Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Thomas D. Elias: Dangerous precedent in Newsom’s PG&E plan | Columnists | napavalleyregister.com
Thomas D. Elias: Dangerous precedent in Newsom’s PG&E plan | Columnists | napavalleyregister.com: There is indeed a devil in the details of the proposed PG&E settlement, columnist Tom Elias says.
I’ve been at war with PG&E for 35 years; Now is the time to win the peace: Why fire victims should accept the $13.5 billion settlement – The Ukiah Daily Journal
I’ve been at war with PG&E for 35 years; Now is the time to win the peace: Why fire victims should accept the $13.5 billion settlement – The Ukiah Daily Journal: By Erin Brockovich A quarter century ago, I worked to achieve justice for residents of the town of Hinkley, who got sick after PG&E dumped chromium-6 into their water. When we won those folks …
PG&E Fire Victims Seek Changes to Settlement After Coronavirus Selloff - WSJ
PG&E Fire Victims Seek Changes to Settlement After Coronavirus Selloff - WSJ: Lawyers for victims of California wildfires sparked by PG&E are demanding modifications to their $13.5 billion settlement with the company because of concerns that the deal may no longer deliver the expected amount.
The NRC Responds to Nuclear Plant Work-Hour Concerns Prompted by COVID-19 | Snell & Wilmer - JDSupra
The NRC Responds to Nuclear Plant Work-Hour Concerns Prompted by COVID-19 | Snell & Wilmer - JDSupra: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced that it is prepared to grant temporary exemptions from work-hour controls when the COVID-19 virus adversely impacts staffing levels at...
Fukushima Update, April 3, 2020
Fukushima Update, April 3, 2020 –
For the third year in a row, Japan’s public
opinion on nuclear improves… Tepco posts its F. Daiichi plans for
the next ten years… Nuclear plant delays literally hamstring
Japan’s effort to reduce greenhouse gasses… Tepco estimates the cost of F.
Daiichi corium removal and disposal will be $12.6 billion… Three more nuke
restarts are delayed to finish regulatory-mandated upgrades.
https://www.hiroshimasyndrome.Analysis: Coronavirus response could limit gas demand upside from fuel-switching | S&P Global Platts
Analysis: Coronavirus response could limit gas demand upside from fuel-switching | S&P Global Platts: As US natural gas prices continue to test new lows, rising power sector demand for the fuel from coal to gas switching could be offset in the months ahead by anticipated demand destruction and a compr
Power supply installed for Belarus 2 - Nuclear Engineering International
Power supply installed for Belarus 2 - Nuclear Engineering International: On 31 March, the first 10kV power supply section was connected to unit 2 of the Belarus nuclear power plant, which is being built in Ostravets by Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom. “Connection of the unit to the...
Nuclear Agency Provides Equipment to Detect, Battle Virus
Nuclear Agency Provides Equipment to Detect, Battle Virus: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on April 2 said it is dispatching a first batch of equipment to more than 40 countries, designed to enable a
Nuclear Power Plant And Equipment Market Anticipated to Grow at a Significant Pace by 2026
Nuclear Power Plant And Equipment Market Anticipated to Grow at a Significant Pace by 2026
Coronavirus: face masks bound for Canada and Germany diverted to US - The National
Coronavirus: face masks bound for Canada and Germany diverted to US - The National: Germany's interior minister deplores 'act of modern piracy'
Organizing evacuations during a shutdown | TheHill
Organizing evacuations during a shutdown | TheHill: Amid the global coronavirus crisis, U.S. Foreign Service staff is working around the clock to bring Americans who are abroad back home.
PG&E request for early recovery of $899M from customers troubles ratepayer advocates
PG&E request for early recovery of $899M from customers troubles ratepayer advocates
Con Edison reaches 170 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 3 deaths, as risks rise for utility workers
Con Edison reaches 170 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 3 deaths, as risks rise for utility workers
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Remarkable signs of federal-provincial unity on small nuclear reactors
Remarkable signs of federal-provincial unity on small nuclear reactors: Through the commercialization of small nuclear reactors, Canada could once again be at the forefront of nuclear technology.
Subscribe to read | Financial Times
Subscribe to read | Financial Times: News, analysis and comment from the Financial Times, the worldʼs leading global business publication
Thorium could refuel the future of nuclear energy | The McGill Tribune
Thorium could refuel the future of nuclear energy | The McGill Tribune: Despite being named after the Norse god of thunder, thorium does not come from the sky; rather, it is naturally occurring in the Earth’s crust. Discovered in 1828, thorium is a slightly radioactive metal that is a promising nuclear fuel alternative to uranium. However, the use of thorium as a …
TEPCO puts cost to remove melted nuclear fuel at over 1 trillion yen : The Asahi Shimbun
TEPCO puts cost to remove melted nuclear fuel at over 1 trillion yen : The Asahi Shimbun: Tokyo Electric Power Co. estimates that 1.37 trillion yen ($12.6 billion) will be needed over 12 yea
Pilgrim decommissioning continues during pandemic - The Martha's Vineyard Times
Pilgrim decommissioning continues during pandemic - The Martha's Vineyard Times: Work decommissioning Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station is ongoing amidst the novel coronavirus pandemic. The plant shut down permanently at the end of May. The license to the plant was subsequently transferred from longtime owner Entergy to new owner Holtec under protest from the commonwealth and local watchdog groups who argued safeguards and financing were insufficient …
Nuclear regulators ease some power reactor regs in response to COVID-19 | Utility Dive
Nuclear regulators ease some power reactor regs in response to COVID-19 | Utility Dive: Utility industry news and analysis for energy professionals.
