Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
A novel method to construct two-fluid molten-salt reactor
A novel method to construct two-fluid molten-salt reactor
Docket Number:08A-980430Inventor:Frank Hsia-San Shu
IP Status:PCT pending
Two-fluid molten-salt breeder-reactors operating on the thorium fuel cycle are the most versatile of all nuclear reactors. Issues of mechanical strength at high temperatures, leak worthiness, resistance to corrosion, thermal expansion differences, tight neutron economy, and radiation damage make them challenging to build. Our invention uses a large pool of blanket salt surrounding a carbon-based nuclear-reactor core that carries the fuel salt and coolant blanket salt in cross channels to solve these problems. The excellent thermal conductivity of graphite combined with the low vapor pressure and high specific-heat capacity of molten salts make possible compact and passively safe systems.
Fields of Application:
Electricity generation, high-temperature chemistry, industrial processes that require high-temperature heat with a large throughput of thermal power.
Advantages when compared to the existing technologies:
1. Multiple passive systems to assure operational safety
2. Reasonable cost for baseload electricity generation,
3. Large-throughput provider of high-temperature process heat,
4. Acceptable local management of nuclear waste,
5. Improved safeguards against weapons proliferation,
6. Long-term sustainability of the nuclear-energy option,
7. Possible location away from population centers because of closed cooling system that does not require large flows of water.
Contact Person:Mei-Fang Lee, 886-2-2787-2503, mflee@gate.sinica.edu.tw
A Brief Overview Of Thorium Energy - TheStreet
A Brief Overview Of Thorium Energy - TheStreet
Thorium is a naturally-occurring, slightly radioactive metal discovered in 1828 by a Swedish chemist, Jons Jakob Berzelius, who named it after Thor, ...
Thorium is a naturally-occurring, slightly radioactive metal discovered in 1828 by a Swedish chemist, Jons Jakob Berzelius, who named it after Thor, ...
Is Canada’s Federal Government Sabotaging Nuclear Energy?
Is Canada’s Federal Government Sabotaging Nuclear Energy?
Fukushima children test positive for internal radiation exposure
Fukushima children test positive for internal radiation exposure
Traces of caesium-134 and 137 isotopes found in urine tests on 10 children in city near stricken nuclear power pant
Gundersen Discusses the Situation at the flooded Ft. Calhoun and Cooper Nuclear Power Plants.
Gundersen Discusses the Situation at the flooded Ft. Calhoun and Cooper Nuclear Power Plants.
New Analysis of Unit 3 Fuel Pool Video Reveals Top of Fuel Bundle
New Analysis of Unit 3 Fuel Pool Video Reveals Top of Fuel Bundle
Vermont Senator Says Federal Agency Won't Intervene in Entergy Suit
Vermont Senator Says Federal Agency Won't Intervene in Entergy Suit
Wash. AG's Yucca Mt. challenge ruled premature
Wash. AG's Yucca Mt. challenge ruled premature
McKenna |
Court Rules Fate of Yucca Site Rests With Regulators
Court Rules Fate of Yucca Site Rests With Regulators
Reid: Yucca Mountain court ruling a ‘great day for Nevada’
Reid: Yucca Mountain court ruling a ‘great day for Nevada’
Yucca Lawsuits Must Wait Until NRC Acts, D.C. Circuit Rules
Yucca Lawsuits Must Wait Until NRC Acts, D.C. Circuit Rules
Patt Morrison Asks: Albert Carnsale, Professor Nuclear
Patt Morrison Asks: Albert Carnsale, Professor Nuclear
A nuclear engineer, he is serving on the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future, which presents its draft report to President Obama at the end of this month.
FP Passport: Introducing FP's new eBook: Tsunami
FP Passport: Introducing FP's new eBook: Tsunami
We're thrilled to announce the launch of Tsunami: Japan's Post-Fukushima World, FP's latest ebook project. It's just $4.99 and proceeds will benefit Japan's disaster relief efforts. On March 11, 2011, Japan's northern coast was shaken by the biggest ...
Inside the Decision to Extend License of Reactor
Inside the Decision to Extend License of Reactor
TOKYO—They didn't know it at the time, but the last chance Japanese regulators had to save the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant came last year. That is when the regulators reviewed Tokyo Electric Power Co. ...
Should Japan's energy future include nuclear power?
Should Japan's energy future include nuclear power?
