Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
IAEA Daily Press Review
IAEA Daily Press Review
The objective of the DPR is to present a general overview of international, English-language, media coverage of the IAEA and nuclear issues, that does not purport to be exhaustive. The following articles are obtained from external news sources for whose content the IAEA takes no responsibility.July 8, 2011
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The objective of the DPR is to present a general overview of international, English-language, media coverage of the IAEA and nuclear issues, that does not purport to be exhaustive. The following articles are obtained from external news sources for whose content the IAEA takes no responsibility. Not interested anymore? Unsubscribe | |
08 July 2011 | IAEA Daily Press Review |
Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Please note that upcoming updates on the Fukushima nuclear accident will be posted on our website www.iaea.org and on the IAEA Facebook account.Stress-Test Proposal Sows Confusion A surprise proposal by the Japanese government to begin stress tests of the nation’s nuclear-power plants has thrown into confusion plans to restart shut-down reactors – the first since the Fukushima Daiichi crisis erupted in March. WSJ Radioactive water treatment facility at Fukushima misses target A key system to treat highly radioactive water at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant is operating below its target, threatening to delay the year-end goal for treating all the accumulated water. Asahi Tepco halts cooling system at nuclear plant after sparks-Kyodo The operator of Japan’s Fukushima Daini nuclear power plant, located near the tsunami-crippled Daiichi plant, on Thursday halted the cooling system at one of its reactors after electrical sparks were detected, Kyodo news agency reported. Reuters Tepco Says 3 More Workers Exposed to Radiation Exceeding Limit Tokyo Electric Power Co. said three more workers at its crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant were exposed to radiation exceeding the government’s annual limit. Bloomberg Japan govt: nuclear safety more important than energy supply Japan’s top government spokesman said on Friday higher priority should be given to ensuring the safety of nuclear plant operations than to a stable energy supply. Reuters Japan’s Legally Safe Reactors Still at Risk, Regulator Says Atomic reactors deemed safe by Japan’s nuclear regulator are still at risk from temblors even after safety measures taken following the worst atomic accident in 25 years, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said. Bloomberg Genkai mayor retracts approval of reactor restarts after ’surprise’ stress tests The government plan to require all nuclear power reactors to undergo stress tests will push back the expected restart of two reactors at the Genkai nuclear power plant this summer. Asahi President of Japan Nuclear Operator May Resign Over E-Mails The president of a nuclear plant operator said on Thursday that he may resign as a result of a scandal over faked e-mails that has added a bizarre new twist to a decision whether to allow Japan’s idled reactors to restart in the wake of the Fukushima disaster. NYT IAEA in the News IAEA worried over Iran plans to triple uranium production UN nuclear chief Amano to meet Iranian FM Salehi, says “further cooperation is needed to restore confidence of int’l community.” Reuters Other Nuclear News Pakistan denies N.Korea bribe for nuclear technology A retired Pakistani general strongly denied on Thursday a report that he took $3 million in cash in exchange for helping smuggle nuclear technology to North Korea in the late 1990s, while the nation’s foreign office called the story “preposterous.” ReutersNew NSG guidelines may affect India in the long run: officials Any move to curb transfer of enrichment and reprocessing technologies to India by NSG countries will have no impact in the near future but may create hurdles in the long run for the domestic nuclear sector. Economic Times China moving toward establishing its first law on nuclear power Chairman Zhang Huazhu of the China Nuclear Energy Association revealed in an interview with the Denki Shimbun that the association would compile a draft of China’s first Atomic Energy Act by December. Denki Shimbun Opinion and Analysis Malcolm Fraser : We all share the duty to eliminate nuclear weaponsSMHGovt must swiftly ensure safety of N-reactors for early restartYomiuri Nuclear power plant ’stress tests’ must be transparentAsahi Summer to test Japan resolve over nuclear powerReuters Haste vs. Procrastination on Nuclear WasteNYT The nuclear limitDeccan Chronicle |
Can Shumlin’s Arguments Against Vermont Yankee Pass the “Sniff Test”?
Can Shumlin’s Arguments Against Vermont Yankee Pass the “Sniff Test”?
