Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

ANS Update: Nuclear Film Extravaganza

Nuclear Film Extravaganza

By Will Davis on Jan 18, 2013 11:18 am

by Will Davis The Friday “Nuclear Matinée” feature here at ANS Nuclear Cafe is a four-film cavalcade of documentaries about nuclear energy.  One of these films will premiere today, while another has just been released.  The other two have been around … Continue reading
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UN denied access at suspected nuclear site in Iran

UN denied access at suspected nuclear site in Iran


Global Energy News Roundup: January 17

Global Energy News Roundup: January 17
The Forum on Energy weekly news roundup brings together a mix of global energy stories from around the web. It is published every Thursday morning on Forum on Energy and is available on Twitter via @forumonenergy.http://forumonenergy.com/2013/01/17/global-energy-news-roundup-january-17/

U.S. Energy Department Defends Nuclear-Waste Fee to Court


U.S. Energy Department Defends Nuclear-Waste Fee to Court


It is Time to Hold Nuclear Fear Mongers Accountable.

It is Time to Hold Nuclear Fear Mongers Accountable.



Toshiba creating nuclear reactor for mining Canada Tar Sands

Toshiba creating nuclear reactor for mining Canada Tar Sands


U.S., Iran Running Low On Options Over Nuclear Program : NPR

U.S., Iran Running Low On Options Over Nuclear Program : NPR

Shared by
Nuclear News
npr.org - With time running out on efforts to monitor Iran's nuclear program, 2013 could well be the year when the United States must decide whether to take military action to block Iran from acquiring a nuc...http://www.npr.org/2013/01/18/169699720/u-s-iran-running-out-of-escalation-options-over-nuclear-program

Toshiba Nuclear Reactor For Oil Sands To Be Operational By 2020: Reports

Toshiba Nuclear Reactor For Oil Sands To Be Operational By 2020: Reports


Crowdsourced Panel Topic Survey | 2013 ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit arpae-summit.com

Restart decision on San Onofre reactor could come in March

Restart decision on San Onofre reactor could come in March
Power Engineering Magazine
Both of San Onofre's reactors have been shut down for nearly a year because of problems with the steam generators. Edison has proposed restarting Unit 2 at 70 percent power, which is expected to eliminate vibrations that caused wear among thousands of ...http://www.power-eng.com/news/2013/01/18/restart-decision-on-san-onofre-reactor-could-come-in-march.html

Thorium Reactors by Peter Reinhardt

 Thorium Reactors by Peter Reinhardt
My last article about thorium as an alternative nuclear reactor fuel drew way more readers than I expected. I intentionally glossed over the complexities of ...

UK looks into Hitachi reactor design

UK looks into Hitachi reactor design The Government today asked regulators to assess the design of the reactor for Horizon’s nuclear power plants. http://energyandnuclear.com/2013/01/15/uk-looks-into-hitachi-reactor-design/?goback=.gde_1851527_member_204605939

UCS: Science in an Age of Scrutiny

How Scientists Can Respond to Criticism and Personal Attack 


Assystem Energy & Nuclear Nuclear News Round Up (14th Jan – 18th Jan 12)

Nuclear News Round Up (14th Jan – 18th Jan 12)

 14 January, 2013
 15 January, 2013
 17 January, 2013
 18 January, 2013

ENSREG Reports on European "stress tests" for NPPs

National action plans post-Fukushima have been recently published on the ENSREG website. They are published on each country's section of the website.
Just click on the link for a country and you find there all the documents related to the "stress tests".

http://www.ensreg.eu/EU-Stress-Tests/Country-Specific-Reports/EU-Member-States ;


Friday, January 18, 2013

TEPCO: Record high radiation level found in fish

TEPCO: Record high radiation level found in fish
A fish contaminated with radiation levels more than 2,500 times the legal limit has been caught near Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, its operator said Friday. http://phys.org/news/2013-01-tepco-high-fish.html#nwlt

Robert Stone Following the Money Trail

Following the Money Trail 

What if everything you thought you knew about nuclear power is wrong? This is the realization that came to several prominent environmentalists featured in my new movie Pandora's Promise, premiering today at the Sundance Film Festival.