Wall Street Journal - Jul 1, 2011
Japan's largest nuclear operator joined other industry leaders in defense of atomic power, vowing to stay the course and to seek a rapid restart of two reactors. A majority of Kansai Electric Power Co. shareholders rejected proposals to exit or limit ...
Meltdown: What Really Happened at Fukushima?
Meltdown: What Really Happened at Fukushima?
The Atlantic Wire
If the pipes burst, vital components don't reach the heart and thus you have a heart attack, in nuclear terms: meltdown. In simpler terms, you can't cool a reactor core if the pipes carrying the coolant and regulating the heat rupture—it doesn't get ...
The Atlantic Wire
If the pipes burst, vital components don't reach the heart and thus you have a heart attack, in nuclear terms: meltdown. In simpler terms, you can't cool a reactor core if the pipes carrying the coolant and regulating the heat rupture—it doesn't get ...
OUR OPINION: Threatened by meltdown of nuclear power oversight
OUR OPINION: Threatened by meltdown of nuclear power oversight The Patriot Ledger By Anonymous The devastating damage done to this planet by power plants that use fossil fuels to generate electricity makes it impossible to walk away from nuclear energy but that doesn't mean we shouldn't demand that more be done to avoid the threat ... |
A Governor’s Power to Shape the Future of a Nuclear Japan
A Governor’s Power to Shape the Future of a Nuclear Japan
In the Wake of Fukushima: A Local Perspective (Part III)
In the Wake of Fukushima: A Local Perspective (Part III)
Posted by Ross Pomeroy at Tue, 28 Jun 2011 17:58:53
In the Wake of Fukushima: A Local Perspective (Part II)
In the Wake of Fukushima: A Local Perspective (Part II)
Posted by Ross Pomeroy at Mon, 27 Jun 2011 17:56:20
In the Wake of Fukushima: A Local Perspective (Part I)
In the Wake of Fukushima: A Local Perspective (Part I)
Posted by Ross Pomeroy at Sun, 26 Jun 2011 17:57:32
A Reality Check on Nuclear Fusion at MIT - Martin LaMonica, CNET News
A reality check on nuclear fusion at MIT
Nuclear Plants Need Scrutiny, Not Hysteria - Editorial, Des Moines Register
Nuclear plants need scrutiny, not hysteria
Exposing the Demonizers of Shale Gas By Diana Furchtgott-Roth
Exposing the Demonizers of Shale Gas
By Diana Furchtgott-Rothatomic power review Fukushima Daiichi Update: Saturday July 2, 2011
atomic power review
Fukushima Daiichi Update: Saturday July 2, 2011
Just A Speck of Plutonium...
Just A Speck of Plutonium...
Well, no. A number of people breathed in plutonium dust during the Manhattan Project. I don't have the numbers right here, but they didn't all contract cancer. They did all die, but from other causes, like old age.
So those two statements, which have risen from the ashes of the Las Conchas Fire, are false.
Tepco Starts Using Megafloat To Store Low-Level Radioactive Water
Tepco Starts Using Megafloat To Store Low-Level Radioactive Water
Friday, July 1, 2011
Japanese Cancer Expert on the Fukushima Situation
Japanese Cancer Expert on the Fukushima Situation
Jul. 01, 2011
Matthew Penney
atomic power review New video on APR YouTube
atomic power review
New video on APR YouTube
As of now, this new video is the featured video and will come up first.
Energy From Thorium Discussion Forum Is thorium the energy source we've been waiting for?
Energy From Thorium Discussion Forum
Is thorium the energy source we've been waiting for?Blog - Solar Thermal Plants Losing out to Photovoltaics
Blog - Solar Thermal Plants Losing out to Photovoltaics
Financing and environmental concerns have caused some solar plant developers to switch technology.In the last several years costs for solar power have dropped significantly, driven by advances in manufacturing technology, improvements in efficiency, and government support, among other things. Apparently, that's led some solar power plant projects to switch from using solar thermal technology—which involves concentrating sunlight to generate high temperatures that can be used to generate electricity—for photovoltaics, solar panels that convert sunlight to electricity directly. At least that's what Reuters reported today.
NEI Unveils Website Focusing on Safety at U.S. Reactors, Recovery Work at Fukushima
NEI Unveils Website Focusing on Safety at U.S. Reactors, Recovery Work at Fukushima
from Nuclear Energy Institute by vbarq
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Nuclear Energy Institute today launched a new website—http://safetyfirst.nei.org—dedicated to safety measures at America’s nuclear energy facilities as well as recovery efforts at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan. This specialized site includes information gathered by NEI since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, with a focus on safety-related issues.
