ČEZ to Explore SMR Deployment in the Czech Republic
NuScale Partners with ČEZ to Explore SMR Deployment in the Czech Republic: Today, NuScale Power announced that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with ČEZ Group, a leading Czech utility conglomerate, to explore applications for NuScale’s small modular reactor (SMR) as a long-term energy solution in the Czech Republic. The agreement marks the latest display of
Holtec prepping to build nuclear waste storage facility - The Hour
Holtec prepping to build nuclear waste storage facility - The Hour: ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - A New Jersey-based company has reached an agreement with a construction trades group as it pushes for approval to build a multibillion-dollar facility for temporarily storing spent nuclear fuel from commercial reactors around the U.S.
Holtec International announced the labor agreement with the New Mexico Building and Construction Trades Council on Wednesday to establish a framework for cooperation between labor groups and management.
"The agreement with the council further cements the local contribution to the project and ensures that the local communities and the state of New Mexico will greatly benefit from it," said Joy Russell, Holtec's senior vice president and chief strategy officer.
While elected leaders in Eddy and Lea counties support the project, it has garnered fierce opposition from nuclear watchdog groups, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, members of the state's congressional delegation and others.
Citing the lack of a long-term plan by the federal government for disposing of spent nuclear fuel, critics are concerned New Mexico will get stuck with the waste permanently.
State and industry officials also have concerns about poten
Holtec International announced the labor agreement with the New Mexico Building and Construction Trades Council on Wednesday to establish a framework for cooperation between labor groups and management.
"The agreement with the council further cements the local contribution to the project and ensures that the local communities and the state of New Mexico will greatly benefit from it," said Joy Russell, Holtec's senior vice president and chief strategy officer.
While elected leaders in Eddy and Lea counties support the project, it has garnered fierce opposition from nuclear watchdog groups, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, members of the state's congressional delegation and others.
Citing the lack of a long-term plan by the federal government for disposing of spent nuclear fuel, critics are concerned New Mexico will get stuck with the waste permanently.
State and industry officials also have concerns about poten
California PUC Opens Case to Consider PG&E Bankruptcy Plan
California PUC Opens Case to Consider PG&E Bankruptcy Plan: The California Public Utilities Commission opens a proceeding that will consider PG&E’s proposal to exit bankruptcy during a meeting Thursday.
PG&E's Wildfire Monitoring Using Satellite | Transmission & Distribution World
PG&E's Wildfire Monitoring Using Satellite | Transmission & Distribution World: The Satellite Fire Detection and Alerting System is part of the PG&E’s Community Wildfire Safety Program
48,000 California households have power shut off: When will PG&E restore service?
48,000 California households have power shut off: When will PG&E restore service?
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Nuclear Decommissioning Market Future Prospects and Growth Opportunity Assessment Upto 2025 - TodayTimes
Nuclear Decommissioning Market Future Prospects and Growth Opportunity Assessment Upto 2025 - TodayTimes: Nuclear decommissioning is a procedure, wherein atomic power plants are resigned from administration and working licenses allowed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) are ended. The NRC is an administrative body that has built up guidelines and related rules expressing the prerequisites and the procedure, which an organization needs to pursue to guarantee that the decommissioning is ecologically sheltered. The...
Fluor Corporation Announces Strategic Review Results | Business Wire
Fluor Corporation Announces Strategic Review Results | Business Wire: Fluor Corporation (NYSE: FLR) announced today the results of its strategic review and operational review. As a result of the strategic review, the com
Closing Indian Point: NRC Coming To Cortlandt
Closing Indian Point: NRC Coming To Cortlandt
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's visit is one of two upcoming meetings about decommissioning the nuclear plant.
Here’s what quantum supremacy does—and doesn’t—mean for computing - MIT Technology Review
Here’s what quantum supremacy does—and doesn’t—mean for computing - MIT Technology Review: And no, super-powerful computers are not about to take over
Climate activism is now a global movement, but it’s still not enough
Climate activism is now a global movement, but it’s still not enough
Polling shows more people will need to demand action on climate change, particularly Republicans, to ensure the passage of desperately needed policies.