Title: To reprocess or dispose? A look at fuel cycle triage

Title: To reprocess or dispose? A look at fuel cycle triage

Is reprocessing the backlog of spent nuclear fuel a viable fuel cycle strategy compared to direct disposal? An ORNL study has surprising conclusions.

US Launches 35-Year Quest For A New Yucca Mountain

US Launches 35-Year Quest For A New Yucca Mountain
But siting three nuclear waste depositories should prove no easier than siting the one that had been authorized at Yucca Mountain, Nevada in 2002 until the ...http://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffmcmahon/2013/01/17/us-launches-35-year-quest-for-a-new-yucca-mountain/

Nuclear Power Plant Response to the Cyber Threat

Nuclear Power Plant Response to the Cyber Threat

NEI Cyber Security guru Bill Gross outlines the actions the nuclear energy industry has taken to secure its critical infrastructure from online hacking.http://neinuclearnotes.blogspot.com/2013/01/nuclear-power-plant-response-to-cyber.html

Feinstein on Department of Energy's Interim Nuclear Waste Storage

Feinstein on Department of Energy's Interim Nuclear Waste Storage ...
“It is clear there is a pressing need for interim nuclear waste storage capacity to address a potentially dangerous and increasingly expensive problem for the ...

EPA testing continues at radioactive waste site; critics unmoved

EPA testing continues at radioactive waste site; critics unmoved
BRIDGETON • More than four years after agreeing to a controversial plan to cap Cold War-era radioactive waste and leave it in place at a north St. Louis County landfill, the Environmental Protection Agency says testing continues at the site to validate ...http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/epa-testing-continues-at-radioactive-waste-site-critics-unmoved/article_36c477a5-91e4-519a-81f7-b5bee1ee8662.html

EU Energy Commissioner sees no future for nuclear fission in Germany

EU Energy Commissioner sees no future for nuclear fission in Germany

The misreporting about Germany's Energiewende continues. This time, we address the expectations outside Germany that German politicians will one day reverse the nuclear phaseout.http://www.renewablesinternational.net/eu-energy-commissioner-sees-no-future-for-nuclear-fission-in-germany/150/537/59813/

Historic Move: IAEA Shifts 47 Japanese Reactors Into “Long-Term Shutdown” Category

Historic Move: IAEA Shifts 47 Japanese Reactors Into “Long-Term Shutdown” Categoryhttp://www.worldnuclearreport.org/spip.php?article132

US shale gas boom ‘could spread globally’ by 2030

US shale gas boom ‘could spread globally’ by 2030http://energyandnuclear.com/2013/01/17/us-shale-gas-boom-could-spread-globally-by-2030/?goback=.gde_4581517_member_205441282

Breaking Down the Federal Clean Energy Innovation Budget: Demonstration Projects

Breaking Down the Federal Clean Energy Innovation Budget: Demonstration Projectshttp://www.consumerenergyreport.com/2013/01/17/breaking-down-the-federal-clean-energy-innovation-budget-demonstration-projects/

Germany’s ‘Energiewende’ – the story so far

Germany’s ‘Energiewende’ – the story so farhttp://www.marklynas.org/2013/01/germanys-energiewende-the-story-so-far/

Fukushima Updates 1/18

Here are the topic summaries for today's commentary and Fukushima updates. Please click the link for the full reports.
Commentary – New Tokyo Regime Should Rethink Radiation Limits - Irrational fear of radiation continues with respect to all Prefectures along the Tohoku coast and hinders the region's recovery from the 3/11/11 tsunami. The new Tokyo regime says they will “review” the energy policy of their predecessors. They should do the same with their forerunner’s radiation standards.
Fukushima updates - The Nuclear Regulatory Authority says no Japanese Boiling Water Reactors can be restarted until they install filters on their “vent” exhausts. Toyoshi Fuketa, a commissioner of the NRA, says the probability of Japan’s 26 boiling water reactors restarting this year is effectively zero... The continuing lack of NRA consensus over the Oi nuke’s geologic anomaly continues to make headlines... An American congressional committee has asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to re-think their numerous regulations specific to the Fukushima accident... Japan's Environment Ministry says more than half of the reports of shoddy Fukushima decontamination practices are unfounded.

