Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

TerraPower's travelling-wave reactor design

TerraPower's travelling-wave reactor design

from American Nuclear Society's Facebook Wall

Assessing California earthquake forecasts

Assessing California earthquake forecasts

Earthquake prediction remains an imperfect science, but the best forecasts are about 10 times more accurate than a random prediction, according to a new study.
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CJR Critiques AP Series on Nuclear Plant Safety

CJR Critiques AP Series on Nuclear Plant Safety

Over the Summer that the Associated Press (AP) ran a four-part series on safety at America's nuclear power plants by reporter Jeff Donn. Needless to say, everyone here at NEI believed the stories had some significant holes, ones that we detailed in a formal rebuttal back in June.

Earlier today, the Columbia Journalism Review published a the latest edition of its Audit Arbiter series about our dispute with the AP. Please give it a read right now.

POSTSCRIPT: Click here for the formal response from NEI's media team. Click here for additional material we published here on NEI Nuclear Notes, including links to other third party sources that found the AP's work less than convincing. NEI's Chief Nuclear Officer, Tony Pietrangelo, outlined his objections to the reporting in a video report that can be found here.

Readers Weigh In On CJR's Look at AP Series on Nuclear Energy

A few days back, I pointed to a piece by the Columbia Journalism Review that took a look at NEI's dispute with the Associated Press over their series on the safety of nuclear power plants. Since that piece was published on Wednesday, a number of readers have weighed in with some interesting comments. We've included a few below:

What Is An "Unusual Event?"

What Is An "Unusual Event?"

While keeping my ear to the ground on Twitter today, I came across this message from the editor at West Chester Patch.

For those of you unfamiliar with safety procedures at American nuclear plants, the term "unusual event" is an official definition that the plant is required to use. As the folks at Nuclear Tourist helpfully remind us ...
The Notification of Unusual Event (NOUE) is the lowest NRC emergency action level and requires that the utility notify the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the state emergency agency. The NUE indicates there is a degradation of safety systems, although not serious enough to warrant special activation of the utility emergency organization.
I hope that clears things up.

Interactive Graphic: How Nuclear Fuel Is Produced, Used and Stored

Interactive Graphic: How Nuclear Fuel Is Produced, Used and Stored

A Simple Way to Boost Battery Storage

A Simple Way to Boost Battery Storage

A stretchy binder material that's compatible with existing factories could help electric cars and portable electronics go 30 percent longer.

Follow-up: Is spent fuel repository space truly "scarce?"

Follow-up: Is spent fuel repository space truly "scarce?"

Transporting Small Factory Built Reactors and Modular Components from The Nuclear Green Revolution by Charles Barton

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Geological Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste

Geological Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste IAEA Safety Standards Series SSG-14 Subject Classification: 0608-Waste repositories STI/PUB/1483 (ISBN:978-92-0-111510-2) 104 pp.; 2 figures; 32.00 Euro;
Language: English
Date Published: 2011
Responsible Officer/Officers: Mr Gerard Bruno, NSRW
DESCRIPTION This Safety Guide provides guidance on prevailing good practices for meeting, and demonstrating compliance with, the Safety Requirements on Disposal of Radioactive Waste in a systematic and comprehensive manner. It covers aspects related to siting, design, construction, operation and closure, including the safety case, its supporting safety assessments and the regulatory process. The publication addresses both operational and long term safety of geological disposal facilities for wastes that pose a hazard for at least several thousand years. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Overview of geological disposal and its implementation; 3. Legal and organizational infrastructure; 4. Safety approach; 5. The safety case and safety assessment; 6. Elements in a stepwise approach to the development of a geological disposal facility; Appendix I: Siting of geological disposal facilities; Appendix II: Post-closure safety assessment.

12 TRU shipments from Oak Ridge . . . and then

12 TRU shipments from Oak Ridge . . . and then

EDF Underestimated Radioactivity in Deadly Waste-Site Explosion

EDF Underestimated Radioactivity in Deadly Waste-Site Explosion

Accelerator Driven Systems - a credible technological solution to the problem of waste?

Accelerator Driven Systems - a credible technological solution to the problem of waste?

