Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Iran will expel U.N. nuclear inspectors unless sanctions are lifted: lawmaker | Reuters

Iran will expel U.N. nuclear inspectors unless sanctions are lifted: lawmaker | Reuters: Iran will expel United Nations nuclear watchdog inspectors unless U.S. sanctions are lifted by a Feb. 21 deadline set by the hardline-dominated parliament, a lawmaker said on Saturday.

New York Department of Environmental Conservation Releases “Value of Carbon” Guidance that Could Spur More Aggressive Climate Policies | The Energy Collective Daily

New York Department of Environmental Conservation Releases “Value of Carbon” Guidance that Could Spur More Aggressive Climate Policies | The Energy Collective Daily Link to The Energy Collective Network New York Department of Environmental Conservation Releases “Value of Carbon” Guidance that Could Spur More Aggressive Climate Policies 9th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 4th International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Green Energy International Conference on Energy Science and Electrical Engineering cyber.dhs.gov - Emergency Directive 21-01 Agencies must conduct forensic analysis of Systems affected by Solarwinds hack 2020 was a year of global challenge – working together will make 2021 much better ICFEE 2021 USEA 17th Annual State of the Energy Industry Forum Trends in Energy Tech Investment - an interview with Ross Malme @ Bowen Advisors

New York Department of Environmental Conservation Releases “Value of Carbon” Guidance that Could Spur More Aggressive Climate Policies | Energy Central

New York Department of Environmental Conservation Releases “Value of Carbon” Guidance that Could Spur More Aggressive Climate Policies | Energy Central: On December 30, 2020, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (“DEC”) released guidance for New York State agencies to estimate the value of reducing one ton of greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. DEC issued this guidance pursuant to the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act of 2019 (“CLCPA”), which

Friday, January 8, 2021

Inside the Capitol: ‘It was the ugliest moment I have ever seen in America’

Inside the Capitol: ‘It was the ugliest moment I have ever seen in America’: This National Geographic photographer covered assassinations and conflict abroad. Now, he found himself in the middle of chaos at the U.S. Capitol.

North Korea calls the US its ‘biggest enemy’ and vows to keep developing nukes | NK News

North Korea calls the US its ‘biggest enemy’ and vows to keep developing nukes | NK News: This is a developing story. Please check back for more details. This article was last updated at 8:05 a.m. KST on Jan. 9. Just days before the United States is expected to inaugurate a new president, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called Washington his “biggest, main enemy” and said that the country will keep …

Why the Silex (ASX:SLX) share price is soaring 25% today

Why the Silex (ASX:SLX) share price is soaring 25% today: The Silex (ASX: SLX) share price is reaching new multi-year highs today after the company announced a major update around lunch time.

U.S. Govt. approvals for Silex Systems’ (ASX:SLX) purchase nears completion - The Market Herald

U.S. Govt. approvals for Silex Systems’ (ASX:SLX) purchase nears completion - The Market Herald: Silex Systems (ASX:SLX) has given an update on the U.S. Government approvals process for the restructure of GE-Hitachi Global Laser Enrichment (GLE).

WCS Continues to Hold Problem Los Alamos Waste While Awaiting License Amendment - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1

WCS Continues to Hold Problem Los Alamos Waste While Awaiting License Amendment - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.

U.S. GAO - Hanford Cleanup: DOE's Efforts to Close Tank Farms Would Benefit from Clearer Legal Authorities and Communication

U.S. GAO - Hanford Cleanup: DOE's Efforts to Close Tank Farms Would Benefit from Clearer Legal Authorities and Communication: The Department of Energy, under agreement with EPA and Washington State, is cleaning up radioactive waste at its Hanford site. It finished retrieving waste from one group of underground tanks—a "tank farm"—and it has begun retrieving waste from 2 of the remaining 17.If DOE classifies the residual waste in tanks as something other than high-level waste, and the state approves it, DOE can fill the tanks with grout and leave them in place. This could avoid some risks and save $18 billion. But DOE's legal authority to do this is unclear.We recommended that Congress consider clarifying DOE's authority to manage the residual waste.Example of a Single-Shell Tank at Hanford, WAThe Department of Energy (DOE) has retrieved nuclear waste from all the tanks at C-farm—the first of 18 tank farms (i.e., groupings of tanks) at DOE's Hanford site in southeastern Washington State.

Office of Nuclear Energy Strategic Vision | Department of Energy

Office of Nuclear Energy Strategic Vision | Department of Energy: Office of Nuclear Energy Strategic Vision

Twitter permanently suspends Trump's account | Boston.com

Twitter permanently suspends Trump's account | Boston.com

Fukushima Update January 8, 2021

Fukushima Update January 8, 2021 – JAIF says Japan needs nukes to meet its environmental goals… JAEA says the removal of fuel debris from F. Daiichi reactors should be under water… Naoto Khan wanted to evacuate the emperor to Kyoto… 32% support the release of essentially harmless F. Daiichi wastewater. https://www.hiroshimasyndrome.com/fukushima-accident-updates.html

UGA profs call for coalition of civilian nuclear partners -- ANS / Newswire

UGA profs call for coalition of civilian nuclear partners -- ANS / Newswire

Game-playing AI technique may lead to cheaper nuclear energy -- ANS / Newswire

Game-playing AI technique may lead to cheaper nuclear energy -- ANS / Newswire

Reclassification of HLW could reduce risks while saving billions, DOE says -- ANS / Newswire

Reclassification of HLW could reduce risks while saving billions, DOE says -- ANS / Newswire

Reclassification of HLW could reduce risks while saving billions, DOE says -- ANS / Newswire

Reclassification of HLW could reduce risks while saving billions, DOE says -- ANS / Newswire

Fusion and the bounty of electricity -- ANS / Newswire

Fusion and the bounty of electricity -- ANS / Newswire

Here's what happens to the 'nuclear football' if Trump skips Biden's inauguration

Here's what happens to the 'nuclear football' if Trump skips Biden's inauguration: A former military aide and experts explain what likely happens to the world's most important briefcase if Trump is a no-show at Biden's inauguration.

NNSA Nuclear Plan Shows More Weapons, Increasing Costs, Less Transparency – Federation Of American Scientists

NNSA Nuclear Plan Shows More Weapons, Increasing Costs, Less Transparency – Federation Of American Scientists: Science for a safer, more informed world.

European organisation launched for cooperation in waste disposal : Waste & Recycling - World Nuclear News

European organisation launched for cooperation in waste disposal : Waste & Recycling - World Nuclear News: The European Repository Development Organisation was launched yesterday by Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands, with other countries expected to join soon. It aims for member countries to work together to address the common challenges of safely managing long-lived radioactive wastes, including establishing shared multinational geological repositories.

Ranger mine ends processing operations : Uranium & Fuel - World Nuclear News

Ranger mine ends processing operations : Uranium & Fuel - World Nuclear News: Processing operations at Energy Resources of Australia's Ranger mine ended today in accordance with legislative and regulatory requirements. The mine, which is in the Northern Territory, was Australia's longest continually operating uranium producer.

Khmelnitsky expansion part of European 'renaissance', says Energoatom chief : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News

Khmelnitsky expansion part of European 'renaissance', says Energoatom chief : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: The completion of the third and fourth power units at the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant is "the future of Ukraine", Petro Kotin, acting president of Energoatom, said in an interview with Liga-Business at the end of last month. The project places Ukraine alongside other countries in Europe that are experiencing a "nuclear renaissance", since France, Poland, Slovakia and Romania are all now considering the further development of nuclear power, he said.

Japanese industry leaders call for nuclear restarts : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News

Japanese industry leaders call for nuclear restarts : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News: Japan will need nuclear power if it is to realise the government's carbon neutrality goal and should therefore restart idled nuclear reactors as soon as possible, as well as work to extend their operating lifetimes and build new nuclear capacity, the heads of the Japanese Atomic Industry Forum and the Japan Iron and Steel Federation have said in separate New Year messages.

Nuclear stands out as clean, dispatchable firm power, says Kwarteng : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News

Nuclear stands out as clean, dispatchable firm power, says Kwarteng : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News: UK Energy Minister Kwasi Kwarteng said he looks forward to “a year of delivery” in 2021, following the publication of the Energy White Paper on 14 December. In an interview with Chris Lambert, director of the Westminster Energy Forum, Kwarteng explained some of the ministerial thinking behind the White Paper and provided further background on the government’s strategy for reaching net-zero by 2050.