EDF plans talks with China's CGNPC on UK nuclear plants

EDF plans talks with China's CGNPC on UK nuclear plantshttp://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/01/17/uk-edf-china-idUKBRE90G12R20130117

Oi nuclear plant panel fails to reach consensus over active fault issue

Oi nuclear plant panel fails to reach consensus over active fault issuehttp://japandailypress.com/oi-nuclear-plant-panel-fails-to-reach-consensus-over-active-fault-issue-1721752

VA House panel OKs nuclear authority


House panel OKs nuclear authority


NRC denies Duke Energy an extension on Oconee Nuclear Station fire plan

NRC denies Duke Energy an extension on Oconee Nuclear Station fire plan http://www.independentmail.com/news/2013/jan/17/nrc-denies-duke-energy-an-extension-on-oconee/

Duke’s nuke plant decision could come in February

Duke’s nuke plant decision could come in February

Rogers hopes to make call in early Feb.; analysts expect Crystal River to be retiredhttp://www.charlotteobserver.com/2013/01/18/3794881/dukes-nuke-plant-decision-could.html

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2013/01/18/3794881/dukes-nuke-plant-decision-could.html#storylink=cpy

Diablo Canyon quake safety key issue David R. Baker

Diablo Canyon quake safety key issue

America's top nuclear regulator said Wednesday that if anyone wants to study in depth the offshore earthquake faults near PG&E's Diablo Canyon Power Plant, there is no substitute for the environmentally destructive tests blocked by California officials in November.

DOE Independent Safety Culture Assessments for several organizations / projects / sites

DOE Independent Safety Culture Assessments for several organizations / projects / sites http://www.dnfsb.gov/sites/default/files/Board%20Activities/Letters/2012/ltr_20121212_20916.pdf?goback=.gde_2211620_member_196368437

PennEnergy's Top Oil & Gas News 1/18/2013

Top Oil & Gas News
PennEnergy Video News Update
From the ongoing hostage situation in Algeria, to Russia's offshore licensing changes, to Alaska's export hopes, all of the week's biggest headlines are in the PennEnergy Video News Update.
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Six hostages, 8 kidnappers killed in military strike at gas plant
Conflicting reports are coming out of Algeria, where a military strike has reportedly led to deaths of both hostages and kidnappers at the In Amenas gas facility.
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This Week's Most Popular Oil & Gas News
Statoil releases update about incident in Algeria
In Amenas gas facility situation update released by BP
Russia to allow private firms to develop offshore
Alaska looks to Japan to sell natural gas
TransCanada to build new LNG pipeline
Seaway Pipeline expansion completed
Chevron acquires new offshore China acreage
BP Energy Outlook 2030 shows increasing impact of unconventional oil and gas
Maersk Oil Norway offered two North Sea licenses
ConocoPhillips agrees to sell Cedar Creek Anticline properties
Strong interest in further exploration of the Norwegian continental shelf
Petrobras creates program to assess potential and use of natural gas
McDermott awarded turnkey contract for PEMEX production platform
Aker Solutions secures projects on the UK continental shelf
Energy Insights
Governing Energy: Governance Refresh
The European Sovereign Debt Crisis would appear to be an incidence of governance gone awry.
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Human Capital: Leadership Transition
A key component of any succession plan is the hand-off of one leader to the next.
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Georgia Power Enables Electric Vehicle Charging at Work Locations

