Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

What Just Happened to Solar and Wind is a Really Big Deal - Bloomberg Business

What Just Happened to Solar and Wind is a Really Big Deal - Bloomberg Business

New database provides monthly inventory and status of U.S. electric generating plants - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

New database provides monthly inventory and status of U.S. electric generating plants - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

No promises in Fukushima cleanup, director says | The Japan Times

No promises in Fukushima cleanup, director says | The Japan Times

Nuclear power may have saved 1.8 million lives otherwise lost to fossil fuels, may save up to 7 million more. - Scientific American Blog Network

Nuclear power may have saved 1.8 million lives otherwise lost to fossil fuels, may save up to 7 million more. - Scientific American Blog Network

Firepower: India building top-secret nuclear city - The Express Tribune

Firepower: India building top-secret nuclear city - The Express Tribune

Pakistan-US Nuclear Talks

Pakistan-US Nuclear Talks

Paris deal made possible after getting China, India on board: Barack Obama - The Economic Times

Paris deal made possible after getting China, India on board: Barack Obama - The Economic Times

California lieutenant governor orders environmental review of nuclear plant | Reuters

California lieutenant governor orders environmental review of nuclear plant | Reuters

How Not to Debate Nuclear Energy and Climate Change

How Not to Debate Nuclear Energy and Climate Change


Japanese Utility Kyushu Plans $775 Million In Safety Upgrades

Japanese Utility Kyushu Plans $775 Million In Safety Upgrades


Japan Is Trying to Terror-Proof Its Recently Reopened Nuclear Reactors

Japan Is Trying to Terror-Proof Its Recently Reopened Nuclear Reactors


NRC Preparing Guidance For Extending Plant Licenses To 80 Years

NRC Preparing Guidance For Extending Plant Licenses To 80 Years


Civil War on the (Climate) Left

Civil War on the (Climate) Left


Reactor vessel to arrive at Belarusian nuclear power plant construction site on 24 December

Reactor vessel to arrive at Belarusian nuclear power plant construction site on 24 December


Royal Commissioner Kevin Scarce says South Australian nuclear power would be hard and expensive

Royal Commissioner Kevin Scarce says South Australian nuclear power would be hard and expensive


Have Proponents of Nuclear Energy Been Too Bearish on Renewales? by Nicholas Thompson

Have Proponents of Nuclear Energy Been Too Bearish on Renewables?
Nicholas Thompson

I came to learn about the energy sector in a roundabout way. When I took an "Introduction to Nuclear Engineering" class at RPI, I learned about the incredible promise nuclear has, from providing electricity to medical and other applications. I was hooked right away and switched majors to Nuclear Engineering. Since then, I've tried to learn as much as I can about the energy sector, particularly the different electricity sources and markets. As I learned about the various technologies we use to make electricity, I was coming at the subject with a focus on nuclear.

Since that first class, I've watched debates unfold and seen a trend where many renewables advocates tend to be anti-nuclear, and some nuclear advocates are anti-renewables. This is probably unsurprising to anyone that follows energy discussions on Twitter. But why is this the case? Is it just simply that the two sides have their own ideological positions which are reinforced by confirmation biases, or is there just a large misunderstanding of the technologies? Being an optimistic person, I'm hoping nuclear advocates will read the following with an open mind.

I've put together the following list of claims about renewables that I've heard from nuclear advocates:

1)         Renewables are unreliable (Unreliables)/need backup/storage
2)         Renewables don't displace fossil fuels/Renewables are gas plants
3)         Renewables can't scale
4)         Renewables are too expensive/need subsidies

I'll go through the claims one by one.

1)         Renewables are unreliable (Unreliables)/need backup/storage

Yes, it is true that the sun doesn't always shine and the wind doesn't always blow. However, according to recent studies by NREL (http://www.nrel.gov/analysis/re_futures/),

            " Electricity supply and demand can be balanced in every hour of the year in each region with nearly 80% of electricity from renewable resources, including nearly 50% from variable renewable generation, according to simulations of 2050 power system operations."

