Engineers in France write letter in Le Monde newspaper saying EDF’s £18bn plan should proceed
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
NRC Blog Update: Dry Cask 101: Making Sure They’ll Hold Up
Dry Cask 101: Making Sure They’ll Hold Up
Steven Everard
Structural Engineer
the structure of a spent fuel storage cask is a key part of our
licensing process. In its application, the cask designer must provide an
evaluation that shows the system will be strong and stable enough to
resist loads that may be placed on it. NRC structural and materials
engineers scrutinize this evaluation to make sure the design meets our
regulatory requirements.
In an application, casks designers must provide evidence the cask system will:
We also look at off-normal conditions, accidents and natural phenomenon events. “Off-normal” describes the maximum conditions that can be expected to from time-to-time, but not regularly. An example is the highest pushing or pulling force on a horizontal canister when it is being placed inside the storage overpack. Accident conditions and natural phenomenon include a dropped cask, earthquakes, tornadoes, flooding and any other credible accident or environmental condition that could affect the structural integrity of the system. These requirements are outlined in 10 CFR Part 72.
The structural review looks at whether the cask designer evaluated the proper loading conditions. It will also ensure the designer evaluated the system’s response to those loads accurately and completely. The reviewers must verify whether the resulting stresses in the material meet the acceptance criteria in the appropriate code.
As we explained in an earlier post, codes and standards are guidelines typically developed over many years of experience and through industry-wide and government agreement. Some of the more common codes an applicant may use come from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Concrete Institute, the American Institute of Steel Construction and the American Welding Society.
Not all loads are likely to occur at one time, but some might occur together. So we look at several different combinations of loads that can be expected at the same time. These include dead loads (which come just from the weight of the material), live loads, (which come from the movement of the system or people and things near it), and environmental loads (including snow, ice, wind, temperature and seismic). For example, the cask could experience a dead load, live load, snow load and wind load together. But it is not reasonable to expect the cask to be in a snow storm, a tornado and an earthquake at the same time.
These cases are analyzed to determine the stresses placed on the material used to construct the cask system. This analysis may be completed by either hand calculations or by a computer model. Typically, we only look at the maximum stresses in the different materials—since lesser stresses would not be as challenging to the system.
The maximum stresses from the analysis are compared to the allowable stresses from the appropriate code to determine a margin of safety. These design margins are typically large. This is because designs must be robust enough to withstand the accident scenarios. To be conservative, we and the designers overestimate loads and underestimate material strength. Doing this adds conservatisms and enhances our assurance that the design is adequate.
Structural Engineer

In an application, casks designers must provide evidence the cask system will:
- Maintain confinement of the spent nuclear fuel
- Maintain the fuel in a subcritical condition
- Provide radiation shielding
- Maintain the ability to retrieve or recover the fuel if necessary
We also look at off-normal conditions, accidents and natural phenomenon events. “Off-normal” describes the maximum conditions that can be expected to from time-to-time, but not regularly. An example is the highest pushing or pulling force on a horizontal canister when it is being placed inside the storage overpack. Accident conditions and natural phenomenon include a dropped cask, earthquakes, tornadoes, flooding and any other credible accident or environmental condition that could affect the structural integrity of the system. These requirements are outlined in 10 CFR Part 72.
The structural review looks at whether the cask designer evaluated the proper loading conditions. It will also ensure the designer evaluated the system’s response to those loads accurately and completely. The reviewers must verify whether the resulting stresses in the material meet the acceptance criteria in the appropriate code.
As we explained in an earlier post, codes and standards are guidelines typically developed over many years of experience and through industry-wide and government agreement. Some of the more common codes an applicant may use come from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Concrete Institute, the American Institute of Steel Construction and the American Welding Society.
Not all loads are likely to occur at one time, but some might occur together. So we look at several different combinations of loads that can be expected at the same time. These include dead loads (which come just from the weight of the material), live loads, (which come from the movement of the system or people and things near it), and environmental loads (including snow, ice, wind, temperature and seismic). For example, the cask could experience a dead load, live load, snow load and wind load together. But it is not reasonable to expect the cask to be in a snow storm, a tornado and an earthquake at the same time.
These cases are analyzed to determine the stresses placed on the material used to construct the cask system. This analysis may be completed by either hand calculations or by a computer model. Typically, we only look at the maximum stresses in the different materials—since lesser stresses would not be as challenging to the system.
The maximum stresses from the analysis are compared to the allowable stresses from the appropriate code to determine a margin of safety. These design margins are typically large. This is because designs must be robust enough to withstand the accident scenarios. To be conservative, we and the designers overestimate loads and underestimate material strength. Doing this adds conservatisms and enhances our assurance that the design is adequate.
Front and Center: An update on arms control, national security and more
"Chernobyl through the mist of decades"

"Chernobyl through the mist of decades"
fog of three decades has obscured the memory of the Chernobyl accident,
and many incorrect sources written since have misled those in search of
the facts. Will Davis uses historic documents and accounts of those
directly involved during and after the accident to clarify our
perception of what really happened before, during and after.