NEI’s website is part of its ongoing effort to communicate steps U.S. electric companies are taking to triple-check safety and emergency preparedness programs at their nuclear energy facilities.
NEI’s website is part of its ongoing effort to communicate steps U.S. electric companies are taking to triple-check safety and emergency preparedness programs at their nuclear energy facilities.
NEI: TEPCO Resumes Decontaminating Water to Cool Reactors
TEPCO Resumes Decontaminating Water to Cool Reactors
Plant Status- Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) resumed decontaminating water at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant after fixing a software flaw that caused an automatic shutdown of the decontamination system. After a short investigation identified the flaw, the problem was corrected and decontamination resumed. The decontaminated water is being reused to cool reactors at the facility.
- TEPCO has begun transfer of water contaminated at lower radiation levels from tanks in the reactor 6 turbine building to a barge moored near the Fukushima Daiichi plant. The tanks hold about 12,000 tons of contaminated water, and workers will transfer about 8,000 tons to the barge.
- TEPCO is making progress on a new cooling water system for the used fuel storage pool at reactor 3. The company is testing the system and plans to have it operating next week. The reactor 2 fuel pool is at full cooling capability, but TEPCO is still considering options for cooling water for the reactor 4 storage pool, where piping and valves in the pool’s cooling water system were damaged in March by a hydrogen explosion in the upper portion of the containment building. TEPCO said it intends to have the cooling systems in all fuel storage pools operating by mid-July, but that issues with the damaged reactor 4 system may delay progress.
- TEPCO sent an American-supplied robot into the reactor 3 building to remove highly radioactive sand, dust and rubble. The robot is manually operated from outside the building. If the effort is successful, TEPCO will begin preparations to inject nitrogen to prevent hydrogen explosions. The company is already injecting nitrogen into reactors 1 and 2.
- Contrary to earlier reports, TEPCO said that three workers at the Fukushima site have been exposed to more than 25 rem of radiation—the legal limit for plant workers in an emergency situation. For comparison, a CT scan results in 1 rem of radiation exposure to a patient.
- TEPCO’s new president, Toshio Nishizawa, visited towns near the Fukushima Daiichi facility and apologized to their mayors for the difficulties caused by the accident. The mayors said their constituents expect TEPCO to offer compensation to those who have or will suffer financial losses in their businesses because of the accident, not just those evacuated from their homes.
- The Japanese government is recommending that 113 households evacuate from four districts within the city of Date. Higher levels of radiation have been detected sporadically in the affected districts near Fukushima Daiichi. Evacuation is voluntary and those who choose to move will be compensated.
- Reports in the Japanese media on radiological impacts say urine samples from 10 children in the city of Fukushima showed small amounts of radioactive cesium.
- Tom Fanning, chairman, president and CEO of Southern Company, explains seven steps that the U.S. industry is taking to respond to the Fukushima accident in a column for U.S. News & World Report.
- Reuters reports on TEPCO’s second round of compensation to people affected by the Fukushima Daiichi event, with each family receiving up to 300,000 yen (about $3,700). The first round earlier this year paid as much 1 million yen (about $12,400) per family.
- NEI has launched a new website, Safety First, dedicated to Fukushima to provide up-to-date information on developments in Japan and steps that the industry is taking to enhance safety and emergency preparedness at America’s commercial reactors.
- The task force reviewing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission processes and regulations in light of the accident at Fukushima is expected to release its report on July 12. The task force will brief the commissioners on the report at a July 19 public meeting.
