Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Why it takes so long to get advanced nuclear reactors up and running - Deseret News

Why it takes so long to get advanced nuclear reactors up and running - Deseret News: Planned nuclear plant with ties to Utah jumped over multiple hurdles for licensing.

Massive Oil and Gas Reserves Discovered Under Gaza - Israel Grants Development Licenses - The People's Voice

Massive Oil and Gas Reserves Discovered Under Gaza - Israel Grants Development Licenses - The People's Voice

Future of Nuclear Power in the Philippines | Neutron Bytes

Future of Nuclear Power in the Philippines | Neutron Bytes: Special to Neutron Bytes by: Joseph Somsel The Philippines is looking at developing substantially more nuclear capacity in a bid to curb rising energy costs and reduce carbon emissions. But how man…

Russia Revokes Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty - News From Antiwar.com

Russia Revokes Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty - News From Antiwar.com: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday signed a bill into law that formally withdrew Russia’s ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). The CTBT prohibits all nuclear weapons tests but has not been ratified by many nuclear powers, including the US. When Putin announced Russia’s intention to revoke the ratification, he said it … Continue reading "Russia Revokes Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty"

Friday, November 3, 2023

Meet the 2024 candidates for ANS vice president/president-elect and the Board of Directors -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Meet the 2024 candidates for ANS vice president/president-elect and the Board of Directors -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Fukushima Updates -

[SocialMedia] Fukushima Updates - micheletkearney@gmail.com - Gmail: Fukushima Update November 3, 2023 - Fukushima Update November 3, 2023 - Japan began the third release of F. Daiichi waste water... Japanese consumers are eating more local fish since China's ban... Two more Japanese nukes are given 20 year licensing extensions... A successful 3-day nuclear evacuation drill was held for the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant. https://www.hiroshimasyndrome.com/fukushima-accident-updates.html

Bad guys and bombs: The nuclear risks of small modular reactors | Canada's National Observer: News & Analysis

Bad guys and bombs: The nuclear risks of small modular reactors | Canada's National Observer: News & Analysis: Nuclear proliferation experts are worried that a Canadian company could make it easier to acquire nuclear weapons. The CEO disagrees. After decades of policy to stop the spread of nuclear weapons, the stakes of this battle couldn't be higher.

Sweden Investigates Expanding Nuclear Power Capacity - Bloomberg

Sweden Investigates Expanding Nuclear Power Capacity - Bloomberg

A Milestone for Clean Energy and the NRC | The Breakthrough Institute

A Milestone for Clean Energy and the NRC | The Breakthrough Institute: The Breakthrough Institute is an environmental research center based in Berkeley, California. Our research focuses on identifying and promoting…

Exclusive: U.S. pushes to ensure nuclear “is not forgotten” in COP renewables pledge - Cipher News

Exclusive: U.S. pushes to ensure nuclear “is not forgotten” in COP renewables pledge - Cipher News

Three Bidders for CEZ’s New PWRs at Dukovany | Neutron Bytes

Three Bidders for CEZ’s New PWRs at Dukovany | Neutron Bytes: Three Bidders for CEZ’s New PWRs at Dukovany Czech Republic Approves SMR Roadmap That Calls For Deployment In Early 2030s TerraPower Inks MOU with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries for Advanced Rea…

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Biden's Israel-Gaza Policy Sidelines State Department | HuffPost Latest News

Biden's Israel-Gaza Policy Sidelines State Department | HuffPost Latest News

The Curse of Voodoo Economics | American Compass

The Curse of Voodoo Economics | American Compass

GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES UPDATE: FTX was a Democrat Money Laundering Operation with Wall Street Dark Money & PSYOP-19 "Pandemic" Ties

GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES UPDATE: FTX was a Democrat Money Laundering Operation with Wall Street Dark Money & PSYOP-19 "Pandemic" Ties

ACLU blasts ADL for smearing Students forJustice in Palestine – The Forward

ACLU blasts ADL for smearing Students forJustice in Palestine – The Forward

Maine public-power vote could shape new course for utilities | The Hill

Maine public-power vote could shape new course for utilities | The Hill: Maine residents are set to vote next week on a ballot initiative that would make the state the first with a publicly owned electric utility governed by an elected board.   Proponents say the initiative could chart a new path forward for utilities, increasing local control of something that profoundly affects people’s lives and reducing service interruptions…