Developing Nuclear Power Infrastructure in Newcomer Countries | IAEA

Developing Nuclear Power Infrastructure in Newcomer Countries | IAEA

CO2 Emissions Increase Ocean Acidity | IAEA

CO2 Emissions Increase Ocean Acidity | IAEA: CO2 Emissions Increase Ocean Acidity

John Hairston named to head Portland-based Bonneville Power Administration - Portland Business Journal

John Hairston named to head Portland-based Bonneville Power Administration - Portland Business Journal: Hairston had been serving as acting chief of the Portland-based agency since last summer.

Renewable Energy Sources Dominate New Electrical Generating Capacity in US in 2020

Renewable Energy Sources Dominate New Electrical Generating Capacity in US in 2020: Renewable energy sources dominated new US electrical generating capacity additions in the first 11 months of 2020, according to data just released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The data, reviewed by the Sun Day Campaign, shows that renewable energy sources such as biomass, hydropower, solar and wind accounted for almost 71% of new utility-scale capacity.

Belgian regulator allows restart of Tihange 2 - Nuclear Engineering International

Belgian regulator allows restart of Tihange 2 - Nuclear Engineering International: Belgium's Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC) has approved the restart of Tihange 2 after an inspection during a planned outage showed that hydrogen microbubbles in the walls of the reactor vessel of Tihange 2 had not changed. and no...

Net-Zero Emissions Might Not Be Possible Without Nuclear Power | OilPrice.com

Net-Zero Emissions Might Not Be Possible Without Nuclear Power | OilPrice.com: Even with an exponential rise in renewable power generation, the U.S. grid will need nuclear power and hydropower to be stable with such a large share of solar and wind

LNG carriers embark on historic Arctic voyage - Splash247

LNG carriers embark on historic Arctic voyage - Splash247: Early next week an historic moment in Arctic navigation will take place when two LNG carriers cross paths near the East Siberian Sea, neither of which are travelling with icebreakers. On Tuesday this week the ice-class departed the Sabetta LNG terminal Sabetta heading east thought Arctic waters to the Chinese port of Dalian. Two weeks …

Thursday, January 7, 2021

A Catholic Moment - The Catholic Thing

A Catholic Moment - The Catholic Thing: Stephen P. White: Catholics, even at the peak of our political heft, lack the unity to use our collective weight in meaningful ways.

Nearly 4,000 Americans Died From Covid-19 on Wednesday as Trump Incited Anti-Democratic Insurrection | Common Dreams News

Nearly 4,000 Americans Died From Covid-19 on Wednesday as Trump Incited Anti-Democratic Insurrection | Common Dreams News: "Trump completely abdicating all responsibility for federal Covid response is not even on the radar today."

China begins construction of second CFR-600 fast reactor - Nuclear Engineering International

China begins construction of second CFR-600 fast reactor - Nuclear Engineering International: China began construction work on 27 December on a second pool-type sodium-cooled CFR-600 fast reactor in Xiapu County, Fujian Province.The CFR-600, also known as the Xiapu Fast Reactor Demonstration Project, is part of China's plan to...

Major construction done at Hanford waste treatment plant

Major construction done at Hanford waste treatment plant: SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — A gigantic nuclear waste treatment plant in eastern Washington state that has been under construction for 18 years is largely completed and soon will be ready to start...

Exelon CEO urges Illinois legislators to save nuclear plants -- ANS / Newswire

Exelon CEO urges Illinois legislators to save nuclear plants -- ANS / Newswire

Finish Lines Closer At Vogtle Expansion - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers

Finish Lines Closer At Vogtle Expansion - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.

Billions could be saved at Savannah River Site by reclassifying radioactive wastes, DOE says | Savannah River Site | postandcourier.com

Billions could be saved at Savannah River Site by reclassifying radioactive wastes, DOE says | Savannah River Site | postandcourier.com: Billions upon billions of dollars and years of toil could be saved by classifying and treating certain kinds of nuclear wastes currently trapped at sites across the U.S. as less

ECA Update January 7, 2021

Image View this email in your browser ECA UPDATE Jan 7, 2021 FEATURED CLEANUP Hanford Cleanup: DOE's Efforts to Close Tank Farms Would Benefit from Clearer Legal Authorities and Communication GAO | 1/7/2021 The Department of Energy, under agreement with EPA and Washington State, is cleaning up radioactive waste at its Hanford site. It finished retrieving waste from one group of underground tanks—a "tank farm"—and it has begun retrieving waste from 2 of the remaining 17. If DOE classifies the residual waste in tanks as something other than high-level waste, and the state approves it, DOE can fill the tanks with grout and leave them in place. This could avoid some risks and save $18 billion. But DOE's legal authority to do this is unclear. We recommended that Congress consider clarifying DOE's authority to manage the residual waste. Continue reading >> Follow the latest DOE budget updates with ECA's budget tracker Image Monitor DOE spending bills, detailed site budgets, and more. Find everything you need to know about the DOE budget here! NUCLEAR WASTE Billions could be saved at Savannah River Site by reclassifying radioactive wastes, DOE says Aiken Standard | 1/6/2021 Billions upon billions of dollars and years of toil could be saved by classifying and treating certain kinds of nuclear wastes currently trapped at sites across the U.S. as less dangerous, based on their characteristics, a new evaluation from the Department of Energy shows. More than $200 billion could be pocketed if certain reprocessing wastes – both current and expected – at the Savannah River Site, Idaho National Laboratory and the Hanford site in Washington were categorized as not high-level radioactive waste, a term that denotes hazard level. “Classifying these reprocessing wastes as non-HLW could enable DOE to begin disposition of such waste earlier, reduce costs, and lower the risk to workers, the public, and the environment,” the department said in a years-in-the-making report to Congress. Continue reading >> ECA released a write-up on January 4 highlighting the reclassification: DOE took yet another step forward on its High-Level Waste Interpretation last week, providing House and Senate Armed Services Committee leadership with a report evaluating the “feasibility, costs, and cost savings of classifying covered defense nuclear waste as other than high-level radioactive waste, without decreasing environmental, health or public safety requirements,” as required under Section 3139 of the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act. The report, “Evaluation of Potential Opportunities to Classify Certain Defense Nuclear Waste From Reprocessing as Other than High-Level Radioactive Waste,” evaluates the inventory of reprocessing waste that is in storage or is planned to be produced at the Savannah River Site (SRS), the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and at Hanford. The report identifies up to $230 billion in cleanup cost savings -- far exceeding any estimates to date. Continue reading ECA's report >> Image IN OTHER NEWS NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Chairman Kristine Svinicki Announces Her Intent to Depart The NRC (NRC, 1/4) UPCOMING EVENTS Sept. 8-10, 2021 National Cleanup Workshop; Alexandria, VA ECA PUBLICATIONS Read about DOE's High Level Waste Interpretation Have questions about DOE’s recent high-level waste (HLW) interpretation? Download ECA’s Key Points and FAQs on the issue to better understand what ECA believes are the potential benefits of implementation. ECA's Key Points on DOE HLW Interpretation ECA's FAQs on DOE HLW Interpretation Interested in learning more? Read the ECA report “Making Informed Decisions on DOE's Proposed High Level Waste Definition” at www.energyca.org/publications ECA BULLETIN Stay Current on Activities in the DOE World Read the latest edition of the ECA Bulletin, a regular newsletter providing a detailed brief of ECA activities, legislative news, and major events from across the DOE complex. Have suggestions for future editions? Email bulletin@energyca.org. View current and previous editions of the ECA Bulletin at www.energyca.org/bulletin DOE SITE PROFILES Learn More about Cleanup Sites with ECA's DOE Site Profiles ECA's new site profiles detail DOE's 13 active Environmental Management cleanup sites and national laboratories, highlighting their history, missions, and priorities. The profiles are a key source for media, stakeholders, and the public to learn more about DOE site activities, contractors, advisory boards, and their surrounding local governments. Access your community's profile by visiting: www.energyca.org/site-profiles DOE Site Proflies Energy Communities Alliance 1625 Eye St., NW Suite 800 Washington DC 20006 USA

ENERGY TRANSITIONS: Miss. plant raises concerns about nuclear power -- Wednesday, January 6, 2021 -- www.eenews.net

ENERGY TRANSITIONS: Miss. plant raises concerns about nuclear power -- Wednesday, January 6, 2021 -- www.eenews.net: Challenges at the largest single-unit U.S. nuclear power station are raising questions about the electric industry's argument that nuclear power provides reliability and decarbonizes the grid.