Rosatom takes measures in Egypt’s Dabaa nuclear plant over coronavirus - Egypt Today
Rosatom takes measures in Egypt’s Dabaa nuclear plant over coronavirus - Egypt Today: egypttoday,Politics,Business,Economy,Art,culture,Local news,Special interest,Press Review,News,Resources
COVID-19 May Delay Vogtle Nuclear Expansion
COVID-19 May Delay Vogtle Nuclear Expansion: Southern Co. in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on April 1 said the COVID-19 pandemic “could disrupt or delay construction,
Illinois’ FERC Power Play
Illinois’ FERC Power Play: A recent FERC rule may put the kibosh on Illinois' nuclear power plant subsidies, to which it has responded with vitriol. It is threatening to manage its grid itself, which is a bad idea. The dispute between FERC and Illinois demonstrates why a carbon tax is the best way to pursue clean energy.
Cordova Exelon nuclear plant has worker with confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis | Business & Economy | qctimes.com
Cordova Exelon nuclear plant has worker with confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis | Business & Economy | qctimes.com: CORDOVA, Ill. — A worker at Exelon Generation’s Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Plant has a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis.
Hungarian minister highlights importance of nuclear energy : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News
Hungarian minister highlights importance of nuclear energy : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News: The coronavirus pandemic has underlined the importance of the existing Paks nuclear power plant, which accounts for about half of Hungary's electricity generation, noted János Süli. The minister responsible for the design, construction and commissioning of two new reactors at Paks said that project will maintain the country's energy security and help revive its economy in the coming years.
How The Coronavirus Is Complicating Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant's Plan To Replace Fuel Rods | Earthwhile
How The Coronavirus Is Complicating Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant's Plan To Replace Fuel Rods | Earthwhile: Under the best of circumstances, removing and replacing radioactive fuel rods is a complex process, but as WBUR's Bruce Gellerman reports, this time it's complicated by the cornonavirus crisis.
The Promise And Peril Of Nuclear Power | Gizmodo Australia
The Promise And Peril Of Nuclear Power | Gizmodo Australia: Temperatures are rising, the Antarctic is melting, and a million animal and plant species face the risk of extinction, all driven by the climate crisis. To save us from the coming climate catastrophe, we need an energy hero, boasting limitless power and no greenhouse gas emissions (or nearly none)....
What the Energy Sector Needs to Know about the CARES Act | Foley Hoag LLP - Energy and Cleantech Counsel - JDSupra
What the Energy Sector Needs to Know about the CARES Act | Foley Hoag LLP - Energy and Cleantech Counsel - JDSupra: On March 27, 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), the third and by far the largest stimulus package passed by Congress to respond...
Lawmakers Ask NRC to Delay Collection of Licensee Fees - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1
Lawmakers Ask NRC to Delay Collection of Licensee Fees - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
NRC Approves License Transfer for Crystal River Plant Decommissioning - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1
NRC Approves License Transfer for Crystal River Plant Decommissioning - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
Seabrook Is Nation's First Reactor Refueled During Virus Crisis | Earthwhile
Seabrook Is Nation's First Reactor Refueled During Virus Crisis | Earthwhile: Replacing radioactive fuel rods is a complex process. Now it's complicated by the corononavirus crisis.
NRC approves Crystal River licence transfer : Waste & Recycling - World Nuclear News
NRC approves Crystal River licence transfer : Waste & Recycling - World Nuclear News: The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved the transfer of the licence for Crystal River 3 from Duke Energy Florida to Accelerated Decommissioning Partners LLC subsidiary ADP CR3. The transfer will enable ADP CR3 to carry out active decommissioning of the former nuclear power plant.
Walden urges Nuclear Regulatory Commission to defer annual licensee fees - Ripon Advance
Walden urges Nuclear Regulatory Commission to defer annual licensee fees - Ripon Advance: U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR), ranking member on the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee, this week requested that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) give licensees additional time to pay annual fees due to COVID-19. “As our country responds to Read more...
IAEA dispatches COVID-19 detection equipment : Covid-19 - World Nuclear News
IAEA dispatches COVID-19 detection equipment : Covid-19 - World Nuclear News: The International Atomic Energy Agency is dispatching a first batch of equipment to more than 40 countries to enable them to use a nuclear-derived technique to rapidly detect the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. This emergency assistance is part of the IAEA's response to requests for support from around 90 Member States in controlling an increasing number of infections worldwide.
