Hanford Advisory Board recommends DOE start building new waste tanks Mid Columbia Tri City Herald The Hanford Advisory Board is recommending the Department of Energy start work immediately to build new storage tanks for high-level radioactive waste. The board acknowledged the recommendation was a significant shift in the board's thinking. In the ...http://www.tri-cityherald.com/2012/11/03/2158001/hanford-advisory-board-recommends.html |
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Hanford Advisory Board recommends DOE start building new waste tanks
Fukushima fallout fails to thwart China's nuclear ambitions
Fukushima fallout fails to thwart China's nuclear ambitions
Alberta Oil Magazine -
China has a voracious appetite for energy. And as the Middle Kingdom's
energy needs grow, its leaders are looking to all forms of fuels – oil,
natural gas, wind, solar and nuclear – to meet those needs. However,
since the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan, ...http://www.albertaoilmagazine.com/2012/11/fukushima-fallout-fails-to-thwart-chinas-nuclear-ambitions/
Looking beyond the boundaries
Looking beyond the boundaries
China Daily -
Chinese nuclear companies should broaden horizon by forming more joint
ventures in overseas markets. On Oct 24, the State Council of China
cleared the Nuclear Power Safety Plan (2011-20) as well as the Mid- and
Long-term Development Plan for ...http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2012-11/03/content_15872054.htm
UN urges health measures amid N-crisis
UN urges health measures amid N-crisis
The Daily Yomiuri - 45 minutes ago
U.N. urges health measures amid N-crisis. GENEVA (Jiji Press)--In its
recommendations compiled Friday, a working group of the U.N. Human
Rights Council urged Japan to take protective measures against possible
negative health effects of radiation from ...https://www.google.com/news/story?ncl=http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2012-11/03/content_15872031.htm&hl=en&geo=us
New Nuclear Build: Is it Expensive or is it Cheap?
New Nuclear Build: Is it Expensive or is it Cheap?https://uknuclear.wordpress.com/2012/10/24/new-nuclear-build-is-it-expensive-or-is-it-cheap/
US NRC staff recommends ordering vent filters at 31 nuclear units
US NRC staff recommends ordering vent filters at 31 nuclear unitshttp://platts.com/RSSFeedDetailedNews/RSSFeed/ElectricPower/7214147
NRC terminates application for Calvert Cliffs reactor
NRC terminates application for Calvert Cliffs reactorhttp://www.capitalgazette.com/news/business/nrc-terminates-application-for-calvert-cliffs-reactor/article_8fe5cfcf-4df7-53b0-8eef-394ea958bb57.html
UPDATE 2-Fluor falls short as mining work slows, awaits NuScale
UPDATE 2-Fluor falls short as mining work slows, awaits NuScalehttp://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/01/fluor-results-idUSL1E8M1E9620121101
Tulenko and Garcia: Dispelling the myths about U.S. nuclear power
Tulenko and Garcia: Dispelling the myths about U.S. nuclear powerhttp://www.gainesville.com/article/20121031/OPINION03/121029508/0/news?Title=Tulenko-and-Garcia-Dispelling-the-myths-about-U-S-nuclear-power
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Foreign Policy: Why Bloomberg Endorsed Obama
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by GernotWagner
it rains, it pours. First came Sandy, the incarnation of the
Rumsfeldian “unknown unknowns.” Then came the political hurricane, with
three-term New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg endorsing Barack Obama
for his second.
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U.S. Geological Survey has discovered that the Utica ShaleA fine
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Restore The Shore....
November 3, 2012 A.M. Update
New Jersey County Offices Of Emergency Management
Contact Information:
Red Cross has provided more than 23,000 overnight shelter stays since
Saturday to those communities in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast
suffering from widespread power outages, wind damage and significant
flooding from Superstorm Sandy.