‘Is This Really Happening?’: The Siege of Congress, Seen From the Inside - POLITICO

‘Is This Really Happening?’: The Siege of Congress, Seen From the Inside - POLITICO: A real-time account of the hours when rioters breached the Capitol and brought the government to a halt.

Russia plans new generation of FNPPs - Nuclear Engineering International

Russia plans new generation of FNPPs - Nuclear Engineering International: Russia is planning a new generation of floating nuclear power plants (FNPPs) based on the RITM reactor and already has some projects under consideration.The economic characteristics of the Russian project of a modernised floating nuclear power...

Iran is enriching uranium to 20%. What does that mean? | Live Science

Iran is enriching uranium to 20%. What does that mean? | Live Science: Iran announced it is enriching uranium to 20% purity which increases their nuclear capabilities, but it's not too late to defuse the situation.

Ukraine's Zaporozhe 5 clear to operate until 2030  : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News

Ukraine's Zaporozhe 5 clear to operate until 2030  : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine has approved a 10-year extension to the operating licence of unit 5 at the Zaporozhe nuclear power plant. The VVER-1000/V-320 reactor was commissioned in August 1989 and its original 30-year licence expired on 27 May 2020. The new licence extends the operation of unit 5 as well as of the facilities technologically related to it.

DAVID DELANEY: New nuclear technology could offer opportunity for Cape Breton | Regional-Perspectives | Opinion | The Journal Pioneer

DAVID DELANEY: New nuclear technology could offer opportunity for Cape Breton | Regional-Perspectives | Opinion | The Journal Pioneer: All one need do is bring up the phrase ‘nuclear power’ and the battle lines are drawn. Few issues engender quite the degree of opinions as does the suggestion that nuclear power is a viable option as our society seeks improvements in

South Africa's Eskom to impose power cuts after nuclear plant shutdown | Reuters

South Africa's Eskom to impose power cuts after nuclear plant shutdown | Reuters: South Africa's state power provider Eskom will implement scheduled power blackouts on Wednesday, after a shutdown of its nuclear power plant prompted by a rising leak rate in one of its steam generators.

Developer wants to revive nuclear power at Oyster Creek site | Energy News Network

Developer wants to revive nuclear power at Oyster Creek site | Energy News Network: NUCLEAR: The company decommissioning the closed Oyster Creek nuclear plant in New Jersey says it is interested in developing a new next-generation nuclear power plant at the site. (Associated Press) OFFSHORE WIND: • Federal regulators publish the draft environmental impact statement and open a 45-day public comment period for the South Fork offshore wind project […]

China begins construction of SanAo nuclear power plant - Nuclear Engineering International

China begins construction of SanAo nuclear power plant - Nuclear Engineering International: The concrete was poured for the nuclear island of unit 1 at the SanAo nuclear power plant in China’s Zhejiang province, China General Nuclear (CGN) announced on 31 December.SanAo 1 will be the first of six Hualong One pressurised water...

SNC-Lavalin's Candu Energy gains service extension at 6.4-GW Bruce nuclear plant in Canada | Power Engineering

SNC-Lavalin's Candu Energy gains service extension at 6.4-GW Bruce nuclear plant in Canada | Power Engineering: Canadian nuclear power operator Bruce Power has extended the contracts by Candu Energy to service its generating station on the shores of Lake Huron.  Candu, a member of the SNC-Lavalin Group, has existing contracts to provide fuel channel inspections and tooling maintenance and refurbhisment in support of their reactor inspection and maintenance work. The deal […]

Will Indonesia become a nuclear power?

Will Indonesia become a nuclear power?: In spite of its nuclear ambitions, Indonesia does not yet have the capacity to manage its nuclear waste disposal, which could prove disastrous for the Southeast Asian region.

ENERGY TRANSITIONS: Miss. plant raises concerns about nuclear power -- Wednesday, January 6, 2021 -- www.eenews.net

ENERGY TRANSITIONS: Miss. plant raises concerns about nuclear power -- Wednesday, January 6, 2021 -- www.eenews.net: Challenges at the largest single-unit U.S. nuclear power station are raising questions about the electric industry's argument that nuclear power provides reliability and decarbonizes the grid.

A call for antiracist action and accountability in the US nuclear community - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

A call for antiracist action and accountability in the US nuclear community - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: For many institutions in the nuclear community, the true work of becoming antiracist still lies ahead of them: accepting and rectifying their own complicity in the problem.

Beatrice Fihn: How to implement the nuclear weapons ban treaty - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Beatrice Fihn: How to implement the nuclear weapons ban treaty - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: In this interview, ICAN's Beatrice Fihn lays out a possible future in which the ban treaty delegitimizes nuclear weapons, and nuclear weapons countries are persuaded to decide that it is best to give up the most fearsome weapons ever created—in those countries’ own interests.

One size does not fit all: Why diversity and inclusion efforts fail in the nuclear community, and what can be done about it - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

One size does not fit all: Why diversity and inclusion efforts fail in the nuclear community, and what can be done about it - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: Reversing the failing trend will take a radical shift toward proactivity and specificity.

The story behind PG&E's decision to close | Letters | San Luis Obispo | New Times San Luis Obispo

The story behind PG&E's decision to close | Letters | San Luis Obispo | New Times San Luis Obispo: A letter by Mark Henry mistakenly asserts that the reason PG&E decided to close the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant by the end of 2025 was...

IAEA announces innovation in tsetse fly control : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News

IAEA announces innovation in tsetse fly control : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News: A new infrared system is helping the International Atomic Energy Agency to speed up the sorting of male from female tsetse flies as the agency controls the breeding of the insect using irradiation. The tsetse is a bloodsucking insect found in sub-Saharan Africa which transmits a parasite that can be fatal to both animals and humans.

E3 warn of risk from Iran's uranium enrichment : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News

E3 warn of risk from Iran's uranium enrichment : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: Iran's latest move to increase uranium enrichment poses a nuclear proliferation risk, say the foreign ministers of the UK, France and Germany - the E3 countries. Meanwhile Iran’s ambassador to international organisations in Vienna has written to the International Atomic Energy Agency, stressing the need for Israel's "prompt and unconditional" joining of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

FDA approves novel non-uranium Mo-99 production process : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News

FDA approves novel non-uranium Mo-99 production process : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: The US Food and Drug Administration has approved NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes, LLC's process to produce molybdenum-99 from concentrated Mo-98 and related software upgrades for its RadioGenix System technetium-99m generator. This will significantly increase US production and capacity for non-uranium based Mo-99, the company says.

Visualizing US Oil & Gas Production (Through September 2020) | The Energy Collective Daily

Visualizing US Oil & Gas Production (Through September 2020) | The Energy Collective Daily Link to The Energy Collective Network Visualizing US Oil & Gas Production (Through September 2020) How to improve the next power contract? Colombia and regulation of electric vehicles e-Mobility Fair Energy-environment-society interactions Advanced Energy Group: Washington D.C. 21Q1 Stakeholder Challenge on Critical Infrastructure & Resilience CES 2021 Marginal Fields; 10 Things to Note in Asset Acquisition - Megathos Law Practice The geopolitical impact of hydrogen

Visualizing US Oil & Gas Production (Through September 2020) | Energy Central

Visualizing US Oil & Gas Production (Through September 2020) | Energy Central: This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive dashboards. Furthermore, they allow you to uncover other insights as well. Visit ShaleProfile blog to explore the full interactive dashboardThese interactive presentations contain the latest oil & gas

Summary of Low-Yield Nuclear Warhead Debate - USNI News

Summary of Low-Yield Nuclear Warhead Debate - USNI News: The following is the Jan. 5, 2021 Congressional Research Service In Focus report, A Low-Yield, Submarine-Launched Nuclear Warhead: Overview of the Expert Debate. From the report The Low-Yield D-5 Warhead The Trump Administration developed a new low-yield version of the W-76 warhead for existing submarine-launched Trident II (D-5) missiles. Unclassified sources state that the existing …

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Ship With Two Equipment Batches Heads For India - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers

Ship With Two Equipment Batches Heads For India - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.

Rosatom To Use Ice-breaker Power Technology Inland - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers

Rosatom To Use Ice-breaker Power Technology Inland - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.

Finish Lines Closer At Vogtle Expansion - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers

Finish Lines Closer At Vogtle Expansion - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.

