Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Nuclear, fracking, wind and wave: nine ways to power Ireland
Nuclear, fracking, wind and wave: nine ways to power Ireland
We’re afraid of fracking, we don’t like wind turbines and we don’t have enough oil. Any chance we might cut down on energy usage?
Japan’s adherence to nuclear power critical at home and overseas: MIT luminary
Japan’s adherence to nuclear power critical at home and overseas: MIT luminary
Point Refuted a Thousand Times: Nuclear is not low carbon?
Point Refuted a Thousand Times: Nuclear is not low carbon?
http://energyrealityproject.Entergy Uses Decommissioning Fund: State Officials Are Very Upset
Japan Continues to Tremble; Japan is No Place for Nuclear Reactors
Japan Continues to Tremble; Japan is No Place for Nuclear Reactors
Blowing away myths: Study says wind energy could be even more reliable than baseload power | Midwest Energy News
Editor's Comment: I don't believe this particularly given the source of the prepared report, but the report is out there:
Blowing away myths: Study says wind energy could be even more reliable than baseload power | Midwest Energy News
Blowing away myths: Study says wind energy could be even more reliable than baseload power | Midwest Energy News
Energy Quote of the Day: Did I Miss Where it Said There Will be Zero Demand for Oil by 2050?
Energy Quote of the Day: Did I Miss Where it Said There Will be Zero Demand for Oil by 2050?
By Edward Dodge
Arabia’s oil minister is concerned about potentially disruptive trends
that could undermine the oil industry in the coming decades. New
technologies and efforts to cut carbon emissions offer potentially
existential threats to the world’s most important commodity. Current
projections from the IEA and other analysts all forecast demand for oil
increasing, with medium-term forecasts
How do metal alloy fuel fast reactors respond to rapid reactivity insertion events?
How do metal alloy fuel fast reactors respond to rapid reactivity insertion events?
Friday, February 20, 2015
On 'Existential' Threats A word that has replaced thought
On 'Existential' Threats
A word that has replaced thought
Iran's Partnership With North Korea On Nukes And Missiles May Scuttle Any Deal
Iran's Partnership With North Korea On Nukes And Missiles May Scuttle Any Deal
Guest post: Russia and China outgun the West in civil nuclear exports
Guest post: Russia and China outgun the West in civil nuclear exports
Natural gas drilling is causing earthquakes in Europe too
Natural gas drilling is causing earthquakes in Europe too
http://grist.org/news/gas-drilling-is-causing-earthquakes-in-PennEnergy's Top Power News 2/20
Top Power News
Monitors: Southern Co. might spend $8B on nuclear plant
Study: biomass with carbon capture could make western U.S. carbon-negative
Solar power from energy-harvesting trees (Video)
Panda Power to jointly develop 1,000 MW combined cycle power plant
Duke expects to pay $100MM to settle coal ash case
549 MW combined cycle power plant approved by West Virginia PSC
NRG to provide up to 70 MW of solar power to Kaiser Permanente
Home Power P&G, Constellation plan $200MM biomass power plant P&G, Constellation plan $200MM biomass power plant
Entergy: Nuclear plant closing costs not covered past 60 years
Siemens awarded major wind power order in South Africa
EIA: Japan plans to restart some nuclear power plants in 2015
Direct Carbon Fuel Cells: An Ultra-Low Emission Tech for Power Generation
Direct Carbon Fuel Cells: An Ultra-Low Emission Tech for Power Generation
http://www.pennenergy.com/articles/pennenergy/2015/02/direct-carbon-fuel-cells-an-ultra-low-emission-technology-for-power-generation.html?cmpid=EnlWeeklyPowerFebruary202015PennEnergy's Most Popular Oil & Gas News 2/20
This Week's Most Popular Oil & Gas News
Judge: Oil and gas firms not liable for Louisiana coastal erosion
West Virginia oil train derailment: Fires for hours, smoke
Why oil refinery strike has had little bite at gas pump
Blast hits Southern California oil refinery
Mexico puts some deepwater oil exploration on hold amid crude's slide
Golar LNG sells Golar Viking liquefied natural gas vessel
Genie Energy spuds oil exploration well in Northern Israel
Hydraulic Fracturing water disposal site draws opposition in Nebraska
Company suspends efforts to seize Nebraska land for Keystone oil pipeline