Thru Thursday night,
more than 9,000 people stayed in 171 Red Cross shelters across 13
states. More than 100,800 meals and snacks have been served.
donations help the Red Cross provide shelter, food, emotional support
and other assistance to those affected by disasters like Hurricane
You can also go to iTunes/redcross or text 90999 to REDCROSS for an automatic $10 donation
Or Click This Link To Give More:
Additional Donations:
The Jewish Federations of North America
has opened the JFNA Hurricane Relief Fund
November 2, 2012 News
Contact Us:
Phone: 1 (800) 621-FEMA (3362)
TTY: 1 (800) 462-7585
Phone: 1 (800) 621-FEMA (3362)
TTY: 1 (800) 462-7585
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Technical Assistance:
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Jersey Shore Hurricane News On Facebook
Hurricane Sandy Coming Together Benefit Concert
Tonight On NBC
Do No Use Your Gas Oven To Heat Your Home!
It Can Cause High Levels Of Carbon Monoxide
To Raise Inside Your Home
Leave Your Gas Powered Generators Outside Your Home
In A Non-Visible Area.
Thieves Are Stealing Them!
When Purchasing A Generator Make Sure You Purchase
A Rental Grade Generator With A Voltage Selection Dial.
Make Sure All Your Windows And Doors Are Locked.
Looting Is Becoming A Serious Issue And Police Departments Are Concentrating On Search And Rescue Operations
November 1, 2012 News
NJ Office of Emergency Management
List of hotels, pharmacies, restaurants and gas stations
that are currently open
NJ Governor Christie Warns Of
Contractor And Charity Scams
Christie Administration Activates
Volunteer Emergency Response Hotline -
Volunteers Asked to Call 1-800-JERSEY-7
Please send links and notifications to:
Hitachi will seek investors in Horizon
Hitachi will seek investors in Horizon
by assystem admin
Horizon Nuclear Power project will be taken forward by Hitachi, but the
Japanese firm will secure other investors before construction starts on
the first new reactorOutlining its intentions to World Nuclear News, Hitachi explained that it had received interest in Horizon from a broad range of firms with backgrounds in engineering, manufacturing, trading and financial investment.http://energyandnuclear.com/2012/11/02/hitachi-will-seek-investors-in-horizon/
Hurricane Sandy, Smart Grids And Advanced Storage Technology
Hurricane Sandy, Smart Grids And Advanced Storage Technology
by CoryRenauer
a lot of good reasons to have some advanced energy distribution systems
at the ready in your home, community and throughout the grid. If a tree
falls on a wire and no one is there to hear it, it will be like it
never happened at your house. At least you’ll have enough power to
recharge your iPad until the utility company gets around to fixing that
felled wire.
A Grim Warning From Science
A Grim Warning From Science
by Bill McKibben, NY Review of Books
Bill McKibben, NY Review of Books
One of the things that makes Sandy different from Katrina is that it’s a relatively clean story. The lessons of Katrina were numerous and painful—they had to do with race, with class, with the willful incompetence of a government that had put a professional Arabian horse fancier in charge of its rescue efforts. . .http://www.nybooks.com/blogs/nyrblog/2012/nov/01/hurricane-sandy-warning-science/
One of the things that makes Sandy different from Katrina is that it’s a relatively clean story. The lessons of Katrina were numerous and painful—they had to do with race, with class, with the willful incompetence of a government that had put a professional Arabian horse fancier in charge of its rescue efforts. . .http://www.nybooks.com/blogs/nyrblog/2012/nov/01/hurricane-sandy-warning-science/
Its Temelin Reactor Bid Rejected, Areva Considers Legal Action
Its Temelin Reactor Bid Rejected, Areva Considers Legal Action
by Nuclear Street News Team
being dropped from contention to build two new reactors in the Czech
Republic, Areva has said it will appeal to the Czech government and the
European Union.http://nuclearstreet.com/nuclear_power_industry_news/b/nuclear_power_news/archive/2012/11/02/its-temelin-reactor-bid-rejected_2c00_-areva-considers-legal-action-110201.aspx
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
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by Nuclear Street News Team
Nuclear Regulatory Commission has planned a public meeting on changes
to its regulatory framework, while in Japan TEPCO faces accusations of
putting its workers at Fukushima at risk.Developments in the last week related to the nuclear plant severely damaged in last year's Japanese earthquake and tsunami include:http://nuclearstreet.com/nuclear_power_industry_news/b/nuclear_power_news/archive/2012/11/02/fukushima-daiichi-nuclear-plant-weekly-review-110202.aspx
A Hard Look at US Reactor Hardware After Fukushima
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New York Times (blog) -
Over the objections of the nuclear industry, the staff of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission is planning to recommend the adoption of a new
rule requiring American reactors similar to the ones at Fukushima
Daiichi to install emergency vents with filters on ...http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/11/02/a-hard-look-at-u-s-reactor-hardware-after-fukushima/
China Nuclear Plans still on course
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China Daily -
UK aims for lower carbon footprint with more clean energy generation.