Bulgaria joins OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

Bulgaria joins OECD Nuclear Energy Agency: SOFIA (Bulgaria), January 5 (SeeNews) - Bulgaria joined on January 1 the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

Sogin Publishes List Of 67 Potential Radwaste Repository Sites :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency

Sogin Publishes List Of 67 Potential Radwaste Repository Sites :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency: Italy’s state-owned nuclear waste management company Sogin has published a list of 67 potential sites for a national radwaste storage facility.

The list includes potential sites in the northwest, central Italy, the south, and the islands of Sicily and Sardinia.

Sogin said the list identifies areas whose characteristics meet localisation criteria defined by the National Inspectorate for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ISIN) and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Ten sites have been identified as “A1”, which means they are the most promising. Two of these sites are near Turin in Piedmont, northwest Italy, five are near Alessandria, also in Piedmont, and three are in the province of Viterbo, north of Rome in central Italy.

Japan’s steel industry continues to back nuclear power

Japan’s steel industry continues to back nuclear power: Japan's steel industry lobby group is urging the government to continue backing nuclear power generation by adopting a growth strategy aimed at balancing the country's energy reform with manufacturing growth.

Advanced Nuclear Reactors: 5 Designs That Will Shape the Future

Advanced Nuclear Reactors: 5 Designs That Will Shape the Future: These five advanced nuclear reactors will shape the future of energy.

Palisades license transfer request submitted to NRC -- ANS / Newswire

Palisades license transfer request submitted to NRC -- ANS / Newswire

Lawmakers: New Mexico energy law needs to protect customers | Hosted

Lawmakers: New Mexico energy law needs to protect customers | Hosted: ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Three Democratic state lawmakers who initially supported New Mexico’s landmark energy law are proposing changes to protect utility customers from significant rate hikes in the future.

Professors call for coalition of civilian nuclear partners

Professors call for coalition of civilian nuclear partners: They say the partnership can offset China and Russia’s growing global influence.

New nuclear plant could rise at site of former one in NJ

New nuclear plant could rise at site of former one in NJ: LACEY, N.J. (AP) — The company that's in the process of mothballing one of the nation's oldest nuclear power plants says it is interested in building a new next-generation nuclear reactor at the...

Professor Emeritus Michael Driscoll, leader in nuclear engineering and beloved mentor, dies at 86 | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Professor Emeritus Michael Driscoll, leader in nuclear engineering and beloved mentor, dies at 86 | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Michael J. Driscoll, MIT emeritus professor of nuclear science and engineering who advanced deep borehole nuclear waste disposal and fuel cycle development and mentored over 230 students, has died at 86.

NY Will Consider Spent Nuclear Fuel As Taxable Real Property - Law360

NY Will Consider Spent Nuclear Fuel As Taxable Real Property - Law360: New York has enacted a bill that will include spent nuclear fuel items from shuttered nuclear power stations in the definition of real property, making the materials taxable.

Illinois AFL-CIO releases updated nuclear impacts report

Illinois AFL-CIO releases updated nuclear impacts report: The report highlights the economic losses and environmental impacts Illinois’ and its local communities will face with the retirement of these plants.

New nuclear plant could rise at site of former one in NJ - The Washington Post

New nuclear plant could rise at site of former one in NJ - The Washington Post: The company that’s in the process of mothballing one of the nation’s oldest nuclear power plants says it is interested in building a new next-generation nuclear reactor at the same site in New Jersey

New Jersey nuclear plant proposed at site of old reactor | PBS NewsHour

New Jersey nuclear plant proposed at site of old reactor | PBS NewsHour: The Camden company proposes building a new, smaller reactor, which would be a nationwide demonstration project, but has not yet formally applied for permission to do so.

No increase in Tihange 2 hydrogen flakes : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News

No increase in Tihange 2 hydrogen flakes : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: Belgium's Federal Agency for Nuclear Control has approved the restart of Tihange unit 2 following a maintenance outage after concluding no new hydrogen flakes have appeared and the existing flakes had not increased in size. Operator Electrabel is required to regularly check that the situation has not changed since the flakes were first discovered in 2012.

Ukraine's Zaporozhe 5 clear to operate until 2030  : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News

Ukraine's Zaporozhe 5 clear to operate until 2030  : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine has approved a 10-year extension to the operating licence of unit 5 at the Zaporozhe nuclear power plant. The VVER-1000/V-320 reactor was commissioned in August 1989 and its original 30-year licence expired on 27 May 2020. The new licence extends the operation of unit 5 as well as of the facilities technologically related to it.

Nuclear Waste: How Finland and Sweden Plan Warehouses

Nuclear Waste: How Finland and Sweden Plan Warehouses: For Finland and Sweden, that remains The use of nuclear energy Also important in the future. The share of nuclear energy in Sweden is currently about 40

Climate Change: Why the U.S. needs a national climate investment fund | Fortune

Climate Change: Why the U.S. needs a national climate investment fund | Fortune: The climate-change crisis requires its own version of COVID's Project Warp Speed, to help planet-saving technology reach the market faster.

With loss of nuclear plant, more clean energy is needed | The Gazette

With loss of nuclear plant, more clean energy is needed | The Gazette: For years nearly 10 percent of electricity produced in Iowa came from the Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC), the nuclear reactor north of Palo. Now the reactor is gone for good. Its owner, NextEra, made the decision to close it. Even though more than 40 percent of our state's electricity comes from clean wind power, most of the rest comes from natural gas and coal, which produces local air pollution and contributes to warming the planet.

How the U.S. government can protect itself from the next | The Energy Collective Daily

Washington Post Opinion | How the U.S. government can protect itself from the next | The Energy Collective Daily Link to The Energy Collective Network Washington Post Opinion | How the U.S. government can protect itself from the next Resonance Podcast: Short-term challenges yes, but are you looking ahead? NASEO Energy Policy Outlook Conference Energy Progress & Innovation Conference How Wastewater Can Drive Us Toward a Circular Economy New England begins work on FERC Order 2222 compliance, but system impact is unclear Solar, Storage, and Smart Energy Expo International Conference on Fossil and Renewable Energy

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Op-Ed: Lift sanctions that block Iran from purchasing COVID vaccines - Los Angeles Times

Op-Ed: Lift sanctions that block Iran from purchasing COVID vaccines - Los Angeles Times: Without vaccines, more Iranians will die and coronavirus infections from Iran will spread to other countries in the region.

Looking Back at the World in 2020 and Forward to 2021

Looking Back at the World in 2020 and Forward to 2021: Gallup begins the new year with a look back at some of the biggest discoveries from its World Poll in 2020 and looks ahead to 2021.

Why NATO-Turkey Relations Are Unlikely to Improve Under Biden

Why NATO-Turkey Relations Are Unlikely to Improve Under Biden: As President-elect Joe Biden prepares to take office this month, many U.S. allies and partners are eyeing an opportunity for better relations with Washington. But Turkey, under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, will face an uphill battle to settle ongoing disputes with the U.S., not to mention other NATO allies.

Michael J. Driscoll

Michael J. Driscoll

Rosatom to begin work on land-based SMR - Nuclear Engineering International

Rosatom to begin work on land-based SMR - Nuclear Engineering International: In January, Rosatom will begin work on the site of the future small nuclear power plant, which is planned to be built in Yakutia, Rosatom director general Alexei Likhachev said in a video message published on Rosatom’s website...

Iran resumes enriching uranium to 20% purity at Fordo facility - BBC News

Iran resumes enriching uranium to 20% purity at Fordo facility - BBC News: The country resumes enriching uranium to 20% purity in defiance of a 2015 international agreement.

South Africa News: Eskom Unprepared as Generator Leak Accelerates Nuclear Shut - Bloomberg

South Africa News: Eskom Unprepared as Generator Leak Accelerates Nuclear Shut - Bloomberg: Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd. is unprepared for maintenance work at Africa’s sole nuclear power plant after a steam generator leak brought forward a planned shutdown at one of the 1,800-megawatt facility’s two units.

Japan’s steel industry continues to back nuclear power

Japan’s steel industry continues to back nuclear power: Japan's steel industry lobby group is urging the government to continue backing nuclear power generation by adopting a growth strategy aimed at balancing the country's energy reform with manufacturing growth.

Nuclear Enters 2021 With Buoyant Global Outlook for Small Modular Reactors | Greentech Media

Nuclear Enters 2021 With Buoyant Global Outlook for Small Modular Reactors | Greentech Media: SMRs get a boost with policy moves in the U.S., U.K. and Canada.

