In deciding what to do with nuclear waste and where to put it, a blue ribbon commission recommends a consent-based approach rather than congressional fiat
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Presidential Commission Seeks Volunteers to Store U.S. Nuclear Waste Scientific American
Presidential Commission Seeks Volunteers to Store U.S. Nuclear Waste Scientific American
ENERGY WHITE PAPER: Keeping the lights on in the cheapest, cleanest way
ENERGY WHITE PAPER: Keeping the lights on in the cheapest, cleanest way
MIT Creates Sun-free Photovoltaic Power, Hammers Another Nail Into Lithium ...
MIT Creates Sun-free Photovoltaic Power, Hammers Another Nail Into Lithium ...
Oh MIT, we can always count on you to come up with the most clever, little inventions. Just the other day you created goo-powered batteries to replace lithium-ion and now you've gone and found a way to make photovoltaic electricity without sunlight! ...
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Law of Renewable Energy Series: Tackling Energy Storage Issues
Law of Renewable Energy Series: Tackling Energy Storage Issues
EDF gets green light for Hinkley new nuke and massive government supply contract
EDF gets green light for Hinkley new nuke and massive government supply contract
Japan Proposes Aggressive Recovery Plan By HIROKO TABUCHI
Japan Proposes Aggressive Recovery Plan
Title_head CLP Holdings to invest CNY 11 billion into Yangjiang nuclear power station
CLP Holdings to invest CNY 11 billion into Yangjiang nuclear power station
China's nuclear power developers seek equity investors amid credit crunch
China's nuclear power developers seek equity investors amid credit crunch
Accusations of public opinion manipulation by NISA have damaged trust
Accusations of public opinion manipulation by NISA have damaged trust Mainichi Daily News If NISA, whose role is to examine the structure and equipment of nuclear power plants and ensure their safety, has in fact attempted to lead public opinion, it is a serious problem. To restore the public's trust, the government must get to the bottom ... |
Korean Candu restarts after refurbishment
Korean Candu restarts after refurbishment
Unit 1 at the Wolsong nuclear power plant in South Korea has been restarted following the completion of a refurbishment of the pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR). It marks the first time that a Candu-6 reactor has been successfully dismantled, retubed and restarted. The 679 MWe reactor to operate for a further 25 years. It took 839 days to refurbish (started in 2009).Gov't to buy up all beef containing cesium exceeding allowable levels
Gov't to buy up all beef containing cesium exceeding allowable levels
Miyagi, Gunma, Iwate to test all beef cattle for radiation
Miyagi, Gunma, Iwate to test all beef cattle for radiation
Gov't bans all shipments of beef cattle from Miyagi Pref.
Gov't bans all shipments of beef cattle from Miyagi Pref.
EDF kicks off the battle for nuclear Britain with French bid
EDF kicks off the battle for nuclear Britain with French bid
Distributed Power Is The Best Way To Relieve Energy Poverty
Distributed Power Is The Best Way To Relieve Energy Poverty
Managing Nuclear Information in the Cloud
Managing Nuclear Information in the Cloud
by Neno Duplan
Battling for nuclear energy by exposing opposition motives
Battling for nuclear energy by exposing opposition motives
False media balance – radiation health risks contrasted against climate change
False media balance – radiation health risks contrasted against climate change
Update on fast reactor group challenge to MIT
Update on fast reactor group challenge to MIT
Rod Adams - July 29, 2011
Steve Kirsch, an MIT graduate and enough of an entrepreneurial success to have an auditorium at the school that carries his name, has updated his challenge to the faculty at his alma mater in a post on The Huffington Post titled Is MIT Afraid to Debate Nuclear Report?. …Continue »
Build baby build - new nuclear power plants
Build baby build - new nuclear power plants
CBS News aired a short piece that reminds people how vital reliable electricity is. That knowledge is reinforced when power grids are stressed and when people die due to complications associated with heat exposure. Nuclear plants have a far better chance of being available when needed than the wind turbines that were AWOL during a recent heat wave that blanketed about 1/4 of the US land mass.
When the heat domes hover, the air is still and muggy. If there was a reliable breeze we would not be so dependent on our air conditioners!
Build baby build - new nuclear power plants
CBS News aired a short piece that reminds people how vital reliable electricity is. That knowledge is reinforced when power grids are stressed and when people die due to complications associated with heat exposure. Nuclear plants have a far better chance of being available when needed than the wind turbines that were AWOL during a recent heat wave that blanketed about 1/4 of the US land mass.
When the heat domes hover, the air is still and muggy. If there was a reliable breeze we would not be so dependent on our air conditioners!
"N.R.C. Lowers Estimate of How Many Would Die in Meltdown."
Matt Wald has published an important article in the New York Times titled "N.R.C. Lowers Estimate of How Many Would Die in Meltdown."
Smaller nuclear reactors allow decentralized power – some critics not pleased
Smaller nuclear reactors allow decentralized power – some critics not pleased
Friday, July 29, 2011
Japan to Unveil Plan to Cut Reliance on Atomic Power, Asahi Says
Japan to Unveil Plan to Cut Reliance on Atomic Power, Asahi Says
Spherical robots eyeball nuclear pipework
Spherical robots eyeball nuclear pipework | Like » |
Started by Ziv Lang, Air Resources Engineer at California Air Resources Board | |
Abstract could be found on this link: By Ziv Lang, Air Resources Engineer at California Air Resources Board |
CFD applications in the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor Project: A decade of progress
CFD applications in the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor Project: A decade of progress
Naoto Kan, Japan Prime Minister, Calls For Nuclear Energy Cutback
Naoto Kan, Japan Prime Minister, Calls For Nuclear Energy Cutback
Nevada Nuclear Dump Debate: Panel Finds Local Support Is Crucial
Nevada Nuclear Dump Debate: Panel Finds Local Support Is Crucial
Clinton's Nuclear Bargain With India
Clinton's Nuclear Bargain With India
J. Sri Raman, Truthout: "If a 'strategic partnership' is here, can business pacts be far behind? US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton left no doubt about the close nexus between the two during her recent visit to New Delhi while answering fresh questions raised over the famous US-India nuclear deal. The main question arose from a decision of the 46-nation Nuclear Suppliers' Group (NSG) that seemed to deny a special concession India had won from the Vienna-based forum on the eve of the deal, as an essential condition for its conclusion."
Read the Article
J. Sri Raman, Truthout: "If a 'strategic partnership' is here, can business pacts be far behind? US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton left no doubt about the close nexus between the two during her recent visit to New Delhi while answering fresh questions raised over the famous US-India nuclear deal. The main question arose from a decision of the 46-nation Nuclear Suppliers' Group (NSG) that seemed to deny a special concession India had won from the Vienna-based forum on the eve of the deal, as an essential condition for its conclusion."
Read the Article
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes Spent fuel draft report has few surprises
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes
Spent fuel draft report has few surprises
Blue Ribbon Commission calls for interim storage and finding a new geologic repository, but nixes reprocessing as a near term strategyWenzhou Crash Shows the Dangers of China's Nuclear Power Ambitions By Jianjun Tu and David Livingston
Wenzhou Crash Shows the Dangers of China's Nuclear Power Ambitions
By Jianjun Tu and David Livingston
By Jianjun Tu and David Livingston
A high-speed train crash near Wenzhou in the coastal Chinese province of Zhejiang took the lives of at least 39 people on July 23 and has raised equal measures of fear, anger and astonishment across the country. Preliminary reports indicate that a bullet train running from Hangzhou to Fuzhou had been struck by lightning, causing it to break down on the tracks. Shortly afterwards another locomotive heading from Beijing to Fuzhou careened into the stalled train, derailing six cars and pushing four of them entirely off the viaduct (New York Times, July 24; 21st Century Herald, July 27). In addition to the fatalities, at least 210 were injured in what is now the highest-profile setback for China’s ambitious rail program. While Beijing has moved quickly to control the flow of information (albeit not successfully) surrounding the disaster and disclosed the foreign origin of its bullet train technologies, the Chinese public and the broader international community are unlikely to be satisfied by such dismissals (Caijing, July 24). The accident is a “canary in the coal mine”, as it were, for a much larger structural challenge facing China. The breadth of Chinese ambitions to indigenize foreign technologies and scale them for mass deployment has simply outpaced its ability to plan, operate and staff these complex undertakings in a safe and sustainable manner. This is true in the case of high-speed rail, and it threatens to become the overarching storyline for the country’s nuclear energy program. The tragedy on the tracks in Wenzhou delivers lessons that Beijing would be wise to heed, not only for the management of its rail networks but also for the more critical issue of its 2020 nuclear energy goals.
PEST(EL) in the Nuclear Industry – The Political (part 2)
PEST(EL) in the Nuclear Industry – The Political (part 2)
Global Weekly: DuPont Extends into Solar Sector
Posted: 28 Jul 2011 01:26 PM PDT
The biggest deal of the past week was made by chemical giant DuPont, which acquired InnovaLight, a California-based company that develops a silicon nanocrystalline ink for flexible solar panels. DuPont already had revenue of more than $1 billion in the solar market in 2010, and expects that to reach $2 billion by 2014. The week also featured several innovative companies in the transportation sector, as well as a few corporate-level transactions, including one made by DuPont’s competitor Dow Chemical. The complete highlights are as follows:Related articles
- Innovalight bought by DuPont (
- DuPont gets Solar Blues from Innovalight (
- DuPont boosts solar with Innovalight acquisition (
- DuPont Scoops Up "Silicon Ink" Maker Innovalight (
- Summary Box: DuPont earnings up, raises year view (
TVA exec says Bellefonte will be on Aug. 18 agenda
TVA exec says Bellefonte will be on Aug. 18 agenda
Hitachi JV, Polish firm link up to supply nuclear reactors to Poland
Hitachi JV, Polish firm link up to supply nuclear reactors to Poland
Areva CEO Says China May Lift Halt of Nuclear Projects in Q4
Areva CEO Says China May Lift Halt of Nuclear Projects in Q4
O.K., Smart Guys: Fix the Energy Problem
O.K., Smart Guys: Fix the Energy Problem
How should the U.S. solve its energy problems? The experts brainstorm
ANS Nuclear Cafe Is the NRC on target with its call to redefine nuclear safety?
ANS Nuclear Cafe
Editor: Dan Yurman
Is the NRC on target with its call to redefine nuclear safety?
A report by a Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff task force calls for sweeping regulatory change, but also acknowledges that information about the Fukushima accident is unavailable, unreliable, or ambiguous. What should be the response in the United States to the events in Japan?U.S. Regulator Says Fukushima Lessons Can Percolate
U.S. Regulator Says Fukushima Lessons Can Percolate
Nuclear power's real chain reaction: spiralling costs
Nuclear power's real chain reaction: spiralling costs
The new delays and bumper cost overruns of EDF's new reactor in France make it very hard to believe that nuclear power can fulfil the promises its supporters make
Inside the innards of a nuclear reactor
Inside the innards of a nuclear reactor
Boston MA (SPX) Jul 27, 2011 - As workers continue to grapple with the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear powerplant in Japan, the crisis has shone a spotlight on nuclear reactors around the world. In June, The Associated Press released results from a yearlong investigation, revealing evidence of "unrelenting wear" in many of the oldest-running facilities in the United States. That study found that three-quarters of the ... more
