Why is safety a divisive issue for Nuclear Regulatory Commission?
Los Angeles Times
Chairman Greg Jaczko has found himself on the losing side of 4-1 votes
that usually end up favoring less stringent regulations for the
industry. He's also been the target of a congressman's attacks. Rep.
Darrell Issa (R-Vista), left, ...
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
The No Retirement Plan: 25% Expect to Work Till 80 (Greater than Life Expectancy); What About the Expected Retirement of Nuclear Power Plants? from Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis by noreply@blogger.com (Mike Mish Shedlock)
The No Retirement Plan: 25% Expect to Work Till 80 (Greater than Life Expectancy); What About the Expected Retirement of Nuclear Power Plants?
from Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis by noreply@blogger.com (Mike Mish Shedlock)
Carnival of Nuclear Energy 102
Carnival of Nuclear Energy 102
from Next Big Future by noreply@blogger.com (bw)
1. Atomic
Insights - Rod Adams reports that the Australian Broadcasting System
recently aired a documentary titled "I Can Change Your Mind About …
Climate". It was an interesting premise, a committed climate change
activist was paired against an avowed climate change skeptic. Both were
allowed to pick 7 people that they wanted to visit to help convince the
other to change their mind. The ABC would film the encounters and pick
up the bill for the world wide travel involved.Anna Rose is the young founder and chairman of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition. Nick Minchin recently retired from an Australian political career that culminated with 18 years as a Conservative Party leader in the Australian senate.
Throughout the entire program, neither one acknowledge that nuclear energy is an emission free alternative to fossil fuels that is as economically efficient and as reliable as coal.
2. Canadian Energy Issues - Innovation, water, and energy: semi-conductors cannot
defeat physics
A recent PBS show on technological advances gives the impression that smarter tech design will make water easier to manage. An example is the Slingshot, a water purification/sterilization device that boils water, touted as an answer to Africa's potable water shortage. This gives the impression that the energy to boil the water is of secondary importance in the purification system. As Steve Aplin of Canadian Energy Issues points out, it’s not. Africa has a potable water problem because it lacks cheap, widely available electricity. Without ubiquitous electricity, the Slingshot will have little impact in Africa.
Read more »
Nuclear power waste and storage facility proposed for Ariz.
Nuclear power waste and storage facility proposed for Ariz.
AZFamily -
by Steve Bodinet PHOENIX -- Could Arizona become the next dumping
ground for nuclear waste? That's exactly what one Arizona lawmaker is
proposing. Sen. Al Melvin, R-Tucson, has introduced legislation that
would bring a nuclear waste recycling and ...
NRC: New Levy nuclear plant safe for environment
NRC: New Levy nuclear plant safe for environment
The agency that regulates the country's nuclear power plants says a new plant planned for west-central Florida won't harm the environment. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued a report Friday saying that construction and operation of Progress ...
The agency that regulates the country's nuclear power plants says a new plant planned for west-central Florida won't harm the environment. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued a report Friday saying that construction and operation of Progress ...
Levy nuclear plant clears hurdle
Utility Products -
BY IVAN PENN Progress Energy's proposed Levy County nuclear plant
cleared a major hurdle Friday with a report from federal regulators
concluding that the proposed site would not harm the environment. The
conclusion of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ...
US NRC issues final EIS clearing proposed Florida site for new reactors
Platts -
There are no adverse environmental impacts that would prevent the US
Nuclear Regulatory Commission from issuing Progress Energy Florida
licenses to build two nuclear reactors at a proposed site in Levy
County, NRC and the US Army Corps of Engineers ...
New nuclear reactors get environmental approval from NRC
Power Engineering Magazine -
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the US Army Corps of
Engineers, Jacksonville District, have completed the Final Environmental
Impact Statement for two proposed reactors at the Levy County nuclear
power plant in Florida.
