Middle America Is Experiencing a Massive Increase in 3.0+ Earthquakes The Atlantic The conclusion that at least one environmental group has drawn from this data is that fracking, in one way or another, has caused these earthquakes. The Environmental Working Group notes that more than 400000 wells were drilled between 2001 and 2010, ... See all stories on this topic » |
Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire
Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Middle America Is Experiencing a Massive Increase in 3.0+ Earthquakes
Japan Heading for Energy Death Spiral?
Japan Heading for Energy Death Spiral?
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Weekly Review
by Nuclear Street News Team
large water leak at Fukushima Daiichi that may have reached the ocean
and further efforts by politicians to restart shuttered Japanese
reactors highlighted the nuclear news from Japan last week.
California's Nuclear Power Woes
California's Nuclear Power Woes
by John Daly, OilPrice.com
John Daly, OilPrice.com
What a difference a year makes. In early 2011, America's nuclear energy community and its proponents were cautiously hoping that America;s troubled nuclear power industry could experience a renaissance, 32 years after Three Mile Island and 25 years after Chernobyl, the U.S. and USSR's worst nuclear catastrophes. . .
What a difference a year makes. In early 2011, America's nuclear energy community and its proponents were cautiously hoping that America;s troubled nuclear power industry could experience a renaissance, 32 years after Three Mile Island and 25 years after Chernobyl, the U.S. and USSR's worst nuclear catastrophes. . .
Utilities Betting Big on Nuclear Energy
Utilities Betting Big on Nuclear Energy
by Ken Silverstein, Forbes
Ken Silverstein, Forbes
The almost-retired John Rowe has been making a lot of headlines lately. It’s not just for Exelon’s merger with Constellation that is now this country’s combined nuclear energy powerhouse. It’s because the King of Nuclear is saying he is unsure that the fuel source will expand in the United States. . .
The almost-retired John Rowe has been making a lot of headlines lately. It’s not just for Exelon’s merger with Constellation that is now this country’s combined nuclear energy powerhouse. It’s because the King of Nuclear is saying he is unsure that the fuel source will expand in the United States. . .
Beware of Gloom in Energy Models
Beware of Gloom in Energy Models
by Micheal Lynch, US News & WR
Micheal Lynch, US News & WR
The debate about energy policy and technology (or fuel) choice often involves well-meaning, fresh-faced young analysts who don't notice how old-timers like myself wince when they cite "models" and "analysis" as supporting a position. I actually worked on a model of the world oil market written on a mainframe computer, and remember when, in the 1970s, economic models were treated with near-godlike awe. There was even a rubber stamp made that (facetiously, presumably) said, "This came from a computer and is not to be questioned or disbelieved. "
The debate about energy policy and technology (or fuel) choice often involves well-meaning, fresh-faced young analysts who don't notice how old-timers like myself wince when they cite "models" and "analysis" as supporting a position. I actually worked on a model of the world oil market written on a mainframe computer, and remember when, in the 1970s, economic models were treated with near-godlike awe. There was even a rubber stamp made that (facetiously, presumably) said, "This came from a computer and is not to be questioned or disbelieved. "
Obama Wants Very Few of the Above
Obama Wants Very Few of the Above
by Jonah Goldberg, Chicago Tribune
Jonah Goldberg, Chicago Tribune
In his speech before the Newspapers Association of America/American Society of News Editors Wednesday, likely GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney accused the president of changing positions to get re-elected. For instance, Romney charged that, "As president," Obama "delayed the development of our oil and coal and natural gas. Now, as candidate Obama, he says he favors an energy policy that adopts an all-of-the-above approach. . ."
In his speech before the Newspapers Association of America/American Society of News Editors Wednesday, likely GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney accused the president of changing positions to get re-elected. For instance, Romney charged that, "As president," Obama "delayed the development of our oil and coal and natural gas. Now, as candidate Obama, he says he favors an energy policy that adopts an all-of-the-above approach. . ."
$4 Gas Really Isn't that Big of a Deal
$4 Gas Really Isn't that Big of a Deal
by Brian Sullivan, CNBC
Brian Sullivan, CNBCOkay, okay. Catchy headline aside, $4 gasoline does matter to many people. Gas prices are extremely regressive. They impact the poor much more than anyone else, especially when their gas need is what economists call "inelastic" which is just a fancy word for something where demand doesn't change based on price.
