Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
First concrete at Tianwan 3
First electricity flows from Ningde nuclear plant
First electricity flows from Ningde nuclear plant
by Jeremy Gordon
Asia Quickly Dominating LNG Tanker Market
Asia Quickly Dominating LNG Tanker Market
by admin@namecake.com (John Daly)
less an authority than the U.S. Energy Information Administration is
bullish on the future of natural gas, writing, “natural gas is the
world's fastest-growing fossil fuel, with consumption increasing at an
average rate of 1.6 percent per year from 2008 to 2035. Growth in
consumption occurs in every International Economic Organization region
and is most concentrated in non- Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development countries, where demand increases nearly three times as
fast as in OECD countries. Increases in production in…Read more...http://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/Asia-Quickly-Dominating-LNG-Tanker-Market.html
What Mattered in Energy Innovation This Year
What Mattered in Energy Innovation This Year
Notable advances in renewable energy pale compared to the impact of shale gas.
Although renewable energy made impressive advances this year, its impact has been dwarfed by the changes caused by the surplus of cheap, abundant natural gas made possible by hydrofracturing—fracking—of shale deposits. It will also be hard for renewables to equal the impact of shale gas in the coming years.http://www.technologyreview.com/news/508951/what-mattered-in-energy-innovation-this-year/
Although renewable energy made impressive advances this year, its impact has been dwarfed by the changes caused by the surplus of cheap, abundant natural gas made possible by hydrofracturing—fracking—of shale deposits. It will also be hard for renewables to equal the impact of shale gas in the coming years.http://www.technologyreview.com/news/508951/what-mattered-in-energy-innovation-this-year/
Blowing Up Now: The Transfer Of French Nuclear Technology To China
Blowing Up Now: The Transfer Of French Nuclear Technology To China
by testosteronepit
Wolf Richter www.testosteronepit.com www.amazon.com/author/wolfrichterTechnology transfers, whether on a contractual basis or through theft, have long bedeviled companies that want to benefit from China’s cheap labor and 1.3 billion consumers. Automakers, aerospace companies, technology outfits.... it’s the price they have to pay. But when it seeped out that the largely state-owned nuclear industry in France was trying to sell its secrets to China to make a deal, oh là là!http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2012-12-28/blowing-transfer-french-nuclear-technology-china
Accelerator driven sub-critical reactor could burn nuclear waste and create diesel at less than $2 per gallon
Accelerator driven sub-critical reactor could burn nuclear waste and create diesel at less than $2 per gallonhttp://nextbigfuture.com/2012/12/accelerator-driven-sub-critical-reactor.html
Energy Solutions: LFTRs in 5 minutes
Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors were created 50 years ago by an American, Alvin Weinberg ...
Tokyo Reconsiders Nuclear Phaseout
Tokyo Reconsiders Nuclear Phaseout
Wall Street Journal -
TOKYO—Japan's new trade and industry minister said the government will
consider scrapping a plan to phase out nuclear power by 2040—a promise
made by the previous administration—and could reopen nuclear plants that
pass stringent safety tests and ...http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323300404578207110812336482.html
On Japan rethinking it pledge to head towards a non-nuclear power future less ...
Livemint -
Less than two years after a pledge to head towards a non-nuclear power
future, Japan is actively engaged in rethinking the issue. The new
government, headed by Shinzo Abe, is trying to undo the nuclear freeze
enforced by the previous government. http://www.livemint.com/Opinion/lR0IyzYvgBkD56rdVBCldM/Japans-Nrevival.html
Review of zero N-policy hailed / Business groups hope for reactor restarts amid ...