Even today, the US electric grid can handle a significant penetration (30-50%) of renewables without reliability problems, according to recent studies by PJM (http://americaspowerplan.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=251c911f579caf66ac6801520&id=e864c32eb4&e=c49d3857bc), Minnesota/MISO (http://mn.gov/commerce/energy/images/FINAL-MRITS-Report14.pdf), and California's utilities (https://ethree.com/documents/E3_Final_RPS_Report_2014_01_06_with_appendices.pdf). For integration of higher amounts of renewables, demand response and storage will help grid reliability, but they don't need to be matched one-for-one (eg. 1000 MW of Wind might produce 8000MWh of electricity in a day, but wouldn't require 8000 MWh of storage). Copied below is a set of two plots from the NREL study, showing the capacity mix and generation of situations with an increasing percentage of renewables. It should also be noted that as storage comes down in cost, it will become an economical way to store electricity generated in times of low prices, and send it back out in times of high prices, making that grid more reliable no matter what sources are being used.

Inline image 1
In the US right now, incremental increases in the amount of intermittent renewables will not need additional backup or storage. At higher penetrations of renewables, storage/backup generation/demand response will become more important.

2)         Renewables don't displace fossil fuels/Renewables are gas plants

This goes off the same line of thinking as the previous claim, that since a wind turbine is only producing power 35% of the time, the other 65% the electricity is being supplied by fossil fuels. This is an oversimplification: in the US, there is already a considerably amount of natural gas capacity, so building an additional wind turbine actually decreases the amount of time that gas plant will be operating, not the other way around. Electricity demand in the US is growing very slowly, so additional natural gas capacity that is built is primarily built because it is economical. Until renewables become a larger percentage of the electricity being produced, there is no need for additional flexibility.

3)         Renewables can't scale

The truth is the production of wind and solar has been scaling up, and quite rapidly. The current installed wind capacity in the US is 67870 MW and over 85% of that capacity was built in the last 10 years. As of the second quarter of 2015, over 13600 MW of wind capacity was under construction (http://awea.files.cms-plus.com/FileDownloads/pdfs/2Q2015%20AWEA%20Market%20Report%20Public%20Version.pdf). Assuming a wind capacity factor of 36.75% (http://en.openei.org/apps/TCDB/), just the wind under construction right now translates to an average generation of nearly 5000 MW, which is about the same amount of generation that the 5 nuclear plants under construction in the US will make (assuming they operate at a 90% capacity factor).

Solar still has a significant amount of ground to make up, with the installed capacity of solar currently over 20,000 MW. However, solar is also growing rapidly, with 8000 MW of solar capacity projected to be added in 2015, and even more projected in 2016 as prices drop (http://www.seia.org/research-resources/solar-market-insight-report-2015-q1).

4)         Renewables are too expensive/need subsidies

The claim that wind and solar are too expensive and are only built because of subsidies is partially true, but changing quickly. This is predominantly because as more wind and solar are built, their costs are continuing to fall. Recent cost estimates show that the levelized cost of wind is currently between 4 and 8 cents / kWh, and the levelized cost of utility solar is between 6 and 32 cents / kWh (http://en.openei.org/apps/TCDB/). In fact, a utility in Texas recently signed a power purchase agreement to buy solar from Sun Edison at 5 cents / kWh (http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/Cheapest-Solar-Ever-Austin-Energy-Buys-PV-From-SunEdison-at-5-Cents-Per-Ki). While the end of the production tax credit clearly had a big impact on the growth rate of wind, as prices continue to fall, wind and even solar will be able to stand on their own feet and will become some of the cheapest sources of electricity around, even without subsidies.

This isn't to say that I'm not pro-nuclear any more. I still think nuclear technology has great promise, especially in meeting the energy needs of the developing world. I also think that new reactor designs can be made smarter and cheaper, while still being safe and proliferation resistant. And it isn't to say renewables don't have limitations and drawbacks. But I've seen a number of nuclear advocates (myself included) make the claims above about why renewables won't work, and so I want to bring the facts to the table. In the end, it will help everyone to have a clear and open debate about our energy choices. I'm also hoping to write a follow-up,  "Have Proponents of Renewables Been Too Bearish on Nuclear?" and go through the claims about nuclear I've seen people make. Until then, happy debating.

