Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Nuclear News Roundup for July 23, 2016
Nuclear News Roundup for July 23, 2016
Utah Court Ruling Kills Environmental Appeal,OKs Green River Nuclear Plant
Fmr. Gov. Cecil Andrus details his fight against storing nuclear waste in Idaho
Fmr. Gov. Cecil Andrus details his fight against storing nuclear waste in Idaho
IAEA Launches New Version of Advanced Reactors Database
IAEA Launches New Version of Advanced Reactors Database
New ARIS database now includes specific categories for molten salt and small and medium sized reactors.https://neutronbytes.com/2016/07/23/iaea-launches-new-version-of-advanced-reactors-database/
Friday, July 22, 2016
Shenhua Said to Seek CGN Merger to Form $204 Billion Power Giant
Shenhua Said to Seek CGN Merger to Form $204 Billion Power Giant
ČEZ requests EIA for new Dukovany units
ČEZ requests EIA for new Dukovany units
21 July 2016
Czech utility ČEZ has requested the Ministry of Environment
carry out an environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the potential
construction of two new reactors at the Dukovany nuclear power plant.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-CEZ-requests-EIA-for-new-Dukovany-units-2107166.html
Germany Gets Realistic about Renewables
Germany Gets Realistic about Renewables
The following is a guest post from Matt Wald, senior director of
policy analysis and strategic planning at NEI. Follow Matt on Twitter at
The German parliament voted on July 8 to slow the growth of renewable
energy, by ending lavish subsidies intended to develop as much wind, sun
and biomass as quickly as possible. Instead, the government will pick
and choose which energy projects make sense for the system based on
reliability, cost, and other criteria.
The German electric system is suffering a more extreme version of some of the same problems seen in in the U.S.
The German electric system is suffering a more extreme version of some of the same problems seen in in the U.S.
NEI Urges New York to Adopt Zero-Emission Credit Plan
NEI Urges New York to Adopt Zero-Emission Credit Plan
- NY Public Service Commission proposal values nuclear’s zero-carbon attributes
- Would preserve state’s at-risk nuclear plants, allow long-term investments
- Proposed formula generates benefit-cost ratio of more than five-to-one
NY's proposed nuclear plant subsidy: pro and con (Your letters)
NY's proposed nuclear plant subsidy: pro and con (Your letters)
WCS submits information to better explain high-level nuke waste storage plan
WCS submits information to better explain high-level nuke waste storage plan
Read more: WCS submits information to better explain high-level nuke waste storage plan - MRT.com: Business http://www.mrt.com/business/article_91230432-4eca-11e6-8c8d-77afbf6dd211.html#ixzz4FAVC6Fve
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Atoms for green energy: What role should nuclear power play in decarbonization?
Atoms for green energy: What role should nuclear power play in decarbonization?
Heated rhetoric over who's to blame for nuclear closures masks serious questions about its future in the power mix
Review 'Indian Point' sagely examines the nuclear power debate from all sides
'Indian Point' sagely examines the nuclear power debate from all sides
Thursday, July 21, 2016
IAEA Associate Communication Officer
Hello everyone,
office at ANL is again seeking applicants for a State Dept. funded
position at the IAEA in Vienna, Austria. The position is called
Associate Communication Officer / Junior
Professional Officer in the Dept. of Nuclear Energy. Details of the
position are here
https://international.anl.gov/staffing/docs/Associate%20Communication%20Officer_NE.pdf .
must be US citizens and under the age of 33. If you know someone who
graduated in the last few years with a couple of years of experience
under his or her belt,
and want to live in Vienna for year (who wouldn’t?!), referrals would
be greatly appreciated. Assignment is to start in September prior to the
IAEA’s General Conference Sept. 26-30.
