Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Will Kill No One - As I Told You
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Will Kill No One - As I Told You
That there would be both hydrogen explosions damaging the outer casing and also a meltdown of the core. That was and is the limiting worst case for these types of reactor. A chain reaction of nuclear explosions is no more possible than it is that the ...http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2013/06/01/the-fukushima-nuclear-disaster-will-kill-no-one-as-i-told-you/
That there would be both hydrogen explosions damaging the outer casing and also a meltdown of the core. That was and is the limiting worst case for these types of reactor. A chain reaction of nuclear explosions is no more possible than it is that the ...http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2013/06/01/the-fukushima-nuclear-disaster-will-kill-no-one-as-i-told-you/
Local power plant battling lawmakers and environmentalists to stay open
Local power plant battling lawmakers and environmentalists to stay open New York's PIX11 / WPIX-TV About 20 million people live within 50 miles of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, a huge concern for lawmakers and environmentalists who want it shut down before a there's a major accident or natural disaster. So while Entergy, the company that ...http://pix11.com/2013/05/31/local-power-plant-battling-lawmakers-and-environmentalists-to-stay-open/#axzz2Uzhs2T6f |
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No Longer Unthinkable: Should US Ready For ‘Limited’ Nuclear War?
No Longer Unthinkable: Should US Ready For ‘Limited’ Nuclear War? http://breakingdefense.com/2013/05/30/no-longer-unthinkable-should-us-ready-for-limited-nuclear-war/
Nukes In My Backyard - No Big Deal
Nukes In My Backyard - No Big Deal
http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2013/06/01/nukes-in-my-backyard-no-big-deal/Why can't we quit fossil fuels?
Why can't we quit fossil fuels?
Despite the clean technology of the past decade, we continue to extract and burn fossil fuels more than ever before
Nonproliferation: US NRC Blog
nonproliferation | U.S. NRC Blog Nonproliferation is a policy objective of the U.S. and the international community ( most notably through the International Atomic Energy Agency) to prevent the ... public-blog.nrc-gateway.gov/ |
New component issues idle Korean reactors
New component issues idle Korean reactors
28 May 2013
Two South Korean power reactors have been ordered offline
and another two must remain out of operation until uncertified cabling
has been replaced. The government is worried about possible power
shortages over the coming months as a result.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/RS-Substandard_cables_lead_to_Korean_shutdowns-2805134.html?goback=.gde_2170900_member_245634507
Kinder Morgan shelves Texas-California pipeline
Kinder Morgan shelves Texas-California pipeline
Los Angeles Times
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP said Friday that it has shelved plans for a pipeline carrying crude oil from Texas to California because refineries weren't interested enough. At an estimated cost of $2 billion, the Freedom pipeline would have been a ...http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-pipeline-shelved-20130531,0,777287.story
Los Angeles Times
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP said Friday that it has shelved plans for a pipeline carrying crude oil from Texas to California because refineries weren't interested enough. At an estimated cost of $2 billion, the Freedom pipeline would have been a ...http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-pipeline-shelved-20130531,0,777287.story
UNSCEAR's findings of no future cancers for Fukushima residents
UNSCEAR's findings of no future cancers for Fukushima residents has received a lot of Press, both inside and outside Japan. Here's the UNIS (United Nations Information Service) press release on it.
No Immediate Health Risks from Fukushima Nuclear Accident Says UN... unis.unvienna.org
For information only - not an
official document VIENNA, 31 May (UN Information Service) - "Radiation
exposure following the nuclear accident at Fukushima-Daiichi did not
cause any immediate health effects. It is unlikely to be...
Press Release: http://www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/en/pressrels/2013/unisinf475.html
Press Release: http://www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/en/pressrels/2013/unisinf475.html
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Abu Dhabi turns to nuclear energy with second reactor
The oil-rich UAE began construction yesterday of a second nuclear
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emissions by some 12 million tonnes a year in 2020.Emirates Nuclear
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Unit 2, in a ceremony attended by visiting Korean Trade, Industry and
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“In coming years, reaching [climate] goals can't be done without nuclear power.”
