Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, September 23, 2023
(50) PG&E says customers likely to see big increase in power bills soon - YouTube
(50) PG&E says customers likely to see big increase in power bills soon - YouTube: PG&E says the rate increases are necessary to put 21,000 miles of power lines underground, but adds that the plan isn't enough to pay for all the necessary e...
Friday, September 22, 2023
Climate protests at UN Climate Week want to be too big and radical to ignore - Vox
Climate protests at UN Climate Week want to be too big and radical to ignore - Vox: How climate protesters want Biden to address the climate crisis.
Energy Department investing $325M in batteries that can better store clean electricity | The Hill
Energy Department investing $325M in batteries that can better store clean electricity | The Hill: The Energy Department will invest $325 million in batteries that can better store clean energy, it announced Friday. The funding will go toward 15 projects in 17 states and one tribal nation that aim to “advance energy storage technologies” and accelerate the development of long-duration energy storage (LDES) technologies. Batteries are increasingly being used to…
EPA proposes to tighten pollution rule weakened by Trump | The Hill
EPA proposes to tighten pollution rule weakened by Trump | The Hill: The Biden administration is proposing new restrictions on companies that emit hazardous air pollution, after a Trump-era move to weaken regulations. However, its new draft rule also doesn’t return Clinton-era safeguards — which some environmental advocates say still leaves too much pollution on the table. Under the Clinton administration, any facility that emits “hazardous air pollutants”…
Court axes Biden move to shrink offshore oil auction | The Hill
Court axes Biden move to shrink offshore oil auction | The Hill: A federal court is ordering the Biden administration to move forward with an auction for the rights to drill for oil and gas offshore without taking steps to protect endangered whales. Judge James Cain Jr., a Trump appointee, issued an injunction blocking the administration from removing 6 million acres from an upcoming offshore oil and gas…
Understanding the Fukushima Nuclear Power Reactor and Its Environmental Impact
Understanding the Fukushima Nuclear Power Reactor and Its Environmental Impact: Understanding the Fukushima Nuclear Power Reactor and Its Environmental Impact - EnergyPortal.eu
How Geologic Factors Generate El Nino And La Nina Events | Principia Scientific Intl.
How Geologic Factors Generate El Nino And La Nina Events | Principia Scientific Intl.: El Ninos and La Ninas significantly alter the Pacific Ocean’s temperature, Earth’s atmospheric temperature, and change our climate
Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Kerry Announces Project Phoenix Participants and the Nuclear Expediting the Energy Transition (NEXT) Program - United States Department of State
Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Kerry Announces Project Phoenix Participants and the Nuclear Expediting the Energy Transition (NEXT) Program - United States Department of State: On the margins of the Three Seas Initiative Summit in Bucharest, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry announced U.S. actions to further the role of new, secure, and safe nuclear technologies in accelerating the clean energy transition. These actions expand on Romania’s leadership role in building the first small modular reactor (SMR) in Europe […]
On the margins of the Three Seas Initiative Summit in Bucharest, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry announced U.S. actions to further the role of new, secure, and safe nuclear technologies in accelerating the clean energy transition. These actions expand on Romania’s leadership role in building the first small modular reactor (SMR) in Europe and in converting a former coal plant to advance nuclear energy.
Building on his announcement of Project Phoenix at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Sharm El Sheikh (COP27), Secretary Kerry announced in a dedicated side event that project proposals from Czechia, Slovakia, and Poland were competitively selected to participate in Project Phoenix and will receive support for coal-to-SMR feasibility studies. The side event took place at the University Politechnica of Bucharest and also featured the SMR simulator training center that was installed earlier this year. Secretary Kerry was joined by senior government officials from Romania, Slovakia, Czechia, and Poland, and senior executives from the nuclear industry.
Secretary Kerry also highlighted that the United States and the Government of Slovakia will co-host a Project Phoenix launch event, including a workshop with foreign partners in Bratislava on November 9. Project Phoenix supports energy security and climate goals by creating pathways for coal-to-SMR power plant conversions while retaining local jobs through workforce retraining.