People can contact me directly if they questions or can go to our web page
Steven Amundson
IAEA Talent Acquisition Specialist
International Programs
U.S. Support Program to IAEA | Non-Safeguards
Argonne National Laboratory
Phone: (630) 252-5491
Email: samundson@anl.gov
Nuclear weapons contractors repeatedly stifle whistleblowers, auditors say
Nuclear weapons contractors repeatedly stifle whistleblowers, auditors say
The Energy Department lets its private contractors police themselves, producing “chilled work environments” in which employees who find wrongdoing have no useful path for complaints
DOE Releases Final Request for Proposal for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Deactivation and Remediation Services
DOE Releases Final Request for Proposal for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Deactivation and Remediation Services
Fukushima Update 7/21/16
Fukushima Update 7/21/16 –
The Yomiuri Shimbun wants Tokyo to investigate the ban of the word “meltdown” in 2011… Tokyo removes the word “sarcophagus” from the latest F. Daiichi decommissioning plans… The NRA further fuels the fires of fear over Fukushima contaminated water… Tepco is ordered to compensate a distant golf course for “false rumor” losses… Kagoshima’s antinuclear governor-elect calls for shuttering Sendai station… Greenpeace Japan continues to foment Fukushima radiophobia.
The Yomiuri Shimbun wants Tokyo to investigate the ban of the word “meltdown” in 2011… Tokyo removes the word “sarcophagus” from the latest F. Daiichi decommissioning plans… The NRA further fuels the fires of fear over Fukushima contaminated water… Tepco is ordered to compensate a distant golf course for “false rumor” losses… Kagoshima’s antinuclear governor-elect calls for shuttering Sendai station… Greenpeace Japan continues to foment Fukushima radiophobia.
Atoms for green energy: What role should nuclear power play in decarbonization?
Atoms for green energy: What role should nuclear power play in decarbonization?
Heated rhetoric over who's to blame for nuclear closures masks serious questions about its future in the power mix
Draft Dem platform doesn't even mention nuclear power
Draft Dem platform doesn't even mention nuclear power
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/07/draft_dem_platform_doesnt_even_mention_nuclear_power.html#ixzz4F4I9UR5g
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
One of a Kind Nuclear Power Unit to be Connected to Electrical Grid
One of a Kind Nuclear Power Unit to be Connected to Electrical Grid
As Nuclear Power Plants Close, States Need to Bet Big on Energy Storage
As Nuclear Power Plants Close, States Need to Bet Big on Energy Storage
Can nuclear power plants like California Diablo Canyon be replaced without greatly raising emissions? It's an open question.
US NRC Blog Update: Throwback Thursday – A July Trip to Tennessee
Throwback Thursday – A July Trip to Tennessee

Can you name the Chairman?
Nuclear Energy in the Developing World
Who is Qualified to Determine Nuclear Plant Safety?
is Qualified to Determine Nuclear Plant Safety? - See more at:
Who is Qualified to Determine Nuclear Plant Safety? http://ansnuclearcafe.org/2016/07/13/who-is-qualified-to-determine-nuclear-plant-safety/#sthash.JT7kQ6Ci.dpbs
Small Modular Reactors Take Large Step Forward
Small Modular Reactors Take Large Step Forward
Small Modular Reactors Take Large Step Forward http://ansnuclearcafe.org/2016/07/20/small-modular-reactors-take-large-step-forward/#sthash.28WOpW7u.dpbs
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Did Oil Kill The Dinosaurs?
Did Oil Kill The Dinosaurs?
China’s proposed nuclear power plant in East Sea raises concerns
China’s proposed nuclear power plant in East Sea raises concerns
VietNamNetBridge - Scientists say It will be very difficult to ensure safety for a
nuclear power plant on the sea and fix problems from radiation leaks.
News VietNamNet
San Onofre Nuclear Leak Caused by Pushing Generator Limits, Watchdog Group Says
San Onofre Nuclear Leak Caused by Pushing Generator Limits, Watchdog Group Says
The conclusion was based on confidential documents released by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission under the Freedom of Information Act.