We never forget that nuclear energy has a lot to offer in
climate change mitigation, a fact that can get lost in the enthusiasm
for natural gas. So it never hurts to be reminded of it, especially when
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Friday, May 31, 2013
Russian-Czech Agreement on Temelin Power Plant to Irk US
Russian-Czech Agreement on Temelin Power Plant to Irk US
Energy Tribune
Infrastructure investment projects like Temelin nuclear power plant could be the cornerstone of successful bilateral cooperation. Temelin NPP means not only thousands new jobs, but also affordable energy for the Czech industry. It can truly be a safety ...http://www.energytribune.com/77333/russian-czech-agreement-on-temelin-power-plant-to-irk-us#sthash.8SXde0tr.dpbs
Energy Tribune
Infrastructure investment projects like Temelin nuclear power plant could be the cornerstone of successful bilateral cooperation. Temelin NPP means not only thousands new jobs, but also affordable energy for the Czech industry. It can truly be a safety ...http://www.energytribune.com/77333/russian-czech-agreement-on-temelin-power-plant-to-irk-us#sthash.8SXde0tr.dpbs
Russian contractor to hold tenders for Turkish nuclear plant
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Al-Arabiya - 47 minutes ago
The Nouri petrochemical plant is seen in Assalouyeh, 1,000 km (621
miles) south of Tehran, January 27, 2011. (Reuters). Tweet. Timothy
Gardner - Reuters, WASHINGTON. The United States blacklisted on Friday
eight companies in Iran's petrochemical ...http://english.alarabiya.net/en/business/economy/2013/06/01/U-S-imposes-sanctions-on-Iran-s-petrochemical-industry.html
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http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/05/31/us-fukushima-fishermen-idUSBRE94U0D620130531No rise in cancer seen from Japan's nuclear disaster: U.N.
No rise in cancer seen from Japan's nuclear disaster: U.N.
NRC Denies Petition Calling for Proliferation Assessments by Applicants for Enrichment or Reprocessing Facilities
May 31.2013
David McIntyre
NRC Denies Petition Calling for Proliferation Assessments
by Applicants for Enrichment or Reprocessing Facilities
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has denied a petition for rulemaking submitted by the
American Physical Society that would have required applicants for uranium enrichment or spent fuel reprocessing licenses to assess potential proliferation risks posed by their facilities.
The Commission approved the staff’s recommendation to deny the petition in a Staff
Requirements Memorandum made public today.One of the NRC’s primary concerns is to ensure the facilities it regulates that manufacture or use enriched uranium do so safely and securely. TheCommission agreed with the staff’s assertion that the NRC’s comprehensive regulations for licensing,oversight and security of nuclear facilities protect classified
information, nuclear materials and technology. Such protections aid the U.S. government’s nonproliferation efforts.
The staff also reasoned that the federal government, with its intelligence resources and
assessment capabilities, assesses proliferation risks of new technologies or facilities more effectively than a commercial applicant can. In this regard, the NRC routinely interacts with and provides expertiseto its Executive Branch partners, including the departments of State, Defense, Energy and Commerce.
The Commission said the agency should explain to the public in plain language how its
regulations and activities address these nonproliferation efforts. The Commission also directed that theNRC should periodically review its regulations to ensure th
ey are robust enough to address potential proliferation challenges raised by enrichment or reprocessing technologies the agency has not previously licensed.
“While the Commission denied the petition, the American Physical Society raised important
issues that we carefully considered,” NRC Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane said. “We will nowperiodically review our regulations and guidance to ensure that they take new technologies into account, and we will more clearly communicate how we look holistically at
nonproliferation objectives in our licensing process.”
The APS filed the petition in November 2010, and the NRC published the petition for public
comment the following month. The agency received nearly 2,400 comment letters, the majority identical form letters supporting the petition. A summary of the comments received and the staff’s responses will be published in a Federal Register notice, expected shortly.
Action urged on nuclear waste Yet another agency? That’s no solution
s | Action urged on nuclear waste
Yet another agency? That’s no solution
Latest Dynatom Magazine, your window to the Chinese nuclear power market
Latest Dynatom Magazine, your window to the Chinese nuclear power market
We published the latest Dynatom Magazine,
with a focus on inspection, qualification and control. This month we
interviewed Zhang Qian from ASME China, Zhang Weiying from Bureau
Veritas, and Bruno Marquis from EDF China.
You can download the magazine for free here
Or read it online: http://www.dynabondpowertech.com/en/service/dynatom-magazine
You can download the magazine for free here
Or read it online: http://www.dynabondpowertech.com/en/service/dynatom-magazine
Dynatom Magazine dynabondpowertech.com
Dynatom® is the foremost market
knowledge tool from Dynabond Powertech Service. As a convenient source
of Chinese nuclear market information, our free monthly magazine
provides its readers with the most up to dated interviews,...
