Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
One Hit, One Strike Out, and a Base on Balls | Neutron Bytes
One Hit, One Strike Out, and a Base on Balls | Neutron Bytes: Argentina Positions a 25 MW SMR for Export No Deal for Westinghouse with India GEH Sets Progress on BWRX-300 Vendor Design Review with CNSC First Open-Source Blueprint for Nuclear Plant Design Arge…
Ohio nuclear plants’ owner paid $1.9 million to help save $1 billion bailout - News - The Columbus Dispatch - Columbus, OH
Ohio nuclear plants’ owner paid $1.9 million to help save $1 billion bailout - News - The Columbus Dispatch - Columbus, OH: The utility that secured a $1 billion ratepayer bailout of its pair of nuclear power plants from the Ohio legislature paid nearly $1.9 million to a "dark money" group that fought the failed referendum effort to overturn House Bill 6.FirstEnergy Solutions, now known as Energy Harbor after emerging from bankruptcy reorganization on Feb. 27, paid $1.88 million to Generation Now Inc. on July 5, 2019, according to a recent corporate filing discovered by the Energy & Policy Institute. Whether that
UAE's nuclear plant fuels fears of Middle East arms race - Nikkei Asian Review
UAE's nuclear plant fuels fears of Middle East arms race - Nikkei Asian Review: DUBAI -- The United Arab Emirates will soon become the newest player on the nuclear stage as it prepares to open the Arab world's first nuclear power
DARPA Challenge Autonomous Robot Teams To Navigate Unfinished Nuclear Power Plant | Hackaday
DARPA Challenge Autonomous Robot Teams To Navigate Unfinished Nuclear Power Plant | Hackaday: Robots might be finding their footing above ground, but today’s autonomous robots have a difficult time operating underground. DARPA wanted to give the state of the art a push forward, so the…
Here’s How to Build Your Own Nuclear Power Plant
Here’s How to Build Your Own Nuclear Power Plant: A new site claims to offer a guide to building an entire nuclear power plant, from the reactor vessels to the Homer Simpson-esque control panels.
Peach Bottom nuclear power plant could operate until 2054
Peach Bottom nuclear power plant could operate until 2054: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved the 20-year license extension Friday.
The Smaller Is Better Movement in Nuclear Power – Mother Jones
The Smaller Is Better Movement in Nuclear Power – Mother Jones: Are miniature reactors really safer?
Spreading Like Wildfire: An Interest In Making Electric Power Public | CleanTechnica
Spreading Like Wildfire: An Interest In Making Electric Power Public | CleanTechnica: March 6th, 2020 by John Farrell Originally published at ILSR.org. By Lilli Ambort On the morning of November 8th, 2019, a live wire broke free of its grip on a 99-year-old electrical tower, sparking one of the most deadly and destructive wildfires in California’s history. Iris Natividad was away from home when her partner Andrew Downer told [&hellip
New Assembly Bill Could Save Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant - California Globe
New Assembly Bill Could Save Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant - California Globe: Nuclear power may not end this decade if a new Assembly Bill is passed this session. The last nuclear plant in California Assembly Bill 2898, authored by
PG&E Unveils Bankruptcy Plan: Ask Wall Street for Another $60 Billion
PG&E Unveils Bankruptcy Plan: Ask Wall Street for Another $60 Billion: The bankrupt utility needs $57.6 billion to pull itself out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Investors would probably hook them up, but exasperated state regulators may put the kibosh on it.
California’s smart and economically savvy plan for electrifying trucks | The Energy Collective Daily

California’s smart and economically savvy plan for electrifying trucks | The Energy Collective Daily |
- California’s smart and economically savvy plan for electrifying trucks
- Ready for delivery: Electric package trucks
- Exxon methane proposal shows promise, but misses the mark on rigor, reductions
- Brainbox AI Uses Deep Learning to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of All Types of Buildings
- The Wise County coal plant should never have been built. Why fight to keep it open?
- CCPA: B.C. Must Plan for Managed Decline Before International Fossil Markets Scale Back
- 10-Month Deadline Makes Netherlands a ‘Test Case’ for Rapid Decarbonization
- Drawdown’s Latest ‘Tools of Possibility’ Show Path to 1.5°C, with 1,570 Billion Tons of Emission Cuts by 2050
- New U.S. Energy Legislation Backs Solar, Wind and Storage, Misses Out on Efficiency, Pushes Fracked Gas Exports
- Super Tuesday Voters Reject Radical Environmental Policies
- Natural Gas-Fired Power Generation Helps Lower Emissions in Colorado
- Is nuclear energy clean energy? Canada says yes!
