Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Know Your Oil: Creating a Global Oil-Climate Index
Know Your Oil: Creating a Global Oil-Climate Index
Read more at: http://carnegieendowment.org/2015/03/11/know-your-oil-creating-global-oil-climate-index/i3oy?mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRoiuqXIZKXonjHpfsX57uQsW6Sg38431UFwdcjKPmjr1YcATsJ0aPyQAgobGp5I5FEIQ7XYTLB2t60MWA%3D%3D
Know Your Oil: Creating a Global Oil-Climate Index Read more at: http://carnegieendowment.org/2015/03/11/know-your-oil-creating-global-oil-climate-index/i3oy?mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRoiuqXIZKXonjHpfsX57uQsW6Sg38431UFwdcjKPmjr1YcATsJ0aPyQAgobGp5I5FEIQ7XYTLB2t60MWA%3D%3D
Westinghouse, utility in discussions on delay costs for nuke plant
Westinghouse, utility in discussions on delay costs for nuke plant
Tritium – aka radioactive hydrogen – from reactors is not a threat to human health
Tritium – aka radioactive hydrogen – from reactors is not a threat to human health
This Nuclear Reactor Eats Nuclear Waste
This Nuclear Reactor Eats Nuclear Waste
Nuclear power isn't going anywhere. But safer designs are sorely needed.http://www.fastcoexist.com/3043099/this-nuclear-reactor-eats-nuclear-waste
Game changer: Prism aims to dethrone Mox
Game changer: Prism aims to dethrone Mox
Senators critical of MOX costs at hearing
Senators critical of MOX costs at hearing
http://www.aikenstandard.com/article/20150313/AIK0101/150319793/1007/senators-critical-of-mox-costsCan't All Nuclear Just Get On The Same Page?
Can't All Nuclear Just Get On The Same Page?
http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2015/03/12/cant-all-nuclear-just-get-on-the-same-page/NRC to supplement Yucca Mountain environmental impact statement
NRC to supplement Yucca Mountain environmental impact statement
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission will prepare a supplement to the Department of Energy's environmental impact statement on the proposed geologic repository for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. The public were informed yesterday via a notice in the Federal Register.http://world-nuclear-news.org/WR-NRC-to-supplement-Yucca-Mountain-environmental-impact-statement-13031502.html
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission will prepare a supplement to the Department of Energy's environmental impact statement on the proposed geologic repository for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. The public were informed yesterday via a notice in the Federal Register.http://world-nuclear-news.org/WR-NRC-to-supplement-Yucca-Mountain-environmental-impact-statement-13031502.html
Overcoming the Barriers to Energy Storage
Overcoming the Barriers to Energy Storage
By Rasika Athawale
utility company business model which took off in 1880s with the first
power station in lower Manhattan providing electricity to 59 customers
has not much changed since. This is indeed unique as very few other
businesses have shown strong resistance to change. Over the last few
years though, the electric industry is witnessing certain
Mexico’s Energy Industry
Mexico’s Energy Industry
By Eduardo Canales, Steven Otillar | Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
February 27, 2015, the Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos (CNH)
published in the Federal Gazzette (or Diario Oficial de la Nación, DOF)
the Call for Bidders No. CNH-R01C02/2015, the Bidding Guidelines and the
Model Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for five mature contract areas
located in shallow waters off the Gulf of Mexico coastlines of Veracruz,
Tabasco and Campeche.http://breakingenergy.com/2015/03/13/mexicos-energy-industry/?utm_source=Breaking+Energy&utm_campaign=a01d5496fa-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f852427a4b-a01d5496fa-407304281
Wind Vision: New Report Highlights a Robust Wind Energy Future
Wind Vision: New Report Highlights a Robust
By Jose Zayas | U.S. Department of Energy
With utility-scale wind turbines installed in 39 states, wind energy
accounts for 4.5 percent of our nation’s annual electricity generation.