Michigan professor exonerated, peer-reviewed journal publishes paper showing 250k+ COVID jab deaths - LifeSite

Michigan professor exonerated, peer-reviewed journal publishes paper showing 250k+ COVID jab deaths - LifeSite

World Economic Forum co-founder's son calls for the arrests of COVID jab pushers for ‘democide’ - LifeSite

World Economic Forum co-founder's son calls for the arrests of COVID jab pushers for ‘democide’ - LifeSite

Beware the nuclear industry bearing gifts | Opinion | Illinois Times

Beware the nuclear industry bearing gifts | Opinion | Illinois Times: Most people are familiar with the story of the Trojan Horse – the "gift" that disguised destruction, at least for Troy. When legislators reconvene in...

“Peaceful” nuclear explosives? | Physics Today | AIP Publishing

“Peaceful” nuclear explosives? | Physics Today | AIP Publishing: Proponents of Project Plowshare argued that using nuclear explosives for peaceful means offered technical and economic advantages. But getting the biggest bang

US Stands Isolated in Backing Gaza Massacre - CounterPunch.org

US Stands Isolated in Backing Gaza Massacre - CounterPunch.org

Energy Dept. Pours Billions Into Electric Grids - The New York Times

Energy Dept. Pours Billions Into Electric Grids - The New York Times: America’s electric grids may need to expand by two-thirds by 2035 to handle future growth in clean energy, the agency said. The nation isn’t on track.

America's Most Powerful Nuclear Reactor Makes a Landmark Revival

America's Most Powerful Nuclear Reactor Makes a Landmark Revival: Entergy’s Grand Gulf 1—the largest single-unit nuclear power plant in the U.S.—has thrived for four decades by cultivating a culture of continuous improvement, achieving record-breaking performance

Nuclear Industry Giants Collaborate on European Projects While Japan Expands Partnership with U.S. Reactor Designer

Nuclear Industry Giants Collaborate on European Projects While Japan Expands Partnership with U.S. Reactor Designer: Westinghouse Electric Company and Bechtel have together proposed a deal to supply the Czech Republic with as many as four AP1000 nuclear reactors. The

Macron pursues nuclear deals in Russia’s back yard – POLITICO

Macron pursues nuclear deals in Russia’s back yard – POLITICO: French president hopes to secure uranium supply in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Exclusive: U.S. pushes to ensure nuclear “is not forgotten” in COP renewables pledge - Cipher News

Exclusive: U.S. pushes to ensure nuclear “is not forgotten” in COP renewables pledge - Cipher News: It’s also pushing for language that recognizes the need to halt investments in new coal power plants.

Vladimir Putin Signs Bill Revoking Ratification of CTBT

Vladimir Putin Signs Bill Revoking Ratification of CTBT: Moscow has previously made it clear that Russia's possible refusal to ratify the CTBT does not mean that it intends to conduct nuclear tests.

Laying the foundation for advanced reactors -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Laying the foundation for advanced reactors -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

What is happening in spent nuclear fuel research? -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

What is happening in spent nuclear fuel research? -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Deep geologic repository progress -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Deep geologic repository progress -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

IAEA commends Czech management of radioactive waste : Waste & Recycling - World Nuclear News

IAEA commends Czech management of radioactive waste : Waste & Recycling - World Nuclear News

Second Belarus unit enters commercial operation : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News

Second Belarus unit enters commercial operation : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: The second unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant was put into commercial operation on 1 November. Together with the first unit the new nuclear power plant will provide about 40% of the country's electricity needs.

Desalination plant planned for Sizewell C construction : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News

Desalination plant planned for Sizewell C construction : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: A temporary water desalination plant, powered with electricity from Sizewell B, is planned to meet the water requirements for the construction of the Sizewell C nuclear power plant in Suffolk, UK. A new water main is expected to provide a permanent supply in the early 2030s.