Quote: The technology has progressed to the point where we could get rid of much of the long term source term, the actinides by using a high power neutron source.
Summarised here :

Eight-prefecture plan for radioactive dumps

Eight-prefecture plan for radioactive dumps

Tokyo included in temporary soil storage sites

Plan to boost nuclear capacity

Plan to boost nuclear capacity

Proposal would cut subsidies for renewable energy sources

A Frustrating AP Series on Nuclear Safety

A Frustrating AP Series on Nuclear Safety

The industry’s blunder-buss response doesn’t help; public left confused



Understanding the reduction in percentage of oil imports in the United States

BNC Petition the White House for next-generation nuclear fission by Barry Brook

Petition the White House for next-generation nuclear fission

by Barry Brook
In response to Steve Kirsch's open letter recently posted here, BNC reader Gary Kahanak initiated the creation of an online petition to the White House calling for restarting the IFR program. He collaborated with Steve Kirsch, Tom Blees, Suzanne Hobbs and Tom Wigley to do this. The petition is now live.
This is in response to a brand new feature of the Obama Administration's WhiteHouse.gov, called "We the People." It's an online petition forum in which any petition that garners 5000 signatures within 30 days will be considered and get an official response. Non-binding, but it's a way to educate and be heard. The system encourages use of social media to gauge public support.
If you are a U.S. citizen (and I know more than 600 of BNC subscribers are), please show your support.
(I'd also encourage the LFTR molten-salt reactor advocates to initiate something similar -- after all, why not get both technologies on the President's desk?).
Also, please use your networks! Below are three possible sample emails that we are sending out to friends -- choose the one that most suits your style, or put one together yourself.

Version 1:
Please sign the petition at http://wh.gov/47I to support a technology that will get rid of all our nuclear waste.
If this petition gets 5,000 signatures by October 29, 2011, the White House will review it and respond.

Version 2:
If you are concerned as I am about climate change and the world’s dependence on fossil fuels, then you need to know about a technology that can go a long way toward solving those problems. The Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) is an innovative nuclear power design that can be a real game changer. The IFR is ready to build now, but it has been stuck on the bottom shelf since 1994. That’s why I need your help.

Friday, September 30, 2011

How The Department Of Energy Plans To Wean The U.S. Off Rare Earth Metals

How The Department Of Energy Plans To Wean The U.S. Off Rare Earth Metals

Energy Department Is No Venture Capitalist: Stephen L. Carter

Energy Department Is No Venture Capitalist: Stephen L. Carter

4 Reasons Why The Smart Grid Has Failed To Take Off

4 Reasons Why The Smart Grid Has Failed To Take Off

Three Fukushima Reactors Below Boiling Point

Three Fukushima Reactors Below Boiling Point

US diffusion plant handover plans approved

US diffusion plant handover plans approved
30 September 2011
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has approved plans by USEC to return the remainder of the Portsmouth gaseous diffusion enrichment plant to the Department of Energy (DoE). Meanwhile, the 'standstill agreement' for USEC's American Centrifuge Plant has been extended by one month.

Reactors could fail during an earthquake, maker says

Reactors could fail during an earthquake, maker says

NRC team looks into Palisades incident

NRC team looks into Palisades incident

NRC says it must OK restart of Va. nuclear plant By MICHAEL FELBERBAUM

NRC says it must OK restart of Va. nuclear plant


NRC Issues Press Release Concerning North Anna Re-Start

NRC Issues Press Release Concerning North Anna Re-Start

The following press release was just issued by NRC.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has informed Dominion Generation, operator of the two-reactor North Anna nuclear power plant near Louisa, Va., of actions that must be completed before the agency will authorize the restart of the plant. The plant shut down safely following the Aug. 23 earthquake near Louisa.

“We’re reviewing Dominion’s information to ensure North Anna’s systems will be able to keep the public safe and the plant won’t start up again until we’re satisfied on that point,” said Eric Leeds, director of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. “We’re working diligently on coming to a technically sound decision.”

The NRC has issued Dominion a Confirmatory Action Letter, which reiterates that since the Aug. 23 earthquake exceeded design parameters for North Anna, the plant will remain shut down until Dominion demonstrates “to the Commission that no functional damage occurred to those features necessary for continued operation without undue risk to the health and safety of the public.” The letter then lays out the next steps in the restart process, starting with Dominion submitting documentation responding to all NRC questions regarding restart safety.