Boston MA (SPX) Jul 27, 2011 - As workers continue to grapple with the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear powerplant in Japan, the crisis has shone a spotlight on nuclear reactors around the world. In June, The Associated Press released results from a yearlong investigation, revealing evidence of "unrelenting wear" in many of the oldest-running facilities in the United States. That study found that three-quarters of the ... more
Japan denies censorship over nuclear crisis
Japan denies censorship over nuclear crisis
Tokyo (AFP) July 29, 2011 - Japan on Friday denied that a government project to monitor online news reports and Twitter posts about the Fukushima nuclear crisis was an attempt to censor negative information and views. Some Western online reports have charged that Japan had passed a law with the intent of "cleansing" the Internet of negative reports and commentary about the accident at the tsunami-hit Fukushima Daiichi ... more
Tokyo (AFP) July 29, 2011 - Japan on Friday denied that a government project to monitor online news reports and Twitter posts about the Fukushima nuclear crisis was an attempt to censor negative information and views. Some Western online reports have charged that Japan had passed a law with the intent of "cleansing" the Internet of negative reports and commentary about the accident at the tsunami-hit Fukushima Daiichi ... more
End of nuclear in Germany pushes Vattenfall into red
End of nuclear in Germany pushes Vattenfall into red
Stockholm (AFP) July 28, 2011 - Swedish power group Vatenfall on Thursday announced a 154-percent net loss in the second quarter, blaming it on Germany's decision to abandon nuclear power in the wake of the Fukushima disaster. Vattenfall recorded a net loss of 2.7 billion kronor (301 million euros, 433 million dollars) against five billion kronor over the same period in 2010, the company's report said. The result, said ... more
Stockholm (AFP) July 28, 2011 - Swedish power group Vatenfall on Thursday announced a 154-percent net loss in the second quarter, blaming it on Germany's decision to abandon nuclear power in the wake of the Fukushima disaster. Vattenfall recorded a net loss of 2.7 billion kronor (301 million euros, 433 million dollars) against five billion kronor over the same period in 2010, the company's report said. The result, said ... more
Germany's grand energy experiment
Germany's grand energy experiment
Barry Brook | 29 July 2011 at 3:45 PM | Categories: Emissions, Nuclear, Policy, Renewables | URL:
Zpryme Report - A Closer Look at DSM, Energy Storage & Distributed Generation
Zpryme Report - A Closer Look at DSM, Energy Storage & Distributed Generation
PR Urgent
In the new report, A Closer Look at DSM, Energy Storage & Distributed Generation, Zpryme details how demand-side management, energy storage, distributed generation, and even customer-sited generation is effecting the deployment of the smart grid. ...
PR Urgent
In the new report, A Closer Look at DSM, Energy Storage & Distributed Generation, Zpryme details how demand-side management, energy storage, distributed generation, and even customer-sited generation is effecting the deployment of the smart grid. ...
Thursday, July 28, 2011
New study outlines prospects for electric vehicle market growth in the U.S.
New study outlines prospects for electric vehicle market growth in the U.S.
The Obama administration has set a goal of getting one million electric cars on the road by 2015 to reduce air pollution and dependence on fossil fuels. These vehicles are becoming available, but will Americans buy them? The answer, according to a new study by researchers at Harvard Kennedy School, is yes – but only if the electric vehicles are competitive with conventional cars on cost, range and fueling convenience.
The Obama administration has set a goal of getting one million electric cars on the road by 2015 to reduce air pollution and dependence on fossil fuels. These vehicles are becoming available, but will Americans buy them? The answer, according to a new study by researchers at Harvard Kennedy School, is yes – but only if the electric vehicles are competitive with conventional cars on cost, range and fueling convenience.
Insight: Nuclear-Powered Future? / Elizabeth Custer / Big Band / Sound Advice ... Capital Public Radio News But, according to a statewide survey the Public Policy Institute of California released this week, public support for nuclear power is dropping following the meltdown in Fukushima, Japan. We'll speak with Burt Richter, an author of the CCST study and ...
Insight: Nuclear-Powered Future? / Elizabeth Custer / Big Band / Sound Advice ... Capital Public Radio News But, according to a statewide survey the Public Policy Institute of California released this week, public support for nuclear power is dropping following the meltdown in Fukushima, Japan. We'll speak with Burt Richter, an author of the CCST study and ... |
NJ NJ nuclear power plants need independent safety review The Star-Ledger - (blog)
US Nuclear Commission Rejects Chairman's Plan For Fukushima Response
US Nuclear Commission Rejects Chairman's Plan For Fukushima Response
The vote signaled that the five-member commission has yet to agree on how to proceed with recommendations from a staff task force that was charged with evaluating safety at US nuclear reactors.
The vote signaled that the five-member commission has yet to agree on how to proceed with recommendations from a staff task force that was charged with evaluating safety at US nuclear reactors.
Poll: Californians say no nukes, but maybe oil drilling San Jose Mercury News But Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdown disaster -- caused by March's cataclysmic earthquake and tsunami, and widely seen as the world's worst nuclear accident since 1986's Chernobyl blast -- apparently has sapped Californians' support for ...
Poll: Californians say no nukes, but maybe oil drilling
Thorium reactors promise a different nuclear future | Audio ...
Thorium reactors promise a different nuclear future | Audio ... Thorium reactors promise a different nuclear future. 28.07.2011 | 05:03 mins. Thorium reactors promise a different nuclear future ... |
atomic power review Nuclear Energy in Japan: July 27, 2011
Posted: 27 Jul 2011 08:32 PM PDT
TEPCO has released a video of the QUINCE robot inside No. 3 reactor building on July 26th. See it at the APR YouTube Channel:ATOMIC POWER REVIEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL
Some illustrations from TEPCO help clarify the locations seen in the video:
Sanders is sole vote against new small nuclear technology July 27, 2011 by Meredith Angwin
Sanders is sole vote against new small nuclear technology
July 27, 2011
Exelon 'not in any panic' over nuclear regulations
Exelon 'not in any panic' over nuclear regulations
Advanced Reactor Gets Closer to Reality
Advanced Reactor Gets Closer to Reality
Terrapower is pushing ahead with a reactor design that uses a nearly inexhaustible fuel source.
NEI Executive Viewpoint Scott Carlberg, Carolinas Nuclear Cluster: Moving the industry forward
Executive Viewpoint
Scott Carlberg, Carolinas Nuclear Cluster: Moving the industry forward
NEI Weekly Intelligence Brief Weekly Intelligence Brief 28 July - 4 August 2011
Weekly Intelligence Brief
Weekly Intelligence Brief 28 July - 4 August 2011
NEI Industry Insight Decommissioning Fukushima 1: The Rods Nobody Wants
Industry Insight
Decommissioning Fukushima 1: The Rods Nobody Wants
TVA's action plan is designed to strengthen nuclear facilities
TVA's action plan is designed to strengthen nuclear facilities
Safety of region's people is priority
Southern Co.: nuke plant approval may come in 2012 Fanning told financial analysts that safety regulators at the US Nuclear ... issue a new schedule in the next few weeks outlining the pace of their review. ...
Southern Co.: nuke plant approval may come in 2012 Fanning told financial analysts that safety regulators at the US Nuclear ... issue a new schedule in the next few weeks outlining the pace of their review. ... |
ANS Nuclear Cafe Is the NRC on target with its call to redefine nuclear safety?
ANS Nuclear Cafe
By dyurman on Jul 28, 2011 01:00 am
Vermont Yankee, refueling, and solving the problem of intermittent energy sources
62 Carnival of Nuclear Energy Blogs
Are India’s nuclear deals going south?
Nuclear energy? Show me!
Is the NRC on target with its call to redefine nuclear safety?
By dyurman on Jul 28, 2011 01:00 am
A report by a Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff task force calls for sweeping regulatory change, but also acknowledges that information about the Fukushima accident is unavailable, unreliable, or ambiguous. What should be the response in the United States to the … Continue reading →
More to read:
New, strict rule on plant water intake targets nuclearVermont Yankee, refueling, and solving the problem of intermittent energy sources
62 Carnival of Nuclear Energy Blogs
Are India’s nuclear deals going south?
Nuclear energy? Show me!
Fast reactor advocates throw down gauntlet to MIT authors
Fast reactor advocates throw down gauntlet to MIT authors
Near the end of 2010, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology released a summary of a report titled The Future of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle as part of its MIT Energy Initiative. The complete report was released a few months ago. The conclusions published that report initiated a virtual firestorm of reaction among the members of the Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) Study group who strongly disagreed with the authors.I have an all-star team of people I can assemble to debate your position on the urgency of fast reactors (top DOE brass, nuclear industry, environmental leaders, etc).You pick the place and time.
Though there are a number of specific recommendations provided in the report, the following quote from the “Study Context” provides a good summary of why the fast reactor advocates were so dismayed by the report.
For decades, the discussion about future nuclear fuel cycles has been dominated by the expectation that a closed fuel cycle based on plutonium startup of fast reactors would eventually be deployed. However, this expectation is rooted in an out-of-date understanding about uranium scarcity. Our reexamination of fuel cycles suggests that there are many more viable fuel cycle options and that the optimum choice among them faces great uncertainty—some economic, such as the cost of advanced reactors, some technical such as implications for waste management, and some societal, such as the scale of nuclear power deployment and the management of nuclear proliferation risks. Greater clarity should emerge over the next few decades, assuming that the needed research is carried out for technological alternatives and that the global response to climate change risk mitigation comes together. A key message from our work is that we can and should preserve our options for fuel cycle choices by continuing with the open fuel cycle, implementing a system for managed LWR spent fuel storage, developing a geological repository, and researching technology alternatives appropriate to a range of nuclear energy futures.
More at link
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- Critique of MIT future of nuclear fuel cycle study (
- Advanced Reactor Concepts (ARC) Announces a Secure, Sustainable, Clean Energy Solution for the 21st Century (
- You: Mongolia to be home for spent nuclear fuel (
- You: Monju reactor project faces the ax (
SATAN's Code: The Early Years of Accident Models
| SATAN’s Code: The Early Years of Accident Models |
When the first mass-produced computers hit the stage in the 1950s, nuclear engineers saw the opportunity to use them to help run accident scenarios. It was a good idea that took decades to become reality and the computer limitations created early uncertainty about reactor safety.
In 1954, Westinghouse experts put together a homemade digital computer that read punch tape. With a practiced ear, you could tell from the computer sounds which program was being run.
In 1959, Battelle Memorial Institute developed an early Loss-of-Coolant-Accident model for a heavy-water plutonium reactor. The program was run on an IBM-650/653, the first mass production computer ever developed. The 650 weighed more than a 1955 Cadillac Deville, had vacuum tubes, and used a punch-card reader. Even if it had the memory and someone willing to load the 50 million cards, it would take six months to boot up Microsoft Windows 7.