Georgia Power Enables Electric Vehicle Charging at Work Locations

Wind beats out natural gas as most installed energy source in 2012

Wind beats out natural gas as most installed energy source in 2012
An FERC report shows that by capacity, wind energy is now the most installed energy source in the United States. http://www.utilitydive.com/news/wind-beats-out-natural-gas-as-most-installed-energy-source-in-2012/91188/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Utility+Dive+created+2013-01-18+094809016105&utm_content=Utility+Dive+created+2013-01-18+094809016105+CID_82e1fd307eed8e714a20e45d735b1ce3&utm_source=campaignmonitor&utm_term=Wind%20beats%20out%20natural%20gas%20as%20most%20installed%20energy%20source%20in%202012

Thursday, January 17, 2013

FERC Proposes Rule to Speed Up Solar Energy Grid Interconnection

FERC Proposes Rule to Speed Up Solar Energy Grid Interconnection

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has proposed changes to a rule that will speed up the process and reduce the costs to interconnect smaller-sized solar power projects to the grid while maintaining system reliability and safety. The changes were necessary, the organization claims, because of market changes that were due to state renewable energy goals and policies.http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2013/01/ferc-proposes-rule-to-speed-up-solar-energy-grid-interconnection?cmpid=rss

Renewable Energy Provides Half of All New US Electrical Generating Capacity in 2012

Renewable Energy Provides Half of All New US Electrical Generating Capacity in 2012

According to the latest "Energy Infrastructure Update" report from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Office of Energy Projects, renewable energy sources (i.e., biomass, geothermal, solar, water, wind) accounted for 49.10% of all new domestic electrical generating capacity installed in the twelve months of 2012 for a total of 12,956 MW. More than a quarter of that new capacity (25.29% - 3,276 MW) came online in the month of December 2012 alone.http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2013/01/renewable-energy-provides-half-of-all-new-us-electrical-generating-capacity-in-2012?cmpid=rss

Japan to mandate BWR reactors to install filtered vents after Fukushima disaster

Japan to mandate BWR reactors to install filtered vents after Fukushima disaster

A commissioner of the Nuclear Regulation Authority of Japan told reporters this week that the nation’s boiling water reactors will not be allowed to restart until they have installed filtered ventilation systems to reduce the amount of radioactive materials released from containment systems during nuclear emergencies.
“Without this (filtering systems), reactors will not reach the level” to be allowed to operate, said NRA Commissioner Toyoshi Fuketa.http://enformable.com/2013/01/japan-to-mandate-bwr-reactors-to-install-filtered-vents-after-fukushima-disaster/

China's Latest Electricity Usage Data Confirm The Country's Return To Growth

China's Latest Electricity Usage Data Confirm The Country's Return To Growth

china electricity transmission
China just released official statistics on Q4 2012 GDP and other measures. GDP rose 7.9 percent year-over-year in the fourth quarter, slightly ahead of economists' estimates of 7.8 percent expansion.
Growth was up from 7.4 percent in Q3.http://www.businessinsider.com/china-electricity-usage-q4-2012-2013-1?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+businessinsider+%28Business+Insider%29

We're Energy Workers and We Oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline

We're Energy Workers and We Oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline

David Coles
The following speech was delivered to a City University of New York forum called “Confronting the Climate Crisis: Can Labor Help Shape an Effective Strategy?” on Thursday, January 17th:https://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/17-10
read more

Japan to Build World's Largest Offshore Wind Farm off the Fukushima Coast

Japan to Build World's Largest Offshore Wind Farm off the Fukushima Coast

In order to reduce its reliance on nuclear energy following the meltdown of three reactors back in 2011, Japan is attempting to increase its renewable energy capacity and has recently unveiled its plan to build the world’s largest ever offshore wind farm just off the coast of the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.The plan is to install 143 wind turbines 10 miles off the coast of the Fukushima Prefecture by 2020.The wind farm will have a capacity of one gigawatt, making it larger than the 504 megawatt Greater Gabbard farm off…Read more...http://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Japan-to-Build-Worlds-Largest-Offshore-Wind-Farm-off-the-Fukushima-Coast.html

