Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Friday, February 17, 2017
Nuclear Power Is Not “Green Energy”
Nuclear Power Is Not “Green Energy”
http://www.globalresearch.ca/nuclear-power-is-not-green-energy/5575249Hitachi teams up with U.S. nuclear giant for British project
Hitachi teams up with U.S. nuclear giant for British project
BREAKING: Senate confirms Scott Pruitt to lead EPA
BREAKING: Senate confirms Scott Pruitt to lead EPA
http://www.utilitydive.com/news/breaking-senate-confirms-scott-pruitt-to-lead-epa/436479/Chaffetz Seeks Charges Against Former Hillary IT Aide Bryan Pagliano
Chaffetz Seeks Charges Against Former Hillary IT Aide Bryan Pagliano
Friday Nuclear Matinee: Vogtle 4Q 2016 Timeline
Power has released the Fourth Quarter 2016 “Vogtle Timeline” video,
detailing progress at the site where two new AP1000 nuclear units are
being constructed. This video is just under ten minutes and is a solid
addition to this well-received documentary series. - See more at:
Why a Big Bet on Nuclear Destroyed Toshiba
Why a Big Bet on Nuclear Destroyed Toshiba
In Defiance of Trump, Website Helps Scientists Blow the Whistle on Political Interference
In Defiance of Trump, Website Helps Scientists Blow the Whistle on Political Interference
The Union of Concerned Scientists has launched a website to help scientists become whistleblowers
Iran’s missile tests: What exactly did they use, and what does it mean?
Dina Esfandiary and Michael Elleman
review of the possible types of missiles that Iran launched in January
2017, and what the Trump administration's response means for future
relations with Tehran.http://thebulletin.org/iran%E2%80%99s-missile-tests-what-exactly-did-they-use-and-what-does-it-mean10513
Toshiba's woes weigh heavily on government's ambition to sell Japan's nuclear technology
Toshiba's woes weigh heavily on government's ambition to sell Japan's nuclear technology
Toshiba's announcement that it will write down nearly A 712.5 billion in losses involving its U.S. nuclear unit, Westinghouse, is seen as a major setback for the government's strategy of selling Japanese nuclear power technology abroad. Over the past four years, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, and nuclear power players, such as Toshiba/Westinghouse, General Electric-Hitachi and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, have promoted Japanese nuclear reactor technology worldwide.
Seismic risk for San Onofre nuclear waste is on the agenda
Seismic risk for San Onofre nuclear waste is on the agenda
http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/watchdog/sd-me-sanonofre-meeting-20170216-story.htmlEU and IAEA agree to bolster cooperation
EU and IAEA agree to bolster cooperation
17 February 2017
The European Union and the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) agreed to strengthen their cooperation in a range of
nuclear activities, including nuclear science applications, during a
meeting in Brussels this week.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NP-EU-and-IAEA-agree-to-bolster-cooperation-1702174.html
Poroshenko: Ukraine increasing nuclear share to 60%
Poroshenko: Ukraine increasing nuclear share to 60%
17 February 2017
Nuclear energy's share of Ukraine's electricity mix is
"rapidly approaching" 60%, President Petro Poroshenko said at a meeting
of the country's National Security and Defence Council yesterday,
according to a statement on the presidential website. The president did
not give a date by which the increase would be achieved.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NP-Poroshenko-Ukraine-to-increase-nuclear-share-to-60-17021701.html
Nuclear is worth the trouble for energy security
Nuclear is worth the trouble for energy security
Toshiba looks to reschedule US nuclear projects
Toshiba looks to reschedule US nuclear projects
Talks with local companies, governments aim to avert more cost overruns
Mitsubishi Heavy rules out Toshiba nuclear rescue
Mitsubishi Heavy rules out Toshiba nuclear rescue
Chief highlights differences between groups’ technologies
India still keen to buy Westinghouse reactors despite Toshiba meltdown
India still keen to buy Westinghouse reactors despite Toshiba meltdown
ICE WORLD Sea ice at poles hit record low for January
Sea ice at poles hit record low for January
Nuclear not only problem as Toshiba liable for billions in gas contract
Nuclear not only problem as Toshiba liable for billions in gas contract
[PDF]Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experiences - Nuclear Safety and ...