Setting the Record Straight: NEI Responds to AP Series on Nuclear Energy
Setting the Record Straight: NEI Responds to AP Series on Nuclear Energy
The Nuclear Energy Institute last week criticized The Associated Press for selective and misleading reporting in a series of articles on U.S. nuclear power plant safety. The coverage has factual errors, fails to cite relevant reports on safety that contradict the reporting, and raises questions about historic operating issues while ignoring more recent evidence of improved performance in areas that it examines.NEI has compiled key facts on nuclear plant safety that rebut the claims in the recent articles by The Associated Press:
- Part 1: “U.S. Nuke Regulators Weaken Safety Rules,” June 20, 2011
- Part 2: “U.S. Nuke Sites Have Had Tritium Leaks, Often Into Groundwater,” June 21, 2011
- Part 3: “Populations Around U.S. Nuke Plants Soar,” June 23, 2011
- Part 4: “NRC and Industry Rewrite Nuke History,” June 24, 2011
Pakistan Seen as Having Fastest Expanding Nuke Stockpile
Pakistan Seen as Having Fastest Expanding Nuke Stockpile
EDITORIAL: Respect the concerns of parents over low-level radiation exposure
EDITORIAL: Respect the concerns of parents over low-level radiation exposure
7 Ways the Nuclear Industry Is Responding to Fukushima
7 Ways the Nuclear Industry Is Responding to Fukushima
Acquire nuclear power, IAEA expert advises Africans
Acquire nuclear power, IAEA expert advises Africans
Areva, Toshiba invited to bid for new Finnish nuclear plant
Areva, Toshiba invited to bid for new Finnish nuclear plant
Finnish nuclear power company Fennovoima on Friday invited French nuclear giant Areva and Japan's Toshiba to bid for the construction of a new power plant.
Finnish nuclear power company Fennovoima on Friday invited French nuclear giant Areva and Japan's Toshiba to bid for the construction of a new power plant.
A citizen's dosimeter, and it fits in your wallet
A citizen's dosimeter, and it fits in your wallet
No matter how many plastic cards currently crowd your wallet, one day you may wish to make room for one more. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)'s Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has developed a miniaturized version of a dosimeter, a portable device used for measuring exposure to ionizing radiation, which can provide life-saving early detection in the unlikely event of a nuclear accident or dirty bomb.
No matter how many plastic cards currently crowd your wallet, one day you may wish to make room for one more. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)'s Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has developed a miniaturized version of a dosimeter, a portable device used for measuring exposure to ionizing radiation, which can provide life-saving early detection in the unlikely event of a nuclear accident or dirty bomb.
Related articles
- A citizen's dosimeter, and it fits in your wallet (physorg.com)
- Dosimeters offer peace of mind (search.japantimes.co.jp)
- Japan:Dosimeters will be given to 280,000 children (laaska.wordpress.com)
- 34,000 children in Fukushima to get dosimeters (search.japantimes.co.jp)
- Digital Camera Radiation Dosimeter (makezine.com)
- Canadian dosimeters were put to use in Japan: embassy (ctv.ca)
- Digital Camera Radiation Dosimeter (mt-soft.com.ar)
From Fukushima to Disarmament
From Fukushima to Disarmament
Malcolm Fraser, Project Syndicate: "Months after the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima compounds the humanitarian tragedy and impedes recovery. The damaged reactors and spent-fuel ponds contain around ten times as much nuclear fuel as did the Chernobyl reactor that exploded in 1986. In three reactors, the fuel has melted, almost certainly through the reactor vessels; primary containment structures have been breached; explosions have torn away the secondary containment (the buildings); radioactive releases continue; and closed-loop cooling has not been re-established."
Read the Article
Malcolm Fraser, Project Syndicate: "Months after the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima compounds the humanitarian tragedy and impedes recovery. The damaged reactors and spent-fuel ponds contain around ten times as much nuclear fuel as did the Chernobyl reactor that exploded in 1986. In three reactors, the fuel has melted, almost certainly through the reactor vessels; primary containment structures have been breached; explosions have torn away the secondary containment (the buildings); radioactive releases continue; and closed-loop cooling has not been re-established."
Read the Article
DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on Yucca Mountain
The NRC and the State of Minnesota
The NRC and the State of Minnesota
Moderator | July 1, 2011 at 2:05 pm | Tags: nuclear | Categories: General | URL: http://wp.me/p1fSSY-n4
The Minnesota state government has two critical functions affecting the safety of nuclear materials and nuclear power plants – it regulates the use of radioactive materials for nuclear medicine, research, and industrial applications, and it provides emergency response in the unlikely event of a problem at one of the state’s two nuclear power plants.
Planning for the possible state government shutdown began about two weeks ago as NRC’s Region III staff in Lisle, Ill., and its headquarters Federal State Materials and Environmental Management program began discussions with the state’s Department of Health, which regulates the use of radioactive materials under an agreement with the NRC.
Minnesota has about 180 nuclear materials licenses that it regularly inspects and, if necessary, responds to emergencies or other events at the facilities.
