Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Top nuclear power pros and cons
Top nuclear power pros and cons
http://nuclear.energy-business-review.com/news/top-nuclear-power-pros-and-cons-5760814Energy Recap: The Future Of Nuclear Power
Energy Recap: The Future Of Nuclear Power
IAEA Notes Improvements At Kazakhstan Research Reactor
IAEA Notes Improvements At Kazakhstan Research Reactor
An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) mission to Kazakhstan's Institute of Nuclear Physics has concluded that the research facility has made “significant modifications and upgrades to improve the safety,” of their nuclear reactor.http://nuclearstreet.com/nuclear_power_industry_news/b/nuclear_power_news/archive/2017/03/10/iaea-notes-improvements-at-kazakhstan-research-reactor-031002#.WMP3uRCXRSy
Friday, March 10, 2017
The Energy Collective Daily - Energy Union Requires Concrete Projects and Protection of European Interests
- Energy Union Requires Concrete Projects and Protection of European Interests
- Microgrids: Building Tomorrow’s Resilient, Efficient, Low-Emissions Electricity System
- Bipartisan Pro-Nuclear Love Fest at Senate EPW Hearing
- What the Wall Street Journal Got Wrong About PACE
- The President Should Understand Clean Energy is a Bipartisan Issue
- New Research Could Help Save Oil and Gas, Money, and the Environment
Energy Union Requires Concrete Projects and Protection of European Interests | The Energy Collective Daily |
Toshiba U.S. nuclear power unit liquidation may flare into diplomatic dustup
Toshiba U.S. nuclear power unit liquidation may flare into diplomatic dustup
NuScale senior executives to be keynote speakers later this month
The past 6 months have been particularly exciting for the nuclear
industry with NuScale leading the way in the development of the US’
first SMR project.
Late last year NuScale announced their campaign to select their fabrication partners with a meeting outlining the details of which in Atlanta, GA. Furthermore, earlier this year NuScale submitted the US’ first SMR Design Certification Application to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and are expecting to have an announcement from the regulator in the coming months.
As Platinum event sponsors, NuScale will be keynote speakers at the 7th Annual International SMR and Advanced Reactor Summit later this month in Atlanta. Here’s what you can expect to hear from the SMR trailblazers.
A keynote presentation from Mike McGough and UAMPS CEO Doug Hunter: At the start of day 1 hear about the important partnership between NuScale and UAMPS as they look to prepare for the US’ SMR future.
A day 2 keynote presentation from NuScale Chief Technology Officer Dr. Jose Reyes, Ph.D.: Understand how the NuScale SMR can potentially be used to offer alternate applications such as the desalination of water and support of petrochemical production enabling users to remain competitive even in difficult market climates.
The next few months and years are going to be an incredibly exciting time for the future of next generation nuclear power, don’t miss out on meeting the US’ leading SMR developers NuScale at the summit later this month – find out how you can get involved right here.
I hope to see you in Atlanta!
Ben Moss
Senior Industry Analyst
Nuclear Energy Insider
+44 (0)207 375 7537
Late last year NuScale announced their campaign to select their fabrication partners with a meeting outlining the details of which in Atlanta, GA. Furthermore, earlier this year NuScale submitted the US’ first SMR Design Certification Application to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and are expecting to have an announcement from the regulator in the coming months.
As Platinum event sponsors, NuScale will be keynote speakers at the 7th Annual International SMR and Advanced Reactor Summit later this month in Atlanta. Here’s what you can expect to hear from the SMR trailblazers.
A keynote presentation from Mike McGough and UAMPS CEO Doug Hunter: At the start of day 1 hear about the important partnership between NuScale and UAMPS as they look to prepare for the US’ SMR future.
A day 2 keynote presentation from NuScale Chief Technology Officer Dr. Jose Reyes, Ph.D.: Understand how the NuScale SMR can potentially be used to offer alternate applications such as the desalination of water and support of petrochemical production enabling users to remain competitive even in difficult market climates.
The next few months and years are going to be an incredibly exciting time for the future of next generation nuclear power, don’t miss out on meeting the US’ leading SMR developers NuScale at the summit later this month – find out how you can get involved right here.
I hope to see you in Atlanta!