Will Davis
MIT Weekend Reads: Food Supply
Friday, April 8, 2016
Energy Department Seeks Public Process for Nuclear Waste Storage
Kari Lydersen, Midwest Energy News: Half
a century ago when the town of Zion, Illinois, agreed to site a nuclear
power plant on its Lake Michigan shoreline, civic leaders felt they
were helping to secure a clean energy source. They never intended to
become a nuclear waste dump.
Corporate and Political Corruption: The Lessons Not Learned From the Deepwater Horizon Disaster
Farron Cousins, DeSmogBlog: Here's
the story that the US Justice Department didn't want the public to
know: Seventy-five percent of BP's court fine is tax-deductible, meaning
that US taxpayers will foot most of the bill for the largest oil spill
in history.
Mr. Atomic Goes to New York for The Future of Energy, Part 1
Georgia Power defends 'every dollar and every day' spent on reactors
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S.C. can’t relent on SRS nuclear waste
S.C. can’t relent on SRS nuclear waste
Entergy Response Avoids Punitive Action By NRC Over Falsified Records
Entergy Response Avoids Punitive Action By NRC Over Falsified Records
Looking Forward to Nuclear Energy Insider’s SMR Conference
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Why Small Modular Reactors Are Not The Next Big Thing Matters 3 Takeaways from the Future of Energy Summit
Michele --
We just got back from New York City, where Nuclear Matters hosted an event at Bloomberg’s Future of Energy Summit to discuss the value of our nuclear energy plants. Leadership Council member Carol Browner - the US' longest-serving EPA Administrator - was joined by the Nuclear Energy Institute’s Maria Korsnick, Former NRC Commissioner Jeffrey Merrifield and NuScale Power’s Jay Surina in presenting to the packed room. Here are our 3 top takeaways from the event:
For more information about nuclear’s benefits to New York - which receives almost 2/3 of it's carbon-free energy from nuclear plants - visit - The Nuclear Matters Team |
Unable To Compete On Price, Nuclear Power On The Decline In The U.S.
Unable To Compete On Price, Nuclear Power On The Decline In The U.S.
Ask President Obama to act to wind down the doomsday clock
South Carolina seeks summary judgement in MOX suit
South Carolina seeks summary judgement in MOX suit security agreement to enter into force
Nuclear security agreement to enter into force
A key security agreement, once described by IAEA director general Yukiya Amano as the single most important step to strengthen nuclear security, is set to become legally binding after Nicaragua became the 102nd state to adhere to the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials.
A key security agreement, once described by IAEA director general Yukiya Amano as the single most important step to strengthen nuclear security, is set to become legally binding after Nicaragua became the 102nd state to adhere to the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials.
French nuclear engineers defend Hinkley Point reactor plan
French nuclear engineers defend Hinkley Point reactor plan
Sanmen nuclear unit expected to be online this year
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Nonproliferation Expert Praises Security at US Nuclear Plants
- Luongo says U.S. nuclear industry is doing a lot on security
- Key outcome is closer cooperation among civil society, government and industry
- Gaps seen in international nuclear security regimes
Georgia Power defends Vogtle nuclear project costs as reasonable
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Illinois' Nuclear Dilemma Embroils Famed Climate Scientist James Hansen
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Nuclear winter on a planetary scale: The biggest threat to mankind virtually no one is talking about
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A war between India and Pakistan could produce human suffering the likes of which the world has never seen before
Dilip Hero, TomDispatch.com
Greens lock in behind new push to ban nuclear weapons -
lock in behind new push to ban nuclear weapons - See more at:
NRC Receives Event Notification Report on California Radiation Control Program
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Swedish authorities say a ship used to transport nuclear waste has run aground at a decommissioned nuclear power plant in southern Sweden
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Radiation from Cold War air crash site may have affected Dalton man - inquest
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NRC Receives Event Notification Report on Florida Bureau of Radiation Control
NRC Receives Event Notification Report on Florida Bureau of Radiation Control
A timely end for Obama's Nuclear Security Summits?
A timely end for Obama's Nuclear Security Summits?
It is our preference that if you wish to share this article with others you should please use the following link:
It is our preference that if you wish to share this article with others you should please use the following link:
UN And U.S. Sanctions Target North Korea: Impacts For Asia And Beyond
UN And U.S. Sanctions Target North Korea: Impacts For Asia And Beyond |
Nancy Fischer, Aaron R. Hutman, Moushami Joshi, Matthew Oresman, Jenny
Sheng, Woon-Wah Siu | Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, Thursday,
April 7, 2016 4:00 PM
The United Nations and United States recently took significant new steps to expand sanctions on North Korea.