Also thanks to Suzy Hobbs Baker and Amelia Cook for advice and editing help with this article!

Nicholas ThompsonPh.D. Student, Nuclear Engineering and Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

TEPCO: Leak likely from No.3 reactor

TEPCO: Leak likely from No.3 reactor


Fukushima: Leak Likely from Reactor #3, Restart Takahama NPP Update 12/17/15


Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report 2015



December 17, 2015
Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc.
Report on the Investigation and Examination of
Unconfirmed/Unclear Matters
on the Development Mechanism
of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident

UBS Investment Research
Q-Series®: Global Nuclear Power
Can nuclear power survive Fukushima?

Friday, December 18, 2015

Oil Politics and Islamic Stat


Oil Politics and Islamic State

Nuclear lobbyists' epic COP21 fail. Our next job? Keep their hands off climate funds

Nuclear lobbyists' epic COP21 fail. Our next job? Keep their hands off climate funds


Pandora’s Promise: A Recap

Pandora’s Promise: A Recap


USA raises doubts about North Korea's claim on hydrogen bomb

USA raises doubts about North Korea's claim on hydrogen bomb


Does North Korea really have a hydrogen bomb?


Russian General Says New Weapons Will 'Neutralize' US Shield | Military.com

Russian General Says New Weapons Will 'Neutralize' US Shield | Military.com

Reactor At Prairie Island Nuclear Plant Shuts Down After Turbine Issue « CBS Minnesota

Reactor At Prairie Island Nuclear Plant Shuts Down After Turbine Issue « CBS Minnesota

Reactor At Prairie Island Nuclear Plant Shuts Down After Turbine Issue « CBS Minnesota

Reactor At Prairie Island Nuclear Plant Shuts Down After Turbine Issue « CBS Minnesota

UPDATED: Congress passes $1.1T omnibus spending bill with solar, wind tax credit extensions

UPDATED: Congress passes $1.1T omnibus spending bill with solar, wind tax credit extensions


Open-Borders Money Backs Marco Rubio | Human Events

Open-Borders Money Backs Marco Rubio | Human Events

Establishment Republicans Must Be Careful Not to Go Too Far | Human Events

Establishment Republicans Must Be Careful Not to Go Too Far | Human Events

Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report 2015

Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report 2015



December 17, 2015
Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc.
Report on the Investigation and Examination of
Unconfirmed/Unclear Matters
on the Development Mechanism
of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident
Progress Report No.4




The hidden legacy of 70 years of atomic weaponry: At least 33,480 Americans dead

Will the nation’s new nuclear age yield more unwanted fallout?



Read more here: http://media.mcclatchydc.com/static/features/irradiated/#story#storylink=cpy

White American Terrorist Planned to Kill Muslim Americans With Radiation Device

White American Terrorist Planned to Kill Muslim Americans With Radiation Device


Russian company TVEL to supply nuclear fuel for BelNPP


Installation of core equipment of Belarusian nuclear power plant to begin in 2016

Installation of core equipment of Belarusian nuclear power plant to begin in 2016
Read full text at: http://eng.belta.by/society/view/installation-of-core-equipment-of-belarusian-nuclear-power-plant-to-begin-in-2016-87745-2015/
If you use BelTA’s materials, you must credit us with a hyperlink to eng.belta.by.