Ben Moss
Senior Industry Analyst
Nuclear Energy Insider
+44 (0)207 375 7537
Siemens Produced 3D-Printed Part Operating in Nuclear Power Plant
Siemens Produced 3D-Printed Part Operating in Nuclear Power Plant
The replacement part, a metallic, 108mm diameter impeller for a fire protection pump within the Krško nuclear power plant in Slovenia, is now in ...http://www.power-eng.com/articles/2017/03/siemens-produced-3d-printed-part-operating-in-nuclear-power-plant.html
Offshore windfarms set to become cheaper source of electricity than nuclear power stations
Offshore windfarms set to become cheaper source of electricity than nuclear power stations
Government's plan to turn UK into world leader in offshore wind energy receives boost as electricity price halves in five years
Robotic surveys resume at Fukushima Daiichi 1
Robotic surveys resume at Fukushima Daiichi 1
Tokyo Electric Power Company is preparing to insert a Hitachi-developed robot into the primary containment vessel of the damaged unit 1 of the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Last month, a Toshiba-developed robot was used to survey the vessel of unit 2.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/RS-Robotic-surveys-resume-at-Fukushima-Daiichi-1-1003174.html
Tokyo Electric Power Company is preparing to insert a Hitachi-developed robot into the primary containment vessel of the damaged unit 1 of the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Last month, a Toshiba-developed robot was used to survey the vessel of unit 2.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/RS-Robotic-surveys-resume-at-Fukushima-Daiichi-1-1003174.html
Ukraine sets sights on EU power export in 2019
Ukraine sets sights on EU power export in 2019
Ukraine expects to start supplying electricity to the European Union network via its planned 'energy bridge' as early as 2019, and to complete the project by 2025, the head of the country's nuclear power plant operator said this week. The energy bridge will link unit 2 of Ukraine's Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant to Burshtyn Energy Island and connect with powerlines to Rzeszów in Poland and Albertirsa in Hungary.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NP-Ukraine-sets-sights-on-EU-power-export-in-2019-10031701.html
Ukraine expects to start supplying electricity to the European Union network via its planned 'energy bridge' as early as 2019, and to complete the project by 2025, the head of the country's nuclear power plant operator said this week. The energy bridge will link unit 2 of Ukraine's Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant to Burshtyn Energy Island and connect with powerlines to Rzeszów in Poland and Albertirsa in Hungary.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NP-Ukraine-sets-sights-on-EU-power-export-in-2019-10031701.html
IAEA notes progress with Kazakh research reactor safety
IAEA notes progress with Kazakh research reactor safety
Kazakhstan's Institute of Nuclear Physics has implemented "significant" modifications and upgrades to improve the safety of its research reactor, an IAEA Integrated Nuclear Safety Assessment of Research Reactors mission has concluded. The IAEA team reviewed the comprehensive safety programs at the light water reactor called WWR-K, including improvements to reactor safety systems and to the training and qualification program for staff.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/RS-IAEA-notes-progress-with-Kazakh-research-reactor-safety-10031702.html
Kazakhstan's Institute of Nuclear Physics has implemented "significant" modifications and upgrades to improve the safety of its research reactor, an IAEA Integrated Nuclear Safety Assessment of Research Reactors mission has concluded. The IAEA team reviewed the comprehensive safety programs at the light water reactor called WWR-K, including improvements to reactor safety systems and to the training and qualification program for staff.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/RS-IAEA-notes-progress-with-Kazakh-research-reactor-safety-10031702.html
Commentary: An important new electricity source for Texas
Commentary: An important new electricity source for Texas
Nuclear’s (4th generation) comeback tour
Nuclear’s (4th generation) comeback tour
Concerns emerge over guarantee for Toshiba’s U.S. nuclear project
Concerns emerge over guarantee for Toshiba’s U.S. nuclear project
Toshiba's Westinghouse Liabilities Will Have a Long Half-Life
Toshiba's Westinghouse Liabilities Will Have a Long Half-Life
For Japan's nuclear refugees, insults and rejection
For Japan's nuclear refugees, insults and rejection
ORNL study examines tungsten in extreme environments to improve fusion materials
ORNL study examines tungsten in extreme environments to improve fusion materials
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Nuclear Roundup March 10, 2017
A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.