Kazakhstan – United States Special Commission On Energy Partnership
Kazakhstan – United States Special Commission On Energy Partnership |
By U.S. Department of Energy, Thursday, April 7, 2016 5:00 PM
April 6, 2016, the Kazakhstan – United States Energy Partnership
Commission held a meeting at the Energy Ministry of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, co-chaired by Energy Minister K.A. Bosumbayev and Secretary
of Energy, Dr. Ernest Moniz. The Republic of Kazakhstan was represented
at the session by officials from the Energy Ministry and the Foreign… Keep reading →
Amec Foster Wheeler, CNEC Sign Nuclear Reactor Deployment Agreement
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Gundersen: Nuclear Engineer: “Alarm bells” are going off over Fukushima plume coming to US West Coast
Nuclear Engineer: “Alarm bells” are going off over Fukushima plume coming to US West Coast
Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen on Fukushima@5, Mar 7, 2016 (emphasis added): Massive amounts of radiation continue to enter Japan’s water and air, and the Pacific Ocean, daily… Due to its triple meltdowns and the unmitigable radioactive releases, Fukushima Daiichi will continue to bleed radiation into the Pacific Ocean for more than a century… There is no road map to follow with directions to stop the ongoing debacle…
Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen on KPFA, Mar 30, 2016: [Univ. of California] Berkeley’s nuclear program has been in the forefront of the pro-nuclear propaganda for decades, and since Fukushima has been aggressively downplaying the significance of it. So, whatever comes out of Berkeley, I just attribute to a very pro-nuclear faculty… [Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is] measuring 1,000 miles offshore [of the US West Coast] and… picking up 10 becquerels per cubic meter [Bq/m3]. At my point, that’s when my alarm bells go off is 10 [Bq/m3]… That plume is still coming, the Pacific is a huge place and to think that a disaster on the opposite side of the world can be detected and begin to contaminate California, I think that the monumental shattering conclusion [is] radiation knows no borders… So this ‘dilution is the solution to pollution’ is what I think Berkeley believes in. What you can be sure of is that somebody’s going to die from the radiation that’s in the Pacific, but you just won’t know who it is – and they’re counting on that. The nuclear establishment is saying, ‘Well, we can smear that out in a broader epidemiological study.’
Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen on CCTV, Apr 5, 2016: We’re looking at newspaper coverage from the last couple of weeks and it’s clear that the plant continues to hemorrhage.
Fairewinds Japan Speaking Tour Series No. 1, Feb 12, 2016:
- Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen: [T]he Fukushima power plants… continues to bleed into the Pacific every day. But what no one is paying any attention to is that the entire mountain range that runs 100 miles up and down this coast is also contaminated. And as much radiation is pouring out… into the Pacific from the mountain range because it’s so contaminated, as from the Fukushima site… in fact, they’ve got an entire state pouring radiation into the Pacific. So what’s in the Pacific? Off of California, they’re finding radiation at what I would consider significant levels… in a cubic meter of ocean water, they’re finding 10 radioactive decays every second… So a cubic meter of water, if you’re in a dark room, would have 10 flashes of light every second, and that’s going to go on for 300 years. So we have contaminated the biggest source of water on the planet, and there’s no way to stop it.
- Maggie Gundersen, founder of Fairewinds: So are you saying that the contaminated water problem is hopeless? Is there nothing we can do to slow it down?
- Arnie Gundersen: It used to be that scientists believed dilution is the solution to pollution. But I think we’re finding with the biggest body of water on the planet, that you can’t dilute this stuff. And we’re going to begin to see this bio-accumulation, which is all the fish that are in the ocean are going to uptake the cesium and the strontium and become more and more and more radioactive…
China still committed to nuclear reprocessing despite Asia stockpile fears
China still committed to nuclear reprocessing despite Asia stockpile fears
EDF Energy completes 'dry fuel store' at Sizewell B
EDF Energy completes 'dry fuel store' at Sizewell B
Fukushima Update 4/7/16
Fukushima Update 4/7/16
of an antinuclear appeal to stop Sendai station operation becomes the
dominant story… A Tokyo M.D says public education on radiation continues
to be inadequate… Tepco’s “Ice Wall” is progressing “largely smoothly”…
and more.
United States nuclear forces, 2016
United States nuclear forces, 2016
How safe is nuclear power? A statistical study suggests less than expected
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A nuclear South Korea would be a mistake
A nuclear South Korea would be a mistake
"Command and Control," terrifying soon at a theater near you
"Command and Control," terrifying soon at a theater near you
China's Offensive in London Why Beijing Wants to Invest in the United Kingdom
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Why Beijing Wants to Invest in the United Kingdom
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Underequipped and overwhelmed, Germany "as vulnerable as Brussels"
Underequipped and overwhelmed, Germany "as vulnerable as Brussels"
The most dangerous place on earth: A nuclear Armageddon in the making in South Asia
The most dangerous place on earth: A nuclear Armageddon in the making in South Asia
Your View: Consider nuclear when eliminating carbon
Your View: Consider nuclear when eliminating carbon
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