What Nuclear Energy Can Do
What Nuclear Energy Can Do
by Mark Flanagan
“In two years, there will be very strong demand on the [uranium] market, as new reactors start operating, and as new contracts with the existing fleet kick in. …I’m sure that Japan will restart a few reactors this year, and complete all necessary measures to restart many others in 2013 and 2014.”and
“Responsible governments won’t tie the whole industrial and economic development of their country to a single source of energy,” Lazo said. “Manufacturers want some predictability in power prices that can’t be provided by gas, while nuclear is the only energy that can guarantee some price stability.”Which is – true – and not often said. Lazo also says the “nuclear renaissance scenario isn’t there anymore,” which I’m not sure I agree with – there are 61 reactors under construction around the world, after all – 65 with the four here - but that’s okay. He’s providing his views and they’re pretty interesting. Read the whole article for more.
Arnie Gundersen Authors Another Shoddy Report
Arnie Gundersen Authors Another Shoddy Report
by Victoria B.
Nuclear consultants Fairewinds Associates and anti-nuclear activists Friends of the Earth
are at it again with a new “report” that seeks to create concern, with
little to no substance, over steam generator tube leaks at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS). The report, “Steam Generator Failures at San Onofre,”
claims that without a thorough root cause analysis of why the plant’s
recently installed steam generator tubes have become worn, that:“…radioactive releases might be significantly larger than those that occurred after the January 2012 tube leak. Such an accident would cause implementation of the California emergency evacuation plan and closing of the San Clemente beach and Interstate I-5, potentially for an extended period of time.”Fairewinds’ opinion misleads the general public to believe that the plant already released a large amount of radiation, which in fact, it has not. In a February 17 press release, Southern California Edison (SCE) clarified:
The radioactivity released to the atmosphere during the steam generator tube leak was barely measurable – 4E-5 millirems or 0.00004 millirems -- which is 200 times less than you would receive by having a smoke detector in your home for a year.
A Key Moment for Maryland and Offshore Wind
A Key Moment for Maryland and Offshore Wind
by AREVA North America Blog
At AREVA we are strong supporters and producers of offshore wind technologies, and see its huge potential in the American marketplace as a key energy and economic solution. We think this letter to the editor at the Washington Post shows a great deal of wisdom:
The Top Short-Term Threat to Humanity: The Fuel Pools of Fukushima
2:58 AM (6 hours ago)
The Top Short-Term Threat to Humanity: The Fuel Pools of Fukushima
by WashingtonsBlog
The Greatest Single Threat to Humanity: Fuel Pool Number 4
We noted days after the Japanese earthquake that the biggest threat
was from the spent fuel rods in the fuel pool at Fukushima unit number
4, and not from the reactors themselves. See this and this.We noted in February:
Scientists say that there is a 70% chance of a magnitude 7.0 earthquake hitting Fukushima this year, and a 98% chance within the next 3 years.
Given that nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen says that an earthquake of 7.0 or larger could cause the entire fuel pool structure collapse, it is urgent that everything humanly possible is done to stabilize the structure housing the fuel pools at reactor number 4.
Tepco is doing some construction at the building … it is a race against time under very difficult circumstances, and hopefully Tepco will win.
As AP points out:
The structural integrity of the damaged Unit 4 reactor building has long been a major concern among experts because a collapse of its spent fuel cooling pool could cause a disaster worse than the three reactor meltdowns.
Going Nuclear
Going Nuclear
NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko discusses nuclear’s future and agency turmoil.
Nukes and Tanning Beds: How the Same Risk Can Feel SO Different
Nukes and Tanning Beds: How the Same Risk Can Feel SO Different
Have DOE Subsidies Failed the Energy Industry?
Have DOE Subsidies Failed the Energy Industry?
Pilgrim nuclear plant's license renewal faces more appeal efforts
Pilgrim nuclear plant's license renewal faces more appeal efforts The Patriot Ledger Coakley asked the court to force the NRC to re-evaluate Pilgrim's environmental impacts and risks in light of last year's nuclear meltdown in Japan. Coakley also wants the NRC to address the measures that would be used to reduce those risks before a ... |
Video: Cost of completing reactor at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant rises by up to $2 ...