NRC approves Crystal River licence transfer : Waste & Recycling - World Nuclear News
NRC approves Crystal River licence transfer : Waste & Recycling - World Nuclear News: The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved the transfer of the licence for Crystal River 3 from Duke Energy Florida to Accelerated Decommissioning Partners LLC subsidiary ADP CR3. The transfer will enable ADP CR3 to carry out active decommissioning of the former nuclear power plant.
NRC approves Crystal River licence transfer : Waste & Recycling - World Nuclear News
NRC approves Crystal River licence transfer : Waste & Recycling - World Nuclear News: The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved the transfer of the licence for Crystal River 3 from Duke Energy Florida to Accelerated Decommissioning Partners LLC subsidiary ADP CR3. The transfer will enable ADP CR3 to carry out active decommissioning of the former nuclear power plant.
Hungarian minister highlights importance of nuclear energy : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News
Hungarian minister highlights importance of nuclear energy : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News: The coronavirus pandemic has underlined the importance of the existing Paks nuclear power plant, which accounts for about half of Hungary's electricity generation, noted János Süli. The minister responsible for the design, construction and commissioning of two new reactors at Paks said that project will maintain the country's energy security and help revive its economy in the coming years.
Four nuclear workers test positive for coronavirus as Rosatom steps up pandemic response - Bellona.org
Four nuclear workers test positive for coronavirus as Rosatom steps up pandemic response - Bellona.org: The staff of at least one nuclear power plant in Russia has been put into isolation due to concerns over the spread of Covid-19, as Rosatom, …
Regulator Approves Waste Programme As It Waits For Final Repository Plans :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency
Regulator Approves Waste Programme As It Waits For Final Repository Plans :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency: The nuclear power industry’s research and development programme to handle waste from Sweden’s nuclear power plants meets legal requirements, regulator SSM has told the government.
The main point of the latest programme is the presentation of plans for development of a final repository for long-lived radioactive waste.
The planned repository at Forsmark is intended to accommodate about 12,000 tonnes of spent nuclear fuel. SKB has said it hopes to start construction “in the early 2020s”.
The main point of the latest programme is the presentation of plans for development of a final repository for long-lived radioactive waste.
The planned repository at Forsmark is intended to accommodate about 12,000 tonnes of spent nuclear fuel. SKB has said it hopes to start construction “in the early 2020s”.
Over 3,000 To Get Nuclear Plant Jobs
Over 3,000 To Get Nuclear Plant Jobs: Biggest News Source for News in Uganda and the East African Region ,Breaking news in Uganda and Daily news and the latest from Uganda
California gnatcatcher presents unique challenge to SONGS decommissioning | Nuclear Energy Insider
California gnatcatcher presents unique challenge to SONGS decommissioning | Nuclear Energy Insider: The more than 40-year-old power station nestles between the Pacific Ocean and the busy Interstate-5 and its twin domes housing Units 2 and 3 have become part of the landscape for many residents living around the plant. It is also the natural habitat of ten federally endangered or threatened species including the California gnatcatcher and the southwestern willow flycatcher.
DNFSB Urges Staff to Delve Deeper Into Nuke Sites - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1
DNFSB Urges Staff to Delve Deeper Into Nuke Sites - ExchangeMonitor | Page 1: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
WIPP reduces operations during COVID-19 pandemic
WIPP reduces operations during COVID-19 pandemic: As of March 30, the New Mexico Department of Health reported 44 new positive cases of COVID-19, bringing the total to 281.
Bechtel Completes Major Milestone at U.S. Nuclear Plant Construction Site
Bechtel Completes Major Milestone at U.S. Nuclear Plant Construction Site
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
California utilities fear market manipulation from proposed changes to RPS confidentiality rules
California utilities fear market manipulation from proposed changes to RPS confidentiality rules
https://www.utilitydive.com/news/california-utilities-fear-market-manipulation-from-proposed-changes-to-rps/575251/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Issue:%202020-04-01%20Utility%20Dive%20Newsletter%20%5Bissue:26528%5D&utm_term=Utility%20DiveEl Paso Electric acquisition nears final approval as FERC dismisses concerns about JPMorgan link
El Paso Electric acquisition nears final approval as FERC dismisses concerns about JPMorgan link
IAEA Steps Up To Help With Covid -19 Detection - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
IAEA Steps Up To Help With Covid -19 Detection - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
Virus Impacts Nuclear Industry Around The Globe - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers
Virus Impacts Nuclear Industry Around The Globe - News - Nuclear Power News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers: The latest nuclear news in Nuclear Power Industry about utilities, companies, suppliers in the nuclear energy market.
Nuclear regulators ease some power reactor regs in response to COVID-19 | Utility Dive
Nuclear regulators ease some power reactor regs in response to COVID-19 | Utility Dive: Utility industry news and analysis for energy professionals.
California proposes PG&E, SCE as central procurement agencies, but CCAs have doubts | Utility Dive
California proposes PG&E, SCE as central procurement agencies, but CCAs have doubts | Utility Dive: Utility industry news and analysis for energy professionals.
