Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Egg Sized Monitoring Robots For Nuclear Power Plants
Egg Sized Monitoring Robots For Nuclear Power Plants
Errors in Genkai plant report threaten to delay restart of nuclear reactors
Errors in Genkai plant report threaten to delay restart of nuclear reactors
Genkai reactor may have faulty vessel Study says aging No. 1 unit should be suspended
Genkai reactor may have faulty vessel
Study says aging No. 1 unit should be suspended
Errors in nuclear plant data highlight checking system insufficiencies
Errors in nuclear plant data highlight checking system insufficiencies
Nuclear Power Is Extremely Safe -- That's the Truth About What We Learned From Japan
Nuclear Power Is Extremely Safe -- That's the Truth About What We Learned From Japan
China Launches Its First Fourth-Generation Nuclear Reactor
China Launches Its First Fourth-Generation Nuclear Reactor
Battling nuclear means fighting for more climate change and ocean acidification
Battling nuclear means fighting for more climate change and ocean acidification
Nuclear Desalination
Nuclear Desalination
(Updated May 2011)
- Potable water is in short supply in many parts of the world. Lack of it is set to become a constraint on development in some areas.
- Nuclear energy is already being used for desalination, and has the potential for much greater use.
- Nuclear desalination is generally very cost-competitive with using fossil fuels.
Iranian Nuclear Scientist Is Assassinated in Tehran, Mehr News Agency Says
Iranian Nuclear Scientist Is Assassinated in Tehran, Mehr News Agency Says
Iranian nuclear scientist shot dead on Tehran street
Iranian nuclear scientist shot dead on Tehran street
Gunmen on a motorcycle shot physicist Dariush Rezai outside his home near a military base, an Iranian news agency reports. He's the latest victim in a series of attacks on nuclear scientists in Iran, which is suspected of trying to build a nuclear weapons program.
Oversupply of Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Rebuttal
Posted: 23 Jul 2011 12:57 AM PDT
The need for heavy vehicle electrification (i.e., for adding large numbers of EV’s and heavy PHEV’s to the national vehicle fleet) is driven by the need for fuel diversity, not fuel economy. Fuel economy and fuel diversity are different and not necessarily related concepts. Reducing total petroleum usage is an economic objective driven by concerns about the impact of high energy prices on the U.S. economy and the transfer of wealth to overseas producers. Reducing petroleum dependence of the U.S. vehicle fleet by diversifying its sources of fuel is a strategic objective driven by the need to protect the country against a catastrophic Oil Shock event and to reduce the huge political, economic and strategic costs that the United States pays on an ongoing basis to guard against it.
PHOTO: Chernobyl viewed from space, 25 years after the meltdown
PHOTO: Chernobyl viewed from space, 25 years after the meltdown
DOE Champions 'Game Changing' Small Nuclear Reactors
DOE Champions 'Game Changing' Small Nuclear Reactors
PEST(EL) in the Nuclear Industry – The Political (part 1)
PEST(EL) in the Nuclear Industry – The Political (part 1)
The new safe face of nuclear energy
The new safe face of nuclear energy
ZME Science
Kirk Sorensen believes safe nuclear power can contribute significantly to the world's energy future – provided that reactors run on liquid thorium fuel instead of solid uranium, like it is done today.
ZME Science
Kirk Sorensen believes safe nuclear power can contribute significantly to the world's energy future – provided that reactors run on liquid thorium fuel instead of solid uranium, like it is done today.
After Fukushima, New Fears in U.S.
After Fukushima, New Fears in U.S.