ANS Nuclear Cafe60th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Blogs
ANS Nuclear Cafe
60th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Blogs
The 60th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is up at Atomic Power Review. This is the first time this blog is participating in the carnival.If you want to hear the voice of the nuclear renaissance, the Carnival of Nuclear Energy Blogs is where to find it. Contrary to what the anti-nuclear crowd would like you to believe, the wheels have not come off the renaissance.
Past editions have been hosted at NEI Nuclear Notes, Idaho Samizdat, ANS Nuclear Cafe, NuclearGreen, and CoolHandNuke, as well as several other popular nuclear energy blogs.
If you have a pro-nuclear energy blog, and would like to host an edition of the carnival, please contact Brian Wang at Next Big Future to get on the rotation. This is a great collaborative effort that deserves your support.
Please post a Tweet, a Facebook entry, or a link on your Web site or blog to support the carnival.
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- Carnival of Nuclear Energy 60 (nextbigfuture.com)
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The real climate hoax: denying reality and demonising scientists
The real climate hoax: denying reality and demonising scientists
A worrying tale of Amazon's power
A worrying tale of Amazon's power
Posted by Helen Lewis-Hasteley - 09 July 2011 13:09
Mark Lynas's book on environmentalism appears to have been withdrawn from sale. Why?
If the mess over the "Murdoch Empire" has shown us one thing, it's that monopolies are problematic. And here's another one: Amazon.Environmentalist, author and NS contributor Mark Lynas has spent the last few years writing and researching his new book, The God Species: How the Planet Can Survive The Age of Humans.
But look at the book's Amazon page - on its opening weekend, when reviews are published, advertising is bought and a sizeable proportion of sales are made - and the book is mysteriously listed as being "under review".
This product is not currently offered by Amazon.co.uk because a customer recently told us that the item he or she received was not as described.We are working to resolve this as quickly as possible. In the meantime, you may still find this product available from other sellers on this page.
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SPOTLIGHT: Tracking U.S. Nuclear Safety Improvements
SPOTLIGHT: Tracking U.S. Nuclear Safety Improvements
from AREVA North America: Next Energy Blog by AREVA North America Blog
Progress can be a matter of perspective, but in the months since an extreme earthquake and tsunami struck the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants, the U.S. nuclear industry has clearly made many significant advancements:
In support of the nation’s goal of reduced carbon emissions and energy security, the nuclear power industry can play a larger role if we expand its current 20% supply of America’s electricity demand with modern, safe reactors. Additional reactors could significantly reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and replace fossil-fuel-generated carbon emissions with reliable, sustainable nuclear power. In tandem with expanding renewable energies, expanding safe nuclear energy could help us meet the expected 100% increase in electricity demand by the year 2050 with low-carbon sources.
- Began examining every single one of the 104 American nuclear power plants, confirming (PDF) that the ongoing safety and operational upgrades installed during the decades since the plants were built have maintained a secure level of performance and modernization … even in the case of a flooded river plain.
- Established a Fukushima Response Steering Committee of nuclear industry executives and leaders to ensure a comprehensive and coordinated response in the event of an emergency
- Confirmed the vision and value of advancing America’s nuclear power fleet with new, modern reactors, such as AREVA’s EPR™ reactor, built from the ground up with active and automatic safety systems and enhanced operational design efficiencies
- Conducted personal interviews and opened their doors to host facility tours for government, media and public scrutiny of plant security, fuel management, operational processes, and contingency plans
- Engaged in the national nuclear fuel cycle deliberations to recapture and reuse the 96% energy content that remains, evaluating centralized interim storage of used fuel, and the eventual development of a repository.
In support of the nation’s goal of reduced carbon emissions and energy security, the nuclear power industry can play a larger role if we expand its current 20% supply of America’s electricity demand with modern, safe reactors. Additional reactors could significantly reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and replace fossil-fuel-generated carbon emissions with reliable, sustainable nuclear power. In tandem with expanding renewable energies, expanding safe nuclear energy could help us meet the expected 100% increase in electricity demand by the year 2050 with low-carbon sources.
India Finalizes Nuclear Liability Law
India Finalizes Nuclear Liability Law
In a move that could expand India’s civilian nuclear power sector by opening up access to foreign suppliers, India’s government has put the finishing touches on its long-awaited legislation for implementing the country’s nuclear liability law.
