IG report documents angry outbursts by US NRC Chairman Jaczko Platts IG report documents angry outbursts by US NRC Chairman Jaczko - read this Platts news article and other stories in electric power by clicking here. Also discover Platts energy information products related to electric power. |
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
IG report documents angry outbursts by US NRC Chairman Jaczko
liquid metal battery ToastingDesign Blog
liquid metal battery ToastingDesign Blog
When it comes to moving our world forward through innovation, I love this quote from Donald Sadoway, spoken during a TED Talk about the liquid metal battery: ...
When it comes to moving our world forward through innovation, I love this quote from Donald Sadoway, spoken during a TED Talk about the liquid metal battery: ...
another fracking earthquake in Texas - 3.4 M
Another fracking earthquake in Texas – 3.4M - Bluedaze We had another fracking earthquake in Texas this morning. This one was 3.4M and was in the Eagle Ford Shale. Event Page When I tried the Texas Railroad ... www.texassharon.com/.../ |
Green Mercantilism Is a Threat to the Clean Energy Ecoomy
Green Mercantilism Is a Threat to the Clean Energy Economy Huffington Post Green Mercantilists like China, South Korea and Ukraine are adopting policies that give them and their domestic firms an unfair advantage, which not only harms the United States, but also limits global clean energy innovation. |
Proposals on China-EU Energy Cooperation (Xue Yanping
.. |
Proposals on China-EU Energy Cooperation (Xue Yanping) In recent years, energy cooperation between China and European Union has developed very rapidly. On 5th May 2012, high-level energy officials from China ... ies.cass.cn/en/cer/ChinaEUIES/ |
Oil-rich Calgary a magnet for consulates
Lesson Learned The Fukushima disaster should make nuclear energy safer than ever. Jacopo Buongiorno
Lesson Learned
The Fukushima disaster should make nuclear energy safer than ever.
Jacopo Buongiorno
California Energy Update 6/30
NiMin Energy Announces Closing of Sale of California Assets MarketWatch (press release) NiMin Energy Announces Closing of Sale of California Assets. CARPINTERIA, CALIFORNIA, Jun 29, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- NiMin Energy Corp. (TOR:CA:NNN) (OTN:NEYYF) (otcqx:NEYYF) (the "Company" or "NiMin") announced that it has ... | ||
BrightSource, NextEra buy California solar projects Reuters In 2009, units of Solar Millennium and California oil company Chevron Corp proposed the Blythe project in Riverside County about 225 miles (362 km) east-southeast of Los Angeles, according to the project filing on the California Energy Commission website. | ||
Solar firm that got Fed energy loan goes bankrupt Contra Costa Times WASHINGTON - A Colorado-based solar panel maker that received a $400 million loan guarantee from the Obama administration said Thursday it will file for bankruptcy, the latest setback for an industry battered by the recession and stiff competition from ... | ||
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Biggest Solar Farm Switching to Panels Only Before Purchase Businessweek The switch is described in a petition filed by Solar Trust's Palo Verde Solar I unit and posted today on the California Energy Commission's website. If approved, construction may begin as soon as April on what would be the world's largest solar farm ... | ||
NextEra Files to Switch Blythe Project to Photovoltaic Panels Bloomberg ... asked regulators for permission to follow through on previously announced plans to use photovoltaic panels at its 1000-megawatt Blythe solar farm, not the originally planned solar-thermal system, before the California project is sold to NextEra ... | ||
Alternative Fuels in California Imperial Valley News Sacramento, California - It's been a watershed few weeks for alternative fuels in California with more than $30 million in grant funding announced recently by the California Energy Commission for research, development and distribution. At CDFA, we pay ... | ||
NiMin Energy Announces Closing of Sale of Wyoming Assets Energy Digital (press release) CARPINTERIA, CALIFORNIA--(Marketwire - June 28, 2012) - NiMin Energy Corp. (TSX:NNN)(OTCBB:NEYYF)(OTCQX: | ||
PG&E Provides Top-to-Bottom Look At Natural Gas Safety Actions Energy Digital (press release) Based in San Francisco, with 20000 employees, the company delivers some of the nation's cleanest energy to 15 million people in Northern and Central California. For more information, visit http://www.pge.com/about/ | ||
Concentrated Solar Power: BrightSource, NextEra buy California solar projects REVE BrightSource Energy and NextEra Energy Inc have bought two large concentrating solar power projects in California from insolvent German renewable power company Solar Millennium AG. Concentrated Solar Power: BrightSource, NextEra buy California ... See all stories on this topic |
China responds to Fukushima Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
China responds to Fukushima Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Nonprolfieration Update 6/30
Third P5 Conference: Implementing the NPT
US Department of State (press release)
The five Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) nuclear-weapon states, or “P5,” met in Washington on June 27-29, 2012, in the wake of the 2009 London and 2011 Paris P5 conferences to review progress towards fulfilling the commitments made at the 2010 ...