Will PG&E be forced to turn to PPAs to get a bankruptcy exit plan confirmed? | Utility Dive
Will PG&E be forced to turn to PPAs to get a bankruptcy exit plan confirmed? | Utility Dive: Utility industry news and analysis for energy professionals.
PG&E Fire Victims Agitate Against Deal to Exit Bankruptcy - WSJ
PG&E Fire Victims Agitate Against Deal to Exit Bankruptcy - WSJ: Some victims of the California wildfires are campaigning to vote down the utility’s exit plan over concerns it pays them half their settlement in shares, exposing them to higher risks than hedge funds, other creditors.
Pandemic adds to emergency exercise complexity : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News
Pandemic adds to emergency exercise complexity : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: A planned emergency exercise coordinated by the International Atomic Energy Agency went ahead last week with the participation of 35 countries and two Regional Specialised Meteorological Centres of the World Meteorological Organization. The three-day exercise - from 24 to 26 March - was conducted while the responders in many Member States and in the IAEA's Incident and Emergency Centre worked remotely to support measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Russia drafts strategy for low-carbon development : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News
Russia drafts strategy for low-carbon development : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News: Russia's Ministry for Economic Development last week published a draft strategy for low-carbon development to 2050. The strategy's basic scenario would see nuclear output grow from 203 TWh in 2017 to 225 TWh in 2030 and 260 TWh in 2050.
Russia drafts strategy for low-carbon development : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News
Russia drafts strategy for low-carbon development : Energy & Environment - World Nuclear News: Russia's Ministry for Economic Development last week published a draft strategy for low-carbon development to 2050. The strategy's basic scenario would see nuclear output grow from 203 TWh in 2017 to 225 TWh in 2030 and 260 TWh in 2050.
BN-600 licensed to operate until 2025 : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News
BN-600 licensed to operate until 2025 : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: Russian nuclear regulator Rostekhnadzor has extended the operating licence for unit 3 of the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant in the Sverdlovsk district by a further five years. The licence for the BN-600 fast reactor, which began operating in 1981, was due to expire this year.
When the coronavirus enters the Control Room | ARC Advisory
When the coronavirus enters the Control Room | ARC Advisory: Central control rooms are used for operating critical infrastructure, and management is taking new and special precautions to insure continued operation in the face of the threat when the coronavirus enters the Control Room.
Sediments may control location, magnitude of megaquakes
Sediments may control location, magnitude of megaquakes: The world's most powerful earthquakes strike at subduction zones, areas where enormous amounts of stress build up as one tectonic plate dives beneath another. When suddenly released, this stress can cause devastating "megaquakes" like the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku event, which killed nearly 16,000 people and crippled Japan's Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant. Now a study published in Geology suggests that sediments atop the downgoing slab can play a key role in determining the magnitude and location of these catastrophic events.
U.S. Coal-Fired Power Plants Stumbled Into 2020 | The Motley Fool
U.S. Coal-Fired Power Plants Stumbled Into 2020 | The Motley Fool: Electricity generation from coal fell 35% in January 2020 from the year-ago period.
Bruce Power commits 600,000 pieces of personal protective equipment to Province of Ontario for fight against COVID-19
Bruce Power commits 600,000 pieces of personal protective equipment to Province of Ontario for fight against COVID-19: Bruce Power announced this morning it will be providing 600,000 pieces of personal protective equipment to support the province’s fight against COVID-19, ensuring that front-line workers have the protection they need as the heroes supporting our families and communities. The company’s President and
The Quest for Next-Generation Nuclear Fuels
The Quest for Next-Generation Nuclear Fuels: In Part 1 of this series, published in the March 2020 issue, POWER explored how existing reactors may leverage advances in nuclear fuel to boost power generation safety and economics. This installment surveys
Energoatom takes action to minimise impact of COVID-19 at Ukraine's nuclear plants - Nuclear Engineering International
Energoatom takes action to minimise impact of COVID-19 at Ukraine's nuclear plants - Nuclear Engineering International: Ukrainian nuclear utility Energoatom announced new restrictive measures on 25 March after the Ukraine cabinet on 18 March placed all four nuclear power plant satellite cities under strict quarantine.The city councils of Energodar (Zaporozhye NPP),...
Four nuclear workers test positive for coronavirus as Rosatom steps up pandemic response - Bellona.org
Four nuclear workers test positive for coronavirus as Rosatom steps up pandemic response - Bellona.org: The staff of at least one nuclear power plant in Russia has been put into isolation due to concerns over the spread of Covid-19, as Rosatom, …
Coronavirus impacts dismantling of Germany's Philippsburg nuclear plant - Nuclear Engineering International
Coronavirus impacts dismantling of Germany's Philippsburg nuclear plant - Nuclear Engineering International: German energy company EnBW said the coronavirus outbreak has impacted plans to dismantle its Philippsburg nuclear power plant in Baden-Wurttemberg, southwest Germany.The controlled detonation of Phillipsburg's cooling towers will now take...
