Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Advocates, faith leaders urge action to keep nearly 200,000 Salvadorans in US | National Catholic Reporter
Advocates, faith leaders urge action to keep nearly 200,000 Salvadorans in US | National Catholic Reporter: Yanira Arias came to the U.S. on a tourist visa in 2000 after increasing levels of harassment and crime on the streets and buses of San Salvador, El Salvador, where she worked as a journalist, became ...
River Floods Will Threaten Tens of Millions in Next 25 Years - Scientific American
River Floods Will Threaten Tens of Millions in Next 25 Years - Scientific American: Storms and heavy rainfall events that cause flooding are expected to become more severe
How Does The Ability To Shoot Down Rockets Bring Widespread Value To The Utility Industry?
How Does The Ability To Shoot Down Rockets Bring Widespread Value To The Utility Industry?: mPrest is a big data analytics and controls software company. mPrest has taken the approach it employed in developing Israel's Iron Dome - a mobile air defense system to track and intercept incoming rockets - to help utilities managing increasingly complex environments, a system of systems approach.
As I Close My Hedge Fund, Making New Plans, Setting New Priorities
As I Close My Hedge Fund, Making New Plans, Setting New Priorities: Today, I’ve decided to walk off the job and close my energy hedge fund. As I’ve long said, a fool with a plan can beat a genius without one every day. I am creating a new plan that will include turning my full attention to recovering my health and continuing to invest in personal passions.
Humans Did Not Cause the US Cold Snap - Scientific American
Humans Did Not Cause the US Cold Snap - Scientific American: A new analysis finds the two-week deep freeze had nothing to do with climate change
Killing the Iran Nuclear Agreement with a Thousand Cuts | The National Interest Blog
Killing the Iran Nuclear Agreement with a Thousand Cuts | The National Interest Blog: Don’t be either fooled or relieved by President Trump’s waiving, for now, of nuclear sanctions on Iran.
How to End U.S. Strategic Failure in the Middle East | The National Interest Blog
How to End U.S. Strategic Failure in the Middle East | The National Interest Blog: The Trump administration’s new plan for Afghanistan will simply add four more years to the strategic futility that we’ve endured since 2001.
The US retail industry is hemorrhaging jobs – and it's hitting women hardest | Business | The Guardian
The US retail industry is hemorrhaging jobs – and it's hitting women hardest | Business | The Guardian: As the retail landscape undergoes a dramatic transformation, analysis finds 129,000 women lost jobs last year while men actually gained positions
Russian DNC Hackers Targeting Senate, Cyber Firm Says - Nextgov
Russian DNC Hackers Targeting Senate, Cyber Firm Says - Nextgov: Sen. Ben Sasse wants Attorney General Jeff Sessions to testify on the issue.
Next Week Will Be A Very Bad Week For Democrats and Their Media… | The Last Refuge
Next Week Will Be A Very Bad Week For Democrats and Their Media… | The Last Refuge: Unless the professional praetorian media apparatus can find another 'sh**hole' to hide behind, next week is shaping up to be a VERY bad week for Democrats: The U.S. DOJ Has Begun Taking down the low hanging fruit on the Uranium One Tree - SEE HERE The Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, Has Begun releasing a years-worth…
The Democrats Have a “Dossier” Problem, and It Will Not Go Away… | The Last Refuge
The Democrats Have a “Dossier” Problem, and It Will Not Go Away… | The Last Refuge: Journalist Kimberley A. Strassel is one of the few mainstream journalists writing about the collaborative 2016 DOJ/FBI "Trump Operation" with a sense of what is to come. Strassel likely understands where the story is going, and appears to have a solid grasp on the evidence trail, yet necessarily writes cautiously - the stakes are indeed…
Nunes charges 'abuse' of government surveillance by FBI and Justice officials | Fox News
Nunes charges 'abuse' of government surveillance by FBI and Justice officials | Fox News: House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes told Republican colleagues in two closed-door meetings this week he has seen evidence that shows clear abuse of government surveillance programs by FBI and Justice Department officials.