[PDF]Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experiences - Nuclear Safety and ...
operating experience feedback system for nuclear power plants. IRS reports .... similar cracks were detected in subsequent inspections in more than ten plants. When crack ... In response to a variety of safety signals, the rods are automatically.https://www-ns.iaea.org/downloads/ni/irs/npp-op-ex-96-99.pdfNuclear Power Plants and Earthquakes - World Nuclear Association
Nuclear Power Plants and Earthquakes - World Nuclear Association
System automatically detects cracks in nuclear power plants
System automatically detects cracks in nuclear power plants
Automatic Crack Detection for Nuclear Power Plants | Flintbox
Jul 14, 2016 - Automatic Crack Detection for Nuclear Power Plants ... with a similar appearance to cracks, which an automatic crack detection system could ...https://www.flintbox.com/public/project/29892/
System automatically detects cracks in nuclear power plants (Purdue ...
18 hours ago - WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - A new automated system detects cracks in the steel components of nuclear power plants and has been shown to be ...https://www.publicnow.com/view/1CB4C3E21375E379E0265A721488AD54E42FF647?2017-02-16-20:00:46+00:00-xxx7160
Automated System to Detect Cracks in Nuclear Power Plants - YouTube
18 hours ago - Uploaded by Purdue Engineering
A new automated system detects cracks in the steel components of nuclear power plants and has been shown ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b87OgGBIR78System automatically detects cracks in nuclear power plants - Parallel ...
A new automated system detects cracks in the steel components of nuclear power plants and has been shown to be more accurate than other automated ...
Automatic detection of cracks during power plant inspection - IEEE ...
Robust inspection is important to ensure the safety of nuclear power plant components. Manually inspecting 100+ hours of video for rarely occurring cracks.http://www.parallelstate.com/news/system-automatically-detects-cracks-in-nuclear-power-plants/413253
Detection of cracks in nuclear power plant using spatial ... - IEEE Xplore
Robust inspection is important to ensure the safety of nuclear power plant ... We propose a crack detection method for nuclear power plant inspection videos .... Vision Based Automatic Inspection System for Nuts Welded on the Support HingeDetection of cracks in nuclear power plant using spatial ... - IEEE Xplore
by SJ Schmugge - 2016 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
Detection of cracks in nuclear power plant using spatial-temporal grouping of ... We propose a crack detection method for nuclear power plant inspection .... Vision Based Automatic Inspection System for Nuts Welded on the Support HingeSystem automatically detects cracks in nuclear power plants - Long ...
https://www.longroom.com › SciTech
[PDF]Development of Crack Detection System with Unmanned ... - I-asem
by JW Kim - Cited by 1 - Related articles
rising towers, dams and industrial power plants are known to have its ... In this study, the crack detecting system using UAV and digital image processing .... to detect cracks automatically was applied with procedure of pre-processing, pattern .... This research was supported by the Nuclear Power Core Technology.http://www.i-asem.org/publication_conf/asem15/5.ICSSS15/1w/W3F.2.MS582_2545F1.pdfAutomatic Detection of Cracks during Power Plant Inspection
Robust inspection is important to ensure the safety of nuclear power plant components. Manually inspecting 100+ hours of video for rarely occurring cracks is a ...https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275032994_Automatic_Detection_of_Cracks_during_Power_Plant_InspectionDemocratic Party delays decision on changing target date for abolishing nuclear power
Democratic Party delays decision on changing target date for abolishing nuclear power
If Toshiba Can't Finish U.S. Nuclear Job, Scana May Find Another
If Toshiba Can't Finish U.S. Nuclear Job, Scana May Find Another
China Reaches Breakthrough in Global Nuclear Market
China Reaches Breakthrough in Global Nuclear Market
China made the first shipment of domestic-produced nuclear power plant equipment to the European Union, according to China Daily newspaper.