The Daily Yomiuri -
The Cabinet led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will pursue a realistic
policy of securing a stable energy supply by reviewing the Democratic
Party of Japan-led government's policy of "ending reliance on nuclear
power generation in the 2030s." This represents ...http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/business/T121228003031.htm
Zee News - Dec 28, 2012
Japan to review plans to abandon nuclear power London: The new
government in Japan has announced it will review planned nuclear power
phase-out proposed by the previous administration. Trade and Industry
Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said that ...http://zeenews.india.com/news/world/japan-to-review-plans-to-abandon-nuclear-power_819406.html
JRT's Top Ten Articles of 2012
Wall Street Journal (blog) - Dec 28, 2012
From heavy doses of cute to everything iPhone 5 and jarring earthquake
forecasts, JRT readers were drawn to a wide array of Japan news this
year. The deep scars left by the 2011 devastating disasters and health
concerns linked to the Fukushima Daiichi ...http://blogs.wsj.com/japanrealtime/2012/12/28/jrts-top-ten-articles-of-2012/
Japan to Review 'Nuclear-Free by 2030s' Goal, Minister Says
Bloomberg - Dec 27, 2012
Japan's government plans to establish a variety of sources for
electricity generation within ten years, including a review of the plan
to exit nuclear power set by the previous administration, Trade Minister
Toshimitsu Motegi said. “We will make our decisions ...http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-12-28/japan-to-review-nuclear-free-by-2030s-goal-minister-says.html
Related articles
Motegi: Budget earmarked to decommission Fukushima nuclear reactors
Motegi: Budget earmarked to decommission Fukushima nuclear reactors
Asahi Shimbun -
The Abe administration will earmark several tens of billions of yen in
this fiscal year's supplementary budget as research and development
costs for decommissioning reactors at the damaged Fukushima No. 1
nuclear power plant. The decision was revealed ...http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201212290052
Friday, December 28, 2012
Toshiba Talks Highlight Nuclear Power Slow Down (CBI, SHAW)
San Onofre: Edison’s Experimental Restart Scheme May Violate Terms of Plant’s Operating License
San Onofre: Edison’s Experimental Restart Scheme May Violate Terms of Plant’s Operating License
U-T San Diego
State regulators will soon hold a public hearing about the idled San Onofre nuclear plant and whether utility customers should continue to pay all its costs. On Wednesday, the California Public Utilities Commission scheduled two back-to-back hearings Feb.http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2012/dec/28/tp-public-input-is-sought-on-san-onofre-costs/
U-T San Diego
State regulators will soon hold a public hearing about the idled San Onofre nuclear plant and whether utility customers should continue to pay all its costs. On Wednesday, the California Public Utilities Commission scheduled two back-to-back hearings Feb.http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2012/dec/28/tp-public-input-is-sought-on-san-onofre-costs/
Active fault may close Japan nuclear plant
Active fault may close Japan nuclear plant
Tokyo Almost As Irradiated As Fukushima
Tokyo Almost As Irradiated As Fukushima
by WashingtonsBlog
Tepco – and West Coast of America – Slammed with Radiationhttp://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/12/tokyo-almost-as-irradiated-as-fukushima.html
SMR Designer NuScale Hires Fluor Exec as CEO
SMR Designer NuScale Hires Fluor Exec as CEO
by Nuclear Street News Team
...(read more)http://nuclearstreet.com/nuclear_power_industry_news/b/nuclear_power_news/archive/2012/12/27/smr-designer-nuscale-hires-fluor-exec-as-ceo-122702.aspx
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
by Nuclear Street News Team
Developments in the last week related to the severely damaged nuclear plant include ...