Nuclear rocket puts Mars within reach
Nuclear rocket puts Mars within reach (http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/ON-Nuclear_rocket_puts_Mars_within_reach-3105134.html )
Space travel to Mars and beyond may only be possible using nuclear rockets, NASA suggests. These would be much faster than conventional craft, cutting the duration of the mission and thereby reducing cosmic radiation exposure to astronauts.
Space travel to Mars and beyond may only be possible using nuclear rockets, NASA suggests. These would be much faster than conventional craft, cutting the duration of the mission and thereby reducing cosmic radiation exposure to astronauts.
Fear and stress outweigh Fukushima radiation risk
Fear and stress outweigh Fukushima radiation risk (http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/RS_Fear_and_stress_outweigh_Fukushima_radiation_risk_3105131.html )
The most extensive international report to date has concluded that the only observable health effects from the Fukushima accident stem from the stresses of evacuation and unwarranted fear of radiation.
The most extensive international report to date has concluded that the only observable health effects from the Fukushima accident stem from the stresses of evacuation and unwarranted fear of radiation.
ANS Update 5/31 Nuclear Matinee: Plant Vogtle Nuclear Construction Update
Nuclear Matinee: Plant Vogtle Nuclear Construction Update
By pbowersox on May 31, 2013 01:00 amLast week at the ANS Nuclear Cafe Matinee we caught up with the latest milestones in nuclear construction going on at the V.C. Summer site in South Carolina. Now, let’s take a look at history in the making at Plant … Continue reading →
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Fukushima Updates 5/31
Today's Fukushima update topics -
has told Tepco to freeze the ground around the leaking building
basements at F. Daiichi... JAEA says isotopes from the radiological
incident may have reach one kilometer from the site... The NRA began a
probe to find out if F. Daiichi unit #1 was damaged by the 3/11/11
earthquake... The NRA has opened a new SFP issue, this time at Tsuruga
station... Author Paul Blustein wants the people of Japan to see
Pandora's Promise... The steel frame for F. Daiichi unit #4 enclosure is
completed... Japan’s congress has passed a bill extending the statute
on Fukushima damages suits... A Russian report says health effects from
Chernobyl have been greatly exaggerated.
NRC: Community Leaders Get Invites to SONGS Small Group Discussions
NRC is offering these small group meetings as opportunities for
productive discussions on how the NRC fulfills its regulatory mandate
for protecting public safety and the environment. Those invited to
participate are recognized as community leaders, who could then share
the information with their constituency and the public at large.
small group discussions will focus on process issues concerning the
NRC’s review, rather than specific areas of the staff’s technical
analysis. They do not replace the larger public meeting the staff will
conduct. That meeting will occur after Southern California Edison has
submitted, and the NRC staff has completed our inspection and technical
evaluation of, SCE’s response to the NRC’s Confirmatory Action Letter
new effort will consist of multiple small group gatherings in
California with state elected officials, local elected officials,
environmental non-governmental organizations, and economic development,
energy, and local union/building and trade representatives.
discussion will include 15-20 participants with three to four NRC
representatives and a facilitator. The NRC’s objective is to maintain
the small group size to promote frank, two-way discussions and dialogue.
discussions will be closed to public observation. The information
discussed as part of this effort will be placed on the NRC SONGS special webpage prior to the discussions. No decisions about restart will be announced at these gatherings.
Moderator | May 31, 2013 at 3:21 pm | Tags: NRC, nuclear, San Onofre
| Categories: Operating Reactors
| URL: http://wp.me/p1fSSY-15t
NRC Blog Update 5/31 Assessing NRC’s Nonproliferation Efforts
Assessing NRC’s Nonproliferation Efforts
The NRC has denied
a petition for rulemaking filed by the American Physical Society. The
APS wanted the NRC to require applicants for licenses for uranium
enrichment or spent fuel reprocessing facilities to include a
proliferation risk assessment in their license applications.
In denying the petition, the Commission approved the staff’s two main reasons for the decision:
nonproliferation considerations are already an important part of the NRC’s regulatory process; and
the federal government, with its diplomatic and intelligence resources,
can evaluate proliferation risks better than a license applicant.
What does this mean?
is a policy objective of the U.S. and the international community (most
notably through the International Atomic Energy Agency) to prevent the
proliferation of nuclear weapons by state and non-state actors. A key
way of achieving this goal is to block the spread of nuclear technology
used to produce weapons-usable material.