“Inspectors from the NRC Region II office and other agency experts will conduct additional onsite inspections at North Anna to verify that adequate actions have been taken in response to the Confirmatory Action Letter,” said Victor McCree, administrator of the NRC’s Atlanta office.

The NRC will also complete a safety evaluation regarding restart. The NRC’s directive will remain in effect until the NRC is satisfied Dominion has demonstrated the plant is safe to operate; at that point the agency would issue written permission for Dominion to restart the plant. North Anna Unit 2 is currently in a refueling outage and is shut down for refueling and associated maintenance.

NRC Tells Dominion It Plans More Inspections at North Anna

NRC Tells Dominion It Plans More Inspections at North Anna

On Solyndra, Buck Stops with Steven Chu

On Solyndra, Buck Stops with Steven Chu

Darren Samuelsohn, Politico
Energy Secretary Steven Chu is taking responsibility for making the final decisions at two critical moments in the rise and fall of Solyndra.

The Government Bank That's Financing More Solyndras

The Government Bank That's Financing More Solyndras

Feds: Virginia nuclear plant will remain closed until operator proves it's safe

Feds: Virginia nuclear plant will remain closed until operator proves it's safe

Obama Administration Banking On Next-Generation Nukes

Obama Administration Banking On Next-Generation Nukes

The biggest single new nuclear power station on the planet will be located on the Persian Gulf

The biggest single new nuclear power station on the planet will be located on the Persian Gulf

UAE nuclear reactors could break ground in December

Construction of four new 1,400 MW nuclear reactors worth $20 billion, supplied by South Korea, will begin at Braka, 270 km west of Abu Dhabi on the shores of the Persian Gulf, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) could begin as early as this December.  The actual date will depend on regulatory approval. The first of the four new units will come online in 2017 followed by the others through 2020.

Is nuclear energy different than other energy sources?

Is nuclear energy different than other energy sources?

Quake prompts questions, testing at Palisades Nuclear Power Plant

Quake prompts questions, testing at Palisades Nuclear Power Plant

Plutonium 'detected outside Fukushima plant'

Plutonium 'detected outside Fukushima plant'

UPDATE 1-Japan consortium, EVN to tie up on Vietnam nuclear plant

UPDATE 1-Japan consortium, EVN to tie up on Vietnam nuclear plant

Westinghouse wins French steam generator contract

Westinghouse wins French steam generator contract

B&W dedicates reactor testing facility at Bedford's CAER

B&W dedicates reactor testing facility at Bedford's CAER

Westinghouse: Proposed nuclear reactor's building safe

Westinghouse: Proposed nuclear reactor's building safe

Patrick Moore: From Greenpeace Dove to Nuclear Power Phoenix

Patrick Moore: From Greenpeace Dove to Nuclear Power Phoenix

Nuclear is the Rational Way to Go

Nuclear is the Rational Way to Go

A Frustrating AP Series on Nuclear Safety

A Frustrating AP Series on Nuclear Safety

The industry’s blunder-buss response doesn’t help; public left confused

Design planned for new Florida nukes OKed as criticism intensifies

Design planned for new Florida nukes OKed as criticism intensifies

Has Bill Gates come up with a safe, clean way to harness nuclear power?

Has Bill Gates come up with a safe, clean way to harness nuclear power?

Mark Piesing reports on Gates's bold plan to start a new atomic age

Nonproliferation Strategy in the Centrifuge Age

Nonproliferation Strategy in the Centrifuge Age - Harvard - Belfer ...
Princeton University's Scott Kemp explains how technological change and the gas centrifuge have dramatically reduced our ability to prevent the spread of ...

The Emerging Powers and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation and ...

The Emerging Powers and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation and ...
1. The Emerging Powers and the Nuclear. Non-Proliferation and Disarmament. Regime. Tom Sauer. In this Policy Brief, Tom Sauer looks at the ambivalent ...