'Fake News' Risks U.S.-Russia Nuclear War, Says Trump
'Fake News' Risks U.S.-Russia Nuclear War, Says Trump
Radiation can cause harm, but it also has myriad uses
Radiation can cause harm, but it also has myriad uses
Toshiba to Exit Nuclear Construction, Chairman to Resign
Toshiba to Exit Nuclear Construction, Chairman to Resign
'Scorpion' robot mission inside Fukushima reactor aborted
'Scorpion' robot mission inside Fukushima reactor aborted
Tokyo (AFP) Feb 16, 2017 -
A "scorpion" robot sent into a Japanese nuclear reactor to learn about
the damage suffered in a tsunami-induced meltdown had its mission
aborted after the probe ran into trouble, Tokyo Electric Power company
said Thursday.
TEPCO, the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant, sent the
remote-controlled device into the No. 2 reactor where radiation levels
have recently hit record highs.
The ...
CEFC China Ranks 34th Among World Energy Companies; Only Private Company in China's Top Ten Energy Companies
CEFC China Ranks 34th Among World Energy Companies; Only Private Company in China's Top Ten Energy Companies
http://www.terradaily.com/reports/prnewswire-environment-news.html?rkey=20170217CN15316&filter=1643Slovenian nuclear plant shuts down after water problem
Slovenian nuclear plant shuts down after water problem
Ljubljana (AFP) Feb 16, 2017 -
A 35-year old nuclear plant in Slovenia automatically shut down because
of a water supply problem, its operator said Thursday, ruling out any
radiation danger.
"The shutdown procedure was triggered because of anomalies in a valve
regulating the water supply system," the Krsko nuclear plant said in a
The incident comes three months after a shutdown for regular maintenance
work. ...
Testing to start next week at IWTU
Testing to start next week at IWTU
Meltdown of Toshiba’s Nuclear Business Dooms New Construction in the U.S.
Meltdown of Toshiba’s Nuclear Business Dooms New Construction in the U.S.
Giant Holes in the Ground
An expected nuclear renaissance has failed to materialize as plans for new plants are scrapped or delayed. What happened?
- by Matthew L. Wald
- October 27, 2010
GE Continues Restructuring, Divests Nuclear Energy Unit
http://www.nasdaq.com/article/ge-continues-restructuring-divests-nuclear-energy-unit-cm667688Siemens to quit nuclear industry
- 18 September 2011
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Toshiba failed to rein in Westinghouse's expansion drive
Toshiba failed to rein in Westinghouse's expansion drive
Nuclear unit went too far with ill-fated US deal, faces China risks
100 Days: Energy Exports Strengthen U.S., Boost Allies
100 Days: Energy Exports Strengthen U.S., Boost Allies
By By Energy Tomorrow Blog, / Wednesday, February 15, 2017 10:00 AM
One benefit from the renaissance in
U.S. energy production is the new capability to export American oil and
natural gas – the mere discussion of which reflects the sea change in
our country’s energy outlook. Consider: Just a few years ago there was
great concern about growing U.S. dependence on imported crude oil. And
Fukushima Update 2/16/17
Fukushima Update 2/16/17 –
The radiation level in the unit #2 PCV is actually 210 Sv/hr… Prior unit #2 radiation estimates are converse of what was expected… An estimate of 650 Sv/hr inside F. Daiichi unit #2 PCV… Japan’s largest newspaper wants Tokyo to rethink post-Fukushima radiation standards… The F. Daiichi “Ice Wall” has lowered groundwater in-leakage by two-thirds… Railway service will resume to Namie before April 1st… Plus a Press tour of F. Daiichi, Kagoshima Prefecture confirms Sendai safety, and making fission products non-radioactive.
Chinese manufacturer ships domestic nuclear power equipment to France
Chinese manufacturer ships domestic nuclear power equipment to France
Entergy mulls fate of New York nuclear plant as it moves to 'pure play utility'
Entergy mulls fate of New York nuclear plant as it moves to 'pure play utility'
Michigan can secure its energy future
Michigan can secure its energy future
http://www.detroitnews.com/story/opinion/2017/02/14/perry-michigan-can-secure-energy-future/97914430/Small Nuclear Reactors Can Power Clean Electric Vehicles
Small Nuclear Reactors Can Power Clean Electric Vehicles
https://morningconsult.com/opinions/small-nuclear-reactors-can-power-clean-electric-vehicles/Roadblocks to Nuclear: What’s holding the industry back and can we resolve it?