Nuclear power, once labeled as the cleanest and most efficient source of
energy, appeared to be on its way out after the Fukushima disaster in
Japan last year. The axe certainly looked ...
Structuring a healthy blueprint
China Daily -
Resource integration, government support vital for long-term success of
overseas nuclear projects. Though last year's Fukushima nuclear
disaster has influenced the development of nuclear power worldwide,
there is no doubt that nuclear power is still an ...
Looking beyond the boundaries
China Daily -
Chinese nuclear companies should broaden horizon by forming more joint
ventures in overseas markets. On Oct 24, the State Council of China
cleared the Nuclear Power Safety Plan (2011-20) as well as the Mid- and
Long-term Development Plan for ...
Future power[1]|chinadaily.com.cn
China Daily -
Demand for clean energy gives Chinese nuclear companies ample
opportunities in overseas markets. Unsatisfied with being just a market
and testing ground of new reactor technologies for developed countries,
China is now looking to be an energetic ...
China takes right path for expanding nuclear power
South China Morning Post (subscription) -
From every disaster there is a lesson and China has taken the calamity
at Japan's Fukushima plant 19 months ago to heart. Rather than charging
ahead with its ambitious programme, it has done what should be expected:
stop, check, review and proceed ...
China nuclear firm looks to fund 6 projects with IPO
Fox News -
China Nuclear Engineering Co. plans to launch an initial public
offering on the Shanghai Stock Exchange with a view to financing six
atomic energy projects, the Environmental Protection Ministry announced
Friday. The company is aiming to raise 1.8 billion ...
Sandy, Fukushima, and the Nuclear Industry
Promoting nuclear safety and nuclear security in the Middle East region

Promoting nuclear safety and nuclear security in the Middle East region
Background paper
Second EU Non-Proliferation Consortium Seminar to Promote Confidence Building and in Support of a Process Aimed at Establishing a Zone Free of WMD and Means of Delivery in the Middle East Brussels, 5-6 November 2012
ANS Update: Friday Nuclear Matinee
Friday Nuclear Matinee: E=mc² is incomplete (!)By pbowersox on Nov 02, 2012 12:00 amAlbert Einstein’s famous equation E=mc² explains, of course, why a nuclear power reactor can generate so much electricity in such a relatively tiny space, while using such a relatively tiny amount of fuel. Electricity from other forms of energy, say tidal or wind motion, sunlight, … Continue reading → Read in browser » |
Friday, November 2, 2012
CIVIL NUCLEAR German nuclear exit delivers economic, environmental benefits
German nuclear exit delivers economic, environmental benefitshttp://www.nuclearpowerdaily.com/reports/German_nuclear_exit_delivers_economic_environmental_benefits_999.html
POWER Magazine Announces Nuclear Top Plant Award Winners
POWER Magazine Announces Nuclear Top Plant Award Winners
HOUSTON, November 1, 2012 – Each year, POWER
magazine selects the most noteworthy nuclear power plants worldwide to
be designated Top Plants. Winning plants are profiled in the November
issue, and awards are presented at a banquet the following May at
the ELECTRIC POWER Conference & Exhibition. This year’s
award-winning nuclear Top Plants are:
- North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia. For decades now, U.S. nuclear generators, faced with daunting barriers to new construction, have had to practice a special kind of energy efficiency by way of upgrades. Dominion’s North Anna station recently completed its second uprate, this one made possible by steam turbine retrofits.