Nuclear materials safety and response functions will be maintained by a reduced Department of Health staff which, having been designated by the Governor as providing a critical function, will remain on duty. The state has also made contingency plans with major users of radioactive materials to provide support in the event of an emergency and, further, to call upon state regulators in Wisconsin and Iowa for assistance, if needed.
There are two nuclear power plants in Minnesota – the Monticello Nuclear Plant located in Monticello north of Minneapolis, and the Prairie Island Nuclear Power Station near Red Wing, south east of Minneapolis. Both are operated by Northern States Power Company, Minnesota.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, which oversees state and local radiological emergency planning, has been reviewing the state’s contingency plans for responding to emergencies during the shutdown, and the NRC has been monitoring the interactions between FEMA and the state’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management agency.
The NRC will continue to closely monitor the situation and is prepared to provide assistance should it be necessary to provide for public health and safety.
Cindy PedersonDeputy Regional AdministratorNRC Region III
Bilge Yildiz: New insights into material surfaces advance energy conversion technologies Peter Dunn Nuclear science and engineering
Bilge Yildiz: New insights into material surfaces advance energy conversion technologies
Peter Dunn
Nuclear science and engineering
Women in Nuclear Science and Engineering. Bilge Yildiz: New Insights Into Material Surfaces Advance Energy Conversion Technologies
Women in Nuclear Science and Engineering .
Bilge Yildiz: New Insights Into Material Surfaces Advance Energy Conversion Technologies
Minot Nukes Clear of Midwest Flooding, But Wrestle with Snow Melt
Minot Nukes Clear of Midwest Flooding, But Wrestle with Snow Melt
NEI Industry Insight UK nuclear sector ramps up a gear
Industry Insight
UK nuclear sector ramps up a gear
Dominion, Progress Energy, SCANA, OPG, DOE and NRC Discuss Construction Best Practice to Push the Nuclear Renaissance
Press Release
Dominion, Progress Energy, SCANA, OPG, DOE and NRC Discuss Construction Best Practice to Push the Nuclear Renaissance
30 June 2011North America's foremost gathering of nuclear construction leaders is back for its third year - and it couldn't be happening at a more critical time for the nuclear renaissance. This year’s forum will give you the direction and tools you need to build a comprehensive nuclear strategy that will ensure project success in a volatile market.
From October 25-27 2011, nuclear experts will meet in Charlotte, North Carolina to discuss construction across North America and ways in which the industry can push forward and ensure the nuclear renaissance is reignited. At a nuclear conference in April 2011, Senator Lindsey Graham stated: "We are trying to expand the loan guarantee program to include up to a dozen reactors - once you get a dozen built, we can prove to the world and ourselves that we know how to build".
As well as hearing from the major utilities pushing forward with NPP construction, the meeting will also play host to a number of other representatives who are constructing nuclear projects across North America. These will include the construction work at Hanford WTP, the MOX Facility at Savannah River, the licensing experience at the American Centrifuge project and the refurbishment work undertaken by Bruce Power to name a few.
The meeting this year will cover a variety of construction challenges ensuring you walk away with business critical knowledge including:
• Ensure compliance on your nuclear project through updates on ITAAC closure, construction assessment and the potential impact of the Fukushima disaster on U.S. guidelines
• Understand the key licensing issues pre and post COL issuance & the importance of licensee oversight for vendor activities to achieve project momentum
• Benefit from a complete review of domestic & international nuclear construction projects and implement the experience gained to date to improve you project planning and execution
• Establish comprehensive project oversight to ensure NRC compliance whilst maintaining a cost effective schedule for successful project completion
• Gain clear guidance on the key EPC contract negotiation challenges and overall project management strategies to ensure you are primed for project success whilst mitigating costly delays
For more information on the summit go to http://www.nuclearenergyinsider.com/construction
Conference speakers include: NRC, DOE, Progress Energy, Dominion, SCANA, OPG, Bruce Power, Savannah River Site, Duke Energy, USEC, Blue Castle Project, Areva, Westinghouse and more.