Fortunately, Battelle’s code was a mere 166 cards. It calculated the behavior of just one fuel rod (modern reactors have thousands of rods) and took minutes to produce one data point.
For the sake of speedier results, gross simplifications were made. For example, an ideal accident code would have broken a reactor cooling system into many small volumes and done extensive calculations on each one to accurately simulate the complex conditions that existed throughout the reactor core and piping. But to run it on mid-1960s computers could take days. As a result, Westinghouse’s FLASH code used just three volumes to represent the whole reactor system.
At least they had computers. Neither the Idaho National Labs, a center for accident-code development, nor the Atomic Energy Commission had them. INL relied on weekend visits to the University of Utah. At the AEC, engineer Norm Lauben begged time from the National Bureau of Standards. Norm drove to the Bureau’s headquarters in Gaithersburg, Md., in the morning to submit his job on the 12,000-line RELAP-3 code, and returned after lunch to pick up the results.
Engineers were confident that the codes would prove reactor designs were overly conservative. Their optimism proved unfounded.
When Westinghouse proudly unveiled its 70-volume SATAN code in 1970, AEC staffers discovered errors in the code indicating that the company’s Emergency Core Cooling System might fail in an accident. The problems of the SATAN code helped lead to a major rulemaking hearing in 1972 on the adequacy of both emergency cooling system designs and accident codes. Those hearings revealed just how embarrassingly uncertain and rudimentary the early codes were about what happened during an accident.
The AEC and later the NRC had to make a huge investment in creating more robust – and accurate – codes. Additional research that produced the RELAP-5 Code is still used today as an industry standard worldwide.
Tom WellockNRC Historian
Tres Amigas
Tres Amigas will enable the connection of America's three primary interconnections (WECC, Eastern, ERCOT) while integrating substantial renewable energy sources.
Current Tres Amigas News
Tres Amigas Proposes Three-way Transmission LinkTres Amigas LLC and the State Land Office signed a lease agreement Thursday that clears another hurdle to create a superstation connecting all three of the nation's power grids ...
US unveils plans for giant renewable energy hubPhil Harris, chief executive of Tres Amigas, LLC, the company behind the project, said that the hub would "truly open up the market for electricity ...
Kevin Wilson: Freedom New Mexico
Tres Amigas LLC CEO Phillip Harris and Public Land Commissioner Patrick Lyons sign a lease agreement for land to be used for the power superstation.
Tres Amigas seals land deal
Tres Amigas LLC and the State Land Office signed a lease agreement Thursday that clears another hurdle to create a superstation connecting all three of the nation’s power grids and making land between Clovis and the Texas border a future exchange point for billions of watts of power.“A lot of agricultural people are going to benefit,” said outgoing Land Commissioner Patrick Lyons at ceremonies held in the Clovis Civic Center. “A lot of eastern New Mexico’s going to benefit.”
The 99-year lease for 14,400 acres of state trust land will eventually, according to a release from Lyons’ office, bring in $9.4 million for the state annually when the superstation is fully operational four to five years down the road.
There are three power grids in the country — the Eastern Interconnection, the Western Interconnection and the Electric Reliability Council of Texas. They are already connected by eight other entities, but their combined transmission ability is two gigawatts.
Tres Amigas CEO Phillip Harris said the superstation could start at five gigawatts and expand to 30 gigawatts.
Related articles
- Google, Tres Amigas Aim To Fix America's Electrical Grid With Novel Technologies (
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Note from the Editor
Dear Readers
I will be away on business travel to Los Angeles for the next four days. I will periodically
post from there, but my coverage won't be as extensive. Please bear with me as I will
resume full posting upon my return. I will be posting from airports.
Best Regards
Michele Kearney
I will be away on business travel to Los Angeles for the next four days. I will periodically
post from there, but my coverage won't be as extensive. Please bear with me as I will
resume full posting upon my return. I will be posting from airports.
Best Regards
Michele Kearney
NEI Briefs Wall Street Analysts on Nuclear Energy Sector's Post-Fukushima Outlook
NEI Briefs Wall Street Analysts on Nuclear Energy Sector's Post-Fukushima Outlook
from NEI News Releases
NEW YORK—America’s nuclear energy industry continues to operate safely and reliably, and the industry has a positive outlook, Marvin Fertel, president and chief executive officer of the Nuclear Energy Institute, told financial analysts today.
FIELD REPORT from AREVA: Offshore Wind
FIELD REPORT from AREVA: Offshore Wind
from AREVA North America: Next Energy Blog by AREVA North America Blog
Today, offshore wind farm operators require strong partners offering large turbines with enhanced reliability, proven track record, high-performance and cost-effective design for higher water depths and greater distance to shore.Find out how AREVA is helping utilities to make offshore wind projects successful.
Learn more about AREVA’s M5000 wind turbine. It is the first 5 megawatt turbine made specifically for offshore wind farms and is designed to withstand the severe conditions of the marine environment.
You can also watch a video of the installation of these powerful turbines off the German coast in the North Sea.
Homeland Security Cancels Troubled Radiation Detector Effort
Homeland Security Cancels Troubled Radiation Detector Effort
from GSN Daily News by By Martin Matishak
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Homeland Security Department has terminated the program to develop the next generation of radiation detection monitors, a senior agency official announced on Tuesday (see GSN, July 15).
GAO Seeks Details on Nuclear Detection Plan
GAO Seeks Details on Nuclear Detection Plan
from GSN Daily News
The U.S. Homeland Security Department's "strategic plan" for thwarting illicit nuclear material transfers and a yearly interagency report on the effort each both fail to include anticipated implementation expenses as well as procedures for assessing the initiative's accomplishments and shortcomings, the U.S. Government Accountability Office said in written testimony published on Tuesday (see GSN, July 26).
Lawmaker Opposes Further U.S. Nuke Reductions
Lawmaker Opposes Further U.S. Nuke Reductions
from GSN Daily News
The chairman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee on Tuesday warned against further reductions to the U.S. nuclear stockpile, the Dayton, Ohio, Daily News reported (see GSN, May 9).
Vogtle Units 3 & 4 Construction Update Video
Vogtle Units 3 & 4 Construction Update Video
from Nuclear Power Industry News by Nuclear Street News Team
Southern Company has release their quarterly video update of Vogtle Units 3 & 4 construction. The video shows the following:
- AP1000 Modular Assembly Building
- Bigge 125D 1,500 Ton Crane used for modular components assembly
- Installing a multi-layered concrete working surface called a "Mud Mat"
- MOU with China on Haiyang Power Plant - Westinghouse AP1000
- Nuclear Training Facility – Almost Completed
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes Entergy to refuel Vermont Yankee
Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes
Entergy to refuel Vermont Yankee
The utility places a $100 million bet despite a hostile political environment
Piantelli Cold Fusion Work
Piantelli Cold Fusion Work
Cold Fusion Now has an english translation of new cold fusion research by Piantelli. The name of Piantelli’s company is Nichenergy.
Inside the innards of a nuclear reactor
Inside the innards of a nuclear reactor by Jennifer Chu, MIT News Office Boston MA (SPX) Jul 27, 2011
Round of upgrades for Swiss nuclear plant
Round of upgrades for Swiss nuclear plant
from World Nuclear News by Warwick Pipe
Major AP1000 component arrives at Sanmen
Major AP1000 component arrives at Sanmen
from World Nuclear News by Jeremy Gordon
Peak Oil: When Saudi Spare Capacity Falls Short
Peak Oil: When Saudi Spare Capacity Falls Short Energy and Capital That's what we were left pondering after seeing firsthand how hungry China is for Canadian energy. Unfortunately, it's more likely a US diplomat will be making that future phone call, apologizing to the Saudis for past grievances and promising we won't ... |
Modernizing the Grid, Modernizing Our Industry
Modernizing the Grid, Modernizing Our Industry
David K. Owens, executive vice president, Business Operations Group for the Edison Electric Institute, comments on the progress U.S. utilities are making toward a smarter electrical power grid. More »
David K. Owens, executive vice president, Business Operations Group for the Edison Electric Institute, comments on the progress U.S. utilities are making toward a smarter electrical power grid. More »
Fourteen of the European Union's (EU's) 27 member states that operate nuclear power plants must draw up national programs for the management of spent nuclear fuel—including concrete timetables and cost assessments—and submit them to the European Commission by 2015, at the latest, under a new EU directive adopted last week. Read More »
Fourteen of the European Union's (EU's) 27 member states that operate nuclear power plants must draw up national programs for the management of spent nuclear fuel—including concrete timetables and cost assessments—and submit them to the European Commission by 2015, at the latest, under a new EU directive adopted last week. Read More »
South Carolina state-owned utility Santee Cooper last week said it had separately signed letters of intent with Duke Energy Carolinas and Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) to negotiate partnerships in the two new nuclear reactors at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Generating Station that Santee Cooper is planning with South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G). Read More »
South Carolina state-owned utility Santee Cooper last week said it had separately signed letters of intent with Duke Energy Carolinas and Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) to negotiate partnerships in the two new nuclear reactors at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Generating Station that Santee Cooper is planning with South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G). Read More »
The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) finalized an order last Thursday that it says reforms its transmission planning and cost allocation requirements “to benefit consumers by enhancing the grid’s ability to support wholesale power markets and ensuring transmission services are provided at just and reasonable rates.” Read More »
The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) finalized an order last Thursday that it says reforms its transmission planning and cost allocation requirements “to benefit consumers by enhancing the grid’s ability to support wholesale power markets and ensuring transmission services are provided at just and reasonable rates.” Read More »
Why South Korea Is Eyeing Nukes
Why South Korea Is Eyeing Nukes
from RealClearWorld by Richard Weitz, The Diplomat
Richard Weitz, The Diplomat
Concern about US security guarantees has prompted debate in South Korea over the possibility of redeploying US tactical nuclear weapons - or building some themselves.
Concern about US security guarantees has prompted debate in South Korea over the possibility of redeploying US tactical nuclear weapons - or building some themselves.
Fukushima, Facebook and Feeds: Informing the Public in a Digital Era, by Lara Pierpoint
Fukushima, Facebook and Feeds: Informing the Public in a Digital Era, by Lara Pierpoint
The Electricity Journal, Volume 24, Issue 6, July 2011, Pages 53-58
Another link:
The Electricity Journal, Volume 24, Issue 6, July 2011, Pages 53-58
Another link:
TEPCO News Photos
Please utilize Photos For Press as corroborating information of pressreleases.
July, 2011

