Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Reportstack Email Alerts| RSS Nuclear Power in Brazil, Market Outlook to 2025, Update 2014 - Capacity, Generation, Deployment Trends, Investments, Power Plants, Regulations, and Company Profiles
Nuclear Power in Brazil, Market Outlook to 2025, Update 2014 - Capacity, Generation, Deployment Trends, Investments, Power Plants, Regulations, and Company Profiles
http://www.sbwire.com/press-releases/nuclear-power-in-brazil-market-outlook-to-2025-update-2014-capacity-generation-deployment-trends-investments-power-plants-regulations-and-company-profiles-529091.htmWestinghouse installs first successful spent-fuel monitoring system post-Fukushima
Westinghouse installs first successful spent-fuel monitoring system post-Fukushima
Putin signs nuclear energy deal with Argentina
Putin signs nuclear energy deal with Argentina
http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/12/us-russia-argentina-idUSKBN0FH0P520140712?feedType=RSS&feedName=businessNewsWhy Nuclear Waste Keeps Piling Up: Radioactive Politics
Why Nuclear Waste Keeps Piling Up: Radioactive Politics
Nuclear waste keeps piling up, with the opening of the Yucca Mountain single-site storage facility unlikely until 2020 or later.
U.S. House approves bill with money to reopen WIPP
U.S. House approves bill with money to reopen WIPP
Not Enough Money Spent on Nuclear Fleet
Not Enough Money Spent on Nuclear Fleet
Stigmatized nuclear workers quit Japan utility
Stigmatized nuclear workers quit Japan utility
Charleston competing with New Jersey for 395-job nuclear reactor plant
Charleston competing with New Jersey for 395-job nuclear reactor plant
A power plant supplier looking to build components for small nuclear reactors is expected to announce Monday whether it will select Charleston or ...http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20140711/PC05/140719806/1010/charleston-vies-with-nj-for-395-job-plant
SDG&E's Plan for Replacing Aging Nuclear Power Strikes a Sour Note
SDG&E's Plan for Replacing Aging Nuclear Power Strikes a Sour Note
Last year's shuttering of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station ... our business-as-usual, fossil-dependent approach to power or commit seriously ...http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/sdges-plan-for-songs-replacement-strikes-a-sour-note
Ginna owner seeks deal to keep nuclear plant open
The owner of the Ginna nuclear power plant, hoping to stave off closure of the facility, has asked New York regulators to help secure a deal with RG&E ...http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/money/business/2014/07/11/exelon-seeks-deal-rge-keep-ginna-nuclear-power-plant-open/12542457/
No False Choices: To Preserve A Livable Climate, We Need To Slash Both CO2 And Methane
Posted: 12 Jul 2014 04:00 AM PDT
bad news is that humanity has dawdled for so long that our only
realistic chance to avoid multiple, irreversible, catastrophic climate
impacts is to slash both carbon dioxide and the “super pollutants” like
methane sharply starting as soon as possible.read morehttp://theenergycollective.com/josephromm/426161/no-false-choices-preserve-livable-climate-we-need-slash-both-co2-and-methane-asap
Opportunity to Use Science to Establish Radiation Standards
Posted: 12 Jul 2014 08:00 AM PDT
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued an Advanced Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) to solicit comments from the general public
and affected stakeholders about 40 CFR 190, Environmental Radiation
Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operations.read morehttp://theenergycollective.com/rodadams/426126/opportunity-use-science-establish-radiation-standards
Miami, the great world city, is drowning while the powers that be look away
Miami, the great world city, is drowning while the powers that be look away
south Florida, at the front line of climate change in the US, will be
swallowed as sea levels rise. Astonishingly, the population is growing,
house prices are rising and building goes on. The problem is the city is
run by climate change deniers
Coal, oil kill far more than nuclear plants
Coal, oil kill far more than nuclear plants
http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20140712/OPINION/407120343/-1/rss08Clean Energy and Climate Change in China
Moniz Advances Cooperation on Clean Energy and Climate Change in China
By U.S. Department of Energy
Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz traveled to Beijing from July 8 to 11
to participate in the sixth U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue.
The S&ED, which is chaired on the U.S. side by the Secretaries of
State and Treasury, is the pre-eminent channel for
government-to-government discussion between the two nations on issues
relating to
Will the EPA’s New Carbon Rule Survive Judicial Challenge?
Will the EPA’s New Carbon Rule Survive Judicial Challenge?