New Assembly Bill Could Save Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant - California Globe
New Assembly Bill Could Save Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant - California Globe: Nuclear power may not end this decade if a new Assembly Bill is passed this session. The last nuclear plant in California Assembly Bill 2898, authored by
Do CA hospital have enough supplies for coronavirus outbreak? | The Sacramento Bee
Do CA hospital have enough supplies for coronavirus outbreak? | The Sacramento Bee: Federal officials say hospitals might not have enough equipment like ventilators, masks and machines to keep COVID-19 patients alive as the respiratory pandemic spreads to more California medical facilities.
Clinical trials for a new coronavirus vaccine approved at a Seattle research institute | The Seattle Times
Clinical trials for a new coronavirus vaccine approved at a Seattle research institute | The Seattle Times: The clinical trial for a novel coronavirus vaccine at a Seattle research facility has been approved, and people are being recruited to register as test subjects. Researchers at the Kaiser...
How Many Americans Have Been Tested for Coronavirus? - The Atlantic
How Many Americans Have Been Tested for Coronavirus? - The Atlantic: “I don’t know what went wrong,” a former CDC chief told The Atlantic.
One slide in a leaked presentation for US hospitals reveals that they're preparing for millions of hospitalizations as the outbreak unfolds
One slide in a leaked presentation for US hospitals reveals that they're preparing for millions of hospitalizations as the outbreak unfolds: The spread of the novel coronavirus in the US could push the healthcare system to its limits.
Customs is STILL NOT screening passengers from coronavirus hot-spots | Daily Mail Online
Customs is STILL NOT screening passengers from coronavirus hot-spots | Daily Mail Online: On March 1, President Trump vowed that anyone returning from 'high risk countries' would be screened both before they boarded planes and once they had returned to the US.
The best, and the worst, of the coronavirus dashboards - MIT Technology Review
The best, and the worst, of the coronavirus dashboards - MIT Technology Review: The best, and the worst, of the coronavirus dashboards
There are dozens of sites that show you how coronavirus is spreading around the world. Here is our ranking.
There are dozens of sites that show you how coronavirus is spreading around the world. Here is our ranking.
Gospel Reflections The Heart of the World
Matthew 5:43-48
Jesus said to his disciples: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Do not the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brothers and sisters only, what is unusual about that? Do not the pagans do the same? So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
Opening Prayer: My Lord, let your Spirit widen my heart through your words and with your wisdom. Help me to become more like you and teach me to love my neighbor as you love me.
Encountering Christ:
- Love My Enemies?: Jesus’s invitation to love one’s enemies is so well known that it has become proverbial. Nevertheless, consider how shocking this idea is! An enemy in the proper sense is someone who explicitly wants our ill. To experience such aggression is truly dark. And there seem to be only two options for reacting to it. You either respond aggressively in kind, or you swallow the injustice and assume the role of a victim. In both cases, the darkness of animosity is likely to swallow you. Animosity is a bad thing; it is a black hole that threatens to suck us in.
- Jesus Proposes a Different Option: To react to animosity with love means neither aggression nor victimization. Love does not swallow injustice but dips it in light, thus vanquishing the toxic black hole. How is such a thing possible? Who can illuminate a black hole? Only someone who is the source of light itself. Herein lies Jesus’s glorious victory. For when the enemy par excellence seized him, the source of goodness and the heart of the world, and tried to swallow him in death, death could not quench his light. On the contrary, his divine light filled the abyss of death and woke all those who had been swallowed by it. Jesus’s heart vanquished death as it resumed beating; his light erased the black hole; his love dissolved the relentless power of the enemy.
- How Can You Truly Love Your Enemy?: Only in Christ. For when Jesus’s resurrected and glorified heart started to beat again on the third day, it became the pulse that animates a new creation; one in which we participate through grace beginning on the day of our Baptism. Jesus’s heart is the heart of the redeemed world and, therefore, should become our heart. When Jesus’s light started to illuminate the night, it immediately started spreading among the disciples whom he had bound to his heart as members of his body. When Jesus’s love defeated and redeemed those who had killed him–his enemies–he also called on his friends and empowered them through the gift of the Holy Spirit to participate in this love. Jesus’s heart pumps love into his friends. All of this means we can love our enemies, in a truly redeeming way, if we do so in Christ, if we allow him to love in us, if his heart becomes our heart.