Proposed nuclear reactors at Levy County site clear NRC environmental review
PennEnergy- Energy News (press release) - Apr 27, 2012
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the US Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE), Jacksonville District, have completed the Final Environmental
Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Combined Licenses (COL) for the proposed
Levy County Units 1 and 2.
Diablo Canyon nuclear unit shut by salp invasion
Diablo Canyon nuclear unit shut by salp invasion
San Francisco Chronicle
San Luis Obispo -- An overwhelming number of jellyfish-like creatures clogging seawater intake screens have forced operators to shut down the Unit 2 reactor at the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. officials said.
San Francisco Chronicle
San Luis Obispo -- An overwhelming number of jellyfish-like creatures clogging seawater intake screens have forced operators to shut down the Unit 2 reactor at the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. officials said.
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Green Car Congress: Small modular reactor company Gen4 Energy ...
Green Car Congress: Small modular reactor company Gen4 Energy ...
Gen4 Energy, developers of a 25MW small modular nuclear reactor, announced it has decided not to pursue the recently released DOE Funding Opportunity ...
Gen4 Energy, developers of a 25MW small modular nuclear reactor, announced it has decided not to pursue the recently released DOE Funding Opportunity ...
Govt takes on heavy burden in nationalizing TEPCO
Govt takes on heavy burden in nationalizing TEPCO
The Daily Yomiuri -
The nationalization of Tokyo Electric Power Co. means that the
government will be required to shoulder greater responsibilities for
important energy polices such as resuming operations of suspended
nuclear reactors.
Japan to Model Trillion-Yen Tepco Bailout on 2003 Bank Rescue
BusinessWeek -
By Tsuyoshi Inajima on April 28, 2012 Japan intends to take control of
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501) in return for bailing out the
beleaguered utility, following a model it adopted to rescue the nation's
fifth-biggest bank. The government will inject ...
TEPCO submits reform plan to govt
The Daily Yomiuri -
Tokyo Electric Power Co. submitted a comprehensive business
rehabilitation program to the government Friday to receive 1 trillion
yen in taxpayer money for recapitalization, as its financial base was
severely affected in the wake of the crisis at its ...
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National › TEPCO submits restructuring plan to gov't
UPDATE2: TEPCO submits 10-year restructuring plan to gov't
TEPCO to submit comprehensive restructuring plan to gov't later Fri.
Shimokobe to decide about TEPCO's chairman post after gov't request
- REFILING: UPDATE3: Gov't says bailout fund official Shimokobe will be TEPCO chairman (english.kyodonews.jp)
TEPCO 'offers controlling stake' to Japan govt
AFP - Apr 27, 2012
By Shingo Ito (AFP) – 5 hours ago TOKYO — The operator of the crippled
Fukushima nuclear plant on Friday offered the Japanese government a
controlling stake in return for a huge cash injection that would prevent
it going under, media reported.
Tepco submits $24.8bn recovery plan
Financial Times - Apr 27, 2012
By Mure Dickie in Tokyo Tokyo Electric Power, the Japanese nuclear
crisis-hit utility, has submitted a recovery plan to the government
under which the state will inject Y1tn ($12.4bn) for a controlling
stake, banks will lend a further Y1tn, ...
Japan nuke operator submits restructuring plan
Boston.com - Apr 27, 2012
TOKYO—The operator of Japan's tsunami-devastated nuclear plant has
submitted a restructuring plan in which it promises to cut costs in
exchange for a government bailout. Tokyo Electric Power Co. needs to
fund billions of dollars of compensation ...
Tepco submits turnaround plan to Japan govt
Reuters - Apr 27, 2012
* Owner of Fukushima plant battles to recover from tsunami * Gives no
detail of content of turnaround plan * Sources have said govt likely to
take stake in co * Tepco also seen restarting Kashiwazaki Kariwa plant *
Will raise household electricity ...
Tepco Gets Bailout, but Cedes Power
Wall Street Journal - Apr 27, 2012
By MITSURU OBE TOKYO—Japan's biggest utility agreed to a ¥1 trillion
bailout by the government, in a landmark move that could aid the cleanup
of last year's nuclear disaster and help precipitate a shake-up of the
power industry.