Related articles
- TVA says unit at Watts Bar nuke plant to cost more (newsok.com)
- Watts Bar behind schedule and over budget (seattletimes.nwsource.com)
- TVA's Watts Bar project will take longer, cost more (knoxnews.com)
- Reactor at TVA's Watts Bar plant over budget, behind schedule (knoxnews.com)
Opening up about nuclear safety at TMI
Opening up about nuclear safety at TMI Yorkdispatch.com The public will have a chance to hear about Three Mile Island's safety performance in 2011 during an open house held by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Wednesday. NRC staff, which oversee the plant for the federal government, will discuss their ... |
Fighting the Legacy of Enrico Fermi
Fighting the Legacy of Enrico Fermi CounterPunch Here sits a legacy of narrowly averted nuclear catastrophes and others waiting to happen. The Enrico Fermi Nuclear Generating Station is home to Fermi 1 that suffered a partial fuel meltdown in 1966 inspiring a book by John Fuller and song by Gil Scot ... |
Going Nuclear National Journal
| ||
Going Nuclear National Journal By Olga Belogolova Gregory Jaczko, chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, has had a tough year. The normally obscure agency was thrust into the limelight after a triple meltdown at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in March 2011. |
IFR FaD 12 – lessons learned from fast reactor capital costsby Barry Brook |
with permission of the authors, these sections describe and justify
some of the key design choices that went into the making the IFR a
different -- and highly successful -- approach to fast neutron reactor
technology and its associated fuel recycling.
excerpts not only provide a fascinating insight into a truly
sustainable form nuclear power; they also provide excellent reference
material for refuting many of the spurious claims on the internet about
IFR by people who don't understand (or choose to wilfully misrepresent)
this critically important technology.
The third extract looks at the history of costs for commercial fast reactors to date (e.g., Superphenix
in France). What can this tell us about the possible future costs of
the IFR? (the final part will do a comparison with light water
reactors). This section is drawn from pages 274-277 of Plentiful Energy. To buy the book ($18 US) and get the full story, go to Amazon or CreateSpace. (Note that the i
What must be said By Günter Grass
What must be said
By Günter Grass
Why have I kept silent, silent for too long
over what is openly played out
in war games at the end of which we
the survivors are at best footnotes.
over what is openly played out
in war games at the end of which we
the survivors are at best footnotes.
It’s that claim of a right to first strike
against those who under a loudmouth’s thumb
are pushed into organized cheering—
a strike to snuff out the Iranian people
on suspicion that under his influence
an atom bomb’s being built.
against those who under a loudmouth’s thumb
are pushed into organized cheering—
a strike to snuff out the Iranian people
on suspicion that under his influence
an atom bomb’s being built.
But why do I forbid myself
to name that other land in which
for years—although kept secret—
a usable nuclear capability has grown
beyond all control, because
no scrutiny is allowed.
to name that other land in which
for years—although kept secret—
a usable nuclear capability has grown
beyond all control, because
no scrutiny is allowed.
The universal silence around this fact,
under which my own silence lay,
I feel now as a heavy lie,
a strong constraint, which to dismiss
courts forceful punishment:
the verdict of “Antisemitism” is well known.
under which my own silence lay,
I feel now as a heavy lie,
a strong constraint, which to dismiss
courts forceful punishment:
the verdict of “Antisemitism” is well known.
But now, when my own country,
guilty of primal and unequalled crimes
for which time and again it must be tasked—
once again, in pure commerce,
though with quick lips we declare it
reparations, wants to send
Israel yet another submarine—
one whose speciality is to deliver
warheads capable of ending all life
where the existence of even one
nuclear weapon remains unproven,
but where suspicion serves for proof—
now I say what must be said.
guilty of primal and unequalled crimes
for which time and again it must be tasked—
once again, in pure commerce,
though with quick lips we declare it
reparations, wants to send
Israel yet another submarine—
one whose speciality is to deliver
warheads capable of ending all life
where the existence of even one
nuclear weapon remains unproven,
but where suspicion serves for proof—
now I say what must be said.
But why was I silent for so long?
Because I thought my origin,
marked with an ineradicable stain,
forbade mention of this fact
as definite truth about Israel, a country
to which I am and will remain attached.
Because I thought my origin,
marked with an ineradicable stain,
forbade mention of this fact
as definite truth about Israel, a country
to which I am and will remain attached.
Why is it only now I say,
in old age, with my last drop of ink,
that Israel’s nuclear power endangers
an already fragile world peace?
Because what by tomorrow might be
too late, must be spoken now,
and because we—as Germans, already
burdened enough—could become
enablers of a crime, foreseeable and therefore
not to be eradicated
with any of the usual excuses.
in old age, with my last drop of ink,
that Israel’s nuclear power endangers
an already fragile world peace?
Because what by tomorrow might be
too late, must be spoken now,
and because we—as Germans, already
burdened enough—could become
enablers of a crime, foreseeable and therefore
not to be eradicated
with any of the usual excuses.