US Department of State (press release)
The five Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) nuclear-weapon states, or “P5,” met in Washington on June 27-29, 2012, in the wake of the 2009 London and 2011 Paris P5 conferences to review progress towards fulfilling the commitments made at the 2010 ...
Reorganization Bolsters Nuclear Nonproliferation Capability LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico, June 27, 2012—Los Alamos National Laboratory has strengthened its capability in a key aspect of nuclear nonproliferation by ... www.lanl.gov/.../ |
Training | CNS Middle East Nonproliferation | The James Martin ... CNS Middle East Nonproliferation activities foster the development of a community of nonproliferation specialists in the Middle East. cns.miis.edu/programs/middle_ |
RealClearWorld - We Need Cyberwar Nonproliferation Treaty Shodan is a fictional megalomaniac artificial intelligence network from System Shock, a 1994 video game, symbolized by a female face arcing green lightning. www.realclearworld.com/.../we_ |
San Onofre Update 6/30
California energy officials plan for life without San Onofre - KSWB
As California energy officials make short-term plans to cope while the San Onofre plant is off line, they're also starting to think about a nuclear-free future.
As California energy officials make short-term plans to cope while the San Onofre plant is off line, they're also starting to think about a nuclear-free future.
DO WE REALLY NEED IT? U-T San Diego The latest report on the outage at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station shows the replacement of four massive steam generators was accompanied by serious design flaws, with no clear solution in sight. Both stakeholders in San Onofre and critics of ... Se |
PERKINS: Anti-nukes don't care about cost North County Times In a legal petition filed this month with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the so-called "Friends of the Earth" demanded not only a "license amendment proceeding," but also an "adjudicatory public hearing" before San Onofre is allowed to start ... |
Yucca Mountain Update 6/30
Yucca Mountain critic among nominees confirmed to nuclear panel Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON -- Sidestepping a new debate over the nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, the Senate confirmed two of President Obama 's nominees to the beleaguered Nuclear Regulatory Commission – including a critic of the proposed waste ... |
Feds need to rethink nuclear waste plans The Daily News of Newburyport In 2002, it appeared a solution was in the works when Congress approved building a storage facility within Yucca Mountain, in a remote Nevada desert near the nation's nuclear testing area. It was meant to store the spent rods from all of the nation's ... |
Court's Waste Confidence Ruling Energy Collective Second, environmental groups who have argued against Yucca Mountain are delighted to see another court ruling that, if implemented, would add more “paralysis by analysis” to the spent fuel debate. More delays in |
Thorium Update 6/30
India to establish nuclear reactor that uses Thorium as fuel: Atomic ... India is planning to establish a nuclear power plant that uses thorium as main fuel instead of uranium, Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) chairman R K Sinha ... timesofindia.indiatimes.com/ |
DOE Collaborates With China on Thorium Reactors Pike Research The U.S. Department of Energy is collaborating with China on thorium-based reactors with molten salt cores, according to a report on Smart Planet. Written by ... www.pikeresearch.com/.../doe- |
China Energy Update 6/30
TMF World Energy Map: China DailyFinance The most populous country in the world, China has an insatiable appetite for energy. Imports are crucial, but the country also produces a large amount of. | ||
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China to hold second shale gas auction in July - media Reuters Top energy agency, the National Energy Administration, targets to produce 6.5 billion cubic metres (bcm) of shale gas by 2015, or roughly 6 percent of China's current total gas production. It intends to dramatically boost output to 60-100 bcm in 2020 ... | ||