...(read more)
Sandy and the Utilities by Bill Sweet
Sandy and the Utilities
by Bill Sweet
Chinese Oil Companies Apparent Victors in Post-Saddam Iraq
Chinese Oil Companies Apparent Victors in Post-Saddam Iraq
by admin@namecake.com (John Daly)
was not supposed to be like this.After 2003’s U.S.-led Operation Iraqi
Freedom, Iraq’s vast oil reserves, a monopoly under the Baathist
government of deposed President Saddam Hussein, were opened to foreign
investment. That optimistic assessment proved somewhat naïve however, as
the country quickly descended into a prolonged power struggle between
Sunni Arabs, who had dominated the Saddam administration, Shia Iraqis,
the majority in the country, and northern Iraq’s Kurdish population,
which had suffered years of repression. Nevertheless,…Read more...http://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/Middle-East/Chinese-Oil-Companies-Apparent-Victors-in-Post-Saddam-Iraq.html
US Contract Notice: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issues Solicitation for "PBX Maintenance and Support Services"
US Contract Notice: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issues Solicitation for "PBX Maintenance and Support Services"
Anti-Nuclear Groups to Meet with NRC Next Week re: Oyster Creek
Anti-Nuclear Groups to Meet with NRC Next Week [AUDIO] New Jersey 101.5 FM Radio Representatives from several groups will be able to offer comments directly to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Review Board, related to a petition for additional testing at the facility. Oyster Creek happens to be the nation's oldest nuclear ...http://nj1015.com/anti-nuclear-groups-to-meet-with-nrc-next-week-audio/ |
NRC to share oversight process for Vogtle expansion
The Augusta Chronicle
That program includes inspection, assessment, enforcement and the verification process to ensure that new nuclear power plants are built according to their approved design, their license and NRC regulations. Federal regulators will also be accepting ...http://chronicle.augusta.com/news/metro/2012-12-28/nrc-share-oversight-process-vogtle-expansion?v=1356690669
The Augusta Chronicle
That program includes inspection, assessment, enforcement and the verification process to ensure that new nuclear power plants are built according to their approved design, their license and NRC regulations. Federal regulators will also be accepting ...http://chronicle.augusta.com/news/metro/2012-12-28/nrc-share-oversight-process-vogtle-expansion?v=1356690669
The Nuclear Waste Dump Formerly Known as San Onofre?
The Nuclear Waste Dump Formerly Known as San Onofre? CounterPunch The Nuclear Waste Dump Formerly Known as San Onofre? by RUSSELL D. HOFFMAN. Southern California Edison, the operator of the (non-operating) San Onofre Nuclear Waste Generating Station, is running out of options.http://www.counterpunch.org/2012/12/28/the-nuclear-waste-dump-formerly-known-as-san-onofre/ |
Could Fusion Clean Up Nuclear Waste?
Could Fusion Clean Up Nuclear Waste?
IEEE Spectrum
What if you could help solve the nuclear waste problem and at the same time give fusion research a new raison d'être? A trio of physicists at the University of Texas at Austin have dreamed up a trick to pair nuclear fusion and fission in a way they ...http://spectrum.ieee.org/energy/nuclear/could-fusion-clean-up-nuclear-waste
IEEE Spectrum
What if you could help solve the nuclear waste problem and at the same time give fusion research a new raison d'être? A trio of physicists at the University of Texas at Austin have dreamed up a trick to pair nuclear fusion and fission in a way they ...http://spectrum.ieee.org/energy/nuclear/could-fusion-clean-up-nuclear-waste
A Safe Plant and the Same Few Protestors: Guest Post by Steve Moriarty
A Safe Plant and the Same Few Protestors: Guest Post by Steve Moriarty
Steve Moriarty has worked at Vermont Yankee for 34
years. He moved from dirty fossil plants to this clean, organized
nuclear plant. He thinks back on anti-nuclear protests at the plant,
and notes that he has been looking at the same faces of protestors for
ten, twenty or thirty years. Since these protestors are also opposed to
fossil fuels, he suggests that they might spend their time on
encouraging new, better nuclear plants in the future. Then everyone
would win.
POWER January 2013 Issue
In the January 2013 Issue:
The power generation industry is a long-lead-time business with long-lifecycle infrastructure, so any diversion from familiar operating parameters (shale gas, we're looking at you) can spell difficulties for generation owners, grid dispatchers, and end users. POWER editors and contributors look at the likely scenarios-and surprises-ahead for the U.S. and Europe.
Shale gas development in the U.S. has changed the tune for power generators, leading to a game of musical chairs for coal- and gas-fired power dispatch. Gas may be leading the dance now, but don't count coal out.