While in Bucharest, Secretary Kerry also launched the Nuclear Expediting the Energy Transition (NEXT) One Stop Shop for SMR Support. The One Stop Shop will provide countries in Europe and Eurasia that are approaching SMR deployment decisions at the NEXT virtual center where they can apply for a suite of advanced project preparation tools and services. These services may include in-person technical, financial, and regulatory consultancies and advisory services; expert study tours to visit U.S. nuclear facilities, national laboratories, and universities; competitively selected provision of an SMR simulator to support workforce development as a regional training hub; and university-to-university partnerships for curricula development, faculty and graduate student and other educational exchanges to support the next generation of nuclear engineers, operators, and technicians who prioritize the highest international standards of nuclear security, safety, and nonproliferation.
Project Phoenix and NEXT One Stop Shop are subprograms of the U.S. Department of State’s Foundational Infrastructure for the Responsible Use of Small Modular Reactor Technology (FIRST) Program. The United States is committed to supporting the use of innovative, safe, and secure clean energy technologies to power global decarbonization efforts, advance energy security worldwide, and provide options to achieve net zero transition in hard-to-abate energy sectors.
Parametric Life Cycle Assessment of Nuclear Power for Simplified Models | Environmental Science & Technology
Parametric Life Cycle Assessment of Nuclear Power for Simplified Models | Environmental Science & Technology: Electrifying the global economy is accepted as a main decarbonization lever to reach the Paris Agreement targets. The IEA’s 2050 Net Zero transition pathways all involve some degree of nuclear power, highlighting its potential as a low-carbon electricity source. Greenhouse gas emissions of nuclear power reported in the life cycle assessment literature vary widely, from a few grams of CO2 equivalents to more than 100 g/kWh, globally. The reasons for such a variation are often misunderstood when reported and used by policymakers. To fill this gap, one can make LCA models explicit, exploring the role of the most significant parameters, and develop simplified models for the scientific community, policymakers, and the public. We developed a parametric cradle-to-grave life cycle model with 20 potentially significant variables: ore grade, extraction technique, enrichment technique, and power plant construction requirements, among others. Average GHG emissions of global nuclear power in 2020 are found to be 6.1 g CO2 equiv/kWh, whereas pessimistic and optimistic scenarios provide extreme values of 5.4–122 g CO2 equiv/kWh. We also provide simplified models, one per environmental impact indi
DOD Exercises Option on Second Micro Nuclear Reactor Design > U.S. Department of Defense > Release
DOD Exercises Option on Second Micro Nuclear Reactor Design > U.S. Department of Defense > Release: As part of the Strategic Capabilities Office initiative Project Pele, the DOD awarded a contract option to X-energy, LLC of Rockville, Md., to develop an enhanced engineering design for a
Immediate Release
DOD Exercises Option on Second Micro Nuclear Reactor Design
Sept. 13, 2023 |
As part of the Strategic Capabilities Office (SCO) initiative Project Pele, the Department of Defense (DOD) has awarded a contract option to X-energy, LLC of Rockville, Maryland in order to develop an enhanced engineering design for a transportable micro nuclear reactor.
In 2022, SCO selected BWX Technologies, Inc. of Lynchburg, Virginia to build a prototype micro reactor. This work is underway and long lead hardware fabrication has begun. By executing this contract option with X-energy, SCO seeks to develop a complementary micro reactor design that builds upon X-energy's developments completed under Project Pele in 2022. This option continues funding for X-energy to develop its design to meet the technical requirements of Project Pele, targeting a reactor design which is ready for licensing by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for both commercial ventures and military resiliency.
"Due to their extraordinary energy density, nuclear reactors have the potential to serve multiple critical functions for meeting resiliency needs in contested logistical environments," said Dr. Jeff Waksman, Project Pele program manager. "By developing two unique designs, we will provide the Services with a broad range of options as they consider potential uses of nuclear power for both Installation and Operational energy applications in the near future."
