Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Friday, October 16, 2015
The Islamic State is trying to hack American electrical power companies -- but they are terrible at it.
The Islamic State is trying to hack American electrical power companies -- but they are terrible at it.
Feds close to issuing 1st nuclear license in 20 years
Feds close to issuing 1st nuclear license in 20 years
China to invest $78 bn to build 110 nuclear power plants by 2030, will overtake UShttp://www.firstpost.com/world/china-to-invest-78-bn-to-build-110-nuclear-power-plants-by-2030-will-overtake-us-2471414.html
U.S. envoy says Iran tested nuclear-capable missile, violating U.N.
U.S. envoy says Iran tested nuclear-capable missile, violating U.N.
http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2015/10/16/U-S-envoy-says-Iran-tested-nuclear-capable-missile-violating-U-N-.html‘New’ U.S. nukes are anything but
‘New’ U.S. nukes are anything but
Egypt to Build Russian Nuclear Power Plant
Egypt to Build Russian Nuclear Power Plant The North Africa Post Egyptian authorities are negotiating with Russian Company Rosatom for the construction of a nuclear power plant to enable the most populous ...http://northafricapost.com/9543-egypt-to-build-russian-nuclear-power-plant.html
American nuclear firm NuScale seeks UK partners for small reactor market
American nuclear firm NuScale seeks UK partners for small reactor market
A US nuclear power company is seeking
engineering and construction partners as part of plans to develop a
multi-billion-pound small modular reactor (SMR) market in the UK.
US NRC says action on TVA nuclear power unit license 'couple of weeks' away
US NRC says action on TVA nuclear power unit license 'couple of weeks' away
Upgrades at Fermi 2 pleases regulators New NRC chief tours nuke plant
Upgrades at Fermi 2 pleases regulators
New NRC chief tours nuke plant
https://www.toledoblade.com/Energy/2015/10/15/Upgrades-at-Fermi-2-pleases-regulators.htmlReport: UAE might seek right to enrich uranium
Report: UAE might seek right to enrich uranium
Post Iran nuclear deal, UAE diplomat tells congressman his country no longer feels bound by previous agreement with US.
Bravo - Japan Restarts A Second Nuclear Reactor
Bravo - Japan Restarts A Second Nuclear Reactor
http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2015/10/16/bravo-japan-restarts-a-second-nuclear-reactor/EU nuclear trade body calls for 100 new reactors by 2050
EU nuclear trade body calls for 100 new reactors by 2050
The European Union should maintain at least the current capacity of nuclear generation up to and beyond 2050, entailing the commissioning of more than 100 nuclear power reactors over the next 35 years, Foratom said 2 October. This target would deliver 122 GWe of nuclear capacity between 2025 and 2045.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/EE-EU-nuclear-trade-body-calls-for-100-new-reactors-by-2050-5101501.html
Research helps accelerate Sellafield clean-up
Research helps accelerate Sellafield clean-up
The findings of a four-year study on the corrosion behaviours of magnesium and uranium may help to significantly reduce the timescale and costs of cleaning up the Magnox Swarf Storage Silo at Sellafield, one of the UK's most hazardous buildings.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/WR-Research-helps-accelerate-Sellafield-clean-up-1410155.html#.Vh-W87L9AOI.linkedin
Kansas utility to retire old generating units by year's end
Kansas utility to retire old generating units by year's end
California’s Clean Energy Bill Could Serve As A Template For National Energy Policy
California’s Clean Energy Bill Could Serve As A Template For National Energy Policy
Energy Insights: An Update From The Third Quarter Of 2015
Energy Insights: An Update From The Third Quarter Of 2015
A Global Effort To Phase Down Hydrofluorocarbons
A Global Effort To Phase Down Hydrofluorocarbons
Sendai No.2 reactor achieves criticality
Sendai No.2 reactor achieves criticality
Letter from Glenn Schleede to Republican Governors
Dear Republican Governors:
In response to your request, Without doubt, your highest priority should be
to reform the US and state tax codes to stop the massive transfer of wealth from
ordinary taxpayers to the owners of "Renewable" energy facilities (including
wind, solar, and ethanol. The massive special interest tax breaks, flying
under the cover of "stopping climate change' have already cost ordinary
citizens, taxpayers,and consumers billions of dollars -- all for the benefit of
renewable facility owners** and their "tax equity partners (mostly big
banks and financial firms. The participation of some Republican governors
in lobbying efforts to extend federal wind and solar production tax credits is
especially disgusting. Governors should also fight for repeal of state
"renewable portfolio standards" that have added to the massive wealth
There has been plenty of evidence available for 5 years or more that (a)
electricity from wind energy is high in cost and low in real value, (b) and
(c) ethanol use forced by renewable fuel standards has environmental costs
as well as costs to consumers who are forced to bear the cost of less efficient
fuel for automobiles.