At this level, wind energy already supports more than 50,000
industry-related jobs in manufacturing, construction, operations and
maintenance, and supporting services, all while improving the
environment and strengthening our economy. So, what could the
Revised resolution plans for Westinghouse AP1000 design published
Revised resolution plans for Westinghouse AP1000 design published
12 March, 2015
The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and the Environment Agency have today published revised resolution plans in response to 51 outstanding GDA Issues for the AP1000 reactor design.
The Westinghouse AP1000 reactor design re-entered the GDA process in June 2014 and following a period of remobilisation, technical assessment work commenced in January 2015. We have now agreed revised resolution plans from Westinghouse for the 51 outstanding GDA issues. These issues will need to be resolved before ONR and Environment Agency can make a decision on whether to issue a Design Acceptance Confirmation and Statement of Design Acceptability for the AP1000 reactor design. Westinghouse is aiming to complete GDA in early 2017 but this will be dependent on the timely delivery of high quality documentation for regulatory assessment.
The Westinghouse AP1000 reactor design re-entered the GDA process in June 2014 and following a period of remobilisation, technical assessment work commenced in January 2015. We have now agreed revised resolution plans from Westinghouse for the 51 outstanding GDA issues. These issues will need to be resolved before ONR and Environment Agency can make a decision on whether to issue a Design Acceptance Confirmation and Statement of Design Acceptability for the AP1000 reactor design. Westinghouse is aiming to complete GDA in early 2017 but this will be dependent on the timely delivery of high quality documentation for regulatory assessment.
Why The Nuclear Energy World Is Thinking Small
Why The Nuclear Energy World Is Thinking Small
Fukushima’s Food Is Safe, but People Are Still Freaked Out
Fukushima’s Food Is Safe, but People Are Still Freaked Out
http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2015/03/13/fukushima_nuclear_power_plant_meltdown_leaves_citizens_with_residual_fear.htmlNuclear Energy Blogger Carnival 251
Nuclear Energy Blogger Carnival 251By ansnuclearcafe on Mar 13, 2015 01:27 pmThe 251st edition of the Nuclear Energy Blog Carnival has posted at Neutron Bytes. •Click here to access Carnival 251 Each week, a new edition of the Carnival is hosted Continue Reading → Read in browser » |
PG&E says quake shake could exceed nuke plant design, but reactors are safe
PG&E says quake shake could exceed nuke plant design, but reactors are safe
http://www.scpr.org/news/2015/03/13/50356/pg-e-says-quake-shake-could-exceed-nuke-plant-desi/Nuclear Deal Prelude To Expanded Ties Between Iran And China
Nuclear Deal Prelude To Expanded Ties Between Iran And China
By Iran Reviewhttp://www.eurasiareview.com/14032015-nuclear-deal-prelude-to-expanded-ties-between-iran-and-china/
Ningde Unit 3 Goes Critical for the First Time
Ningde Unit 3 Goes Critical for the First Time
Arnaud Lefevre-Baril
Chief Executive Officer at Dynatom International GmbH
Ningde Unit 3 reached critical for the first
time on March 8th , marking reactor of unit 3 has formally entered the
stage of operation.
Ningde Unit 3, with installed capacity of 1.089 million Kw, started to be constructed in January 2010. It plans to be connected to the grid in April 2015 and put into commercial operation in July with annual electricity production of 8 GW.
Source: http://news.bjx.com.cn/html/20150312/597041.shtml
Ningde Unit 3, with installed capacity of 1.089 million Kw, started to be constructed in January 2010. It plans to be connected to the grid in April 2015 and put into commercial operation in July with annual electricity production of 8 GW.