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will examine where I need your help in order to love my enemies. I want to love like you, love with you, love in you.
For Further Reflection: Catechism of the Catholic Church 1825: Christ died out of love for us, while we were still “enemies.” The Lord asks us to love as he does, even our enemies, to make ourselves the neighbor of those farthest away, and to love children and the poor as Christ himself. The Apostle Paul has given an incomparable depiction of charity: “charity is patient and kind, charity is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Charity does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Charity bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
written by Fr. Gabriel von Wendt, LC
The post The Heart of the World appeared first on RC Spirituality.
Can China’s Economy Withstand the Coronavirus?
Can China’s Economy Withstand the Coronavirus?
Trump may shrug off the coronavirus, the US economy may not - The Boston Globe
Trump may shrug off the coronavirus, the US economy may not - The Boston Globe: A Covid-19 outbreak in one or more large US cities would inflict a September 11-level hit on the economy and a Hurricane Katrina-level hit on Trump’s popular approval.
Coronavirus outbreak at Biogen meeting in Boston shows widening impact of illness - The Boston Globe
Coronavirus outbreak at Biogen meeting in Boston shows widening impact of illness - The Boston Globe: Two major Boston hospitals set up temporary facilities Friday to test employees of the biotech giant Biogen for coronavirus, after nine cases of Covid-19 were linked to a company meeting in Boston last week.
Pink Floyd's Roger Waters: Julian Assange being used as a warning to other journalists | Fox News Video
Pink Floyd's Roger Waters: Julian Assange being used as a warning to other journalists | Fox News Video: Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters discusses his fight to help Julian Assange on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'
Friday, March 6, 2020
A Catholic priest in Cuba laments communism’s destruction of the family
A Catholic priest in Cuba laments communism’s destruction of the family: In a country shaped by half a century of communist rule, facing a lack of economic prospects and the disintegration of the traditional family, the Cuban Church nonetheless remains steadfast. Father…
The unspoken secret to finding contentment (no matter your life stage or income level)
The unspoken secret to finding contentment (no matter your life stage or income level): Brene Brown describes the scarcity mindset we all fall into these days, but the Catholic liturgy reminds us “always and everywhere to give Him thanks and praise." How can we shift our whole mindset and practice gratitude?
How to help loved ones with Alzheimer’s stay connected with God
How to help loved ones with Alzheimer’s stay connected with God: How to help an Alzheimer's patient pray and stay close to God.
21-foot Last Supper painted by a nun restored to former glory
21-foot Last Supper painted by a nun restored to former glory: After nearly a century of storage in less than ideal conditions, a 21-foot oil painting of the Last Supper has been fully restored and placed on display at the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella. The …
Exclusive photos: Christ in the heart of the Rockies
Exclusive photos: Christ in the heart of the Rockies: As suddenly as the squall overtook the peak of Mt. Meeker, it vanished, leaving only an inch of fluffy white snow as evidence that it ever existed at all. The fiercely changeable atmosphere is quit…
Fuel loading completion marks UAE's entry onto global nuclear power stage - Arabianbusiness
Fuel loading completion marks UAE's entry onto global nuclear power stage - Arabianbusiness: Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation says UAE has now officially become a nuclear energy operating nation, the first country in the Arab World
Wanted: XPRIZE to Find Solutions to the Nuclear Waste Mess – InsideSources
Wanted: XPRIZE to Find Solutions to the Nuclear Waste Mess – InsideSources: A “scram” is the emergency shutdown of a nuclear power plant. Control rods, usually boron, are dropped into the reactor and these absorb the neutron flux
Africa eying Indias nuclear plants
Africa eying Indias nuclear plants: 'If we want to export reactors to Africa, those countries will look for that kind of capital as a soft loan from India'.According to Ravi Grover, one of the problems bedevilling the civil nuclear power sector globally has been the retention of manpower
Nuclear industry warns UK climate goal at risk - BBC News
Nuclear industry warns UK climate goal at risk - BBC News: The industry fears the government will ditch a plan to pay for new plants, making its carbon goal impossible.
Lord: DoD wants mini nuclear reactors on bases and for transport | Federal News Network
Lord: DoD wants mini nuclear reactors on bases and for transport | Federal News Network: DoD wants its installations to have their own power sources.