The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
This Summary for Policymakers was formally approved at the Second Joint Session of Working Groups I and II of the IPCC and accepted by the 51th Session of the IPCC, Principality of Monaco, 24th September 2019
This Summary for Policymakers was formally approved at the Second Joint Session of Working Groups I and II of the IPCC and accepted by the 51th Session of the IPCC, Principality of Monaco, 24th September 2019
As Federal Hearing Begins, Seabrook Nuclear Plant’s Neighbors Raise Alarm About Concrete Degradation | New Hampshire Public Radio
As Federal Hearing Begins, Seabrook Nuclear Plant’s Neighbors Raise Alarm About Concrete Degradation | New Hampshire Public Radio: Neighbors of the Seabrook nuclear power plant called for more transparent, independent monitoring of the facility’s degrading concrete at a federal hearing
Shares In EDF Collapse Amid Mounting Costs And Falling Profits
Shares In EDF Collapse Amid Mounting Costs And Falling Profits: As midday in Paris approached and equity trading on the French exchange, the CAC 40 reached its halfway point shares in Électricité de France SA (EDF) had fallen 6.35% to 10.03.
NRC, Edison argue court should reject suit seeking halt to nuclear fuel transfers at San Onofre – Orange County Register
NRC, Edison argue court should reject suit seeking halt to nuclear fuel transfers at San Onofre – Orange County Register: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Southern California Edison and Holtec International argues the group Public Watchdogs is peddling fear over facts.
Digby Solomon: Nuclear power is our answer to our carbon problem - Daily Press
Digby Solomon: Nuclear power is our answer to our carbon problem - Daily Press: Digby Solomon: Nuclear power is our answer to our carbon problem
Larger PG&E PSPS Event Declared 09 25 19
Attached find details from CNN and PG&E regarding the current PG&E Public
Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) event affecting over 48,000 PG&E customers in
the Sierra foothills and the area around Calistoga.
As yesterday's KCRA TV-3 Sacramento story noted, this new, larger event
could be a precursor to future PG&E PSPS events during the months of
September, October, and November. This PSPS event includes some of the
Paradise, California area. Note the 2018 Camp fire started on November 8,
2018, in Butte County, in Northern California.
CGNP believes that future, larger scale PSPS events will have harmful
impacts outside of the PSPS event area as power transmission lines (Such
as the PG&E Caribou-Palermo Line that caused the Camp Fire) must also be
turned off. This could prevent the flow of power from PG&E's 169
hydroelectric dams in the Sierra foothills, making the large Diablo Canyon
Power Plant (DCPP) essential for public safety and welfare in the PG&E
service territory. PSPS events will be occurring for the foreseeable
future. Thus, DCPP should continue to run beyond 2025 to protect
California public safety and welfare.
As an Intervenor, CGNP has advanced this analysis in California Public
Utilities Commission (CPUC) Proceeding R1602007 involving the near-term
reliability of the California power grid. Additional details are
Gene Nelson, Ph.D. CGNP Legal Assistant
Californians for Green Nuclear Power, Inc. (CGNP)
1375 East Grand Ave Ste 103 #523
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2421
(805) 363 - 4697 cell
Government@CGNP.org email
http://CGNP.org website
Fukuoka High Court rejects residents' appeal to halt nuclear reactors in Saga | The Japan Times
Fukuoka High Court rejects residents' appeal to halt nuclear reactors in Saga | The Japan Times: The Fukuoka High Court said there were no specific dangers posed to the Genkai power plant’s reactors in the event of a volcanic eruption, ruling the facility’s emergency plans were adequate.
Can nuclear energy be green? Draft EU classifications don't rule it out - Reuters
Can nuclear energy be green? Draft EU classifications don't rule it out - Reuters: European Union governments are set to approve criteria to define which investments can be labeled sustainable, EU documents show, although some states have already criticized the rules for being so broad that even nuclear power could be deemed "green".
EDF warns UK nuclear plant could cost extra $3.6 billion, see more delays - Reuters
EDF warns UK nuclear plant could cost extra $3.6 billion, see more delays - Reuters: EDF said on Wednesday its Hinkley Point C nuclear plant in Britain could cost up to 2.9 billion pounds ($3.6 billion) more than its last estimate, and face further delays.