Source: http://news.bjx.com.cn/html/20150312/597041.shtml
福建宁德核电3号机组首次临界进入运行状态 news.bjx.com.cn
Civilian Nuclear Exports Poised to Become Major Tool for India
Civilian Nuclear Exports Poised to Become Major Tool for India
Nuclear Deterrence Is Relevant Again
Nuclear Deterrence Is Relevant Again
https://www.stratfor.com/geopolitical-diary/nuclear-deterrence-relevant-againGrowing Concern Iran-US Pact Could Drive Nuclear Technologies
Growing Concern Iran-US Pact Could Drive Nuclear Technologies
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Iran-Saudi-Arabia-United-States-nuclear/2015/03/12/id/629906/#ixzz3ULXBIM45
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
Saudi Arabia signs nuclear deal with South Korea
Saudi Arabia signs nuclear deal with South Korea
(MENAFN) KSA signed a nuclear-cooperation agreement with South Korea, a decision which forecasts a race for nuclear arms in the Middle East, ...http://www.menafn.com/1094124387/Saudi-Arabia-signs-nuclear-deal-with-South-Korea
Hacker Who Posted South Korean Nuclear Plants' Information Online Demands Money
Hacker Who Posted South Korean Nuclear Plants' Information Online Demands Money
A hacker who leaked information about South Korea's nuclear plants online demanded money for not handing over sensitive information about the ..http://www.ibtimes.com/hacker-who-posted-south-korean-nuclear-plants-information-online-demands-money-1845838
A hacker who leaked information about South Korea's nuclear plants online demanded money for not handing over sensitive information about the ..http://www.ibtimes.com/hacker-who-posted-south-korean-nuclear-plants-information-online-demands-money-1845838
Hacker demands money for information on S. Korean nuclear reactors
Melting sea ice will probably hit the US harder than anywhere else
Melting sea ice will probably hit the US harder than anywhere else
Chinese reactors approach commercial operation
Chinese reactors approach commercial operation
13 March 2015
Two new Chinese nuclear power units - Yangjiang 2 and Ningde 3 - have moved closer to commissioning by beinghttp://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Chinese-reactors-approach-commercial-operation-1303156.html
Is Obama’s Iran overture like Nixon’s opening to China?
Is Obama’s Iran overture like Nixon’s opening to China?
Friday, March 13, 2015
EDF: Areva investment 'not existential' for Hinkley Point
EDF: Areva investment 'not existential' for Hinkley Point
French nuclear giant insists proposed power station in Somerset will not be derailed if Areva is unable to take planned 10pc stake
UK assessment of AP1000 design advances
UK assessment of AP1000 design advances
12 March 2015
The UK's generic design assessment (GDA) of the AP1000
reactor has entered the "closeout phase", Westinghouse announced today.
The GDA process is scheduled to be completed in January 2017.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/RS-UK-assessment-of-AP1000-design-advances-1203154.html
How Barack Obama Undercut Bush Administration’s Nuclear Negotiations With Iran
How Barack Obama Undercut Bush Administration’s Nuclear Negotiations With Iran
Summer nuclear power expansion to cost $6.8bn, finish in 2019 & 2020
Summer nuclear power expansion to cost $6.8bn, finish in 2019 & 2020
Research and Markets: Analyzing the Market for Nuclear Reactor Coolant Pumps in the US 2015
Research and Markets: Analyzing the Market for Nuclear Reactor Coolant Pumps in the US 2015
http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150312006224/en/Research-Markets-Analyzing-Market-Nuclear-Reactor-Coolant#.VQM8cmbldpkSound waves could detect cracks at nuclear power plants
Sound waves could detect cracks at nuclear power plants
More data from South Korea nuclear power operator leaked
More data from South Korea nuclear power operator leaked
Another Fukushima Leak
Asahi, Mar 11, 2015: [TEPCO] reported a massive leak of radioactive rainwater… on March 10. It said hundreds of tons of contaminated rainwater breached barriers surrounding storage tanks for highly radioactive water and seeped into the ground… Highly contaminated water also leaked from the same area and seeped into the ground in summer 2013… In the latest leakage, workers discovered bubbles at the junctions of side ditches in the area. Officials said this indicated that contaminated rainwater had seeped through the junctions and into the ground.