X-energy and Ares Acquisition Corporation Mutually Agree to Terminate Business Combination Agreement | Business Wire

X-energy and Ares Acquisition Corporation Mutually Agree to Terminate Business Combination Agreement | Business Wire: X-Energy Reactor Company, LLC (“X-energy”), a leading developer of advanced small modular nuclear reactors and fuel technology for clean energy genera

Advanced nuclear technology has role in Permian

Advanced nuclear technology has role in Permian: Developers of a Small Modular Reactor technology came to Midland to highlight how nuclear energy can play a role in the oilpatch

MfN Selected for Consent-Based Siting DOE Award — Mothers for Nuclear

MfN Selected for Consent-Based Siting DOE Award — Mothers for Nuclear

FACT SHEET: White House Calls on Congress to Support Critical Domestic Needs | The White House

FACT SHEET: White House Calls on Congress to Support Critical Domestic Needs | The White House: The Biden-Harris Administration is delivering on its promises – lowering costs for families, protecting American lives from the devastating impacts of challenges like the climate crisis and the opioid epidemic, and ensuring America can compete to win in the global marketplace. At the same time, additional resources are needed to meet the needs of the…

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

VICTORY! Orsted Abandons Whale-Killing Wind Energy Projects

VICTORY! Orsted Abandons Whale-Killing Wind Energy Projects

Israel-Palestine war: Biden administration refused to meet Muslim Americans publicly critical of Gaza policy | Middle East Eye

Israel-Palestine war: Biden administration refused to meet Muslim Americans publicly critical of Gaza policy | Middle East Eye

Israel-Palestine war: Has Biden lost control of Netanyahu? | Middle East Eye

Israel-Palestine war: Has Biden lost control of Netanyahu? | Middle East Eye

Israel-Palestine: Hamas a ‘liberation movement’, Erdogan says in speech slamming Israel | Middle East Eye

Israel-Palestine: Hamas a ‘liberation movement’, Erdogan says in speech slamming Israel | Middle East Eye

Toyota to invest a further $8bn in North Carolina battery plant

Toyota to invest a further $8bn in North Carolina battery plant: Investment is the largest by a foreign carmaker in a US factory since Inflation Reduction Act was passed

NRC Increases Required Amount of Primary Nuclear Liability Insurance | Morgan Lewis - Up & Atom - JDSupra

NRC Increases Required Amount of Primary Nuclear Liability Insurance | Morgan Lewis - Up & Atom - JDSupra: In a final rule published in the Federal Register on October 19, 2023, the NRC amended its regulations at 10 CFR 140.11 to increase the amount of third-party liability coverage required...

Advanced Nuclear Fuel with Enrichment Exceeding Historical Limits Approved for Installation at Plant Vogtle

Advanced Nuclear Fuel with Enrichment Exceeding Historical Limits Approved for Installation at Plant Vogtle: Southern Nuclear, Southern Company’s nuclear power plant operations business, announced in late September that it had received “first-of-a-kind approval”

Two more Japanese nuclear reactors granted 20-year extensions | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

Two more Japanese nuclear reactors granted 20-year extensions | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News: Japan's nuclear watchdog has approved extending the operation of two aging nuclear reactors in southwestern Japan for another 20 years.

Westinghouse Seeks to Expand 30-Year Partnership with Czech Republic with Proven AP1000® Reactors

Westinghouse Seeks to Expand 30-Year Partnership with Czech Republic with Proven AP1000® Reactors: Westinghouse Electric Company, along with construction partner Bechtel, today submitted its proposal to supply the Czech Republic with as many as four AP1000® reactors, the safest, most advanced nuclear technology available today.

3 energy companies compete to build a new nuclear reactor in the Czech Republic

3 energy companies compete to build a new nuclear reactor in the Czech Republic: Three energy companies including U.S. Westinghouse, France’s EdF and Korea’s KHNP, have submitted their final bids to build the Czech Republic’s newest reactor at the Dukovany nuclear power station as the country strives to become more energy independent and wean itself of fossil fuels. State-controlled power company CEZ said Tuesday it would assess the bids for the multi-billion-dollar contract before sending its decision to the government for final approval of the winner. The three companies that met Tuesday's deadline already submitted preliminary bids in November in a tender launched earlier in March 2022 after passing a Czech government security appraisal.

Macron pursues nuclear deals in Russia’s back yard – POLITICO

Macron pursues nuclear deals in Russia’s back yard – POLITICO: French president hopes to secure uranium supply in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Securing American Nuclear Leadership: A Matter of Climate Action and National Security | RealClearEnergy

Securing American Nuclear Leadership: A Matter of Climate Action and National Security | RealClearEnergy: China’s recent weaponization of its critical mineral resources is a warning sign for American nuclear energy. Right now, Russia dominates nuclear supply chains, and at any m

Fear or future? America's decision on nuclear energy

Fear or future? America's decision on nuclear energy: Even as support for nuclear energy reaches its highest level in a decade, Americans still hesitate to welcome it into their communities.