Perma-Fix scores nuclear service contracts - Perma-Fix Environmental Services, Inc. (NASDAQ:PESI) | Seeking Alpha
Perma-Fix scores nuclear service contracts - Perma-Fix Environmental Services, Inc. (NASDAQ:PESI) | Seeking Alpha: Perma-Fix Environmental ([[PESI]] -0.4%) has been awarded new contracts in nuclear services projects valued at approximately $15M over the next 18 months w
Romanian PM signs memorandum on nuclear energy with US Energy Secretary Rick Perry | Romania Insider
Romanian PM signs memorandum on nuclear energy with US Energy Secretary Rick Perry | Romania Insider: Romanian prime minister Viorica Dăncilă and US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry signed in New York on September 24 a me
HOUSE: Panel to vote on Yucca Mountain, chemical bills -- Wednesday, September 25, 2019 -- www.eenews.net E&E News -- Start a free trial
HOUSE: Panel to vote on Yucca Mountain, chemical bills -- Wednesday, September 25, 2019 -- www.eenews.net E&E News -- Start a free trial: The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change will vote on more than a dozen bills tomorrow on nuclear waste and chemicals.
As Federal Hearing Begins, Seabrook Nuclear Plant’s Neighbors Raise Alarm About Concrete Degradation | New Hampshire Public Radio
As Federal Hearing Begins, Seabrook Nuclear Plant’s Neighbors Raise Alarm About Concrete Degradation | New Hampshire Public Radio: Neighbors of the Seabrook nuclear power plant called for more transparent, independent monitoring of the facility’s degrading concrete at a federal hearing
Exelon, NY nuke plant owner, invests $20M in sustainability
Exelon, NY nuke plant owner, invests $20M in sustainability: ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — The company that runs three upstate nuclear plants is launching a $20 million initiative to boost clean energy start-ups. Chicago-based Exelon Corp. and its associated...
First fuel from Lepse leaves Nerpa shipyard - World Nuclear News
First fuel from Lepse leaves Nerpa shipyard - World Nuclear News: The first containers of used nuclear fuel assemblies removed from the Lepse floating technical base at the Nerpa shipyard have been transported to Murmansk, Russia. The fuel is being removed under a programme managed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and will be sent to Mayak for reprocessing.
Foundation stone laid for Finnish encapsulation plant - World Nuclear News
Foundation stone laid for Finnish encapsulation plant - World Nuclear News: Finnish waste management company Posiva has laid the foundation stone for the start of construction of the used fuel encapsulation plant at the Olkiluoto site in western Finland. Construction of the plant is scheduled for completion in summer 2022.
Hinkley Point C cost rises by nearly 15% - World Nuclear News
Hinkley Point C cost rises by nearly 15% - World Nuclear News: EDF Energy announced today that the projected cost of its Hinkley Point C project has increased by up to GBP2.9 billion (USD3.6 billion) compared to the previous estimate. Both the utility and the UK government stressed that, under the terms of the contract-for-difference, there is no impact from the increase for UK consumers or taxpayers.
Viewpoint: The nuclear industry's response to the climate debate - World Nuclear News
Viewpoint: The nuclear industry's response to the climate debate - World Nuclear News: As world leaders meet at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York this week, and the World Meteorological Organisation and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change publish new reports, Agneta Rising, director general of World Nuclear Association, stresses that nuclear power is the "unsung hero" in global efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
The German Climate Protection Programme 2030 (I): Objectives and measures of the climate package | The Energy Collective Daily

The German Climate Protection Programme 2030 (I): Objectives and measures of the climate package | The Energy Collective Daily |
- The German Climate Protection Programme 2030 (I): Objectives and measures of the climate package
- Press Release: The Cleanie Awards® Honors the Clean Energy Business Network as 2019 Gold Winner in the Non-Profit of the Year Category
- P3Tek Recommends Thorcon Molten Salt Nuclear Reactor for Indonesia
- Study: Consumers willing to pay carbon offsets for air travel
- Can Facebook, Google and Microsoft inspire data center innovation at Climate Week?
- Taxpayers Spared on Footing the Bill As CELDF Defeated Yet Again In Youngstown
- Green Giants: Axios Finds Skyrocketing Donations to Enviro Groups
- No Surprise: AOC Gets the Facts Wrong In Visit to Colorado
- Four ways EPA methane rollbacks threaten American natural gas
- Masdar City wins United Nations Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements Award
- Masdar CEO participates in panel discussion on clean energy investment at World Energy Congress
- What does blockchain mean for the democratization of energy production, distribution, and consumption?
Edison might cut power to 89,500 amid increased fire risk to Southern California - Los Angeles Times
Edison might cut power to 89,500 amid increased fire risk to Southern California - Los Angeles Times: Swaths of Southern California face an increased fire risk Tuesday because of a mix of Santa Ana winds, high temperatures and low relative humidity.