Japan’s catastrophe has raised new safety concerns about the proposed AP1000 nuclear reactor.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Cost of Nuclear Power May Enable Renewable Energy to Gain Further Ground
Cost of Nuclear Power May Enable Renewable Energy to Gain Further Ground
Diablo Canyon nuclear plant should survive magnitude 7.2 quake
Diablo Canyon nuclear plant should survive magnitude-7.2 quake
Growing Concerns Call for Seismic Survey Near Diablo Canyon
Growing Concerns Call for Seismic Survey Near Diablo Canyon
Mitsubishi’s choice of Charlotte for engineering center
Mitsubishi’s choice of Charlotte for engineering center
Exelon Generation Company, Entergy Nuclear, Tennessee Valley Authority, Dominion Resources, Duke Energy Corporation and NextEra Energy are Leading Players in the US Nuclear Power Industry:
Exelon Generation Company, Entergy Nuclear, Tennessee Valley Authority, Dominion Resources, Duke Energy Corporation and NextEra Energy are Leading Players in the US Nuclear Power Industry: companiesandmarkets.com
The US has a total installed capacity of 1,142,788 MW with nuclear capacity of 100,380 MW as of 2010
Nuclear power's real chain reaction: spiralling costs
Nuclear power's real chain reaction: spiralling costs
The new delays and bumper cost overruns of EDF's new reactor in France make it very hard to believe that nuclear power can fulfil the promises its supporters make
India Maps Out a Nuclear Power Future, Amid Opposition
India Maps Out a Nuclear Power Future, Amid Opposition
Progress responds to terrorism threat on utilities
Progress responds to terrorism threat on utilities
US utilities say ready for any potential threats to infrastructure
US utilities say ready for any potential threats to infrastructure
Japan names more Fukushima evacuation areas
Japan names more Fukushima evacuation areas
Tokyo (AFP) July 21, 2011 - Japan on Thursday recommended 59 more households should evacuate from four areas considered radiation "hot spots" near the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, officials said. The voluntary guidance, in areas where higher levels of radiation have been detected sporadically beyond the 20 kilometre (12 mile) no-go zone around the plant, will affect households in Fukushima prefecture's ci ... more
Tokyo (AFP) July 21, 2011 - Japan on Thursday recommended 59 more households should evacuate from four areas considered radiation "hot spots" near the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, officials said. The voluntary guidance, in areas where higher levels of radiation have been detected sporadically beyond the 20 kilometre (12 mile) no-go zone around the plant, will affect households in Fukushima prefecture's ci ... more
Tiny robots could find nuclear plant leaks
Tiny robots could find nuclear plant leaks by Staff Writers Cambridge, Mass. (UPI) Jul 21, 2011
Small, spherical robots with a camera could someday navigate the underground pipes of a nuclear reactor to check for corrosion or leaks, U.S. researchers say.
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said a recent study found three-quarters of U.S. nuclear reactor sites have leaked radioactive tritium from buried piping that transports water to cool reactor vessels, often contaminating groundwater.
A spherical robot equipped with a camera may navigate underground pipes of a nuclear reactor by propelling itself with an internal network of valves and pumps. Image: Harry Asada/d'Arbeloff Laboratory. |
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said a recent study found three-quarters of U.S. nuclear reactor sites have leaked radioactive tritium from buried piping that transports water to cool reactor vessels, often contaminating groundwater.
Hamaoka protection plans
Hamaoka protection plans
22 July 2011
Chubu Electric Power Company has announced its plans to increase tsunami and flooding protection for the Hamaoka nuclear power plant, which was closed by an extraordinary order from the Japanese prime minister.
Protecting Our Nation
| Protecting Our Nation Moderator | July 22, 2011 | URL: http://wp.me/p1fSSY-o3 |
Some highlights in the report include information on:
• Force-on-Force security inspections, which incorporate both tabletop drills and simulated combat between a mock commando-type adversary force and nuclear plant security force.
• Cyber security as an emerging tool that both domestic and international adversaries can use to exploit potentially vulnerable systems. The NRC is working with its federal partners to address this complicated issue.
• Incident response exercises as a way to prepare for potential terrorist attacks or other incidents, such as major storms, that could disrupt operations.
• Intelligence assessments used to evaluate and warn of possible threats of attacks or other malevolent activities directed at nuclear facilities or radioactive material licensees.
