Diane Screnci
Sr. Public Affairs Officer
Region I
It’s been more than eight years since Entergy filed an application
requesting that the NRC renew the operating licenses for Indian Point
Units 2 and 3. And, a final decision is still a ways off.

NRC regulations, if a company submits a sufficient application for a
renewed license at least five years before the expiration of the current
license, then the request is considered “timely” and the facility is
allowed to continue operating under its current license until the NRC
issues a decision on the license renewal request.
On December 13
Indian Point 3
will enter the period of “timely renewal.” Entergy submitted a license
renewal application for both Indian Point Units in April 2007, meeting
the timeliness provision. The Unit 3 license would have expired December
12, 2015. This doesn’t mean the unit will be operating without a
license. Rather Unit 3, like Unit 2 (which entered timely renewal in
September 2013), will continue to operate under its existing license.
The Atomic Energy Act specifies that operating licenses can be issued
for up to 40 years and allows license renewals in 20 year increments.
Thus far, the NRC has issued renewed licenses to 81 reactors. Typically,
it takes about 22 months for the staff to reach a decision on whether
to renew a license – longer if there’s a hearing. In the case of Indian
Point, though, the process has taken longer than projected, due in part
to the large number of contentions the parties have raised in the
Although a final decision on the application hasn’t been reached, the
NRC staff has measures in place to provide assurance the facility will
continue to operate safely during this time period. We’ll continue to
carry out our extensive regulatory and oversight activities. NRC
inspectors, including the three on-site Resident Inspectors and
specialist inspectors from the Regional office, will continue their
duties during this period, providing independent oversight of the
facility on a continual basis.
In a
September 28
letter to the NRC, Entergy confirmed that the Unit 3 license renewal
commitments required to be in place prior to entry into the period of
extended operation were complete. In October, Entergy certified that the
Indian Point 3 Updated Final Safety analysis report had been updated to
incorporate aging management programs for the unit. In response, that
same month, we completed an
to review the activities Entergy has taken to prepare for operating in
timely renewal and found that the processes and commitments had been
properly implemented.
While it might be some time before the Commission reaches a final
decision on license renewal at Indian Point, our independent oversight
of the facility will continue uninterrupted while in “timely renewal.”