It's time for Governors as well as establishment politicians in
Washington and state capitals to stop crony capitalism masquerading as something
to stop "global warming.
In case you haven't noticed, grassroots voters are fed up with the whole
Washington establishment and there is a good possibility that the growing voter
anger will spread to state political leaders.
** some. such as Spain-based Iberdrola and US-based NextEra, and
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway have reaped Billions and Billions from
these programs and special interest tax breaks -- often at the expense of
our children and grandchildren who will inherit the massive national debt
and electric customers who are paying higher monthly electric bills and finding
that they have less money to spend for food, clothing, shelter, health care and
Glenn Schleede
Ashburn, VA
Power Engineering's E Newsletter Top Stories
Thursday, October 15, 2015
ANS Winter Meeting
ANS Winter Meeting registration is underway and attached is a press release with details and registration information.
Please post and promote for early registration ending on Oct. 17 and final registration ending Oct. 31.
Meeting highlights include:
Susan Eisenhower presents the Dwight D. Eisenhower
Award to George Schultz, former Secretary of State for Ronald Reagan and
Dr. Sidney Drell, Senior Fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institute.
ANS President Gene Grecheck’s session on long-term operation of the U.S. commercial nuclear fleet – sustaining a national asset
Climate Change and nuclear nonproliferation sessions heading into ANS attendance at COP21 in December.- Technical sessions on MOX Fuel, SMR’s, new nuclear construction in the world and much more.
1 of 32 Nuclear Going Forward in Pennsylvania
Nuclear Matters has taken the conversation about the importance of our existing nuclear fleet to states around the country through our national event series, Nuclear Going Forward [ http://nuclear-going-forward.
Dr. Larry Lindsey, who formerly served as Director of the National Economic Council for President George W. Bush, kicked-off the event with a keynote [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Two panels of industry and energy experts followed the keynote. The first [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Our thanks go to all of our partners and event co-host Bloomberg for their collaboration in making this event such a success.
- The Nuclear Matters Team
P.S. Check out the Brattle Group's recently-released economic study [ http://www.nuclearmatters.com/
A change in climate needed for nuclear power
A change in climate needed for nuclear power
Another Nuclear Power Station Closing
Another Nuclear Power Station Closing
http://www.energymatters.com.au/renewable-news/pilgrim-nuclear-power-em5130/What Pilgrim decision says about energy market
What Pilgrim decision says about energy market
Entergy says natural gas prices undermined its Plymouth nuke
Entergy Sees Big Gain on Sale of RI Gas Plant to Carlyle
Entergy Sees Big Gain on Sale of RI Gas Plant to Carlyle
SurfPaducah - Oct 13, 2015
The plant's parent company said it will be closing do to poor market
conditions, reduced revenues and increased operational costs. The plant
was relicensed in 2012 for 20 years. The Pilgrim nuclear decommissioning
trust had a balance of approximately ... http://isurfpaducah.com/2015/10/14/entergy-sees-big-gain-on-sale-of-ri-gas-plant-to-carlyle27140/
Fossil fuel plants more dangerous than nukes
Fossil fuel plants more dangerous than nukes
Cape Cod Times (subscription) - Oct 13, 2015
The Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth is in trouble. It is in
poor condition and the owner, Entergy, announced yesterday that it plans
to shut it down in 2019. Like anyone on Cape Cod, I worry about being
downwind from a nuclear power plant ...http://www.capecodtimes.com/article/20151014/OPINION/151019799
ANS Update: Climate Change and Nonproliferation Topics Lead Nuclear Energy Meeting

Climate Change and Nonproliferation Topics Lead Nuclear Energy MeetingBy ansnuclearcafe on Oct 15, 2015 11:40 amANS Members from Around the World to Gather in D.C. for Winter Meeting Nuclear professionals from the U.S. and around the world will meet to discuss climate change, nuclear nonproliferation Continue Reading → Read in browser » |
SCANA’s Byrne: Nuclear Vital for Fuel and Energy Diversity
SCANA’s Byrne: Nuclear Vital for Fuel and Energy Diversity
High court seems troubled over energy pricing rule
High court seems troubled over energy pricing rule
How Do You Decommission A Nuclear Power Plant?