France says on verge of opening office in North Korea

France says on verge of opening office in North Korea

Don't put international cooperation on Iran at risk

Don't put international cooperation on Iran at risk

By Peter Crail,Nonproliferation Analyst at the Arms Control Association. Kelsey Hartigan,Policy Analyst at the National Security Network. - 09/29/11 02:52 PM ET

Fukushima shocking truths: Historical radiation dump, cover-up, the unborn

Fukushima shocking truths: Historical radiation dump, cover-up, the unborn

Vatican official says Japan nuclear crisis signals global problem

Vatican official says Japan nuclear crisis signals global problem
Catholic Free Press
Mgsr. Banach, the Vatican's representative to the nuclear agency, commented on the repercussions from the nuclear meltdown. “The nuclear crisis in Fukushima-Daiichi raises many basic questions which need to be addressed so as to improve the planning

Nuke-Free Germany Isn't Exactly Nuke-Free

Nuke-Free Germany Isn't Exactly Nuke-Free
For the present, though, it's nuclear not-so-free, relying more than ever on electricity from atomic-powered neighbors. What's more, the Germans have been turning off their reactors because they don't want a Fukushima-style meltdown spewing radiation ...

Can Japan's Anit-Nuclear Protestors Keep the Reactors Shut Down?

Can Japan's Anti-Nuclear Protesters Keep the Reactors Shut Down?
For months after a devastating earthquake and tsunami crippled Japan's Fukushima power plant, sparking fears of a possible nuclear meltdown, the country's anti-nuclear groups struggled to be heard. A few small rallies were held, but they failed to ...

A push for Integral Fast Reactors. atomic power review

atomic power review

A push for Integral Fast Reactors.


Nuclear Energy Insider: Southern, Scana, Duke, Dominion, Opg, Progress, Doe and Nrc Sell Out Nuclear Construction Meeting

Nuclear Energy Insider: Southern, Scana, Duke, Dominion, Opg, Progress, Doe and Nrc Sell Out Nuclear Construction Meeting

American Nuclear Society Chief Loewen Leads Mission of 20 U.S. N ... DigitalJournal.com US representatives of four lightwater reactor (LWR) suppliers will also make ... NuScale Power on the light-water pressurized Small Modular Reactor (SMR); ...

American Nuclear Society Chief Loewen Leads Mission of 20 U.S. N ...
US representatives of four lightwater reactor (LWR) suppliers will also make ... NuScale Power on the light-water pressurized Small Modular Reactor (SMR); ...

B&W Dedicates Small Modular Reactor Testing Facility

B&W Dedicates Small Modular Reactor Testing Facility
"The IST facility will allow us the opportunity to demonstrate to the world the value of small modular reactors as a practical and affordable choice for ...

The Global Gas Processing Infrastructure Market Will Reach $12.15bn in 2011' Says Visiongain

The Global Gas Processing Infrastructure Market Will Reach $12.15bn in 2011' Says Visiongain

Updates from ANS Nuclear Cafe Irène Joliot-Curie and the Alchemists’ Dream

Updates from ANS Nuclear Cafe Blog
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American Nuclear Society
Updates from

ANS Nuclear Cafe

Irène Joliot-Curie and the Alchemists’ Dream

By pbowersox on Sep 30, 2011 01:00 am

By Paul Bowersox September 12, 2011 marks the 114th year since the birth of Irène Joliot-Curie, daughter of the powerhouse early nuclear researchers Marie Curie and Pierre Curie. Like her parents, and like her husband Frédéric Joliot, Irène was a … Continue reading
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The right kind of mistake By Benjamin A Shobert

The right kind of mistake
By Benjamin A Shobert

Radioactive Wolves – Coming to PBS Nature on October 19, 2011

One of the persistent propaganda myths about using nuclear energy is that hypothetical accidents that release radioactive material will have dire consequences that render vast areas of land uninhabitable for centuries. It is a good thing for wolves, deer, and boars that they cannot read antinuclear propaganda or watch television
If you want to understand a little more about the actual environmental conditions just 25 years after a catastrophic nuclear plant accident, tune in to PBS’s Nature program on October 19, 2011 and watch Radioactive Wolves.

The IAEA's Political Balancing Act By: Michelle E. Dover | Feature

The IAEA's Political Balancing Act

By: Michelle E. Dover | Feature
As the International Atomic Energy Agency held its Board of Governors meeting and annual General Conference over the past two weeks, the members of this United Nations body found themselves bitterly divided between those states with advanced nuclear capabilities and those that lack them, divisions that are likely to persist even after the agency turns the page on this year's meetings.