NRC: Vogtle 3 and 4 construction meeting safety objectives as work nears final phase | Power Engineering
NRC: Vogtle 3 and 4 construction meeting safety objectives as work nears final phase | Power Engineering: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined that construction on Southern Co.’s Vogtle Nuclear Units 3 and 4 expansion is meeting all public health and safety objectives. The NRC’s annual review, released this week, looked over all of the inspection results and enforcement actions over the previous year (2018) at Vogtle 3 and 4. Southern...
Energy Secretary Gets More Static on Proposed Hanford Cuts - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1
Energy Secretary Gets More Static on Proposed Hanford Cuts - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
Bids nixed, SC Senate, House differ on state utility future
Bids nixed, SC Senate, House differ on state utility future: COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — South Carolina lawmakers have rejected all bids to buy or manage state-owned utility Santee Cooper and the state House and Senate appear to disagree on what to do...
US DOE Announces Plan For $30 Million In Research Funding :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency
US DOE Announces Plan For $30 Million In Research Funding :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency: The US Department of Energy on Thursday announced a plan to provide $30 million for new research on fusion energy.
The funding will provide $17m for research focused specifically on artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches for prediction of key plasma phenomena, management of facility operations, and accelerated discovery through data science, among other topics.
An additional $13m under a separate funding opportunity will be devoted to fundamental fusion theory research, including computer modelling and simulation, focused on factors affecting the behaviour of hot plasmas confined by magnetic fields in fusion reactors.
The funding will provide $17m for research focused specifically on artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches for prediction of key plasma phenomena, management of facility operations, and accelerated discovery through data science, among other topics.
An additional $13m under a separate funding opportunity will be devoted to fundamental fusion theory research, including computer modelling and simulation, focused on factors affecting the behaviour of hot plasmas confined by magnetic fields in fusion reactors.
Bankrupt PG&E wants to pay bonuses to CA executives and staff | The Sacramento Bee
Bankrupt PG&E wants to pay bonuses to CA executives and staff | The Sacramento Bee: PG&E Corp., struggling to exit Chapter 11 bankruptcy, wants to pay as much as $453 million in bonuses to thousands of executives and employees.
Denison sees increasing prospects for Canadian ISL : Uranium & Fuel - World Nuclear News
Denison sees increasing prospects for Canadian ISL : Uranium & Fuel - World Nuclear News: Work done during 2019 to further de-risk the use of in-situ leach methods at the Phoenix uranium deposit at Wheeler River means the prospect of successfully bringing ISL uranium mining to Canada's Athabasca Basin is higher than it has ever been, Denison President and CEO David Cates said yesterday in the company's 2019 results.
Georgia Power completes Vogtle fuel order : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News
Georgia Power completes Vogtle fuel order : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News: Georgia Power has ordered the first nuclear fuel load for Vogtle unit 4. This means all the initial fuel that will be needed to start up the first nuclear power units to be built in the USA in 30 years has now been ordered. The first load of fuel for Vogtle unit 3 was ordered last July.
Canada, UK strengthen nuclear collaboration : Corporate - World Nuclear News
Canada, UK strengthen nuclear collaboration : Corporate - World Nuclear News: Canadian Nuclear Laboratories and the UK's National Nuclear Laboratory have agreed an action plan to boost collaboration in energy, medical isotopes, waste management and decommissioning, while the Canadian Nuclear Association and the UK's Nuclear Industry Association have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate in promoting nuclear technologies. Canada's 19 nuclear power reactors produce 15% of the country's electricity. The UK's 15 nuclear power reactors, operating across eight sites, account for 21% of that country's generation.
(2020 - 2023) Global Nuclear Power Plant and Equipment Market is Anticipated to Reach US$ XX% by 2023 - The Financial News Daily
(2020 - 2023) Global Nuclear Power Plant and Equipment Market is Anticipated to Reach US$ XX% by 2023 - The Financial News Daily: Nuclear Power Plant and Equipment Market (2020 – 2023) report provides the newest industry data and industry future trends, allowing you to identify the products and…
Fitch Solutions: No nuclear power online in Philippines over next decade
Fitch Solutions: No nuclear power online in Philippines over next decade: It is unlikely the Philippines will have a nuclear power plant go online in the next ten years due to uncertainties over including it in the country’s energy mix, think-tank Fitch Solutions Country Risk and Industry Research said Thursday.