Elongating the Fossil Fuel Era, One Trick at a Time

Elongating the Fossil Fuel Era, One Trick at a Time

PG&E utility bills are about to soar in California

PG&E utility bills are about to soar in California: Monthly residential PG&E utility bills have soared by over $80 in the past three years. And another rise of at least $25 is coming.

Time Magazine's Stunning Reversal: Zelensky 'Deludes' Himself Into Thinking Ukraine Can Win | ZeroHedge

Time Magazine's Stunning Reversal: Zelensky 'Deludes' Himself Into Thinking Ukraine Can Win | ZeroHedge

NRC Increases Required Amount of Primary Nuclear Liability Insurance – Up & Atom

NRC Increases Required Amount of Primary Nuclear Liability Insurance – Up & Atom: In a final rule published in the Federal Register on October 19, 2023, the NRC amended its regulations at 10 CFR 140.11 to increase the amount of third-party liability coverage required under the Price-Anderson Act, Section 170 of the Atomic Energy Act (42 USC 2210) (Price-Anderson) for large reactor licensees (i.e., reactors with a rated capacity of ≥100 MWe) from $450 million to $500 million per incident.

America's Most Powerful Nuclear Reactor Makes a Landmark Revival

America's Most Powerful Nuclear Reactor Makes a Landmark Revival: Entergy’s Grand Gulf 1—the largest single-unit nuclear power plant in the U.S.—has thrived for four decades by cultivating a culture of continuous improvement, achieving record-breaking performance

TerraPower expands cooperation with Japan on fast reactors : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News

TerraPower expands cooperation with Japan on fast reactors : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: TerraPower of the USA and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Mitsubishi FBR Systems have agreed to expand their existing memorandum of understanding, signed in January 2022, on the development of sodium-cooled fast reactors.

Podcast: Can world's nuclear supply chain meet future demand? : Perspectives - World Nuclear News

Podcast: Can world's nuclear supply chain meet future demand? : Perspectives - World Nuclear News: Laurent-Olivier Coudeyre, chairman of World Nuclear Association's Supply Chain and Long-Term Operation Working Group, discusses how the supply chain works, the focus on quality and localisation - and future challenges.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Biden administration approves largest offshore wind project in the US | The Hill

Biden administration approves largest offshore wind project in the US | The Hill

Advanced nuclear technology has role in Permian

Advanced nuclear technology has role in Permian: Developers of a Small Modular Reactor technology came to Midland to highlight how nuclear energy can play a role in the oilpatch

Illinois grapples with decades-old moratorium on new nuclear construction

Illinois grapples with decades-old moratorium on new nuclear construction: In the next couple of weeks Illinois state lawmakers could determine whether to keep a 36-year old moratorium on new nuclear plant construction.

Fear or future? America's decision on nuclear energy

Fear or future? America's decision on nuclear energy: Even as support for nuclear energy reaches its highest level in a decade, Americans still hesitate to welcome it into their communities.

Westinghouse, EDF and KHNP submit final Czech bids : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News

Westinghouse, EDF and KHNP submit final Czech bids : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: ČEZ subsidiary Elektrárna Dukovany II has received final bids from the three potential suppliers for a new nuclear unit at Dukovany, as well as non-binding offers for three more future reactors.

Webinar Registration - Zoom

Webinar Registration - Zoom: The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) is hosting a showcase for its inaugural cohort of the New Voices on Nuclear Weapons Fellowship, designed to provide a group of early-career nuclear policy scholars with mentorship, professional networking, and opportunities for publication in a field with high barriers to entry. During this four-month fellowship, fellows worked with a senior academic or policy expert outside of FAS to co-author a research project that provides a creative and novel perspective on nuclear deterrence. The showcase will feature presentations by fellows on their research, a Q&A session, and remarks by FAS staff on the fellowship’s structure, goals, and role in empowering the next generation of nuclear policy experts.

Norfolk CBP Intercepts Deuterium Destined to China | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Norfolk CBP Intercepts Deuterium Destined to China | U.S. Customs and Border Protection: NORFOLK, Va. – U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized a shipment of China-bound deuterium cylinders in Norfolk on October 18 for violating nuclear nonproliferation licensing laws.