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Reactor Building of Unit3 Site Investigation by Quince
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Reactor Building of Unit3 Site Investigation by Quince
- Staircase from 2nd floor to 3rd floor
(pictured on July 26, 2011) - Grating at the valve of Core Spray System
(pictured on July 26, 2011) - Valve of Water Supplement
(pictured on July 26, 2011) - [Reference] Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Reactor Building of Unit3 Site Investigation by Quince (PDF 95.4KB)

- Installation of reactor building cover Unit 1, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(1)
(pictured on July 26, 2011) - Installation of reactor building cover Unit 1, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(2)
(pictured on July 26, 2011)

- Unloading of the 2nd Cesium Adsorption Facility (SARRY)
(pictured on July 26, 2011) - After unloading of the 2nd Cesium Adsorption Facility (SARRY)
(pictured on July 26, 2011)
July, 2011

Mr. Amano (IAEA Director General),Visit to Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Mr. Amano (IAEA Director General),Visit to Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
- Entrance of Main Anti-Earthquake Building
(pictured on July 25, 2011) - TV Conference Room of Main Anti-Earthquake Building
(pictured on July 25, 2011)

- Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 3 Turbine Building Installation Work of Roof
(pictured on July 18, 2011)

- Appearance of the Roof for Countermeasure against Rainwater, Unit 3, Fukushima Daiichi
(pictured on July 17, 2011)


- Meeting Room at the Fhkushima Daiichi Stabilization Center(1)
(pictured on July 13,2011) - Meeting Room at the Fhkushima Daiichi Stabilization Center(2)
(pictured on July 13,2011)

- The repaired part for chemical leakage of water treatment system(before repair)
(pictured on July 12, 2011) - The repaired part for chemical leakage of water treatment system(after repair)
(pictured on July 12, 2011)

- The repaired part for chemical leakage of water treatment system (coagulation settling facility)
(pictured on July 10, 2011)

- Chemical Injection Leakage Point in the Water Treatment Facility System (Coagulation Settling Equipment)
(pictured on July 10, 2011)

- Nitrogen injection planned point (after removing stoppage cap)
(pictured on July 8, 2011) - Nitrogen injection planned point (after temporary fitting coupler)
(pictured on July 8, 2011) - High place working vehicle (before shielding)
(pictured on July 7, 2011) - High place working vehicle (after shielding)
(pictured on July 8, 2011) - Access point : Photo by Packbot
(pictured on July 8, 2011)

- Trial fitting of the cover for Unit 1, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station at Onahama port
(pictured on June 24, 2011)

- Fuel Pool Cooling and Filtering System Valve of Unit 4, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (20B Valve)
(pictured on July 6, 2011)

- Outside of New Hirono Domitory
(pictured on June 22, 2011) - Inside of New Hirono Domitory
(pictured on June 22, 2011)