The report can be found at:
Rebecca ClintonSecurity Specialist
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- No safety conclusions in report on nuclear dump (seattletimes.nwsource.com)
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- N.R.C. Meets on Post-Fukushima Report (green.blogs.nytimes.com)
- NRC Panel Calls for Safety Upgrade After Fukushima (propublica.org)
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- Panel: Nuke plants need to prepare for disaster (cbsnews.com)
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University examines safety of the next generation of nuclear reactors
University examines safety of the next generation of nuclear reactors
China and Russia working on fast neutron reactors
China and Russia working on fast neutron reactors
http://nextbigfuture.com/2011/07/china-and-russia-working-on-fast.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2Fadvancednano+%28nextbigfuture%29China Links Fast Nuclear Reactor to Grid After 40-Year Research
China Links Fast Nuclear Reactor to Grid After 40-Year Research
Tepco Press Releases 7/21
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- Japan:Fukushima Daiichi prepares for typhoon arrival (laaska.wordpress.com)
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- Lisa Twaronite's This Week in Japan: Radioactive cows are latest Tepco beef (marketwatch.com)
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
Video of the NRC Task Force Meeting to Discuss Recommendations and Changes to NRC Processes and Regulations
Video of the NRC Task Force Meeting to Discuss Recommendations and Changes to NRC Processes and Regulations
Thu, Jul 21 2011 12:07 PM
- Comments 0
The purpose of the meeting on Tuesday was to provide the Commission a summary of the task force’s review and recommendations for changes to NRC processes and regulations.
This NRC video includes a slide presentation on the NRC recommendations. A copy of the slide presentation is attached below.
Please note the video starts very slowly and the audio starts when Chairman Jaczko speaks . It is approximately 2 hours long.
Format: wmv
Duration: --:--
This NRC video includes a slide presentation on the NRC recommendations. A copy of the slide presentation is attached below.
Please note the video starts very slowly and the audio starts when Chairman Jaczko speaks . It is approximately 2 hours long.
Duration: --:--
ANS Nuclear Cafe Are India’s nuclear deals going south?
ANS Nuclear Cafe
By Dan Yurman
Are India’s nuclear deals going south?
Domestic liability laws and international issues may put limits on the country’s ambitious plans to build new reactorsBy Dan Yurman
South Korea, Malaysia Discuss Nuclear Energy Cooperation
South Korea, Malaysia Discuss Nuclear Energy Cooperation
from OilPrice.com Daily News Update by kennedyc@oilprice.com (Charles Kennedy)
South Korea's presidential office said in a press release that South Korean President Lee Myung-bak during a two-day state visit by Malaysian King Mizan Zainal Abidin discussed enhancing cooperation between the two countries in nuclear energy and other economic fields.
Reporting on the bilateral discussions, a presidential official quoted President Lee as saying, "Malaysia has recently successfully overcome the global economic crisis, demonstrating a high level of national competitiveness," Yonhap news agency reported.
South Korea has been intensifying its efforts to export nuclear power plants since South Korean firms in 2009 were awarded a $18.6 billion contract to build four atomic power
Reporting on the bilateral discussions, a presidential official quoted President Lee as saying, "Malaysia has recently successfully overcome the global economic crisis, demonstrating a high level of national competitiveness," Yonhap news agency reported.