Africa eying Indias nuclear plants
Africa eying Indias nuclear plants: 'If we want to export reactors to Africa, those countries will look for that kind of capital as a soft loan from India'.According to Ravi Grover, one of the problems bedevilling the civil nuclear power sector globally has been the retention of manpower
Lord: DoD wants mini nuclear reactors on bases and for transport | Federal News Network
Lord: DoD wants mini nuclear reactors on bases and for transport | Federal News Network: DoD wants its installations to have their own power sources.
Dark money dominated Ohio’s nuclear subsidy saga | Energy News Network
Dark money dominated Ohio’s nuclear subsidy saga | Energy News Network: FirstEnergy Solutions paid nearly $2 million to at least one group, but most other data remains hidden.
PHILIPPINES Manila mulls nuclear power, bishop point to Fukushima and too many risks
PHILIPPINES Manila mulls nuclear power, bishop point to Fukushima and too many risks: To meet energy needs, the government is considering nuclear power. The dossier awaits Duterte's signature. Archbishop Alminaza: nuclear disasters
Saskatchewan ‘very pleased’ with federal stance on nuclear power | Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Saskatchewan ‘very pleased’ with federal stance on nuclear power | Saskatoon StarPhoenix: Federal Natural Resources Minister Seamus O'Regan has said there is no credible path to net-zero emissions without nuclear power.
UK and Canada sign MOU to produce clean nuclear energy
UK and Canada sign MOU to produce clean nuclear energy: The United Kingdom and Canada's nuclear associations have signed an MOU to advance nuclear technology in an effort to produce clean energy.
Someone just uploaded open-source nuclear power plant blueprints to the web
Someone just uploaded open-source nuclear power plant blueprints to the web: It sounds like the diabolical scheme of a James Bond villain — it's really not
Fukushima Update March 6, 2020

Fukushima Update March 6, 2020-
Part of Futaba’s Tokyo-mandated evacuation
order is rescinded… IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi supports releasing
purified F. Daiichi wastewater to the sea… A. Canadian brings students to Fukushima University to dispel
misconceptions… Fukushima
Prefecture is falsely depicted as deadly by an American sci-fi show… Japan’s
Foreign Ministry will not sponsor a United Nations Hiroshima exhibit… Unfounded
fears of Fukushima radiation continue unabated in South Korea.
https://www.hiroshimasyndrome.Thursday, March 5, 2020
Poland faces $15 bln nuclear power bill over 20 years - minister - Reuters
Poland faces $15 bln nuclear power bill over 20 years - minister - Reuters: Poland will have to spend 60 billion zlotys ($15.56 billion) on its planned nuclear power plants over the next 20 years, the Polish minister responsible for energy infrastructure Piotr Naimski said on Wednesday.
British, Canadian Labs Develop Action Plan - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
British, Canadian Labs Develop Action Plan - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
France begins winding down its reliance on nuclear power - Bellona.org
France begins winding down its reliance on nuclear power - Bellona.org: France began shutting down its oldest nuclear plant last month after 43 years of operation, the first in a series of closures the government …
Lampton wins $7.9M for transport of decommissioned reactor - UPI.com
Lampton wins $7.9M for transport of decommissioned reactor - UPI.com: Lampton International was awarded a $7.9 million contract for land haul services work for the Navy, the Pentagon announced Wednesday.
Nuclear Leadership Being Ceded To Russia And China, Says DOE Official :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency
Nuclear Leadership Being Ceded To Russia And China, Says DOE Official :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency: US leadership in the nuclear energy industry is being ceded to countries such as Russia and China, who are quickly becoming leading suppliers of nuclear technologies, an energy official told a House subcommittee .
Rita Baranwal, assistant secretary for nuclear energy, told the energy subcommittee in testimony on 3 March that the unique nature of nuclear technology creates a national strategic imperative to maintain US leadership in nuclear energy and “enhance US influence by being competitive in global nuclear energy markets”.
“Sustaining the current fleet of operating nuclear power plants is a priority for the nation,” Ms Baranwal said.
Rita Baranwal, assistant secretary for nuclear energy, told the energy subcommittee in testimony on 3 March that the unique nature of nuclear technology creates a national strategic imperative to maintain US leadership in nuclear energy and “enhance US influence by being competitive in global nuclear energy markets”.
“Sustaining the current fleet of operating nuclear power plants is a priority for the nation,” Ms Baranwal said.