Report: San Onofre Shutdown Due to ‘Redlined’ Steam Generators
Report: San Onofre Shutdown Due to ‘Redlined’ Steam Generators
Report: San Onofre reactor was pushed too far, leak resulted
Report: San Onofre reactor was pushed too far, leak resulted
BP Announces Final Estimate Of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, But Are They Being Honest?
Closing Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Will Cost Money And Raise Carbon Emissions
Closing Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Will Cost Money And Raise Carbon Emissions
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
"Dream Team" chosen to study basic science of nuclear waste
"Dream Team" chosen to study basic science of nuclear waste
What Will Trump’s Nuclear Energy Policy Look Like?
What Will Trump’s Nuclear Energy Policy Look Like?
Thank the ‘no nukes’ crowd for unemployment after Diablo nuclear plant closes
Thank the ‘no nukes’ crowd for unemployment after Diablo nuclear plant closes
Read more here: http://www.sanluisobispo.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/article90129222.html#storylink=cpy
DOE hearing in Boise to consider issues around handling of nuclear waste
DOE hearing in Boise to consider issues around handling of nuclear waste
Read more here: http://www.idahostatesman.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/robert-ehlert/article89438247.html#storylink=cpy
Democrats Ignore Inconvenient Math on Nuclear Power Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/438038/nuclear-power-necessary-green
Democrats Ignore Inconvenient Math on Nuclear Power
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/438038/nuclear-power-necessary-green
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/438038/nuclear-power-necessary-green
“What are the radiation levels at a nuclear fuel storage site?” (plus 9 more FAQs)
“What are the radiation levels at a nuclear fuel storage site?” (plus 9 more FAQs)
The Education of an Environmentalist
The Education of an Environmentalist
an award-winning filmmaker who created the definitive Earth Day
documentary learned to love nuclear power in an age of global warming
A brief history of the nuclear triad
A brief history of the nuclear triad
Op-ed: TransCanada lawsuit highlights need to scuttle TPP
Op-ed: TransCanada lawsuit highlights need to scuttle TPP
How Renewable Energy Is Blowing Climate Change Efforts Off Course
How Renewable Energy Is Blowing Climate Change Efforts Off Course
Renewables Subsidies Are Killing Nuclear and Threatening Climate Progress, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Study Shows
Renewables Subsidies Are Killing Nuclear and Threatening Climate Progress, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Study Shows
ANS Utility Working Conference and Vendor Technology Expo
American Nuclear Society | 555 N. Kensington Ave. | La Grange Park, IL 60526
Five things Bill Gates gets right on energy
Five things Bill Gates gets right on energy
22 security guards at Palisades placed on leave for falsifying fire inspection records
22 security guards at Palisades placed on leave for falsifying fire inspection records
http://enformable.com/2016/07/22-security-guards-palisades-placed-leave-falsifying-fire-inspection-records/Who’s Stranded Now?
Utility costs are like taxes. Everyone knows they have to be paid, but most people have a reason that their own share should be smaller. And, just as with taxes, there are limitless ways to divide up the revenue burden.
It’s been 20 years since electricity deregulation raised the specter of stranded utility costs – past investments that have turned out to deliver less value than was originally expected — and the question of who should pay those costs: Electricity ratepayhttp://www.theenergycollective.com/severinborenstein/2383186/whos-stranded-now?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The+Energy+Collective+%28all+posts%29ers? Customers switching to buy from a competing electricity supplier? Utility shareholders?
The Cruel Market — Nuclear Pain and Environmental Loss by Llewellyn King
The Cruel Market — Nuclear Pain and Environmental Loss by Llewellyn King
NRC Blog Update: Pokémon Go — Not a Go at Nuclear Plants
Pokémon Go — Not a Go at Nuclear Plants
Public Affairs Officer
NRC Region III
The highly popular cellphone game has found its way to a U.S. commercial nuclear power plant.

The games have even enticed players to trespass on private property — including the Perry nuclear power plant in northeastern Ohio.