NHK, Mar 11, 2015: Radioactive rainwater leak at Fukushima plant — The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant says an estimated 750 tons of rainwater with relatively high levels of radioactivity has been leaked… TEPCO officials said the rainwater was 15 centimeters deep at 10:30 PM on Monday, but the figure had fallen to 8 centimeters shortly after 8 AM on Tuesday… They say the water inside the dam contained up to 8,300 becquerels per liter of beta-particle-emitting substances. TEPCO officials say all the water has now been collected. They say the drainage channel to the ocean is buried underground and it is unlikely that the water flowed into the ocean.
Jiji Press, Mar 11, 2015: TEPCO initially put the amount of leaked rainwater at 400 tons. The number was revised to 747 tons.
Arirang, Mar 12, 2015: Another major leak at… Fukushima nuclear power plant earlier this week may have raised radiation levels in nearby waters. [TEPCO] told Seoul-based Yonhap News that the radiation levels in water collected on Wednesday were 30 times higher than the sample collected on Monday. TEPCO said earlier this week that nearly [750] tons of contaminated rainwater had escaped the plant.
NHK, Mar 11, 2015: Groundwater radiation levels surge after leak – [TEPCO] says levels of radioactive material in groundwater have surged 30-fold, apparently after contaminated rainwater leaked outside a barrier… [It] estimates the leak at about 750 tons of rainwater, and it says levels of beta ray-emitting substances [were] 8,300 becquerels per liter. On Wednesday, TEPCO measured 11,000 becquerels per liter in groundwater… up from 370 becquerels…
California PUC Aims To Replace Shuttered Nuclear And Gas With More ‘Preferred Resources’
California PUC Aims To Replace Shuttered Nuclear And Gas With More ‘Preferred Resources’
By GreenTech Media
this decision a calling card for the post-Peevey CPUC? The California
Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) made a proposed decision on Friday
that denied approval of a new gas-fired power plant in the coastal
Southern California city of Carlsbad. According to the PUC, approval for
the plant was denied because the utility, San Diego Gas
Industry Works To Secure Natural Gas Supplies In Light Of Increased Vulnerabilities
Industry Works To Secure Natural Gas Supplies In Light Of Increased Vulnerabilities
By Dan Rueckert & Tom Strickland
gas organizations are starting to integrate cybersecurity with other
programs or applications as opposed to ad hoc or bolt-on fixes,
according to Black & Veatch’s 2014 Strategic Directions: U.S.
Natural Gas Industry report. The renewed focus on both physical and
cyber security can be understood, in part, as a function of the
continued rise
‘Here We Go Again’: Oil and Gas Sector to Face New Regs in 2015
‘Here We Go Again’: Oil and Gas Sector to Face New Regs in 2015
By Staton Childers, Gage Fender | LeClairRyan
regulatory changes in the oil and gas industry is no minor undertaking.
After all, when someone speaks of “the oil and gas industry,” that
person isn’t simply referencing some narrowly defined zone of activity. http://breakingenergy.com/2015/03/12/here-we-go-again-oil-and-gas-sector-to-face-new-regs-in-2015/?utm_source=Breaking+Energy&utm_campaign=eeb6d58d5d-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f852427a4b-eeb6d58d5d-407304281
Energy Department Releases New Wind Report, Examines Future of Industry
Energy Department Releases New Wind Report, Examines Future of Industry
By U.S. Department of Energy
Day to 2050, Report Quantifies the Economic and Social Benefits of
Robust Wind Energy Growth WASHINGTON – In support of the President’s
all-of-the-above energy strategy to diversify our nation’s power
supplies, the Energy Department today released a new report looking at
the future of wind power through 2050 and the economic benefits that
Keep reading →http://breakingenergy.com/2015/03/12/energy-department-releases-new-wind-report-examines-future-of-industry/?utm_source=Breaking+Energy&utm_campaign=eeb6d58d5d-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f852427a4b-eeb6d58d5d-407304281