By Edward Dodge
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed new carbon
emission standards for fossil fuel power plants under the Clean Air Act
(CAA). The rules for new-build power plants fall under Section 111(b)
and are known as the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS). This
should not be confused with Section 111(d) that regulates existing power
Energy Quote of the Day: ‘Alarmingly Elitist and Politicized Policymaking’
Energy Quote of the Day: ‘Alarmingly Elitist and Politicized Policymaking’
By Jared Anderson
growing controversy over the degree to which environmental group
Natural Resources Defense Council influenced EPA’s new carbon emission
regulations for existing power plants ratcheted up today. Coal lobby
American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity blasted EPA for comments
made in an internal memo – “obtained” by The Hill about the New York
Times’ story that
Fusion White Paper 2014 – 10 Year Plan for American Energy Security
Fusion White Paper 2014 – 10 Year Plan for American Energy Security
Huge North Carolina Solar Project Could “Move the Needle” for Solar’s Possibilities
Huge North Carolina Solar Project Could “Move the Needle” for Solar’s Possibilitiesby Jennifer Runyon, Chief Editor, RenewableEnergyWorld.com | July 10, 2014 | 1 Comment |
Coming on the heels of Apple’s announced 17.5-MW solar project in Maiden, North Carolina, spokespeople for an innovative renewable energy project involving two universities, a hospital and the largest non-utility solar PPA in the ... Full Article | ||
Offshore quake rocks northern Japan -- but no tsunamis, no reports of damage
Offshore quake rocks northern Japan -- but no tsunamis, no reports of damage
Forests Around Chernobyl Aren’t Decaying Properly
Forests Around Chernobyl Aren’t Decaying Properly
It wasn't just people, animals and trees that were affected by radiation exposure at Chernobyl, but also the decomposers: insects, microbes, and fungi
Rachel Nuwer
Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/forests-around-chernobyl-arent-decaying-properly-180950075/#FbsupKGIAjvHYQRy.99
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Highly reduced mass loss rates and increased litter layer in radioactively contaminated areas
Highly reduced mass loss rates and increased litter layer in radioactively contaminated areas
Friday, July 11, 2014
Moniz Advances Cooperation on Clean Energy and Climate Change in China
Moniz Advances Cooperation on Clean Energy and Climate Change in China
July 11, 2014 - 9:55am
News Media Contact
- (202)586-4940
Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz traveled to Beijing from July 8 to 11
to participate in the sixth U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue.
The S&ED, which is chaired on the U.S. side by the Secretaries of
State and Treasury, is the pre-eminent channel for
government-to-government discussion between the two nations on issues
relating to global, regional, and national security and economic
In addition to participating in the S&ED, which included meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang, Secretary Moniz met with several counterparts in the Chinese government, as well as U.S. and Chinese companies, researchers, and non-governmental organizations. Moniz focused on opportunities to expand and deepen U.S.-China collaborations on clean energy and climate change.
"Increased cooperation between the United States and China is imperative to solve the enormous energy and climate challenges we face," Moniz said. "This week, the message has been consistent in every meeting and extremely encouraging: a shared desire for our two countries to work closely together to combat climate change, and develop and deploy clean energy."
On Thursday, Secretary Moniz signed two agreements with the Chinese that will enhance signficant new cooperation on energy issues. Moniz and Administrator Wu Xinxiong of China’s National Energy Administration signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for cooperation on strategic petroleum reserves. This MOU enables the DOE’s Office of Petroleum Reserves and NEA’s National Oil Reserve Office to share information on technical, management, and policy issues related to oil stockpiles. DOE and NEA will conduct annual technical meetings to be held alternately in the United States and the People’s Republic of China. These activities will allow the two countries to understand each other’s systems and decision-making, which will facilitate effective response to disruptions in the global petroleum supply.
Secretary Moniz signed a separate MOU, for cooperation on electric vehicles and industrial energy efficiency, with Minister Miao Wei of the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Under this framework, the two sides will conduct cooperation in the fields of electric vehicles and related technologies, as well as energy efficiency improvement for end use products. Secretary Moniz and Minister Miao agreed on the importance of expanding joint work to promote efficient industrial use of energy and inter-operability of electric vehicles.
Moniz also met with the China Atomic Energy Authority Chairman Xu to discuss collaborations on nuclear power and on high-priority collaborations on nuclear security, including joint efforts to reduce use of highly-enriched uranium in research reactors around the globe.
Secretary Moniz wrapped up his visit with a productive meeting with Chinese Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang, reviewing research progress and considering expansion of the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center (CERC). CERC, launched by President Obama and former Chinese President Hu Jintao in 2009, serves as a framework for joint research in key areas, including energy-efficient buildings, low-carbon coal technologies, and electric vehicles.