Oilprice.com's 5 Most Influential Figures in U.S. Clean Energy
Oilprice.com's 5 Most Influential Figures in U.S. Clean Energy
by corporate@oilprice.com (Jen Alic)
Oilprice.com embarks on its Top 5 series, we thought it expedient to
begin with our take on the key figures shaping and influencing U.S.
renewable energy efforts, not least because the issue of energy security
is being prioritized in campaigning ahead of U.S. presidential
elections. In considering from the numerous choices for these top five
slots, we take into account a number of variables, including investment
in renewable energy, the ability to influence policy and shape public
opinion, and advocacy efforts. This goes well beyond simply counting…Read more...
Atomic Power Review Update: San Onofre seismic study - Press release 4/27
San Onofre seismic study - Press release 4/27
by Will Davis
release below from SoCal Ed. Some very interesting news about a
cooperative project to further investigate the seismic environment at
the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.--------------------
SCE Media Contact: Media Relations, (626) 302-2255
Scripps Media Contact: Mario Aguilera or Robert Monroe,
858-534-3624; scrippsnews@ucsd.edu
Southern California Edison and Scripps Institution of Oceanography To Collaborate on Offshore Seismic Research Project at San Onofre
ROSEMEAD, Calif., April 27, 2012 — Southern California Edison (SCE) and Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California at San Diego will collaborate on a project to gather seismic data off the coast of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS). The work, part of SCE’s seismic research projects for SONGS Units 2 and 3, will involve state-of-the art data-gathering and analysis technologies, and will begin later this year and continue through 2013.
Scripps scientists will lead the project, which will include collecting and processing data from 2-D and 3-D multichannel seismic reflection and refraction off San Onofre State Beach. The raw and processed survey data will be open-source and available to other experts to view and use in further studies. This data will also be made available to the general public. Offshore seismic research is conducted with specially equipped boats that tow cables, or streamers, with underwater microphones at regular intervals. Two-dimensional seismic surveys usually have one streamer; three-dimensional surveys have four or more.
“Our number one priority is safety, and seismic safety plays an important role in our operations at the plant,” said Caroline McAndrews, SCE director of nuclear strategic projects. “Having Scripps take the lead on this important project will provide us with objective and world-class expertise in geophysics, and increase our understanding of SONGS’ seismic setting. This knowledge is key to ensuring the continued safe operation of SONGS.”
Besides evaluating the existing and potential faults in the area, the seismic reflection and refraction surveys will image the offshore structures at an unprecedented resolution, and will allow scientists to test between the alternative hypotheses for the tectonic deformation observed off San Onofre. In addition, the geophysical surveys will reveal vertical motions of the crust through time, associated with margin reorganization.
Both units of the plant are currently safely shut down for inspections, analysis and tests. Unit 2 was taken out of service Jan. 9 for a planned outage. Unit 3 was safely taken off line Jan. 31 after station operators detected a leak in one of the unit’s steam generator tubes.
About Southern California Edison
An Edison International (NYSE:EIX) company, Southern California Edison is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities, serving a population of nearly 14 million via 4.9 million customer accounts in a 50,000-square-mile service area within Central, Coastal and Southern California.
About Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Scripps Institution of Oceanography at University of California, San Diego, is one of the oldest, largest and most important centers for global science research and education in the world. Now in its second century of discovery, the scientific scope of the institution has grown to include biological, physical, chemical, geological, geophysical and atmospheric studies of the earth as a system. Hundreds of research programs covering a wide range of scientific areas are under way today in 65 countries. The institution has a staff of about 1,400, and annual expenditures of approximately $170 million from federal, state and private sources. Scripps operates robotic networks, and one of the largest U.S. academic fleets with four oceanographic research ships and one research platform for worldwide exploration. Birch Aquarium at Scripps serves as the interpretive center of the institution and showcases Scripps research and a diverse array of marine life through exhibits and programming for more than 415,000 visitors each year. Learn more at scripps.ucsd.edu.