US Wind Power Can Get Huge, Pay Big Benefits, DOE Say
By Pete Danko
Obama administration is holding fast to a George W. Bush-era scenario
in which wind provides 20 percent of U.S. electricity by 2030 – doing it
one better, actually, suggesting 35 percent wind by 2050 is viable –
although it acknowledges that a wide range of challenges will have to be
overcome to pull it
Energy News Roundup: Wind Vision, Kerry Climate Statement & New Delhi Emissions
Energy News Roundup: Wind Vision, Kerry Climate Statement & New Delhi Emissions
By Conor O'Sullivan
Wind Industry is set to take off over the next 30 years and could
become one of the nation’s dominant power sources, the Obama
administration stated yesterday.”The Energy Department projects that by
2050 wind power could provide 35 percent of U.S. electricity — a
dramatic jump from today’s energy landscape, in which wind provides less
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Sun Qin Meets Xu Shousheng to Push Forward Taohuajiang Project
Sun Qin Meets Xu Shousheng to Push Forward Taohuajiang Project
Arnaud Lefevre-Baril
Chief Executive Officer at Dynatom International GmbH
On March 6th, Sun Qin, Chairman of CNNC met
Xu Shousheng, Hunan Provincial Secretary at National People’s Congress
delegation of Hunan. They exchanged views in depth and reached consensus
on vigorously pushing forward construction of Taohuajiang nuclear power
project under new situation.
Sun Qin said Taohuajiang nuclear power is a strategic layout of CNNC to explore the inland nuclear power. He hopes that full support could be given to the project by Hunan province and construction of the project to be started as soon as possible, seizing China’s initiative to restart the inland nuclear power.
Source: http://www.cnnc.com.cn/publish/portal0/tab664/info89180.htm
Sun Qin said Taohuajiang nuclear power is a strategic layout of CNNC to explore the inland nuclear power. He hopes that full support could be given to the project by Hunan province and construction of the project to be started as soon as possible, seizing China’s initiative to restart the inland nuclear power.
Source: http://www.cnnc.com.cn/publish/portal0/tab664/info89180.htm
cnnc.com.cn cnnc.com.cn
Top German Battery Maker BMZ Quadrupling Production To 5 GWh Annually By 2020
Top German Battery Maker BMZ Quadrupling Production To 5 GWh Annually By 2020
EU blocks Hungary nuclear deal with Russia
EU blocks Hungary nuclear deal with Russia
Westinghouse Advises Ukraine to Focus on Improving Atomic Plants
Westinghouse Advises Ukraine to Focus on Improving Atomic Plants
Saudi Nuclear Deal Raises Stakes for Iran Talks
Saudi Nuclear Deal Raises Stakes for Iran Talks
Fears of Mideast arms race heighten as Riyadh secures nuclear deal with South Korea
Pro-nuclear group takes action to counter critics
Pro-nuclear group takes action to counter critics
Nuclear MythBusters, as the group is known, comprises mainly graduate
students in Taiwan and Japan who are studying nuclear science and
engineering, and medical science.
The group said it will post
articles on its Facebook page that will give scientific facts about
nuclear issues, based on professional nuclear science studies and World
Health Organization reports.
How will Utilities get to scrutinise SMR economics?
How will Utilities get to scrutinise SMR economics?
Kerr Jeferies
Senior Industry Analyst, Nuclear Energy Insider, Upstream Intelligence & DecomWorld
As there’s so much to see at the 5th Annual
Small Modular Reactor Summit (April 14-15, Charlotte NC) I thought you’d
be keen to see just how we intend to deliver our most ambitious program
to date.
Take a look at the full session breakdown here to just how it will all work on the day: http://bit.ly/smr-eco
In order to fit the critical insight of 30+ nuclear leaders into a two-day program, I’ve created five must-attend executive panels that’ll contain all the essential insight you need to strengthen your current approach to nuclear energy.