And admittedly: I’m silent no more
because I’ve had it with the West’s hypocrisy
—and one can hope that many others too
may free themselves from silence,
challenge the instigator of known danger
to abstain from violence,
and at the same time demand
a permanent and unrestrained control
of Israel’s atomic power
and Iranian nuclear plants
by an international authority
accepted by both governments.
because I’ve had it with the West’s hypocrisy
—and one can hope that many others too
may free themselves from silence,
challenge the instigator of known danger
to abstain from violence,
and at the same time demand
a permanent and unrestrained control
of Israel’s atomic power
and Iranian nuclear plants
by an international authority
accepted by both governments.
Only thus can one give help
to Israelis and Palestinians—still more,
all the peoples, neighbour-enemies
living in this region occupied by madness
—and finally, to ourselves as well.
to Israelis and Palestinians—still more,
all the peoples, neighbour-enemies
living in this region occupied by madness
—and finally, to ourselves as well.
In Defense of Günter Grass
by William A. Cook / April 7th, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Does thorium have a future as an alternative to uranium?
Does thorium have a future as an alternative to uranium?
Creamer Media's Engineering News - Apr 5, 2012
Irecently attended a thorium conference in Cape Town hosted by the
South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. There is a concerted
effort to revive the idea of thorium as a better and 'greener'
alternative to uranium.
Algae Is Not Endive: The Future of Biofuels in the United States
Algae Is Not Endive: The Future of Biofuels in the United States
Shale Shocked: 'Remarkable Increase' In U.S. Earthquakes 'Almost Certainly ...
Shale Shocked: 'Remarkable Increase' In U.S. Earthquakes 'Almost Certainly ...
As hydraulic fracturing has exploded onto the scene, it has increasingly been connected to earthquakes. Some quakes may be caused by the original fracking — that is, by injecting a fluid mixture into the earth to release natural gas (or oil).
As hydraulic fracturing has exploded onto the scene, it has increasingly been connected to earthquakes. Some quakes may be caused by the original fracking — that is, by injecting a fluid mixture into the earth to release natural gas (or oil).
Japan Nuclear Power: New Safety Standards Set Ahead Of Restarting Reactors
Cut nuclear reliance to zero: Japan energy minister Reuters By Risa Maeda | TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan should aspire to phase out nuclear power completely, its energy minister said on Friday, even as the government struggles to persuade a wary public that it is safe to restart reactors after the world's worst ... | |
Japan Nuclear Power: New Safety Standards Set Ahead Of Restarting Reactors Huffington Post (AP Photo/Tokyo Electric Power Co.) TOKYO — Japan is setting stricter, clearer safety guidelines for nuclear power plants to ease public concern about restarting reactors idled after the disasters a year ago. Facing a national power crunch, ... | |
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- Osaka Mayor: Japan will collapse if reactors are restarted hastily - Asahi: New safety standards for restarts written in just two days (enenews.com)
- Japan Sets New Safety Standard for Nuclear Plants (abcnews.go.com)
- Japan sets new safety standards for nuclear plants (seattlepi.com)
- Japan sets new safety standard for nuclear plants (staradvertiser.com)
- Top Japanese Officials endorse new nuclear safety standards created in less than one week (enformable.com)
- Stricter rules as Japan hopes to restart nuclear plants (ctv.ca)
- Gist of safety standards to decide restart of nuclear reactors (english.kyodonews.jp)
- First nuclear reactor approved in U.S. since 1978 (news.cnet.com)
- REFILING: UPDATE3: Ministers decide new safety standard for resuming reactors (english.kyodonews.jp)
By Tom
China will accelerate the use of new-energy sources such as nuclear energy and put an end to blind expansion in industries such as solar energy and wind power in 2012, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao says in a government report published ...
Tom Nelson
By Tom
China will accelerate the use of new-energy sources such as nuclear energy and put an end to blind expansion in industries such as solar energy and wind power in 2012, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao says in a government report published ...
Tom Nelson
XE.com - China may face some energy tightness-energy head
XE.com - China may face some energy tightness-energy head China may find itself facing tight coal, power, oil or gas supplies in some regions or at some time, even though current energy markets are basically in balance, head of the National Energy Administration said in a government meeting on ... XE Forex News |
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Saudi petrochemicals giant expands in China
Saudi petrochemicals giant expands in China
Atlanta Journal Constitution
(SABIC) Technology Centre and Greater China Headquarters in Shanghai, China Friday, April 6, 2012. SABIC, one of the world's largest chemical producers, has begun work on a $100 million new technology center in Shanghai, focusing on alternative energy ...