- Oconee Nuclear Station, Seneca, South Carolina. Nuclear plant operators and regulators are cautious by nature—for good reason. But you can’t use outmoded equipment forever. By installing the first nuclear plant digital control system in the U.S., Duke Energy has positioned itself at the forefront of an important technology switch.
For more details about these projects, see the November issue of POWER at www.powermag.com.
For 130 years POWER magazine has been considered the definitive information source for the power generation market. Through the print magazine and website (www.powermag.com) as well as the weekly POWERnews enewsletter and segment-specific enewsletters, industry professionals learn about best practices, safety issues, improved productivity, and the latest business, legal, and regulatory news.
For 130 years POWER magazine has been considered the definitive information source for the power generation market. Through the print magazine and website (www.powermag.com) as well as the weekly POWERnews enewsletter and segment-specific enewsletters, industry professionals learn about best practices, safety issues, improved productivity, and the latest business, legal, and regulatory news.
Storm Commentary
Millions Stuck in Dark, Cold Wall Street Journal
Isolated and forgotten: NYC’s hard-hit Staten Island say help is slow to come … Fox News
Outrage In The Powerless Zone: A Dispatch From Downtown Manhattan Gothamist
NYC Subway Riders May Be Dealing With The Effects Of Hurricane Sandy For Years Clusterstock. FYI, we said this in our post today….and I was really hooked on reliable the trains were :-(
Dumpster divers swoop in to grab $40,000 worth of pricy fresh food New York Daily News
Outages Expose Carriers’ Backup Plans Wall Street Journal
Why Europe deserves your respect: They had first word on Hurricane Sandy Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Lambert)
A Crisis Foretold: Studies Warned New York Infrastructure Critically Threatened by Climate Change Democracy Now (Nikki)
Why Seas Are Rising Ahead of Predictions: Estimates of Rate of Future Sea-Level Rise May Be Too Low Science Daily (furzy mouse)
Economic Loss Estimate Is Now Up to $50 Billion New York Times.
Sandy Aftermath and the Fragility of Complex Systems
Sandy Aftermath and the Fragility of Complex Systems
Even though the news media are generally focusing on the
“progress is being made” aspects of the Hurricane Sandy aftermath (in
large measure because that’s what officials are pushing), there is still
a great deal of distress, as well as probable long-lingering problems
that are not being acknowledged.
We are going to keep following the story not so much because it’s in the area (although NYC and East Coast residents are overweighted in the NC readership) but because it’s an example of what happens when a complex system suffers serious damage. Sandy is serving as a laboratory for what we have in store as the population becomes every more urban and lives in bigger and bigger cities and those cities experience disasters.
This is not a comprehensive list of current and possible persistent stresses; I welcome additional reader comments:
Read more at http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2012/11/sandy-aftermath-and-the-fragility-of-complex-systems.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NakedCapitalism+%28naked+capitalism%29#h93E4GBDiqB7DZmS.99
We are going to keep following the story not so much because it’s in the area (although NYC and East Coast residents are overweighted in the NC readership) but because it’s an example of what happens when a complex system suffers serious damage. Sandy is serving as a laboratory for what we have in store as the population becomes every more urban and lives in bigger and bigger cities and those cities experience disasters.