South Korea has been intensifying its efforts to export nuclear power plants since South Korean firms in 2009 were awarded a $18.6 billion contract to build four atomic power
The Energy at the Earth’s Core
The Energy at the Earth’s Core
from OilPrice.com Daily News Update by soosi@oilprice.com (Andy Soos )
What spreads the sea floors and moves the continents? What melts iron in the outer core and enables the Earth’s magnetic field? Heat. Geologists have used temperature measurements from more than 20,000 boreholes around the world to estimate that some 44 terawatts (44 trillion watts) of heat continually flow from Earth’s interior into space. Where does it come from? Initially the earth heated up using energy released buy gravitational collapse, and while this energy completely melted the planet, this heat would have all been lost by now as the Earth is 4.6 billion years old. However, the earth is still
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- Did you know: the Earth produces 44 trillion watts of heat (digitaltrends.com)
- New Scientific Study Shows Solar Activity Affects Human Physical and Mental State (earthchangesmedia.wordpress.com)
- What separates the earth's mantle from its core (wiki.answers.com)
- Best ever measurement of Earth's radioactivity (newscientist.com)
- Deep Diamonds Shed Light on Ancient Continental Movements (news.sciencemag.org)
- Nuclear decay said key to heating Earth (cbsnews.com)
- Where does Earth's heat come from? (kozar.wordpress.com)
Changing the Military's Energy Culture
Changing the Military's Energy Culture
from The Energy Collective - The world's best thinkers on energy & climate by Geoffrey Styles
At this week's Army/Air Force Energy Forum, the military signaled a higher priority on renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Clinton’s India Nuclear Landmine
Clinton’s India Nuclear Landmine
from The Diplomat by Rajeev Sharma
Nuclear Whistleblower: “The Books Are Being Cooked” Fukushima In American Will Happen
Nuclear Whistleblower: “The Books Are Being Cooked” Fukushima In American Will Happen
Black Rain In Japan! Ex Japanese Nuclear Regulator Blames Radioactive Animal Feed on "Black Rain"
Black Rain In Japan! Ex Japanese Nuclear Regulator Blames Radioactive Animal Feed on "Black Rain"
NY power plant water rule threatens Indian Pt nuke
NY power plant water rule threatens Indian Pt nuke
New Terror Report Warns of Insider Threat to Utilities
New Terror Report Warns of Insider Threat to Utilities
DOE Champions 'Game Changing' Small Nuclear Reactors
DOE Champions 'Game Changing' Small Nuclear Reactors
THROUGH OTAKU EYES / The timely meaning of Yanobe's 'Atom Suit'
THROUGH OTAKU EYES / The timely meaning of Yanobe's 'Atom Suit'
Centrica Needs Government Backing for Nuclear, Evolution Says
Centrica Needs Government Backing for Nuclear, Evolution Says
Upton & Shimkus Ask, “Where Are the Findings?” Following NRC’s Incomplete Release of Long Overdue Yucca Evaluation
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 21, 2011 | CONTACT: Press Office |
Upton & Shimkus Ask, “Where Are the Findings?” Following NRC’s Incomplete Release of Long Overdue Yucca Evaluation NRC Scientists Recently Testified on Efforts to Stymie the
Publication of Technical Evaluation Report on Yucca Project WASHINGTON, DC – Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Environment and the Economy Subcommittee Chairman John Shimkus (R-IL) today called on Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko to release the full and uncensored safety evaluation for the Yucca Mountain nuclear repository. Documents obtained during the committee’s investigation into the Obama administration’s efforts to terminate the Yucca project indicate involvement of either Chairman Jaczko or staff in his office in the alteration of the original language in the professional staff’s draft of the Technical Evaluation Report (TER). The TER was prepared at Chairman Jaczko’s direction to replace the staff-prepared Safety Evaluation Report regarding post-closure safety of the repository (SER Volume 3). Today’s release of the TER comes on the heels of a recent subcommittee hearing where NRC scientists expressed frustrations over Chairman Jaczko’s efforts to terminate their work on the third volume of the SER, the most important technical evaluation of whether the DOE application meets regulatory requirements. Upton and Shimkus released the following statement: “Today is an important step for some of the critical work of the NRC’s career scientists to finally see the light of day, but where are the findings? It took months of Congressional prodding and courageous testimony from NRC staff for this TER to finally be made public, but how much longer must we wait to see the fruit of their labors? The time is now for Chairman Jaczko and the entire Commission to formally vote to fully release the staff’s complete and uncensored report. The American people are still waiting for a full safety evaluation that they have already paid for. It is a shame that our nuclear future is still being dictated by the Obama administration’s political agenda.” The NRC Inspector General recently released a report that revealed damning evidence that Chairman Jaczko abused his legal authority by deliberately withholding key decision-making information from his fellow Commissioners and intentionally blocking issues for resolution that were long overdue. On July 8, Upton and Shimkus pressed Jaczko for more answers and documents on NRC staff's evaluation. ### | |
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