9:45 PM Eastern 4/27/2012
USA Prepares (Part 2) Fukushima Meltdown Continues in Japan ...
After Fukushima Crisis, Hearing on Nuclear Energy Safety
After Fukushima Crisis, Hearing on Nuclear Energy Safety
12 Nuclear Reactors Have Had Meltdowns
Nuclear experts: Fukushima crisis may become 'global catastrophe'
Nuclear Plant To Undergo Earthquake Study
Nuclear Plant To Undergo Earthquake Study KGTV San Diego Operators of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station are about to embark on a costly study on earthquake risk that could determine the future of the plant, it was reported Friday. Southern California Edison, which operates the troubled plant just ... |
Another Nuke Scandal: Theft and Bribery
Another Nuke Scandal: Theft and Bribery
Wall Street Journal (blog)
A power failure, if persisted long enough, could be lead to a serious problem like a nuclear fuel meltdown. KHNP CEO Kim Jong-shin stepped down earlier this month due to the incident. Seven other officials were relieved of their duties.
Wall Street Journal (blog)
A power failure, if persisted long enough, could be lead to a serious problem like a nuclear fuel meltdown. KHNP CEO Kim Jong-shin stepped down earlier this month due to the incident. Seven other officials were relieved of their duties.
TEPCO 'offers controlling stake' to Japan govt
TEPCO 'offers controlling stake' to Japan govt
It also faces colossal compensation claims from hundreds of thousands of people affected by the worst nuclear accident in a quarter of a century. A company spokesman confirmed a plan to turn the company around had been submitted to the government, ...
It also faces colossal compensation claims from hundreds of thousands of people affected by the worst nuclear accident in a quarter of a century. A company spokesman confirmed a plan to turn the company around had been submitted to the government, ...
The nuclear propulsion of merchant ships
Power market developments: nuclear shipping |
The nuclear propulsion of merchant ships |
15 August 2011 |
Superfuel: Thorium, the Green Energy Source for the Future ...
Superfuel: Thorium, the Green Energy Source for the Future ... According to Martin, thorium is a far superior reactor fuel because it is less radioactive and more abundant than uranium and also produces much less waste. www.foreignaffairs.com/.../ |
What is thorium and why is it playing a role in the nuclear debate ...
What is thorium and why is it playing a role in the nuclear debate ...
What is thorium and why is it playing a role in the nuclear debate?
What is thorium and why is it playing a role in the nuclear debate?
FY2013 House & Senate funding tables for DOE
The Energy Communities Alliance has made tables available based on the House and Senate Appropriations Committees' reports for DOE funding for FY2013.
The Energy Communities Alliance has made tables available based on the House and Senate Appropriations Committees' reports for DOE funding for FY2013.
New Tepco pictures
Tepco has posted finding another leak from the waste
water treatment system, this time from a reverse osmosis unit. While
there has been nothing (as yet) in the Japanese Press, Tepco has
released two photos of the leak itself (total of ~35 liters of water
which has been completely contained and repaired)...
Arnie Gunderson: More Cesium In Reactor 4 SFP Than All Nukes Ever Exploded
Study: 10 Times More Cesium Released From Fukushima Than Japan Government Admits (VIDEO)
Japan’s Other 14 Reactors In ‘Severely’ Damaged Condition (Video)
Apr 20
Arnie Gunderson: More Cesium In Reactor 4 SFP Than All Nukes Ever Exploded
Friday, April 27, 2012
Chernobyl in Fukushima’s shadow – nuclear energy today and in the future
Chernobyl in Fukushima’s shadow – nuclear energy today and in the future
This photo taken in the
abandoned town of Pripyat, which was formerly populated by Chernobyl
workers, begs the question of what nuclear power's foggy future means to
generations to come.