BP: Shale Boom will Never Happen in the UK or Europe

BP: Shale Boom will Never Happen in the UK or Europe

Some British ministers, especially Chancellor George Osborne, hope that fracking will enable the UK to experience a shale gas boom similar to the US, and completely change the energy market over the next twenty years.Unfortunately BP’s chief economist, Christof Rühl, disagrees, stating that Europe and the UK face very different circumstances than the US, which will not enable shale gas production to really kick off until around 2030, and even then only in small amounts.“Europe has various problems: environmental concerns, outright…Read more...http://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/BP-Shale-Boom-will-Never-Happen-in-the-UK-or-Europe.html

Alaska: Gas Rich, but No Longer Relevant

Alaska: Gas Rich, but No Longer Relevant

The natural gas boom in the US has rendered Alaska’s otherwise bountiful reserves less relevant. Never fear, Japan may turn out to be an alternative market for Alaskan gas. Of course, all of this depends on whether the US decides to go ahead with natural gas exports, an increasingly controversial issue. This week, Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski will broach the subject in Japan, as her state reels from its new market irrelevance in the US.On the surface, it’s simple: Alaska’s state economy needs a new market for its gas; Japan’s…Read more...http://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/Alaska-Gas-Rich-but-No-Longer-Relevant.html

Why OPEC is Worried About the U.S. Congress

Why OPEC is Worried About the U.S. Congress

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries in its report for January said the United States in 2013 may post the highest oil supply increase among non-member states. U.S. oil production should increase by 490,000 barrels of oil per day this year to reach an average of 10.4 million bpd. OPEC said much of the production increase should come from more drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and the oil boom under way in North Dakota. Production from member states Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, meanwhile, declined. Riyadh said recently it wasn't trying…Read more...http://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Why-OPEC-is-Worried-About-the-U.S.-Congress.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+oilpricecom+%28Oil+Price.com+Daily+News+Update%29

Why Shale Oil is Not the Game Changer We Have Been Led to Believe - Part 1

Why Shale Oil is Not the Game Changer We Have Been Led to Believe - Part 1

There has been a very strong and concerted public-relations effort to spin the recent shale energy plays of the U.S. as complete game-changers for the world energy outlook.  These efforts do not square up well with the data and are creating a vast misperception about the current risks and future opportunities among the general populace and energy organizations alike.  The world remains quite hopelessly addicted to petroleum, and the future will be shaped by scarcity – not abundance, as some have claimed.This series of reports will…Read more...http://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Why-Shale-Oil-is-not-the-Game-Changer-we-Have-Been-Led-to-Believe-Part-1.html

Oil optimism relying on fudged statistics

Oil optimism relying on fudged statistics

The latest World Energy Outlook report from the International Energy Agency would lead you to think we are literally swimming in oil, a view echoed by other oil-industry forecasts. For that, they rely on an optimistic outlook for shale gas and oil sands, industries whose economics doom them from the start. - Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmedhttp://www.atimes.com/atimes/Global_Economy/OA18Dj01.html

Future U.S. Nuclear-Armed Sub Could Use Same Fuel for Decades

Future U.S. Nuclear-Armed Sub Could Use Same Fuel for Decades

A future line of U.S. ballistic missile submarines is intended to rely on a tightly guarded, state-of-the-art propulsion system capable of operating without replacing atomic fuel and very little sound output for the five decades the vessels are expected to remain in service, Wired magazine reported on Thursday.http://www.nti.org/gsn/article/planned-us-sub-could-run-same-fuel-decades/