ND Senate backs off plan for oil-funded governor's residence
Financing new ventures in oil and gas E&P technology domain - Part-3
Statoil submitting plan for Johan Sverdrup offshore development
Congressional Democrats seek to step up hydraulic fracturing oversight
The Shale Play Today – February 2015
The Shale Play Today – February 2015
By John (Max) Wilkinson | Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
of the United States” or “WOTUS” in the esoteric taxonomy of the Clean
Water Act (“CWA”), is a term with which many are becoming increasingly
familiar. This deceptively simple phrase is anything but simple in its
President’s Budget Would Increase Funding for Renewable Technologies But Defund Fossil Energy Research
President’s Budget Would Increase Funding for Renewable Technologies But Defund Fossil Energy Research
By Enerknol Research
House Energy and Power Subcommittee heard testimony from Secretary
Moniz on the DOE FY 2016 budget request, which outlined $1+B in
renewable energy program funding increases but a decrease to fossil
energy research and development. On February 11, 2015, the House Energy
and Power Subcommittee held a hearing on the Department of Energy’s
Oil is back over $60 a barrel. Is the market returning to normal?
The oil price
The Saudi project, part two
Oil is back over $60 a barrel. Is the market returning to normal?
Why America’s Obsession With Iran’s Centrifuges Could Give Tehran the Bomb
Why America’s Obsession With Iran’s Centrifuges Could Give Tehran the Bomb
http://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2015/02/why-our-obsession-irans-centrifuges-could-give-them-bomb/105660/?oref=defenseone_today_nlThursday, February 19, 2015
Yucca Mountain – NRC’s Safety Evaluation Reports
Yucca Mountain – NRC’s Safety Evaluation Reports
January 30, 2015 (NRCtoday.com) — NRC’s website has a handy page where you can download the 5 volumes of NUREG-1949Safety Evaluation Report Related to Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in a Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Sorry State: U.S.’s Nuclear Reactor Fleet Dwindles
Sorry State: U.S.’s Nuclear Reactor Fleet Dwindles
A falloff in construction of new nuclear power plants will make climate change requirements harder to meet
Government explores options on how to store nuclear waste in the long term
Government explores options on how to store nuclear waste in the long term
Health Effects of the Chernobyl Accident
Health Effects of the Chernobyl Accident
http://www.nuclearsafety.gc.ca/eng/resources/health/health-effects-chernobyl-accident.cfmCan Russia Afford Its Reactor Exports?
Can Russia Afford Its Reactor Exports?
Nuclear nonproliferation is under threat, and so is American national security
Nuclear nonproliferation is under threat, and so is American national security
ISIS Reports: ISIS’s initial findings from the Iran safeguards report
ISIS Reports
ISIS’s initial findings from the Iran safeguards report
by David Albright, Serena Kelleher-Vergantini, Andrea Stricker, Paulina Izewicz, and Daniel SchnurFebruary 19, 2015
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has released today its most recent quarterly safeguards report on Iran. ISIS will release a full technical analysis of the report later today, however below are several first-look takeaways.
ISIS’s initial observations include:
1) Iran’s average daily production of 3.5 percent low enriched uranium (LEU) has decreased.
2) Iran has not managed to produce 3.5 percent LEU oxide from 3.5 percent LEU hexafluoride fed into the Enriched U02 Powder Plant (EUPP). It has fed 2,750 kilograms of such LEU hexafluoride into the process lines but the output remains in intermediate forms of enriched uranium. The reason for not being able to make LEU oxide, as expected, is unknown.
3) Iran has increased the rate of feeding of natural uranium hexafluoride (UF6) into its advanced centrifuges at the Natanz pilot fuel enrichment plant (PFEP). The feeding rate is significantly greater than the previous three reporting periods and more than double the rate of the last reporting period. In the advanced centrifuges, after enrichment and the measurement of the enrichment level of the product, the product is remixed with the tails or waste, producing natural uranium.