Work on Fukushima plant, halted during 2016 G7 summit, to continue during Tokyo Olympics - Reuters
Work on Fukushima plant, halted during 2016 G7 summit, to continue during Tokyo Olympics - Reuters: Decommissioning work at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear power station, halted during a G7 summit in Japan in 2016, will not stop during this summer's Tokyo Olympics, the plant operator said.
Republican senators support NRC efforts to modernize reactor oversight process - Daily Energy Insider
Republican senators support NRC efforts to modernize reactor oversight process - Daily Energy Insider: In a letter to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Chairman Kristine Svinicki, Republican senators expressed support this week for efforts to evaluate and modernize the Reactor Oversight Process (ROP), the commission’s nuclear safety inspection program.© Shutterstock ... Read More »
UK industry urges fresh approach to new build funding : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News
UK industry urges fresh approach to new build funding : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News: The UK's Nuclear Industry Association has called on the government to produce a financing mechanism that supports investment in new build projects. The government announced in June 2018 that it would review the viability of a Regulated Asset Base model, but it has yet to respond to a public consultation on the Treasury's proposal that took place last year.
New South Wales should repeal nuclear bans, inquiry concludes : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News
New South Wales should repeal nuclear bans, inquiry concludes : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News: The government of New South Wales should support the repeal in its entirety of legislation that prohibits uranium mining and nuclear facilities in the Australian state, an inquiry by the state's Upper House has concluded. As well as encouraging and supporting uranium exploration, the state should also pursue the repeal of federal prohibitions on nuclear facilities, it recommends. The inquiry was established in June last year by the State Development Committee to consider the Uranium Mining and Nuclear Facilities (Prohibitions) Repeal Bill 2019, which is legislation that is being proposed to remove state-based prohibitions on uranium mining and the construction and operation of nuclear facilities in New South Wales that have been in place since 1987. The inquiry received 72 submissions from Australia and overseas and held three hearings during September and November. Its final report, published today, now goes forward to the state's Upper House for its consideration.
Speech: Policy support needed in global energy debate : Perspectives - World Nuclear News
Speech: Policy support needed in global energy debate : Perspectives - World Nuclear News: The main challenges facing the nuclear industry are not in the production and delivery of electricity, but in securing the policy support required for it to expand its contribution of sustainable and low-carbon energy. This was the message of Philippe Costes, senior advisor at World Nuclear Assocation, to delegates at the Nuclear Power Plants Expo & Summit in Istanbul this week.
Why Hydrogen Stocks Are Soaring | The Energy Collective Daily
Why Hydrogen Stocks Are Soaring | The Energy Collective Daily |
- Why Hydrogen Stocks Are Soaring
- How can the U.S. nuclear industry address building new plants on time and within budget?
- Power-to-gas developments in Germany from the perspective of electricity and gas network operators
- Well completed on world's first offshore carbon capture network
- Competitive energy: (Brazil) what's the challenge?
- Hydrogen plant planned for Oman
Greenpeace: Proposal to add nuclear to country's energy mix 'plain irresponsible, irrational' | Philstar.com
Greenpeace: Proposal to add nuclear to country's energy mix 'plain irresponsible, irrational' | Philstar.com: According to environmental group Greenpeace Philippines, there is no rational reason for the Energy department to push a nuclear power agenda.
Iran may have enough uranium for a nuclear weapon. Don’t panic. - Vox
Iran may have enough uranium for a nuclear weapon. Don’t panic. - Vox: The IAEA in a confidential report said Iran tripled its enriched uranium stockpile, perhaps enough for one nuclear bomb.
Young people unaware of nuclear power’s green value, study finds | News | The Times
Young people unaware of nuclear power’s green value, study finds | News | The Times: Young people fail to understand that nuclear power helps the UK to meet its climate change targets because they have been misled by green campaigns promoting wind and solar, research has found.Only 26
Negros bishop wary on ‘nuclear power inclusion’ in energy mix - SUNSTAR
Negros bishop wary on ‘nuclear power inclusion’ in energy mix - SUNSTAR: Negros bishop wary on ‘nuclear power inclusion’ in energy mix
Japan opens part of last town off-limits since nuclear leaks
Japan opens part of last town off-limits since nuclear leaks: Japan's government on Wednesday opened part of the last town that had been off-limits due to radiation since the Fukushima nuclear disaster nine years ago, in a symbolic move showing the region's recovery ahead of the Tokyo Olympics.