Construction Status of Mitigation of Contamination in the Ocean from Unit 1 to 4(Water intake sliding concrete plate in the screen)
Construction Status of Mitigation of Contamination in the Ocean from Unit 1 to 4(Water intake sliding concrete plate in the screen)
- Upper point of Unit 2 water intake(Before construction)
(pictured on around May, 2011) - Upper point of Unit 2 water intake(After construction)
(pictured on June 30,2011) - Upper point of Unit 2 water intake(Installation work)
(pictured on June 12, 2011) - Unit 2 water intake (from sea side)(After construction (front))
(pictured on June 30,2011) - [Reference]Construction Status of Mitigation of Contamination in the Ocean (PDF 97.2KB)

- Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Setting steel sheet at the 1st floor of the unit 3 reactor building
(pictured on July 3, 2011)


Status of establishing rest areas for workers
(pictured on June 10 - July 2, 2011)
Rest area in front of Main Anti-Earthquake Building
Rest area for operators of Water Treatment Facility
Rest area near Heliport
Rest area near Forest of Wild Bird
Hitachi/GE rest area
Status of establishing rest areas for workers
(pictured on June 10 - July 2, 2011)
Rest area in front of Main Anti-Earthquake Building
- Appearance of the rest area
- Entrance door at the rest area
- Inside the rest area
- Hallway and a local exhauster
Rest area for operators of Water Treatment Facility
Rest area near Heliport
Rest area near Forest of Wild Bird
Hitachi/GE rest area

Status of preparation for the countermeasures against heat stroke such as Cool Vest
Status of preparation for the countermeasures against heat stroke such as Cool Vest


Fulfillment/reinforcement of medical establishment at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Establishment of an emergency medical room)
(pictured on June 30, 2011)
Fulfillment/reinforcement of medical establishment at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Establishment of an emergency medical room)
(pictured on June 30, 2011)


- Temporary Tide Barrier of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station 1
(pictured on June 30, 2011) - Temporary Tide Barrier of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station 2
(pictured on June 30, 2011)

- Spent Fuel Pool in Reactor Building (5th floor), Unit 4, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on June 29, 2011)
June, 2011

- [Reference] Transfer of the low level accumulated water to Megafloat
- Megafloat tied up to around Shallow Draft Quay (Back of the picture)
(pictured on June 25, 2011) - Megafloat tied up to around Shallow Draft Quay (Front of the picture)
(pictured on June 25, 2011)

Cleaning system for Unit 3, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Cleaning system for Unit 3, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
- Cleaning system
(pictured on June 28, 2011) - Robot (Worriar)
(pictured in May, 2011)


- Top of Reactor Building of Unit 2 Emergency Landing of T-Hawk
(pictured on June 24, 2011)


- Temporary Indicator Set-up at Unit 2
(pictured on June 22, 2011)

- Shielding Wall of Unit 2
(pictured on June 21, 2011)

- Robot:Quince(4.95MB)
(videoed on Jun 16, 2011)

- Reference Picture 1 "Initial response at the time of and after the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyo-Oki Earthquake at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station"
- Used as power source for instruments
(pictured on March 22, 2011) - Reading confirmed with a light
(pictured on March 23, 2011) - Sagging road
(pictured on March 11, 2011) - Self contained breathing apparatus
(pictured on May 4, 2011) - Tanks thrown by the tsunami
(pictured on March 17, 2011) - Water injection by fire engine truck
(pictured on March 16, 2011) - Explasion at Unit 1 reactor building
(pictured on March 12, 2011) - Damaged Administration Office Building
(pictured on March 29, 2011) - Appearance of Unit 3 after the explosion
(pictured on March 21, 2011)

- R/B, Unit 4, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Installation work of supporting structure at the bottom of Spent Fuel Pool (Completion of installation of steel support pillars)
- Before installing steel support pillar
(pictured on May 31, 2011) - Installation view of steel support pillar
(pictured on June 20, 2011) - Steel support pillar
(pictured on June 7, 2011)

Pictures on the opening of the airlock of Unit 2 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(taken at 5 am on June 20, 2011)
Pictures on the opening of the airlock of Unit 2 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(taken at 5 am on June 20, 2011)
- In front of instrumentation rack
- In front of instrumentation rack (floor)
- Truck bay door (floor)
- Truck bay door
- Stairs at truck bay door
- Stairs at truck bay door (floor)
- Emergency exit 1
- Emergency exit 2
- Personnel doorway
- Airlock
- West side of the airlock
- West side of the airlock (opening space of the airlock)





(pictured on June 1, 2011)
Medical check
- [Reference] First-aid room and medical check at Fukushima Daiichi and Daini Nuclear Power Station. (PDF 70.8KB)
- First-aid room and medical check at Fukushima Daiichi and Daini Nuclear Power Station.(ZIP 39.7MB)
(video on July 1-3, 2011)
- Clinic at Main Anti-Earthquake Building(1)
(pictured on June 2, 2011) - Clinic at Main Anti-Earthquake Building(2)
(pictured on June 2, 2011) - Doctor KAYASHIMA from occupational health training center guiding clinic
(pictured on June 3, 2011) - Medical check
(pictured on June 2, 2011)
(pictured on June 1, 2011)
Medical check
- Blood investigation (blood sampling)
- Cardiac electrogram
- Medical check process
- A medical interview (1)
- A medical interview (2)

Outline of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant unit1reactor building covering plan
Outline of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant unit1reactor building covering plan
- High-precision 3D measurement by laser scan(ZIP 6.86MB)
- Removal process of roof panels(ZIP 46.4MB)
- Construction process(ZIP 52.4MB)
- Beam-to-column connection(ZIP 103MB)
- Trial construction of cover unit (Onahama port)
(pictured on June 12, 2011) - Cover construction model
- Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant unit1reactor building covering image
- Beam-to-column connection
- A montage of laser scan data and construction data 1
- A montage of laser scan data and construction data 2

- Skid of Water Treatment Facility of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on June 3, 2011) - Side Part of Skid of Water Treatment Facility
(pictured on June 9, 2011) - Coupling Parts of Inlet and Outlet of Cesium Adsorption Tower
(pictured on June 9, 2011)

- 4th Floor of Unit 4 Reactor Building
(pictured on June 10, 2011)
Pictured at South Side on 4th floor of Unit 4 Reactor Building - Side Part of Skid of Water Treatment Facility of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on June 9, 2011)
Pictured at South Side on 4th floor of Unit 4 Reactor Building

- [Reference] Shooting route of Gamma Camera at reactor building of Unit 3 in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (PDF 66.9KB)
- *1 near Large Machine Hatch of Unit 3 Fukushima Daiichi
- *2 Side Part of Skid of Water Treatment Facility of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on June 9, 2011)

*pictured through vinyl which covers the camera on June 11, 2011
*pictured through vinyl which covers the camera on June 11, 2011
- Inside of Unit 2 Turbine Building of Fukushima Daiichi (Inside of Northern Air-house)
- Inside of Unit 2 Turbine Building of Fukushima Daiichi (Outside of Northern Air-house)
- Inside of Unit 2 Turbine Building of Fukushima Daiichi (pictured towards north, standing against Southern Air-house)
- Inside of Unit 2 Radiation Waste Treatment Facility of Fukushima Daiichi (Filtering Unit)

Transportation of large tank to Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Transportation of large tank to Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
- Transshipping work to the trailer specially arranged for the area of 20km raduis from the power station
(pictured on June 5, 2011)
Place:Materials yard near the J Village - Installation work of tanks
(pictured on June 9, 2011)
Place:Inside Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

【Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Status of setting rest areas】
【Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Status of setting rest areas】
- [Reference]Status of setting Rest Area(PDF 57.6KB)
- Service Building of Unit5,6 1st floor Rest Area
(pictured on May 19, 2011) - Service Building of Unit5,6 1st floor inside the Rest Area (1)
(pictured on May 19, 2011) - Service Building of Unit5,6 1st floor inside the Rest Area (2)
(pictured on May 19, 2011) - Service Building of Unit5,6 1st floor Doorway in fron of the Rest Area
(pictured on May 19, 2011) - Storage space of Rest Area in front of Main Anti-Earthquake Building
(pictured on May 19, 2011) - Appearance of the Rest Area in front of Main Anti-Earthquake Building
(pictured on May 19, 2011) - Inside the Rest Area in front of Main Anti-Earthquake Building
(pictured on May 19, 2011) - Facilities of the Rest Area in front of Main Anti-Earthquake Building
(pictured on May 19, 2011) - Inside the Rest Area of former Emergency Response Measure Room (1)
(pictured on June 9, 2011) - Inside the Rest Area of former Emergency Response Measure Room (2)
(pictured on June 9, 2011) - Local Exhauster of the Rest Area of former Emergency Response Measure Room
(pictured on June 9, 2011) - Drinkable Water of the Rest Area of former Emergency Response Measure Room
(pictured on June 9, 2011) - Appearance of Toshiba Rest Area
(pictured on May 15, 2011) - Inside of Toshiba Rest Area
(pictured on May 15, 2011) - Wiping Feet Place of Toshiba Rest Area
(pictured on May 15, 2011) - Drinkable Water of Toshiba Rest Area
(pictured on May 15, 2011)

【Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station Status of improvement on working conditions】
【Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station Status of improvement on working conditions】
- Shower Room in Gymnastic hall
(pictured on June 8, 2011) - Drinkable Water of Gymnastic hall
(pictured on May 24, 2011) - Double-deck bed in Gymnastic hall(1)
(pictured on May 14, 2011) - Double-deck bed in Gymnastic hall(2)
(pictured on May 14, 2011)

- [Reference] The summary drawing of air leakage from the main exhaust duct, Unit 4, Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station(PDF 144KB)
- (1)place of leakage
(pictured on June 8, 2011) - (2)place of leakage
(pictured on June 8, 2011) - place of leakage *two parts
(pictured on June 7, 2011)

- Reactor Building, Unit 4, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Installation of support pillars at the bottom of the Spent Fuel Pool(PDF 130KB)
- Steel support pillars
(pictured on 2:00 PM, June 7, 2011) - Installation of steel support pillars
(pictured on 2:00 PM, June 7, 2011) - Steel support pillars(highlighted in color are pillars)
(pictured on 2:00 PM, June 7, 2011)

- [Reference] Image of General Meeting at Emergency Disaster Restoration Room in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(PDF 80.0KB)
- Situation of General Meeting at Emergency Disaster Restoration Room in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(ZIP 38.9MB)
(video on May 24, 2011 - May 30, 2011) - General Meeting at Emergency Disaster Restoration Room in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on 7:00 PM, May 24, 2011) - General Meeting at Emergency Disaster Restoration Room in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on 9:00 AM, May 25, 2011) - General Meeting at Emergency Disaster Restoration Room in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on 9:00 AM, May 27, 2011) - General Meeting at Emergency Disaster Restoration Room in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on 7:00 PM, May 28, 2011) - General Meeting at Emergency Disaster Restoration Room in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on 9:00 AM, May 30, 2011 (1)) - General Meeting at Emergency Disaster Restoration Room in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on 9:00 AM, May 30, 2011 (2)) - General Meeting at Emergency Disaster Restoration Room in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on 9:00 AM, May 30, 2011 (3))

- High dose rubble in the west side of Unit 3 reactor building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on June 4, 2011)


Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Temporary reactor pressure indicators
(pictured on June 3, 2011)
Place:North side of the 1st floor of the reactor building, Unit 1
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Temporary reactor pressure indicators
(pictured on June 3, 2011)
Place:North side of the 1st floor of the reactor building, Unit 1
- Temporary reactor pressure indicators
(pictured on June 3, 2011) - scene of work
(pictured on June 3, 2011)


Outline of water processing facilities
Outline of water processing facilities
- Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Outline of water processing facilities
(PDF 70.1KB) - Oil Seperation Device
(pictured on May 11, 2011) - Cesium Absorption Tower(side view)
(pictured on June 1, 2011) - Cesium Absorption Tower(whole view)
(pictured on June 1, 2011) - Chemical Tank
(pictured on May 31, 2011) - Decontamiation Device
(pictured on May 31, 2011) - Desalination Device(main facility)
(pictured on May 31, 2011) - Water Treatment Tank
(pictured on June 1, 2011) - control room
(pictured on May 17, 2011)

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Temporary storage tank (for the purpose of low level radioactive materials in Unit 5 and 6) installation status
Place:Storage Area(North Side)
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Temporary storage tank (for the purpose of low level radioactive materials in Unit 5 and 6) installation status
Place:Storage Area(North Side)
- square-shaped tank
(pictured on May 4, 2011) - round-shaped tank(1)
(pictured on May 11, 2011) - round-shaped tank(2)
(pictured on May 27, 2011)

- Circulating Seawater Purification Equipment at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on June 1, 2011)
May, 2011

- Oil slick near the cartain wall of the Unit 5 and 6
(pictured on March 31, 2011)
Place: Near the cartain wall of the Unit 5 and 6

Inside the Reactor Building, Unit 4, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Inside the Reactor Building, Unit 4, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
- 1st Floor, Inside wall
(pictured on May 20,2011) - 1st Floor, Outside wall(1)
(pictured on May 20,2011) - 1st Floor, Outside wall(2)
(pictured on May 20,2011) - 1st Floor, Ceiling
(pictured on May 20,2011) - 2nd Floor, Inside wall(1)
(pictured on May 19,2011) - 2nd Floor, Outside wall
(pictured on May 19,2011) - 2nd Floor, Shell wall(1)
(pictured on May 19,2011) - 2nd Floor, Shell wall(2)
(pictured on May 19,2011) - Spent Fuel Pool, lower part
(pictured on May 21,2011) - 2nd Floor, Floor
(pictured on May 19,2011) - 2nd Floor, Ceiling(1)
(pictured on May 19,2011) - 2nd Floor, Inside wall(2)
(pictured on May 20,2011) - 2nd Floor, Ceiling(2)
(pictured on May 20,2011)

- Spraying dust inhibitor at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(1)(ZIP 19.8MB)
(video on May 27, 2011) - Spraying dust inhibitor at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(2)
(pictured on May 27, 2011) - Spraying dust inhibitor at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(3)
(pictured on May 27, 2011)

IAEA Fukushima Visit(Pictured on May 27, 2011)
IAEA Fukushima Visit(Pictured on May 27, 2011)
- Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station, Back up office 1
(10:10 am, May 27, 2011) - Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station, Back up office 2
(10:28 am, May 27, 2011) - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Around Unit 3
(1:26 pm, May 27, 2011) - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Main Anti-Earthquake Building
(3:03 pm, May 27, 2011)

- Picture regarding sampling of radioactive materials in the air above reactor building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 1
(pictured on May 22, 2011) - Picture regarding sampling of radioactive materials in the air above reactor building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 4
(pictured on May 23, 2011)

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station pictures taken from the observation deck
(March 16, 17 and April 6, 2011)
March 16, 2011
5:00 /6:00 /7:00 /8:00 /9:00 /10:00 /11:00 /12:00
13:00 /14:00 /15:00 /16:00 /17:00 /18:00 /19:00
March 17, 2011
5:00 /6:00 /7:00 /8:00 /9:00 /10:00 /11:00 /12:00
13:00 /14:00 /15:00 /16:00 /17:00 /18:00 /19:00
April 6, 2011
5:00 /6:00 /7:00 /8:00 /9:00 /10:00 /11:00 /12:00
13:00 /14:00 /15:00 /16:00 /17:00 /18:00 /19:00
*We apologize for the inconvenience caused to those who were unable to see the pictures due to congestion of access and communication line trouble
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station pictures taken from the observation deck
(March 16, 17 and April 6, 2011)
March 16, 2011
5:00 /6:00 /7:00 /8:00 /9:00 /10:00 /11:00 /12:00
13:00 /14:00 /15:00 /16:00 /17:00 /18:00 /19:00
March 17, 2011
5:00 /6:00 /7:00 /8:00 /9:00 /10:00 /11:00 /12:00
13:00 /14:00 /15:00 /16:00 /17:00 /18:00 /19:00
April 6, 2011
5:00 /6:00 /7:00 /8:00 /9:00 /10:00 /11:00 /12:00
13:00 /14:00 /15:00 /16:00 /17:00 /18:00 /19:00
*We apologize for the inconvenience caused to those who were unable to see the pictures due to congestion of access and communication line trouble

Inside the Reactor Building, Unit 1, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Pictured on May 20th, 2011)
Inside the Reactor Building, Unit 1, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Pictured on May 20th, 2011)
- From the large equipment service entrance to the south side airlock
(May 22, 2011) - From the large equipment service entrance to the south side airlock (gamma camera)
(May 22, 2011) - Around the large equipment service entrance
(May 22, 2011) - Around the large equipment service entrance (gamma camera)
(May 22, 2011)

- Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Mega Float entering the port (1)
(Photo was taken at around 9:09 to 9:35 am on May 21, 2011) - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Mega Float entering the port (2)
(Photo was taken at around 9:09 to 9:35 am on May 21, 2011) - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Mega Float alongside the quay
(Photo was taken at around 9:35 am on May 21, 2011)

- Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Rubble around the reactor building (1)
(pictured on May 21, 2011) - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Rubble around the reactor building (1) (with a caption)
(pictured on May 21, 2011) - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Rubble around the reactor building (2)
(pictured on May 21, 2011)

- gamma camera
(pictured on May 19th, 2011) - gamma camera control pannel
(pictured on May 19th, 2011)

The first floor, inside the reactor building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 2
(pictured on May 18th, 2011)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
The first floor, inside the reactor building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 2
(pictured on May 18th, 2011)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7