Laser Enrichment License Approval Stands at Nuclear Agency Deadline

Laser Enrichment License Approval Stands at Nuclear Agency Deadline

A roadway marker points to nuclear fuel operations at a GE-Hitachi campus in North Carolina. Thursday marks the last day on which the five-member Nuclear Regulatory Commission could revisit a license approval decision allowing laser uranium enrichment operations at the site (Tom Clements/Alliance for Nuclear Accountability). By Elaine M. Grossman
Global Security Newswire
WASHINGTON -- Federal approval for the energy consortium GE-Hitachi to produce nuclear fuel through a controversial state-of-the-art laser enrichment process could soon be sealed, as Thursday marks the last day on which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission could act to revisit a September recommendation on the project.
There was “no word as yet” whether the panel’s five commissioners, led by Chairwoman Allison Macfarlane, had taken up the Global Laser Enrichment matter, NRC spokesman David McIntyre said on Wednesday in response to questions.http://www.nti.org/gsn/article/laser-enrichment-license-approval-stands-nrc-deadline/

Industry, Activists at Odds Over Security Risks of Interim Waste Storage

Industry, Activists at Odds Over Security Risks of Interim Waste Storage

Dry cask nuclear waste storage units at the James A. Fitzpatrick nuclear power plant in New York. Activist and industry groups differ on whether consolidating nuclear waste from 72 sites would make the material more vulnerable to an extremist strike (AP Photo/Holtec International). By Douglas P. Guarino
Global Security Newswire
WASHINGTON – Industry and watchdog groups are at odds over whether the Obama administration’s plan to move nuclear waste from power plants to a centralized interim storage location would increase the risk of a successful terrorist attack.
In a report released on Friday, the Energy Department endorsed a plan that would consolidate at one or more locations waste now stored at 72 civilian power plants and various nuclear weapons sites. The material would remain there in government custody until a permanent, underground repository is established. While specific details pertaining to such a site do not yet exist, the plan assumes one could be operational by 2048.http://www.nti.org/gsn/article/industry-activists-odds-over-security-risks-interim-waste-storage/

Energy Secretary Says Construction Pace Will Pick Up Again at Hanford Waste Treatment Plant

Energy Secretary Says Construction Pace Will Pick Up Again at Hanford Waste Treatment Plant

Work on a new waste treatment plant at the Department of Energy's Hanford site will pick back up after construction problems delayed progress on some of its facilities.

Undated photo of the Hanford high-level waste facility. Source: DOEIn a statement Tuesday, Energy Secretary Steven Chu and former Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire said work over the last several months has put the project on a path to resolving the technical issues that have slowed construction. They added that, "Based on insight gathered from a number leading scientific experts, the department is now confident construction activities at the high-level waste facility can begin to be ramped back up."http://nuclearstreet.com/nuclear_power_industry_news/b/nuclear_power_news/archive/2013/01/17/energy-secretary-says-construction-pace-will-pick-up-again-at-hanford-waste-treatment-plant-011702.aspx

New research to support the huge potential of tidal power

New research to support the huge potential of tidal power
(Phys.org)—New research from a global group of scientists and engineers, including from the University of Southampton, has been published in a special issue journal of the Royal Society. The work is in support of tidal power, which has the potential to provide more than 20 per cent of the UK's electricity demand. http://phys.org/news/2013-01-huge-potential-tidal-power.html#nwlt



There is a "large inventory" of classified nuclear weapons components "scattered across" the nation's nuclear weapons complex and awaiting disposal, according to an internal Department of Energy contractor report last year.

But "there is no complex-wide cost-effective classified weapon disposition strategy." And as a result, "Only a small portion of the inventory has been dispositioned and it has not always been in a cost-effective manner."