4) The IR-5 centrifuge located at the PFEP has been disconnected and is unable to enrich uranium without reconnecting the pipework. This disconnection reflects Iran addressing concerns about its enrichment in the centrifuge in the last reporting period. The disconnection provides additional confidence that Iran is abiding by its commitments under the Joint Plan of Action.
5) No progress has been achieved in this reporting period on resolving the IAEA’s concerns on the possible military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program. In particular, Iran has not proposed any new practical measures to resolve this issue in a fourth step under the IAEA/Iran Framework for Cooperation. It has also not addressed the last two measures in the third step of the Framework for Cooperation that had been agreed upon in May 2014.
6) Suspicious activities continue at the Parchin military site.
The latest IAEA Iran safeguards report for February 19, 2015 is available here.http://isis-online.org/isis-reports/detail/isiss-initial-findings-from-the-iran-safeguards-report/
Nuclear science is climate science: IAEA, UNEP sign practical arrangement to address climate change
Nuclear science is climate science: IAEA, UNEP sign practical arrangement to address climate change
February 18, 2015
Quickly eroding soil in Pakistan (Photo credit: IAEA}
As the IAEA develops and expands its efforts to protect humankind and
the environment, it has increasingly found common cause with the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), a specialized agency which
coordinates and establishes the guiding policies for environmental
activities around the world. With their mutual interest for
environmental protection in mind, the two organizations have entered
into a Practical Arrangement (PA) with the intention of solidifying and formalizing their already productive relationship.The IAEA and UNEP share a long history of partnership, across a number of intersecting disciplines and fields of activity. The first project undertaken together was initiated in 1974, and centred on the Agency’s Laboratory for Marine Radioactivity Studies in Monaco. With financial support from UNEP, the IAEA was able to conduct studies to determine the concentration of selected radionuclides, trace elements and hydrocarbons present in samples of Mediterranean seawater. In the intervening 40 years, the two agencies have expanded their collaboration to include new, emerging subjects of interest or concern.
Following a meeting held in May 2013—between Mr Kwaku Aning, Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Technical Cooperation (TC), and Mr Ibrahim Thiaw, then-Director of the UNEP Policy Branch—the fields of activity which overlap UNEP and IAEA mandates were elaborated and identified.
The areas of common interest between the two organizations include: Climate science and climate change adaptation, ecosystem management, sustainable production and consumption, waste management and disposal, and scientific inputs to environmental policy-making.
More generally, the Practical Arrangement seeks to “develop working relationships that promote sustainable environmental management for the well-being of present and future generations.” By supporting capacity building efforts among the affected Member States, who will in turn implement measures to conserve resources and ecosystems, the PA provides the tools needed to adapt to the impacts of climate change and variability.
Expanded cooperation is also envisaged through the planning and design of natural resource management projects, which would fall within the framework of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). These projects would benefit from a comparative advantage, as UNEP and the IAEA have complementary, specialized roles in the GEF.
An interregional project[1] which counts 23 countries among its participants is already leveraging the specialized capabilities of both organizations. Initiated in 2014, the project seeks to identify and address the effects of climate change, which the UNDP described as “the defining human development challenge of the 21st century” in their 2008 Human Development Report.
Nowhere are the effects of manmade climate change more evident than in the Earth’s polar and mountainous regions, where changing precipitation and rising temperatures are causing ice glaciers to melt. As a result, farming communities relocate to higher altitudes, often in more delicate ecosystems, causing further land degradation and affecting food security. Reports published by UNEP highlight a growing need to provide local policy-makers and stakeholders in these regions with accurate, long-term information regarding atmospheric carbon concentrations and changing average temperatures.
By conducting C-14 carbon dating and performing stable isotope analyses of the soil at the foot of retreating glaciers, experts can discern what the future portends for local farmers and rural communities, both in terms of soil composition and future meteorological trends.