Saudi's SABIC plans $100 mln China R&D centre
| RIYADH, April 6 (Reuters) - Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC), the world's largest chemical producer by market value, said it was planning to invest $100 million to build a technology research and development centre in China.
Atlanta Journal Constitution
(SABIC) Technology Centre and Greater China Headquarters in Shanghai, China Friday, April 6, 2012. SABIC, one of the world's largest chemical producers, has begun work on a $100 million new technology center in Shanghai, focusing on alternative energy ...
Saudi's SABIC plans $100 mln China R&D centre
| RIYADH, April 6 (Reuters) - Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC), the world's largest chemical producer by market value, said it was planning to invest $100 million to build a technology research and development centre in China.
Fukushima Daiichi plant leaks radioactive water, TEPCO says
Fukushima Daiichi plant leaks radioactive water, TEPCO says
Up to 12 tons of radioactive water seeped from a pipe at Tokyo Electric Power's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan, the company reported. Some of the water could have poured from a drainage ditch into the sea, said TEPCO spokesman Osamu Yokokura. "There will be similar leaks until TEPCO improves equipment," said Kazuhiko Kudo, a Kyushu University professor. Bloomberg
Up to 12 tons of radioactive water seeped from a pipe at Tokyo Electric Power's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan, the company reported. Some of the water could have poured from a drainage ditch into the sea, said TEPCO spokesman Osamu Yokokura. "There will be similar leaks until TEPCO improves equipment," said Kazuhiko Kudo, a Kyushu University professor. Bloomberg
Japan minister says country should reduce nuclear power dependence
- Japan minister says country should reduce nuclear power dependence
Japan needs to curb its nuclear energy dependence from pre-Fukushima Daiichi incident levels as soon as it can, said Japanese Trade Minister Yukio Edano. His remarks came as the government is studying whether to restart idled nuclear plants. The country obtained 30% of its power supply from nuclear facilities before the March 2011 incident. Reuters
Officials propose new requirements for reactor restarts in Japan
Officials propose new requirements for reactor restarts in Japan
Japan's nuclear plants should meet new safety standards before they are allowed to restart, Japanese officials said. "We've explained to the prime minister the new safety standards," Trade and Industry Minister Yukio Edano said after a meeting with Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. Reactors should pass primary stress tests and they should be capable of handling a Fukushima Daiichi-type incident, according to a draft of the standards. The Wall Street
Japan's nuclear plants should meet new safety standards before they are allowed to restart, Japanese officials said. "We've explained to the prime minister the new safety standards," Trade and Industry Minister Yukio Edano said after a meeting with Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. Reactors should pass primary stress tests and they should be capable of handling a Fukushima Daiichi-type incident, according to a draft of the standards. The Wall Street
NEI questions value of study on health risks near reactors
NEI questions value of study on health risks near reactors
The Nuclear Energy Institute criticized a proposed pilot study by the National Academy of Sciences that would examine cancer risks near nuclear plants using data from Dominion's Millstone nuclear plant in Connecticut and five other facilities. "The committee is recommending that significant resources be applied to a project that is looking for a needle in a haystack -- when a needle may not even be there in the first place," said Ralph Andersen, chief health physicist at NEI. "Based on our initial review of the report, it is not clear how the recommended study would produce scientifically defensible results that would serve to allay public concerns." The Day (New London, Conn.)
The Nuclear Energy Institute criticized a proposed pilot study by the National Academy of Sciences that would examine cancer risks near nuclear plants using data from Dominion's Millstone nuclear plant in Connecticut and five other facilities. "The committee is recommending that significant resources be applied to a project that is looking for a needle in a haystack -- when a needle may not even be there in the first place," said Ralph Andersen, chief health physicist at NEI. "Based on our initial review of the report, it is not clear how the recommended study would produce scientifically defensible results that would serve to allay public concerns." The Day (New London, Conn.)
Power Engineering Magazine -
The Tennessee Valley Authority released on Thursday the findings of a
seven-month construction review at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2,
detailing cost and time estimates to complete the facility. Based on the
findings to date, we will be asking the ...
Video: Cost of completing reactor at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant rises by up to $2 ...
Chattanooga Times Free Press - 17 hours ago
by Pam Sohn Preston D. Swafford, TVA chief nuclear officer and
executive vice president for nuclear generation, left, looks on from
behind as Tom Kilgore, president and CEO of TVA, speaks during a news
conference at the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant in ...