Paradise residents in the dark amid PG&E power safety shutdown | KRCR
Paradise residents in the dark amid PG&E power safety shutdown | KRCR: People in Paradise woke up Wednesday without power after an ovenight public safety power shutdown around 2:30 a. m. Paradise residents had not been affected by the shutdown Tuesday. But PG&E ofificials made the announcment Tuesday night that service would be interrupted to Paradise and other communties due to the ongoing fire danger. More than 22,000 customers in Butte County are affected by the Wednesday Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS).
PG&E Power Shut Off Possibilities Are Costing Bay Area Wineries A Lot! | The Morning Breeze | 98.1 The Breeze
PG&E Power Shut Off Possibilities Are Costing Bay Area Wineries A Lot! | The Morning Breeze | 98.1 The Breeze: PG&E power shut off possibilities are costing Bay Area wineries a lot of money!
‘This is not a chess game:’ Tension escalates in PG&E bankruptcy - SFChronicle.com
‘This is not a chess game:’ Tension escalates in PG&E bankruptcy - SFChronicle.com: Attorneys for wildfire victims clashed with those for PG&E and its stockholders in a bankruptcy court hearing Tuesday.
PG&E opens air-conditioned resource centers amid power shutoffs | KRCR
PG&E opens air-conditioned resource centers amid power shutoffs | KRCR: PG&E workers are opening a group of resource centers for people who had their power shut-off due to concerns about fire danger. The utility estimated more than 20,000 were without power as of Tuesday morning as part of the Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS). The affected communities are in Butte, Nevada and Yuba Counties in the Sierra Foothills.
Fire Threat Brings PG&E Power Cuts To Thousands In Sierra Foothills - capradio.org
Fire Threat Brings PG&E Power Cuts To Thousands In Sierra Foothills - capradio.org: PG&E shut off power Monday to thousands of people in the Sierra Nevada foothills due to increased fire risk. Another outage could be coming Tuesday night.
Competing PG&E Bankruptcy Plan Would Pay Wildfire Victims $24B
Competing PG&E Bankruptcy Plan Would Pay Wildfire Victims $24B: An unlikely alliance of Wall Street hedge funds and wildfire victims will propose a new plan to rescue Pacific Gas and Electric from bankruptcy that includes more than $24 billion for fire victims and insurers that covered their losses.
PG&E Bankruptcy Battle Continues as Bondholders and Wildfire Victims Propose Plan - Barron's
PG&E Bankruptcy Battle Continues as Bondholders and Wildfire Victims Propose Plan - Barron's: A consortium of bondholders and wildfire victims is seeking permission to introduce a reorganization plan to compete with PG&E’s. The judge overseeing the bankruptcy proceedings will hold a hearing on the request on Oct. 8.
French consortium enters SMR race; Saudi Arabia and South Korea sign SMR deal
French consortium enters SMR race; Saudi Arabia and South Korea sign SMR deal
China dominates reactor connections, Russia leads export market
China dominates reactor connections, Russia leads export market
Moltex raises US$7.5m in crowdfunding 'first'
Moltex raises US$7.5m in crowdfunding 'first'
Cracks form in foundation of NH nuclear power plant — New England — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine
Cracks form in foundation of NH nuclear power plant — New England — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine: Neighbors of the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant have told a federal panel that they want more transparent, independent monitoring of cracks that have formed in the plant's concrete foundation.. Maine news, sports, politics, election results, and obituaries from the Bangor Daily News.
Neighbors of Seabrook nuclear plant want better monitoring of cracks in foundation - Portland Press Herald
Neighbors of Seabrook nuclear plant want better monitoring of cracks in foundation - Portland Press Herald: Regulators extended Seabrook's operating license through 2050 earlier this year, despite calls to delay.
EU states delay green finance guide, leave it open to nuclear power - Reuters
EU states delay green finance guide, leave it open to nuclear power - Reuters: A set of European Union standards to determine which financial products qualify as "green" should be delayed until the end of 2022, EU governments agreed on Wednesday, stirring concern because the guidelines might end up including investments in nuclear power.
Nuclear energy is ‘too expensive and slow to save climate’: report
Nuclear energy is ‘too expensive and slow to save climate’: report: Nuclear energy is being outcompeted by renewables and is an inefficient solution to carbon emissions, according to the World Nuclear Industry Status Report.