In addition to participating in the S&ED, which included meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang, Secretary Moniz met with several counterparts in the Chinese government, as well as U.S. and Chinese companies, researchers, and non-governmental organizations. Moniz focused on opportunities to expand and deepen U.S.-China collaborations on clean energy and climate change.
"Increased cooperation between the United States and China is imperative to solve the enormous energy and climate challenges we face," Moniz said. "This week, the message has been consistent in every meeting and extremely encouraging: a shared desire for our two countries to work closely together to combat climate change, and develop and deploy clean energy."
On Thursday, Secretary Moniz signed two agreements with the Chinese that will enhance signficant new cooperation on energy issues. Moniz and Administrator Wu Xinxiong of China’s National Energy Administration signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for cooperation on strategic petroleum reserves. This MOU enables the DOE’s Office of Petroleum Reserves and NEA’s National Oil Reserve Office to share information on technical, management, and policy issues related to oil stockpiles. DOE and NEA will conduct annual technical meetings to be held alternately in the United States and the People’s Republic of China. These activities will allow the two countries to understand each other’s systems and decision-making, which will facilitate effective response to disruptions in the global petroleum supply.
Secretary Moniz signed a separate MOU, for cooperation on electric vehicles and industrial energy efficiency, with Minister Miao Wei of the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Under this framework, the two sides will conduct cooperation in the fields of electric vehicles and related technologies, as well as energy efficiency improvement for end use products. Secretary Moniz and Minister Miao agreed on the importance of expanding joint work to promote efficient industrial use of energy and inter-operability of electric vehicles.
Moniz also met with the China Atomic Energy Authority Chairman Xu to discuss collaborations on nuclear power and on high-priority collaborations on nuclear security, including joint efforts to reduce use of highly-enriched uranium in research reactors around the globe.
Secretary Moniz wrapped up his visit with a productive meeting with Chinese Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang, reviewing research progress and considering expansion of the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center (CERC). CERC, launched by President Obama and former Chinese President Hu Jintao in 2009, serves as a framework for joint research in key areas, including energy-efficient buildings, low-carbon coal technologies, and electric vehicles.
Should we build new nuclear reactors in Washington?
Should we build new nuclear reactors in Washington?
Former EPA chief Christine Todd Whitman talks pros and cons with legislative task force in Olympia.
Innovative Westinghouse Technology Addresses Nuclear Industry Concern
Innovative Westinghouse Technology Addresses Nuclear Industry Concern
Westinghouse Electric Company today announced the successful installation of its spent fuel pool level instrumentation system at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, operated by Tennessee Valley Authority.
Observations on DOE's Cost and Schedule Estimates for U.S. Contributions to an International Experimental Reactor
Observations on DOE's Cost and Schedule Estimates for U.S. Contributions to an International Experimental Reactor
Shale boom confounds forecasts as U.S. set to pass Russia, Saudi Arabia
Shale boom confounds forecasts as U.S. set to pass Russia, Saudi Arabia
The Future of Germany’s Wind Industry
The Future of Germany’s Wind Industry
Russia bets its energy future on waste-free fast breeder nuclear reactors
Russia bets its energy future on waste-free fast breeder nuclear reactors
White House threatens to veto bill involving MOX
White House threatens to veto bill involving MOX
http://www.aikenstandard.com/article/20140710/AIK0101/140709338/1007/AIK0101/washington-threatens-to-veto-house-bill-that-incudes-mox'Polar Vortex' in July: Record Cold Weather on the Way to U.S.
'Polar Vortex' in July: Record Cold Weather on the Way to U.S.