The DOD uses approximately 30 Terawatt-hours of electricity per year and more than 10 million gallons of fuel per day—levels that are only expected to increase due to anticipated electrification of the vehicle fleet and maturation of future energy-intensive capabilities. A safe, small, transportable nuclear reactor would address this growing demand with a resilient, carbon-free energy source that does not add to the DOD's fuel needs, while supporting mission-critical operations in remote and austere environments.
This contract option for one year of work by X-energy will not result in a completed engineering design, but will allow a thorough analysis of design options, leading to a Preliminary Engineering Design and initiation of a regulatory preapplication process.
"The Strategic Capabilities Office specializes in adapting commercial technology for military purposes," said Jay Dryer, SCO director. "By nurturing and developing multiple micro reactor designs, SCO will not just provide options for the military Services, but will also help jumpstart a truly competitive commercial marketplace for micro reactors."
NIA Statement on Senate Passage of NDAA Amendments That Will Boost Advanced Nuclear Development and Deployment | NIA
NIA Statement on Senate Passage of NDAA Amendments That Will Boost Advanced Nuclear Development and Deployment | NIA: WASHINGTON D.C. (July 28, 2023) The following statement may be attributed to Nuclear Innovation Alliance Executive Director Judi Greenwald:
BWXT, Crowley to work together on power plant vessel concept : Corporate - World Nuclear News
BWXT, Crowley to work together on power plant vessel concept : Corporate - World Nuclear News: BWX Technologies, Inc has teamed up with global shipping and maritime, energy and logistics solutions company Crowley to develop new shallow-draft hull ships to supply energy from onboard microreactors to shoreside locations.
Environmental permit granted for first Polish plant : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News
Environmental permit granted for first Polish plant : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: Poland's General Director for Environmental Protection has issued to Polskie Elektrownie Jadrowe its decision on the environmental conditions for the construction of a nuclear power plant in the province of Pomerania.
Nuclear groups propose ‘stepwise’ approach to increased regulatory efficiency : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News
Nuclear groups propose ‘stepwise’ approach to increased regulatory efficiency : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: A new joint report from World Nuclear Association, the Nuclear Energy Institute and the Canadian Nuclear Association proposes regulatory steps which can be taken to minimise the time and cost for large-scale deployment of a fleet of standardised reactor designs that are acceptable in multiple countries around the world.
Atlas railcar designed for spent nuclear fuel completes 1,680-mile test run - Trains
Atlas railcar designed for spent nuclear fuel completes 1,680-mile test run - Trains: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced the successful completion of a 1,680-mile round trip as part of the final testing for its Atlas railcar.
Constellation Energy CEO emphasizes the reliability of nuclear power
Constellation Energy CEO emphasizes the reliability of nuclear power: The CEO of nuclear-powered utility Constellation Energy, Joe Dominguez, emphasized the reliability of nuclear power.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Trudeau’s Trans Mountain Pipeline Promises to Redraw Global Oil Flows - Bloomberg
Trudeau’s Trans Mountain Pipeline Promises to Redraw Global Oil Flows - Bloomberg: Canada, home to the world’s third-largest crude deposits, is poised to reshuffle global oil flows next year.
Wolverine Power Agrees To Buy Palisades Nuclear Power - MITechNews
Wolverine Power Agrees To Buy Palisades Nuclear Power - MITechNews: The shuttered Palisades Nuclear Power Plant met the first step on the long road to reopening Tuesday when Wolverine Power Cooperative signed a long-term agreement with Holtec International to buy power when the plant reopened.
New research centre at Texas university to develop molten salt reactor - Nuclear Engineering International
New research centre at Texas university to develop molten salt reactor - Nuclear Engineering International: The recently opened Gayle & Max Dillard Science & Engineering Research Centre (SERC) at the US Abilene Christian University (ACU) in Texas, which includes the Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Laboratory (NEXT Lab), is continuing...