Professors call for coalition of civilian nuclear partners

Professors call for coalition of civilian nuclear partners: They say the partnership can offset China and Russia’s growing global influence.

Construction of new Chinese power plant begins : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News

Construction of new Chinese power plant begins : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: The first safety-related concrete has been poured for the nuclear island of unit 1 at the San'ao nuclear power plant in Zhejiang province, China General Nuclear has announced. A total of six Chinese-designed Hualong One pressurised water reactors are planned for the site.

Governments Look to Expand Nuclear Power Through SMRs

Governments Look to Expand Nuclear Power Through SMRs: Advancements in small modular reactor (SMR) technology are being supported by government investment within several countries, including the U.S. and the UK, as SMRs are increasingly seen as a way to take

It Spied on Soviet Atomic Bombs. Now It’s Solving Ecological Mysteries. - The New York Times

It Spied on Soviet Atomic Bombs. Now It’s Solving Ecological Mysteries. - The New York Times: Imagery from the Cold War’s Corona satellites is helping scientists fill in how we have changed our planet in the past half century.

Greenhouse Gasses and Fossil Fuels | Energy Central

Greenhouse Gasses and Fossil Fuels | Energy Central: Scientists have established that greenhouse gasses are not a threat. Even if they were, it's impossible to eliminate fossil fuelsThe evidence is in my article A Message for All Americans at http://bit.ly/3ogwGVP

EV Application Shakeout – Part 2 | Energy Central

EV Application Shakeout – Part 2 | Energy Central: In Part 2 we will focus on (1) Road-going vehicles; (2) Flying electric vehicles and how recent developments by Tesla may bootstrap this stalled market, (3) other recent developments by Tesla and (4) a potential Tesla competitor.

China starts building second CFR-600 fast reactor : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News

China starts building second CFR-600 fast reactor : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: Construction work has started on the second CFR-600 sodium-cooled pool-type fast-neutron nuclear reactor in Xiapu County, in China's Fujian province. Also known as the Xiapu fast reactor demonstration project, the CFR-600 is part of China's plan to achieve a closed nuclear fuel cycle.

Improved atomic energy offers a pathway that Princeton’s Net Zero America failed to acknowledge - Atomic Insights

Improved atomic energy offers a pathway that Princeton’s Net Zero America failed to acknowledge - Atomic Insights: Princeton’s Net Zero America: Potential Pathways, Infrastructure and Impacts charts five challenging, tortuous, investment-intensive paths to

Illinois Legislature must move quickly to keep electric bills low and promote green energy - Chicago Sun-Times

Illinois Legislature must move quickly to keep electric bills low and promote green energy - Chicago Sun-Times: The failure of national energy markets to support clean energy soon will force the premature retirement of two of the state’s zero-carbon nuclear plants, putting thousands of people out of work, raising energy costs and taking us decades backward in the fight against climate change.

"Nuclear" Shouldn't Frighten You - Persuasion

"Nuclear" Shouldn't Frighten You - Persuasion: To fight climate change, we need this power source. Still uneasy? Here's what you ought to know.

Neutronbytes Guest Post: NAE Publishes "Nuclear Energy Revisited"

Readers of this list may recognize many of the name of the authors of the collection of articles by leading experts in the field of nuclear energy. The entire issue, about 100 pages, is available free of charge in PDF form at the cited URL below. The “Bridge” is a publication of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). & & & Table of Contents Fall 2020 NUCLEAR ENERGY REVISITED Vol. 50, No. 3, Fall 2020 https://www.nae.edu/239120/Fall-Issue-of-The-Bridge-on-Nuclear-Energy-Revisited A complete copy of The Bridge is available in PDF format at www.nae.edu/TheBridge. Some of the articles in this issue are also available as HTML documents and may contain links to related sources of information, multimedia files, or other content. Sustaining the Value of the US Nuclear Power Fleet Bruce P. Hallbert and Kenneth D. Thomas The Case for Nuclear as a Low-Carbon, Firm, Widely Available Energy Source Karen Dawson, Michael Corradini, John Parsons, and Jacopo Buongiorno Maximizing Clean Energy Use: Integrating Nuclear and Renewable Technologies to Support Variable Electricity, Heat, and Hydrogen Demands Charles W. Forsberg and Shannon M. Bragg-Sitton Managing Drivers of Cost in the Construction of Nuclear Plants Eric Ingersoll, Kirsty Gogan, and Giorgio Locatelli Chasing Cheap Nuclear: Economic Trade-Offs for Small Modular Reactors Jessica R. Lovering and Jameson R. McBride Why the Unique Safety Features of Advanced Reactors Matter José N. Reyes Jr., Finis Southworth, and Brian G. Woods Regulatory Innovation to Support Advanced Reactors Richard A. Meserve Engineering and Social Responsibility: Accounting for Values in the Development and Design of New Nuclear Reactors Ibo van de Poel, Behnam Taebi, and Tristan de Wildt Risk-Limiting Audits in Colorado Elections: A Brief Overview Matthew Fitzgerald Guest Editor Notes This issue of The Bridge comes at a pivotal moment of transformation of the global energy system. The desire to reduce the carbon intensity of human activities and strengthen the resilience of infrastructure key to economic prosperity and geopolitical stability shines a new spotlight on the value and challenges of nuclear energy. Critical questions in the areas of nuclear economics, new market potential, advanced reactor technologies, and nuclear regulations are explored in seven original papers authored by distinguished scholars. We are grateful to the authors for their contributions, to Ashley Finan for writing the Foreword, and to Bridge managing editor Cameron Fletcher for assistance throughout the process of inviting and evaluating the papers. We also appreciate thoughtful input from the following who assessed the drafts for accuracy, coverage, and substantiation: George Apostolakis, Steven Aumeier, Robert Budnitz, Bob Coward, Mike Ford, Céline Kermisch, Kathy McCarthy, Mike Middleton, Pete Miller, Fred Moody, Greg Nemet, Per Peterson, Staffan Qvist, Jovica Riznic, and Robert Rosner. Guest Editors List Jacopo Buongiorno Michael Corradini John Parsons David Petti Jacopo Buongiorno is a professor of nuclear science and engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Michael Corradini (NAE) is Wisconsin Distinguished Professor Emeritus, College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. John Parsons is a senior lecturer in the Sloan School of Management at MIT. David Petti is director of the Nuclear Fuels and Materials Division at Idaho National Laboratory. A complete copy of The Bridge is available in PDF format at www.nae.edu/TheBridge. Some of the articles in this issue are also available as HTML documents and may contain links to related sources of information, multimedia files, or other content. The Bridge (ISSN 0737-6278) is published quarterly by the National Academy of Engineering, 2101 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20418. Vol. 50, No. 3, Fall 2020 --------------------------------- Dan Yurman dan.yurman@usa.net Mobile 216-218-3823 https://neutronbytes.com

Biden Faces a Minefield in New Diplomacy with Iran | The New Yorker

Biden Faces a Minefield in New Diplomacy with Iran | The New Yorker: The President-elect has known key revolutionaries for decades, but time is short before Iran’s own Presidential election.

UK signs Nuclear Cooperation Agreement with Euratom - Nuclear Engineering International

UK signs Nuclear Cooperation Agreement with Euratom - Nuclear Engineering International: The UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) said on 24 December that the UK and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) had signed a Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (NCA) which was a “separate agreement from...

Rosatom to begin work on land-based SMR - Nuclear Engineering International

Rosatom to begin work on land-based SMR - Nuclear Engineering International: In January, Rosatom will begin work on the site of the future small nuclear power plant, which is planned to be built in Yakutia, Rosatom director general Alexei Likhachev said in a video message published on Rosatom’s website...

After 44 Years Of Operation, Ringhals-1 Shuts Down For Good :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency

After 44 Years Of Operation, Ringhals-1 Shuts Down For Good :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency: After 44 years of commercial operation, the Ringhals-1 nuclear power reactor near Varberg in southwestern Sweden has been shut down for good.

The 881-MW boiling water reactor unit reactor began commercial operation on 1 January 1976 and according to principal owner Vattenfall is estimated to have delivered 220 terawatt hours of electricity, which corresponds to the entire electricity consumption of Gothenburg since the reactor was started.

In December 2019, the Ringhals-2 nuclear power reactor was permanently shut down after more than 43 years of commercial operation.