China, Singapore Exempted From US Iran Oil Sanctions Bloomberg As a nation, Japan ranked second behind China, according to the U.S. Energy Department. Clinton said reduced oil exports are costing Iran almost $8 billion a quarter in lost revenue. That estimate is based on a drop in crude exports to 1.5 million ... | ||
China, Singapore cut back on Iranian crude UPI.com China and Singapore became the latest countries to get protection from U.S. sanctions because of moves away from Iranian crude, a U.S. official said. | ||
Abound Failure Revives Debate Over Obama Solar Policies Bloomberg The failure of a second solar manufacturer that received loan guarantees from the U.S. Energy Department adds to pressure on President Barack Obama to justify incentives for the clean-energy industry that's being undercut by Chinese competition ... | ||
Abound Solar closes and files bankruptcy Examiner.com According to the company's press release, Abound “…has been working to scale up manufacturing for its high-efficiency, second generation PV module, which was tested and verified by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to deliver 85 watts ... | ||
Green energy contest hopes to spur further innovations China Post TAIPEI, Taiwan --The utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and innovative green approaches in major industries can help decrease global carbon emissions by up to 15 percent, said Eugene Chien, Chairman of the Taiwan Institute ... See all stories on this topic » | ||
[CEG Commentary] The Emerging Great Power's Middle Eastern
[CEG Commentary] The Emerging Great Power's Middle Eastern ...
By yzhao
China's fast economic growth requires energy security, and abundant oil and gas reserves make the Middle East, the main oil exporter to China, a vital region in the rising great power's energy strategy. China has become a net oil importer ...
China Elections and Governance
By yzhao
China's fast economic growth requires energy security, and abundant oil and gas reserves make the Middle East, the main oil exporter to China, a vital region in the rising great power's energy strategy. China has become a net oil importer ...
China Elections and Governance
Orchestrating the Natural Gas Revolution
Orchestrating the Natural Gas Revolution
by Robert Gee, EnergyBiz
Robert Gee, EnergyBiz
THE SURGE OF NATURAL GAS made available through advanced exploration and production technologies such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling has been heralded as a potential game changer in providing an abundant resource to address our country's future energy demand. Seemingly a fortnight ago, conventional wisdom had the United States relying on greater imports of liquefied natural gas. Today, the outlook is reversed, with qualified support for exporting the commodity, assuming production is sufficient for domestic needs.
THE SURGE OF NATURAL GAS made available through advanced exploration and production technologies such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling has been heralded as a potential game changer in providing an abundant resource to address our country's future energy demand. Seemingly a fortnight ago, conventional wisdom had the United States relying on greater imports of liquefied natural gas. Today, the outlook is reversed, with qualified support for exporting the commodity, assuming production is sufficient for domestic needs.
A Secular Change In The Oil Marke
A Secular Change In The Oil Market
by Qineqt, Seeking Alpha
Qineqt, Seeking Alpha
Oil prices have shown a decline of 22% since the beginning of 2Q2012, and are trading at $80.15/bbl for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil. There are several reasons for the decline in oil prices, in both the local and international markets, and can be divided into structural/secular and cyclical changes. . .
Oil prices have shown a decline of 22% since the beginning of 2Q2012, and are trading at $80.15/bbl for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil. There are several reasons for the decline in oil prices, in both the local and international markets, and can be divided into structural/secular and cyclical changes. . .