U.S. Must Consider Energy Security in Canadian Oil Debate By: Jeremy Martin | Briefing

U.S. Must Consider Energy Security in Canadian Oil Debate

By: Jeremy Martin | Briefing
The proposed Keystone XL pipeline, which would bring crude oil from Canada's Alberta province to the U.S. Gulf Coast, has in many ways become ground zero in the U.S. debate over fossil fuels, the environment and climate change. Perhaps most relevant, though practically absent from the debate, is the increasing awareness that energy security must be included as part of the calculus in determining energy sources.

Expanding Nuclear Weapons Budget a Bad Investment By: Kingston Reif | Briefing

Expanding Nuclear Weapons Budget a Bad Investment

By: Kingston Reif | Briefing
Getting America's fiscal house in order will require making smart decisions about what is most needed to safeguard U.S. national security in the 21st century. But a close look at the Pentagon budget reveals numerous programs that are more suitable to defeating the Cold War-era Soviet Union than to addressing current security threats. A particularly egregious example is the budget for nuclear weapons programs.
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Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes Scots drop out of UK nuclear new build

Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes

Scots drop out of UK nuclear new build


A lot has been made of the fact that Scottish & Southern pulled out of the U.K. new build. After looking at the numbers, it becomes clear they were hardly ever even in it to begin with.  Claims by green groups that it represents a setback for new reactors in the U.K. are not supported by the facts.  At Idaho Samizdat Dan Yurman analyzes the numbers and shows that the firm was never really in the nuclear renaissance.

"Dissecting the BRC report, Part II: Where interim storage falls short"

"Dissecting the BRC report, Part II: Where interim storage falls short"

While the BRC provided useful guidelines for situating an inevitably necessary geologic repository, their technical recommendations for waste management beyond this, resting chiefly on centralized interim storage - fall short for a number of reasons. While interim storage may be useful at "buying time" for waste management policy, the BRC report's conclusions ultimately rely on a deus ex machina approach, waiting for as-yet nonexistent transformative technology to come and solve their problems for them.

Backlash Against Nuclear Power Adds to the Top Line of Oil and Gas Companies

Backlash Against Nuclear Power Adds to the Top Line of Oil and Gas Companies

Underground Reactor Advantages

Underground Reactor Advantages

Transporting Small Factory Built Reactors and Modular Components

Transporting Small Factory Built Reactors and Modular Components

Steep increase in global CO2 emissions despite reductions by industrialized countries

Steep increase in global CO2 emissions despite reductions by industrialized countries
Paris, France (SPX) Sep 28, 2011 - Global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) - the main cause of global warming - increased by 45% between 1990 and 2010, and reached an all-time high of 33 billion tonnes in 2010. Increased energy efficiency, nuclear energy and the growing contribution of renewable energy are not compensating for the globally increasing demand for power and transport, which is strongest in developing countries. ... more

Argentina inaugurates third nuclear power plant

Argentina inaugurates third nuclear power plant

Reactor cooldown at Japan's Fukushima plant

Reactor cooldown at Japan's Fukushima plant
Tokyo (AFP) Sept 29, 2011 - The operators of Japan's crippled Fukushima power plant said Wednesday that the temperature of reactor number two had dropped below 100 degrees Celsius as the site slowly recovers from the March 11 tsunami. Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) said the heat of the reactor fell to 99.4, following that of reactors one and three which dipped below 100 C (212 degrees Fahrenheit) a few weeks ago. ... more

Japan to advise Vietnam on nuclear power

Japan to advise Vietnam on nuclear power
Hanoi, Vietnam (UPI) Sep 28, 2011 - Vietnam and Japan have signed an agreement for a feasibility study for a nuclear power plant in Vietnam. Under the $26 million contract funded by the Japanese government, Japan Atomic Power Co. will conduct the study and provide consulting to Electricity of Viet Nam, known as EVN, on the preparation of necessary documentation for site approval for Vietnam's Ninh Thuan 2 nuclear plant, T ... more

Nuclear To Create Up To 55,000 Jobs For Australians By 2050

Nuclear To Create Up To 55,000 Jobs For Australians By 2050
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Sep 29, 2011 - The independent report, entitled Australia's Nuclear Power Workforce 2020 - 2050 is the result of detailed workforce forecasting which predicts an employment boom across 40+ occupations, including engineers, scientists, security personnel, administrative staff and health and safety. Previous studies undertaken into nuclear power in Australia have considered the economic and environmental b ... more