This is not a comprehensive list of current and possible persistent stresses; I welcome additional reader comments:
PennEnergy's Top Oil & Gas News 11/02
Top Oil & Gas News | |||
PennEnergy Video News Update From the effects of Hurricane Sandy, to the suspicious murder of an Exxon exec, to the upcoming Deepwater Horizon trial, all of the week's biggest headlines are in the PennEnergy Video News Update. Full Article Share: |
Sandy strikes: Crude oil price falls as demand drops The superstorm Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast of the U.S. Monday, causing excessive destruction and several deaths. Markets are seeing the effect, as the price of crude oil falls due to diminished demand. Full Article Share: |
• Diesel spills into New Jersey creek after damaged tanks rupture
• Sandy closing East Coast oil refineries
• Deadly shooting of Exxon exec compared to assassination
• Japan asks for exemption from Iran oil sanctions
• BP oil rig spill trial now set to begin in February
• Shale gas boom helps Exxon Mobil raw material gains
• Oil and gas exploration improving US economy, job market
• Glitne offshore oil field to close after 12 years of production
• BG Group agrees to sell QCLNG stake and new LNG supply to CNOOC
• Tullow hits oil at Twiga South-1 onshore well
• Future gas field, pipeline planned for Russia
• TransCanada and Phoenix Energy form joint venture for Grand Rapids Pipeline System
After Hurricane Sandy: 18 updating outage maps to watch
After Hurricane Sandy: 18 updating outage maps to watch http://www.utilitydive.com/news/after-hurricane-sandy-18-updating-outage-maps-to-watch/68179/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Utility+Dive+created+2012-11-02+091315598196&utm_content=Utility+Dive+created+2012-11-02+091315598196+CID_9f294e35916066a49ea3d0ab907ff98c&utm_source=campaignmonitor&utm_term=After%20Hurricane%20Sandy%2018%20updating%20outage%20maps%20to%20watch
After Hurricane Sandy: 18 updating outage maps to watch
Oct. 30, 2012
Hurricane Sandy delivered unprecedented levels of damage to the Northeast this week, and utilities from around the country from New Orleans to Wisconsin
have sent in able-bodied line workers to assist with repairs. Staying
on top of the outages can be a difficult task, but updating status
reports the following utilities can be found at these links:Appalachian Power—Appalachian Power's map still shows significant outages in Virginia and Tennessee as of Tuesday.
Atlantic City Electric—Sandy left New Jersey with lots of work to be done, and ACE's map shows much of it with nearly 180,000 customers still without power as of Tuesday.
BGE—Baltimore Gas & Electric shows just under 200,000 customers without power as of around noon Tuesday. It also keeps track of the more than 100,000 restorations that have taken places since Sandy first hit.
Connecticut Light & Power—CL&P's map showed about 38% of its customers being affected by outages Tuesday following the storm.
Consolidated Edison—Con Ed is at the center of attention right now, with 11,431 outages affecting 804,813 customers, most visibly in Manhattan and Brooklyn.
Dominion Resources—Dominion customers saw significant outages as well, particulary in and around Fredericksburg, Va.
Duke Energy—Duke collects links to all of its customers, including those being served by Progress Energy, in the Carolinas, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and Florida.
FirstEnergy Corp—including Potomac Edison and Jersey
Long Island Power Authority—Long Island still showed nearly a million customers without power as of midday Tuesday. Their interactive map shows outages and update times for the area.
National Grid—National Grid was still working to fix almost 4,000 outages affecting more than 180,000 customers around the Northeast on Tuesday, according to their map.
NOVEC—NOVEC had almost 14,000 customers affected by outages in Virginia/D.C. area as of Tuesday.
NStar—NStar was still at work in Massachusetts Tuesday with about 6% of its 1,151,085 customers still impacted by outages.
PECO—Pennsylvania's largest utility company keeps track of its repair efforts on PECO.com.
Pepco—D.C.'s major electric provider showed 1,198 outages affecting 13,721 customers the day after the storm.
PPL—PPL Electric Utilities has almost 400,000 customers without power as of Tuesday, and it keeps track its current outages in Central and Eastern Pennsylvania on its site.
PSE&G—Public Electric Service & Gas was still working to restore power in several areas of New Jersey after Sandy. Status updates can be seen on PSEG.com.
Unitil—Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire situations can be tracked on Unitil's website. All three states were experiencing outages Tuesday.