How Do You Decommission A Nuclear Power Plant?
DOE to proceed with $123.9M waste contract
DOE to proceed with $123.9M waste contract
http://www.knoxnews.com/news/local-news/doe-to-proceed-with-1239m-waste-contract_63159554Nuclear plant owner: It's gov's fault
Nuclear plant owner: It's gov's fault
Says planned closing
due to energy policies
Says planned closing
due to energy policies
'Revived' Atommash completes RPV for Belarus
'Revived' Atommash completes RPV for Belarus
Russian heavy machine-building company Atommash said yesterday it had completed production of the reactor pressure vessel for the Ostrovets nuclear power plant in Belarus. It is the first RPV manufactured at Atommash's production site after a nearly 30-year hiatus and the first since it became part of Rosatom, the Russian state nuclear corporation, in 2012.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Revived-Atommash-completes-RPV-for-Belarus-15101501.html
Russian heavy machine-building company Atommash said yesterday it had completed production of the reactor pressure vessel for the Ostrovets nuclear power plant in Belarus. It is the first RPV manufactured at Atommash's production site after a nearly 30-year hiatus and the first since it became part of Rosatom, the Russian state nuclear corporation, in 2012.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Revived-Atommash-completes-RPV-for-Belarus-15101501.html
Second Japanese reactor restarted
Second Japanese reactor restarted
Unit 2 of the Sendai nuclear power plant in Japan's Kagoshima prefecture was restarted today, plant owner Kyushu Electric Power Company announced. It becomes the second Japanese reactor to resume operation after the country idled its entire fleet following the March 2011 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-Second-Japanese-reactor-restarted-1510154.html
Unit 2 of the Sendai nuclear power plant in Japan's Kagoshima prefecture was restarted today, plant owner Kyushu Electric Power Company announced. It becomes the second Japanese reactor to resume operation after the country idled its entire fleet following the March 2011 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-Second-Japanese-reactor-restarted-1510154.html
Fukushima Update 10/15/15
Fukushima Update 10/15/15 –
Sendai unit #2 is restarted… Japanese lack of knowledge about radiation is on the rise… Tokyo discloses a five-point plan for used fuel disposal.
Sendai unit #2 is restarted… Japanese lack of knowledge about radiation is on the rise… Tokyo discloses a five-point plan for used fuel disposal.
NRC Blog Update: Throwback Thursday – Save the Date for the RIC
Throwback Thursday – Save the Date for the RIC

In this photo, Commissioner Edward McGaffigan, Jr., gives a presentation during the 2004 RIC. This Boston native and self-described John Kennedy Democrat was first appointed to the Commission by President Clinton in 1996. Commissioner McGaffigan died Sept. 7, 2007, after a long battle with melanoma. He holds what distinction among former and present Commission members?
