Jim Hickey
Branch Chief, Division of Fuel Facility Inspection
Region II
Following the devastating earthquake and tsunami that caused
unprecedented damage to the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power station in
Japan, the NRC began a special review of the U.S. facilities involved in
the production of uranium and manufacture of fuel assemblies for
nuclear power plants.
Our traditional approach to inspections involves confirming such
facilities are complying with the license requirements the NRC
established to ensure safety and security. Our approach for these
inspections was a little different. These inspections were designed to
confirm these facilities were capable of withstanding an unlikely but
credible event such as an earthquake or tornado.
We determined only one facility was in need of changes to ensure
safety and security prior to resuming operations. That plant was the

Uranium Conversion Facility, in Metropolis, Ill.
When presented with our inspection results, Honeywell agreed with our
conclusions. Over the next year, the building where the uranium
conversion process takes place was fortified — imagine really big steel
beams. Also, the process equipment was modified by adding supports and
an automatic shutdown system that immediately stops the operation if an
earthquake occurs.
How simple and straightforward that description seems! Let me assure
you it was far from that. First, Honeywell had to determine what forces
the facility could be subjected to and then translate that into how
strong the building and process equipment would need to be to withstand
the event. Then, they had to figure out how to modify the plant, where
to put additional supports and how those supports would be installed.
They also had to design the automatic seismic shutdown system, and then
actually do the work to install the changes.
For the regulatory oversight portion, we reviewed Honeywell’s
analysis, and asked questions until we were satisfied the answers gave
us the information we needed. We reviewed and inspected the
modifications. We drew a path from the initiating event earthquake or
tornado to what was actually installed in the facility to ensure the
changes accomplished the design goals.
Our efforts crossed multiple organizational boundaries within the NRC
as well as state and local agencies. It would take too much space to
document all of those who contributed as it’s a lengthy list. After all
this, last month we granted Honeywell authorization to restart the
We all recognize the importance of our day-to-day efforts to ensure
the safety and security of our nation’s nuclear facilities, and
occasionally we embark on an activity that significantly improves the
safety of a facility. This was one of those times.