Iran Nuclear Deal House Letter to Administration on JCPOA https://foster.house.gov/ Alive or Dead? – EU and US Clash Over Iran Nuclear Deal http://www.eubulletin.com/ Petraeus: We pull out of Iran deal, we likely isolate ourselves more than Iran http://www.foxnews.com/ US Statement to IAEA Board on JCPOA https://vienna.usmission.gov/ Iranian Ambassador Najafi Statement to the IAEA Board on JCPOA http://en.farsnews.com/ IAEA Quarterly Report on JCPOA Implementation https://www.iaea.org/sites/ United States The huge risk of small nukes http://www.politico.com/ Old trucks, long hours, poor management: The convoys that drive 3 million miles a year hauling nuclear weapons http://www.latimes.com/local/ USAF Global Strike Command Chief on Nuclear Triad, Modernization & Training http://defaeroreport.com/2017/ International North Korea is Practicing for Nuclear War http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/ IAEA’s endorsement for K-2, K-3 http://pakobserver.net/iaeas- Terminal decline? Fukushima anniversary marks nuclear industry's deepening crisis http://www.theecologist.org/ National Nuclear Lab needs 'refinement, not change' http://world-nuclear-news.org/ General Interest The 15 most incredible plutonium-powered space missions of all time http://www.businessinsider. Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at brodnica67@gmail.com. Receive this message as a forward? Subscribe to the Nuclear Roundup here. |
What does Trump's presidency mean for the power industry?
What does Trump's presidency mean for the power industry?
Doctors: Radiation not biggest impact on Fukushima health
Doctors: Radiation not biggest impact on Fukushima health
Dying robots and failing hope: Fukushima clean-up falters six years after tsunami
Dying robots and failing hope: Fukushima clean-up falters six years after tsunami
Thursday, March 9, 2017
North Korea Is Practicing for Nuclear War
North Korea Is Practicing for Nuclear War
North Korea isn’t testing its missiles. It’s preparing for a nuclear first strike.
Molten Salt Reactor Claims Melt Down Under Scrutiny
Molten Salt Reactor Claims Melt Down Under Scrutiny
Toshiba looks to unload most of Westinghouse
Toshiba looks to unload most of Westinghouse
Taking nuclear unit off consolidated books may prove easier said than done
Tepco’s biggest hurdle: How to remove melted fuel from crippled Fukushima reactors
Tepco’s biggest hurdle: How to remove melted fuel from crippled Fukushima reactors
The long shadow of Fukushima
The long shadow of Fukushima
Six years after nuclear disaster, Japan struggles to fine-tune its energy policy
6 years after nuclear disaster, residents trickle back to deserted towns
6 years after nuclear disaster, residents trickle back to deserted towns
BCD Logo Environmental fate and transport investigations: Petroleum, chemical and radiological releases
Environmental fate and transport investigations:
Petroleum, chemical and radiological releases
Principal Investigator
Marco Kaltofen, PhD, PE (Civil, MA), C. NSE
2 Summer Street - Suite 14, Natick, MA 01760
(508) 314-9334 | mpkaltofen@gmail.com
The Heartbreaking Legacy of Fukushima Daiichi By Arnie Gundersen
The Heartbreaking Legacy of Fukushima Daiichi
By Arnie Gundersen
Fukushima Update 3/9/17

Tepco will send an investigative robot inside unit #1 PCV next Tuesday… Snopes quashes false claims that Fukushima Cesium in Canadian salmon poses a human health risk…. Once again, Fukushima Minpo posts news that the rest of Japan’s Press either overlooks or ignores… Naohiro Masuda, head of decommissioning for Fukushima Daiichi, says great progress has been made… After the April 1st lifting of evacuation orders, 70% of the original “no-go zone” will have been reopened… The Yomiuri Shimbun breaks the current “good news” Press blackout in Japan… and much more.