Pictures of Tsunami that hit the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 11, 2011)
Place: North side of Radiation Waste Treatment Facility taken from 4th floor
Pictures of Tsunami that hit the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 11, 2011)
Place: North side of Radiation Waste Treatment Facility taken from 4th floor
- Approximately at 3:42 pm (1)
- Approximately at 3:42 pm (2)
- Approximately at 3:43 pm (1)
- Approximately at 3:43 pm (2)
- Approximately at 3:43 pm (3)
- Approximately at 3:44 pm (1)
- Approximately at 3:44 pm (2)
- Approximately at 3:44 pm (3)
- Approximately at 3:46 pm
- Approximately at 3:49 pm
- Approximately at 3:57 pm

Pictures of Tsunami that hit the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 11, 2011)
Place: The slope at the eastern side of Radioactive Solid Waste Storage Facility (The east side of Unit5 taken from the southern side of the unit)
Taken by: TEPCO's affiliate company
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Pictures of Tsunami that hit the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 11, 2011)
Place: The slope at the eastern side of Radioactive Solid Waste Storage Facility (The east side of Unit5 taken from the southern side of the unit)
Taken by: TEPCO's affiliate company
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

Departure of barge from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station to Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station
Departure of barge from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station to Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station
- barge(front) and tagboat(back)
(pictured on May 18th, 2011)

- Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Current status of restoration work(48.3MByte)
(video on May 6th, 2011)
- Reactor buildings of Unit 1 and 2
- Truck with nitrogen supply equipment
- Car swept up by Tsunami
- Removal of rubble by an unmanned heavy machinery
- Crawler dump truck for spraying dust inhibitor
- Spraying dust inhibitor by a crawler dump truck
- Water spray to the spent fuel pool of Unit 4 by a concrete pumping vehicle
- Temporary substation for Unit 1 and 2
- Concrete placement to the vertical shaft of Unit 2 (1)
- Concrete placement to the vertical shaft of Unit 2 (2)
- Dust inhibitor sprayed around the circulating water pump of Unit 3
- Cable trench pit for the water intake of Unit 2
- Screen room of Unit 2
- Steel sheet piles at the water intake of Unit 2
- Silt fence installed around the water intake of Unit 2
- Temporary motor driven pump for water injection to the reactors of Unit1 to 3
- Heavy oil tank swept up by Tsunami
- Suppression pool's water surge-tank near Unit 5 and 6
- Ultrahigh voltage switching station of Unit 5 and 6
- Temporary tank installed near Unit 5 and 6 (1)
- Temporary tank installed near Unit 5 and 6 (2)
- Building for diesel generator 6B of Unit 6
- Rubble container
- Transfer of container
- Administration Office Building (exterior)
- Administration Office Building (interior 1)
- Administration Office Building (interior 2)
- 1st floor of the turbine building of Unit 1(1)
- 1st floor of the turbine building of Unit 1(2)
- Local exhauster installed in the turbine building of Unit 1
- Positive pressure room installed at the turbine building of Unit 1
- Entrance of Main Anti-Earthquake Building(A prefabricated house used for access control)
- Measurement of radioactivity in Main Anti-Earthquake Building
- Spare protective equipments(1)
- Spare protective equipments(2)
- Entrance of Main Anti-Earthquake Building(from inside)
- Emergency headquarters
- Water supply area of Main Anti-Earthquake Building
- Passing forward daily commodities in Main Anti-Earthquake Building
- Encouraging messages posted on the walls of Main Anti-Earthquake Building

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Mega Float photographic image
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Mega Float photographic image
- Mega Float (at approximately 5:20 am)
(pictured on May 15th, 2011) - Mega Float, in the offing (1) (from approximately 5:20 am to approximately 5:50 am)
(pictured on May 15th, 2011) - Mega Float, in the offing (2) (from approximately 5:20 am to approximately 5:50 am)
(pictured on May 15th, 2011)

Carrying Work for New Cooling System (Air-cooled) for Residual Heat Removal System in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on May 13th,2011)
Carrying Work for New Cooling System (Air-cooled) for Residual Heat Removal System in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on May 13th,2011)

The implementation status of Emergency Response Training at Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station
Please refer to "[Reference] Emergency Response Training at Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station" for the explanation of each picture.
The implementation status of Emergency Response Training at Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station
Please refer to "[Reference] Emergency Response Training at Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station" for the explanation of each picture.
- Emergency Response Room 1
(pictured on May 13th, 2011) - Emergency Response Room 2
(pictured on May 13th, 2011) - Deploying a power-supply car to the reactor building (Unit 1)
(pictured on May 13th, 2011) - Connecting power cables (Unit 1)
(pictured on May 13th, 2011) - Pouring the water into a temporary pool in the reactor building (Unit 4)
(pictured on May 13th, 2011) - Transporting the water to the reactor building using a fire engine (Unit 1)
(pictured on May 13th, 2011) - Installing a back up nitrogen gas cylinder to drive valves (Unit 3) 1
(pictured on May 13th, 2011) - Installing a back up nitrogen gas cylinder to drive valves (Unit 3) 2
(pictured on May 13th, 2011) - Carrying out a mock generator (turbine building at Unit 4)
(pictured on May 13th, 2011) - Transporting to seawater condenser building at Unit 4
(pictured on May 13th, 2011)




- The situation of inflow to the pit near intake canal of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 3.
(pictured on May 11th, 2011)

- Status of the Spent Fuel Pool of Unit 3 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (30MByte)
(video on May 8th, 2011)


- Northwest side of the first floor, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit1
(pictured on May 9th, 2011) - North side of the second floor, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit1
(pictured on May 9th, 2011)


Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Status of Improved Working Environment Inside of Reactor Building of Unit 1
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Status of Improved Working Environment Inside of Reactor Building of Unit 1
- First Floor of Turbine Building of Unit 1
(video on May 6th, 2011)

- Inside the reactor building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 (Measurement of radiation dose)
(pictured on May 5th, 2011) - Situation of duct installation inside the reactor building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 (Photo taken from inside the building toward the double-entry doors)
(pictured on May 5th, 2011)

- The ambient air filtration system (Alara Venti Jumbo)
(pictured on May 3rd, 2011)

- Site observation by the packbot in the nuclear reactor building of Unit 1
(video on April 29th, 2011)
April, 2011

- The spent fuel pool of Unit 4, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(video on April 28th, 2011) - Site observation by the packbot in the nuclear reactor building of Unit 1
(video on April 26th, 2011)

- Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Around Shiomizaka /former Welfare Building 1
(pictured on April 13th, 2011) - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Around Shiomizaka /former Welfare Building 2
(pictured on April 13th, 2011) - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Around Shiomizaka /former Welfare Building 3
(pictured on April 13th, 2011) - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Around north side of 1R/B 1
(pictured on April 18th, 2011) - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Around north side of 1R/B 2
(pictured on April 21st, 2011) - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Around west side of 1R/B 1
(pictured on April 13th, 2011) - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Around west side of 1R/B 2
(pictured on April 23rd, 2011)

- Provided by Chiba Institute of Technology (Excerpt from HP)
(pictured on April 20th, 2011) - talon(Provided by QinetiQ)
- talon(A photo Taken by TEPCO employee at Onahama Coal Center)
(pictured on April 22nd, 2011) - Packbot(Provided by iRobot)
- Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Southwest side of the nuclear reactor building of Unit 4
(pictured on April 20th, 2011) - A truck(Provided by Japan Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA))
(pictured on April 22nd, 2011) - inside photo(A photo Taken by TEPCO employee at Onahama Coal Center)
(pictured on April 22nd, 2011)

Movies taken from T-Hawk
(video on April 21st, 2011)
Pictures taken from T-Hawk
(pictured on April 21st, 2011)
Movies taken from T-Hawk
(video on April 21st, 2011)
Pictures taken from T-Hawk
(pictured on April 21st, 2011)


Site observation by the packbot in the nuclear reactor building of Unit 1
(pictured on April 26th, 2011)
Site observation by the packbot in the nuclear reactor building of Unit 1
(pictured on April 26th, 2011)

- Remote-controlled crawler dump
(pictured on April 15th, 2011)

The videos were taken by the Packbot inside the nuclear reactor building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
The videos were taken by the Packbot inside the nuclear reactor building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
- 1st Floor, Nuclear Reactor Building, Unit 1
(video on April 17th, 2011) - 1st Floor, Nuclear Reactor Building, Unit 2
(video on April 18th, 2011)
- 1st Floor, Nuclear Reactor Building, Unit 3
(video on April 17th, 2011)

The photos were taken by the Packbot inside the nuclear reactor building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
The photos were taken by the Packbot inside the nuclear reactor building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
- 1st Floor, Nuclear Reactor Building, Unit 1
(pictured on April 17th, 2011) - 1st Floor, Nuclear Reactor Building, Unit 2
(pictured on April 18th, 2011) - 1st Floor, Nuclear Reactor Building, Unit 3
(pictured on April 17th, 2011)