State Department is the lead U.S. agency on nonproliferation issues.
Support comes from the Commerce, Defense and Energy departments, the
intelligence community and the NRC.
APS said in the petition they were concerned advances in enrichment or
reprocessing technologies might make it easier for other countries to
develop nuclear weapons. The group filed the petition after GE-Hitachi
applied for a license to build and operate an enrichment plant in North
Carolina using laser technology developed in Australia. (The NRC granted
that license last September.)
the laser technology was developed in Australia, the State Department
conducted a proliferation assessment in 1999 as part of the original
agreement to import the technology to this country. There is no
requirement for such an assessment if the technology is developed and
licensed here.
regulations already provide a number of protections against the
unauthorized spread of sensitive information, technology or material
from the U.S.
• Physical security: Licensees must protect against sabotage or theft of special nuclear material at their facilities and in transit.
• Material control and accounting:
Licensees must control and account for their inventories of special
nuclear material and document its transfer. This includes protection
against unauthorized production of enriched uranium or plutonium.
• Information security:
Licensees must prevent unauthorized access to classified information
and technology, through security clearances, physical protection, and
cyber security.
• Export-import licensing:
The NRC must approve the export or import of certain nuclear materials
and equipment. Countries receiving the exports must provide assurances
that the material or equipment will be protected, at least to the level
in internationally-agreed guidelines.
the staff noted in the petition denial, these requirements and NRC’s
continuous oversight form a tapestry of protection for nuclear material
and technology. These regulations – focusing on preventing the theft or
diversion of radioactive materials and classified technologies – provide
day-to-day protection against proliferation risks.
Commission directed the NRC staff to periodically review these
regulations and guidance. Why? To ensure they are robust enough to meet
new proliferation challenges related to building and operating
enrichment or reprocessing facilities the NRC has not previously
Commission also concluded there is a need to communicate more
effectively with the public on how the NRC holistically addresses
non-proliferation objectives in agency processes. And to communicate on
how the agency contributes to broader government nonproliferation
NRC will continue to support the State Department and other federal
agencies in these efforts, we will also continue to address
proliferation risks in our comprehensive regulations for physical
security, material control and accounting, information security, cyber
security, and export control.
these reasons, the NRC is confident these multiple layers address
proliferation risks and concerns that might be raised by NRC licensing
enrichment or reprocessing facilities.
NRC’s decision to deny the APS petition will be explained in greater
detail in a Federal Register notice to be published soon. The staff
paper recommending denial, the Staff Requirements Memorandum approving that recommendation, and the Commissioners’ voting records are available on the NRC website.
Moderator | May 31, 2013 at 2:03 pm | Tags: nonproliferation, NRC, uranium
| Categories: General
| URL: http://wp.me/p1fSSY-15k
Comment | See all comments | Like |
Greenpeace challenge may delay Hinkley Point C for years
Greenpeace challenge may delay Hinkley Point C for years
Read more: http://www.thisissomerset.co.uk/Greenpeace-challenge-delay-Hinkley-Point-C-years/story-19146342-detail/story.html#ixzz2Us9f4t8F
Follow us: @thisissomnews on Twitter | thisissomerset on Facebook
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
The steel frame of an enclosure for unit 4 was completed at
Fukushima Daiichi this week. Meanwhile, the government has suggested
that Tokyo Electric Power Co. freeze soil around the plant to help
prevent groundwater intrusion.Recent developments related to the nuclear
plant blacked out following Japan's 2011 earthquake and tsunami include
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SoCal Edison Responds To Boxer's Charges on San Onofre
by Chris ClarkeSouthern California Edison (SCE) has responded to
charges by Senator Barbara Boxer that the utility may have misled
regulators about the scope of the steam generator replacement at its
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, and the utility's
characterization of the events leading to the replacement couldn't be
more different from the Senator's.
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The photovoltaic industry is in a perverse situation. To make
power generation from solar competitive, prices of solar panels had to
come down. Tens of billions in subsidies were plowed into the industry.
Technological advances came along. And the price per watt crashed
exponentially, from $76 in 1977 to about $7 in 1989. Then it leveled
off. By 2000 it began to drop again, hit $4 in 2005, $2 in 2
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in Baghdad before detonating the bombs.The exact facility was not named
as the investigation into the attack is still on-going, but it may have
been one of three key oil facilities in the area, that
by kennedyc@oilprice.com ...
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