EPRI Training Courses Support Nuclear Plant Operations
EPRI Training Courses Support Nuclear Plant Operations: The Turkey Point nuclear generating facility in Florida in December 2019 became the first U.S. nuclear plant to receive authorization from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to extend its operating life from 60
Nuclear industry’s response to Covid-19 outbreak - Power Technology
Nuclear industry’s response to Covid-19 outbreak - Power Technology: During the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, nuclear reactors are also playing a crucial role in a number of countries in maintaining electricity supplies
Nuclear regulators ease some power reactor regs in response to COVID-19 | Utility Dive
Nuclear regulators ease some power reactor regs in response to COVID-19 | Utility Dive: Utility industry news and analysis for energy professionals.
EUROPE POWER-Spot prices down on more wind and nuclear power generation - Reuters
EUROPE POWER-Spot prices down on more wind and nuclear power generation - Reuters: European spot electricity prices for day-ahead delivery fell on Wednesday on higher nuclear supply in France and forecasts for increased wind power in Germany, while year-ahead contracts dropped, tracking declines in carbon, coal and gas futures.
Alabama Power’s Farley Nuclear Plant is always prepared for the unexpected - Alabama NewsCenter
Alabama Power’s Farley Nuclear Plant is always prepared for the unexpected - Alabama NewsCenter: The plant near Dothan focuses on generating safe and reliable power.
THE BIG PICTURE (Infographic): U.S. Nuclear Lifetimes
THE BIG PICTURE (Infographic): U.S. Nuclear Lifetimes: The U.S. has 96 licensed-to-operate nuclear power reactors and two reactors under construction. But the average age of the nation’s 96 licensed nuclear
Nuclear regulators ease some power reactor regs in response to COVID-19 | Utility Dive
Nuclear regulators ease some power reactor regs in response to COVID-19 | Utility Dive: Utility industry news and analysis for energy professionals.
Global nuclear industry responds to COVID-19 pandemic
Global nuclear industry responds to COVID-19 pandemic
Home New Build Supply Chain Small Modular Reactors Operations & Maintenance Decommissioning Waste Management VTT aims for simple, safe, and cheap in its district heating SMR design
VTT aims for simple, safe, and cheap in its district heating SMR design
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Power Sector Resources for Coronavirus Pandemic Response
Power Sector Resources for Coronavirus Pandemic Response: As part of POWER magazine’s in-depth coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, its editors are curating a list of resources that may provide actionable
NRC to Consider COVID-19 Exemptions for Nuclear Plant Work-Hour Controls
NRC to Consider COVID-19 Exemptions for Nuclear Plant Work-Hour Controls
Preparing to Assist in a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency Under all Circumstances | IAEA
Preparing to Assist in a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency Under all Circumstances | IAEA: You cannot be “too prepared” for a nuclear or radiological emergency. That is why emergency exercise scenarios should include challenging, high risk, low probability events.
Trump eases pollution rules for cars, setting CA showdown | The Sacramento Bee
Trump eases pollution rules for cars, setting CA showdown | The Sacramento Bee: The final rule decreases standards set forth by former President Barack Obama in 2012, but increases them from President Donald Trump’s initial proposal in 2018.
OPG Announces Completion Of First Darlington Rebuild :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency
OPG Announces Completion Of First Darlington Rebuild :: The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency: Ontario Power Generation has completed reconstruction work on the Darlington-2 nuclear power plant and the process to restart the unit can now begin, Ontario Power Generation said.
The restart process and reconnection to the grid are subject to regulatory approvals from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and “OPG’s ability to do so safely given the current Covid-19 crisis,” a statement said.
The company said it will delay the planned start of the refurbishment of Darlington-3, scheduled to begin in May, as part of its measures to ensure stable electricity supplies during the pandemic.
The restart process and reconnection to the grid are subject to regulatory approvals from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and “OPG’s ability to do so safely given the current Covid-19 crisis,” a statement said.
The company said it will delay the planned start of the refurbishment of Darlington-3, scheduled to begin in May, as part of its measures to ensure stable electricity supplies during the pandemic.
New problem at Fukushima site; sandbags found to be radioactive : The Asahi Shimbun
New problem at Fukushima site; sandbags found to be radioactive : The Asahi Shimbun: Sandbags placed as an emergency measure to lower radiation levels of contaminated water in the after
Sellafield donates respirators, suits and gloves to those in need | The Mail
Sellafield donates respirators, suits and gloves to those in need | The Mail: HEALTH and care workers are the frontline of the country’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.