The Attack of the Nuclear Hucksters

The Attack of the Nuclear Hucksters


Rosatom Fuel Company TVEL, National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia in MOU -

Rosatom Fuel Company TVEL, National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia in MOU - See more at: http://asian-power.com/ipp/more-news/rosatom-fuel-company-tvel-national-nuclear-energy-agency-indonesia-in-mou#sthash.BTk4lVb1.dpuf


Japan Gov't to propose candidate areas for nuclear waste disposal

Gov't to propose candidate areas for nuclear waste disposal


Rosatom, National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) Hosts Workshop on Modern Nuclear Technologies

Rosatom, National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) Hosts Workshop on Modern Nuclear Technologies - See more at: http://asian-power.com/ipp/more-news/rosatom-national-nuclear-energy-agency-indonesia-batan-hosts-workshop-modern-nuclear-t#sthash.rC3cerzy.dpuf


CNNC : China unveils software for independent nuclear power technology

CNNC : China unveils software for independent nuclear power technology


Nuclear Regulatory Commission Approves Changes to Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant's Emergency Planning Requirements

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Approves Changes to Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant's Emergency Planning Requirements


Global and Chinese Nuclear Power Valve Industry, 2010-2020 Market Research Report

Global and Chinese Nuclear Power Valve Industry, 2010-2020 Market Research Report


Progress at US newbuild nuclear plants


Progress at US newbuild nuclear plants


Entergy Will Accelerate Vermont Yankee Spent Nuclear Fuel Transfer

Forward to Friend
Entergy Will Accelerate Vermont Yankee Spent Nuclear Fuel Transfer
Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee said it will begin to transfer spent nuclear fuel from wet to dry storage two years earlier than originally planned.
Read More http://www.power-eng.com/articles/2015/12/entergy-will-accelerate-vermont-yankee-spent-nuclear-fuel-transfer.html?cmpid=enl-poe-weekly-december-18-2015&eid=288118515&bid=1260146

Federal Appeals Court Upholds MATS Rule

Federal Appeals Court Upholds MATS Rule
A federal appeals court on Tuesday upheld the Environmental Protection Agency’s Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) despite an earlier ruling by the Supreme Court against the rule.
Read More http://www.power-eng.com/articles/2015/12/federal-appeals-court-upholds-mats-rule.html?cmpid=enl-poe-weekly-december-18-2015&eid=288118515&bid=1260146

USGS estimates 53 trillion cubic feet of gas resources in Barnett Shale

USGS estimates 53 trillion cubic feet of gas resources in Barnett Shale

$subtitles.get($x) The Barnett Shale contains estimated mean volumes of 53 trillion cubic feet of shale natural gas, 172 million barrels of shale oil and 176 million barrels of natural gas liquids, according to an updated assessment by the USGS. … Continue Reading http://www.pennenergy.com/articles/pennenergy/2015/12/usgs-estimates-53-trillion-cubic-feet-of-gas-resources-in-barnett-shale.html?cmpid=EnlWeeklyPetroDecember182015&eid=288118515&bid=1260285

Work on emptying leaking Hanford tank to start within 3 months

Work on emptying leaking Hanford tank to start within 3 months


NRC seeks public comment on renewal of nuclear power plant operating licenses

NRC seeks public comment on renewal of nuclear power plant operating licenses

$subtitles.get($x) U.S. commercial nuclear power reactors are initially licensed for 40 years of operation, and the licenses can be renewed for periods of 20 years. … Continue Reading http://www.pennenergy.com/articles/pennenergy/2015/12/nrc-seeks-public-comment-on-draft-guidance-for-subsequent-renewal-of-nuclear-power-plant-operating-licenses.html?cmpid=EnlWeeklyPowerDecember182015&eid=288118515&bid=1260272

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Time to Cut America's Nuclear Triad | The National Interest

Time to Cut America's Nuclear Triad | The National Interest

US Lawmakers: Iran Missile Tests Undermine Nuclear Pact

US Lawmakers: Iran Missile Tests Undermine Nuclear Pact

U.S. says considering response to Iran ballistic missile test | Daily Mail Online

U.S. says considering response to Iran ballistic missile test | Daily Mail Online

Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and a budding international bromance - The Washington Post

Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and a budding international bromance - The Washington Post

Turkey’s planned Russian nuclear plant vulnerable to cyber threats - Cihan Economy News

Turkey’s planned Russian nuclear plant vulnerable to cyber threats - Cihan Economy News

No energy deals with Israel without normalization of relations: Turkish energy minister

No energy deals with Israel without normalization of relations: Turkish energy minister


Westinghouse Innovates New Inspection Technique for Sweden's Oskarshamn Unit 3 Nuclear Power Plant

Westinghouse Innovates New Inspection Technique for Sweden's Oskarshamn Unit 3 Nuclear Power Plant

TÄBY, Sweden, December 17, 2015, Westinghouse Electric Company with subsidiary WesDyne Sweden AB has been selected by OKG AB to develop and qualify techniques and equipment to inspect the core shroud support at OKG AB’s Oskarshamn unit 3 Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Sweden.