When combined cycle peakers reach peak capacity factors of 80%, you know market fundamentals have changed. There may be more supply now than during the previous gas bubble, but there are still factors that could burst that bubble
The Russian Power Revolution
Russia holds some of the largest fossil fuel reserves in the world and has become a major fuel exporter. Domestically, however, those resources have not guaranteed a reliable electricity infrastructure. We look at the history of the Russian power industry, previous reforms, and the latest plan to modernize a sector hobbled by Sovietera assets and operations. Will $615 billion be enough?
The Electric Grid: Civilization's Achilles Heel?
Today's electric grid has become too essential to modern life and too vulnerable to human and natural threats. That's the argument made by several industry experts. Although they may disagree about the most likely threats, and about how to defend against those threats, they agree that if a major grid failure were to occur, the effects would be unprecedented
Guest Post: The Value of Short-term Energy Storage for Renewable Energy
Guest Post: The Value of Short-term Energy Storage for Renewable Energy
Scientific American (blog)
This is a guest post by Robert Fares, a graduate student at The University of Texas at Austin researching the benefits of grid energy storage as part of Pecan Street Inc.'s ongoing smart grid demonstration project. Robert is contributing a series of ...http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/plugged-in/2012/12/26/guest-post-the-value-of-short-term-energy-storage-for-renewable-energy/
Scientific American (blog)
This is a guest post by Robert Fares, a graduate student at The University of Texas at Austin researching the benefits of grid energy storage as part of Pecan Street Inc.'s ongoing smart grid demonstration project. Robert is contributing a series of ...http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/plugged-in/2012/12/26/guest-post-the-value-of-short-term-energy-storage-for-renewable-energy/
Brazil Taps China's State Grid for Energy Project
Brazil Taps China's State Grid for Energy Project
DOE Philippines eyes nuclear power
DOE eyes nuclear power
Dec 27 - McClatchy-Tribune Regional News - Madelaine B. Miraflor The Manila Times, Philippines
http://www.energycentral.com/functional/news/news_detail.cfm?did=27071124Japan's new govt to review zero-nuclear policy
Japan's new govt to review zero-nuclear policy Times of India "We need to reconsider the previous administration's policy that aimed to make zero nuclear power operation possible during the 2030s," Toshimitsu Motegi told a news conference. Shinzo Abe, who was elected as prime minister and unveiled his cabinet ...http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2012-12-27/rest-of-world/36021501_1_nuclear-power-fukushima-nuclear-regulation-authority Japan to review plans to abandon nuclear power
Zee News -
Japan to review plans to abandon nuclear power London: The new
government in Japan has announced it will review planned nuclear power
phase-out proposed by the previous administration. Trade and Industry
Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said that ...
Japan to Review 'Nuclear-Free by 2030s' Goal, Minister Says
Bloomberg -
Japan's government plans to establish a variety of sources for
electricity generation within ten years, including a review of the plan
to exit nuclear power set by the previous administration, Trade Minister
Toshimitsu Motegi said. “We will make our decisions ...
Motegi says N-policy must be reviewed
The Daily Yomiuri -
New industry minister Toshimitsu Motegi said the policy to reduce the
nation's reliance on nuclear power to zero in the 2030s, espoused by the
previous government led by the Democratic Party of Japan, needs to be
reviewed. It is impossible for Japan to ...
Japan To Reconsider Plans To Abandon Nuclear Power
RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty - Dec 27, 2012
The new government in Japan says it will reconsider plans by the
previous administration to abandon nuclear power. The previous
government had said it wanted to phase out nuclear power by 2040
following last year's disaster at the Fukushima nuclear ...
New Japanese government to reconsider zero-nuclear policy
RT - Dec 27, 2012
Japanese PM Shinzo Abe's cabinet is set to unveil the new energy policy
early next month by dismantling plans to eliminate nuclear power in the
country by 2040. The pro-business Liberal Democratic Party-led
government also plans to restart reactors.
