U.S. Foreign Aid Programs
Are Cities Being 100% Clear About Their 100% Renewable Goals? | The Energy Collective Daily |
A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.
North Korea Sinpo South Shipyard: Preparations for a New SLBM Test? http://www.38north.org/2017/ British foreign secretary supports Japan to stop N. Korea https://www.washingtonpost. Push for UN Sanctions on North Korea Hung Up on Definition of an ICBM https://www.bloomberg.com/ United States Senate panel votes to boost budget for national labs, WIPP https://www.abqjournal.com/ Senator releases statement on recertification of Iranian compliance with nuclear deal http://www.doverpost.com/news/ Iran deal is historically bad: Rep. Lee Zeldin https://www.usatoday.com/ New GAO Report - Nuclear Weapons Sustainment: Budget Estimates Report Contains More Information than in Prior Fiscal Years, but Transparency Can Be Improved https://www.gao.gov/products/ House, Senate authorizers want Pentagon to pursue INF-range missile https://insidedefense.com/ Plutonium oxide shipments to SRS on hold http://www.aikenstandard.com/ New nuclear ‘pit’ production at LANL is unnecessary https://www.abqjournal.com/ New Hawaii campaign to help residents plan for North Korea attack http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/ Director of the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office: Who Is Jim McDonnell? http://www.allgov.com/news/ International Iran says the US is violating the nuclear deal. It has a point. https://www.vox.com/2017/7/21/ The world is safer with imperfect Iran nuke deal http://www.thetimesherald.com/ UN treaty on nuclear arms ban may hinder IAEA work - Russian Foreign Ministry http://en.apa.az/world-news/ Australia quietly makes first uranium shipment to India three years after supply agreement http://www.abc.net.au/news/ Tepco spots possible nuclear fuel debris at another Fukushima reactor: Kyodo https://www.reuters.com/ General Interest After 72 years, nuclear weapons have been prohibited https://www.sipri.org/ Eisenhower strives to strike a deal with Soviets, July 21, 1955 http://www.politico.com/story/ What Good Is Fear? http://www.slate.com/articles/ Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at brodnica67@gmail.com. Receive this message as a forward? Subscribe to the Nuclear Roundup here. |
The Qatar Blockade Is Threatening The OPEC Deal | The Energy Collective Daily |
Check out our latest interactive, “Know the Time,” an animation of technological advancement and global risk, documented by the Doomsday Clock. It was created by Fabian Stricker,
Mapper and Digital Business Integration Analyst, who became concerned
about global risk due to the alarming rhetoric used during the 2016 US
presidential election. Follow Fabian on Twitter at @stricker_fabian.
Know the Time An animation of global risk More Bulletin interactives: Nuclear Notebook Interactive Global nuclear arsenals over time Doomsday Dashboard The factors that influence the Doomsday Clock Global Nuclear Power Database World nuclear power reactor construction, 1951-2017 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Cost Calculator The price of power And if you haven't seen the July/August issue of the digital journal, "After midnight," read it now. |