by Moderator
June Cai
Senior Liaison Program Manager
NRC knows that states have a keen interest in how nuclear activities
are regulated. After all, both the NRC and the states want to
public health and safety and the environment. To make sure we’re
working together and that states are “in the loop” with NRC activities,
we have a State Liaison Officer program.
this program, every governor appoints a State Liaison Officer who works
directly with the NRC’s Regional State Liaison Officers. The NRC’s
regional liaisons work in each of our four regional offices.
NRC liaisons talk regularly with their state counterparts about
materials, reactor and fuel cycle facilities and any specific topics of
interest. Our liaisons also keep interested local and Tribal governments
informed, on a case-by-case basis. These discussions give the NRC a
chance to answer questions that state, local, and Tribal officials may
have. We can make sure they know about NRC activities and the
opportunities for participation. For example, we invite State Liaison
Officers to observe NRC inspections so they can better understand what
we look at and the questions we ask. We also participate in emergency
exercises with them. These exercises allow staff at the NRC, a licensed
facility, and in state and local governments to practice procedures that
would be used in a real emergency.
working with the State Liaison officers, the NRC develops solid
relationships with each of the states and keeps lines of communication
open. Creating and maintaining these partnerships lays a firm foundation
for working together on any issues that may arise.
the years, we have learned there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to
being an effective liaison. States’ interests and needs can vary widely
and shape how our regional liaisons communicate with them. The regional
liaison officers work hard and take great pride in building strong
relationships with their state counterparts, as well as with some local
and Tribal partners.
originally launched the State Liaison Officer program in 1976 at the
request of some state groups, including the National Governors
Association. We have a new
YouTube video
that highlights the unique contribution this program makes to the NRC’s
mission. (Note: The state liaison program is separate from the NRC’s
Agreement State program. Agreement States take over regulating certain
types of nuclear materials within their borders after signing agreements
with us. For additional information about the Agreement State program,
see this
previous blog post.)
Moderator | July 12, 2013 at 11:37 am | Categories:
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