Advanced Reactor Technologies to Accelerate the Next Generation of Nuclear Power
Advanced Reactor Technologies to Accelerate the Next Generation of Nuclear Power: The U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Tennessee Valley Authority have signed a memorandum of understanding to evaluate a new generation of flexible, cost-effective advanced nuclear reactors. Under the agreement, ORNL and TVA will collaborate on ways to improve the
France begins winding down its reliance on nuclear power - Bellona.org
France begins winding down its reliance on nuclear power - Bellona.org: France began shutting down its oldest nuclear plant last month after 43 years of operation, the first in a series of closures the government …
Rutgers Energy Policy Seminaar Series: New York Clean Energy Transition: Insights for New Jersey
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Fusion Energy Global Development Policy & Tech Progress
Fusion Energy Global Development Policy & Tech Progress: Fusion energy is moving towards technological and commercial reality. Fusion involves the release and harnessing of energy by fusing two atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus. Fusion rea
Readers' View: No matter what NRC says, spent fuel cask at Pilgrim Nuclear remain a risk | Duxbury Clipper
Readers' View: No matter what NRC says, spent fuel cask at Pilgrim Nuclear remain a risk | Duxbury Clipper: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission came to Plymouth last Monday to assure us that the NRC's regulations and oversight guarantee that the spent fuel stored in dry cask at Pilgrim is perfectly safe
More time granted for radioactive shipments | The Bennington Banner | Bennington Breaking News, Sports, Weather, Traffic
More time granted for radioactive shipments | The Bennington Banner | Bennington Breaking News, Sports, Weather, Traffic: VERNON — The owner of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant has received approval from federal regulators for a more relaxed time schedule for shipping low-level radioactive waste to Texas …
U.S. GAO - Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Fee-Setting, Billing, and Budgeting Processes Have Improved, but Additional Actions Could Enhance Efforts
U.S. GAO - Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Fee-Setting, Billing, and Budgeting Processes Have Improved, but Additional Actions Could Enhance Efforts: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission licenses, inspects, and enforces regulations for the nuclear industry, including reactors and waste operations. NRC recovers about 90% of its budget by assessing fees for work done at NRC-licensed companies.Since 2017, NRC has altered some of its fee-setting, billing, and budgeting processes in response to previous audits. For example, NRC implemented an electronic billing system and shared more information about how it sets fees.But, NRC’s processes still need to be more transparent to help licensees plan and budget.
ANS Nuclear Policy Wire March 5, 2020
March 5, 2020
Letter from Joe Kennedy III re: Coronavirus

Coronavirus: CA to get funding, testing after first death | The Sacramento Bee
Coronavirus: CA to get funding, testing after first death | The Sacramento Bee: Millions of dollars in federal funding are flowing into the state to bolster the public health response to COVID-19, officials announced Wednesday as laboratories across the state ramp up their ability to test for the virus that claimed its first California victim earlier in the day in Placer County.
Coronavirus: How are California schools addressing COVID-19? | The Sacramento Bee
Coronavirus: How are California schools addressing COVID-19? | The Sacramento Bee: Hours after Placer County officials reported that a resident died of the new coronavirus, marking the first death of the illness in California, the Placer County Office of Education held its weekly meeting with local health officials to discuss what’s next.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
How Advanced Nuclear Technologies Could Accelerate Deployment Across Africa - Energy For Growth
How Advanced Nuclear Technologies Could Accelerate Deployment Across Africa - Energy For Growth: In early 2020, the United Arab Emirates will start up the massive 5.6 GW Barakah nuclear power plant, the first country in nearly a decade to successfully start a new nuclear power program. A handful of developing African nations are also looking to start their own nuclear power programs, but building any power plant at … Continue reading How Advanced Nuclear Technologies Could Accelerate Deployment Across Africa
Expert assessments of strategies to enhance global nuclear security
Expert assessments of strategies to enhance global nuclear security
Gavin Newsom declares California emergency for coronavirus | The Sacramento Bee
Gavin Newsom declares California emergency for coronavirus | The Sacramento Bee: California Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency over the coronavirus as a cruise ship that transported at least two infected passengers sailed toward the state Wednesday.