Vattenfall said in 2015 that it would close the two Ringhals plants as a result of falling demand, the falling price of electricity and the units being in need of costly maintenance.

Game-playing AI technique may lead to cheaper nuclear energy -- ANS / Newswire

Game-playing AI technique may lead to cheaper nuclear energy -- ANS / Newswire

Court extends DOE deadline to start treating Hanford waste | Tri-City Herald

Court extends DOE deadline to start treating Hanford waste | Tri-City Herald: Construction on the vit plant to treat the waste began 18 years ago.

Chairman Svinicki announces she will resign on Jan. 20 -- ANS / Newswire

Chairman Svinicki announces she will resign on Jan. 20 -- ANS / Newswire

Gov. Cuomo signs bills to help Indian Pt. communities after shutdown

Gov. Cuomo signs bills to help Indian Pt. communities after shutdown: In an effort to help Indian Point nuclear plant's neighbors withstand the revenue loss after the plant's shutdown, Cuomo signed a spent fuel tax bill

Want to know how to pick an energy market? Watch the Mountain West power providers | Utility Dive

Want to know how to pick an energy market? Watch the Mountain West power providers | Utility Dive: Utility industry news and analysis for energy professionals.

Monday, January 4, 2021

China to give coronavirus vaccine to 50 million people in a month, outpacing Trump's Operation Warp Speed - The Washington Post

China to give coronavirus vaccine to 50 million people in a month, outpacing Trump's Operation Warp Speed - The Washington Post: The country is pushing to complete vaccination of those deemed high-risk before Lunar New Year, the busiest annual travel period.

Chairman Kristine Svinicki Announces Her Intent to Depart The NRC

Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release No: 21-001 January 4, 2021 CONTACT: Office of Public Affairs, 301-415-8200 Chairman Kristine Svinicki Announces Her Intent to Depart The NRC Today, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Kristine L. Svinicki announced that she intends to leave the NRC on Jan. 20, 2021. Chairman Svinicki issued the following statement: “I have greatly cherished the opportunity to serve the nation over the course of my long federal career, including the honor of having been nominated to serve as a Commissioner of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission by three successive Presidents of the United States – President Bush in 2007, President Obama in 2012, and President Trump in 2017. I am grateful to the many Senators and Congressmen who have worked with me on tough issues over the years and who, agreeing or disagreeing on the substance, acknowledged we were, for the most part, trying to achieve complementary aims. Thank you for your support of the agency’s important work. “I was humbled when President Trump designated me NRC Chairman on Inauguration Day four years ago. After nine years of service as a Commissioner, I hope I put my prior experience to good effect and that my work as Chairman has fulfilled, in some small measure, the confidence the President expressed in my capabilities in offering me this opportunity to lead. “It is a rare thing in Washington to have continued so long in a political appointment, and they tell me I am the longest serving member of our Commission in the agency’s history. I am not sure I know how that happened, but I would certainly attribute a fair portion of it to two things. First, I was exceedingly fortunate to serve with such fine fellow Commissioners over the course of the years. I learned a lot from the colleagues that the system happened to send my way. The second thing is something that you would have to have worked here to understand; but the NRC culture, and the people who make it the welcoming and wonderful place it is, are truly unique in government. This includes the small team of advisors I had around me for all these years – each drawn from the existing NRC career staff and all exemplars of the devoted professionals who make up the NRC. “When I speak to college students and young professionals, I tell them that public service is a calling. If it calls to you, you should heed it and, if you do, you will not regret a single day. As I look back on 30 years of federal service, I know this to be as true as ever. I sincerely wish the women and men of the NRC staff every continued success as they build upon the proud legacy of their predecessors, while transforming the NRC into a modern, risk-informed regulator ready to address the nuclear technologies and challenges of tomorrow.”

National Reactor Innovation Center’s webinar features TerraPower, X-energy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jan. 4, 2021 NEWS MEDIA CONTACTS: Donna Kemp Spangler, 208-716-5113, donna.kempspangler@inl.gov Lori McNamara, 208-520-6066, lori.mcnamara@inl.gov National Reactor Innovation Center’s webinar features TerraPower, X-energy This webinar was rescheduled from December. IDAHO FALLS – The National Reactor Innovation Center’s (NRIC) webinar “What Inspires Us: Advanced Reactor Demonstrations” will focus on the U.S. Department of Energy awards to TerraPower and X-energy to build their advanced nuclear reactors by 2027. Ashley Finan, NRIC director, will moderate this 90-minute webinar from 2:30-4 p.m. ET; 12:30-2 p.m. MT on Jan. 7, 2021. It will feature conversations with Chris Levesque, president and chief executive officer of TerraPower and Clay Sell, chief executive officer of X-energy. “There is a lot of excitement and enthusiasm for these projects,” Finan said. “This is an opportunity to learn more and ask questions.” The DOE Office of Nuclear Energy selected TerraPower LLC for its Natrium sodium-cooled high-temperature reactor design and X-energy for its Xe-100 high-temperature gas-cooled reactor design, each for $80 million awards, through negotiations under the Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program. NRIC will facilitate access to DOE’s national lab resources, which can help the companies test and assess advanced reactor development technologies to move reactors from blueprints to reality. NRIC’s webinar series, “What Inspires Us,” kicked off Sept. 29, 2020, with an overview of NRIC. It included conversations with Mark Peters, former laboratory director at Idaho National Laboratory, and Suzanne Baker, creative director at the University of Michigan’s Fastest Path to Zero Initiative and founder of Good Energy Collective. Both speakers talked about what inspires them to promote nuclear energy as part of the broader clean energy initiative. Scheduling for the upcoming webinar: NRIC’s “What Inspires Us,” Webinar Series Event #2 Featuring: Chris Levesque, president and chief executive officer of TerraPower, and Clay Sell, chief executive officer of X-energy Jan. 7, 2021 2:30-4 p.m. ET; 12:30-2 p.m. MT Register Here For more information about NRIC, visit: https://nric.inl.gov/. About INL: INL is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory that performs work in each of DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security, science and environment. INL is the nation’s center for nuclear energy research and development. Day-to-day management and operation of the laboratory is the responsibility of Battelle Energy Alliance. See more INL news at www.inl.gov. Follow us on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. —INL-21-001—

Good Science vs Bad Science and Propaganda: A review of Seven – OffGuardian

Good Science vs Bad Science and Propaganda: A review of Seven – OffGuardian: Dr Piers Robinson Among the many controversies surrounding the events of 9/11 one of the most prominent has been the question of how, many hours after the collapse of the Twin Towers, the 47-storey…

Gulf states reach deal to end three-year-old Qatar boycott, Kuwait announces - Middle East News - Haaretz.com

Gulf states reach deal to end three-year-old Qatar boycott, Kuwait announces - Middle East News - Haaretz.com: Breakthrough is the latest in a series of Middle East deals sought by Washington, aimed at building a united front against Iran

Why Indonesia is vaccinating its working population first, not elderly | Reuters

Why Indonesia is vaccinating its working population first, not elderly | Reuters: As Indonesia prepares to begin mass inoculations against COVID-19, its plan to prioritise working age adults over the elderly, aiming to reach herd immunity fast and revive the economy, will be closely watched by other countries.

Article: Let's Be Absolutely Clear What's At Stake In The Assange Case | OpEdNews

Article: Let's Be Absolutely Clear What's At Stake In The Assange Case | OpEdNews: Article: Let's Be Absolutely Clear What's At Stake In The Assange Case - When it comes to human behavior, things only change for the better when there is a lucid and unobstructed perception of what's going on.

Battelle Energy Alliance and NASA searching for partners to help design nuclear power system for moon mission - East Idaho News

Battelle Energy Alliance and NASA searching for partners to help design nuclear power system for moon mission - East Idaho News: The following is a news release from the Idaho National Laboratory. IDAHO FALLS – Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC, the managing and operating contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory, and NASA are seeking feedback from leaders in the nuclear and space industries to develop innovative technologies for a fission surface power system …

Eight International Power Sector Trends to Watch in 2021 and Beyond

Eight International Power Sector Trends to Watch in 2021 and Beyond: Roiled over 2020 by the COVID-19 pandemic, two much-watched international power market outlooks surveying short-term and long-term implications caution the road ahead will be ridden by complexity. The

Governments Look to Expand Nuclear Power Through SMRs

Governments Look to Expand Nuclear Power Through SMRs: Advancements in small modular reactor (SMR) technology are being supported by government investment within several countries, including the U.S. and the UK, as SMRs are increasingly seen as a way to take

Climate Change: Why the U.S. needs a national climate investment fund | Fortune

Climate Change: Why the U.S. needs a national climate investment fund | Fortune: The climate-change crisis requires its own version of COVID's Project Warp Speed, to help planet-saving technology reach the market faster.