Former President of Maryland-Based Transportation Company Indicted on 11 Counts Related to Foreign Bribery, Fraud and Money Laundering Scheme
Former President of Maryland-Based Transportation Company Indicted on 11 Counts Related to Foreign Bribery, Fraud and Money Laundering Scheme
Allegedly Paid Bribes to a Russian Official So His Company Could Win
Highly Sensitive Nuclear Fuel Transportation Contracts
Allegedly Paid Bribes to a Russian Official So His Company Could Win
Highly Sensitive Nuclear Fuel Transportation Contracts
Friday, January 12, 2018
Coal,Coal Price,An overview of China's nuclear energy industry in 2017
Coal,Coal Price,An overview of China's nuclear energy industry in 2017: Xi Jinping's remark on China's nuclear power
Chinese President Xi Jinping wished that C...
Chinese President Xi Jinping wished that C...
There won’t be any winners in a nuclear war | HeraldNet.com
There won’t be any winners in a nuclear war | HeraldNet.com: There has never have been a “nuclear war.”
Trump: 'Immediate Inspections' Needed at Iran's Facilities Included In Nuke Deal - Sputnik International
Trump: 'Immediate Inspections' Needed at Iran's Facilities Included In Nuke Deal - Sputnik International: US President Donald Trump stated Friday that there are only two ways forward for the Iran deal: "fix the deal's disastrous flaws, or the United States will withdraw." He said both parties in the US Congress must work together to produce a bill demanding "that Iran allow immediate inspections at all sites requested by international inspectors."
FULL TEXT: Trump threatens to quit nuclear deal if it isn't 'fixed' within four months - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
FULL TEXT: Trump threatens to quit nuclear deal if it isn't 'fixed' within four months - U.S. News - Haaretz.com: 'Today I am waiving the application of certain nuclear sanctions, but only in order to secure our European allies’ agreement to fix the terrible flaws of the nuclear deal,' Trump says
The sad collapse of a corporate titan | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The sad collapse of a corporate titan | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Construction of China's 600 MWe demonstration fast reactor at Xiapu, Fujian province, has officially begun with the pouring of the first concrete for the reactor's basemat. The reactor is scheduled to begin commercial operation by 2023.
China begins building pilot fast reactor
China begins building pilot fast reactor: Construction of China's 600 MWe demonstration fast reactor at Xiapu, Fujian province, has officially begun with the pouring of the first concrete for the reactor's basemat. The reactor is scheduled to begin commercial operation by 2023.
Leningrad II-1 reactor assembled
Leningrad II-1 reactor assembled: Rosenergoatom has completed the assembly of the reactor vessel for unit 1 of the Leningrad Phase II nuclear power plant, which is in Sosnovy Bor in western Russia. The nuclear power plant operator subsidiary of state nuclear corporation Rosatom said yesterday the VVER-1200 is now being prepared for first criticality this month.
The Day - Yucca is obvious answer to nuclear waste question - News from southeastern Connecticut
The Day - Yucca is obvious answer to nuclear waste question - News from southeastern Connecticut: The alternative to moving nuclear waste to the location developed for that purpose is to allow it to remain in communities such as Waterford and Haddem Neck.
Ohio Utilities Contemplate Next Steps After Trump Regulators Reject Coal-Nuclear Plant Subsidies | WKSU
Ohio Utilities Contemplate Next Steps After Trump Regulators Reject Coal-Nuclear Plant Subsidies | WKSU: Ohio utilities are considering their next steps after federal regulators knocked down a measure that would have allowed subsidies for struggling power
State seeks delay in nuclear plant sale hearings | The Seattle Times
State seeks delay in nuclear plant sale hearings | The Seattle Times: MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — Several Vermont state agencies are seeking to delay hearings this month on the proposed sale of the closed Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. The Rutland Herald...