TVA ups Watts Bar reactor cost to $4.5 bln, online 2015
Citizens for Legitimate Government - Apr 5, 2012
TVA ups Watts Bar reactor cost to $4.5 bln, online 2015 --Reactor cost
up from $2.5 billion estimate 05 Apr 2012 US government-owned Tennessee
Valley Authority (TVA) said on Thursday it now sees the new reactor at
the Watts Bar 2 nuclear power plant in ...
Beginning again, more intelligently: TVA leaders re-evaluate, adjust budget
Nooga.com - 20 hours ago
By Chloé Morrison Tennessee Valley Authority President and CEO Tom
Kilgore outlined the plan to complete Watts Bar 2 Thursday. (Photo:
Staff) The pressure is on to finish Watts Bar Nuclear Unit 2 within the
newly set timetable and budget.
TVA: Watts Bar 2 project to cost as much as $4.5 billion
The Tennessee Valley Authority raised the estimated construction cost of a second reactor at its Watts Bar nuclear plant in Tennessee to as much as $4.5 billion and adjusted its start-up schedule for the reactor to between September and December 2015. "Watts Bar Unit 2 remains a cost-effective solution for meeting the region's base load power needs with clean energy at a competitive rate," said Tom Kilgore, TVA's president and CEO. "We will see Watts Bar 2, the two reactors in Georgia and two in South Carolina come online by 2020," said Mitch Singer, a spokesman for the Nuclear Energy Institute. Reuters
The Tennessee Valley Authority raised the estimated construction cost of a second reactor at its Watts Bar nuclear plant in Tennessee to as much as $4.5 billion and adjusted its start-up schedule for the reactor to between September and December 2015. "Watts Bar Unit 2 remains a cost-effective solution for meeting the region's base load power needs with clean energy at a competitive rate," said Tom Kilgore, TVA's president and CEO. "We will see Watts Bar 2, the two reactors in Georgia and two in South Carolina come online by 2020," said Mitch Singer, a spokesman for the Nuclear Energy Institute. Reuters
NRC ups performance rating of TVA's Sequoyah 1
NRC ups performance rating of TVA's Sequoyah 1 BusinessWeek TVA says its operation of a Sequoyah Nuclear Plant reactor has improved and federal safety authorities have relaxed the frequency of inspections. The federal utility said on Thursday that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission had changed the status of ... |
Residents Rethink a Nuclear Neighbor
Residents Rethink a Nuclear Neighbor
Wall Street Journal - 21 hours ago
By TAMARA AUDI SAN CLEMENTE, Calif.—For three decades, the reactor
domes of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station have been fixtures on
the coastline here less than five miles south of this surfer's
paradise. "You see it, you just don't think about ...
It's Not Over: Government Plans for the Worst: Forced Evacuation of ...
It's Not Over: Government Plans for the Worst: Forced Evacuation of ...
Even more alarming is that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and other agencies have warned that the nuclear storage pools (the containment units that are being used to cool the nuclear fuel) have been damaged and may ...
Even more alarming is that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and other agencies have warned that the nuclear storage pools (the containment units that are being used to cool the nuclear fuel) have been damaged and may ...
You have got to see this: a new kind of battery - Objectivist Living
You have got to see this: a new kind of battery - Objectivist Living
This TED is about a new kind of batter Liquid Metal Battery. If this thing lives up to its potential it will be possible to store significant amoun...
This TED is about a new kind of batter Liquid Metal Battery. If this thing lives up to its potential it will be possible to store significant amoun...
Southern California Edison Update on Steam Generators at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
NEINetwork just uploaded a video:
Southern California Edison President Ron Litzinger provides an update on
the repair of steam generator tubes at the San Onofre Nuclear
Generating Station (SONGS).
PennEnergy Update: This Week's Most Popular Oil & Gas News
This Week's Most Popular Oil & Gas News
• OGX denies oil spill
• ASC conducts annual oil spill drill
• India more than doubling natural gas pipeline capacity
• API calls EPA "premature" in E15 gasoline decision
• Offshore Mozambique appraisal drilling program completed by Anadarko
• Oil rich Mississippi Lime play focus of new joint venture agreement
• Falling oil tanker rates a growing safety concern
• Natural gas flow temporarily rerouted by Williams Partners
• New horizontal well spud at South Oklahoma Project
• Offshore Norway oil field begins production for Lundin Petroleum
• OGX denies oil spill
• ASC conducts annual oil spill drill
• India more than doubling natural gas pipeline capacity
• API calls EPA "premature" in E15 gasoline decision
• Offshore Mozambique appraisal drilling program completed by Anadarko
• Oil rich Mississippi Lime play focus of new joint venture agreement
• Falling oil tanker rates a growing safety concern
• Natural gas flow temporarily rerouted by Williams Partners
• New horizontal well spud at South Oklahoma Project
• Offshore Norway oil field begins production for Lundin Petroleum
Senate votes against ending oil subsidies
Senate votes against ending oil subsidies The proposal would have ended $4 billion in tax breaks given to oil companies for oil exploration. Full Article |
U.S. imposes further sanctions on Iranian oil exports
U.S. imposes further sanctions on Iranian oil exports
The U.S. has approved a new round of sanctions against Iran, as President Barack Obama continues efforts to deter its potential development of nuclear weapons.