Finnish nuclear authority denies reports of meltdown threat

Finnish nuclear authority denies reports of meltdown threat
Helsinki (AFP) Sept 29, 2011 - Finland's nuclear safety authority STUK on Thursday denied reports that it had found any new or serious safety shortcomings in the country's nuclear reactors. "We submitted a report to the government in mid-May concluding that there was no danger of a Fukushima-like accident occurring in Finland," STUK nuclear safety expert Petteri Tiippana told AFP, adding that nothing had changed since the ... more

Bulgaria to fix control rod problem at nuclear plant

Bulgaria to fix control rod problem at nuclear plant
Sofia (AFP) Sept 29, 2011 - Protective sleeves on the control rods at one of the reactors in Bulgaria's sole nuclear plant need to be replaced as a safety precaution, the plant said in a statement Thursday. The Kozloduy nuclear plant said sleeves on the 61 control rods in the 1,000 Megawatt reactor number six had to be replaced with more modern protective material. An inspection a year ago found cracks in half of t ... more

Quake rocks Japan's crippled nuclear power plant

Quake rocks Japan's crippled nuclear power plant
Tokyo (AFP) Sept 29, 2011 - A 5.6-magnitude earthquake shook an area of northeast Japan which includes the tsunami-crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant Thursday but there were no reports of damage to the facility, officials said. The moderate quake struck offshore near the coast of Fukushima at 7:05 pm (1005 GMT) with a "very shallow" focus, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. There were no fears of a tsunami f ... more

India better prepared for nuclear crisis: watchdog

India better prepared for nuclear crisis: watchdog
Mumbai (AFP) Sept 29, 2011 - India has improved procedures to deal with a nuclear emergency in the wake of the Fukushima crisis in Japan, the country's atomic energy watchdog said Thursday, after criticism of its preparedness. "After Fukushima, we have drawn lessons on all aspects of reactor safety and one positive development is the integrated disaster management plan," the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board chairman S.S. ... more

Japan eases evacuation advisory for zones near nuclear plant

Japan eases evacuation advisory for zones near nuclear plant
Tokyo (AFP) Sept 30, 2011 - Japan on Friday lifted evacuation advisories for five areas near the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant as it looks to convince tens of thousands of residents that it is safe to return home. Japan continues to maintain a 20-kilometre (12-mile) no-go zone around the facility at the centre of the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl, after it was hit by the March tsunami and lost reactor cooling ... more

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lessons From Japan: Global Implications of Nuclear Disaster

press release
Sept. 28, 2011, 10:30 a.m. EDT

Lessons From Japan: Global Implications of Nuclear Disaster

What the NRC really knew about Fukushima

What the NRC really knew about Fukushima

Advancing America’s Nuclear Infrastructure

Advancing America’s Nuclear Infrastructure
It is fair to say that 2011 is bringing some uncertainty into the nuclear energy industry. The tsunami and subsequent events at Fukushima present Japan and our industry with new challenges but also serve as a catalyst for continuous improvement. In the U.S., we are learning from these events and improving our operations, designs, and emergency response approaches to make our plants safer, more efficient, and more environmentally friendly. More »


Just days before the Energy Department’s advanced energy loan guarantee program funded under 2009 stimulus law is set to expire—and amid an investigation of Solyndra, the California-based solar manufacturer that received the Obama administration’s first loan guarantee—the DOE today finalized a $737 million loan guarantee for the development of a 110-MW concentrating solar power tower facility in Nevada. Read More »


In a major development, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Office of the Inspector General (IG) today said a key document underpinning the agency’s so-called “endangerment finding”—the determination that greenhouse gases endanger public health and welfare and legally supports agency rules that regulate carbon dioxide emissions—required a “more rigorous peer review than occurred.” Read More »

Nuclear Watch: Fukushima Review

Nuclear Watch: Fukushima Review

New IG report faults process in agency's GHG assessments

New IG report faults process in agency's GHG assessments

NRC Has Authority to Deal With Seismic Risks, Lochbaum Says

NRC Has Authority to Deal With Seismic Risks, Lochbaum Says

Radioactive Soil in Japan Could Top 95 Million Cubic Feet

Radioactive Soil in Japan Could Top 95 Million Cubic Feet

Japan on Tuesday said it might have to extract more than 95 million cubic feet of radiation-tainted soil in the region surrounding its Fukushima Daiichi atomic facility, Kyodo News reported. (see GSN, Sept. 27).