Federal regulators shut down a push to support coal and nuclear power - Business Insider
Federal regulators shut down a push to support coal and nuclear power - Business Insider: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission unanimously shot down President Trump’s coal and nuclear bailout proposal
Federal Regulators Deal Huge Blow To The Coal Industry | OilPrice.com
Federal Regulators Deal Huge Blow To The Coal Industry | OilPrice.com: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission unanimously shot down President Trump’s coal and nuclear bailout proposal
The Energy Collective Daily: A Victory for Competitive Markets and Advanced Energy, as FERC Rejects DoE Coal, Nuke Bailout and Begins Serious Look at Grid Resistance

- A Victory for Competitive Markets, and Advanced Energy, as FERC Rejects DoE Coal, Nuke Bailout and Begins Serious Look at Grid Resilience
- During Recent Cold Snap, the U.S. Withdrew a Record Amount of Natural Gas from Storage
- Proposed Changes to Energy Conservation Standards Program for Appliances
- Pennsylvania Suspends Mariner East 2 Pipeline Construction, Citing Sunoco’s ‘Egregious and Willful’ Violations
NRC Says NuScale SMR Won’t Need Backup Electrical Power | Neutron Bytes
NRC Says NuScale SMR Won’t Need Backup Electrical Power | Neutron Bytes: The regulatory agency’s decision is a first for light water reactors and may set a precedent for future LWR type SMRs with similar designs NuScale responds to questions from this blog about the NRC finding NEI's CEO applauds the NRC decision The U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has told NuScale that it is satisfied that…
Pilgrim nuclear plant back online after storm shutdown - News - The Patriot Ledger, Quincy, MA - Quincy, MA
Pilgrim nuclear plant back online after storm shutdown - News - The Patriot Ledger, Quincy, MA - Quincy, MA: A key regulatory agency determined NuScale’s small modular reactor design eliminates the need for an electrical safety system required of every other nuclear reactor in the United States.
SMR safety feature validated | Post Register
SMR safety feature validated | Post Register: A key regulatory agency determined NuScale’s small modular reactor design eliminates the need for an electrical safety system required of every other nuclear reactor in the United States.
Indian Point nuclear plant workers authorize a strike
Indian Point nuclear plant workers authorize a strike: Your community. Your newspaper. In depth and independent. The Coast News Group covers Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Encinitas, Solana Beach, Del Mar, Carmel Valley, Rancho Santa Fe, Escondido, San Marcos & Vista.
San Onofre: Nuclear waste storage legacy of closed plant – The Coast News Group
San Onofre: Nuclear waste storage legacy of closed plant – The Coast News Group: Your community. Your newspaper. In depth and independent. The Coast News Group covers Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Encinitas, Solana Beach, Del Mar, Carmel Valley, Rancho Santa Fe, Escondido, San Marcos & Vista.
Diablo Canyon closure OK'd, plan will raise customer bills
Diablo Canyon closure OK'd, plan will raise customer bills: PG&E can close Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, the California Public Utilities Commission decided Thursday, January 11, 2018, and SLO County won’t get its $85 million mitigation settlement.
Diablo Canyon | PG&E can close nuclear plant, commission says | The Tribune
Diablo Canyon | PG&E can close nuclear plant, commission says | The Tribune: PG&E can close Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, the California Public Utilities Commission decided Thursday, January 11, 2018, and SLO County won’t get its $85 million mitigation settlement.
Diablo Canyon to Close Without Clean Energy Guarantees | Greentech Media
Diablo Canyon to Close Without Clean Energy Guarantees | Greentech Media: The plan for closing California’s last nuclear plant slashes a proposed budget for worker retraining—and has “no explicit provision” for zero-carbon replacements.
CPUC Backs PG&E Plan to Retire Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant
CPUC Backs PG&E Plan to Retire Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant: Regulators vote unanimously for PG&E's application to retire two reactors at the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant, the last operating nuke plant in California.