As nuclear waste piles up, scientists seek the best long-term storage solutions
As nuclear waste piles up, scientists seek the best long-term storage solutions: Researchers study and model corrosion in the materials proposed for locking away the hazardous waste
Oswego County Essential Industries React To COVID-19 – Oswego County Today
Oswego County Essential Industries React To COVID-19 – Oswego County Today: Exelon’s Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Huhtamaki and Novelis have adapted their procedures to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Nuke Workers Flock to U.S. Small Towns for Can't-Wait Refueling - BNN Bloomberg
Nuke Workers Flock to U.S. Small Towns for Can't-Wait Refueling - BNN Bloomberg: Refueling plants can’t be rescheduled, and social distancing is tough while overhauling a reactor
EIA issues report on the nuclear power plants in the United States - Daily Energy Insider
EIA issues report on the nuclear power plants in the United States - Daily Energy Insider: Nuclear power generates about 20 percent of electricity generation in the United States, according to a new report by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. © Shutterstock Overall, 30 U.S. states with operating commercial nuclear power ... Read More »
Dangerous precedent in Newsom’s PG&E plan | California Focus – Oroville Mercury-Register
Dangerous precedent in Newsom’s PG&E plan | California Focus – Oroville Mercury-Register: The devil, goes the old saying about any complicated deal, is always in the details. In the ultra-complicated deal between Gov. Gavin Newsom and the bankrupt Pacific Gas & Electric Co., the pot…
PG&E Won’t Pay $4 Million Camp Fire Fine From $13.5B Wildfire Victims Fund – NBC Bay Area
PG&E Won’t Pay $4 Million Camp Fire Fine From $13.5B Wildfire Victims Fund – NBC Bay Area: PG&E announced in San Francisco Monday that it has given up a controversial plan to pay a $4 million criminal fine to Butte County out of a proposed $13.5...
PG&E Can't Be Sued for Fire-Prevention Power Blackouts: Bankruptcy Judge
PG&E Can't Be Sued for Fire-Prevention Power Blackouts: Bankruptcy Judge: Pacific Gas and Electric customers who lost power for days during a series of large-scale fire-prevention power blackouts cannot sue the company for $2.5 billion in damages, a federal bankruptcy judge ruled Monday.
PG&E Resolves $4 Million Butte County Fine Issue
PG&E Resolves $4 Million Butte County Fine Issue: PG&E Corporation and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (together, "PG&E") announced today that the satisfaction of the $4 million in fines and expenses associated with the plea agreement with the Butte County District Attorney will not reduce the amount of funds available to satisfy wildfire
Walters: PG&E makes 2 deals to survive, but ultimately customers pay – The Mercury News
Walters: PG&E makes 2 deals to survive, but ultimately customers pay – The Mercury News: PG&E is negotiating settlements, but no matter how they're structured, ratepayers will largely bear the burden.
TEPCO puts cost to remove melted nuclear fuel at over 1 trillion yen : The Asahi Shimbun
TEPCO puts cost to remove melted nuclear fuel at over 1 trillion yen : The Asahi Shimbun: Tokyo Electric Power Co. estimates that 1.37 trillion yen ($12.6 billion) will be needed over 12 yea
No adverse impacts from tritium spill at nuclear reactor, Bruce Power says
No adverse impacts from tritium spill at nuclear reactor, Bruce Power says: TORONTO — About 20 litres of heavy water containing radioactive tritium spilled in a weekend mishap at the nuclear plant near Kincardine, Ont., Bruce Power said on Monday.The spill on the floor of the idled Unit 6 at Bruce B occurred during replacement of the reactor's major components."Crews
No adverse impacts from tritium spill at nuclear reactor, Bruce Power says | National Business | chroniclejournal.com
No adverse impacts from tritium spill at nuclear reactor, Bruce Power says | National Business | chroniclejournal.com: TORONTO - About 20 litres of heavy water containing radioactive tritium spilled in a weekend mishap at the nuclear plant near Kincardine, Ont., Bruce Power said on Monday.
US set to extend Iran nuclear cooperation sanctions waivers
US set to extend Iran nuclear cooperation sanctions waivers: The Trump administration is poised to renew several waivers on U.S. sanctions against Iran that will allow Russian, European and Chinese companies to continue to work on Iran's civilian nuclear facilities without drawing American penalties.
How New York City will keep the lights on
How New York City will keep the lights on: A move to isolate employees is one that companies plan for as a precaution, but are reluctant to take unless absolutely necessary.
Global nuclear energy operations responding to COVID-19
Global nuclear energy operations responding to COVID-19: Building on an already strong safety culture, nuclear energy operations worldwide have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and calls for social distancing.
NRC to Consider COVID-19 Exemptions for Nuclear Plant Work-Hour Controls
NRC to Consider COVID-19 Exemptions for Nuclear Plant Work-Hour Controls: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on March 28 told industry that it is prepared to grant requests from individual nuclear generators for exemptions
Nuclear Power Plant Lifetime Extension: A creeping catastrophe - Bellona.org
Nuclear Power Plant Lifetime Extension: A creeping catastrophe - Bellona.org: Any discussion of nuclear disasters brings events like Chernobyl and Fukushima to mind. But the civilian nuclear industry could be facing a quieter nuclear failure. Simply put, the world’s nuclear reactors are getting dangerously old. Yet more and more often, countries operating nuclear reactors are deciding to run them for longer than they were designed …
FERC Conditionally OKs JP Morgan’s Purchase of El Paso Electric
FERC Conditionally OKs JP Morgan’s Purchase of El Paso Electric: FERC conditionally approved J.P. Morgan’s $4.3 billion purchase of El Paso Electric, directing the companies to file a mitigation plan.