However: Japan's new government to restart nuclear reactors: Nikkei
Business Times (subscription) -
Japan's idled nuclear reactors will gradually be restarted under the
newly-elected Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as the units receive the
all-clear from the country's Nuclear Regulation Authority, the Nikkei
reported. Mr Abe, in his instructions to cabinet members, ...
Subsidies for Nuclear Power: Is It Really A Tax?
Subsidies for Nuclear Power: Is It Really A Tax?
Energy Collective
This time the catalyst was a twitter reply from Chris Pragman (@ChrisPragman) who describes himself as an “Avid Podcast listener, Engineer, Nuclear Power, Fire Protection, and beer geek with a long commute!” You see, I had posted a tweet earlier in the ...http://theenergycollective.com/johnwheeler/164161/only-us-government-would-call-tax-subsidy
Energy Collective
This time the catalyst was a twitter reply from Chris Pragman (@ChrisPragman) who describes himself as an “Avid Podcast listener, Engineer, Nuclear Power, Fire Protection, and beer geek with a long commute!” You see, I had posted a tweet earlier in the ...http://theenergycollective.com/johnwheeler/164161/only-us-government-would-call-tax-subsidy
NRC wants more analysis at troubled Cal nuke plant - The Big Story ...
NRC wants more analysis at troubled Cal nuke plant - The Big Story ...
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Federal regulators are asking for more information as they try to determine if the damaged San Onofre nuclear power plant should be ...
NRC wants more analysis at troubled Cal nuke plant
Yahoo! News (blog)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials Wednesday asked Southern California Edison for more analysis on how tubes would interact with each other if a reactor is running at full power. Each generator has thousands of tubes. The inquiry represents a ...
Feds do not consider San Onofre nuclear powerplant safe
Federal regulators have expressed significant concern about the safety of the San Onofre nuclear power plant, asking for more analysis on its damaged steam generators and requesting the plant to be able to run safely at full capacity. The power plant ...https://rt.com/usa/news/san-plant-power-tubes-959/
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Federal regulators are asking for more information as they try to determine if the damaged San Onofre nuclear power plant should be ...
NRC wants more analysis at troubled Cal nuke plant
Yahoo! News (blog)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials Wednesday asked Southern California Edison for more analysis on how tubes would interact with each other if a reactor is running at full power. Each generator has thousands of tubes. The inquiry represents a ...
Feds do not consider San Onofre nuclear powerplant safe
Federal regulators have expressed significant concern about the safety of the San Onofre nuclear power plant, asking for more analysis on its damaged steam generators and requesting the plant to be able to run safely at full capacity. The power plant ...https://rt.com/usa/news/san-plant-power-tubes-959/
Regulators ask Edison questions about San Onofre restart plan Los Angeles Times Federal regulators have sent Southern California Edison a new set of detailed questions that will help them evaluate the feasibility of a partial restart of the shuttered San Onofre nuclear plant. The plant, which once supplied enough power for about 1 ... | ||
San Onofre: NRC Wants More Analysis At Ailing California Nuke Plant Huffington Post LOS ANGELES — Federal regulators Wednesday pressed the operator of the San Onofre nuclear power plant for more analysis on its damaged steam generators, as the government considers when, or if, one of the seaside reactors can be restarted safely. | ||
State regulators seek public's input on San Onofre costs U-T San Diego Download: Public Participation Hearing. State regulators announced Wednesday that they will soon hold a public hearing about the idled San Onofre nuclear plant and whether utility customers should continue to pay all its costs. The California Public ... | Nuclear Regulatory Commission wants more analysis at troubled ... By AP Federal regulators Wednesday pressed the operator of the San Onofre nuclear power plant for more analysis on its damaged steam generators, as the government considers when, or if, one of the seaside reactors can be restarted safely. Latest News | 89.3 KPCC |
The Numbers Behind Some of 2012’s Biggest Technology Stories
The Numbers Behind Some of 2012’s Biggest Technology Stories
From Facebook to shale oil to MOOCs, the numbers told the tale.