The contract scope includes developing and qualifying ultrasonic and eddy current techniques for 70 millimeter thick Inconel 182 welds, as well as two new manipulators to inspect approximately 35 meters in five different weld segments. One of the manipulators will enter the inspection area through the restricted core grid openings inside the reactor that measure only about 300-by-300 millimeters.

“This contract award is a confirmation of the extensive trust the customer puts in our continued ability to deliver state-of-the-art solutions to mechanically and technically challenging work while meeting an aggressive schedule with safely delivered, high-quality services,” said Johan Danielsson, president, WesDyne Sweden AB.

"We are pleased to continue cooperation with Westinghouse and WesDyne on complex and fascinating development projects. In this case, they presented us with the best technical solution to our upcoming task," said Åke Jonsson, inspection coordinator, Oskarshamn NPP.

The work will be performed primarily at WesDyne Sweden AB, a nondestructive inspection branch of Westinghouse located in Täby, Sweden.

WesDyne Sweden AB is a leading supplier of mechanized nondestructive examination (NDE) products for all inspection needs worldwide, providing turnkey and one-off-type solutions with a focus on the nuclear market. WesDyne’s expertise spans all aspects of remote and mechanized inspections, from problem analysis and solutions generation to development and manufacturing to field deployment of personnel and equipment. Inspection capabilities cover all key NDE areas such as ultrasonic, visual, eddy current, magnetic particle, dye penetrant and X-ray.

 Westinghouse Electric Company, a group company of Toshiba Corporation (TKY:6502), is the world's pioneering nuclear energy company and is a leading supplier of nuclear plant products and technologies to utilities throughout the world. Westinghouse supplied the world's first commercial pressurized water reactor in 1957 in Shippingport, Pa., U.S. Today, Westinghouse technology is the basis for approximately one-half of the world's operating nuclear plants, including more than 50 percent of those in Europe. http://www.westinghousenuclear.com/About/News/View/Westinghouse-Innovates-New-Inspection-Technique-for-Swedens-Oskarshamn-Unit-3-Nuclear-Power-Plant

Fukushima Update 12/17/15

Fukushima Update 12/17/15

Takahama units #3 & #4 clear more restart hurdles… Confusing reports in the Japanese Press about unit #2 valve failures on 3/14/11… Tepco says the release of radioactive material that began March 14, 2011, was from unit #3… New, more versatile decontamination robots should facilitate F. Daiichi in-plant cleanup… The budget for rural Fukushima decontamination is boosted in order to meet the March, 2017, deadline… Japan plans for more nuclear and renewable energy production.


China Just Made Its First Big Move On The Silk Road, In Uranium | OilPrice.com

China Just Made Its First Big Move On The Silk Road, In Uranium | OilPrice.com

India’s nuclear explosive materials are vulnerable to theft, U.S. officials and experts say

India’s nuclear explosive materials are vulnerable to theft, U.S. officials and experts say

But Washington has chosen not to press for tougher security while its trade with India is booming


Even if the global warming scare were a hoax, we would still need it

Even if the global warming scare were a hoax, we would still need it

China is the low-carbon superpower and will be the ultimate enforcer of the COP21 climate deal in Paris


Natural or manmade quakes? New technique can tell the difference

Natural or manmade quakes? New technique can tell the difference Stanford CA (SPX) Dec 17, 2015 - A new study by Stanford researchers suggests that earthquakes triggered by human activity follow several indicative patterns that could help scientists distinguish them from naturally occurring temblors. The findings were presented this week at the American Geophysical Union's fall meeting in San Francisco. Jenny Suckale, an assistant professor of geophysics at Stanford's School of Earth, ... morehttp://www.oilgasdaily.com/reports/Natural_or_manmade_quakes_New_technique_can_tell_the_difference_999.html