What does the departure from fossil fuels mean for UK nuclear power? | Metro News
What does the departure from fossil fuels mean for UK nuclear power? | Metro News: With the world moving away from the use of fossil fuels, does the future of energy consumption have a space for nuclear power?
Can nuclear energy be green? Draft EU classifications don't rule it out - Reuters
Can nuclear energy be green? Draft EU classifications don't rule it out - Reuters: European Union governments are set to approve criteria to define which investments can be labeled sustainable, EU documents show, although some states have already criticized the rules for being so broad that even nuclear power could be deemed "green".
Turkey's Erdogan says nuclear power should either be free for all or banned - Reuters
Turkey's Erdogan says nuclear power should either be free for all or banned - Reuters: Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday said nuclear power should either be free for all states or banned completely, and warned that the "inequality" between states who have nuclear power and who do not undermines global balances.
£3bn surge in cost of Hinkley nuclear plant 'could trigger industry crisis'
£3bn surge in cost of Hinkley nuclear plant 'could trigger industry crisis': A shock £3bn surge in the cost of building Britain's next nuclear power plant could herald a crisis in the industry, former Energy Secretary Ed Davey has warned.
Hinkley Point nuclear plant building costs rise by up to £2.9bn | UK news | The Guardian
Hinkley Point nuclear plant building costs rise by up to £2.9bn | UK news | The Guardian: EDF Energy blames ground conditions for rise but says energy bills will not go up
Digby Solomon: Nuclear power is our answer to our carbon problem - Daily Press
Digby Solomon: Nuclear power is our answer to our carbon problem - Daily Press: Digby Solomon: Nuclear power is our answer to our carbon problem
PG&E Executes Definitive Agreement Resolving Insurance Subrogation Claims Relating to 2017 and 2018 Wildfires
PG&E Executes Definitive Agreement Resolving Insurance Subrogation Claims Relating to 2017 and 2018 Wildfires
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Judge to Hear PG&E Regoranization Plan | RTO Insider
Judge to Hear PG&E Regoranization Plan | RTO Insider: The judge overseeing the PG&E (NYSE:PCG) bankruptcy will consider 2 reorganization plans: one from the company and one by bondholders and wildfire victims.
PG&E tweaks reorganization plan after $11 bln settlement - Reuters
PG&E tweaks reorganization plan after $11 bln settlement - Reuters: PG&E Corp filed an amended reorganization plan on Monday after notching a formal settlement with insurers stemming from wildfires that pushed the power producer into bankruptcy that pays them $11 billion, compared with up to $8.5 billion as initially proposed.
Alliance of Bondholders and Fire Victims Unsettles PG&E Bankruptcy - WSJ
Alliance of Bondholders and Fire Victims Unsettles PG&E Bankruptcy - WSJ: Bondholders led by hedge fund Elliott Management have proposed a chapter 11 exit plan California’s largest utility.
It’s Ukraine That Loses in Whistleblower-Gate
It’s Ukraine That Loses in Whistleblower-Gate
Russian Defense Chief Says U.S. Could Cut Military Budget If It Stopped Attacking Other Nations
Russian Defense Chief Says U.S. Could Cut Military Budget If It Stopped Attacking Other Nations: Sergey Shoigu said Russia will focus on weapons to level the playing field against overwhelming U.S. force.
Washington Monthly | Trump’s Economic Program Has Left Most Americans Worse Off
Washington Monthly | Trump’s Economic Program Has Left Most Americans Worse Off: His tax cuts and tariffs are driving up prices and lowering wages.
Stop vaping immediately, state of California says | The Sacramento Bee
Stop vaping immediately, state of California says | The Sacramento Bee: Californians should stop vaping until government investigations find the root cause of a mysterious lung illness linked to vaping, public health officials and Governor Gavin Newsom say.