My personal ‘top three’ will allow you to:
• Examine a first-of-a-kind SMR financing deal – Representatives from Fitch Ratings, Aberdeen Asset Management and Chappaqua Capital will critique a mock deployment financing proposal, giving you valuable insight into the criteria Wall Street before agreeing to back SMR construction
• Analyse potential hybrid energy and distributed network deployments – Pioneers from the NGNP Alliance, INL, NC2i and more will guide you through their assessment of the economic value of teaming up with industrial heat users in ‘beyond base load power’ SMR deployments
• Critically examine the leading Integral Molten Salt reactor concept – Evaluate the fundamental economic proposals offered by molten salt based SMR technology in the first industry workshop hosted by Terrestrial Energy with PSEG, Exelon, EDF, OPG and more already confirmed to attend
If you have any questions, please do get in touch.
Kerr Jeferies
Senior Industry Analyst
Nuclear Energy Insider
+44 (0) 20 7375 7565
Minnesota needs more nuclear energy
Minnesota needs more nuclear energy
France's Areva to cut 1,500 jobs in Germany
France's Areva to cut 1,500 jobs in Germany
Paris (AFP) March 11, 2015 - French nuclear group Areva, which incurred massive losses last year, is looking to cut around 1,500 jobs in Germany by the end of 2017, a company spokesman said Wednesday. At a meeting between management and employees on Tuesday, Areva's chief Philippe Knoche said the company planned to slash 1,500 full-time-equivalent jobs by the end of 2017 including 500 to be carried out this year, the sp ... morehttp://www.nuclearpowerdaily.com/reports/Frances_Areva_to_cut_1500_jobs_in_Germany_999.html
South China nuclear plant operates second unit
South China nuclear plant operates second unit
Shenzhen, March 11 (Xinhua) - China has taken another major step forwards in nuclear power generation, with the second generation unit of a nuclear plant in the southern Guangdong Province connected to the grid on Tuesday afternoon. The unit of the Yangjiang nuclear power plant will start generating electricity after a trial run lasting 168 hours, according to a statement issued by China General Nuclear Power Group (CG ... morehttp://www.nuclearpowerdaily.com/reports/South_China_nuclear_plant_operates_second_unit_999.html
When it comes to nuclear disaster, safety really is in numbers
When it comes to nuclear disaster, safety really is in numbers
London, UK (SPX) Mar 12, 2015 - The safety of nuclear plants, as well as the medical management of acute radiation syndrome, could soon be dramatically improved thanks to a new mathematical equation developed by Japan's Nuclear Safety Research Centre. A recent study on the behaviour of nuclear fuels in atomic blasts, published in the Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (Taylor and Francis), suggests a formula that ... morehttp://www.nuclearpowerdaily.com/reports/When_it_comes_to_nuclear_disaster_safety_really_is_in_numbers_999.html
London, UK (SPX) Mar 12, 2015 - The safety of nuclear plants, as well as the medical management of acute radiation syndrome, could soon be dramatically improved thanks to a new mathematical equation developed by Japan's Nuclear Safety Research Centre. A recent study on the behaviour of nuclear fuels in atomic blasts, published in the Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (Taylor and Francis), suggests a formula that ... morehttp://www.nuclearpowerdaily.com/reports/When_it_comes_to_nuclear_disaster_safety_really_is_in_numbers_999.html
AP1000® Plant Design Review Advances Toward Closeout Phase in UK
AP1000® Plant Design Review Advances Toward Closeout Phase in UK
Can't All Nuclear Just Get On The Same Page?
Can't All Nuclear Just Get On The Same Page?
Electric Power Expo
How was the last conference you attended?
Were the sessions lively, practical and trustworthy? Was the exhibit hall friendly and fun? Did you return to your plant feeling informed and prepared to address the changes affecting your plant? If not, it’s time to check out ELECTRIC POWER.
What makes ELECTRIC POWER different?