Full Article
The U.S. has approved a new round of sanctions against Iran, as President Barack Obama continues efforts to deter its potential development of nuclear weapons.
Full Article
Governing Energy: Full Faith and Credit
Governing Energy: Full Faith and Credit
Today, governments stand behind their monetary vehicles and the strength of their currency is a function of the perception of their long standing reputation.
Full Article
Today, governments stand behind their monetary vehicles and the strength of their currency is a function of the perception of their long standing reputation.
Full Article
Prof. Richard Muller (UC Berkeley) explains nuclear meltdown and chernobyl
Prof. Richard Muller (UC Berkeley) explains nuclear meltdown and chernobyl
A nice video of a lecture at UC Berkeley.
Can a nuclear reactor blow up like an atomic bomb?
What happened in Chernobyl 1986?
What is a nuclear meltdown?
“Fukushima : The First Five Days”
would it feel to be inside a power plant control room during a nuclear
accident? The book “Fukushima : The First Five Days” gives you an idea. It puts
you inside (and outside) the control rooms at Fukushima Daiichi from March 11
through March 15, 2011. The narrative comes directly from control room records
released in June, 2011, supplemented by reputable sources and the author’s
personal experience of more than 20 years in nuclear operations and engineering.
Will Davis of Atomic Power Review says the book is “…a
narrative which is factual yet readable; accurate, yet dramatic; thorough, yet
not burdensome…This
is a story which cannot be put down!” This
book does not advocate or oppose the use of nuclear energy as a source of
electricity. It lets the facts speak for themselves. The book is only
available electronically in PDF and mobile formats (Mobi and EPUB) for
downloading. Want to know what happened during the first five days at Fukushima? Go
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Energy Storage: Renewable Power's Best Friend?
Energy Storage:
Renewable Power's Best Friend?
Presenting: "Energy Storage and Renewable Power: Is Storage a Solution to Renewable Intermittence and Grid Inefficiency?"
The intermittent nature of natural, carbon-free energy sources like the sun or wind has always been one of renewable power's major limitations, leaving us reliant on fossil fuels or nuclear power to supply the majority of so-called "baseload" power necessary to meet demand. A technology allowing for the storage of energy generated when the sun is shining or wind is blowing for later use could be a game-changer for the energy space, but cost and scalability often present significant challenges for such a project.
Do solutions exist that allow for the large-scale storage of energy in order to improve the efficiency and environmental impact of power generation?
Join us as we discuss:
The intermittent nature of natural, carbon-free energy sources like the sun or wind has always been one of renewable power's major limitations, leaving us reliant on fossil fuels or nuclear power to supply the majority of so-called "baseload" power necessary to meet demand. A technology allowing for the storage of energy generated when the sun is shining or wind is blowing for later use could be a game-changer for the energy space, but cost and scalability often present significant challenges for such a project.
Do solutions exist that allow for the large-scale storage of energy in order to improve the efficiency and environmental impact of power generation?
Join us as we discuss:
- The most promising storage technology ventures and their paths to market.
- Existing and proven storage projects and the opportunity to build on success.
- The obstacles to building storage solutions on an effective scale, and ways of addressing these challenges.
- Whether large, grid-scale solutions, smaller, more distributed storage, or a combination of both offer the most effective strategy.
Plunging prices for solar panels, overcapacity, and a recent, substantial slash of government subsidies for solar power in Germany have prompted a rash of major solar firms to declare bankruptcy. Solar Millennium AG’s U.S. subsidiaries—including Solar Trust of America—filed for Chapter 11 insolvency proceedings in a concerted action on Monday, while giant solar cell–maker Q-Cells filed for insolvency in a German court. Read More »
World is ignoring most important lesson from Fukushima nuclear disaster
World is ignoring most important lesson from Fukushima nuclear disaster
Christian Science Monitor - 8 hours ago
Fukushima's most important lesson is this: Probability theory (that
disaster is unlikely) failed us. If you have made assumptions, you are
not prepared. Nuclear power plants should have multiple, reliable ways
to cool reactors.