Coronavirus could disrupt normal refueling practices for nuclear facilities as staffing concerns grow
Coronavirus could disrupt normal refueling practices for nuclear facilities as staffing concerns grow
Global Atomic discusses plans for Niger uranium project : Uranium & Fuel - World Nuclear News
Global Atomic discusses plans for Niger uranium project : Uranium & Fuel - World Nuclear News: Canada-based Global Atomic Corporation said yesterday it is in discussions with Orano Mining to deliver uranium-bearing rock from its Dasa project in Niger to Orano's Somaïr facility for processing. The company has changed its plans for the mine which it now intends to develop as an underground-only operation, and expects to release a preliminary economic assessment for the project within the second quarter of this year.
Decree delays deadline for start-up of Flamanville EPR : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News
Decree delays deadline for start-up of Flamanville EPR : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: The construction of the EPR unit at the Flamanville site in Normandy was authorised by the French government by a decree of 10 April 2007, which stated first fuel loading must be completed within thirteen years. With that date approaching, a new decree has extended the deadline by four years.
ČEZ applies to build two new units at Dukovany : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News
ČEZ applies to build two new units at Dukovany : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: Czech utility ČEZ has applied to the State Office for Nuclear Safety to construct two new reactors at its Dukovany nuclear power plant. Four VVER-440 units are currently in operation at the site, in Vysočina Region.
Geologic Greenhouse Gas Sequestration Projects | The Energy Collective Daily
- Geologic Greenhouse Gas Sequestration Projects
- Will the COVID-19 Pandemic Bring About Long-Term Societal Changes?
- Virginia advocates plan to jumpstart electric school bus debate next year
- European Green Deal Will Guide Coronavirus Recovery Plan, EU Leaders Pledge
- Pandemic Response Should Mobilize Around Low-Carbon Solutions
- Evaluation of Ujjwala cooking gas program in India- Key takeaways and recommendations
- Canadian Energy Weekly Round-Up: March 30, 2020
- Ohio Attorney General Says Climate Tort Lawsuits Put Constituents at a Disadvantage
- Federal Judge Rejects Challenges to ‘Fracking Rule’ Repeal. What Does That Mean?
- All ship shape as consortium charters a course towards ‘green’ fuel
- Suggestion for buyers and sellers of energy
- DNV GL delivers a minimum purity standard for the future use of hydrogen in UK homes and businesses - DNV GL
- Selling and Servicing Small vs Large Oil Field and Pipeline Companies | PowerZone
Geologic Greenhouse Gas Sequestration Projects | The Energy Collective Daily |
Monday, March 30, 2020
Commentary: PG&E makes two deals to survive | CalMatters
Commentary: PG&E makes two deals to survive | CalMatters: Two major actions should help PG&E's emergence from bankruptcy — a deal with Gov. Newsom and a guilty plea for the Camp Fire. But what then?
As nuclear waste piles up, scientists seek the best long-term storage solutions
As nuclear waste piles up, scientists seek the best long-term storage solutions: Researchers study and model corrosion in the materials proposed for locking away the hazardous waste
Tracking the impacts of coronavirus on the US power sector | Utility Dive
Tracking the impacts of coronavirus on the US power sector | Utility Dive: Utility industry news and analysis for energy professionals.
EPA gives power plants, regulated entities pollution compliance flexibility, citing COVID-19 concerns
EPA gives power plants, regulated entities pollution compliance flexibility, citing COVID-19 concerns
Namibia Halts Mining Operations to Curb Spread of Covid-19 - BNN Bloomberg
Namibia Halts Mining Operations to Curb Spread of Covid-19 - BNN Bloomberg: Namibia halted mining and quarrying operations to curb the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak, according to Minister of Mines and Energy Tom Alweendo.
Tritium spill at Bruce Power being monitored | CTV News
Tritium spill at Bruce Power being monitored | CTV News: There has been a spill at the Bruce Power Nuclear Generating Station, according to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.
How far are we from a nuclear fusion future? - Future Tense - ABC Radio National
How far are we from a nuclear fusion future? - Future Tense - ABC Radio National: The hope of nuclear fusion is the dream of a fossil-fuel free future - of limitless baseload power. Enthusiasts say fusion offers all the benefits of nuclear energy without the dangers. In theory and in practice fusion energy is already a reality, but getting the economics right is proving much more difficult than imagined.
NRC board delays Seabrook concrete decision until July | Local News | newburyportnews.com
NRC board delays Seabrook concrete decision until July | Local News | newburyportnews.com: SEABROOK – For the second time, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Atomic Safety and Licensing Board has pushed back the deadline until July 10 for its decision on whether to uphold
Rosatom takes measures to protect workers from COVID-19 : Covid-19 - World Nuclear News
Rosatom takes measures to protect workers from COVID-19 : Covid-19 - World Nuclear News: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Rosatom has introduced additional measures to protect the health of workers at both its operating nuclear power plants and those it is constructing around the world. In a statement, Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachov said the Russian state nuclear corporation has developed additional contingency plans for various scenarios of the coronavirus pandemic.