The IAEA is providing close technical support to all the participating Member States—through expert missions and training events, the project will strengthen capacities in the implementation of the appropriate nuclear techniques. Complementing the Agency’s work, UNEP will not only raise awareness for climate change generally, but will use the data generated by the interregional project to justify further interventions to slow, prevent or adapt to climate change.
With the Practical Arrangement signed and in effect, future collaboration between the IAEA and UNEP will doubtlessly continue, and will build upon the links already established in the past 50 years.http://www.iaea.org/technicalcooperation/Home/Highlights-Archive/Archive-2015/02182015-UNEP.html
Watch the oceans acidify in real time
Watch the oceans acidify in real time
This is a handy new tool for scientists, and a mesmerizing screensaver for the rest of us.
US NRC could shrink by 10% in five years, says report
US NRC could shrink by 10% in five years, says report
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) could be about 10% smaller in 2020 on a "declining interest" in nuclear power in the USA. The projection is contained in the Project Aim 2020 report the agency released yesterday.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-US-NRC-could-shrink-by-10-percent-in-five-years-19021501.html
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) could be about 10% smaller in 2020 on a "declining interest" in nuclear power in the USA. The projection is contained in the Project Aim 2020 report the agency released yesterday.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-US-NRC-could-shrink-by-10-percent-in-five-years-19021501.html
Belgian Regulators Call For Worldwide Plant Inspections
Belgian Regulators Call For Worldwide Plant Inspections
Atucha 2 reaches 100% rated power
Atucha 2 reaches 100% rated power
The second unit of the Atucha nuclear power plant in Argentina today reached 100% of its rated power, completing an increase in the share of nuclear power in the country's electricity mix from 7% to 10%.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Atucha-2-reaches-100-percent-rated-power-19021502.html
Extra precautions during construction, launch of Belarusian nuclear power plant
Extra precautions during construction, launch of Belarusian nuclear power plant
Natural gas replacing nuclear power for San Diego
Natural gas replacing nuclear power for San Diego
Platts' Nuclear Conference Attended by Companies Spending Millions on Lobbying
Platts' Nuclear Conference Attended by Companies Spending Millions on Lobbying
China could build 200 nuclear reactors in the next 15 years
China could build 200 nuclear reactors in the next 15 years
Fukushima Update 2/19/15
Fukushima Update 2/19/15 –
The IAEA urges Tepco to release treated F. Daiichi wastewater… IAEA praises the progress made at F. Daiichi… Fukushima’s birth defect rate is no different from the rest of Japan… Fukushima Prefecture fights radiophobia with discount travel coupons… The total number of Fukushima refugees continues to drop… Canada’s citizen-scientist group says no Fukushima isotopes have reached the Pacific shore… Japan’s Industry Ministry has drafted a revision in basic policy for disposal of highly radioactive wastes.
The IAEA urges Tepco to release treated F. Daiichi wastewater… IAEA praises the progress made at F. Daiichi… Fukushima’s birth defect rate is no different from the rest of Japan… Fukushima Prefecture fights radiophobia with discount travel coupons… The total number of Fukushima refugees continues to drop… Canada’s citizen-scientist group says no Fukushima isotopes have reached the Pacific shore… Japan’s Industry Ministry has drafted a revision in basic policy for disposal of highly radioactive wastes.
Sun Scientists Debate Whether Solar Lull Could Trigger Another 'Little Ice Age'
Sun Scientists Debate Whether Solar Lull Could Trigger Another 'Little Ice Age'
Nine Mile Point 2 nuclear plant shuts down for unexplained rising water
Nine Mile Point 2 nuclear plant shuts down for unexplained rising water
Nuclear power – how can public opinion be won over?
Nuclear power – how can public opinion be won over?