It Really Doesn't Matter If We Stop Buying Middle Eastern Oil

It Really Doesn't Matter If We Stop Buying Middle Eastern Oil
By Jordan WeissmannFriday, June 29, 2012
ASN issues security recommendations for France's nuclear plants
France's nuclear safety authority, ASN, unveiled a report containing several recommendations to enhance security at the country's nuclear plants in the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi incident in Japan. All facilities need to be equipped with "hard-core" compounds and invest in technical skills and human resources, according to the report. The Japan incident "reminded us that, despite all precautions, the possibility of an accident can never be excluded," said André-Claude Lacoste, director of ASN. Fox Business/Dow Jones Newswires (6/28)
Candu Energy mulls development of MOX reactors in the UK
- Candu Energy mulls development of MOX reactors in the U.K.
Canada's Candu Energy and the U.K. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority are studying the development of new reactors in the U.K. that would operate on mixed oxide fuel. "Candu technology is well-suited to deliver a timely and cost effective disposition of UK fissile material stocks based on proven design," said Ala Alizadeh, Candu Energy's senior vice president, marketing and business development. Financial Post (Canada)/The Canadian Press (6/28)
GDF Suez to trim nuclear energy business, experts say
GDF Suez to trim nuclear energy business, experts say
Experts predict sharp cuts in GDF Suez's nuclear energy business as France's nuclear market weakens and as Belgium curbs its dependence on nuclear power. "My view is that GDF Suez will continue to manage its power stations in Belgium [until 2025] but that it will choose other energy forms [elsewhere]," said Paris Dauphine University professor Jean-Marie Chevalier. GDF Suez obtained 10% of its total energy generation from nuclear in 2011, down from 13% in 2010. Reuters (6/28)
Experts predict sharp cuts in GDF Suez's nuclear energy business as France's nuclear market weakens and as Belgium curbs its dependence on nuclear power. "My view is that GDF Suez will continue to manage its power stations in Belgium [until 2025] but that it will choose other energy forms [elsewhere]," said Paris Dauphine University professor Jean-Marie Chevalier. GDF Suez obtained 10% of its total energy generation from nuclear in 2011, down from 13% in 2010. Reuters (6/28)
B&W unit secures U.S. Navy contracts worth $82 million
- B&W unit secures U.S. Navy contracts worth $82 million
The U.S. Navy awarded contracts worth $82 million to Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Operations Group to provide reactor-related services, including the manufacturing of steam generator parts and the disassembling and removal of highly enriched uranium. "B&W NOG is pleased to continue its support of U.S. defense programs with these additional contracts," said Peyton Baker, B&W NOG president. The News & Advance (Lynchburg, Va.)
NRC lawyers back petition to delay reactor licensing
- NRC lawyers back petition to delay reactor licensing
Attorneys with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission agree with a petition filed by environmental groups seeking to delay the licensing and license extensions for nuclear plants. The petition, which would affect NextEra Energy's Seabrook facility in New Hampshire, earned the support of 12 Nuclear Regulatory Commission lawyers. The Nuclear Energy Institute said in filings that the petition is not necessary and that the NRC's waste storage environmental analysis should be addressed in a formal rulemaking. NEI also said the petition's proposed 60-day waiting period was not warranted. EENews.net (subscription required) (6/28), SeacoastOnline (Portsmouth, N.H.)