The POWER Interview: Making the U.S. Nuclear Industry Great Again
The POWER Interview: Making the U.S. Nuclear Industry Great Again: There are many reasons to be optimistic about the prospects for nuclear energy. As a carbon-free energy source, it is a great option for power generation
Fact Checking Biden's UN Speech: Words Versus Action - Antiwar.com Original
Fact Checking Biden's UN Speech: Words Versus Action - Antiwar.com Original: Fact Checking Biden’s UN Speech: Words Versus Action
All options must be on table to limit carbon, including nuclear
All options must be on table to limit carbon, including nuclear: Nuclear fuel is energy dense — a single uranium pellet has the same energy as 17,000 cubic feet of natural gas or a ton of coal.
World needs nuclear for net zero, says John Kerry : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News
World needs nuclear for net zero, says John Kerry : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News: Nuclear will be essential for the world to accelerate its transition away from fossil fuels, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry said at a New York summit this week. He also praised the recently launched Net Zero Nuclear Initiative - which has now welcomed GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy as its first corporate partner.
Alberta funds SMR deployment study : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News
Alberta funds SMR deployment study : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: The province has announced it is investing CAD7 million (USD5 million) in a multi-year study to explore how small modular reactors could be safely, technically and economically deployed for oil sands operations. It is also working on putting a regulatory framework in place to allow private industry to pursue SMRs.
Westinghouse, Bechtel sign consortium agreement for Polish plant : Corporate - World Nuclear News
Westinghouse, Bechtel sign consortium agreement for Polish plant : Corporate - World Nuclear News: Westinghouse Electric Company and Bechtel have signed a formal agreement to partner on the design and construction of Poland's first nuclear power plant at Lubiatowo-Kopalino. They expect to sign an engineering services contract with Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe within the next week.
Regulatory changes needed for new nuclear for maritime : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News
Regulatory changes needed for new nuclear for maritime : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News: Nuclear will be needed to help decarbonise the shipping industry - whether by having nuclear-powered ships or using nuclear to produce alternative fuels - a conference organised by Core Power has heard. However, speakers noted that regulatory issues must be resolved before this can happen.
47,000 Member Oil and Gas Workers Association Endorses President Trump - The Last Refuge
47,000 Member Oil and Gas Workers Association Endorses President Trump - The Last Refuge: The Oil and Gas Association based 30 minutes away from Midland in Odessa, Texas, has 47,000 members nationwide, including in Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Alaska. On the same day that Ron DeSantis launched his national energy policy with a speech in Midland, Texas, the Oil and Gas Assoc endorses President […]
Biden: Accelerate the Climate Crisis! | Power Line
Biden: Accelerate the Climate Crisis! | Power Line: It has gotten to the point where Joe Biden can’t make a public appearance without embarrassing himself–and, worse, us. Speaking to the U.N. General Assembly this morning, Biden stressed…
China's 'CEO Whisperers': Chinese Communist Party Takes Over Canada :: Gatestone Institute
China's 'CEO Whisperers': Chinese Communist Party Takes Over Canada :: Gatestone Institute: "I was pretty dismayed at the extent of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) influence in the federal Parliament. I should probably not say any more to stay on the right side of the libel laws... [W]hat are the authorities doing about this? I think that's the
Decarbonizing 8 industrial sectors could require more than $1 trillion capital investment: DOE | Utility Dive
Decarbonizing 8 industrial sectors could require more than $1 trillion capital investment: DOE | Utility Dive: Utility industry news and analysis for energy professionals.
Poland given green light for nuclear power - Power Technology
Poland given green light for nuclear power - Power Technology: Poland given the go ahead by the IAEA to start development of nuclear power industry
BWXT in partnership to develop vessel to carry nuclear microreactors for military, disaster relief operations - Cardinal News
BWXT in partnership to develop vessel to carry nuclear microreactors for military, disaster relief operations - Cardinal News: The project’s goal is to connect a small power plant on board a ship with facilities on land that need electricity when other sources of power are unavailable.
Saudi Uranium Enrichment Floated Under Possible Israel Deal - WSJ
Saudi Uranium Enrichment Floated Under Possible Israel Deal - WSJ: The initiative is part of talks that would forge diplomatic ties between the two Middle Eastern countries.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
IAEA mission reviews Poland’s regulatory framework - Nuclear Engineering International
IAEA mission reviews Poland’s regulatory framework - Nuclear Engineering International: An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) team has found Poland’s nuclear regulatory framework to be in line with IAEA safety standards and that its regulatory body is competent and prepared...