EM Update September 24, 2019
EM Update | Vol. 11, Issue 37 | Sept. 24, 2019
- Idaho Site Marks 500th WIPP Shipment Since Facility’s Reopening
- Demolitions Continue to Transform Landscape in Oak Ridge
- Hanford Looks to Rebuild Infrastructure to Support Future Cleanup
- Celebrating 30 Years of EM: Employee Spotlight
- Hanford Improves Safety Culture Following Recommendation
- West Valley Demolishes Inactive Ventilation System Structures, Components
- Cleanup Caucus Leaders Reflect on Progress, Partnerships in EM’s 30 Years
- Paducah Site Boilers to Help Fire Up Regional Job Growth
- EM Nevada Program Hosts Groundwater Information Exchange
NRC, Edison argue court should reject suit seeking halt to nuclear fuel transfers at San Onofre – Orange County Register
NRC, Edison argue court should reject suit seeking halt to nuclear fuel transfers at San Onofre – Orange County Register: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Southern California Edison and Holtec International argues the group Public Watchdogs is peddling fear over facts.
With TMI closed, nuclear advocates shift to Pa.’s other plants - WHYY
With TMI closed, nuclear advocates shift to Pa.’s other plants - WHYY: Those who support nuclear worry that without tax breaks, the plants will be shut out of a competitive energy market.
Three Mile Island’s recent closure shows what people don’t realize about nuclear power
Three Mile Island’s recent closure shows what people don’t realize about nuclear power: Nuclear power should be the centerpiece of any sane, practical plan for combatting climate change.
SMR Whitepaper: Off-Grid Market Applications Inbox x
SMR and Advanced Reactors are now shaping a new nuclear energy
landscape, with designs no longer just targeting electricity generation.
Hot off the press for 2019 is our brand new 11-page white paper: The Future of SMRs and ARs: Off-Grid Market Applications, exploring how SMRs and ARs could provide more than just power to remote communities and mining projects in Canada, as well as to U.S. military operations.
Download the whitepaper for free here
Want to know more? Here’s a sneak-peak of what you can expect:
Want to know more? Don’t hesitate to get in touch via phone or email.
Speak soon,
Kevin Anderson
Global Project Director
Nuclear Energy Insider
+44 (0) 20 7375 7190
Hot off the press for 2019 is our brand new 11-page white paper: The Future of SMRs and ARs: Off-Grid Market Applications, exploring how SMRs and ARs could provide more than just power to remote communities and mining projects in Canada, as well as to U.S. military operations.
Download the whitepaper for free here
Want to know more? Here’s a sneak-peak of what you can expect:
- Which Alternative Markets Could Utilize SMRs? Explore how SMRs could create huge opportunities for the military, the mining industry, remote communities, shipping, and oil sands
- Expert Insight from… University of Saskatchewan, MIRARCO, and Pacific Northwest Nuclear Laboratory, including the challenges which must be overcome to utilize the full potential of SMRs
- DoD actively pursuing mobile nuclear reactor deployment: Get insight on how the U.S. DOD is now actively pursuing the deployment of mobile nuclear reactors to accompany the U.S. Army deployed to remote and/or off-grid regions
Want to know more? Don’t hesitate to get in touch via phone or email.
Speak soon,
Kevin Anderson
Global Project Director
Nuclear Energy Insider
+44 (0) 20 7375 7190
Carbon-free 2050: five ways the UK energy industry will have to change
Carbon-free 2050: five ways the UK energy industry will have to change: The UK government’s 2050 net-zero emissions target is hamstrung by reliance on North Sea oil and a ban on onshore wind farms. We look at areas to improve.
Why we miss the crippled Crystal River nuclear plant
Why we miss the crippled Crystal River nuclear plant: The reactor could still be operating if not for a colossally bad decision.
Pro-nuclear bailout group is now circulating its own, unofficial petitions - cleveland.com
Pro-nuclear bailout group is now circulating its own, unofficial petitions - cleveland.com: As opponents of Ohio’s new nuclear bailout law work to gather enough voter signatures to hold a referendum on overturning it, supporters of the law are now circulating their own, unofficial petitions in favor of keeping it.
Compared to wind and solar, nuclear energy is too slow and too expensive - The Globe and Mail
Compared to wind and solar, nuclear energy is too slow and too expensive - The Globe and Mail: As renewables gain in technological strength becoming more economical and more efficient, nuclear energy is becoming less attractive to help cut into carbon emissions
Nuclear energy too slow, too expensive to save climate: report - Reuters
Nuclear energy too slow, too expensive to save climate: report - Reuters: Nuclear power is losing ground to renewables in terms of both cost and capacity as its reactors are increasingly seen as less economical and slower to reverse carbon emissions, an industry report said.