NRC, activists to meet on San Onofre
NRC, activists to meet on San Onofre
NRC, activists to meet on San Onofre. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has scheduled a public meeting for Jan. 11 with the environmental group Friends of the Earth to discuss one of the group's contentions about the San Onofre nuclear power plant.http://www.ocregister.com/news/nrc-381856-group-power.html
NRC, activists to meet on San Onofre. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has scheduled a public meeting for Jan. 11 with the environmental group Friends of the Earth to discuss one of the group's contentions about the San Onofre nuclear power plant.http://www.ocregister.com/news/nrc-381856-group-power.html
NREL Study covers storage capacity of concentrating solar power.
NREL Study covers storage capacity of concentrating solar power.
ThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release)
December 27, 2012 - According to report by NREL, storage capacity of concentrating solar power can add significant value to utility company's mix of energy sources. Study found that CSP with 6-hour storage capacity can lower peak net loads when sun isn ...http://news.thomasnet.com/companystory/NREL-Study-covers-storage-capacity-of-concentrating-solar-power-20001069
ThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release)
December 27, 2012 - According to report by NREL, storage capacity of concentrating solar power can add significant value to utility company's mix of energy sources. Study found that CSP with 6-hour storage capacity can lower peak net loads when sun isn ...http://news.thomasnet.com/companystory/NREL-Study-covers-storage-capacity-of-concentrating-solar-power-20001069
NREL report puts dollar value on concentrating solar power with thermal energy ...
solarserver.com -
The US Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratories
(NREL, Golden, Colorado, US) has released a new report which finds that
concentrating solar power (CSP) with thermal energy storage can provide
significant value for utilities.
$20 Million Funding Available for Advanced Research on Concentrating Solar ...
Targeted News Service (subscription) -
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Golden Field
Office has announced that it expects to award a discretionary
cooperative agreement grant to support the advancement of the
hybridization of concentrating solar power technologies ...
Related articles
NREL study shows CSP with energy storage can help utilities
Concentrated solar power with thermal energy storage can help utilities' bottom line
Concentrating Solar Power With Thermal Energy Storage Is Economically Useful For Utility Company Profits, Study Finds
Concentrated Solar Power Investors in Spain Muy Agitado
Concentrated Solar Power Could Supply 11.3% of Global Electricity by 2050
ALC students told to concentrate on solar power
Information Campaign for N-Plant Referendum Launched in Bulgaria
Information Campaign for N-Plant Referendum Launched in Bulgaria
Eletrobras Gets BRL3.8 Billion Loan From Caixa for Brazil Nuclear Plant
Eletrobras Gets BRL3.8 Billion Loan From Caixa for Brazil Nuclear Plant
Japan's new govt sticks to 3-year nuclear safety goal
Japan's new govt sticks to 3-year nuclear safety goal
Toshiba in Talks to Sell Part of Westinghouse Nuclear-Power Unit
Toshiba in Talks to Sell Part of Westinghouse Nuclear-Power Unit
East Valley snares nuclear-safety site Official: Supplies to help avert meltdown in a disaster
East Valley snares nuclear-safety site
Official: Supplies to help avert meltdown in a disaster
What could shale mean for UK economy and employment?
What could shale mean for UK economy and employment?
Despite efforts and public support to introduce renewables and
other low carbon technologies, a significant portion of the electricity
generation capacity that will be needed to meet the increase in UK power
demand is likely to be gas-fueled.