US general accuses Russia of breaching nuclear treaty by threatening American bases in Europe with a cruise missile
US general accuses Russia of breaching nuclear treaty by threatening American bases in Europe with a cruise missile
- Russia accused of secretly deploying the ground-launched SSC-8 cruise missile
- Action violates sections of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treaty
- General Paul Selva said it was 'deliberately deployed' as a threat to NATO
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4294652/US-general-says-Russia-deployed-banned-missile.html#ixzz4as0kDGmn
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Nuclear executive: China’s nuclear power plants can withstand impact of planes
Nuclear executive: China’s nuclear power plants can withstand impact of planes
Germany to Create More Emissions by Having Electric-Only Vehicles
Germany to Create More Emissions by Having Electric-Only Vehicles
By By Julia St. Germain, / Wednesday, March 8, 2017 11:56 AM
Internationally, nations are
increasingly focused on easing their dependence on oil and natural gas
for the things their inhabitants use the most: cars. However, upon
investigation, it was found that Germany’s early plan of having all cars
be electric in the coming years may actually have an adverse affect by
creating even more pollution and emissions. In an
Cameco considers future of US operations
Cameco considers future of US operations
Cameco has confirmed it is evaluating the possibility of divesting its US uranium facilities, although no decision has yet been made to sell any assets. The company's combined operations at Smith Ranch-Highland in Wyoming is the largest uranium production facility in the USA.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-Cameco-considers-future-of-US-operations-0903177.html
Cameco has confirmed it is evaluating the possibility of divesting its US uranium facilities, although no decision has yet been made to sell any assets. The company's combined operations at Smith Ranch-Highland in Wyoming is the largest uranium production facility in the USA.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/C-Cameco-considers-future-of-US-operations-0903177.html
National Nuclear lab needs 'refinement, not change'
National Nuclear lab needs 'refinement, not change'
An "ethical barrier" could be put in place at the UK's National Nuclear Laboratory to ensure policy makers can draw on its world-class expertise whilst avoiding a conflict of interest with commercial customers, its CEO Paul Howarth told peers this week. NNL's operating model thus requires "refinement, rather than wholehearted change", he said. http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NP-National-Nuclear-Lab-needs-refinement-not-change-09031701.html
An "ethical barrier" could be put in place at the UK's National Nuclear Laboratory to ensure policy makers can draw on its world-class expertise whilst avoiding a conflict of interest with commercial customers, its CEO Paul Howarth told peers this week. NNL's operating model thus requires "refinement, rather than wholehearted change", he said. http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NP-National-Nuclear-Lab-needs-refinement-not-change-09031701.html
Siemens prints part for Krško plant
Siemens prints part for Krško plant
A 3D-printed impeller has been in use in a pump at Slovenia's Krško plant since January. Siemens, which produced the component, said this marks "the first successful commercial installation and continuing safe operation" of such a part in a nuclear power plant.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Siemens-prints-part-for-Krsko-plant-0903174.html
A 3D-printed impeller has been in use in a pump at Slovenia's Krško plant since January. Siemens, which produced the component, said this marks "the first successful commercial installation and continuing safe operation" of such a part in a nuclear power plant.http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Siemens-prints-part-for-Krsko-plant-0903174.html
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Nuclear Roundup March 9, 2017
A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.
Iran Nuclear Deal Sanctions and diplomacy can be effective means of achieving and sustaining nonproliferation policy objectives https://peacepolicy.nd.edu/ United States Hill braces for DOE cuts, looks to Mulvaney's record for clues http://www.eenews.net/stories/ Democrats renew attack on new nuclear cruise missile http://www.defensenews.com/ Sandia National Labs ensure functionality of nation’s nuclear weapons https://homelandprepnews.com/ Congressman’s effort to move nuclear waste out of S.C. is a tough sell http://www.mcclatchydc.com/ Congressman’s effort to move nuclear waste out of S.C. is a tough sell http://www.mcclatchydc.com/ New GAO Report: DOE Excess Uranium Transfers http://www.gao.gov/products/ New GAO Report: NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Changes Planned to Budget Structure and Justification http://www.gao.gov/products/ International North Korea Tried to Sell Nuclear-Weapon Material Last Year https://www.wsj.com/articles/ Can North Korea Actually Hit the U.S. With a Nuclear Missile? http://time.com/4694840/north- U.S. Admits New Strategy Needed to Stop N. Korea Nuclear Program https://www.bloombergquint. Haley Demands Positive Action from North Korea Before Talks http://www.voanews.com/a/ Russia to arm Antey nuclear subs with Kalibr missiles http://www.upi.com/Defense- Kremlin denies violating nuclear arms pact with US http://abcnews.go.com/ Roaming, Radioactive Boars Slow Return of Japan’s Nuclear Refugees http://www.voanews.com/a/ General Interest Lasers can detect weapons-grade uranium from afar https://phys.org/news/2017-03- Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at brodnica67@gmail.com. Receive this message as a forward? Subscribe to the Nuclear Roundup here. |
The New Nuclear Era, It’s Not What You Think
The New Nuclear Era, It’s Not What You Think
The Energy Collective Daily Can U.S. Shale Fight Off Rising Costs?

Can U.S. Shale Fight Off Rising Costs? | The Energy Collective Daily |
- Can U.S. Shale Fight Off Rising Costs?
- International Women’s Day: Spotlight on a Texas Clean Energy Leader
- How Germany’s Plan for 100% Electric Cars Could Backfire
- In Early Action, EPA Administrator Pruitt Moves to Block Communities’ Right to Know about Oil and Gas Pollution
- Does Dominion Buy Votes? Sure, But Not the Way You Think
- Buildings Smarten Up, Think About Occupants, Utility Rates, and the Weather
- Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Rosalyn Yalow, Pioneer and Fierce Critic of “No Safe Dose” Myth
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