See Acceptance of Classified Excess Components for Disposal at Area 5, presented at the Spring 2012 Waste Generator Workshop, April 24, 2012. http://www.fas.org/blog/secrecy/

Areva says India keen to start using EPR reactor

Areva says India keen to start using EPR reactorhttp://in.reuters.com/article/2013/01/16/areva-india-idINDEE90F0FZ20130116

Fukushima recovery aided by SRS cleanup technology By Rob Pavey

Fukushima recovery aided by SRS cleanup technology

South Texas Project looks to extend nuke license By Nolan Hicks

 Read more: http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/energy/article/South-Texas-Project-looks-to-extend-nuke-license-4196967.php#ixzz2II7lW9AQ

DOE touts interim storage option for spent nuclear fuel By Rob Pavey Staff Writer

DOE touts interim storage option for spent nuclear fuel

NEI supporting 'rush job' on new nuke waste rule, groups say

NEI supporting 'rush job' on new nuke waste rule, groups sayhttp://www.snl.com/Interactivex/article.aspx?CdId=A-16778744-11048

Rich NASA Data Set Reveals a Warming World

Mike Orcutt

January 16, 2013

Rich NASA Data Set Reveals a Warming World

A helpful visualization of historical temperatures shows dramatic variation in the local effects of global warming.


Solving Global Warming Will Require Far Greater Cuts than Thought By Kevin Bullis

Solving Global Warming Will Require Far Greater Cuts than Thought

A new look at climate change implies that we’ll need energy breakthroughs as soon as possible.


Expert Testimony Explains Errors in San Onofre Nuke Plant Saga

Expert Testimony Explains Errors in San Onofre Nuke Plant Saga
OC Weekly (blog)
It's been more than a year since the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) ceased providing power to Southern California residents. The aging plant had already retired one of its three reactors years ago, but lost the other two in December 2011 ...http://blogs.ocweekly.com/navelgazing/2013/01/expert_testimony_explains_erro.php

Energy storage association formed to represent growing industry in Germany

Energy storage association formed to represent growing industry in Germany
The association, based in Berlin, aims to represent the growing number of energy storage companies while creating a strong network among them. Energy storage is seen as a key technology to support the future development of renewable energy, ...http://www.pv-tech.org/news/federal_association_of_energy_storage_formed_to_represent_growing_industry


January 17, 2013
The Department of Energy (DOE) quietly unveiled a new strategy for the management and disposal of the nation’s spent nuclear fuel on Friday. The strategy calls for a phased, consent-based approach to siting and implementing a nuclear waste management and disposal system, and it endorses building a pilot interim storage facility by 2021. Read More »http://www.powermag.com/news/5295.html?hq_e=el&hq_m=2599381&hq_l=4&hq_v=30108e0773

US NRC Blog Update: NRC Forms Special San Onofre Review Panel

U.S. NRC Blog

NRC Forms Special San Onofre Review Panel

by Moderator
Victor Dricks
Senior Public Affairs Officer
Region IV
NRC Chairman Allison Macfarlane (second from right) listens as Southern California Edison executive Richard St. Onge (third from right) discusses issues with one of the damaged steam generators at SONGS. The steam generator is in the right foreground.
NRC Chairman Allison Macfarlane (second from right) listens as Southern California Edison executive Richard St. Onge (third from right) discusses issues with one of the damaged steam generators at SONGS. The steam generator is in the right foreground.
The NRC has established a special panel to coordinate the agency’s evaluation of Southern California Edison Co.’s proposed plan for restarting its Unit 2 reactor and ensuring that the root causes of problems with the plant’s steam generators are identified and addressed.
Art Howell, the NRC’s Region IV deputy regional administrator, will serve as co-chairman of the panel along with Dan Dorman, deputy director for engineering and corporate support in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). Jim Andersen, chief of NRR’s Electrical Engineering Branch, will serve as deputy team manager of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Oversight Panel.
The panel will ensure that NRC communicates a unified and consistent position in a clear and predictable manner to the licensee, public and other stakeholders, and establishes a record of major regulatory and licensee actions taken and technical issues reviewed, including adequacy of Southern California Edison’s corrective actions.
The panel also will be responsible for conducting periodic public meetings with the utility and providing a recommendation to senior NRC management regarding restart of SONGS Unit 2. In comments to reporters Monday following a tour of the plant, Chairman Allison Macfarlane said Unit 2 will not be permitted to restart unless the NRC has reasonable assurance it can be operated safely.
Other panel members include: 
  • Ed Roach, chief, Mechanical Vendor Inspection Branch, NRO
  • Ryan Lantz, chief, SONGS Project Branch, Region IV
  • Greg Werner, inspection & assessment lead, SONGS Project Branch, Region IV
  • Nick Taylor, senior project engineer, SONGS Project Branch, Region IV
  • Greg Warnick, senior resident inspector, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
  • Doug Broaddus, chief, SONGS Special Project Branch, NRR
  • Randy Hall, project manager, SONGS Special Project Branch, NRR
  • Ken Karwoski, senior level advisor, Division of Engineering, NRR
  • Michele Evans, director, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing (alternate is Pat Hiland, director, Division of Engineering)
Moderator | January 17, 2013 at 10:58 am | Tags: NRC, nuclear, San Onofre | Categories: Operating Reactors | URL: http://wp.me/p1fSSY-WV