- Demonstrators in Russia use 26th Chernobyl anniversary to insist on righting pervasive nuclear defects(26/04-2012)
- Twenty-six years since Chernobyl: Will the nuclear industry outlive its infamy? (26/04-2012)
- COMMENT: How to dismantle the atomic industry (and burst the bubble of the nuclear revival folly)(20/04-2012)
- Fukushima one year on: Clean up efforts slowly gaining a toe hold as public trust in government remains low(08/03-2012)
- COMMENT: A chronicle of nuclear decay: Over half a year later, what have we learnt from Fukushima?(22/11-2011)
- OPINION: The battle of Kudankulam, or the chronicle of one unlikely anti-nuclear triumph(20/10-2011)
- Switzerland to shut down nuclear power by 2034 after vote in parliament’s upper chamber(29/09-2011)
- OPINION: Germany's Siemens delivers staggering blow to Russia's nuclear interests – will Rosatom recover? (21/09-2011)
- Siemens abandons nuclear power, focusing on renewables and leaving Rosatom joint venture dangling(20/09-2011)
- COMMENT: Brainwashing Russia at its own expense: Rosatom’s post-Fukushima PR carpet bombing(07/09-2011)
- Checks of Russian nuclear reactors fail safety hopes - and worse, leaked report reveals(21/06-2011)
- Italians turn out in force to reject nuclear power in hugely popular referendum(13/06-2011)
- COMMENT: As Germans blaze the trail to a non-nuclear future, polls reveal Russians and six other nations think their countries should follow(02/06-2011)
- Germany to shut down nuclear power by 2022 as fears of Fukushima repeats rise(30/05-2011)
- Unlearned lessons from Chernobyl(26/04-2011)
- In array of catastrophes at Fukushima Daiichi, dangers at spent fuel cooling ponds come into focus(16/03-2011)
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Which Clean Fuel Will Replace Oil?
by Kevin Quon, Seeking Alpha
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The age of abundant oil is rapidly coming to an end. As companies like Transocean (RIG) and SeaDrill (SDRL) explore the vast oil reserves of the ocean deep, there are two principles being established: One, we need an alternative to oil. . .
The age of abundant oil is rapidly coming to an end. As companies like Transocean (RIG) and SeaDrill (SDRL) explore the vast oil reserves of the ocean deep, there are two principles being established: One, we need an alternative to oil. . .
Has Nat Gas Doomed Coal's Future?
Has Nat Gas Doomed Coal's Future?
by Matthew Phillips, BusinessWeek
Matthew Phillips, BusinessWeek
Is coal doomed? The dirty yet abundant energy source has had some rough patches before, but nothing like this. In 1985 coal accounted for 57Â percent of all power generated in the U.S. Last year it was 42Â percent. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates. . .
Is coal doomed? The dirty yet abundant energy source has had some rough patches before, but nothing like this. In 1985 coal accounted for 57Â percent of all power generated in the U.S. Last year it was 42Â percent. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates. . .
Ukraine has no alternatives to nuclear power for next 10-20 years, says PM
Ukraine has no alternatives to nuclear power for next 10-20 years, says PM
by Lee Gliddon
Premier Mykola Azarov has stated that Ukraine should develop nuclear
power industry under conditions of overcoming an economic crisis, as it
has no other alternatives.
US House spending bill would cut DOE renewables, boost nuclear
US House spending bill would cut DOE renewables, boost nuclear
by Lee Gliddon
Washington (Platts)--25Apr2012/448 pm EDT/2048 GMTThe US House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday passed on to the full chamber a Department of Energy spending bill that would cut $345 million from the agency's fiscal 2013 budget, providing it with $26.1 billion, and would shift emphasis from renewable energy and energy efficiency to fossil fuels and nuclear power.
Budget Bills Would Put in Place Blue Ribbon Commission Waste Recommendations
Budget Bills Would Put in Place Blue Ribbon Commission Waste Recommendations
by Nuclear Street News Team
the last week, House and Senate committees have acted on separate
spending bills that both address some of the nuclear waste measures
advocated by the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future.