Must Growth Doom the Planet? - The New Atlantis
Must Growth Doom the Planet? - The New Atlantis: Ted Nordhaus on limiting growth in an age of stagnation
British, Canadian Labs Develop Action Plan - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
British, Canadian Labs Develop Action Plan - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
Novovoronezh Unit To Be Switched To 18-Month Fuel Cycle - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
Novovoronezh Unit To Be Switched To 18-Month Fuel Cycle - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
Fuel Loading Complete At Barakah Unit 1 - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
Fuel Loading Complete At Barakah Unit 1 - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
UAE becomes the first peaceful nuclear energy operating nation in the Arab World | Uae – Gulf News
UAE becomes the first peaceful nuclear energy operating nation in the Arab World | Uae – Gulf News: Certified operators begin process to gradually produce clean electricity
UN agency: Iran nearly triples stockpile of enriched uranium
UN agency: Iran nearly triples stockpile of enriched uranium: VIENNA (AP) — Iran has nearly tripled its stockpile of enriched uranium since November in violation of its deal with world powers, U.N. atomic watchdog agency said Tuesday, while raising new...
Europe And Japan Reaffirm Commitment To Collaboration :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency
Europe And Japan Reaffirm Commitment To Collaboration :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency: Europe and Japan have signed a joint declaration in the field of fusion energy that will see experts working more closely with the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (Iter) to ensure that the €20bn project “moves forward as smoothly as possible”.
The European Commission said an updated “broader approach” declaration, first implemented in 2007, was signed in Brussels by energy commissioner Kadri Simson, representing the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), and Kazuo Kodama, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Japan to the European Union.
The Commission said the broader approach represents a highly successful collaboration between two major players in fusion research. It will also mean knowledge and expertise can be consolidated among the wider fusion community, creating “as solid a base as pos
The European Commission said an updated “broader approach” declaration, first implemented in 2007, was signed in Brussels by energy commissioner Kadri Simson, representing the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), and Kazuo Kodama, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Japan to the European Union.
The Commission said the broader approach represents a highly successful collaboration between two major players in fusion research. It will also mean knowledge and expertise can be consolidated among the wider fusion community, creating “as solid a base as pos
Energy secretary again commits to relocation of SRS plutonium in Nevada | News | aikenstandard.com
Energy secretary again commits to relocation of SRS plutonium in Nevada | News | aikenstandard.com: U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette has reaffirmed his department's commitment to removing a half-metric ton of defense plutonium from Nevada by the end of 2026, material that was secretly
Comprehensive Senate energy bill draws industry, bipartisan support, but lags on tax credits, efficiency | Utility Dive
Comprehensive Senate energy bill draws industry, bipartisan support, but lags on tax credits, efficiency | Utility Dive: Utility industry news and analysis for energy professionals.
Former Energy Secretary, Deputy Discuss Nuclear Energy and Climate at IOP | News | The Harvard Crimson
Former Energy Secretary, Deputy Discuss Nuclear Energy and Climate at IOP | News | The Harvard Crimson: Former U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest J. Moniz and former Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel B. Poneman ’78 discussed the importance of nuclear energy in an event moderated by Harvard Kennedy School Professor Meghan L. O’Sullivan at the Institute of Politics Monday night.
Brouillette says administration plans to give a boost to uranium producers | TheHill
Brouillette says administration plans to give a boost to uranium producers | TheHill: Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette said Tuesday that the Trump administration plans to give a boost to the uranium industry, which it has repeatedly tried to help.
Holtec underscores transparency at US plants : Waste & Recycling - World Nuclear News
Holtec underscores transparency at US plants : Waste & Recycling - World Nuclear News: Holtec International has provided an update on decommissioning work at its Oyster Creek and Pilgrim nuclear power plants that is being performed by Comprehensive Decommissioning International, its joint venture with SNC-Lavalin.
Iran's uranium stockpile rises further, say media : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News
Iran's uranium stockpile rises further, say media : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: Iran has tripled its stockpile of enriched uranium to 1,020.9 kg over the past three months and failed to provide International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors access to two undeclared sites, various news agencies reported yesterday.
Grossi thanks France for leading role in nuclear power : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News
Grossi thanks France for leading role in nuclear power : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News: France's support to the International Atomic Energy Agency's technical cooperation programme "goes a long way" in helping African countries get access to nuclear technology and expertise in the areas of food and agriculture and cancer care, Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi told French Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian yesterday.
Viewpoint: Fessenheim closure subverts modern environmentalism : Perspectives - World Nuclear News
Viewpoint: Fessenheim closure subverts modern environmentalism : Perspectives - World Nuclear News: Shutting down the Fessenheim nuclear power plant in eastern France will lead to additional emissions of around 10 million tonnes of CO2 per year and the loss of thousands of jobs, writes Valérie Faudon, general delegate of the French Nuclear Energy Society.
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