Roadblocks to Nuclear: What’s holding the industry back and can we resolve it?By ansnuclearcafe on Feb 14, 2017 09:07 amBy Doug Hardtmayer There has probably never been a time of more optimism and uncertainty for the nuclear industry than there is right now. As a current graduate student studying Continue Reading →http://ansnuclearcafe.org/2017/02/14/roadblocks-to-nuclear-whats-holding-the-industry-back-and-can-we-resolve-it/#sthash.Fy327fX1.dpbs |
Nuclear Experts: High Radiation Estimates at Fukushima No Surprise to Us

Despite some press reports suggesting radiation was soaring, TEPCO says
high counts were expected as robot probes edged closer to one of the
damaged reactors
Return to Military Medicine page. DEPLETED URANIUM FACT SHEET. What is
depleted uranium? Depleted uranium is what is left over when most of the
highly radioactive ...
Anti-nuke group’s report argues for Richland plant shutdown
Anti-nuke group’s report argues for Richland plant shutdown
Chinese manufacturer ships domestic nuclear power equipment to France
Chinese manufacturer ships domestic nuclear power equipment to France
States Look to Market Solutions to Support Nuclear Power
States Look to Market Solutions to Support Nuclear Power
http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=06297f69-26da-405a-9b89-24b7a1c2fdcfHezbollah chief threatens Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor
Hezbollah chief threatens Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor
Nasrallah boasts that decision to move ammonia tank from Haifa was due to ‘our threat to target it;’ Israeli minister: we will target ‘all of Lebanon’
http://www.timesofisrael.com/hezbollah-chief-threatens-israels-dimona-nuclear-reactor/Brexit ‘must not mean upheaval in nuclear power’
Brexit ‘must not mean upheaval in nuclear power’
http://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/business/brexit-must-not-mean-upheaval-in-nuclear-power-may-is-warned-2w2hmsgnxUK Nuclear Power Under Threat, Brexit May Have Devastating Effect - IME Report
https://sputniknews.com/europe/201702161050753176-uk-nuclear-power-brexit/New report says UK’s exit from Euratom could threaten nuclear industry
Brexit could threaten UK nuclear plan says report
Power Engineering International - 8 hours ago
Exiting the European Union could threaten the UK's nuclear ambitions, a
new report has warned. The nation's plans to build new reactors and
decommission older ones, as well as its nuclear fuel supply could be
affected according to the report from the ... http://www.powerengineeringint.com/articles/2017/02/brexit-could-threaten-uk-nuclear-plan-says-report.html
IMechE: UK's break from EU could threaten nuclear fuel supplies and new reactor build 16 February 2017
Process & Control Today - 12 hours ago
The UK Government's plans to leave the EU, and consequently the
European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), could threaten plans to
build new nuclear reactors and decommissioning activities, as well as
jeopardise energy security due to the impact on ... http://www.pandct.com/media/shownews.asp?ID=47969
Leaving Euratom without transitional arrangements will threaten the UK's nuclear plan
City A.M. - 14 hours ago
I am a journalist for City A.M. reporting on the Industrials sector. I
also keep [..] Show more. Follow Courtney. Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power
Plant To Cease Operation. Britain's nuclear new builds are at risk in
Brexit negotiations (Source: Getty ...http://www.cityam.com/259131/leaving-euratom-without-transitional-arrangements-threaten
International Nuclear Experts to Share Global Perspectives in Asia
International Nuclear Experts to Share Global Perspectives in Asia
Exelon competitors file lawsuit to stop nuclear subsidies
Exelon competitors file lawsuit to stop nuclear subsidies
http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-exelon-nuclear-bailout-lawsuit-0216-biz-20170215-story.htmlNuclear power never was a commercial venture
Nuclear power never was a commercial venture
Toshiba's chairman resigns as nuclear power losses mount
The Westinghouse nuclear division operates a boiling water reactor training facility in Chattanooga, which had 88 employees at the end of 2016.http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/breakingnews/story/2017/feb/14/toshibas-chairman-resigns-its-nuclear-power-losses-mount/412787/