US Defense Department expands Project Pele to include X-energy - Nuclear Engineering International
US Defense Department expands Project Pele to include X-energy - Nuclear Engineering International: US-based X-Energy Reactor Company and the US Department of Defense (DOD) have agreed to expand the contract under the Project Pele initiative to develop a transportable, cost-effective advanced nuclear microreactor prototype for use in remote...
World needs nuclear for net zero, says John Kerry : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News
World needs nuclear for net zero, says John Kerry : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News: Nuclear will be essential for the world to accelerate its transition away from fossil fuels, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry said at a New York summit this week. He also praised the recently launched Net Zero Nuclear Initiative - which has now welcomed GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy as its first corporate partner.
Poland given green light for nuclear power - Power Technology
Poland given green light for nuclear power - Power Technology: Poland given the go ahead by the IAEA to start development of nuclear power industry
Maritime industry explores nuclear power for ships as technology opens up | Reuters
Maritime industry explores nuclear power for ships as technology opens up | Reuters: Nuclear energy has been used in the past to power military submarines and icebreakers.
Wyoming signs contract to advance microreactor deployment - Power Engineering International
Wyoming signs contract to advance microreactor deployment - Power Engineering International: BWX Technologies has entered a contract with the Wyoming Energy Authority to evaluate the feasibility of microreactor deployment.
Argentina’s Nuclear Power Project with China Raises Concerns - Diálogo Américas
Argentina’s Nuclear Power Project with China Raises Concerns - Diálogo Américas: The project for the construction of Atucha III, Argentina’s fourth nuclear power plant, which seeks financing from China, is raising concerns due to the Asian country’s growing influence. According to experts, the proposal to finance the plant with Chinese capital could leave Argentina in a vulnerable economic situation.
Canada signs $3B nuclear deal with Romania, as Europe aims to wean off Russian energy
Canada signs $3B nuclear deal with Romania, as Europe aims to wean off Russian energy: OTTAWA - Canada and Romania signed a $3-billion export development deal Tuesday that will see two new nuclear reactors built in the eastern European country, in a move that both
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
DoD expands contract for mobile microreactor prototype - Daily Energy Insider
DoD expands contract for mobile microreactor prototype - Daily Energy Insider: On Friday, the U.S. Department of Defense announced it was expanding the contract for X-Energy Reactor Company, LLC’s participation in Project Pele initiative to develop a mobile microreactor. X-Energy Reactor is a leading developer of ... Read More »
Advanced Reactors / US NRC Accepts Hermes 2 Construction Permit Application For Review :: NucNet | The Independent Nuclear News Agency
Advanced Reactors / US NRC Accepts Hermes 2 Construction Permit Application For Review :: NucNet | The Independent Nuclear News Agency: Molten salt test reactor will be built alongside test plant at Oak Ridge
France is EU’s first importer of ‘Russian nuclear products’: study – EURACTIV.com
France is EU’s first importer of ‘Russian nuclear products’: study – EURACTIV.com: France will have more than tripled its imports of Russian industrial nuclear products between 2021 and 2022, making it he EU's leading importer of such products, according to a study by Polish think tank Forum Energii, which raises questions about the EU's ability to weaning itself from Russian resources.
U.S. court dismisses nuclear power lawsuit against KHNP, Kepco
U.S. court dismisses nuclear power lawsuit against KHNP, Kepco: The U.S. Federal District Court of Washington dismissed Westinghouse’s case filed against the Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP), Monday.
South Carolina officials, Duke Energy look to nuclear power to meet growing demand
South Carolina officials, Duke Energy look to nuclear power to meet growing demand: This week leaders from 16 southern states are meeting in Greenville to discuss the best way to power one of the fastest growing regions in the country.