Attack on Iran More Likely While Atomic Efforts Continue: France

Attack on Iran More Likely While Atomic Efforts Continue: France

North Korea Says "Hostility" With U.S. Prevents Denuclearization

North Korea Says "Hostility" With U.S. Prevents Denuclearization

A senior North Korean diplomat on Tuesday told the U.N. General Assembly that his nation would not relinquish its nuclear program so long as "hostility" persists between his nation and the United States, Kyodo News reported (see GSN, Sept. 27).

Experts Offer Measures to Save Lives After Nuclear Explosion from GSN Daily News by By Martin Matishak

Experts Offer Measures to Save Lives After Nuclear Explosion

from GSN Daily News

Clinton Presses India on Atomic Law

Clinton Presses India on Atomic Law

Japan to decontaminate areas near Fukushima Daiichi plant

Japan to decontaminate areas near Fukushima Daiichi plant

Clinton requests changes to India's nuclear-liability rule

Clinton requests changes to India's nuclear-liability rule

India's nuclear-liability rule must follow the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said during discussions with Indian External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna. The rule has been a thorn to the full implementation of a nuclear-cooperation deal between both countries.

Virginia clears key permit for North Anna plant expansion from NEI SmartBrief

Virginia clears key permit for North Anna plant expansion

from NEI SmartBrief

Dominion: Vibration caused shutdown of North Anna reactors

Dominion: Vibration caused shutdown of North Anna reactors

WHO warns on urban air pollution

WHO warns on urban air pollution

Air pollution in many cities around the world is increasingly reaching levels that threaten people's health, according to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO). Motor vehicles and fossil fuel power plants are among the major contributors, it said.

Air Pollution Effects are ten thousand times the possible effects of Chernobyl from Next Big Future

Air Pollution Effects are ten thousand times the possible effects of Chernobyl

from Next Big Future

How close is Iran to the bomb? Depends who you ask Fredrik Dahl

How close is Iran to the bomb? Depends who you ask

Fredrik Dahl

AREVA Hosts Offshore Wind Roundtable

AREVA Hosts Offshore Wind Roundtable

by Steven Cuevas, Director of Business Development, AREVA Wind
During the recent RETECH conference in Washington, D.C., I was privileged to host offshore industry leaders in a robust and detailed roundtable discussion addressing the latest issues and challenges of offshore wind in the United States.
By including a range of international and domestic offshore wind perspectives, including developers, financiers, industry agencies, state government, turbine manufacturers, and consultants, the group’s discussion explored and brainstormed unique concepts for structuring effective business models and policy.

The experts’ roundtable discussion included:
  • Potential impact to loan guarantee programs from recent developments and the potential expiration of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC)
  • Investment Tax Credit vs. Production Tax Credit – which better serves offshore wind
  • Analysis of the structure of the French offshore wind tender, requiring Developers to create full-wrap consortia to tangibly calculate economic benefits in their bid
  • Status assessment of the proposed Maryland legislation – MEA serving as an informational portal for the legislature, summer session winding down, results and next steps to be determined
  • How to engage utilities, address balance sheet impacts of PPAs, design innovative funding mechanisms, and address the true costs of energy with a comparative net benefits test
Following the discussion, we all came away with new ideas and a better understanding of this fledgling industry’s opportunity and potential.
Through hosting this event and future discussions, AREVA uses its successful international offshore wind project experience to help advance the industry here in the United States.

Transnuclear Announces Dry Cask Shipments From Indian Manufacturer

Transnuclear Announces Dry Cask Shipments From Indian Manufacturer

Areva subsidiary Transnuclear announced Tuesday that its partner Larsen & Toubro has delivered 13 dry cask nuclear waste storage containers to U.S. customers, with another 61 casks on order for facilities in the U.S. and Switzerland.