Landmark lift completed at Vogtle project : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News
Landmark lift completed at Vogtle project : New Nuclear - World Nuclear News: The containment vessel top head for Georgia Power's Vogtle unit 4 has been lifted into place, marking the completion of all major lifts inside the containment vessels for Vogtle 3 and 4. The project to build two AP1000 reactors at the site near Waynesboro, Georgia is now about 84% complete.
Rössing operations suspended in Namibian lockdown : Covid-19 - World Nuclear News
Rössing operations suspended in Namibian lockdown : Covid-19 - World Nuclear News: CNNC Rössing Uranium has announced the suspension of normal mining operations at the Rössing uranium mine in Namibia from 28 March because of a partial lockdown of the Erongo region in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Elsewhere, uranium miners continue to address issues arising from the global pandemic.
The World Is Running Out of Oil. Here's How to Be Prepared | The Energy Collective Daily

The World Is Running Out of Oil. Here's How to Be Prepared | The Energy Collective Daily |
- The World Is Running Out of Oil. Here's How to Be Prepared
- Visualizing Eagle Ford Oil & Gas Production (Through December 2019)
- Everyone's First Rodeo: Electric Utilities and COVID-19
- Deregulated energy user: act NOW!
- The Global Oil Market Is Broken, Drowning in Crude Nobody Needs
- A Short Stack of New Reactor Developments
- AI Software Speeds Up Reactor Designs
- Russia’s hydrogen bet sets up contest with Australia for Japanese market
- These Four Federal Actions Could Help Offshore Wind Jump Start Our Post-Coronavirus Economic Recovery
Kepco vows to clean up its act after Takahama nuclear bribery scandal | The Japan Times
Kepco vows to clean up its act after Takahama nuclear bribery scandal | The Japan Times: Kansai Electric Power Co. on Monday pledged to improve its corporate governance after the former deputy mayor of a town that hosts one of its nuclear plant
TEPCO sees net profit shrinking on cleaning prep | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News
TEPCO sees net profit shrinking on cleaning prep | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News: Tokyo Electric Power Company projects its net profit for the current business year will fall by two-thirds. TEPCO says that's due to the cost of preparations for removing fuel debris from a damaged reactor at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
Tepco outlines treated water disposal options : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News
Tepco outlines treated water disposal options : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) has released a report on two potential methods for disposing of treated water currently being stored on the site of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The report considers the discharge of the water into the sea and via vapour release.
7,000 Gallons Of Wastewater Spill At San Onofre Nuclear Plant | San Clemente, CA Patch
7,000 Gallons Of Wastewater Spill At San Onofre Nuclear Plant | San Clemente, CA Patch: Wastewater Spill Reported At San Onofre - San Clemente, CA - Officials are investigating after about 7,000 gallons of wastewater spilled into the Pacific Ocean at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.
VERA nuclear simulation software goes live | Renewable Energy | Energy Digital
VERA nuclear simulation software goes live | Renewable Energy | Energy Digital: The VERA software product, one which has been in development for almost a decade has been granted its first commercial application.
VERA (Virtual Environment for Reactor Analysis) is described as a ‘stunningly accurate’ package and could soon prove itself to become an industry standard.
VERA (Virtual Environment for Reactor Analysis) is described as a ‘stunningly accurate’ package and could soon prove itself to become an industry standard.
Rosatom takes measures to protect workers from COVID-19 : Covid-19 - World Nuclear News
Rosatom takes measures to protect workers from COVID-19 : Covid-19 - World Nuclear News: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Rosatom has introduced additional measures to protect the health of workers at both its operating nuclear power plants and those it is constructing around the world. In a statement, Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachov said the Russian state nuclear corporation has developed additional contingency plans for various scenarios of the coronavirus pandemic.
As nuclear waste piles up, scientists seek the best long-term storage solutions
As nuclear waste piles up, scientists seek the best long-term storage solutions: Researchers study and model corrosion in the materials proposed for locking away the hazardous waste
NYISO Workers Now Living at Grid Control Centers
NYISO Workers Now Living at Grid Control Centers: The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), one of the nation's nine regional transmission organizations (RTOs) that operate the power grid, now has
Former PAE Exec Tim Prange Named FSA Federal’s USCIS Division Lead – GovCon Wire
Former PAE Exec Tim Prange Named FSA Federal’s USCIS Division Lead – GovCon Wire: Tim Prange, formerly a PAE vice president, has joined FSA Federal as head of a company division that
Unit 4 Top Head for Containment Vessel in Place at Vogtle
Unit 4 Top Head for Containment Vessel in Place at Vogtle: The two-unit expansion of the Plant Vogtle nuclear power plant in Georgia reached another milestone March 27, with the placement of the Unit 4 containment
EIA issues report on the nuclear power plants in the United States - Daily Energy Insider
EIA issues report on the nuclear power plants in the United States - Daily Energy Insider: Nuclear power generates about 20 percent of electricity generation in the United States, according to a new report by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. © Shutterstock Overall, 30 U.S. states with operating commercial nuclear power ... Read More »
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