The Coming Cleantech Crash
Posted: 08 Jul 2011 10:50 AM PDT
The global clean energy industry is set for a major crash. The reason is simple. Clean energy is still much more expensive and less reliable than coal or gas, and in an era of heightened budget austerity the subsidies required to make clean energy artificially cheaper are becoming unsustainable.
International Growth of SMRs - New Report
International Growth of SMRs - New Report
Russia is poised to have a barge-mounted plant with two 35-MW PWRs in operation in 2013, leading the field in deploying SMRs.
China could be a close second because it is set to begin construction of a plant comprised
of two 105-MW high-temperature gas-cooled reactors.....
The report is at www.oecd-nea.org/ndd/reports/2011/current-status-small-reactors.pdf.
- From Platts Nucleonics Week
China could be a close second because it is set to begin construction of a plant comprised
of two 105-MW high-temperature gas-cooled reactors.....
The report is at www.oecd-nea.org/ndd/reports/2011/current-status-small-reactors.pdf.
- From Platts Nucleonics Week
Why pro-nuclear environmentalism has failed when anti-nuclear has succeeded - and how to change this Barry Brook
| Why pro-nuclear environmentalism has failed when anti-nuclear has succeeded - and how to change this Barry Brook | 9 July 2011 at 9:41 PM | Categories: Emissions, Future, Nuclear | URL: http://wp.me/piCIJ-1fn |
p.S. I'm reading The God Species right now (it's excellent) -- will do a review in due course.
Why pro-nuclear has failed when anti-nuclear has succeeded
Guest Post by Ben Heard. Ben is Director of Adelaide-based advisory firm ThinkClimate Consulting, a Masters graduate of Monash University in Corporate Environmental Sustainability, and a member of the TIA Environmental and Sustainability Action Committee. After several years with major consulting firms, Ben founded ThinkClimate and has since assisted a range of government, private and not-for profit organisations to measure, manage and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and move towards more sustainable operations. Ben publishes regular articles aimed at challenging thinking and perceptions related to climate change and sustainable energy at decarbonisesa.com.There is no point denying it. The anti-nuclear movement in Australia has been remarkably effective. Combined with abundant cheap coal, Australia’s anti –nuclear movement has kept us the only one of the world’s top 16 economies not to employ nuclear power. It made people like me grow up anti-nuclear without ever really being asked to think about it. The result is some of the highest per capita greenhouse gas emissions in the world; in South Australia around 720g CO2-e/kWh (which is one of the lowest levels in the country I might add. NSW, Victoria and Queensland are all much higher), compared to a mere 90g CO2-e/kWh in nuclear dominated France.
Meanwhile, the pro-nuclear position has, to my observation, failed to ever really gain much traction, and has evidently failed to deliver change. This is said with all respect to the many smart and passionate people who have worked on the issue for much longer than I.
Why has the anti-nuclear movement succeeded? It is easy and tempting to write-off its success to dishonourable actions from the leadership of the movement which:
- Lies
- Distorts information
- Grants itself the luxury of being single-issue, and ignores the rest of the world’s problems when they don’t suit them
- Uses fear-mongering freely and to great effect
- Never, ever feels obliged to correct the record when their fear-mongering is subsequently shown to be completely false
Read more of this post
Friday, July 8, 2011
Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident may not Sabotage the World Energy Needs
Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident may not Sabotage the World Energy Needs
Has Time Run Out to Replace Indian Point's Nuclear Power?
Has Time Run Out to Replace Indian Point's Nuclear Power?
There are 'very limited options' for new sources of generation before Indian Point 2's operating license expires in 2013, says state offical
DOE to Pay $100 Million for Used Nuclear Fuel Storage Costs to Xcel Energy
DOE to Pay $100 Million for Used Nuclear Fuel Storage Costs to Xcel Energy
from Nuclear Power Industry News by Nuclear Street News Team
Under the settlement, the federal government will pay approximately $100 million for used fuel storage costs at Prairie Island and Monticello nuclear generating plants incurred through 2008. The federal government also will pay costs incurred from 2009 through 2013 related to the DOE’s failure to remove used fuel.