Full Article
Full Article
PennEnergy's Top Oil & Gas News 12/28
Top Oil & Gas News | |||
PennEnergy Video News Update Full Article Share: |
Chevron & Apache announce joint venture for Kitimat LNG project Full Article Share: |
• Future of New York's natural gas industry uncertain
Energy News: 1-year-old named in Fukushima lawsuit by US Navy members
Energy News: 1-year-old named in Fukushima lawsuit by US Navy members
- 1-year-old named in Fukushima lawsuit by US Navy members
- Legal Expert in Tokyo: Fukushima perpetrators are escaping responsibility
- Top blogs feature Fukushima news reports to end 2012
- New flyover of giant sinkhole shows large area of flooding to south (VIDEO)
- Company Officials: Giant sinkhole has released debris to surface — Says new oil is being contained
- Report: Worker says Fukushima Dai-ni “might be getting ready to be restarted”
- Fukushima graveyard with radiation dose of 380 microsieverts per hour (VIDEO)
- “Lifetime of radiation poisoning” for U.S. rescue workers in Japan during 3/11 disaster
Posted: 27 Dec 2012 08:11 PM PST
Posted: 27 Dec 2012 04:04 PM PST
Posted: 27 Dec 2012 01:35 PM PST
Posted: 27 Dec 2012 12:22 PM PST
Posted: 27 Dec 2012 10:38 AM PST
Posted: 27 Dec 2012 09:30 AM PST
Posted: 27 Dec 2012 08:33 AM PST
Posted: 27 Dec 2012 07:06 AM PST
Japan and the Geopolitics of the Shale Revolution Taniguchi Tomohiko
- Japan and the Geopolitics of the Shale Revolution
Taniguchi Tomohiko
CFR Update: U.S. Sailors Sue TEPCO for Post-Quake Radiation Exposure
U.S. Sailors Sue TEPCO for Post-Quake Radiation Exposure
Eight U.S. sailors have filed a lawsuit against TEPCO (JapanDailyPress)
, owner of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, in a U.S. federal court in San Diego for radiation exposure.
The sailors, who were involved in relief efforts after the March 2011
earthquake and tsunami, claim that TEPCO misrepresented the threat posed
by the leaks. They are each seeking $10 million dollars in compensatory
damages and $30 million in punitive damages.Study: Texas leads nation in unconventional oil and gas jobs…CO, ND and OK in Top 10
U.S. NRC Blog Update 12/18: What is a Reactor Trip and How Does it Protect the Plant?
U.S. NRC Blog |
Fukushima Update 12/28
Here are the topic summaries for today's Fukushima commentary and updates. Please click the link for the full reports...
Commentary - Suggested Japanese Nuclear New Year’s Resolutions
- One of the western traditions as New Year’s approaches is to make
resolutions, to be kept over the course of the following 365 days. Here
are a few nuclear energy resolutions I suggest for Japan's Nuclear
Regulatory Authority, the new Tokyo government, the Japanese people, and
the Japanese Press.
Fukushima update topics include
- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is ready to review his predecessor’s plans
to end nuclear power in Japan by 2040... Reactor restart issues have
impacted PM Abe’s new cabinet in Tokyo... The NRA has postponed the
decision on making
Japan’s standards for evacuations from nuclear plant releases the most
restrictive in the world... Eight United States sailors have filed a
$210 million lawsuit against Tepco for allegedly withholding radiation
information during the weeks following 3/11/11... Futaba mayor Katsutaka
Idogawa has dissolved the Futaba town assembly, rather than resign in
accordance with the group’s unanimous no-confidence vote... Toshiba
announced it has placed 36% of its stake in Westinghouse Electric
Corporation up for sale.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
GEITHNER: US Will Hit Debt Ceiling On December 31
GEITHNER: US Will Hit Debt Ceiling On December 31
by Sam Ro
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner warns that the U.S. will reach the statutory debt limit on Monday, December 31, reports Bloomberg.
This was communicated in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
This timeline is basically in line with expectations.http://www.businessinsider.com/report-us-to-hit-debt-ceiling-dec-31-2012-12?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+businessinsider+%28Business+Insider%29
Eight U.S. sailors sue TEPCO, demand $40 million in compensation because of “dangerous” Fukushima radiation
Eight U.S. sailors sue TEPCO, demand $40 million in compensation because of “dangerous” Fukushima radiationhttp://www.japanprobe.com/2012/12/27/eight-u-s-sailors-sue-tepco-demand-40-million-in-compensation-because-of-dangerous-fukushima-radiation/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+JapanProbe+%28Japan+Probe%29
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