Recently, three teenagers pursued one of the strange looking cartoon creatures into the employee parking lot of the Perry plant, at 3 in the morning! Instead of catching the Pokémon, they were caught by security officers and escorted off the property.
But it could have ended very differently – and much more seriously — for these Pokémon pursuers.
Commercial nuclear plants are among the best-protected facilities in the country. Their security officers are highly trained professionals who carry guns and are authorized to use them in protecting the plant. Though you might not always see the protective measures and many details are not publically available, security is in place. (Click here for more info on the NRC’s security requirements for nuclear power plants.)
So have fun exploring and climbing over rocks searching for those virtual creatures, but the bottom line is be safe while playing these games. A nuclear power plant is not the place to be searching for Pikachu.
Mike Rencheck Appointed President and CEO of Bruce Power
Mike Rencheck Appointed President and CEO of Bruce Power
Solar Powered Smart Flowers Are New Focus for Cape Wind Champion Jim Gordon
In the get a life department:
Solar Powered Smart Flowers Are New Focus for Cape Wind Champion Jim Gordon
Jennifer Runyon
| |
July 15, 2016 | Post Your Comment
| |
An innovative solar plus storage solution that was
launched in Europe about 2.5 years ago is coming to the U.S. The product
is called “SmartFlower” and it looks like a gigantic sunflower with a
short, fat stalk.
Full Article
Rosatom signs contract with U.S. on Russian nuclear fuel testing
Rosatom signs contract with U.S. on Russian nuclear fuel testing
http://rbth.com/news/2016/07/19/rosatom-signs-contract-with-us-on-russian-nuclear-fuel-testing_612883Russia to sell nuclear fuel to US
Russia to sell nuclear fuel to US
Energy Department Awards $40 Million for Research to Support Waste Cleanup at DOE Nuclear Sites
Energy Department Awards $40 Million for Research to Support Waste Cleanup at DOE Nuclear Sites
July 18, 2016 - 1:00pm
– U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz today announced up to $40 million
in awards for four new Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) to
accelerate the scientific breakthroughs needed to support the Department
of Energy (DOE)’s environmental management and nuclear cleanup mission.
The four centers will be led respectively by Florida State University,
Ohio State University, the University of South Carolina and DOE’s
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
The new EFRCs will conduct basic research aimed at assisting with the cleanup of hazardous waste that resulted from decades of nuclear weapons research and production during the 20th century—a core mission of the DOE and will take decades more for completion. The goal is to achieve fundamental advances in science to enable safe, efficient, and cost-effective waste cleanup and storage technologies. The new EFRCs are funded by DOE’s Office of Science and are designed to support the work of DOE’s Office of Environmental Management, which is responsible for the Department’s cleanup mission.
“The four new EFRCs announced today lay the foundation for continuing success in our environmental cleanup efforts, which depend upon advances in innovative science and research technologies,” said Secretary Moniz. “As one of America’s most successful use-inspired basic research initiatives, the EFRC program can be counted on to further discoveries that will greatly enhance cleanup efforts and accomplish one of DOE’s core missions.”
The new centers were competitively selected based on a comprehensive merit review process with awards ranging from $2 million to $4 million per year for each center for up to four fiscal years. The awards are subject to available appropriations and the outcome of a formal progress review in the second year of the four year period of performance.
Since the establishment of the EFRC program by the Department’s Office of Science in 2009, the Energy Frontier Research Centers have produced over 7,500 peer-reviewed scientific publications and have helped lay the scientific groundwork for fundamental advances in solar energy, electrical energy storage, carbon capture and sequestration, materials and chemistry by design, biosciences, and materials in extreme environments.
EFRC research has also has benefited a number of large and small companies, including start-up firms, and generated hundreds of inventions at various stages of the patent process. Each of the new centers is a multi-institutional team and includes several university and/or national laboratory partners in addition to the lead institution.