X-energy, Ares drop merger plan : Corporate - World Nuclear News

X-energy, Ares drop merger plan : Corporate - World Nuclear News: Small modular reactor and advanced fuel technology developer X-Energy Reactor Company - known as X-energy - and Ares Acquisition Corporation have "mutually agreed to terminate their previously announced business combination agreement, effective immediately".

Water Wars: The Other Circular Economy | The Breakthrough Institute

Water Wars: The Other Circular Economy | The Breakthrough Institute

Arguments set for last-standing Diablo Canyon lawsuit - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1

Arguments set for last-standing Diablo Canyon lawsuit - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.

(119) Ione stabbing leaves 1 dead, 2 injured including PG&E employee - YouTube

(119) Ione stabbing leaves 1 dead, 2 injured including PG&E employee - YouTube: A triple stabbing in the Ione area of Amador County left one person dead, an on-duty Pacific Gas & Electric Co. employee injured and another person hurt Mond...

Monday, October 30, 2023

White House warns Biden would veto House appropriations measures | The Hill

White House warns Biden would veto House appropriations measures | The Hill: The White House on Monday issued veto threats against two GOP-led House appropriations bills expected to come up for a vote this week as lawmakers seek to avoid a government shutdown in November. The administration expressed its opposition to two funding bills likely to come up on the House floor in the coming days —…

Biden administration puts $1.3 billion toward new power lines | The Hill

Biden administration puts $1.3 billion toward new power lines | The Hill: The Biden administration is putting $1.3 billion toward bolstering the nation’s power lines while emphasizing the investment’s importance for carbon-free power.  The funds will go toward three proposed transmission lines, the administration announced Monday.  One transmission line would bring renewable energy from New Mexico to Arizona. The second would connect Vermont and New Hampshire to Canada. The third…

A hidden feedback loop under Antarctica’s glaciers could accelerate sea level rise, scientists find | CNN

A hidden feedback loop under Antarctica’s glaciers could accelerate sea level rise, scientists find | CNN

Hedge Funds Pile Into Uranium Stocks Poised for ‘Dramatic’ Gains - BNN Bloomberg

Hedge Funds Pile Into Uranium Stocks Poised for ‘Dramatic’ Gains - BNN Bloomberg: Several hedge fund managers have started ratcheting up their exposure to uranium stocks, as they bet on significant price gains.

American Small Reactor Development Suffers From Short Sellers | OilPrice.com

American Small Reactor Development Suffers From Short Sellers | OilPrice.com: Small Nuclear Reactor developer NuScale is struggling to find buyers for its power in the Intermountain West of the U.S., and in the meantime it’s dealing with the negative impact from short sellers

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Rudolph Sutherland | Jamaica’s modern nuclear power plant option | Business | Jamaica Gleaner

Rudolph Sutherland | Jamaica’s modern nuclear power plant option | Business | Jamaica Gleaner: Recently, Prime Minister Andrew Holness announced that Jamaica was looking to include small modular reactor or SMR nuclear power plants among Jamaica’s energy sources. This was repeated by Energy Minister Daryl Vaz in a sectoral debate....

Midwestern States Become More Open to Small Modular Reactors

Midwestern States Become More Open to Small Modular Reactors: Several Midwestern states have taken steps this year signaling receptiveness to small modular reactor development.



Saudi Arabia's Defense Minister to travel to US for Gaza talks | Al Mayadeen English

Saudi Arabia's Defense Minister to travel to US for Gaza talks | Al Mayadeen English

BofA: The nuclear necessity – AdvisorAnalyst.com

BofA: The nuclear necessity – AdvisorAnalyst.com: by Jared Woodard, Investment and ETF Strategist, BofA Securities Jared Woodard, Investment and ETF Strategist at BofA Securities,…

Why does nuclear energy scare people? We gave it a rebrand

Why does nuclear energy scare people? We gave it a rebrand

The Dangers of Not Testing Diablo's Reactor Unit 1 - The Santa Barbara Independent

The Dangers of Not Testing Diablo's Reactor Unit 1 - The Santa Barbara Independent

How to Prevent the Next PG&E Disaster

How to Prevent the Next PG&E Disaster

Hungary to veto 12th EU sanctions package if Russian gas, oil targeted | Al Mayadeen English

Hungary to veto 12th EU sanctions package if Russian gas, oil targeted | Al Mayadeen English