Movie and pictures of Emergency Response Headquarters for the Accident in Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations
(Video and pictured on April 15th, 2011)
Movie and pictures of Emergency Response Headquarters for the Accident in Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations
(Video and pictured on April 15th, 2011)
- The conference of Emergency Response Headquarters for the Accident in Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations held on April 15th, 2011
- Banri Kaieda, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry 1
- Banri Kaieda, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry 2
- Goshi Hosono, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister 1
- Goshi Hosono, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister 2
- Banri Kaieda, Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry and Goshi Hosono,Special Advisor to the Prime Minister 1
- Banri Kaieda, Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry and Goshi Hosono,Special Advisor to the Prime Minister 2
- picture of the conference 1
- picture of the conference 2
- picture of the conference 3
- picture of the conference 4
- picture of the conference 5

Packbot working inside the reactor building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 3.
(pictured on April 17th, 2011)
Packbot working inside the reactor building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 3.
(pictured on April 17th, 2011)

Movies taken from T-Hawk, Reactor Building, Unit 1, 3,4 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Movies taken from T-Hawk, Reactor Building, Unit 1, 3,4 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
- Unit 1 ,3,4(1/3)
(Video on April 15th, 2011) - Unit 1 ,3,4(2/3)
(Video on April 15th, 2011) - Unit 1 ,3,4(3/3)
(Video on April 15th, 2011)
- Unit 1,Roof of Reactor Building
(pictured on April 15th, 2011) - Unit 3,Reactor Building 1
(pictured on April 15th, 2011) - Unit 3,Reactor Building 2
(pictured on April 15th, 2011) - Unit 3,Roof of Reactor Building
(pictured on April 15th, 2011) - Unit 4,South Side of Reactor Building
(pictured on April 15th, 2011) - Unit 4,Upper Side of Spent Fuel Pool,Reactor Building
(pictured on April 15th, 2011) - Unit 4,Seashore Side of Reactor Building
(pictured on April 15th, 2011) - Unit 4,Operation Floor of Reactor Building 1
(pictured on April 15th, 2011) - Unit 4,Operation Floor of Reactor Building 2
(pictured on April 15th, 2011) - Unit 4,Roof of Reactor Building
(pictured on April 15th, 2011)

- a sandbag containing zeolite
Shooting date: April 15th, 2011
Shooting location: the south side of the screen of Unit 3 of the
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

Sampling of water in the spent fuel pool of Unit 4, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on April 14th, 2011)
The temporary storage tank at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on April 14th, 2011)
A picture taken from the concrete pumping vehicle, the spent fuel pool, Unit3, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on April 14th, 2011)
Sampling of water in the spent fuel pool of Unit 4, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
- Sampling in Spent Fuel Pool of Unit 4
(Video on April 12th, 2011) - Pulling up
(pictured on April 12th, 2011) - At the surface of the pool
(pictured on April 12th, 2011) - Sampling water from the pool
(pictured on April 12th, 2011)
(pictured on April 14th, 2011)
The temporary storage tank at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on April 14th, 2011)
A picture taken from the concrete pumping vehicle, the spent fuel pool, Unit3, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on April 14th, 2011)

- Cask for 38 fuel assembly BWR Type
Provide by Tokyo Electric Power Compay

- Discharge canal sampling building of Unit 1-4 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station located around the ocean-side discharge canal (When fire was detected)
(pictured on April 12th, 2011) - Discharge canal sampling building of Unit 1-4 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station located around the ocean-side discharge canal (After initial extinction)
(pictured on April 12th, 2011) - Intake canal of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (Before installing steel water bars)
(pictured on April 12th, 2011) - Sampling of water from the spent fuel pool in Unit4 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on April 12th, 2011)
(Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station)
Pictures of the damages caused by the tsunami at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Pictures of the damages caused by the tsunami at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station)
Pictures of the damages caused by the tsunami at Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station
Pictures of the damages caused by the tsunami at Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station

- Reactor building of Unit1-2 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on April 10th, 2011) - Reactor building of Unit1 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on April 10th, 2011) - Reactor building of Unit2 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on April 10th, 2011) - Reactor building of Unit3 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(1)
(pictured on April 10th, 2011) - Reactor building of Unit3 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(2)
(pictured on April 10th, 2011) - Reactor building of Unit3 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(closeup-picture)
(pictured on April 10th, 2011) - Reactor building of Unit4 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on April 10th, 2011) - Reactor building of Unit4 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(closeup-picture)
(pictured on April 10th, 2011) - Reactor building of Unit1-2 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(mountain-side)
(pictured on April 10th, 2011) - Reactor building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(mountain-side)
(pictured on April 10th, 2011) - Silt fence
(pictured on April 10th, 2011) - Remote-controlled rubble removing equipment
(pictured on April 10th, 2011) - Operation of Remote-controlled rubble removing equipment
(pictured on April 10th, 2011) - Photo of Reactor building of Unit3-4 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station by remote-controlled mini helicopter
(Video on April 10th, 2011)

Removal of Rubbles by Remotely Controlled Heavy Machinery (System 1)(pictured on April 6th, 2011)
Loading of Rubbles (approx.2 hours)
Temporary Rubble Yard (approx. 1 hour)
Removal of Rubbles by Remotely Controlled Heavy Machinery (System 1)(pictured on April 6th, 2011)
Loading of Rubbles (approx.2 hours)
Temporary Rubble Yard (approx. 1 hour)

- The tsunami which attacked Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(Video on March 11th, 2011) - Around the entrance of main building at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 29th, 2011) - The 2nd floor of main building at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 29th, 2011) - The 1st floor of main building at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 29th, 2011)

- Picture of a disaster relief leaders meeting at Fukushima Daiichi Power Station :Photo1
(pictured on April 1st, 2011) - Picture of a disaster relief leaders meeting at Fukushima Daiichi Power Station :Photo2
(pictured on April 1st, 2011) - Lead boards placed on the windows of Emergency response room with a base-isolation structure at Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant (to decrease radiation dose within the building) :on March 27th
(pictured on March 31st, 2011) - Added 2 ventilating machines (in total, 5 machines) with charcoal filters (to increase the efficiency of removal of the contaminated material) :on March 30
(pictured on March 31st, 2011) - Installed de-contamination area of the quake-proof building (to expand the radiological protection space) :on March 26
(pictured on March 31st, 2011)

- Arrival of "Mega Float" at the Yokohama port:photo1
(pictured on April 7th, 2011) - Arrival of "Mega Float" at the Yokohama port:photo2
(pictured on April 7th, 2011)

- Shutoff of water outflow was confirmed at approx. 5:38 am on April 6th, 2011.
(pictured on April 6th, 2011)

- Near of the Sea Water intake of Unit2:Photo1
(pictured on April 2nd, 2011) - Near of the Sea Water intake of Unit2:Photo2
(pictured on April 2nd, 2011) - Near of the Sea Water intake of Unit2:Photo3
(pictured on April 2nd, 2011) - Near of the Sea Water intake of Unit2:Photo4
(pictured on April 2nd, 2011)

- Near of the Sea Water intake of Unit2 in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on April 1st, 2011)

- Dispersing Dust Protectant, Common Pool Area
(pictured on April 1st, 2011)

- Water pumping using a concrete pumping car for Unit 4 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(Video on March 24th, 2011)
March, 2011

- Control room for Unit 4 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 29th, 2011)

- Control room for Unit 2 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 26th, 2011)

- Control room for Unit 1 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 24th, 2011)

- Temporary monitoring post
(pictured on March 22nd, 2011 at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station)

- Grid line connection work to offsite power grid (Okuma line)
(pictured on March 18th, 2011) - Installation work of switchgear car
(pictured on March 18th, 2011) - Grid line connection work to offsite power grid (Yonomori line)
(pictured on March 20th, 2011) - Grid line connection work to offsite power grid (Yonomori line)
(pictured on March 20th, 2011)

- Control room for Unit 3 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 22nd, 2011) - Control room for Unit 3 and 4 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 22nd, 2011)

- Water pumping using a concrete pumping car : Photo1
(pictured on March 22nd, 2011) - Water pumping using a concrete pumping car : Photo2
(pictured on March 22nd, 2011)
- Water pumping using a concrete pumping car : Video1
(Video on March 22nd, 2011) - Water pumping using a concrete pumping car : Video2
(Video on March 22nd, 2011)

- Unit 3 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(1)
(pictured on March 21st, 2011) - Unit 3 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(2)
(pictured on March 21st, 2011)

- Unit 3 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (pictured from a helicopter)
(pictured on March 16th, 2011) - Unit 4 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (pictured from a helicopter) : Photo1
(pictured on March 16th, 2011) - Unit 4 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (pictured from a helicopter) : Photo2
(pictured on March 16th, 2011)
- Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Video from a helicopter) : Video1
(Video on March 16th, 2011) - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Video from a helicopter) : Video2
(Video on March 16th, 2011) - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Video from a helicopter) : Video3
(Video on March 16th, 2011)

- Unit 4 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 15th, 2011) - Unit 1 - 4 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 15th, 2011)

- Unit 1 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(pictured on March 12th, 2011)
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