NRC Staff Recommends Pilgrim Nuclear Plant Relicensing
NRC Staff Recommends Pilgrim Nuclear Plant Relicensing
by Nuclear Street News Team
years after it received Entergy’s application to renew the operating
license of the Pilgrim nuclear plant in Massachusetts, the staff of the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission has recommended that the reactor be
allowed to operate for an additional two decades.
Southern Co. Posts 1Q Results; Will Stick With New Vogtle Units Even Without Loan Guarantees
Southern Co. Posts 1Q Results; Will Stick With New Vogtle Units Even Without Loan Guarantees
by Nuclear Street News
Company today reported first quarter 2012 earnings of $368 million - or
42 cents a share - compared with earnings of $422 million - or 50 cents
a share - in the first quarter of 2011, according to a release that
cited the mild winter as one reason for the decline.
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
by Nuclear Street News Team
of summer power shortages and further analysis of contamination around
the plant highlighted the news from Fukushima Daiichi last week.Recent developments related to the Tokyo Electric Power Co. nuclear plant blacked out following last year’s earthquake and tsunami include:
TVA Approves Construction to Complete Watts Bar 2
TVA Approves Construction to Complete Watts Bar 2
by Nuclear Street News
Tennessee Valley Authority board has approved the construction of the
second unit at Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant in accordance with the
revised cost estimate.Earlier this month, it was revealed that the project would require an additional $1.5-$2 billion to complete, bringing the total cost to complete the unit to nearly $4.5 billion.
TVA's decision shows that they believe the project is worth the extra price.
Republican Senators Urge Obama to Pursue Nuclear Updates
Republican Senators Urge Obama to Pursue Nuclear Updates
Brussels dissatisfied with Europe nuclear stress test report
Brussels dissatisfied with Europe nuclear stress test report
Brussels (AFP) April 26, 2012
The EU's energy chief Thursday deemed an almost year-long study on
nuclear plant safety in Europe as short on detail and numbers and
demanded further work before publication of the critical report.
"Going deep is more important than being fast," Commissioner Guenther
Oettinger told journalists, saying that a final report would be
available to the public in the autumn rather than in the summe
Nuclear company Areva posts improved quarterly sales
Nuclear company Areva posts improved quarterly sales
Paris (AFP) April 26, 2012Analysis: U.S. Firms May Miss Out As Saudi Nuke Plan Advances -- Reuters
Top oil exporter Saudi Arabia expects to finalize its atomic energy plans this year but the U.S. nuclear industry may miss out on multi-billion dollar contracts to turn it into a reality unless Washington and Riyadh sign a non-proliferation deal soon.
Saudi Arabia has some of the world's largest oil and gas fields but rapidly rising power demand in the kingdom threatens to absorb much of those reserves unless it can find alternative fuels for its long-term economic growth.
Riyadh, which says electricity demand could soar from around 45 gig watts (GW) to 120 GW by 2035, commissioned the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (KA-CARE) in 2010 to draw up a plan for reducing reliance on oil and gas.
Read more ....
Previous Post: Is Saudi Arabia Starting A Nuclear Weapons Program?
Japan's offline reactors send utilities into red
Japan's offline reactors send utilities into red
Tokyo (AFP) April 27, 2012S. Korea nuclear safety agency probes two plants
S. Korea nuclear safety agency probes two plants
Seoul (AFP) April 27, 2012
South Korea's nuclear safety watchdog said Friday it has launched an
investigation at two power plants after a corruption scandal involving
locally-made copies of foreign components.
The Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) is conducting probes
at plants in Gori near the southeastern city of Ulsan and in the
southwestern county of Yeonggwang, a spokeswoman said.
The Korea Hydro
T. BOONE PICKENS: Of Course We Should Build The Keystone Pipeline
T. BOONE PICKENS: Of Course We Should Build The Keystone Pipeline
from Clusterstock by Mamta Badkar
have been blaming President Obama for high gas prices, and for failing
to agree to the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.Oil tycoon T Boone Pickens was on CNN saying the U.S. should move forward with building the Keystone XL pipeline:
"Of course you should do it. The Saudis
claim they have 250 billion barrels of oil. They don't. Probably 150,
175. But there's 250 billion barrels in Alberta, and that's the
pipeline. That's Keystone."