Conn. AG expresses concern about relicensing of 2 units at N.Y. plant
Conn. AG expresses concern about relicensing of 2 units at N.Y. plant
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission needs to determine the long-term environmental and safety effects of extending the operating license of two units at Entergy's Indian Point nuclear plant in New York, said Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen. State and local governments could suffer financially from the evacuation of people should an emergency occur, Jepsen said. The plant is within 50 miles of one-third of Connecticut's population, he said. The Wall Street Journal/The Associated Press
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission needs to determine the long-term environmental and safety effects of extending the operating license of two units at Entergy's Indian Point nuclear plant in New York, said Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen. State and local governments could suffer financially from the evacuation of people should an emergency occur, Jepsen said. The plant is within 50 miles of one-third of Connecticut's population, he said. The Wall Street Journal/The Associated Press
US NRC Blog Update: Appointment of NRC Commissioners - How Does It Work
U.S. NRC Blog |
California Energy Update 6/30
GridSense, an Acorn Energy Company, Partners with California Utility to ... MarketWatch (press release) SACRAMENTO, Calif., June 28, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- GridSense, an Acorn Energy (NASDAQ:ACFN) company that develops and markets advanced monitoring solutions for the electric power industry, has announced that a California utility will ... |
Emerson To Provide Power Technology For Two Solar Energy Projects In ... MarketWatch (press release) "Emerson is pleased to be expanding its portfolio of solar energy projects in California," said Mark Bulanda, who serves as world leader for Emerson's solar and wind energy initiatives. "We pride ourselves on supplying this and other critical ... |
NiMin Energy Announces Closing of Sale of Wyoming Assets MarketWatch (press release) CARPINTERIA, CALIFORNIA, Jun 28, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- NiMin Energy Corp. (TOR:CA:NNN) (OTN:NEYYF) (otcqx:NEYYF) (the "Company" or "NiMin") announced that it has completed its previously announced sale of its assets in ... |
Solar firm that got DOE loan to declare bankruptcy Contra Costa Times Abound is the third clean-energy company to seek bankruptcy protection after receiving a loan from the Energy Department under the economic stimulus law. California solar panel maker Solyndra and Beacon Power, a Massachusetts energy-storage firm, ... |
California Gasoline Rises After Shell Refinery Reports Upset Bloomberg Carbob gasoline inventories rose 5.4 percent last week to 4.8 million barrels from 4.55 million a week earlier, the state Energy Commission said in an e-mailed report yesterday. California-blend, or CARB, diesel supplies dropped 9.4 percent to 2.14 ... |
Solar energy finds its way into homes thanks to innovative project Hydrogen Fuel News California continues to generate buzz in the world of solar energy. The state is already home to some of the most innovative solar energy projects in the U.S., but energy companies continue to work to expand the state's portfolio. Sullivan Solar Power ... |
Covanta Energy, City of Modesto and County of Stanislaus Reach Agreement for ... Energy Digital (press release) CROWS LANDING, CA--(Marketwire - June 27, 2012) - Covanta Stanislaus Inc., a subsidiary of Covanta Energy Corporation, (NYSE: CVA), the City of Modesto and the County of Stanislaus, California today announced an agreement that extends sustainable ... |
UCSB scientists compile first study of potential for tsunamis in northwestern California
UCSB scientists compile first study of potential for tsunamis in northwestern California
Santa Barbara CA (SPX) Jun 29, 2012
Using studies that span the last three decades, scientists at UC Santa
Barbara have compiled the first evidence-based comprehensive study of
the potential for tsunamis in Northwestern California. The paper,
"Paleoseismicity of the Southern End of the Cascadia Subduction Zone,
Northwestern California," was co-written by professors Edward Keller and
Alexander Simms from UCSB's Department of Earth
AREVA inaugurates the world's first hydrogen backup power system for Data Centers
AREVA inaugurates the world's first hydrogen backup power system for Data Centers
Paris, Francew (SPX) Jun 29, 2012
Helion, the AREVA subsidiary specialized in the use of hydrogen and
energy storage, and its partner Modul'Data Center have inaugurated today
the world's first backup power system connected to a Data Center and
working with a fuel cell.
On this occasion, more than fifty people, including professionals from
the industry, as well as from the institutional and the
telecommunications sectors, c
India to establish nuclear reactor that uses Thorium as fuel: Atomic Energy Commission
India to establish nuclear reactor that uses Thorium as fuel: Atomic Energy Commission
by Lee Gliddon
India is planning to establish a nuclear power plant that uses thorium
as main fuel instead of uranium, which is used in the conventional
reactors. "It is natural for India to go for thorium reactors given the
abundance in its supply in the country. We are in the process of
selecting an appropriate site for establishing one," said Atomic Energy
Commission (AEC) chairman R K Sinha.