Iran's Rouhani expects sanctions to end by next month

Iran's Rouhani expects sanctions to end by next month Tehran (AFP) Dec 16, 2015 - President Hassan Rouhani said Wednesday he expects sanctions on Iran to be lifted by mid-January after the UN nuclear watchdog closed its probe into Iran's past efforts to develop nuclear weapons. Iran and leading world powers reached a landmark agreement in July under which punishing economic sanctions will be rolled back in exchange for Iran curtailing its nuclear programme. The end of ... morehttp://www.spacewar.com/reports/Irans_Rouhani_expects_sanctions_to_end_by_next_month_999.html

Iran says it will not accept any missile restrictions

Iran says it will not accept any missile restrictions Tehran (AFP) Dec 16, 2015 - Iran will not accept any limitations on its missile programme, Defence Minister Hossein Dehghan said on Wednesday after UN experts accused Tehran of violating a Security Council resolution. The test-firing of the Emad missile on October 10, three months after a historic nuclear deal, prompted a demand by Britain, France, Germany and the United States for a probe by a UN Security Council sanc ... morehttp://www.spacewar.com/reports/Iran_says_it_will_not_accept_any_missile_restrictions_999.html

Japan's radiation decontamination budget to hit record ¥522.3 billion | The Japan Times

Japan's radiation decontamination budget to hit record ¥522.3 billion | The Japan Times

Cuomo orders Indian Point probe

Cuomo orders Indian Point probe

Rand Paul: Yucca Mountain land should be given to state to decide on nuclear waste site

Rand Paul: Yucca Mountain land should be given to state to decide on nuclear waste site

Vermont Yankee spent fuel transfer to start two years ahead of schedule - Brattleboro Reformer

Vermont Yankee spent fuel transfer to start two years ahead of schedule - Brattleboro Reformer

State’s Nuclear Power Industry On Brink Of Extinction As PG&E Mulls Shutting Diablo Canyon « CBS San Francisco

State’s Nuclear Power Industry On Brink Of Extinction As PG&E Mulls Shutting Diablo Canyon « CBS San Francisco

Los Alamos Turns Its Nuclear Weapons Power to War on Cancer - NBC News

Los Alamos Turns Its Nuclear Weapons Power to War on Cancer - NBC News

Vietnam’s nuclear power strategy introduced in Nha Trang - News VietNamNet

Vietnam’s nuclear power strategy introduced in Nha Trang - News VietNamNet

China unveils software for independent nuclear power technology | GlobalPost

China unveils software for independent nuclear power technology | GlobalPost

Approval for four new Chinese reactors

Approval for four new Chinese reactors

The Breakthrough Institute - COP21 and the Shift Toward Climate Pragmatism

The Breakthrough Institute - COP21 and the Shift Toward Climate Pragmatism

Savannah River Site MOX project expected to continue while officials assess downblending - Aiken Standard

Savannah River Site MOX project expected to continue while officials assess downblending - Aiken Standard

Why India Isn t Buying US And European Nuclear Plants - BW Businessworld

Why India Isn t Buying US And European Nuclear Plants - BW Businessworld

UK nuclear power plants protected from cyberattack by Guardtime blockchain technology

UK nuclear power plants protected from cyberattack by Guardtime blockchain technology

TEPCO: Key pressure relief valves failed at No. 2 reactor during Fukushima disaster - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

TEPCO: Key pressure relief valves failed at No. 2 reactor during Fukushima disaster - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Gen4 Energy Team Completes DOE Advanced Reactor R&D Project | Business Wire

Gen4 Energy Team Completes DOE Advanced Reactor R&D Project | Business Wire

Paris COP21 And The Urgent Need For More Nuclear Energy

Paris COP21 And The Urgent Need For More Nuclear Energy


Chinese Nuclear Power Stocks Climb After New Reactor Approvals

Chinese Nuclear Power Stocks Climb After New Reactor Approvals


Support the Federation of American Scientists

Dear FAS Supporter,
Right now, students are in unique positions to influence future scientific and political practices in response to these challenges. All they need is the opportunity to be heard and the resources to act.