Inside the Reactor Building of Unit 3, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclaer Power Station - Video

Inside the Reactor Building of Unit 3, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclaer Power Station - Video

TEPCO released the following video of inside the Reactor Building of Unit 3, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclaer Power Station.
(Please visit the site to view this video)

Browns Ferry Nuclear Energy Facility Withstands Historic Tornado Outbreak

Browns Ferry Nuclear Energy Facility Withstands Historic Tornado Outbreak

U.S. Companies Make Safety Enhancements at Nuclear Energy Facilities; EU and Asia Undertake ‘Stress Tests’

U.S. Companies Make Safety Enhancements at Nuclear Energy Facilities; EU and Asia Undertake ‘Stress Tests’

NEI has posted a new backgrounder to its website:
  • U.S. Companies Make Safety Enhancements at Nuclear Energy Facilities; EU and Asia Undertake ‘Stress Tests’
    • Nuclear energy regulators and nuclear plant operators around the world reacted quickly after the March 11 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear energy facility in Japan, providing assistance to the Japanese where possible and reviewing safety measures at their own facilities. Those initial reviews are being followed by more detailed assessments as more is learned about exactly what happened at Fukushima and why. Regulators and industry alike will scrutinize the Fukushima event to glean lessons that can be applied to nuclear energy facilities globally.
    • The U.S. nuclear industry has a robust program for critiquing safety measures and sharing lessons learned from Fukushima. The industry already has taken significant measures to enhance safety at America’s nuclear energy facilities. Separately, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission task force has completed inspections at each U.S. reactor and a 90-day review of the Fukushima accident that yielded several near-term recommendations for the U.S. industry. Read More >>
See the main fact sheet Web page for all of NEI’s backgrounders on the Fukushima nuclear energy situation and the U.S. nuclear industry’s response.

Browns Ferry Nuclear Energy Facility Withstands Historic Tornado Outbreak

Browns Ferry Nuclear Energy Facility Withstands Historic Tornado Outbreak

Germany - It’s Not Easy Being Green

Germany - It’s Not Easy Being Green

Tajikistan, Afghanistan Agree on Tajik Electricity Supply

Tajikistan, Afghanistan Agree on Tajik Electricity Supply

Nigeria Goal of 40,000 Megawatts Needs $10 Billion Annual Investment

Nigeria Goal of 40,000 Megawatts Needs $10 Billion Annual Investment

Energy Innovation Should be the Primary Goal of Policy Makers

Energy Innovation Should be the Primary Goal of Policy Makers

Leading decommissioning companies to meet in Charlotte

The Nuclear D&D Supply Chain Conference USA is the only global meeting which will enable you to hear from:
  • All 5 key Department of Energy decommissioning site managers
  • D&D managers from UK, Canada, Germany and Asia and
  • To network with 150+ leading contractors …
...to discuss the future commercial opportunities available to you within this $6bn + U.S. industry.

Download your brochure now to access our unique agenda and speaker line up: http://www.nuclearenergyinsider.com/usdecom/download-brochure.shtml

Top companies already signed up include

  •  AECL
  •   Energiewerke Nord GmbH
  •  Amec
  •  Energy Industries of Ohio
  •  AMECO
  •  Fluor - B&W Portsmouth
  •  Babcock & Wilcox
  •   Kurion
  •  Bechtel National
  •  CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation
  •  Shaw Group
  •  U.S Department of Energy
  •  U.S. NRC
  •  URS Safety Management Solutions
  •  Westinghouse

With all these fantastic networking opportunities available to you and tickets selling out quickly download your brochure today to make sure you don’t miss out: http://www.nuclearenergyinsider.com/usdecom/download-brochure.shtml

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information

Kind Regards


Emma Banymandhub
Senior Industry Analyst
Nuclear Energy Insider
+44 (0) 207 375 7565

Japan freezes fast breeder plans - September 28, 2011

Japan freezes fast breeder plans - September 28, 2011

Latest Feature Articles from Nuclear Energy Insider 9/28

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Take a look at our upcoming B2B conference:
3rd Annual Nuclear Construction Summit
October 25-27, 2011 - Charlotte, North Carolina - USA

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Nuclear D&D Supply Chain Conference
November 17-18, 2011, Charlotte NC - USA

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Enjoy the rest of your week,
Emma Tully
Nuclear Energy Insider

Email: etully@nuclearenergyinsider.com
Website: http://analysis.nuclearenergyinsider.com/  
Official Jobs Partner - http://www.coolhandnuke.com/JobsRss.aspx