Westinghouse, Curtiss-Wright Form Nuclear Plant Motor Service Alliance
Westinghouse, Curtiss-Wright Form Nuclear Plant Motor Service Alliance
by Nuclear Street News Team
and Parsippany, N.J.-based engineering firm Curtiss-Wright announced an
agreement Thursday to collaborate on large motor refurbishments in
nuclear plants.Westinghouse and Curtiss-Wright Sign Strategic Nuclear Alliance
by Lee Gliddon
PITTSBURGH, June 28, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Westinghouse
Electric Company announced today that it has signed a strategic
alliance agreement with Curtiss-Wright Corporation's Flow Control
business segment's Electro-Mechanical Division (EMD) business unit to
jointly pursue and develop business opportunities for the refurbishment
of large motors for commercial nuclear power applications in North
America and to collaborate on new technology development.
The alliance will enable both companies and their customers to
benefit from the combined capabilities and resources of two very
experienced nuclear energy organizations. Westinghouse and
Curtiss-Wright have several ongoing business agreements in support of
operating nuclear plants around the world and AP1000® units under
construction in China and the United States.
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
by Nuclear Street News Team
week, Japan prepared to bring its first reactor back into service since
the Fukushima Daiichi accidents last year, while on Wednesday Tokyo
Electric Power Co. detected a record amount of radiation in the basement
of Fukushima unit 1.Recent developments related to the Tokyo Electric Power Co. nuclear plant severely damaged following last year's earthquake and tsunami include:
Ohi Unit 3 to Restart This Weekend
San Onofre Update 6/30
San Onofre: Do we really need it? U-T San Diego This summer may be just a test run for operating Southern California's electrical grid without a nuclear plant. |
San Onofre Workers Lack State Whistleblower Protections Kbps California whistle-blower protections don't apply to San Onofre employees because the plant sits on federal property. |
Southern Californians urged to conserve power San Jose Mercury News ALHAMBRA, Calif.—State energy officials plan to unveil an electricity conservation campaign for Southern California in light of forecasts of a hotter-than-normal summer and the continuing outage of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. |
State's Energy Leaders Call for Conservation San Clemente Times State's Energy Leaders Call for Conservation - Anticipating a hotter than usual summer and the loss of power production from San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station the state's top energy officials are urging consumers to conserve energy. The Flex ... |
ENERGY: Anti-nuke crowd asks Oceanside council for support North County Times Fueled by last week's news of design flaws at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, more than 20 anti-nuclear activists on Wednesday asked the Oceanside City Council to put nuclear safety on the agenda at a future meeting. In other cities such as ... |
So Cal Energy Shortage Could Cause Rotating Outages This Summer Black Voice News SCE has ordered the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, near San Clemente, California, to shut down Units 2 & 3 for maintenance and public safety reasons. The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station generates 2200 megawatts of power to 1.4 million ... |
Related articles
Gundersen on EcoReview: Fukushima Update and Nuclear Power Alternatives
Gundersen on EcoReview: Fukushima Update and Nuclear Power Alternatives | |
Harvey of EcoReview hosts Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy
Education. The two discuss: an update on Fukushima Daiichi; a look at
why not all nuclear power plants are safe, especially plants like the
currently shutdown California San Onofre nuclear generating station; and
the use of alternative sources of energy for the United States and the
world. Also, speaking in this segment is Regenerative Agriculture and
energy expert David Blume.
Watch Video Now |
Gunderson's view: Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima: What is the Link?
Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi: What is the Link? | ||||||||||||||
Margaret Harrington hosts Maggie and Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds
Energy Education. Arnie and Maggie discuss their recent travels to Italy
to take part in and to view an opera on the Three Mile Island nuclear
power plant accident, entitled "La cortina di fumo" ("the smoke
curtain"). Arnie and Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Shirin Ebadi first
participated in a symposium about the "Smoke Curtain" regarding the
governmental smoke curtain that covers the truth about nuclear power
accidents. Ms. Harrington and the Gundersens discuss the impact of the
Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima Daiichi disasters on the
environment and people's health.
Watch Video Now |
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