http://mashable.com/2014/07/10/polar-vortex-redux-redux-record-cold-july-weather-on-the-way/Open a Nuclear Fuel Bank
Open a Nuclear Fuel Bank
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/12/opinion/open-a-nuclear-fuel-bank.html?_r=1ANS Update 7/11 Nuclear Video Matinee: Vogtle Nuclear Construction Update
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House rejects bids to abandon nuclear waste site at Yucca Mountain
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PennEnergy's Top Oil & Gas News 7/11
Top Oil & Gas News | |||
EU's united front on Russia falling
amid gas needs A clutch of countries is breaking ranks with the EU's efforts to put economic and diplomatic pressure on Russia over Ukraine and building a pipeline meant to carry huge amounts of Russian gas to their doorstep. Full Article Share: |
PennEnergy Video News
Update From Libya's resumed oilfield production, to Oklahoma's earthquake study, to Repsol's offshore oil discovery, all of the week's biggest headlines are in the PennEnergy Video News Update. Full Article Share: |
This Week's Most Popular Oil & Gas News
• Production in Libya's El Sharara oilfield resumes
• Repsol makes offshore oil discovery in Trinidad and Tobago
• Study shows how drilling wastewater causes quakes
• Alaska's oil and gas industry supports more than 60,000 jobs
• RWE Dea completes successful appraisal wells in Egyptian fields
• Oryx Petroleum announces production and appraisal drilling in Iraq
• Technip awarded contract for Edradour subsea development
• Maersk to no longer pursue business growth in Brazil
• APPEA: Alarmist rhetoric harms NSW energy security
• Steelhead LNG signs development agreement for LNG project
• MOL orders carriers for arctic transport from Yamal LNG project
• GE launches challenge to reduce GHG emissions in Canada’s oil sands
• Production in Libya's El Sharara oilfield resumes
• Repsol makes offshore oil discovery in Trinidad and Tobago
• Study shows how drilling wastewater causes quakes
• Alaska's oil and gas industry supports more than 60,000 jobs
• RWE Dea completes successful appraisal wells in Egyptian fields
• Oryx Petroleum announces production and appraisal drilling in Iraq
• Technip awarded contract for Edradour subsea development
• Maersk to no longer pursue business growth in Brazil
• APPEA: Alarmist rhetoric harms NSW energy security
• Steelhead LNG signs development agreement for LNG project
• MOL orders carriers for arctic transport from Yamal LNG project
• GE launches challenge to reduce GHG emissions in Canada’s oil sands
PennEnergy's Top Power Headlines 7/11
Top Power Headlines | |||
U.S. environmental agenda might bring
power system operator to the West New analysis from ZE datawatch posits that Western balancing authorities spurred by the U.S. environmental agenda may finally be pushed to successfully integrate the operation of their electric transmission grids. Full Article Share: |
TEPCO employees calling it quits; solar a
bright alternative While Japanese utility TEPCO is out of favor with the public, the skills and experience of its employees are not and they are leaving the company in unprecedented numbers. Now there's an additional factor: better paying jobs in the feel good solar energy industry. Full Article Share: |
• Gas blast claims lives of 17 coal miners
• Iran wants to greatly expand uranium enrichment
• ABB wins $400MM order for Maritime Link project
• India: Powering a 21st Century Nation
• Siemens hits 10 GW installed wind capacity milestone
• China, US differ on global plan to cut emissions
• Recurrent finishes last of 20 solar projects
• AREVA, Gamesa team to form offshore wind power giant
• DOE offers $4B for renewable, energy efficiency projects
• Scatec completes 40 MW solar plant in South Africa
• U.S. laboratory admits violating nuke-waste permit
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Power Engineering's Top Stories 7/11
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Missouri Governor Signs Carbon Emissions
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NRA wants TEPCO to reexamine ice wall project at
Fukushima Daiichi Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) has instructed Tokyo Electric Power Co. to reexamine its plans to build an ice wall to freeze radioactive water in a tunnel at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Read More Share: |
Arizona utility to pay $3.25M for 2011
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Video: Nuclear power plants brace for Hurricane
Arthur Nuclear power plants along the East Coast are prepared for the potential impact of Hurricane Arthur. Read More Share: |
Florida utility signs PPA for Georgia nuclear
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TVA seeks public comment on proposed coal-to-gas
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Optim's Twin Oaks coal plant headed to Aug. 4
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• Spinning Spur II wind project enters operation
• Onsite solar installed at California wastewater treatment plant
• Old Dominion University home to rooftop solar project
• Investment partnership formed for Texas wind energy project
• Siemens installs 10-GW of wind energy in the Americas
• Combined heat & power system coming to Connecticut YMCA's
• No new tenders prepared for Temelin nuclear reactors, CEZ says
• Bushehr nuclear power unit reaches full capacity
• Nuclear plant tests thousands of air samples
• Diesel fuel oil leak found at Fermi nuclear power unit
• GE specially-designed wind turbines headed to Scotland project
• Oyster Creek nuclear power plant shuts down for planned maintenance
• Conergy Group secures $60M for 400 MW solar project business
• Toshiba, Ibiden to create prototype of nuclear power part
• Spinning Spur II wind project enters operation
• Onsite solar installed at California wastewater treatment plant
• Old Dominion University home to rooftop solar project
• Investment partnership formed for Texas wind energy project
• Siemens installs 10-GW of wind energy in the Americas
• Combined heat & power system coming to Connecticut YMCA's
• No new tenders prepared for Temelin nuclear reactors, CEZ says
• Bushehr nuclear power unit reaches full capacity
• Nuclear plant tests thousands of air samples
• Diesel fuel oil leak found at Fermi nuclear power unit
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Henry Hub Average Natural Gas Spot
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Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Economic
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EIA’s weekly coal production
report The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released its coal production report for the week ending July 5. Read More Share: |
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