Japan May Be Nuclear Free by May as Tests Delay Restarts
Japan May Be Nuclear Free by May as Tests Delay Restarts
Liberals and Conservatives support new nuclear units
Liberals and Conservatives support new nuclear units
Editorial: Modular reactor a move into nuclear future * By NEWS SENTINEL EDITORIAL BOARD
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The Hotspots: Reading of environmental radioactivity level
This PDF file shows the hot spots just for Fukushima province and a map of their location tied to the daily readings. Many of the data suggest low levels of radioactivity which begs the question of why they are called “hot spots.”
Kyushu Electric executive's order behind nuke plant restart email scandal
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The Fukushima Disaster Opens New Prospects for Cooperation in Northeast Asia
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Here's the latest construction update video for Plant Vogtle
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Japan groups alarmed by radioactive soil
Japan groups alarmed by radioactive soil
Soil radiation in a city 60 kilometres (40 miles) from Japan's stricken nuclear plant is above levels that prompted resettlement after the Chernobyl disaster, citizens' groups said Tuesday.
Soil radiation in a city 60 kilometres (40 miles) from Japan's stricken nuclear plant is above levels that prompted resettlement after the Chernobyl disaster, citizens' groups said Tuesday.
President of Japan Nuclear Operator May Resign Over E-Mails
President of Japan Nuclear Operator May Resign Over E-Mails
Cybersecurity and Nuclear Power Plants
| Cybersecurity and Nuclear Power Plants Moderator | July 8, 2011 at 8:55 am | Tags: nuclear | Categories: Nuclear Security | URL: http://wp.me/p1fSSY-nk |
Perhaps the most important thing to recognize is that nuclear power plants and their computer systems were designed before the days of internet cafes and wireless connections. So there is no connection to the internet and thus no way for a hacker from the outside to get at the safety-related computer systems of the plants. Even the digital control systems installed in some plants more recently have no connection to the ‘net.
And while nuclear power plants were designed to feed electricity to the power grid, they were also isolated in ways to protect them from any potential negative effects that could come from the grid.
After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, cyber security quickly became a major focus of U.S. government activities. The NRC was no exception. We took immediate steps – through orders -- to ensure that computer systems used to operate nuclear power plants were not accessible even by “insiders” who could attack the cyber systems directly from within the plant.
Later, the NRC went even further with a new regulation that required all the nuclear power plants to have a cyber security plan and a timeframe for implementing protections of those key systems related to safety, security and emergency preparedness functions.
In addition any power company seeking to build a new nuclear power plant will need to include a cyber-security plan as part of their application to the NRC.
The NRC has its own cyber security experts on staff and works closely with other federal experts, including U.S. Cert – the U.S. Cyber Emergency Readiness Team – to monitor what’s happening in cyber space here and around the world, and to take actions if necessary to protect the vital systems in nuclear power plants.
Sara MrozSecurity Specialist
Where Do You Plug In?
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 07:51 PM PDT A signal that plug-in transportation isn’t just for California any more, the Electric Power Research Institute brings its Plug-In Conference and Exposition to the East Coast on July 18, 2011. In its 4th year, the conference makes one giant leap out of its comfort zone in California and heads all the way to Raleigh, North Carolina. |
Natural Gas Taking America's Electric Power Sector by Storm
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 06:19 PM PDT
Many view natural gas as the key feature of the United States' new energy economy. Whether this is true or not is still to be determined. What is evident, though, is that natural gas is a growing energy resource for America. According to the latest data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), electricity produced from natural gas has increased 44% over the past ten years.
Supporters of oldest US nuclear plant dominate hearing on early shutdown; want it to stay open
Supporters of oldest US nuclear plant dominate hearing on early shutdown; want it to stay open
Hypocricies exposed How the lack of equity in matters of nuclear power has led to a world divided
Hypocricies exposed
How the lack of equity in matters of nuclear power has led to a world divided
Water treatment, cooling systems finally working
Water treatment, cooling systems finally working
Tepco able to patch leaks in 4 km of hose, for now
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Haste vs. Procrastination on Nuclear Waste
Haste vs. Procrastination on Nuclear Waste
from NYT > Nuclear Energy — Crisis in Japan by By MATTHEW L. WALD
Moving spent fuel from pools to dry casks in the absence of a long-term repository has pluses and minuses. On the plus side, the radiation will diminish during dry-cask storage, meaning that the fuel will need less space at its burial site someday.