What does Toshiba's financial meltdown mean for new nuclear reactor projects in US? - Clean Energy News (blog)
Toshiba handed a one month reprieve from lenders as financial woes deepen
Telegraph.co.uk - 11 hours ago
The embattled Toshiba group has been granted a one month reprieve on
the terms of its £2.5bn loan for a second time this year after
multi-billion pound nuclear writedowns put the group in danger of
violating its loan agreements. The Japanese ...http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2017/02/15/toshiba-seeks-stay-execution-banks-financial-woes-deepen/
Westinghouse uncertainty has officials 'holding their breath'
E&E News - Feb 15, 2017
Rising costs at U.S. nuclear projects such as the Plant Vogtle
expansion (pictured in January) are hobbling Toshiba Corp., whose
chairman resigned yesterday. Photo courtesy of Georgia Power Co. Toshiba
Corp. said it would book a $6.3 billion write-down ... http://www.eenews.net/energywire/2017/02/15/stories/1060050084
Plant Vogtle losses threaten to bring down Toshiba
Atlanta Business Chronicle - Feb 15, 2017
Cost overruns at Georgia's Plant Vogtle nuclear power plant are
threatening a financial tsunami at electronics giant Toshiba Corp.
Toshiba Corp. projected a $6.3 billion write-down, postponed its
earnings report because of allegations of impropriety ...http://www.bizjournals.com/atlanta/news/2017/02/15/plant-vogtle-losses-threaten-to-bring-down-toshiba.html
Toshiba, The Dangers Of Being A Visionary: Disaster For Both Toshiba And The World Nuclear Industry
Seeking Alpha - Feb 15, 2017
Toshiba considering majority sale of its market leading memory chip
business, which is the prize asset of the company. $6.2 billion
writedown due to US Westinghouse nuclear business leads to restructure
of Toshiba's nuclear business. With construction ...http://seekingalpha.com/article/4046214-toshiba-dangers-visionary-disaster-toshiba-world-nuclear-industry
Analysis: How important is Moorside new nuclear plant to UK climate plans?
Carbon Brief - Feb 15, 2017
The UK's plans for a fleet of new nuclear plants have suffered another
setback after Japanese firm Toshiba said this week it would not build
the planned Moorside nuclear plant in Cumbria. Moorside is supposed to
be one of six new nuclear schemes built ... https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-how-important-moorside-new-nuclear-plant-uk-climate-plans
Toshiba's nuclear fallout shows the Government must take a stand
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2017/02/16/toshibas-nuclear-fallout-shows-government-must-take-stand/Speakers encourage NRC to rethink waste storage plan
Speakers encourage NRC to rethink waste storage plan
Midland County Democratic Party chairman was among those to express concerns about Andrews site
Is President Trump Headed for a War with China?
Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:00 PM PST
brewing conflict around the South China Sea, with its large oil and gas
resources, could easily turn into a catastrophic war between the US and
China, writes Rajan Menon, international relations specialist at City
College New York and Columbia University.
The post Is President Trump Headed for a War with China? appeared first
on The Energy Collective. http://www.theenergycollective.com/energy-post/2398574/president-trump-headed-war-china?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The+Energy+Collective+%28all+posts%29
Tidal Lagoon Energy in Wales
Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:00 PM PST
report of an independent review of UK tidal lagoon energy was published
on 12 January 2017 by a former UK energy Minister Charles Hendry. The
report praises the proposed ‘pathfinder’ tidal lagoon in Swansea Bay as a
‘no-regrets option’, and sets out a supportive case for developing the
The post Tidal Lagoon Energy in Wales appeared first on The Energy
Collective. http://www.theenergycollective.com/sussexnrggroup/2398571/tidal-lagoon-energy-wales?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The+Energy+Collective+%28all+posts%29
Vermont’s 90% Renewable Energy Goal to Cost $33 Billion by 2050
Vermont’s 90% Renewable Energy Goal to Cost $33 Billion by 2050
Bulleting of Atomic Scientists Nuclear Roundup February 16, 2017
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