Nuclear power receives its death sentence in California: Regulators vote to shut down Diablo Canyon - The San Diego Union-Tribune
Nuclear power receives its death sentence in California: Regulators vote to shut down Diablo Canyon - The San Diego Union-Tribune: The last remaining nuclear power plant in California will go offline, starting in 2024.
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Nuclear Roundup January 12, 2018
INMM-USNIC Symposium Takes 360-Degree Look At Global Spent Fuel Management
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Fukushima Update 1/11/18

The $5 billion “Operation Tomodachi” lawsuit is dismissed… The NRA chair once again says the wastewater at F. Daiichi should be released to the sea… A new telescoping device will look underneath the unit #2 RPV pedestal… A Tokyo antinuclear group formally proposes a government bill to stop nuke restarts and abolish nuclear energy.
Putin: Russia and US in talks over nuclear pact - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk
Putin: Russia and US in talks over nuclear pact - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk: Russian president Vladimir Putin has said Moscow is holding negotiations with Washington regarding a pivotal nuclear arms pact.
California’s last nuclear plant to close after unanimous vote by regulators - San Francisco Chronicle
California’s last nuclear plant to close after unanimous vote by regulators - San Francisco Chronicle: California Vote Seals Fate of State’s Last Nuclear Power Plant
California Vote Seals Fate of State’s Last Nuclear Plant - Bloomberg Quint
California Vote Seals Fate of State’s Last Nuclear Plant - Bloomberg Quint: California Vote Seals Fate of State’s Last Nuclear Power Plant
France and China to enhance nuclear energy cooperation
France and China to enhance nuclear energy cooperation: Cooperation on nuclear power technology is to be expanded between China General Nuclear (CGN) and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) under an agreement signed yesterday in Beijing. New Areva and China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) have also agreed to work towards signing a contract for the construction of a used fuel processing and recycling facility in China.
These Countries Are Using Nuclear Energy To Provide More Than 50% Of Their Power
These Countries Are Using Nuclear Energy To Provide More Than 50% Of Their Power: Are there countries in the world that use nuclear energy to provide more than 50% of their electricity? This question was originally answered on Quora by Michael Barnard.
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Nuclear Roundup January 11, 2018
A daily roundup of quality nuclear policy news.
North Korea Disturbing things you never knew about North Korea's nuclear weapons http://nationalinterest.org/ Is the US preparing for preventive war? Views from North Korea http://www.38north.org/2018/ Japan’s role in the North Korea nuclear crisis https://allthingsnuclear.org/ Why Trump's national security adviser thinks it might soon be time to bomb North Korea http://www.businessinsider. A Kazakhstan model for North Korea nuclear settlement https://www.huffingtonpost. Nuclear buttons and sunsets https://www.aspistrategist. United States Senators optimistic on plan to avoid collapse of Iran nuclear deal https://www.politico.com/ Trump could kill the Iran nuclear deal on Friday — but he probably won’t https://www.vox.com/world/ Blair: Strengthening checks on presidential nuclear launch authority https://www.armscontrol.org/ America’s most powerful nuclear weapon almost killed the people who helped build it http://nationalinterest.org/ Would 90 percent of Americans really die from an EMP attack? Some think so. http://nationalinterest.org/ NNSA conducts first disaster response drill with USAID https://nnsa.energy.gov/blog/ International European powers urge Trump to preserve Iran nuclear deal https://www.reuters.com/ Russia, Iran say to adhere to nuclear deal http://www.xinhuanet.com/ Boris Johnson to raise Iran protests in nuclear deal talks https://www.politico.eu/ Cyberattack could lead to inadvertent nuclear strike, think tank warns https://www.nbcnews.com/news/ Link to report: https://www.chathamhouse.org/ General Interest How to prepare your campus for a nuclear attack https://www. Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at brodnica67@gmail.com. Receive this message as a forward? Subscribe to the Nuclear Roundup here. |
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