Tepco Reports Another Radioactive Water Leak at Fukushima Plant
Tepco Reports Another Radioactive Water Leak at Fukushima Plant
BusinessWeek - 5 hours ago
By Tsuyoshi Inajima on April 05, 2012 Tokyo Electric Power Co. said as
much as 12 tons of radioactive water leaked from a pipe at its crippled
Fukushima nuclear station, the second such incident in 11 days at the
same pipeline, raising further doubts ...
Japan rushes to restart reacors to avoid total shutdown
Japan rushes to restart reactors to avoid total shutdown WAMC By Linda Sieg and Osamu Tsukimori TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's government is racing to get two nuclear reactors, idled after the Fukushima crisis, running again by next month out of what experts say is fear that a total shutdown would make it hard to ... |
Adviser promotes modular reactors
Adviser promotes modular reactors
Mid Columbia Tri City Herald
By Annette Cary, Herald staff writer The Tri-Cities has the opportunity to be a leader in the future of nuclear energy, which may lie in small modular reactors, Victor Reis, a senior adviser to the Office of Secretary for the Department of Energy, ...
Mid Columbia Tri City Herald
By Annette Cary, Herald staff writer The Tri-Cities has the opportunity to be a leader in the future of nuclear energy, which may lie in small modular reactors, Victor Reis, a senior adviser to the Office of Secretary for the Department of Energy, ...
Nuclear facilities protection adquate for natural disasters, said NRC chief
Nuclear facilities protection adequate for natural disasters, said NRC chief Government Security News Natural disaster protections nuclear power plants across the country already have in place are sufficient, said the head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission at GovSec in Washington DC on April 4. “I'm confident we have a good handle on natural ... |
NRC Head, Feinstein to Tour Troubled Nuclear Plant Friday
NRC Head, Feinstein to Tour Troubled Nuclear Plant Friday Patch.com Three steam generator tubes in Unit 3 of the nuclear reaction facility failed pressure stress tests by Southern California Edison (SCE), prompting the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to begin assembling a team of nuclear energy inspection experts who ... |
NRC Pilgrim Plant Hearings Appealed by Ma. AG
NRC Pilgrim Plant Hearings Appealed by Massachusetts AG
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's decision to proceed with hearings on a 20-year license extension for Entergy Corp. (ETR)'s Pilgrim nuclear power plant was appealed by Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley. Coakley's appeal, filed in the US ...
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's decision to proceed with hearings on a 20-year license extension for Entergy Corp. (ETR)'s Pilgrim nuclear power plant was appealed by Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley. Coakley's appeal, filed in the US ...
New USGS Report Links Fracking and Earthquakes
New USGS Report Links Fracking and Earthquakes
Triple Pundit
The paper will directly link an “unprecedented” increase in frequency and magnitude of earthquakes to drilling for oil and gas. This link is not a new one. The USGS already linked about 50 earthquakes in Oklahoma due to fracking.
Triple Pundit
The paper will directly link an “unprecedented” increase in frequency and magnitude of earthquakes to drilling for oil and gas. This link is not a new one. The USGS already linked about 50 earthquakes in Oklahoma due to fracking.
ANS Update: Kudankulam hot start within reach
Kudankulam hot start within reachBy dyurman on Apr 05, 2012 01:00 amTamil Nadu provincial government support pulls rug out from under protest groups By Dan Yurman The long running controversy over the start of NPCIL’s Russian-built twin 1,000-MW VVER reactors at Kudankulam, in India, may be coming to an end. The … Continue reading → Read in browser » |
Why Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer to Global Warming By Christian Parenti, AlterNet
Why Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer to Global Warming
By Christian Parenti, AlterNet
Why Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer to Global Warming
By Christian Parenti, AlterNet
India upgrades submarine fleet
India upgrades submarine fleet
China Sunergy Begins Manufacturing Solar Modules in France
China Sunergy Begins Manufacturing Solar Modules in France
U.S. HEU Shipment Reaches France
U.S. HEU Shipment Reaches France
"The uranium was delivered," National Nuclear Security Administration spokesman Steven Wyatt confirmed.
The nuclear weapon-usable material from the Y-12 National Security Complex in Tennessee will be converted to power the High Flux Reactor at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, the newspaper previously reported.
"For security reasons, we cannot discuss the mode of transportation or any other specific details regarding this shipment," Wyatt stated by e-mail (Frank Munger, Knoxville News Sentinel, April 3).
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