US denies Israel in the dark over nuclear talks
US denies Israel in the dark over nuclear talks
Washington (AFP) Feb 18, 2015 - The White House on Wednesday denied keeping Israel in the dark over ongoing nuclear negotiations with Iran, but suggested its ally had cherry-picked information to bolster opposition to the deal. Amid strains in the US-Israeli relationship over negotiations to reach a landmark nuclear agreement with Iran, White House spokesman Josh Earnest rejected suggestions Israel was being frozen out. ... morehttp://www.spacewar.com/reports/US_denies_Israel_in_the_dark_over_nuclear_talks_999.html
Washington (AFP) Feb 18, 2015 - The White House on Wednesday denied keeping Israel in the dark over ongoing nuclear negotiations with Iran, but suggested its ally had cherry-picked information to bolster opposition to the deal. Amid strains in the US-Israeli relationship over negotiations to reach a landmark nuclear agreement with Iran, White House spokesman Josh Earnest rejected suggestions Israel was being frozen out. ... morehttp://www.spacewar.com/reports/US_denies_Israel_in_the_dark_over_nuclear_talks_999.html
Nuclear Matters Update 2/19
Nuclear Matters kicked off 2015 by hosting two events -- one in Illinois, and another in Ohio. Each provided a valuable opportunity to educate new audiences about the importance of preserving our current nuclear fleet.
* Illinois' Energy Future at the City Club of Chicago *
On January 27, Nuclear Matters Co-Chair Evan Bayh joined Leadership Council members Carol M. Browner and Sean McGarvey at the City Club of Chicago -- a non-profit, non-partisan organization whose members include prominent business, civic and government leaders in Chicago -- for a conversation on the importance of Illinois' nuclear energy plants. Doug Scott, Chairman of the Illinois Commerce Commission, rounded-out the panel. During this sold-out event, the group discussed how the Illinois General Assembly has already started communicating the importance of these plants by passing House Resolution 1146, a report which explains the value of Illinois' nuclear fleet and the negative impacts if plants were taken offline.
Watch the video: [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Read more: [ http://www.nuclearmatters.com/
* Powering Progress in Ohio at the Davis-Besse Education Center *
On February 5, the campaign hosted an event at the Davis-Besse nuclear education center in Oak Harbor, Ohio. The event featured Nuclear Matters Co-Chair Judd Gregg and Leadership Council member Carol M. Browner; Larry Tscherne, Business Director of IBEW Local 245; Jim Lash, President of Generation at FirstEnergy; and moderator Dana Saucier, Senior Director at JobsOhio. The audience included a number of officials representing County Commissions, the State House and state regulatory agencies, in addition to academics and leaders from economic development agencies. The panel addressed the important role that nuclear energy plants play in Ohio and nationwide.
Watch the video: [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Read more: [ http://www.nuclearmatters.com/
* Get Involved *
Nuclear Matters recently launched an updated page on our website. News and Views is intended to serve as a tool for campaign supporters, like you, to stay up-to-date on our latest activity and important current events. You'll find event updates, featured articles, op-eds from around the country and original analysis from our Co-Chairs and Leadership Council members. [ http://www.nuclearmatters.com/
And if you haven't already, take a minute and follow the campaign on Twitter [ http://www.nuclearmatters.com/
Thank you for your continued support in 2015,
The Nuclear Matters Team
Germany, Turkey and Russia: Strange Energy Bedfellows
Germany, Turkey and Russia: Strange Energy Bedfellows
By Roman Kilisek
‘Energy Security Triangle’: Building Long-term Resilience while
Defusing Geopolitical Tensions The recent Munich Security Conference in
the Bavarian capital brought together – as it does every year –
important decision-makers in international politics, including heads of
state and government along with foreign and defense ministers to discuss
“hot” foreign and security policy issues. This year’s
Energy Quote of the Day: ‘Coal is Now Expected to be the Slowest-growing Fuel’
Energy Quote of the Day: ‘Coal is Now Expected to be the Slowest-growing Fuel’
By Edward Dodge
oil major BP issued its annual energy outlook and reported that rising
energy demand in the coming decades will cause increasing carbon
emissions despite efforts to draw them down. BP projects that the
growing global economy will cause energy demand to rise 40% in the next
twenty years and two-thirds of the demand will
Economic Downturns and Increased Energy Firm Compliance Risk
Economic Downturns and Increased Energy Firm Compliance Risk
Energy News Roundup: Soros Gains, Buffet Downsizes Big Oil & Russia’s New Energy Ally
Energy News Roundup: Soros Gains, Buffet Downsizes Big Oil & Russia’s New Energy Ally
By Conor O'Sullivan
Fund Management, a hedge fund firm, took new strides in the energy
sector, purchasing stakes in Devon Energy and Transocean, a regulatory
filing showed Tuesday.
