How it Works: The NRC’s Process for Licensing Uranium Recovery Sites
William Von Till
Chief, Uranium Recovery Licensing Branch
After years of thorough review, the NRC has issued a handful of licenses over the past several months for
uranium recovery facilities
in the Western United States. We thought this would be a good
opportunity to explain all the work that goes into NRC approval of these

First some context: like all commodities, the price of uranium rises
and falls based on a number of factors. About a decade ago, the price of
uranium began to rise, prompting mineral companies to begin looking
seriously at developing new uranium production facilities. Beginning
around 2006, these companies were contacting the NRC to better
understand our licensing process.
Generally, our work with an applicant begins years before we ever
receive an application. Any meetings we have with an applicant are open
to the public, whether before or after they apply. We ask interested
companies to let us know their plans ahead of time so we can budget
resources to conduct our reviews. And we are available to answer
questions on our regulations, the application process, environmental
reviews, or whatever other issues a potential applicant or the public
may want to discuss.
The first step on receiving a uranium recovery facility application
is for the NRC to conduct a thorough review to make sure the application
addresses all aspects of our regulations and is complete. Sometimes
these reviews find areas where an applicant needs to provide more
information. We do not “accept” an application for technical and
environmental review until we are satisfied the information we will need
is there.
Once the application is accepted, we invite interested parties to
participate in the licensing process. We provide details on how to find
the documents and offer a chance for them to ask for a hearing. We set a
proposed schedule for our review. We also begin the process of
reviewing the environmental impacts of the proposed facility. This
extensive process involves the public as well, providing opportunities
to weigh in on which environmental issues need to be addressed at any
given site.
The technical reviews for recently licensed facilities have taken
years. For example, the Dewey Burdock facility in South Dakota received
an NRC license April 8, about four and one-half years after we accepted
it for review. The application for the Ross facility in Wyoming, which
we licensed last week, took us about three years to review. How long our
review takes depends on several things—the quality of the application,
the amount of confirmatory work we need to do, and how long the
applicant takes to respond to our questions, just to name a few.
The environmental review proceeds in parallel but also involves a lot
of work. In addition, we must consider the impacts on cultural and
historic resources. These evaluations require us to consult with other
federal, state and tribal officials and the public—a time-consuming but
invaluable process that gives us the most complete picture possible of
the impacts a facility could have.
Only after these reviews are completed does the NRC issue a license.
All the documents associated with our technical and environmental
reviews are made available to the public through our
documents database.
We are pleased that two of our multi-year licensing reviews came to a
close in April. We have seven additional uranium recovery applications
under review and may receive as many as 11 more this year.
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