How China became king of new nuclear power, how U.S. could catch up
How China became king of new nuclear power, how U.S. could catch up: China is the current king of new nuclear power construction. The US is attempting to launch a comeback, but its still unknown whether that will be successful.
Parametric Life Cycle Assessment of Nuclear Power for Simplified Models | Environmental Science & Technology
Parametric Life Cycle Assessment of Nuclear Power for Simplified Models | Environmental Science & Technology: Electrifying the global economy is accepted as a main decarbonization lever to reach the Paris Agreement targets. The IEA’s 2050 Net Zero transition pathways all involve some degree of nuclear power, highlighting its potential as a low-carbon electricity source. Greenhouse gas emissions of nuclear power reported in the life cycle assessment literature vary widely, from a few grams of CO2 equivalents to more than 100 g/kWh, globally. The reasons for such a variation are often misunderstood when reported and used by policymakers. To fill this gap, one can make LCA models explicit, exploring the role of the most significant parameters, and develop simplified models for the scientific community, policymakers, and the public. We developed a parametric cradle-to-grave life cycle model with 20 potentially significant variables: ore grade, extraction technique, enrichment technique, and power plant construction requirements, among others. Average GHG emissions of global nuclear power in 2020 are found to be 6.1 g CO2 equiv/kWh, whereas pessimistic and optimistic scenarios provide extreme values of 5.4–122 g CO2 equiv/kWh. We also provide simplified models, one per environmental impact indi
DOE/ID-Number - Nuclear_to_support_NET_final.pdf
DOE/ID-Number - Nuclear_to_support_NET_final.pdf
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and
Supply Chain
Assessment of Nuclear
Energy to Support Negative
Emission Technologies
America’s New Nuclear Divide - Heatmap News
America’s New Nuclear Divide - Heatmap News: It’s not about politics. It’s about electricity markets.
Oklo, Centrus eye creation of nuclear fuel hub | Reuters Events | Nuclear
Oklo, Centrus eye creation of nuclear fuel hub | Reuters Events | Nuclear: Oklo’s Aurora Powerhouses will provide the power needed to run the hub while Centrus produces the advanced nuclear fuel the reactor needs to run, according to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) the two companies signed late August. The MoU includes a range of collaboration programs and follows a Letter of Intent signed in 2021 to cooperate in the development of a HALEU fuel
How China hopes to secure its supply chain for critical minerals | MIT Technology Review
How China hopes to secure its supply chain for critical minerals | MIT Technology Review: China is building up domestic production of ultra-pure quartz, which is currently produced predominantly in North Carolina.
South Carolina officials, Duke Energy look to nuclear power to meet growing demand
South Carolina officials, Duke Energy look to nuclear power to meet growing demand: This week leaders from 16 southern states are meeting in Greenville to discuss the best way to power one of the fastest growing regions in the country.
Polish regulator ready for nuclear programme, IAEA says : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News
Polish regulator ready for nuclear programme, IAEA says : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: Poland's nuclear regulatory framework is in line with International Atomic Energy Agency safety standards and its regulatory body is competent and prepared for the launch of the country's nuclear power programme, an IAEA team of experts has concluded.
US university builds facility for first-of-a-kind research reactor : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News
US university builds facility for first-of-a-kind research reactor : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: The Gayle and Max Dillard Science and Engineering Research Center at Abilene Christian University in Texas will host the Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Laboratory and a first-of-a-kind advanced reactor facility.
US court dismisses Westinghouse case against Korea : Corporate - World Nuclear News
US court dismisses Westinghouse case against Korea : Corporate - World Nuclear News: A US district court has dismissed a lawsuit filed by Westinghouse Electric Company seeking to prevent Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power and its parent company Korea Electric Power Corporation from exporting the APR1400 reactor design without its permission.