FAS plays a significant role in the mission of providing opportunities for the planet’s future leaders in engineering, science, and public policy. Three years ago, Ravi Patel, an undergraduate student studying biology and international relations at Stanford, participated in an FAS summer mentor program where he collaborated with FAS-affiliated scientists on ways to reduce the likelihood of nuclear war between India and Pakistan through cooperative projects.

On an FAS project on reducing risks of weapons-usable uranium in naval propulsion, Naomi Egel and Erika Suzuki, two political science students, then at UC, Berkeley, contributed to a peer-reviewed journal article (with Dr. Bethany Goldblum, a mid-career nuclear engineering professor) on an innovative method that could be applied to preventing the diversion of nuclear material from naval propulsion to nuclear weapons programs. Several colleagues later praised Naomi for her poised presentation to several dozen government officials and nongovernmental experts at an FAS-convened Capitol Hill briefing this past March. These opportunities are made possible because of generous support from donors like you.   

Thank you for working with FAS as we continue to support the next generation of scientists and policy leaders.

With gratitude,

Charles D. Ferguson, Ph.D.
Federation of American Scientists 


US NRC Blog Update: Mothballed Nuclear Plant Provides Fresh Training Perspective

Mothballed Nuclear Plant Provides Fresh Training Perspective

Joey Ledford
Public Affairs Officer
Region II
Few are aware that Nuclear Regulatory Commission instructors regularly teach basic reactor concepts while conducting tours at a mothballed nuclear plant site in Hollywood.
The Bellefonte site
The Bellefonte site
That’s Hollywood, Ala., by the way, and there’s no show biz connection.
Instructors at the NRC’s Technical Training Center in Chattanooga, Tenn., realized a few years ago that the two-unit, never-completed Bellefonte Nuclear Plant in Hollywood, just 65 miles away, would be a perfect classroom. Even though many of the major components were either taken out or cut apart and then sold by the plant’s owners, the Tennessee Valley Authority, enough of the framework remains to allow students to get an extremely realistic idea of what a plant is like and how it works. TVA and the NRC signed a memorandum of understanding to allow the training to take place.
Since Bellefonte never had a fuel load, even containment and the empty spent fuel pools are open for official visitors.
“You can even eat inside containment,” Doug Simpkins, a TTC instructor, quipped to a unique class last week.
Instructors Simpkins and Mark Speck, both former resident inspectors in Region II, regularly teach a five-day course at Bellefonte, called Practical Applications of Reactor Technology as well as a separate Site Tour of Bellefonte course. They expanded the curriculum last month when John Pelchat, Region II’s government liaison officer, approached them with the idea of a customized course for personnel from the Alabama Emergency Management Agency. That agency’s newly appointed head, Art Faulkner, wanted his people to learn how a nuclear plant works but preferred a shorter class.
Since Alabama has five operating commercial units, three at Browns Ferry near Huntsville and two at Farley near Dothan, preparation for a possible event is essential.
Representatives from the Alabama Emergency Management Agency listen to an NRC instructor at Bellefonte.
Representatives from the Alabama Emergency Management Agency listen to an NRC instructor at Bellefonte.
“Now they are going to have a mental picture,” said Faulkner during the two-day course that saw him and 19 of his lieutenants trooping through the sprawling plant with Simpkins and Speck. “During an event or an exercise, they are going to have a better idea of what’s going on at a plant.”
Brett Howard, the AEMA’s director of field operations, offered a graphic example of the value of the NRC training.
“We had an alert declared at Plant Farley due to a [malfunctioning] muffler coming off a diesel generator,” he said. “You think of a generator as being pretty small. Now we can see from these generators here that a muffler is as big as a sewer pipe. No wonder it took all day. It puts it in perspective.”
Faulkner was very pleased with the experience and urged his colleagues from other states to consider booking time with the NRC instructors, who also provide a look at how NRC inspectors do their jobs.
“Bar none, this is the most informative and best training we’ve done,” he said. “I believe it will enable us to better operate in the unlikely event we have an incident.”

Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Great for US Business and Jobs

Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Great for US Business and Jobs


NERC: Unprecedented Changes to Power Mix, EPA Rules Pose Reliability Challenges

NERC: Unprecedented Changes to Power Mix, EPA Rules Pose Reliability Challenges
North America's reserve margins are trending downward, even though electricity demand has generally fallen, the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC) warned in a new report.  Read Morehttp://www.powermag.com/nerc-unprecedented-changes-to-power-mix-epa-rules-pose-reliability-challenges/?hq_e=el&hq_m=3192230&hq_l=7&hq_v=30108e0773

AES Energy Storage Reaches Supply Agreement with LG Chem

AES Energy Storage Reaches Supply Agreement with LG Chem

Renewable Energy World Editors
December 16, 2015 | Post Your Comment
Facebook Twitter 
AES Energy Storage said on Dec. 15 that it has reached a multi-year agreement with LC Chem for the supply of batteries for AES’ Advancion grid-scale energy storage solution. Full Article http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2015/12/aes-energy-storage-reaches-supply-agreement-with-lg-chem.html?cmpid=renewablestorage12172015&eid=288118515&bid=1258783

NEI President and CEO Fertel to Retire at End of 2016

NEI President and CEO Fertel to Retire at End of 2016


Homegrown nuclear power plant design software released

Homegrown nuclear power plant design software released


China National Nuclear Power : Approved Clean Energy Projects

China National Nuclear Power : Approved Clean Energy Projects


Opponents of U.S. nuclear bomb ‘glorification’ park seek Japanese support

Opponents of U.S. nuclear bomb ‘glorification’ park seek Japanese support


US asks Pak to restrain its nuclear and missile programmes


The strange love for nuclear energy

The strange love for nuclear energy


A battery of molten metals

A battery of molten metals

Low-cost, long-lasting storage for the grid


SMRs $400 Billion Market

By 2035 the international SMR market is expected to be worth $400 billion and has a substantial part to play in the nuclear industry’s resurgence in the west. The global deployment of SMRs will prove pivotal in ensuring that nuclear power maintains its current market share as a producer of clean electricity worldwide.

With such significant and lucrative opportunities available, Nuclear Energy Insider has produced an SMR Market Map in order to highlight where the $400 billion is to be spent and what potential there is for you.

Download your exclusive SMR Market Map right here: http://1.nuclearenergyinsider.com/LP=8288

Your market map will provide you with expert insights into what you can expect from the US in 2016, what international projects are taking place and which countries are running feasibility studies into SMRs to test their viability; allowing your organization to get a slice of this lucrative market.

If you have any questions then please do let me know,



John Furness
Senior Industry Analyst
Nuclear Energy Insider
+44 (0)207 375 7528


Delay in cooling of Fukushima reactor possibly due to melted rubber

Delay in cooling of Fukushima reactor possibly due to melted rubber


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

ANS Nuclear Cafe Update: Update on FitzPatrick Plant’s Pending Closure

Update on FitzPatrick Plant’s Pending Closure

By ansnuclearcafe on Dec 15, 2015 02:49 pm

by Jim Hopf In last month’s ANS Nuclear Cafe articles (1, 2), I discussed the pending closure of the (Entergy operated) FitzPatrick nuclear power plant, and steps needed to prevent Continue Reading →
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How the Paris Climate Deal Happened and Why It Matters - IEEE Spectrum

How the Paris Climate Deal Happened and Why It Matters - IEEE Spectrum

Paris Climate Agreement Rests on Shaky Technological Foundations

Paris Climate Agreement Rests on Shaky Technological Foundations

The effort to limit global climate change relies on technologies that are unproven or even illusory.


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Susan Hockfield chosen to serve as AAAS president-elect

Susan Hockfield chosen to serve as AAAS president-elect

Susan Hockfield, MIT President Emerita, to serve as AAAS president