Entergy to Permanently Close Troubled Pilgrim Nuclear Plant
Entergy to Permanently Close Troubled
Pilgrim Nuclear Plant
Entergy Corp. will permanently close its 680-MW Pilgrim nuclear power plant in Plymouth, Mass., by June 2019, owing to poor market conditions, reduced revenues, and increased operational costs, the company said on Oct. 13. Read More http://www.powermag.com/entergy-to-permanently-close-troubled-pilgrim-nuclear-plant/?hq_e=el&hq_m=3166216&hq_l=3&hq_v=30108e0773
Entergy Corp. will permanently close its 680-MW Pilgrim nuclear power plant in Plymouth, Mass., by June 2019, owing to poor market conditions, reduced revenues, and increased operational costs, the company said on Oct. 13. Read More http://www.powermag.com/entergy-to-permanently-close-troubled-pilgrim-nuclear-plant/?hq_e=el&hq_m=3166216&hq_l=3&hq_v=30108e0773
Kansas utility to retire old generating units by year's end
Kansas utility to retire old generating units by year's end
Russia’s Cruise Missiles Raise The Stakes In The Caspian |
By Farzin Nadimi, Wednesday, October 14, 2015 10:11 AM
missile strikes on targets in Syria showed unprecedented cooperation
between Russia and Iran, but they also serve as a wakeup call to Tehran
about Moscow’s expanding military profile in the Caspian. On October 7,
the Russian Defense Ministry announced that its warships had fired
twenty-six cruise missiles from the central Caspian Sea at eleven… Keep reading →http://breakingenergy.com/2015/10/14/russias-cruise-missiles-raise-the-stakes-in-the-caspian/?utm_campaign=Breaking+Energy+Daily+Digest&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=22869845&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8rJZxUf-0aL2GZGtNK1nMaVadOcQ4x32uLEzHM_IpEVXBSe25dhzXG4pk0Q1gGCcQ7I82HYpNLclj3ut7uXSjbppQMmw&_hsmi=22869845
Energy News Roundup: Gates Refutes Fossil Fuel Divestment, Amazon Drought Levels Rising & Pilgrim Nuclear Station To Close
By Conor O'Sullivan on October 14, 2015 at 12:00 PMBill Gates has branded fossil fuel divestment “a false solution” and accused environmentalists of making misleading claims about the price of solar power. [The Guardian]
A study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has revealed finds the total area of the Amazon affected by severe drought will triple by the end of the century. [The Washington Post]
The Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, the only nuclear power plant in Massachusetts, will close by June 2019 because of unsustainable maintenance costs. [The NY Times] http://breakingenergy.com/2015/10/14/energy-news-roundup-gates-refutes-fossil-fuel-divestment-amazon-drought-levels-rising-pilgrim-nuclear-station-to-close/?utm_campaign=Breaking+Energy+Daily+Digest&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=22869845&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9CzgVt1t5OTPEbAfeIXdDAnZ2ppa9p7VrmYVxzsvBSXKblkHV6fVcanxSYbm9I_3OaSJks74F9MjfGK-EO_DoGJpo09Q&_hsmi=22869845
Energy Department Invests Over $34 Million To Improve Protection Of The Nation’s Energy Infrastructure
Energy Department Invests Over $34 Million To Improve Protection Of The Nation’s Energy Infrastructure |
By U.S. Department of Energy, Wednesday, October 14, 2015 5:00 PM
part of the Obama Administration’s commitment to protecting America’s
energy critical infrastructure, the Energy Department (DOE) today
announced more than $34 million for two projects that will improve the
protection of the U.S. electric grid and oil and natural gas
infrastructure from cyber threats.The University of Arkansas and the
University of Illinois will assemble… Keep reading →Energy Department Invests Over $34 Million To Improve Protection Of The Nation’s Energy Infrastructure
http://breakingenergy.com/2015/10/14/energy-department-invests-over-34-million-to-improve-protection-of-the-nations-energy-infrastructure/?utm_campaign=Breaking+Energy+Daily+Digest&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=22869845&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--CuLiFzSffXVZAuRss4iqUrYyYImyod82pSK7oy-4EHdb_XrIeEqkvLPuBahfRktaCOSMCXVOWAkLT9hHw_4ox-g7E3g&_hsmi=22869845 |
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