ISO New England warns of threat to grid reliability over gas supply shortage
ISO New England warns of threat to grid reliability over gas supply shortage
http://www.utilitydive.com/news/iso-new-england-warns-of-threat-to-grid-reliability-over-gas-supply-shortag/374105/Same forces as today caused climate changes 1.4 billion years ago
Same forces as today caused climate changes 1.4 billion years ago
Funen, Denmark (SPX) Mar 12, 2015 - Natural forces have always caused the climate on Earth to fluctuate. Now researchers have found geological evidence that some of the same forces as today were at play 1.4 billion years ago. Fluctuating climate is a hallmark of Earth, and the present greenhouse effect is by far the only force affecting today's climate. On a larger scale the Earth's climate is also strongly affected by how t ... morehttp://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Same_forces_as_today_caused_climate_changes_1_4_billion_years_ago_999.html
Funen, Denmark (SPX) Mar 12, 2015 - Natural forces have always caused the climate on Earth to fluctuate. Now researchers have found geological evidence that some of the same forces as today were at play 1.4 billion years ago. Fluctuating climate is a hallmark of Earth, and the present greenhouse effect is by far the only force affecting today's climate. On a larger scale the Earth's climate is also strongly affected by how t ... morehttp://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Same_forces_as_today_caused_climate_changes_1_4_billion_years_ago_999.html
Big Oil’s Broken Business Model The Real Story Behind the Oil Price Collapse
Big Oil’s Broken Business Model
The Real Story Behind the Oil Price Collapse
By Michael T. Klare
Many reasons have been provided for the dramatic plunge in the price of oil to about $60 per barrel (nearly half of what it was a year ago): slowing demand due to global economic stagnation; overproduction at shale fields in the United States; the decision of the Saudis and other Middle Eastern OPEC producers to maintain output at current levels (presumably to punish higher-cost producers in the U.S. and elsewhere); and the increased value of the dollar relative to other currencies. There is, however, one reason that’s not being discussed, and yet it could be the most important of all: the complete collapse of Big Oil’s production-maximizing business model.
Click here to read more of this dispatch.http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/175967/tomgram%3A_michael_klare%2C_is_big_oil_finally_entering_a_climate_change_world/#more
Gail Tverberg: The Oil Glut and Low Prices Reflect an Affordability Problem
Gail Tverberg: The Oil Glut and Low Prices Reflect an Affordability Problem
Posted on by Yves Smithhttp://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2015/03/gail-tverberg-oil-glut-low-prices-reflect-affordability-problem.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NakedCapitalism+%28naked+capitalism%29
Breaking Energy US Nuclear Investigation: Exports of Highly Enriched Uranium not ‘Definitively Reconciled’
Breaking Energy US Nuclear Investigation: Exports of Highly Enriched Uranium not ‘Definitively Reconciled’
By Roman Kilisek
Breaking Energy obtained detailed correspondence between members of
congress and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission through a Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) request that raises important questions about the
US nuclear industry, international relations, public health and
non-proliferation. The series entitled “Breaking Energy US Nuclear
Investigation” will highlight critical questions and findings revealed
China Builds Strategic Petroleum Reserves Amid Oil Price Plunge, but Still Lags Western Nations
China Builds Strategic Petroleum Reserves Amid Oil Price Plunge, but Still Lags Western Nations
By Tim Daiss
crude oil price plunge of more than 50% since last June has proved a
mixed blessing for global economies. It has cut deep into the coffers of
oil producing nations while providing much needed relief for oil and
natural gas import dependent countries. China, the world’s second
largest oil importer, is also taking advantage
Energy Quote of the Day: ‘Technology is a Competitive Advantage’
Energy Quote of the Day: ‘Technology is a Competitive Advantage’
By Edward Dodge
oil and gas producers are urging the government to overturn a de facto
four year moratorium on hydraulic fracturing for natural gas. A proposed
law would allow commercial scale fracking at depths below 3000 meters.