Additional information about the EFRCs can be found HERE.http://energy.gov/articles/energy-department-awards-40-million-research-support-waste-cleanup-doe-nuclear-sites
The new EFRCs will conduct basic research aimed at assisting with the cleanup of hazardous waste that resulted from decades of nuclear weapons research and production during the 20th century—a core mission of the DOE and will take decades more for completion. The goal is to achieve fundamental advances in science to enable safe, efficient, and cost-effective waste cleanup and storage technologies. The new EFRCs are funded by DOE’s Office of Science and are designed to support the work of DOE’s Office of Environmental Management, which is responsible for the Department’s cleanup mission.
“The four new EFRCs announced today lay the foundation for continuing success in our environmental cleanup efforts, which depend upon advances in innovative science and research technologies,” said Secretary Moniz. “As one of America’s most successful use-inspired basic research initiatives, the EFRC program can be counted on to further discoveries that will greatly enhance cleanup efforts and accomplish one of DOE’s core missions.”
The new centers were competitively selected based on a comprehensive merit review process with awards ranging from $2 million to $4 million per year for each center for up to four fiscal years. The awards are subject to available appropriations and the outcome of a formal progress review in the second year of the four year period of performance.
Since the establishment of the EFRC program by the Department’s Office of Science in 2009, the Energy Frontier Research Centers have produced over 7,500 peer-reviewed scientific publications and have helped lay the scientific groundwork for fundamental advances in solar energy, electrical energy storage, carbon capture and sequestration, materials and chemistry by design, biosciences, and materials in extreme environments.
EFRC research has also has benefited a number of large and small companies, including start-up firms, and generated hundreds of inventions at various stages of the patent process. Each of the new centers is a multi-institutional team and includes several university and/or national laboratory partners in addition to the lead institution.
Additional information about the EFRCs can be found HERE.http://energy.gov/articles/energy-department-awards-40-million-research-support-waste-cleanup-doe-nuclear-sites
Analysis: Iranian President Rouhani Politically Impaired by Nuclear Deal with US
Analysis: Iranian President Rouhani Politically Impaired by Nuclear Deal with US
MPs vote to renew Trident weapons system
MPs vote to renew Trident weapons system
Trident nuclear weapons system explained
UK parliament votes to renew nuclear weapons
UK parliament votes to renew nuclear weapons
Deterrence is the key point of having nuclear weapons
Deterrence is the key point of having nuclear weapons
New group wants SC to stop passing on nuclear plant costs
New group wants SC to stop passing on nuclear plant costs
http://www.pennenergy.com/articles/pennenergy/2016/07/new-group-wants-sc-to-stop-passing-on-nuclear-plant-costs.html?eid=288118515&bid=1469204Company blames low energy prices for demise of power station
Company blames low energy prices for demise of power station
Key projects on the new Silk Road
Key projects on the new Silk Road
Maps, displays, and other info on projects in Central and West Asia. https://next.ft.com/content/
Process announced for Bellefonte Nuclear Plant sale
Process announced for Bellefonte Nuclear Plant sale
Lawsuit over Nation's 1st Offshore Wind Farm is Dismissed
Lawsuit over Nation's 1st Offshore Wind Farm is Dismissed
Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Going to Auction
Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Going to Auction
Monday, July 18, 2016
The New Nuclear Renaissance
The New Nuclear Renaissance
The future of nuclear energy in the U.S. is bright.
Transatomic Power
Transatomic Power .
Executive Summary
Transatomic Power is developing an advanced molten salt reactor that generates clean, passively safe, proliferation-resistant, and low-cost nuclear power. This reactor can consume either low-enriched uranium fuel or the spent nuclea...
Transatomic Power is developing an advanced molten salt reactor that generates clean, passively safe, proliferation-resistant, and low-cost nuclear power. This reactor can consume either low-enriched uranium fuel or the spent nuclea...
Transatomic Releases Details of New Reactor Design
firm defies conventional wisdom about keeping early stage technical
details a secret by posting a white paper about its progress along with
the endorsements of its venture capital backers. Advanced reactor
developer Transatomic Power...https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2151476/2151476-6159409215254323202
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