DOE's Spent Fuel Strategy: Disappointing for Nuclear Advocates

Posted: 17 Jan 2013 06:00 AM PST
There is a hallowed tradition in Washington known as the "Friday Document Dump," in which news and announcements the government wishes to bury are strategically timed for Friday afternoons. The Obama Administration's Blue Ribbon Panel response, released on Friday, seem to "lay out the next set of milestones for the nation's spent fuel management program to miss." What a disappointment.http://theenergycollective.com/skutnik/173146/department-energy-spent-fuel-strategy-nuclear-energy-disappointing?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The+Energy+Collective+%28all+posts%29

Venezuela Crisis: What Should Energy Companies Expect?

Venezuela Crisis: What Should Energy Companies Expect?http://energy.aol.com/2013/01/17/venezuela-crisis-what-should-energy-companies-expect

Nuclear reactor test news for Oldbury is welcomed

Nuclear reactor test news for Oldbury is welcomedhttp://www.southwestbusiness.co.uk/news/17012013084414-nuclear-reactor-test-news--for-oldbury-is-welcomed/

Areva to provide emergency diesel generators for Tianwan nuclear power plant

Areva to provide emergency diesel generators for Tianwan nuclear power plant
Power Engineering Magazine
... safety I&C contract for Tianwan 3 and 4 awarded in 2011." The unit 3 and 4 of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Station are scheduled to start commercial operation in February and December 2018, respectively. Copyright 2013 Progressive Media Group Limited ...http://www.power-eng.com/news/2013/01/17/areva-to-provide-emergency-diesel-generators-for-tianwan-nuclear-power-plant.html

Rosatom might join nuclear power project in Slovakia

Rosatom might join nuclear power project in Slovakia
Power Engineering Magazine
Bohunice NPP, one of Slovakia's two nuclear power plants, operates two generating units with VVER-440 reactors; another two units with the same type reactors were closed at the insistence of the European Union. It was reported earlier that construction ...http://www.power-eng.com/news/2013/01/17/rosatom-might-join-nuclear-power-project-in-slovakia.html

Vermont Supreme Court to hear arguments on nuclear power plant

Vermont Supreme Court to hear arguments on nuclear power plant
Bennington Banner
MONTPELIER -- A lawyer for the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant's owner told the state Supreme Court on Wednesday it should dismiss a complaint that the plant has been disobeying orders from state utility regulators and should be shut down. The arguments ...http://www.benningtonbanner.com/news/ci_22389836/vermont-supreme-court-hear-arguments-nuclear-power-plant

China wants more nuclear plants than anyone else. Will it build them safely?

China wants more nuclear plants than anyone else. Will it build them safely?
The Economist
Except the workers are restarting construction of a nuclear plant using a radical new design developed by Beijing's Tsinghua University. This showcase of “indigenous innovation” is the clearest signal yet that China's nuclear power is about to take off ...http://www.economist.com/news/china/21569774-china-wants-more-nuclear-plants-anyone-else-will-it-build-them-safely-back-front

New Oil Sands Pipeline Plan Would Dramatically Increase Carbon Emissions

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