Only 30% of Fukushima residents happy with disaster recovery progress - The Mainichi

Only 30% of Fukushima residents happy with disaster recovery progress - The Mainichi: SENDAI, Japan (Kyodo) -- Nearly 10 years after the 2011 earthquake-tsunami and nuclear disasters in northeastern Japan, only 30 percent of Fukushima P

Lethal Levels of Radiation Found in Damaged Fukushima Reactor Will Have 'Huge Impact' on Shutdown, Regulators Warn | Common Dreams News

Lethal Levels of Radiation Found in Damaged Fukushima Reactor Will Have 'Huge Impact' on Shutdown, Regulators Warn | Common Dreams News: The radiation levels reported around shield plugs at two reactors are high enough to kill a worker exposed for even an hour.

Wylfa nuclear plan given extension as talks continue - BBC News

Wylfa nuclear plan given extension as talks continue - BBC News: A planning deadline for a new nuclear plant is extended as talks continue to save the project.

Nuclear fusion group calls for building a pilot plant by the 2040s - The San Diego Union-Tribune

Nuclear fusion group calls for building a pilot plant by the 2040s - The San Diego Union-Tribune: If harnessed, supporters say fusion can deliver a virtually limitless source of energy

ECA Update January 4, 2020

Image View this email in your browser ECA UPDATE Jan 4, 2021 FEATURED CLEANUP DOE Report To Congress: U.S. Can Save Up to $230 Billion in Cleanup Costs by Treating Some Defense High-level Waste Based on Technical Composition ECA Staff | 1/4/2021 DOE took yet another step forward on its High-Level Waste Interpretation last week, providing House and Senate Armed Services Committee leadership with a report evaluating the “feasibility, costs, and cost savings of classifying covered defense nuclear waste as other than high-level radioactive waste, without decreasing environmental, health or public safety requirements,” as required under Section 3139 of the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act. The report, “Evaluation of Potential Opportunities to Classify Certain Defense Nuclear Waste From Reprocessing as Other than High-Level Radioactive Waste,” evaluates the inventory of reprocessing waste that is in storage or is planned to be produced at the Savannah River Site (SRS), the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and at Hanford. The report identifies up to $230 billion in cleanup cost savings -- far exceeding any estimates to date. DOE outlines very substantial potential benefits at each of the three sites*: Savannah River Site Early batches of vitrified waste from SRS, which were lower in radionuclide content, are candidates for other disposal sites, saving approximately $3 billion to $4 billion with potential for an additional $1.2 billion if three additional batches are candidates by eliminating the need for additional on-site storage capability and reducing off-site transportation and disposal costs. Idaho National Laboratory Reprocessing wastes in solid, granular form at INL (sodium-bearing waste and calcine) may be suitable for disposal in near-surface, intermediate depth, or WIPP without requiring further, expensive treatment and reducing off-site transportation and disposal costs. Alternative disposition of granular wastes could potentially save $12 billion to $15 billion. Hanford Hanford West Area tank wastes present the best opportunity to realize potential savings of $73 billion to $210 billion by treating low-activity waste by grouting, which would make the waste a candidate for other disposal sites, thus avoiding the production of thousands of canisters of vitrified waste, and decreasing the tank waste mission by at least a decade. DOE concludes that numerous steps still need to be taken ahead of any proposed actions for any proposed waste stream at any of the sites, including further data gathering, analysis and engagement with stakeholders. The report notes specifically that “the conclusions in this Report are necessarily preliminary in nature” and “based on existing data that would need to be verified before serving as the basis for any proposed action.” ECA will provide additional details in the coming days. *See pages v-vi, Evaluation of Potential Opportunities to Classify Certain Defense Nuclear Waste From Reprocessing as Other than High-Level Radioactive Waste View the full report here >> Follow the latest DOE budget updates with ECA's budget tracker Image Monitor DOE spending bills, detailed site budgets, and more. Find everything you need to know about the DOE budget here! Image IN OTHER NEWS SMALL MODULAR REACTOR Governments Look to Expand Nuclear Power Through SMRs (Power, 1/4) UPCOMING EVENTS Sept. 8-10, 2021 National Cleanup Workshop; Alexandria, VA ECA PUBLICATIONS Read about DOE's High Level Waste Interpretation Have questions about DOE’s recent high-level waste (HLW) interpretation? Download ECA’s Key Points and FAQs on the issue to better understand what ECA believes are the potential benefits of implementation. ECA's Key Points on DOE HLW Interpretation ECA's FAQs on DOE HLW Interpretation Interested in learning more? Read the ECA report “Making Informed Decisions on DOE's Proposed High Level Waste Definition” at www.energyca.org/publications ECA BULLETIN Stay Current on Activities in the DOE World Read the latest edition of the ECA Bulletin, a regular newsletter providing a detailed brief of ECA activities, legislative news, and major events from across the DOE complex. Have suggestions for future editions? Email bulletin@energyca.org. View current and previous editions of the ECA Bulletin at www.energyca.org/bulletin DOE SITE PROFILES Learn More about Cleanup Sites with ECA's DOE Site Profiles ECA's new site profiles detail DOE's 13 active Environmental Management cleanup sites and national laboratories, highlighting their history, missions, and priorities. The profiles are a key source for media, stakeholders, and the public to learn more about DOE site activities, contractors, advisory boards, and their surrounding local governments. Access your community's profile by visiting: www.energyca.org/site-profiles DOE Site Proflies Energy Communities Alliance 1625 Eye St., NW Suite 800 Washington DC 20006 USA © 2019 Energy Communities Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.

UK agrees to further deferral of Wylfa planning decision : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News

UK agrees to further deferral of Wylfa planning decision : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News: A decision on planning consent for the Wylfa Newydd nuclear power plant project on Anglesey has been deferred for a second time, as requested by Horizon Nuclear Power, the UK project developer owned by Japan’s Hitachi.

IAEA supports Morocco's alignment with civil liability convention : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News

IAEA supports Morocco's alignment with civil liability convention : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: "Morocco has shown a clear interest in participating in the modernised nuclear liability instruments," Karim El-Assefry, head of the Nuclear Applications and Safety Division of the country's Ministry of Energy, Mines and Environment, said at a recent virtual seminar on civil liability for nuclear damage.

Energoatom accepts need for fixed power prices : Corporate - World Nuclear News

Energoatom accepts need for fixed power prices : Corporate - World Nuclear News: Ukrainian nuclear power plant operator Energoatom says it understands the urgent decision taken by the Cabinet of Ministers on 28 December to extend regulations governing the electricity market. One of these regulations is to set a low price for electricity sold to the Guaranteed Buyer within the Public Service Obligation mechanism.

Krško nuclear plant rejoins grid : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News

Krško nuclear plant rejoins grid : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: The Krško nuclear power plant has been reconnected to the grid, owner and operator Nuklearna Elektrarna Krško said today. Slovenia's sole nuclear reactor had been shut down as a precaution after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the town of Petrinja, which is 50 km south-east of the Croatian capital of Zagreb on 29 December. The plant is located in Slovenia at a site about 80 km north-west of Petrinja.

Sweden's Ringhals 1 closes for last time : Corporate - World Nuclear News

Sweden's Ringhals 1 closes for last time : Corporate - World Nuclear News: Ringhals 1 today became the fourth reactor to close in Sweden in the last seven years. The unit, on the west coast of the country, was permanently disconnected from the national grid after 44 years of operation, according to data from its operator, Ringhals AB, which is owned by Vattenfall (70.4%) and Sydkraft Nuclear Power (29.6%).

Leningrad II-1 completes safety tests : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News

Leningrad II-1 completes safety tests : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: Unit 1 of the Leningrad Phase II nuclear power plant has successfully completed tests on the strength of the internal protective shell of the reactor building, Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom said today. When it was connected to the grid on 9 March 2018, the unit became the second VVER-1200 reactor to start up, following the launch in 2016 of Novovoronezh unit 6.