For more information contact:
Dean Murphy
Senior Industry Analyst
T: 1800 814 3459 ext. 7204 (US Toll Free)
UPDATE 1-US NRC renews PSEG NJ Salem reactor license
UPDATE 1-US NRC renews PSEG NJ Salem reactor license
USEC gets extension from investors to negotiate loan guarantee
USEC gets extension from investors to negotiate loan guarantee
Savannah River seals up 2 nuclear weapons reactors
Savannah River seals up 2 nuclear weapons reactors
Germany must coordinate over nuclear exit - EU energy head
Germany must coordinate over nuclear exit - EU energy head
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Senate confirms NRC official after hold
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Senate confirms NRC official after hold
The False Promise of the Civil Nuclear Deal
The False Promise of the Civil Nuclear Deal
By Michael Kreponhttp://krepon.armscontrolwonk.com/
By Michael Kreponhttp://krepon.armscontrolwonk.
Six Years Later (I)
Report Maps California's Energy Future to 2050
Report Maps California's Energy Future to 2050
Cyber Security Solution Tailored to Utility and Energy Industry
Cyber Security Solution Tailored to Utility and Energy Industry
Open Letter to New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo: Do Not Lift Fracking Moratorium!
Open Letter to New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo: Do Not Lift Fracking Moratorium!
from AlterNet.org by Maura Stephens, AlterNet
New York is about to lift its ban on hydrofracking. Will Governor Cuomo listen to local activists?
A Brief Overview of Thorium Energy
A Brief Overview of Thorium Energy
from OilPrice.com Daily News Update by thyu@oilprice.com (Al Fin)
For humans to enjoy a clean and abundant energy future, they will need to move to energy from nuclear reactions which means nuclear fission, for now. Thorium is the main alternative to uranium as a large-scale nuclear fuel. Here are some basic facts about thorium:
Thorium is a naturally-occurring, slightly radioactive metal discovered in 1828 by a Swedish chemist, Jons Jakob Berzelius, who named it after Thor, the Norse god of thunder. The silvery white metal is found in small amounts in most rocks and soils, where it is about three times more abundant than uranium. Typical garden variety soil Read more...
Thorium is a naturally-occurring, slightly radioactive metal discovered in 1828 by a Swedish chemist, Jons Jakob Berzelius, who named it after Thor, the Norse god of thunder. The silvery white metal is found in small amounts in most rocks and soils, where it is about three times more abundant than uranium. Typical garden variety soil Read more...
IEA Replaces One Crude Supply-Limiting Cartel, OPEC, With Another: The TBTF Banks
IEA Replaces One Crude Supply-Limiting Cartel, OPEC, With Another: The TBTF Banks
Nuclear waste requires cradle-to-grave strategy
Nuclear waste requires cradle-to-grave strategy
After Fukushima, it is now imperative to redefine what makes a successful nuclear power program - from cradle to grave. If nuclear waste management is not thought out from the beginning, the public in many countries will reject nuclear power as an energy choice, according to research that appears today in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.Related articles
- Nuclear waste requires cradle-to-grave strategy (physorg.com)
- Nuclear waste requires cradle-to-grave strategy (scienceblog.com)
- Definition: Cradle to Cradle (casasugar.com)
- Nuclear waste at Los Alamos protected by firebreak (boingboing.net)
- Organized Crime Cleaning Up With Nuclear Waste (yro.slashdot.org)
- Los Alamos Fire: Why Nuclear Waste is Probably Safe (news.sciencemag.org)
- United States Hit With a Triple Nuclear Threat - How Dangerous is it? (Part 1/2) (bigthink.com)
- The Melting Sun: Japan's Nuclear Follies (japansubculture.com)
Bridging the gap between scientists and the public through communication
Bridging the gap between scientists and the public through communication
Innovation through Coordination: DOE Should Create a BatteryShot Initiative
Innovation through Coordination: DOE Should Create a BatteryShot Initiative
Saudi prince proposes oil war with Iran
Energy Resources
Saudi prince proposes oil war with Iran
Read more: http://www.upi.com/Business_News/Energy-Resources/2011/06/30/Saudi-prince-proposes-oil-war-with-Iran/UPI-11181309449168/#ixzz1QrasRyiS
Cuomo Will Seek to Lift Ban on Hydraulic Fracturing
Cuomo Will Seek to Lift Ban on Hydraulic Fracturing
Federal fracking policy would end conflicting state actions
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Chris Huhne vs the businessmen
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British government played down nuclear fears: report
British government played down nuclear fears: report
Crews begin preventative burns near US nuclear lab
Crews begin preventative burns near US nuclear lab
TEPCO Press Releases 6/30-7/1
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