“The investments of investorGeorge Soros and his family, bought 385,497
shares of Devon Energy and 149,000 shares of Transocean in the fourth
quarter, according to a filing with the
Three Military Bases Partner with DOE to Train Veterans for Solar Jobs
Three Military Bases Partner with DOE to Train Veterans for Solar Jobs
The first class of Marine trainees at Camp Pendleton graduated from the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) solar job training pilot program last Friday. The program is aimed at preparing service members for careers in the solar industry such as solar… Read Morehttp://www.powermag.com/three-military-bases-partner-with-doe-to-train-veterans-for-solar-jobs/?hq_e=el&hq_m=3030346&hq_l=15&hq_v=30108e0773
Ameren Comments on Suggested Revisions to the EPA's Clean Power Plan
Ameren Comments on Suggested Revisions to
the EPA's Clean Power Plan
Although there has been plenty of discussion in the U.S. power industry about the challenges posed by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) proposed Clean Power Plan (CPP), Missouri-based Ameren Corp. is the first generating company to go public with a… Read Morehttp://www.powermag.com/ameren-comments-on-suggested-revisions-to-epa-clean-power-plan/?hq_e=el&hq_m=3030346&hq_l=11&hq_v=30108e0773
Although there has been plenty of discussion in the U.S. power industry about the challenges posed by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) proposed Clean Power Plan (CPP), Missouri-based Ameren Corp. is the first generating company to go public with a… Read Morehttp://www.powermag.com/ameren-comments-on-suggested-revisions-to-epa-clean-power-plan/?hq_e=el&hq_m=3030346&hq_l=11&hq_v=30108e0773
Mississippi Supreme Court Strikes Down Kemper County IGCC Rate Increase
Mississippi Supreme Court Strikes Down
Kemper County IGCC Rate Increase
In yet another black eye for the long-delayed and hugely over-budget Kemper County integrated gasification combined cycle plant (IGCC), the Mississippi Supreme Court ruled on Feb. 12 that the Mississippi Public Service Commission (MPSC) erred in granting plant owner Mississippi… Read Morehttp://www.powermag.com/mississippi-supreme-court-strikes-down-kemper-county-igcc-rate-increase/?hq_e=el&hq_m=3030346&hq_l=8&hq_v=30108e0773
In yet another black eye for the long-delayed and hugely over-budget Kemper County integrated gasification combined cycle plant (IGCC), the Mississippi Supreme Court ruled on Feb. 12 that the Mississippi Public Service Commission (MPSC) erred in granting plant owner Mississippi… Read Morehttp://www.powermag.com/mississippi-supreme-court-strikes-down-kemper-county-igcc-rate-increase/?hq_e=el&hq_m=3030346&hq_l=8&hq_v=30108e0773
Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Gets a Lifeline
Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Gets a
On the verge of being mothballed as a result of a challenging market for its power, the R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant in western New York got a three-and-a-half-year reprieve when plant owner Exelon reached a reliability support service… Read More http://www.powermag.com/ginna-nuclear-power-plant-gets-a-lifeline/?hq_e=el&hq_m=3030346&hq_l=5&hq_v=30108e0773
On the verge of being mothballed as a result of a challenging market for its power, the R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant in western New York got a three-and-a-half-year reprieve when plant owner Exelon reached a reliability support service… Read More http://www.powermag.com/ginna-nuclear-power-plant-gets-a-lifeline/?hq_e=el&hq_m=3030346&hq_l=5&hq_v=30108e0773
Schedules of Provisions of the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, 2012 Edition - IAEA Safety Standards Series SSG-33
Schedules of Provisions of the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, 2012 Edition - IAEA Safety Standards Series SSG-33
www-pub.iaea.org www-pub.iaea.org
PennEnergy Daily Power Update 2/19
PennEnergy Power Daily | View online | February 19, 2015
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