Hot functional testing of HTR-PM reactors starts : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News

Hot functional testing of HTR-PM reactors starts : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: Tests that simulate the temperatures and pressures which the reactor systems will be subjected to during normal operation have started at the demonstration high-temperature gas-cooled reactor plant (HTR-PM) at Shidaowan, in China's Shandong province. The twin-unit HTR-PM is scheduled to start operations later this year.

Iran plans to enrich uranium to 20% : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News

Iran plans to enrich uranium to 20% : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: Iran intends to start enriching uranium at a purity level five times that which it agreed under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. According to Fars news agency, Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran said on 1 January: "Based on a new law passed by the Parliament, we are planning to start 20% uranium enrichment at the Fordow facility," adding that the AEOI had written to the International Atomic Energy Agency informing it of this intention.

Construction of new Chinese power plant begins : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News

Construction of new Chinese power plant begins : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: The first safety-related concrete has been poured for the nuclear island of unit 1 at the San'ao nuclear power plant in Zhejiang province, China General Nuclear has announced. A total of six Chinese-designed Hualong One pressurised water reactors are planned for the site.

Message: Looking towards the light of 2021 : Perspectives - World Nuclear News

Message: Looking towards the light of 2021 : Perspectives - World Nuclear News: "It would not be a stretch to describe 2020 as an unforgettable year, with the on-going coronavirus pandemic having caused tremendous suffering and economic hardship across the world, and turning everyone's life upside down," writes World Nuclear Association Director General Sama Bilbao y León. "But this year has shown us that we can come together as a global community to fight a common adversary." Bilbao y León took over the reins of the London-headquartered organisation in October.

Global Spent Nuclear Fuel (Snf) Dry Storage Casks Market- Industry Analysis And Forecast 2019-2027: By Type, By Application, And By Region – LionLowdown

Global Spent Nuclear Fuel (Snf) Dry Storage Casks Market- Industry Analysis And Forecast 2019-2027: By Type, By Application, And By Region – LionLowdown

Nexans wins €20m contract to supply specialised nuclear cables

Nexans wins €20m contract to supply specialised nuclear cables: Nexans has won $24.3 million contract to supply specialised nuclear cables for the Hinkley Point C new nuclear power station.

Nuclear Power Market Research including Growth Factors, Types and Application by regions by 2026 – Farming Sector

Nuclear Power Market Research including Growth Factors, Types and Application by regions by 2026 – Farming Sector

Tiny Nuclear Reactors Can Save American Energy

Tiny Nuclear Reactors Can Save American Energy: They pack 10 percent of the power of a full-size nuclear plant in just 1 percent of the space.

Experts Calling on Korean Government to Reconsider Nuclear Power Phase-out - Businesskorea

Experts Calling on Korean Government to Reconsider Nuclear Power Phase-out - Businesskorea: Experts point out that the South Korean government needs to change its nuclear phase-out policy in order to attain its carbon neutrality goal by 2050 and the means of power generation preferred by the government may not be as economical as it thinks.The U.S. Energy Information Administration recentl

Energy officials award incentive pay to Hanford contractors

Energy officials award incentive pay to Hanford contractors: RICHLAND, Wash. (AP) — The Department of Energy is awarding nearly $77 million in incentive pay to four contractors for their work at the Hanford nuclear reservation in fiscal 2020. The...

Nuclear fusion group calls for building a pilot plant by the 2040s - The San Diego Union-Tribune

Nuclear fusion group calls for building a pilot plant by the 2040s - The San Diego Union-Tribune: If harnessed, supporters say fusion can deliver a virtually limitless source of energy

Let’s Talk About “Super-Covid” and Other Mutations – Investment Watch

Let’s Talk About “Super-Covid” and Other Mutations – Investment Watch

Housing Crash Is Coming! US Housing Enters 2021 In A Massive Bubble – Investment Watch

Housing Crash Is Coming! US Housing Enters 2021 In A Massive Bubble – Investment Watch

The United States Has Become A Banana Republic – Investment Watch

The United States Has Become A Banana Republic – Investment Watch

Pentagon: Carrier USS Nimitz Will Stay in Middle East After Threats from Iran - USNI News

Pentagon: Carrier USS Nimitz Will Stay in Middle East After Threats from Iran - USNI News: Aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN-68) and its strike group will remain in the Middle East in the wake of threats from officials in the Iranian government on the one-year anniversary of the U.S. killing of Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani, the Pentagon announced late Sunday. “Due to the recent threats issued by Iranian leaders against …

Exxon’s (XOM) Carbon Capture Project Stalled in Climate Change Setback - Bloomberg

Exxon’s (XOM) Carbon Capture Project Stalled in Climate Change Setback - Bloomberg: Carbon capture can make money for oil giants, and scientists say we need it. Is the industry willing to invest enough?

Sunday, January 3, 2021

How to Get Rich Sabotaging Nuclear Weapons Facilities - BIG by Matt Stoller

How to Get Rich Sabotaging Nuclear Weapons Facilities - BIG by Matt Stoller: Private equity monopolist Orlando Bravo made billions by putting our whole society at risk.

You Can’t Go Back to the Way Things Were — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon - YouTube

You Can’t Go Back to the Way Things Were — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon - YouTube: Friends, on this Epiphany Sunday, we reflect on the wonderful story of the journey of the Magi. Many marvelous spiritual lessons can be distilled by examinin...

DOE Abruptly Cancels $13B Cleanup Award to BWXT-Fluor Team | 2020-12-31 | Engineering News-Record

DOE Abruptly Cancels $13B Cleanup Award to BWXT-Fluor Team | 2020-12-31 | Engineering News-Record: The U.S. Energy Dept. has cancelled a $13-billion, 10-year contract awarded just a few months ago to a team led by BWXT Technical Services and Fluor Federal Services to manage millions of gallons of radioactive waste stored underground at its Hanford, Wash., former weapons site—confirming plans for a major scope expansion and lengthy reprocurement but sharing few details. DOE alerted agency and contract employees on Dec. 23, and has confirmed to ENR, that it now will seek new bids for a single contractor to operate . . .

Nuclear fusion group calls for building a pilot plant by the 2040s - The San Diego Union-Tribune

Nuclear fusion group calls for building a pilot plant by the 2040s - The San Diego Union-Tribune: If harnessed, supporters say fusion can deliver a virtually limitless source of energy

Pulsotron-4 Volatilized the Nuclear Fusion Energy Generation Record - Advanced Ignition SL

Pulsotron-4 Volatilized the Nuclear Fusion Energy Generation Record - Advanced Ignition SL: We Design and Build Reactors to Power the World

Global Nuclear Power Plant and Equipment Market Trends in 2020: Development Strategy, Analysis Overview, Industry Insights, Latest Innovations, Competitive Landscapes and Forecasts 2026. – Farming Sector

Global Nuclear Power Plant and Equipment Market Trends in 2020: Development Strategy, Analysis Overview, Industry Insights, Latest Innovations, Competitive Landscapes and Forecasts 2026. – Farming Sector

Russian nuclear power generation breaks Soviet record | MENAFN.COM

Russian nuclear power generation breaks Soviet record | MENAFN.COM: p>Moscow, Jan 2 (IANS) Russian nuclear power plants (NPPs) generated over 215.746 billion kWh of electricity in 2020, an all-time high beating the annual record during the Soviet era, sthe country's sole national operating enterprise of NPPs Rosenergoatom said.

The annual output of Soviet NPPs, including those in Ukraine, Lithuania and Armenia, reac

Poland plays down fears over nuclear power plans despite Biden victory | Financial Times

Poland plays down fears over nuclear power plans despite Biden victory | Financial Times: Rightwing government’s relations with incoming US administration strained after Trump construction deal

U.S. Goes All In On Nuclear Power In Space Race With China | OilPrice.com

U.S. Goes All In On Nuclear Power In Space Race With China | OilPrice.com: The United States making a big bet on nuclear power for propulsion systems in the new space race with China

When Israeli soldiers moonlight as armed robbers - Opinion - Haaretz.com

When Israeli soldiers moonlight as armed robbers - Opinion - Haaretz.com: An armed robbery that deteriorated into a murder attempt took place Friday in the remote South Hebron Hills village of Al-Rakiz. The armed robbers, in uniform, tried to s

On Nuclear War: Noam Chomsky and William R. Polk Speak on How Close We Are To It Today - YouTube

On Nuclear War: Noam Chomsky and William R. Polk Speak on How Close We Are To It Today - YouTube: Professor Noam Chomsky and former State Department official, William R. Polk, an advisor to President Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis, speak on how c...