Diablo Canyon Power Plant Begins Planned Maintenance, Refueling Outage on Unit 2 - PG&E CurrentsPG&E Currents
Diablo Canyon Power Plant Begins Planned Maintenance, Refueling Outage on Unit 2 - PG&E CurrentsPG&E Currents: Diablo Canyon Power Plant operators safely shut down Unit 2 for a scheduled refueling and maintenance outage. During the planned outage, employees plus an additional 1,000 temporary workers will replace a portion of the reactor fuel, conduct maintenance and test systems.
Update: PG&E says 10,500 Napans could lose power in fire safety shutdown | Local News | napavalleyregister.com
Update: PG&E says 10,500 Napans could lose power in fire safety shutdown | Local News | napavalleyregister.com: PG&E announced it might cut power to 10,500 Napa County customers Monday afternoon or evening to avoid sparking wildfires in anticipated high fire danger weather.
Shareholders on the line in rival PG&E bankruptcy plan – Market Research Feed
Shareholders on the line in rival PG&E bankruptcy plan – Market Research Feed: Bondholders doing combating with investors for control of bankrupt PG&E (NYSE:PCG) have collabor
PG&E blasts $24B fire compensation plan as it risks losing control of reorganization | Utility Dive
PG&E blasts $24B fire compensation plan as it risks losing control of reorganization | Utility Dive: Utility industry news, voices and jobs for energy industry professionals. Optimized for your mobile phone.
Fluor Corporation Announces Strategic Review Results | Business News | tucson.com
Fluor Corporation Announces Strategic Review Results | Business News | tucson.com: Company to sell government and equipment businessesAsset sales expected to generate in excess of $1 billionOverhead cost reductions of $100 millionQuarterly dividend reduced to $0.10 per shareNew board members and
Work could start quickly on test range expansions | Government | postregister.com
Work could start quickly on test range expansions | Government | postregister.com: The initial phases of the planned expansion of the two test ranges at the U.S. Department of Energy’s desert site could be done as soon as next year.
NM coalition optimistic on nuke waste storage plan » Albuquerque Journal
NM coalition optimistic on nuke waste storage plan » Albuquerque Journal: Holtec offering solution to store tons of spent fuel building up at plants
Residents voice concerns about Seabrook Station's safety | News | eagletribune.com
Residents voice concerns about Seabrook Station's safety | News | eagletribune.com: NEWBURYPORT — Dozens of area residents urged nuclear officials to take serious precautions when reviewing the monitoring of the Seabrook nuclear power plant's degrading concrete.
California spot gas, power prices surge amid critical fire weather conditions, maintenance | S&P Global Platts
California spot gas, power prices surge amid critical fire weather conditions, maintenance | S&P Global Platts: Southern California zone SP15 surged $10.75 on the day Planned maintenance at Diablo Canyon Power Plant Unit 2 California natural gas and power spot prices jumped in key locations Monday, amid critica
PSPS Event Begins in Sierra Foothills - Could be a precursor
Attached find details from KCRA and PG&E regarding the current PG&E Public
Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) event affecting about 24,000 PG&E customers in
the Sierra foothills.
As the KCRA TV-3 Sacramento story notes, this event could be a precursor
to future PG&E PSPS events during September, October, and November. Note
the 2018 Camp fire started on November 8, 2018, in Butte County, in
Northern California.
CGNP believes that future, larger scale PSPS events will have harmful
impacts outside of the PSPS event area as power transmission lines (Such
as the PG&E Caribou-Palermo Line that caused the Camp Fire) must also be
turned off. This could prevent the flow of power from PG&E's 169
hydroelectric dams in the Sierra foothills, making the large Diablo Canyon
Power Plant (DCPP) essential for public safety and welfare in the PG&E
service territory. PSPS events will be occurring for the foreseeable
future. Thus, DCPP should continue to run beyond 2025 to protect
California public safety and welfare.
As an Intervenor, CGNP has advanced this analysis in California Public
Utilities Commission (CPUC) Proceeding R1602007 involving the near-term
reliability of the California power grid. Additional details are
Gene Nelson, Ph.D. CGNP Legal Assistant
Californians for Green Nuclear Power, Inc. (CGNP)
1375 East Grand Ave Ste 103 #523
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2421
(805) 363 - 4697 cell
Government@CGNP.org email
http://CGNP.org website
PG&E shuts off power to 24,000 customers
due to wildfire risk
Residents in Butte, Nevada and Yuba counties impacted Updated: 11:10 PM PDT Sep 23, 2019 |
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