Kyushu Electric Power Busted for Using Shills to Promote Pro Nuke Views at Genkai Hearing
Kyushu Electric Power Busted for Using Shills to Promote Pro Nuke Views at Genkai Hearing
Things may be slowly changing, even in Japan.#Radiation in Japan: Katsuo (Skipjack Tuna) Haul Is Zero at Onahama Port in Fukushima
#Radiation in Japan: Katsuo (Skipjack Tuna) Haul Is Zero at Onahama Port in Fukushima
Katsuo (shipjack tuna) is in season, and in a normal year the port of Onahama, Fukushima Prefecture should be bustling with activities, with fishing boats hauling katsuo they caught into the port, noisy auctioning by the wholesalers.
This year is anything but normal, and the amount of the haul at the Onahama port is zero. Zero.
Where are the fishing boats loaded with katsuo going? Other ports, so that the katsuo that they catch off the coast of Fukushima and all along the Pacific North can be sold as coming anywhere but from Fukushima.
(In other words, watch out, consumers.)

From Yomiuri Shinbun (7/7/2011):
And what about the remaining 30% of the fishing boats that are from Fukushima Prefecture? A group of fishing boats left the Onahama Port for katsuo fishing last month, but they've given up on hauling to the Onahama Port due to the "baseless rumor" of radiation contamination, according to Tokyo Shinbun.
The authorities seem to want to keep it "baseless rumor" by not testing. At this point, even if they start to test, no consumer will readily believe the official numbers.
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More on this topic (What's this?) This year is anything but normal, and the amount of the haul at the Onahama port is zero. Zero.
Where are the fishing boats loaded with katsuo going? Other ports, so that the katsuo that they catch off the coast of Fukushima and all along the Pacific North can be sold as coming anywhere but from Fukushima.
(In other words, watch out, consumers.)
From Yomiuri Shinbun (7/7/2011):
福島県を代表する漁港で、東北地方有数のカツオの水揚げ港でもある福島県いわき市の小名浜漁港が、苦境に立たされている。There have been anecdotal but credible "rumors" for about two months that there are unusual increases of unusual kind of fish in ports outside Fukushima - Tokyo's Tsukiji Port, and a port in Mie Prefecture for example. The rumors say the boats are catching fish off the coast of Fukushima and hauling them at a distant port, and the fish are being sold as "caught in the ocean near that port", which is perfectly legal.
The Onahama Port in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, the biggest port in Fukushima Prefecture and one of the best known port for hauling katsuo (shipjack tuna) in the Tohoku region, finds itself in difficult times.
カツオ漁が最盛期を迎えた中、津波で被害を受けて3週間前に再開した魚市場への漁船によるカツオの水揚げはゼロ。東京電力福島第一原発事故の影響 で「福島産」とみなされるのを心配して、漁船が同港での水揚げを避けて他県に向かうためだ。「漁場は同じなのに……」。地元漁業関係者の苦悩が続く。
It's the prime season for katsuo fishing right now, but the katsuo hauling at the port, which reopened three weeks ago for the first time since the March 11 tsunami, is zero. It's because fishing boats head for other ports in other prefectures, fearful that their catch will be considered "caught in Fukushima Prefecture", a big negative in the aftermath of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident. The local fishery people lament, "katsuo all come from the same fishery...."
Katsuo fishing, which chases katsuo as the fish migrate north along the Pacific coast from spring to summer, started in earnest in May. Now it's in the prime season. However, at the wholesale fish market at the Onahama Port, all is quiet, and fish baskets remain empty.
"In a normal year, the place is chaotic with wholesalers and fish market personnel, bustling with activities," Mr. Satoshi Nakano, 35-year-old worker at the market, sighs.
According to Japan's Fisheries Agency, 2,420 tonnes of fresh katsuo were hauled at the port in 2009, No. 5 in the whole country. The local fishing co-op says 70% of the haul was from the out-of-Fukushima fish boats.
And what about the remaining 30% of the fishing boats that are from Fukushima Prefecture? A group of fishing boats left the Onahama Port for katsuo fishing last month, but they've given up on hauling to the Onahama Port due to the "baseless rumor" of radiation contamination, according to Tokyo Shinbun.
The authorities seem to want to keep it "baseless rumor" by not testing. At this point, even if they start to test, no consumer will readily believe the official numbers.
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