Environmental Groups Urge Regulators to Shut Down California Reactor Over Safety Concerns
Environmental Groups Urge Regulators to Shut Down California Reactor Over Safety Concerns: Environmental groups called on federal regulators to immediately shut down one of two reactors at California's last nuclear power plant until tests can be
Monday, September 18, 2023
The Increasing Use of the Major Questions Doctrine in Evaluating Agency Actions
The Increasing Use of the Major Questions Doctrine in Evaluating Agency Actions: The Increasing Use of the Major Questions Doctrine in Evaluating Agency Actions - EnergyPortal.eu
ANALYSIS: Fifth Circuit Nuclear Fuel Case Eyes Major Questions
ANALYSIS: Fifth Circuit Nuclear Fuel Case Eyes Major Questions: Courts are increasingly using the major questions doctrine to examine decades-old statutes and to evaluate whether they clearly authorize current agency actions. But Congress can’t predict the future, so agencies can face difficulty showing that today’s actions are authorized by old statutes.
California looks toward renewable future amid contentious power plant decisions | The Hill
California looks toward renewable future amid contentious power plant decisions | The Hill: California officials have garnered criticism in recent months over their decisions to prolong the lifespans of natural gas and nuclear facilities despite the state’s pledges to shift to cleaner energy. Lawmakers have argued the moves are part of a critical balancing act between California’s ambitious renewable energy goals and the need to keep homes heated and powered. But many scientists and environmental…
Nukes Are Back, but Uranium Is in Short Supply - WSJ
Nukes Are Back, but Uranium Is in Short Supply - WSJ: A renaissance for the nuclear-power industry has run into a problem: Prices have soared for the radioactive uranium required to fuel reactors in the decades ahead.
UK launches search for private investment in Sizewell C nuclear project | Reuters
UK launches search for private investment in Sizewell C nuclear project | Reuters: Britain on Monday opened the search for private investment in the Sizewell C nuclear project, inviting potential investors to register their interest.
We need nuclear power
We need nuclear power: "Nuclear” has been a dirty word for years, since the damage caused by nuclear bombs during World War II, using nuclear technology for good seemed impossible.
RESEARCH REPORT: Five Steps Toward an American Nuclear Renaissance
RESEARCH REPORT: Five Steps Toward an American Nuclear Renaissance: Energy policy in the United States is at a crossroads. Spurred by environmental concerns, current federal efforts to replace fossil fuel electricity generation with wind and solar are making the nation’s grid dangerously unreliable. This vulnerability is due to wind and solar’s reliance on favorable weather conditions, coupled with the absence of battery technology needed to balance unpredictable electricity supply with consumer demand. At a recent congressional hearing, half of commissioners on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) warned that the United States is on the brink of an electricity reliability catastrophe (Christie, 2023; Danly, 2023). The human and economic costs of electrical grid failure are not hypothetical; the power outages associated with Winter Storm Uri in February 2021 were responsible for more than 200 deaths (FERC et al., 2021) and tens of billions of dollars of economic damage (Golding, et al., 2021). Amid changing weather patterns, a national reliance upon weather-dependent sources of electricity—the generation of which cannot be ramped up on demand—risks sleepwalking the United States into an avoidable disaster.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Exposing the Government's Secret Plan to Grab 30 Percent of America's Land | EpochTV
Exposing the Government's Secret Plan to Grab 30 Percent of America's Land | EpochTV: Over the past year, we've explored the global implementation of the UN's Agenda 2030. In the US, this corresponds with the Biden Administration's Agenda 30x30.
News relating to missiles used or about to be used in Ukraine and about “Russian” ICBMs in North Korea – Gilbert Doctorow
News relating to missiles used or about to be used in Ukraine and about “Russian” ICBMs in North Korea – Gilbert Doctorow: It is widely expected that in the coming week American president Joe Biden will announce the decision to ship American medium range missiles ATACMS to Ukraine. Discussions of this subject have been…
X-Energy Lands DOD’s 2nd Contract for Project Pele | Neutron Bytes
X-Energy Lands DOD’s 2nd Contract for Project Pele | Neutron Bytes: X-Energy Lands DOD’s 2nd Contract for Project Pele X-energy and Ares Acquisition Corp Add Cash to the Joint Effort Holtec Signs Power Purchase Agreement In Bid To Restart Palisades Nuclear Pl…
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