Western Massachusetts Electric—Outages were affecting power for about 4% of 212,768 Western Mass customers Tuesday, according to its map.
Fear and Facts about Nuclear Plants and Hurricanes
Fear and Facts about Nuclear Plants and Hurricanes http://yesvy.blogspot.com/2012/11/fear-and-facts-about-nuclear-plants-and.html#.UJPYURjy-pI
Restore the Shore Update
Restore The Shore....
November 2, 2012 A.M. Update
Contact Us:
Phone: 1 (800) 621-FEMA (3362)
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Phone: 1 (800) 621-FEMA (3362)
TTY: 1 (800) 462-7585
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Phone: 1 (800) 745-0243
Technical Assistance:
Phone: 1 (800) 745-0243
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Jersey Shore Hurricane News On Facebook
Hurricane Sandy Coming Together Benefit Concert
Tonight On NBC
Do No Use Your Gas Oven To Heat Your Home!
It Can Cause High Levels Of Carbon Monoxide
To Raise Inside Your Home
Leave Your Gas Powered Generators Outside Your Home
In A Non-Visible Area.
Thieves Are Stealing Them!
When Purchasing A Generator Make Sure You Purchase
A Rental Grade Generator With A Voltage Selection Dial.
Make Sure All Your Windows And Doors Are Locked.
Looting Is Becoming A Serious Issue And Police Departments Are Concentrating On Search And Rescue Operations
November 1, 2012 News
NJ Office of Emergency Management
List of hotels, pharmacies, restaurants and gas stations
that are currently open
NJ Governor Christie Warns Of
Contractor And Charity Scams
Christie Administration Activates
Volunteer Emergency Response Hotline -
Volunteers Asked to Call 1-800-JERSEY-7
Please send links and notifications to:
CIA Rushed To Save Diplomats As Libya Attack Was Underway -- Washington Post
CIA Rushed To Save Diplomats As Libya Attack Was Underway -- Washington Post
The CIA rushed security operatives to an American diplomatic compound in Libya within 25 minutes after it had come under attack and played a more central role in the effort to fend off a night-long siege than has been publicly acknowledged, U.S. intelligence officials said Thursday.
The agency mobilized the evacuation effort, took control of an unarmed U.S. military drone to map possible escape routes, dispatched an emergency security team from Tripoli, the capital, and chartered aircraft that ultimately carried surviving U.S. personnel to safety on Sept. 12, U.S. officials said.
Read more ....
Update: In Benghazi Timeline, CIA Errors But No Evidence Of Conspiracy -- Washington Post
Exxon study wins FT book award
Breaking News |
Exxon study wins FT book award |
By Andrew Hill in New York Steve Coll’s Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power has won the Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award. The judges selected Mr Coll’s in-depth investigation of the US oil company following the closest contest in the history of the prize. The final decision was unanimous, but at least four of the six shortlisted books were in contention until the final round of discussion. Mr Coll, a staff writer at The New Yorker and president of the New America Foundation think-tank, received the £30,000 prize from Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs’ chief executive, and Lionel Barber, the FT’s editor, in New York on Thursday. Mr Barber, who chaired the judging panel, praised Mr Coll’s “forensic, nuanced and extremely well written” book. Another judge, Jorma Ollila, chairman of Royal Dutch Shell, one of ExxonMobil’s rivals, said it “told the reader how, in the 21st century, you manage a truly global company and the relationship between business and society”. |
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Why seas are rising ahead of predictions: Estimates of rate of future sea-level rise may be too low
Why seas are rising ahead of predictions: Estimates of rate of future sea-level rise may be too low
levels are rising faster than expected from global warming, and
geologists now have a good idea why. The last official IPCC report in
2007 projected a global sea level rise between 0.2 and 0.5 meters by the
year 2100. But current sea-level rise measurements meet or exceed the
high end of that range and suggest a rise of one meter or more by the
end of the century.
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Did climate change create the 'Frankenstorm'? It didn't help
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