The proposal is sure to be controversial as environmental groups see it
is a wedge for increased fossil fuel
A Statement From Under Secretary For Science And Energy Franklin Orr On New Leadership At PNNL
A Statement From Under Secretary For Science And Energy Franklin Orr On New Leadership At PNNL
By U.S. Department of Energy
the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
welcomes a new Director, Dr. Steven Ashby. Dr. Ashby has been a crucial
part of the Department’s National Laboratory System for many years,
serving as PNNL’s Deputy Director for Science and Technology since
2008. Before joining PNNL, he spent nearly 21 years at Lawrence
Fukushima Update 5/12/15
Fukushima Update 5/12/15 –
Press TV falsely claims “deaths by radiation” from Fukushima… Another rainwater “leak” is reported… Fukushima’s home cooked meals have no detectible radioactive Cesium… The percentage of Iitate’s willing returnees increases… Japan’s harmless research reactors were not exempt from the nuclear moratorium… Japan’s nuke watchdog Chief continues to stoke the fires of fear… Tepco struggles to recover financial stability… Tokyo signs a contract with local property owners in Okuma and Futaba… Former NAIIC Chairman Yotaro Hatamura says Japan has learned nothing from Fukushima… Ex-PM Junichiro Koizumi continues to condemn Japan’s nuclear policy.
Press TV falsely claims “deaths by radiation” from Fukushima… Another rainwater “leak” is reported… Fukushima’s home cooked meals have no detectible radioactive Cesium… The percentage of Iitate’s willing returnees increases… Japan’s harmless research reactors were not exempt from the nuclear moratorium… Japan’s nuke watchdog Chief continues to stoke the fires of fear… Tepco struggles to recover financial stability… Tokyo signs a contract with local property owners in Okuma and Futaba… Former NAIIC Chairman Yotaro Hatamura says Japan has learned nothing from Fukushima… Ex-PM Junichiro Koizumi continues to condemn Japan’s nuclear policy.
SMR Spotlight Series – WNA CORDEL SMR Group
Dear Colleague,
No doubt you've heard a fantastic sales pitch for an SMR, but critical to successful deployment will be the ability of vendors to efficiently export their technology despite being faced with numerous sovereign regulators.
For this reason, the work of the WNA's Cooperation in Reactor Design Evaluation and Licensing (CORDEL) Group could not be more important.
I recently spoke with CORDEL's co-chair Kristiina Soderholm in order to get the latest on their efforts to streamline the international regulatory system so that it will be ready in time for a boom in SMR exports and deployments.
You can check out the full conversation here
SMR Spotlight Series – WNA CORDEL SMR Group
By securing your copy of the interview transcript you will:
I hope you find this paper useful - let me know if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Kerr Jeferies
Senior Industry Analyst
Nuclear Energy Insider
+44 (0) 207 375 7565
IEA Sees Fundamental Shifts in the Current Oil Price Drop
IEA Sees Fundamental Shifts in the Current Oil Price Drop
http://theenergycollective.com/geoffrey-styles/2201551/iea-sees-fundamental-shifts-current-oil-price-drop?utm_source=tec_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletterFukushima: Four Years After
Fukushima: Four Years After
Fukushima: Four Years After
has been four years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
battered Japan’s main island of Honshu. A roughly 45 foot-high surge of
seawater engulfed the Fukushima Daiichi (Number One) nuclear station,
causing a prolonged full-station blackout. Over the course of five days,
three of the six unit’s suffered severe fuel core damage, three of the
outer, essentially superficial reactor buildings were torn apart by
hydrogen explosions, and significant uncontrolled releases of air-borne
contamination spurred the forced evacuation of 75,000 Fukushima
residents.The Japanese Press has literally flooded the news with mostly negative reports, including at least one outright lie from outside Japan. The following are summations of the more-significant Fukushima 4th anniversary postings by major Press outlets, all but one of which are Japanese.
Five Surprising Public Health Facts About Fukushima
the fourth anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that triggered the
Fukushima meltdown, we asked journalist Will Boisver to investigate the
health science around Fukushima. He found five things many of you may
already know — like the fact that childhood thyroid cancers are *lower*
in Fukushima than in other prefectures — but which may be worth sending
along to your friends and family.
Five Surprising Public Health Facts About FukushimaJournalist Will Boisvert Investigates and Finds Fewer-than-Average Thyroid Cancers and Seafood Safe to Eathttp://thebreakthrough.org/
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