Pickens added that concerns that all the oil would go to China and
India were misplaced since the U.S. was only exporting oil products:
"We're not exporting. We're exporting
product. They are coming into our refineries and it's coming out of
their high price getting into that arbitrage and shipping it out of the
United States. We're not exporting oil. We're exporting product."
Watch the entire interview at CNN:Related articles
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Everything You Need To Know About Vaca Muerta, One Of The Biggest Shale Fields Outside Of North America (YPF)
Everything You Need To Know About Vaca Muerta, One Of The Biggest Shale Fields Outside Of North America (YPF)
from Clusterstock by Mamta Badkar
Vaca Muerta formation located in Neuquén Province in Argentina is
supposed to be one of the largest shale formations outside of North
America. The discovery was made by Repsol-YPF, but with Argentina's recent move to nationalize YPF, it leaves the door open for foreign investors, possibly governments, to partner with YPF and help develop the resource.
Canadian regulators looking at two reactor designs for Darlington
Canadian regulators looking at two reactor designs for Darlington
from Next Big Future by noreply@blogger.com (bw)
Star- Ontario Power Generation, the owner of the Darlington nuclear
plant, is looking to build up to four new reactors for an additional
4,800 MW of capacity.It will be more than a year before a decision is made on which design to choose. The two designs reportedly in the running are the enhanced Candu 6 reactor made by Candu Energy Inc., a unit of SNC-Lavalin and Westinghouse’s AP1000 reactor.
These discussions are about building two new reactors, each of about 1,000 megawatts, at Darlington.
Read more »
Size Isn't Everything - The Small Modular Reactor
Size Isn't Everything – The Small Modular Reactor | Ecopoint ...
The March 11, 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster has precipitated a world of change in Japan's nuclear power industry. Within hours.
The March 11, 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster has precipitated a world of change in Japan's nuclear power industry. Within hours.
Will the Stars Align for Small Nuclear Reactors?
Will The Stars Align for Small Nuclear Reactors?
Utility Products
The Westinghouse Electric Company has lined up Ameren , a St. Louis-based electric company, as a partner for its small modular reactor project. Getting a strong indication of commercial interest is critical because the Nuclear Regulatory Commission can ...
Utility Products
The Westinghouse Electric Company has lined up Ameren , a St. Louis-based electric company, as a partner for its small modular reactor project. Getting a strong indication of commercial interest is critical because the Nuclear Regulatory Commission can ...
Not the CIA, not bin Ladin -- Exxon is the toughest nut
Posted: 27 Apr 2012 12:19 AM PDT
Since its
birth as Standard Oil in the 19th century, ExxonMobil has been at
once the most profitable, demonized, secretive and uncompromising corporation
on the planet, a black box that muckraker Ida Tarbell famously penetrated in
the early 1900s, and no one since has managed. After books on the CIA in
Afghanistan and the family of Osama bin Ladin, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner
Steve Coll describes Exxon as the most-resistent of all to inquiry. His new book, Private
Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power
goes on sale Tuesday. Below, Coll replies to questions from the Oil and the
Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in San Luis Obispo County Shuts Down
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Ukraine marks 26th anniversary of Chernobyl
Ukraine marks 26th anniversary of Chernobyl BusinessWeek By MARIA DANILOVA Urging all nations to be extremely cautious with nuclear energy, Ukraine's president thanked donors for financing the construction of a new, safer shelter over the damaged Chernobyl reactor on the 26th anniversary of the world's worst ... |
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After construction, it will be placed over the fourth reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear plant, over which there is currently a sarcophagus. Novak said the EBRD Board of Governors has approved €950 million to build a new safe confinement (NSC) facility, ...
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